Creating New Territory

By James Meola

Published on Aug 24, 2017


******************************************************************************* DISCLAIMERS:

This work is copyrighted by the author, [EVILCATDOG], and commercial use is prohibited without permission in writing from the author. Personal or private copies are permitted only if they are complete and include this copyright notice. Placing this story on a website or reproducing this story for distribution without the author's permission is a violation of this copyright.

The story contains fictional consensual, pschological, rough, authoritarian sexual behavior between adult males. It depicts unprotected sex as part of the fiction. Safe sex practices are always best in real life. Some parts of the story involve forced-sex, but it is not without enjoyment by the other participant.

If you are under legal adult age in your country or object to the subject matter, please leave now and do not continue reading.

My swollen lips tried hard to create a vacuum around his swollen cock as I enthusiastically sucked him off as best I could. I had been kidnapped and taken to the middle of nowhere - somewhere dark and dusty.

I needed to get out of this predicament as quickly as possible and get back home.

Reliving in my mind, what had happened only an hour earlier, my thoughts raced. I needed to do so many things right now to regain control of my situation, but my kidnapper needed to cum first.

He was taking much longer to blow than the first time I blew him, not 20 minutes earlier.

I couldn't fondle his balls, with my hands duct-taped behind my back, so I used my tongue to its peak potential, trying to speed up the process.

With every slurp, I eagerly licked his shaft as I took him in, trying to tongue his balls each time I reached the base.

He seemed to be enjoying it, smiling above me, as his cock strained to get deeper and deeper down my throat. He was relishing the fact I had no choice but to voluntarily give him an awesome performance.

I bobbed up and down hoping to give him the most intense pleasure I could, and strangely feeling somewhat proud of the good job I was doing.

Finally - I could sense he was getting close. I tried not to quicken my pace to keep the rhythm going. Maybe if I begin to moan, it will push him over the edge.

It worked. With his strong builder's hands, he quickly forced my head all the way down his shaft and held me there as his hot sperm began to clog my airways.

He kept holding me in place, demanding I swallow it all - which I had already done to breathe as it had clogged up my throat.

After he had finished using me, I was pushed back with force, causing me to lose balance. Unable to use my arms for support, I fell off the back of the tradesman's ute and into hard dry dirt on the ground.

"Fucking bitch," he said as he did his pants back up and jumped off the vehicle, "you can fuck off now."

True to his word and to my relief, it appeared he was going to let me go now.

He got back in the cab of the ute and started the engine. I tried to roll away from the vehicle exhaust as it took off across the empty field, the headlights illuminating nothing but more dirt in all directions.

It was totally quiet and I was on my own in total darkness in an unknown location. For the first time, I could process what had just happened.

Fucking Grindr.

-------------------------------------------------- Earlier.... --------------------------------------------------

Nick and I had been together for 11 years, with the standard gay relationship monogamy dramas early on. To keep it simple and functional, we now had an open relationship. But there were some sacred rules we both abided when fucking with others: 1. No unsafe sex ever. 2. No fucking at our home. 3. No fucking the same other person twice. 4. No fucking others if the BF is around.

These 4 rules worked perfectly and enabled us to maintain a loving sexual relationship while still being free to fuck others as opportunity provided.

Nick and I both travelled for work very frequently, for extended periods away from each other, which is when these rules came into play the most.

Having no desire to be fucked in my ass these days, (definitely not with condoms either -what's the point?), I was really only interested in blowing guys off and swallowing the hard work.

I wanted their cum in me, and swallowing was considered as safe enough - at least in our view.

I changed my Grindr profile to state that I only wanted to suck and swallow, with no reciprocation at all! I hated being blown myself. I just liked pleasing a man.

Whenever I travelled interstate, I would open the app, and just wait for messages to come through.

There was never a shortage of men who just wanted to unload and be gone a few minutes later, so I had many offers to choose from.

Sometimes, in my hotel room after work, I would suck off a succession of guys, all timed perfectly to come one after the other, before finally having an awesome wank in bed later that evening.

Despite rule #3 about fucking the same guy twice, I did sometimes swallow more than one load from the same cock, either the next day or on a different trip, but I considered this in line with the intent of the rule.

This particular rule was designed to stop loving relationships from blooming that could become a risk to ours. Considering all the guys I was swallowing lived interstate this was not an issue for me. No relationship was being formed - it was just about me pleasing a guy, and swallowing their loads.

It was almost as though I was providing a community service to the men of the city I visited. For those men who were mega horny, or their Wives / GF wouldn't blow them or swallow. It's just so sad that I felt it was my duty to fill the gap.

The hottest men for me to catch up with were the closeted tradesmen. Married or engaged they would work hard and sweat all day long, and go home to a nagging bitch and screaming kids. These guys never enjoyed the frequency of sex that most gay couples, or singles enjoyed.

But they were slowly beginning to get clued in. And attitudes were changing. They could simply a use a bloke to suck them off, conveniently on the way home from work, and then continue home undetected. Drive through fags.

They loved being worshipped by someone who loves cock and cum - it gets them dripping each time. The amount of pleasure they can receive from an expert tongue that they have never received from the 'Mrs' is always satisfying. I love opening up their world.

But, back to the history...

We had just moved into a brand-new house, in a brand-new suburb. We as in me and my boyfriend, Nick. Nick doesn't fit my ultimate type strangely, as he is more of an office/suits clean-cut good-looking man. Not a tradey...

The neighbourhood we had just moved to was full of my favourite type of men - but they didn't live here. Our brand-new home was in one of roughly 10 brand new suburbs under construction simultaneously in a huge piece of land previously seen as undesirable, but now booming.

Our house was one completed not very long ago, in fact we are the only ones who had moved into the new cul-del-sac at this stage. The whole street was just ours.

Of course, the first thing I did was log onto Grindr and see who was in the area.

While Nick unpacked the truck, I was marvelling at the high concentration of guys in the area, all with no pictures, and vague descriptions. Within minutes I was flooded with messages. Most of the men online were tradies working nearby on other homes. They all wanted what I said I was offering - discreet, quick, BJ's.

The problem was, I never really played with guys in my home city. Even if Nick was away, and it was within the allowed rules, I found I was too lazy to be bothered going to a guy's place to blow them off, then returning home to wank.

Besides, most of them couldn't host, so I would have been breaking the rules if I brought them home. This only left public areas or in cars. This never worked out for a string of reasons, but mostly paranoia on both parts.

However, opportunity would strike very soon.

A few weeks after moving day, Nick had to go overseas due to work for a whole month. I had lasted a week without sex in his absence, but now I had already seen all the new porn I downloaded and was super horny on a Saturday afternoon, alone at home.

I was lying on the couch, casually fondling myself while reading BDSM stories on the net, and simultaneously checking out Grindr profiles and sending messages to random guys.

There was no one nearby being a Saturday. Eventually I got bored with it all, so I decided to get up off the couch and go make dinner. Of course, as soon as I got up, I heard a message pop up, so grabbed my iPhone and checked it out.

It was a photo sent to me from a blank profile.

Fuck me - was this guy hot as fuck! He was dressed in his entire builder's work gear, with his hot dirty tradies boots on, and was clearly located on a building site.

I couldn't see his face, but I wouldn't care no matter what - I was hard enough from the rest of him. You could tell he was young, and built. His legs looked so powerful. Something I would later find out to be incredibly accurate.

I immediately replied with a "Hi", followed by anxious anticipation for a reply.

"I want a BJ now!" he quickly responded.

I replied, "sure, come over." Fuck the rules.

He texted back 'no way, you come here' and sent a location immediately.

Fuck it.

In my car, I tried to navigate to the PIN on the Grindr map, it was very nearby, but there were no maps in my GPS for this new area. Turns out he was just 3 streets over though.

The whole area was isolated, as usual, but there was one house with a blue tradesman's ute parked in the front. I parked in the street and with nervous excitement walked up to the front door - which didn't exist yet.

I turned and pressed the lock button on my car remote and saw the lights flash - it was getting dark.

Entering the half-finished home, I called out, "Hello?"

"I'm in the back" was shouted back at me, from a voice that made me want to drop and start wanking. So masculine.

I walked over and saw my new friend sitting on a few bags of concrete against a wall. The room was very hard to see, as there were no lights on. He appeared nervous, but probably not nearly as much as I was, I was incredibly excited and incredibly turned on.

He was excruciatingly good looking, and I felt inferior immediately. His work outfit was covered in paint, dust, and who knows what other stains, as were his black scuffed steel cap boots.

He spread his legs open, and I noticed his cock was poking out through the fly of his cargo work pants.

I didn't need to be asked, and dropped to my knees in between his legs and looked at his cock for a few seconds.

I was too self-conscious to look up at his face as I was in deep lust and didn't want him to realise how fucking happy I was to get to suck off a man like him.

As I leaned in to suck it, he quickly covered himself with his hand. Before I knew it, he had wrapped his legs around me.

Like an idiot, I assumed this was part of the fun, but only until I realised there was another man grabbing my legs while I was stuck.

The power of the man's legs holding me down was immense and as I struggled to get away, I ended up in a headlock, unable to breathe. My hands were pried behind my back by the other man and I could hear duct tape unwinding as it was hastily wrapped around my arms and legs, and then both, and then everywhere. I was soon completely immobilised and screaming for help.

I noticed the other man for the first time, he was equally as erotic in his work gear, but about 20 years older, maybe early 50's. He took great delight in taking off my sneakers and chucking them across the room and then taking my sock off and shoving it into my mouth to shut me up.

"Stop screaming you little bitch"

The younger man suddenly grabbed the duct tape and wound it around my head multiple times, finishing the roll and completely blocking my airways. He then looked to the older man for a look of approval. The older man laughed and shook his head.

I began to panic, and noticed the older man grab a knife. He asked me to stay still - as he calmly cut a small slit in the tape, and then widened it with his fingers around my nose so I could breathe again.

I was then flipped over, face down on the floor and felt him digging through my pockets methodically and slowly. He found my phone, wallet and keys and handed them all to the other man.

I was being robbed it seemed. I guess this was better than being killed, so I lessened my panic. I still didn't understand the entire situation properly though.

The young guy took off out the front entranceway, and I heard my car being unlocked with the familiar beep-beep. A minute later I heard it being driven off. I was now alone with the older builder and he had now changed his face.

He looked incredibly happy with himself and incredibly evil. A moment ago, he had appeared cold and calculating as a thief, now he leered over me and seemed crazily horny - at least I hoped it was horniness and not some other sick desire.

I knew what was likely to happen next - but it didn't frighten me like it should have. I still would have happily gotten with this man in other circumstances based on his hot work boots alone. Age and looks never really bothered me, although he was quite a bit older and nowhere near as handsome as the other guy.

If I was about to get raped, I would probably enjoy this. I just didn't want to get hurt. Besides, I'd always fantasised about being truly raped. I was amazingly hard and still incredibly unsure at the same time. Some part of me thought I should fight, but another part secretly wanted it to happen.

"Can we talk?" He asked me. I had long given up screaming at the realisation of its uselessness.

I nodded.

He then began to tear the duct tape down from my nose, making the hole wider over my mouth.

"If I take the sock out, and you scream, I will fuck you up - you understand?"

I nodded again.

"Good boy." He said as he pulled out the sock from my dry mouth.

"What's your name?" he demanded.

"James" I said.

"Nice name, James - it's a manly name. Not good for a faggot like you..."

I nodded, OK...I guess.

"My name is Paul, but you will call me God."

He waited. "OK" I said.

"Good boy. It seems I have a quick learner here, so that's going to be good news for you. But I think Sir is best for when I am talking to you."

"Yes Sir." I played along. He laughed.

"I don't give a fuck what you call me - it won't make any difference to anything." He continued.

"My pretty young friend thinks I just lured you out here to rob you. I told him you faggots would drool over his hot young cock and the chance to suck it, so we could easily get one of you out here."

I guess he was right, but I probably would have come if he showed me his cock too. I realised he probably had age issues, because clearly that was what was important to me right now.

"Now that Brad is gone with all your stuff, you and I can get on with the real fun." He smiled, then grabbed and dragged me over the cement bags against the wall and came and stood in front of me, rubbing his cock through his pants. I felt my cock twinge at the excitement of it, or the fear. Or both.

"Working with that kid gets me too fucking hard each day. But he thinks because I have a wife and kids at home I'm not picturing fucking him all day long." I could see his cock growing through the pants as he spoke. "If he only knew how many times I have nearly jumped him when we are on our own... But he works for me, so that can't happen. That's why you're going to suck me off boy, and you're going to do a fucking brilliant job at it. I know faggots like you love to suck cock and I read your profile, so you'd better make this special!"

I could see his cock fully enlarged now, straining to be set free.

"You do as I say and I'll let you leave here unharmed, and if you don't, well you will do it anyway. It is up to you, and I am looking forward to unloading in that cunt mouth of your yours - been saving this load all week."

He grabbed his crotch and shook it.

He sat on the concrete bags and looked down at me, lying in the sawdust on the floor at his feet. I couldn't move due to the way I was bound up, so he sat me upright in front of him.

Watching me closely as he unzipped his fly, he then pulled out his cock. It was quite long, and uncut. I preferred smaller, and wider cocks but it was not really an option here today - and I would never say no anyway.

Looking at his pants and boots, I was in pure lust, but I didn't want him to realise this. I leant forward to get closer to his cock, when he pushed me back with his boot on my face and held it there.

"No Rush Faggot. You take this slowly." I could smell the rubber sole of his boot, mixed in with all the building materials.

With his other foot, he kicked off the boot, and I instantly smelt his sweaty sock, which was then shoved onto my face and rubbed around.

"Yeah" that's nice he said, "isn't it?"

I nodded - he assumed I was lying. I was and wasn't.

He took off the other boot and then rubbed both his feet over my face, trying to stick his toes into my nostrils.

"Breathe in my smell." he said.

I inhaled, the smell made me dizzy, which was followed by his toes entering my mouth.

"Suck on them."

I tried my best to suck on his toes through the sock.

He continued this for a while, changing feet and toes like I was playing a harmonica. Then, suddenly, he stood up and dropped his pants and jocks before sitting back down.

Pulling my head into his crotch, he told me to 'make it good.'

I pulled out all my usual tricks, to get this man to nut so I could leave. I really wished I could have used my hands to speed things up, but I had to do what I could. He seemed to be enjoying himself immensely.

I was shocked at how gentle he was being. He was simply just loving the work. This would be over soon and I could get out of here and report it.

He continued to guide me on what he wanted, and I complied. In another setting, this would appear as though we were a happy couple.

I began to deepthroat him to quicken the process. Soon I was sensing the impending explosion.

I planned to get off him at the last second, so I amped up the efforts to make him cum and think that I was fully into it. That didn't happen.

He shoved me away at the last moment and began to wank himself off. He got up and wedged me in-between his legs and held my head down on a bag of cement.

I thought - even better - he was just going to blow over me. But no, that's not what happened either.

As he came close to his climax, he suddenly aimed his cock straight into my ear and I felt it fill up with searing hot cum.

"What the fuck!", I yelled, as he held me there, trying to squish as much of the spurts as he could inside, using his cock like a plunger. He then spat at me - the gob landing in my eye, and laughed.

"I own this fucking ear now faggot, I have fucked it. My sperms are working their way into your brain."

It was working its way into the back of my throat. I didn't think that was possible. I tried to spit it out. But it was just a taste of it.

I shook my head trying to get rid of it from my ear but it was staying put. He could not have been happier. It was starting to burn.

I saw him getting dressed again, and then he left the room.

It was completely dark outside now, as I could see into the unplastered walls through to the street. I watched him open the garage door and reverse the ute inside as I kept shaking my head trying to get his cum out of my ear.

When he came back in the room, he told me he was going to cut some of the tape loose. He freed me just enough so that I could stand and then marched me towards the garage.

When we got there, he said to get in the ute tray and lie down. I did as he said, with his help. I had no idea what was happening next and was beginning to think this was not a good idea. I tried to get off the tray.

"Where are we..." I was going to say going...but I got slapped before I could finish the sentence.

He then pushed me back with force and began to secure the tray tarp on. Just before the last few hooks were secured, he pulled off my other sock and shoved it in my mouth.

"This better be there when we stop. OK?"

I nodded.

With that, the last few hooks were attached. I was trapped inside, and soon we were driving down the road. About 20 minutes later we had stopped - I had tried to memorise the turns he made, but I got lost after a while - I think he was doing it deliberately.

I still had the sock in my mouth, but was afraid to take it out to yell for help just in case there were no others on the road and I pissed him off. So, I just kept quiet.

I heard him get out the cab, and saw stars in the sky as he un-tarped the back cover. I had no idea where we were. It was totally dark all around. I began to genuinely feel fear for my life. Was this it?

Lifting me up he looked at me and said he would let me go soon so "not to panic", but first he wanted another blow job.

Then he saw the sock and smiled, pulling it out my mouth. "Good Job" he said.

I joked that I had another ear to fill with cum - don't know why, and was rewarded with a very hard slap across my face and mouth. And he became all serious. I started to get more worried again.

"You don't fucking speak bitch, unless I talk to you first."

I nodded - shocked.

He fished his penis out again.

"I will fucking cum wherever the fuck I want!"

I decided to again do my best to please him and not cause trouble.

As I was leaning off the back of the ute, I began to suck him for the second time tonight, I could taste a small amount of blood from my lip, and tried my best to do my best. He was taking a while to get hard. He then got up onto the ute, standing over me as I kept sucking.

He seemed to be getting excited again and was loving it finally. My lips were getting swollen due to the slap.

The sucking went on for some time. Every so often he would stick his fingers into my ears, pushing his semen around and using the finger holes as handles to face fuck me with.

It was turning him on more and more each time he did it.

--------------------------------------- Back to the present.... ---------------------------------------

I was now in an unknown dirt field on my own in the darkness, an ear and throat full of sperm, with no shoes or socks, and duct taped arms and legs.

It was a surreal experience. I had just been robbed, raped and I guess kidnapped. But I was incredibly hard, and the man had no idea that I was enjoying it in some bizarre way.

I decided I needed to report the robbing incident, but I also decided that I would not say anything about the sex part. I didn't want Nick to find out about it. I don't know why. Perhaps it was partly due to the fact, that I had an awesome sexual experience and was hard as a rock.

I needed to get untangled from the tape and somehow get home or to a phone to cancel my credit cards though. It was strange to me that he had just let me go too. He must know I could easily go to the cops. It couldnt be that hard to trace him back to the home being built.

If I had known at that time what had already been set into motion this evening, I don't know if I would have made a different choice about how to proceed next.

--------------------------------------- To be continued.... ---------------------------------------

******************************************************************************* AUTHORS NOTE: I welcome any/all feedback, critiscm, suggestions, thank you's, chats etc with readers taken by this story. It is my first attempt at finally transcribing some of my own fantasies and uploading them for others to read - having read many stores on NIFTY for years. James - *******************************************************************************

Next: Chapter 2

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