Creating New Territory

By James Meola

Published on Sep 11, 2017



This work is copyrighted by the author, [EVILCATDOG], and commercial use is prohibited without permission in writing from the author. Personal or private copies are permitted only if they are complete and include this copyright notice. Placing this story on a website or reproducing this story for distribution without the author's permission is a violation of this copyright.

The story contains fictional consensual, psychological, rough, authoritarian sexual behaviour between adult males. It depicts unprotected sex as part of the fiction. Safe sex practices are always best in real life. Some parts of the story involve forced-sex, but it is not without a level of enjoyment by the other participant.

If you are under legal adult age in your country or object to the subject matter, please leave now and do not continue reading.


(Please email me if you enjoy this story! It motivates me to continure writing it!)

(Tell me your ideas, predictions, where you are from and what you like about this!)

CREATING NEW TERRITORY - PART 03 --------------------------------

I thought I had left early and would therefore arrive early.

But the walk to the building site took longer than I had expected due to the pain in my leg from the previous evening. Maybe it was hurt more than I had thought. And I hadn't slept.

It appeared as though Paul had been working there for some time already, when I eventually arrived at 9:10am. He was up on a ladder, in an unfinished room of the house, measuring a piece of wood near the roof. He appeared totally unsurprised to see me wandering in nervously.

I noticed him in the fresh morning light, and realised he was probably older than I first estimated. I reckon he was around the 55 mark. He also was not as physically attractive as my mind remembered. He had brown hair, but it was moderately grey. His face was brutish but you could tell he would have been attractive once.

I had also noticed that Nick's car - or my own - was nowhere to be seen out the front as I walked in. "Where's the car?" I asked, sounding like a bad actor in a bad movie.

He ignored me, continuing to work.

I looked around nervously expecting to see the younger man from yesterday hiding somewhere - ready to tackle me or something. I didn't know his name, but I was just about to learn it.

"Brad was gonna bring Nick's car this morning - but I told him to take the day off."

He said not looking at me - still studying his measuring tape.

I cringe every time he mentions Nick - who is still blissfully unaware of the situation I am in here. I just hoped Nick wasn't trying to contact me last night as I don't have my phone, and the home phones were taken.

I began to whine, "But you said I could get the car..."

"You have trouble listening bitch." He cut me off.

"I told you to wear my clothes all night. I told you to answer the phone every time it rings. And I told you to keep your laptop and TV camera on. And you're late."

"I..i" I had no excuse really.

He cut me off again. "Shut the fuck up."

"Go hand me the drill from over there." He ordered, pointing to the cordless drill on the floor, and climbing down the ladder.

I went to get it for him.

"My clothes look hot on you. You almost look like a proper man." He patted my ass as I bent to pick up the drill, causing me to jump up.

I handed him the drill.

"Can I have the car back please - I need it for work tomorrow!" I asked, trying a softer tone.

"NO! - You should have listened."

"But I can't walk to work?" I was getting aggressive again.

"No that's right, you're gonna call in sick." he said as he calmly motioned for me to go into the garage. I proceeded in that direction as he followed me in close behind.

"You can have your stuff back, but you need to earn it back still."

He positioned me with my back against the carpentered wall of 2 by 4s, then pushed me down onto my knees. I gave in.

As expected - I was going to have to blow him again. Maybe twice now, if I wanted the car.

I started to ask another question then got slapped hard. It shocked me.

"Not. Another. Word."

I nodded.

He then grabbed some small strips of metal with holes in them from a pile of building crap nearby. Grabbing my left wrist, he held it against the wooden frame on the wall. With the drill, he screwed the metal strip to the wood, trapping my wrist. It was very tight and any movement was cutting into my skin. I kept my arm still as he did the same for the other one.

I was now fastened to the house. He smiled at his work and then stepped back to admire me in his outfit stuck to the wall.

I could see his cock was already getting hard, but when he pulled it out - he just kept it there, still. Frozen. I looked up at him as I realised what he meant to do. And he smiled more.

I started to beg, which got me another slap, and he walked over to the work bench in the middle of the garage. When I saw what he was getting I began to scream out loud for help.

"No one is gonna hear you on a Sunday sweetheart."

I knew we were the only ones in the entire area.

I kept screaming for help anyway, as he attached some clear PVC hose to a white plastic funnel.

He brought it over and I pulled my head away, causing my arms to stretch and the metal restraints to cut into me with their sharp edges.

Despite a few more slaps, I was still able to keep away from him.

He dropped the funnel to the ground, then went back to the bench.

"Let me blow you instead!?" I pleaded.

He returned with metal chain and a padlock. He wrapped the chain around my neck and then fed the chain around a cross beam above me, pulling it as tight as it would go. My head was stretched now, and I couldn't move it.

He locked the chain in place with the padlock, then bent down to pick up the funnel.

He brushed the saw dust off the hose as best he could, and proceeded to shove the hose in my mouth. Keeping my mouth firmly shut, he tried and tried to get it in as he pushed against me. But to no avail - I knew what this was for and was not into it at all.

Opening my squinted eyes, I noticed him ease off me. He had felt something in my pocket during the struggle and became curious. "Do you have a weapon?" He asked.

"No?" I replied, as he fished out the throat numbing spray.

"Oh." He laughed. "Planning ahead?"

But then I saw him spraying it onto the hose all over, coating it more and more.

"FUCK YOU MAN!" I yelled, "You need to let me go! I'm gonna report you to the cops."

As he approached me again with the funnel, I forced my teeth together again. He got right up in front of me and held my head between his knees.

A few moments later, I felt the hose being shoved into my nostril. I freaked out but was unable to move at all.

"Keep still - or it might hurt you bad." I tried my best to keep frozen as the hose slowly pushed into my head.

The pain was getting worse and I thought the hose was going to go into my brain when I felt it going through the back of my throat and started panicking.

"Swallow!" He ordered.

"Keep swallowing. You like to swallow yeah bitch?"

I could feel the hose collecting in the back of my throat as I tried to swallow.

Suddenly it felt better as it went past and I kept swallowing automatically trying to get rid of the foreign object. But it wasn't going anywhere.

My nose was on fire, but it was a bearable pain - and it was lessening as I got used to it - or it was thanks to the numbing spray. He stepped back and admired the work.

"How does it feel?"

I tried to reply but could barely talk - I was all nasally.

"Fuck You. Please don't make me drink it. I'll do anything else."

He replied by hocking up a huge wad of spit, and dribbling it into the funnel. It stayed in there until he raised the hose up high, letting gravity do its thing.

His penis had shrunk during the resistance ordeal, but was now growing again as we both watched the spit work its way into my nose and down my throat.

He tilted my head back and locked me between his knees again to ensure I remained still.

"OK bitch, 'been holding this one in since I pissed in your faggot friends' bed last night to mark my territory." He informed me, as he placed his cock into the funnel.

We stayed like that, frozen for about a minute.

I guess he fucked up with the wrong bed, so now he was marking me as his territory directly.

Suddenly, I realised I could feel hot liquid running down the hose, through my throat and filling my stomach.

"Ahhhhhhhhh" he sighed in relief, exaggerating the feeling. "Fuck that feels good!"

I could do nothing as I felt the strange sensation of warm piss filling me forcefully. At least I couldn't actually taste it. But I could smell it, which caused me to know its taste.

"You sick bastard." I tried to say, as it was still filling me. I was being used as a human urinal drain for this sick fuck to piss into me.

Finally, he had finished pissing into me. He shook the last few drops all over me, a couple landing in my eye, then continued shaking his cock over me.

He pulled the funnel away from the piping, but left that inside my nose.

As he shook his cock, he began to slap me with it, across each cheek, and over my forehead. I watched as it grew ever larger with each slap.

He started poking me in the eyes with it, as though he was trying to wash his knob using my tears.

"By now you realise that disobeying me won't make any difference, right?" He said looking down at me. "I'll get what I want one way or another."

I could feel the piss bubbling inside of me, and had to burp. I got the full taste of it then. I was trying not to gag.

He was so happy and proud of himself, and was now fully erect. The cock slaps were beginning to hurt. I dared not speak but just sat there, still in shock at what he had just done.

"You are a stubborn cocksucker. All you got to do is what I say. It's that simple and you can have your stuff back. Each time you disobey or fight you make it much worse for yourself."

"Suck me" he ordered, now that his cock was fully erect and leaking.

I pursed my lips around his penis.

I began to suck him as best I could, despite there being a hose stuck in my throat and nose.

The gagging from earlier stayed with me, and each time he tried to get in deep, I gagged more.

Suddenly, I couldn't take it and spewed up all the piss as he quickly jumped away. Amazingly, it didn't get either of us. The hose had come out my throat too and was now hanging out my mouth. I looked up at him, panicked.

He laughed and said, "Its OK bitch, don't worry - there's more piss for you later - at least you can blow me properly now." He quickly pulled out the piping from my nose - probably a little too roughly. I screamed loud.

"Next time we won't need to do that." He said.

With cleared sinuses I resumed blowing him, getting the full flavours of his piss in the process. Being unable to move my head thanks to the chain, he had to do all the thrusting. I was literally just a hole - like a drain in a real urinal - stuck waiting for whatever was about to come.

When he was getting close, he pulled away and started to wank. "Where do you want it this time homo?" He tilted my head to look in my ear and smiled when he saw my face, as though we shared the in-joke.

"Maybe the other ear? Or maybe in your nose too?" He winked at me. The wink made me ever so slightly more attracted to him.

I didn't bother answering - I knew it wouldn't make any difference.

He started wanking faster. "Open your mouth bitch."

I did as requested, as I would rather have it in my mouth than anywhere else anyway.

"Get ready." "It's coming"

He stuck the head of his cock in my mouth and held it there.

I felt the first spurts hit the roof of my mouth and fall onto my tongue.


He ordered before I did. I nodded as best I could, as he unloaded the rest of his load onto my tongue.

When he was done, he squeezed out whatever else he could by running his fingers from the base of his cock up to the head a few times, ensuring it was deposited in my mouth.

"Keep that in there until I say and we are even for the clothes last night." He then wiped his shrinking cock all over my face as though he was signing his name in invisible ink.

The cum in my mouth was salty, and globby - but it was beginning to become watery making it hard to hold. "Make sure you taste it properly. I want you to recognise its taste."

He packed away his limp cock into his underwear, and then went back out into the main house to keep working.

I saw him climb back up the ladder as I noticed a little drip of blood on my arm from where the metal restraint was cutting in.

At some point, I must have dozed off from the lack of sleep I had the previous evening. When I opened my eyes, the sun had shifted and I couldn't see Paul. My wrists were cut from pulling against the metal restraints while I slept. I strained to look further but couldn't see him anywhere. Then I remembered the cum. Sure enough, it had dribbled out my mouth onto my shirt while sleeping. I tried to move my head to get it back, but it was useless. Then I saw him. He was sitting in the corner eating his lunch watching me, smirking. "It's OK" he said. "I'll let that one go." I felt relieved - I didn't want to piss him off by disobeying him again. "You hungry?" He asked. I was but I was afraid of what I might be fed so I said No. When he finished his sandwich, he pulled out a large bottle of water and made a show of drinking as much as he could in one go. He stood up, and tilted his head back and downed the full bottle in a very masculine pose. He was not good looking, but I couldn't help but admire his built body in that instant, his muscled pressed out against his clothes. The aftertaste of his cum in my mouth quickly tasted sweet as I realised what was coming soon. The empty bottle he chucked at my head, awoke me from my daydreaming as he walked over, once again undoing his fly. I knew what was coming this time and was more prepared. "Can you untie my head if I drink it?" I asked. He didn't reply, but just began to undo the chain from the beam, leaving it secured around my neck. At least my head was free, and I moved my very stiff neck around in circles. "I don't want you to spit it out or spill any. I'll go slow." he said. I nodded nervously. "Can I have the car back after this?" "No cocksucker - this is for undoing your head - that was the deal you just made." He held my mouth open with his thumb as he pulled his cock closer to my mouth. I felt the warmth before the taste, as the first dribbles landed on my tongue. "Swallow" He said. I swallowed, trying not to taste it but consequently only focussing on its taste. The intensity of the flavours hit, but not as intense as earlier. This piss was mostly just water this time. My mouth filled up. "Swallow" He repeated. I swallowed while he stemmed the flow. Then he started up again. After a few more mouthfuls, I had thought about it too much and began to gag. He pulled out, and let the last of it flow freely over my face. He pulled my head down, being sure to soak my hair and with a giggle, tried to get it in my ear again. "You're such a faggot!" he said. "You liking my piss soaked clothes?" I nodded of course. "You look like an apprentice in them." He said as he put away his penis again. "How does it feel to have drunk another man's piss? Does Nick ever make you drink his, ever?" I shook my head, no. "I don't know what's the point of living with a faggot and not using them properly. What do you two do then - kiss and cuddle?" He said sarcastically. "I blow him." I said. "What else?" "That's it." I replied. "Bullshit - I saw all the toys in your place." "We don't use them anymore - we used to, but now I only like blowing guys." "So, you don't even let him fuck you?" "No - I don't like it anymore." "Well that's too bad for you." He chuckled. "What sort of fag won't let his man fuck him? Poor guy. He's probably fucking all the English lads right now to make up for it." I figured he had gone through my phone and read our messages to figure out Nick was in the UK for work. And he probably was fucking the English boys. "That's OK - we are allowed" I said defensively - then wondered why the fuck I was telling him this. "Ah yeah, I know, - the sacred rules." he said. I don't know how he knew about those, they must have been written in a message somewhere. "I had a nice chat with Nick last night." he said, knowing what my reaction would be. "WHAT?" I said shocked. "What did you tell him?" He laughed - "Don't panic! He thought I was you. Got him to send me some hot pictures though - told him I was too horny and missed his huge cock. I sent my own cum pics back to him. He probably whacked off to my cum last night too. Don't think I didn't see you jack off to my boot..." He looked up at me and changed his face. "I fixed your computers, too, while you were passed out before - don't dare fucking reinstall them again!" "What do you want from me?" I asked. "Do you swallow Nicks loads?" I nodded. "How often?" "A few times per week, usually." I said. "Not nearly good enough sorry. I'm gonna need to cum a few times every day." he explained. I looked shocked, "I can't blow you every day? I have to go to work tomorrow and I'm in a relationship." "I told you before, you ain't going to work tomorrow. You still got a couple more loads to get out of me today, and a few more tomorrow, at least, before you get the car back." I started to cry and as a result, genuinely felt like a bitch. "Please just let me go now. I can't keep blowing you off all day long!" That earn't me a hard kick to the head. "Don't fucking think because I'm talking to you, that we are equals. You are the faggot here. And you're my bitch now so you will fucking do as I say." I realised this guy could be really violent if he wanted, my head throbbed where his steel-cap impacted. "You are right about being in a relationship. But you and Nick are finished, you are my faggot now. We are the relationship!" "What?" I asked, incredulous. "That's right. I marked you as my territory. You can still live with him, and blow him off if he wants. But I am your man now. You please me whenever and however I want." "No!" I said. "Not gonna happen." "It already has. Nick didn't mark you as his faggot whore. So, I have. You have my cum, piss and spit inside you. You have my clothes on, and I have control of your life." "You think you can report me, go ahead bitch." He told me. "I will send your private photos to all your contacts in your phone, work, family - your mum. And the video I just took of you voluntarily swallowing my piss just now." "I can empty your bank account, and your shared account with Nick. And I will - unless you accept this!" I remained silent - trying to think what could happen if I went to the cops tonight. "I get you want to be discreet - you don't have to tell Nick about this. You can pretend when you two are together. But don't kid yourself - that relationship is already over." He continued. "I need to be discreet too, I have a wife at home. So, I will make some allowances to you to prevent him from finding out, and you will do the same for me." "Tell me that you understand. Tell me you agree." He demanded. "Tell me you are mine." The realisation was beginning to sink in. I had no control of this situation at all. I couldn't bring myself to say it. "TELL ME! Or I will put Nick on Facetime right now and end it myself." "OK" I yelled. "OK what?" He asked. "I'm your faggot now." "No. Not good enough. Think about it first. Your relationship with Nick is over. One way or another. I'm your man now." He began to unscrew me from the wall and I got sharp pains as the metal strips come loose. "Tell me properly." I thought it through - he was right. If I reported him - things would never be the same, and he would make sure of it before he was arrested. I'd have no job, maybe Nick would understand, but my family would see all my fucked-up photos. He watched me thinking it over. If he allowed me to be discreet, then I could act as though nothing had changed when Nick returned home. I didn't want to end my relationship with Nick and wasn't going to. But the last 2 days had been extremely erotic and I accepted I would do the same thing with Paul. I would manage both relationship's independently. "Ok." I said at last. "I am yours now. You are my man, and I am in a relationship with you. I will please you however you want." "and you and Nick are over?" he wanted to be sure. "Yeah." I lied, with confidence. "But - I am not gonna tell him so it has to be discreet!?" He nodded, then said. "Prove it." I realised I could just leave here right now if I wanted to. But I was soaked in piss and couldn't walk properly. The nearest civilisation was 6km away from this area. Instead, I stood up and looked Paul in the eyes for the first time. For the first time, I noticed he was desperate, lonely, and afraid, hidden behind an almost impenetrable veil over his blue Italian eyes. For the first time, I felt something for Paul. Pity. And did my best to conceal that thought by leaning in and kissing him. I had broken a rule at last. And had a wave of emotion now flooded through me, which he interpreted as having to do with him. His rough stubble was irritating my face as he grabbed me in his vice-like grip and forced his tongue into my mouth. When he came up for air, he still held that grip, pushing me down to cock level. "Who was the man that came to my house last night?" I suddenly asked looking up while unzipping his fly. "What man?" Paul replied genuinely. "How the fuck should I know?" --------------------------------------- To be continued.... --------------------------------------- ******************************************************************************* AUTHORS NOTE: I welcome any/all feedback, criticism, suggestions, thank you's, chats etc with readers taken by this story. It is my first attempt at finally transcribing some of my own fantasies and uploading them for others to read - having read many stores on NIFTY for years. James - *******************************************************************************

Next: Chapter 4

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