Creating New Territory

By James Meola

Published on Aug 27, 2017



This work is copyrighted by the author, [EVILCATDOG], and commercial use is prohibited without permission in writing from the author. Personal or private copies are permitted only if they are complete and include this copyright notice. Placing this story on a website or reproducing this story for distribution without the author's permission is a violation of this copyright.

The story contains fictional consensual, psychological, rough, authoritarian sexual behaviour between adult males. It depicts unprotected sex as part of the fiction. Safe sex practices are always best in real life. Some parts of the story involve forced-sex, but it is not without a level of enjoyment by the other participant.

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CREATING NEW TERRITORY - PART 02 --------------------------------

It was a new housing development, or rather, it was a very large and empty field.

Maybe it had been a farm once.

It was now just dried-out dirt, with holes being dug up all around. It looked like they were building some sort of massive lake too, for the enjoyment of the eventual buyers. I recognised the place as the new luxury suburb being created about 2km from my house.

I realised this was where I had been dumped, still bound, when I noticed the scuffed yellow excavators and other heavy machinery parked in a neat row and I remembered seeing them a few days earlier on the way to the shops.

I stood up, eventually, and hobbled over to the excavators. A sharp pointy bit helped removed the duct tape from my arms. I then removed the rest of the tape from my legs and from around my head.

My right ear was still stinging and was irritated after being filled with Paul's sperm, and hearing his voice in my mind, I thought I really could feel them "working their way into my brain." I kept shaking my head. Some of it was liquefying and beginning to run.

I kept spitting and hacking up the remnants of the cum lodged in my throat too, trying to get it all out of me. I normally swallow - but I didn't know if Paul had any STD's and was feeling a bit anxious about it. I needed water and I wanted to get home to report the robbery.

At least it wasn't too far to go to my house from here, considering I'd be walking without any shoes. It would take about 40 minutes, but it could have been worse. I began to replay the events of the night on my way...

And then I realised my problem.

They had my car, my wallet and my phone. My wallet had my ID card in it.

They would know where I lived. And they had the keys to my house.

My pace quickened - but I was slowed by being barefoot and I had a leg pain from being pushed off the ute.

I could still report to the cops that I had only been robbed at this stage. The car was insured, my wallet only had credit cards, which could be stopped and my phone needed upgrading anyway. But in no way did I want anyone to know what else had happened!

If they robbed my house too, this situation would be a lot more difficult to explain to Nick. I had already formulated the story of leaving my phone and wallet in the car outside when it had suddenly been stolen.

I suddenly stopped my half-assed jog.

My ID had our old address on it still! We had only just moved here and I hadn't changed it yet. I smiled a little thinking of them trying to go to our old place - and getting surprised by the new owners.

Besides they might not care about me anymore, maybe they already got what they wanted. Maybe I was being paranoid.

I kept walking home, a little less urgently. Thankfully the bare streets provided no prying eyes as I passed home after empty home looking like I had just escaped from Shawshank.

Finally, I reached my street. And froze again.

I could see the lights in my house were on and I distinctly remembered turning them off when I left earlier. The front door was wide open too. And Nick's car was now gone. I felt my body dissolve into a waterfall.

This was beyond simple explaining away as a robbery and it was not over yet. How did they know where I lived?

I approached my own home with caution, and when I was satisfied no one was inside - I immediately went for the house phone to call the cops. It was gone.

OK - I had another handset in the office. It too had also vanished.

My mind raced through the possibilities to get the cops out here. No neighbours to call for help - no cars to drive anywhere, no mobile phone.

My old mobile! No. That wouldn't work - no active sim card.

An old home phone? Maybe. I began to dig through boxes of old electronics I kept in the office. Throwing things everywhere. The place looked like it had been robbed when I was done.

Which gave me moment for pause. But this place wasn't robbed... Just Nick's car and the house phones were gone. What else was taken?

I searched everywhere - my computers, laptop, expensive appliances - they were all here. Maybe they just wanted our cars for a robbery somewhere? But then why not rob me too? They were already inside, and no one was here to stop them.

It made no sense to me. Then I saw it. A silver, old-style mobile phone. It was placed purposely visible on the kitchen bench.

I began to look at it carefully before picking it up. I jumped when it suddenly started ringing in the nostalgic Nokia ring tone and vibrated in my hands.

I tried to figure out how to answer it, as it was missing the number buttons from the keypad - but the large answer button was still there.

I was greeted by a familiar voice. "Hello James." It was Paul - the older builder who made me blow him off earlier.

"Can you hear me properly?" He snickered to himself as I felt the cum in my ear again.

"Fuck you!" I said, feeling more confident on the phone.

"Oh, you will faggot, don't worry about that, but first let's get something straight. If you want your things back, you will not ring anyone. Do you understand? No cops."

"So, you'll give me the cars back if I don't? And my wallet and phone?" I asked, doubtfully.

"Sure. Not yet though. You will need to be completely honest with me first or you can forget about it."

Ok - I thought to myself.

"What's your passcode on your phone?" He demanded.

"My phone?" I asked thinking it through.

"Yeah bitch - what's the fucking passcode, or do I need to come back there now and break off your finger to get in it?"

"Its 4 nines. That's it." I answered.

The call ended. He had hung up. Now what?

What did I just do? Why did I give him that code? I cursed myself for being a total moron. I tried to dial triple 000 emergency on the mobile. That was impossible on a phone without number buttons.

I resumed my search for an old phone, when the Nokia rang again. I pressed the answer button. "Hello?"

"You're a good girl faggot. You have some nice selfies. I can't wait to see that ass in real life."

"What do you fucking want from me?" I shouted, trying to remember all the fucked-up pictures I had on my phone from chatting to Grindr guys.

"Who lives with you there?" He asked.

"ah No-one?" I say, but it sounded like a question.

He demands the answer. "Who has the 2nd bedroom?"

"That's my Boyfriends room". Nick and I had separate rooms for the last few years. I was a loud snorer, but we both found it suited us better. I can't sleep without the TV on, and Nick can't sleep with it on.

"Trouble in paradise?" he laughed - clearly thinking this was a hilarious joke.

"No!" I yelled back. I don't know why I was answering these questions. "There will be." he laughed. "Which one is your room?" "The one at the back of the house." Mine was a far away from Nicks as possible. His was near the front door.

"Oh shit," he laughed, "then I've left your present in the wrong one. I should have known you wouldn't have had the Master suite - fucking bitch. Where is Master Nick at the moment?"

How did he know his phone clearly.... "He is away for work."

I went over to Nick's room and saw some tradesman's clothing and work boots on his bed. I quickly searched the en-suite thinking that Paul was in here.

"You still there slut? Did you find my present?"

"Yeah." I responded, searching around the house. "What's it for?"

"What's what for?" he enquired seeming confused. "oh, the clothes - they are for you. My old ones."

My cock twitched. I fucking love builders' outfits and having one was hot as fuck. I picked up the boots - used, worn and dirty. I realised I was still incredibly horny.

Then I noticed it. The giant wet patch in the middle of the bed. "You sick fuck!" I shouted into the phone.

"I see you found the gift eh?" He chuckled to himself - but he sounded a little less confident, as though he regretted it now.

The piss had soaked through to the mattress and the clothes left on top had absorbed some of it.

"What the fuck?" I asked. He just laughed again and said "Sorry - thought it was your bed." It would have been much better if it was, I could hide that - but Nick would realise instantly on his bed - it was only just bought too.

He then became all serious again. "Strip naked, and dress in my old clothes." "Do it now!" he ordered.

I complied - not only for him - but I was too turned on by them.

"Did you put them on?"

I said I had, wondering why I was doing this when he wouldn't know anyway. But I was getting aroused by the situation and the way he was talking to me.

"All of it?"

"Not the shirt and boots - just the pants."

"Put them all on now!"

"But they're soaked in piss." I whined, knowing he didn't give a shit.

"Put them on right now you little cunt. Don't make me ask again!"

I did as he instructed, feeling the damp fabric wipe over my face as I pulled the shirt on. I put the boots on too, feeling the wetness on my foot in one of them from piss inside.

"Done yet homo?"

"Yeah." I said.

"How does it feel?"

It felt fucking hot. "Gross" I said, dazed. I was getting so turned on by the verbal abuse and erotic charge of the situation I was a little dizzy.

"You are going to keep that shit on all night - you hear me?"

"uh OK"

"Tomorrow, you will meet me at the same site again, at 9am. OK?"

I hesitated before answering and he kept talking before I responded.

"If you do what I said, you can have your butt-buddies' car back. I won't even piss in it unless you are late! Understand bitch?"

If I could get Nicks car back, I can still just say I was robbed and don't need to confess about everything else. I was enthusiastic when I said I understood. He knew it. "What about my car too?" I queried as an afterthought.

"Just be here by 9am - and don't think of changing them clothes! Night bitch." He hung up.

The ordeal was over for tonight - or so I thought.

I went to lock the front door - but the deadbolt was locked in the open position - I couldn't change it without the keys.

I closed the door as much as I could, which wouldn't shut properly due to the lock sticking out and pulled a heavy bookshelf from the hallway in front of it as some sort of security.

Next, I stripped off his piss soaked clothes - I needed to have shower and get to bed - I was exhausted and disgusting. Oh Fuck. Nicks bed needed to be fixed.

I turned on my laptop, and luckily, I still had internet. Guess they didn't find my modem - hidden behind the TV cabinet.

I could have asked for help online, but I was going to get Nick's car back tomorrow and didn't want to jeopardise the chance to put a lid on this situation. I would probably have to blow Paul off again though. But that was manageable.

I googled how to get piss out of a mattress.

Soon I had vinegar, baking soda and paper towels all over it, trying to get it all out.

A few hours later I was too exhausted and gave up. I did the best I could do for now - just had to hope the smell would go. Nick wasn't back for another 2 weeks. I had some time to fix things still.

My face in the bathroom mirror looked terrible. At least there was no serious injuries - just a swollen lip. At the end of the day all I had done was give him 2 blowjobs. It wasn't that bad. I hadn't even technically broken any relationship rules yet.

I showered - finally clearing my ear of the intrusive semen and felt a lot better about things.

I did another paranoid sweep of the house. But no - nothing else was taken. OK - maybe I just gotta blow him off a few more times to get all my other stuff back too.

Could it be that simple? NO.

I remembered my phone. My emails, My Facebook, My contacts... I needed to change all my passwords immediately.

I went back to my laptop and tried to login again. Wrong password. Fucking CAPS LOCK. Tried again. Still incorrect. WTF?

I tried again much more slowly. No luck. Panicking - I tried to login from the computer that was connected to my TV.

Luckily, it was still on and it was logged in already. I opened Chrome and went to my email account. My heart sank - instead of the usual inbox screen - it was asking for me to re-sign in.

I cautiously entered my password and clicked OK. Wrong password.

All my accounts were locked out. iTunes, Windows, Hotmail, Gmail.

SHIIIIIITTTTT. My Bank Accounts? Yep. Wrong Password!

Holy fuck. I am screwed. I couldn't get into anything.

These guys had reset all my passwords thanks to having access to my email account on my unlocked phone. I didn't think these guys would be clever enough to understand how to do all of this. Not just changing passwords, but the thoroughness of ensuring all accounts were changed. And in such a short timeframe. I was good with IT, having a degree in it, but these were just dumb builders.

As I tried to click into my work email, I saw the mouse cursor move on its own. I just watched intrigued.

A Notepad window opened and text began to appear. "You are not wearing my clothes!"

Then the webcam feed appeared showing me, naked, looking at the camera built into the smart TV used for video chats. Fuck!

I quickly covered it, then turned off the home theatre PC by pulling out the power cord.

The familiar Nokia ringtone went off in the kitchen again. I didn't answer. I would have to go to the cops right now. I needed real help now.

I covered the camera with tape, then turned on the PC again. But could no longer log in without the right password.

Fuck, Fuck, Fuck Fuck.

"My IPAD!" I yelled to myself like a lunatic.

I ran to my work bag, and got my iPad. It was dead though. I never used it.

As I waited for it to charge and turn on, I paced the kitchen. I grabbed a can of coke from the fridge and tried to think.

The Nokia had rung three times now without being answered. He will be pissed. I then heard another familiar sound. It was Morse code - three small beeps, 2 long ones, three small ones again. S-M-S.

Grabbing the phone, I read the message. "Answer the phone or you will regret it!"

It rang again, as the iPad came to life showing the Apple logo. I answered guiltily. "Hello...?"


"OK" I said nervously as I went and put them back on. "Sorry. They are back on. I just needed to have a shower."


I took the tape off the TV camera and he told me to login using a new Windows user account and password he had created. He was the admin now. He had clearly installed remote access software on my PC.

"Are you signed in yet?" He asked.

"It's loading still." I replied.


"OK" I nodded.

"Go get your laptop, plug it in your bedroom and set it up so I can see you in bed."

"Huh?" I queried not believing what he asked.


The phone call ended. Another SMS arrived straight after - it read "Laptop > Bedroom > Now."

I left the sight of the TV camera and went into the kitchen.

I tried to get onto Facebook on my iPad and ask a friend for help - but I was locked out of this also. I tried to think of other apps I could use to alert someone. Even Grindr was locked out.

Nothing was working. I couldn't think anymore. I was in way too deep here. I am smart usually but this situation was beyond me right now in my exhausted state, and Paul was keeping me off balance expertly.


I didn't even get to reply before he hung up.

I reasoned to myself. Just do it, Get the car back tomorrow. Then you can travel again.

I plugged in the laptop in my bedroom and set it up on the dresser to face my bed. When I turned it on and logged in, a video chat screen popped up. And I could see Paul. He was wanking.

"You look fucking sexy in them clothes bitch" he said.

After telling me to angle the screen better, he told me it was time for bed. I wasn't gonna argue. It was 11pm. I turned the lights off, expecting him to tell me to leave it on.

"now what?" I asked him.

"That's it faggot." he said, still wanking. "This laptop stays like this from now on, all times."

Wearing the piss soaked clothes, and his boots - I placed a towel discreetly on my sheets, then got into my bed. I could feel him watching even though I wasn't looking. I pulled the quilt up high to block my line of view.

Eventually my mind wandered from trying to solve this Big Brother situation, to thinking about the boots I was wearing in the bed, without any socks. It felt weird and I couldn't sleep.

They would reek tomorrow morning - and the piss in them wouldn't help. My cock began to get hard. Maybe wanking will help me to sleep and I was so turned on by the feeling of wearing his boots raw.

I secretly took the piss soaked boot off, and brought it up to my nose under the quilt and breathed in the scent. It was cum, not piss...

The fucker had cum in the boot. My cock was rock hard from this realisation and the eroticness of the evenings events.

As I breathed in the smell, feeling dirty for enjoying this, I came myself - in no time at all - but it was very watery cum from being horny for too long. I rubbed it into his work shirt.

I looked up and the video chat was still open, but I couldn't see Pauls camera anymore. I decided I had better put the boot back on just in-case.

That was when I heard it. The front door was being opened against the bookshelf.

I quickly got up and shut the bedroom door quietly. Luckily, I had installed a lock on it. Unluckily, it was installed the wrong way around. It was part of mine and Nick's role play games.

I heard the bookshelf being pushed away from the door as it slid across the hallway tiles. I decided to get into the toilet as quick as I could - as this door could be locked from inside. I bolted across the dark hallway.

In the dark toilet on my hands and knees, I peeked through the bottom of the door silently and breathlessly.

I heard him before I saw him. It was almost a whisper. "Hello..." he called out.

It was not Paul - he had a different voice.

I assumed it was the younger guy for a second, but he didn't sound like him either.

When he came into view, I could just see the bottom of his shoes from the tiny slither under the door. He had rough, old white sneakers on with a few worn out holes on the sides.

I watched, confused, as he appeared to be searching the house. He walked over into the direction of my bedroom again whispering, "Hello?"

I saw him enter my room. Then he walked back out into the hallway. I heard him take out his phone and heard the tapping noise of the phone keyboard. He was writing something.

At this point I heard another familiar sound - it was a Grindr notification. He suddenly yelled out angrily - "Fucking Cunt." and then stormed off out the house.

I jumped. It took me a while to get the courage to get out of the toilet and check if he had left. I shut the front door again and pushed two bookshelves in front of it now.

I eventually went back to bed - it was close to 2am. I needed to get up at 8 to be at the site by 9.

I was too awake now to get back to sleep anymore though. And I began to watch TV and think about meeting Paul - if that was his real name - at 9am. Maybe he could tell me who the fuck that guy was.

It was now Sunday morning - so I didn't need to go to work- thank god. I wondered how I was going to drive into work tomorrow, and realised I absolutely had to get Nicks, or my own car back today. We lived too far away and there is no public transport out here.

I deliberately avoided thinking about what evil things these guys could have gotten up to in my bank accounts and emails in the meantime. The worst that could happen, provided I was safe, would be to not comply and go to the cops and admit the real truth of what's going on.

The best thing that could happen would be to play along and get the cars back.

I went into my sex toy chest, it was a large storage ottoman at the end of my bed filled with all sorts of kinky toys, leather stuff and hardware.

I found the little plastic tub which had all my sprays and lubes. Inside, I found the throat numbing spray I was looking for. I assumed I was going to need to blow off Paul again for the car soon and he would probably be extra rough.

I shoved it in one of the pockets on my new cargo pants.

Just before I left on my way to meet him, I began to reinstall windows on my laptop and TV computer from the CD's. Then I wouldn't need a password to use them again.

As I walked down the hall towards the front door - I caught myself in the mirror - I looked horrible, but fuck did I enjoy the look of this outfit!

This was such a bizarre situation. Once again, I had no idea what the real situation I was heading into was.

--------------------------------------- To be continued.... ---------------------------------------

******************************************************************************* AUTHORS NOTE: I welcome any/all feedback, criticism, suggestions, thank you's, chats etc with readers taken by this story. It is my first attempt at finally transcribing some of my own fantasies and uploading them for others to read - having read many stores on NIFTY for years. James - *******************************************************************************

Next: Chapter 3

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