Creating a Cigar Dom

By Master Gilbert

Published on Sep 3, 2023


All characters and events in this work are fictitious. Any resemblance to real events or real persons, living or dead, is purely coincidental. Though this work of fiction may contain sexual situations and/or sexual acts between adults and minors, neither the author condones such situations and/or acts.

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Learning about subs....

I was pretty spent so I said sure and that's how we ended the first day of my parent's two-week trip to Europe. I laid on my dad's side of the bed with only my t-shirt on and grunt laid there hugging me naked where my mom would sleep. It was the first time I slept in the same bed with someone, but it was kind of nice. And I must admit, it was one of the best night's sleep I had ever had....

Now I don't know how all men wake up in the morning, but I usually wake up with a raging boner until I piss. Its not something the guys just casually discuss between classes, and definitely wasn't something they talked about in sex ed classes. But this morning, when I woke up, my morning wood was already being worked on by grunt. He was gently sucking the head and licking the shaft. His signature velvet smooth style of sucking my cock made it feel more like it was being submerged into a warm water bath then into a man's hungry mouth.

Without thought, I spread my legs wide and right on cue his gentle licking and sucking became more of a fevered attempt to drain my cock. Grunt started to deep throat my cock and do this thing where he would bob up and down just a little forcing the head of my cock to pop through a tight spot in the back of his throat. The feeling of that popping back and forth sort of reminding me of fucking ass. That feeling when your cock head slides into the ass and is immediately incased in that tight spot, jut before it breaks through into the wider area.

Of course, I am sure there are terms for all these things, but I didn't know them, I just knew that grunt was a pro at anything he seemed to do to me, or for me.

Before too long, my hands found the back of grunt's head and I began to control the motion more and more. I took his head from that slight bob he liked to do to full out long strokes where I would leave just the head in his mouth then force him down until my balls were touching his lips. I would hold him there for a few seconds then allow him to work his way back up to the head so I could do it all over again.

I feel confident that I am not the only guy that likes to hear that choking and gagging sound when he gets his cock sucked. I mean who could love that feeling of power when you force someone to gag on your cock and not let them off it. The tears that sometimes form. The long strings of throat slime and snot that run from their mouth and nose. And let's not forget how red they turn as they fight to get a breath between gags.

With my cousins, fucking was a sport. It was a power game so to speak. They had fun with it, and I guess had come to terms with their roles. And I will never forget all they taught me about power fucking. But with grunt it was different. I didn't have to take power from him, I had to accept it. He was willingly giving me the power. The power that made me want more power, that made me want to go farther and made me greedy. The more I thought about it the rougher I got. The rougher I got the more vocal grunt got. The more vocal grunt got the more I wanted it. It was a cycle feeding onto itself. Until that cycle it critical mass and I came while forcing my cock so far down grunt's throat that I think my cum went right into his stomach.

Then it was over, but not totally. Grunt was winded, I was on a power trip high but crashing. My cock was still in grunt's mouth but slowly deflating and that's when the urge to piss hit me. Again, I figure its normal for most guys to need to piss after they fuck or cum. I know I have always been like that. There wasn't anything different about today, I had cum and now I needed to piss. What was different is that without warning I relaxed, and the piss started flowing.

Piss hit the inside of grunt's mouth and I could see the surprise in his eyes as he started swallowing as fast as he could. But it was too late, I was pissing full force and he couldn't keep up and the next thing you know piss was going all over my parent's bed and while I was horrified, I couldn't stop it; not until my bladder was empty at least.

I want to say it was the first time I have ever seen grunt truly upset. His face was a combination of fear and hurt. His expression told me that something was wrong. That's when the gravity of what just happened hit me. He just spilt piss all over my parent's bed. I was getting angry as I thought about it and the more the situation hit me, the madder at grunt I got.

Pulling my cock out of grunt's mouth and bring up my foot, I kicked grunt out of the bed and started to lay into him. "What the fuck? You just got piss all over the bed. My parents are going to fucking be furious and how do I tell them that this worthless piece of shit that was drinking my piss couldn't do its job?"

The more I said the louder and harder my voice got. The louder and harder my voice got, the more I sounded like my dad when he was pissed. I had always said I never wanted to become my father, but right now, listening to the words that were coming out of my mouth, I was just like him.

Standing over grunt, with my foot on his neck looking down at him, he had lost that macho ego and bravado that I had always known and seen in him. He was no longer the man that drove me to school and that I talked to when I had a problem, at this moment, he was the problem. I was letting the anger fill me until I realized that grunt, while still under my foot, was to a small degree at peace.

While I was getting worked up and angry, grunt seemed to be getting calmer and more relaxed. "You are going to take care of this and make sure my parents never find out about it. You hear me? And if you ever spill my piss again, I will..." do what I suddenly realized that while I was pissed, I couldn't really make blind threats. I mean what do you do? The only thing I could think of was something my dad used to threaten me with. "I will get a leather belt and beat your ass black and blue."

Now my father had never beaten me. He didn't ever lay a hand on me. But that didn't mean that when he was upset, he didn't threaten me. From the stories I have heard, my grandfather was a very mean man. He never missed an opportunity to use his belt or punish his boys. My dad and my uncle, I guess, had decided not to be like him, but they still had their moments. My cousins had gotten it worse than me but then again, my uncle was a deputy and more aggressive. My dad was more and intellectual and tended to work out issues with his mind. He only became aggressive when that didn't work or when I really pissed him off.

Grunt didn't move or try to get my foot off his throat, he just lay there taking my verbal assault like it was normal. That's when I looked back and noticed his cock was standing straight up. It was harder than I had ever seen it. He was fucking enjoying this!

"SIR, you are right, it fucked up and its totally at fault. Please discipline me as you see fit SIR." Grunt said.

Discipline him as I saw fit. Maybe I should beat him with a belt. I didn't know. I just knew that I was pissed, and his lack of fear and concern didn't help.

"You want me to beat your ass with a belt?" It was more a command than question. But it was one that I was also having to tell myself. My dad always said, never make a threat you can't follow through on because if you do, and get called on it, you will lose all your credibility.

"If SIR feels I need it, then grunt will submit."

Well, this was all happening to fast, and I needed to think about what to do. I needed to stall. So, I did the only thing I could do, stall!

"You need to clean up this mess and make breakfast first, then I will decide what to do." I said. I was still angry, but he was calling my bluff and I needed to think so I figured this would give me an hour or so.

"SIR, grunt will handle this. Please enjoy yourself in the den and I will bring your breakfast to you when its done. Is there anything specific SIR wants for breakfast?" grunt was still under my foot but seemed like he was at home.

"You know what I like, now get to it.." was all I could muster. I took my foot off his neck and went into my room first to throw on some gym shorts and change into a tank top. Then I went into the den and sat down looking around like it was the first time I had been in there.

Dad's den was never off limits, but it was just one of those rooms that I never really went into because I never really had a need. Dad went in there to work when he needed time to study or be alone. He also smoked his cigars in the den and would watch football when ever a game was on, he liked. So, for the most part, I never really just went in there and sat down.

Most of the house was bright and there were lots of windows in the house, especially in the living room that was facing the Gulf of Mexico. Sunsets were always really beautiful in that room with its two-story windows and the balcony that went across the back which you had to cross to get to the bedrooms. But as dad would always say to mom, the trade off was no privacy since the beach was public behind the house. So, mom didn't really say much when dad wanted his den to be more private, so it didn't have any windows and was done in a dark wood paneling.

I mean for the most part, dad's office was really typical. It had bookshelves, a built in with the TV, the wall with the double doors that led to the balcony, and of course a couple leather chairs, small leather couch and dad's desk which was actually pretty big. The desk was also dark wood like the walls and I so overall the room felt very dark and masculine even during the day. I can see why dad liked this room. Also, because of all the cigar smoking dad did, the room had a very distinctive smell. Something else that I always loved about the room.

Grunt entered the room and set the tray of food down on the desk, going over to a small nook I hadn't noticed and pulling out a tv table like thing setting it up in front of me, placing the tray of food on that, then dropped to his knees and kissed my bare feet.

After I looked at the food and started to eat, grunt crawled back to the door before standing up and disappearing. It was only a few minutes later grunt came back in and knelt and kissed my feet before saying, "SIR the sheets are in the washer and grunt has contacted a company to come out and clean the mattress."

This whole submissive or slave thing was starting to have some appeal.

"Would SIR like to do anything today?" grunt was looking at the floor, but his voice was clear, not wavering.

Now I had no idea what I wanted to do. I mean normally I just stay in my room and play video games. I mean I do jack off a lot or used to before grunt had started to take care of me. But I have never really had a lot of freedom to do anything I wanted to. I figured maybe I should do try to do something different.

"I don't know, maybe swim some in the pool" I had always wanted to swim naked in the pool. "Or maybe head to the mall or catch a movie."

"SIR is there a movie you would like to see?" grunt was quick to jump on that.

I named off a few movies and grunt was up and off again, grabbing the paper and checking movie times.

"SIR if you would like, you could catch two movies if you wanted to." Grunt started to name off in times and showed how I could catch one at 1 PM and a second at 3:45 PM. I liked the idea, so I told him to make it happen and grunt got up again and disappeared. It was only like 10:30 so I figured I would head to the pool and then to the movies.

Getting up from the chair, I started looking around the room more. Having seen grunt get the little table I had never noticed made me wonder what else I had missed. The room really reflected my dad: dark, masculine, and very stark in some ways. There was only really one picture on the wall, an old print I remember he found in one of my parents antique hunting trips. It showed the old south with the big white house and a field with men working in it. In the background I saw something I hadn't noticed before, a man tied to a post getting whipped. I wonder if dad had ever noticed it.

But I wanted to hit the pool for a little so out I went and downstairs to the pool we had that was in a courtyard like area near the front door. Its not a big pool but it is completely private. No one can see into the pool area unless you are inside the gates or on the second floor of the house. Even the house next door can not see into it pool area.

Now I had always wanted to swim naked in the pool but with my parents home, I never dared. Now was my chance. No one was home but me and grunt. So, I slid off my shorts and threw off my shirt and dove in. The water was heated a little so it felt great, and I must have been in the pool about ten minutes before I noticed grunt kneeling next the to chair, I threw my cloths on. Oh, and my clothes were now neatly folded.

"Grab me a beer>" I called out figuring grunt would say something like my dad said no alcohol or my dad wouldn't approve, but instead grunt got up and got me a cold beer. It was nice leaning back on the pool's steps, drinking a beer and feeling like a king. Before grunt settled back into his kneeling position, he walked over to the switch that turned on the bubbles in the hot tub that spilled over into the pool and started it.

"May grunt suggest getting into the hot tub SIR?"

Why the hell not, I got up and walked to the hot tub and started to get in. It was like heaven. I had never thought it could feel that good. I sipped my bear and laid my head back and closed my eyes.

I heard the clink of the glass bottle hitting the concrete and opened my eyes to see grunt bent over with this look of fear on his face. "SIR grunt is sorry; it thought the bottle was empty."

I grabbed the bottle and turned it up, finishing the beer that was left and then my dad came out in me again. "What the fuck? Are you that stupid? Now go grab me another beer and a belt."

There was no going back from it this time. I had stalled last time when grunt should have been punished but this time, I said it before I even thought about it. I was committed. I had to go through with it this time. Pictures of my grandfather and father flashed through my head.

Grunt returned with a fresh beer and one of dad's wide leather belts. For a second, I wondered why he had grabbed one of dad's belts, but then I realized I didn't really have a belt like that. I'm sure grunt looked before looking through dad's belts.

Kneeling next to the hot tube, grunt held out the beer first and I took it, then he held both hands out with the rolled-up leather belt in them. I looked at the belt and drank most of the beer trying to build up my resolve. Looking around, the only thing I saw outside were the lounge chairs so pointing to one, I told grunt to go bend over it while taking the belt out of his hand.

The basic principals of beating an ass with a belt I figured were simple. You swing the belt and hit the ass. So how hard could this be?

I stood next to grunts ass that was pushed out while he was bent over with his hands on the arms of the chair. It was so firm. Not a hair on it, even though his chest was covered. His ass was so tight that the asshole was exposed, and I could just remember how good it felt power fucking my cousin. Without thinking about it, I reached out and ran my hand across his perfect ass. It was warm, smooth, and so silky feeling. I was losing my nerve.

"First you spilled my piss this morning, then my beer just now. I thought you were supposed to make my life easier. Isn't that what you said a submissive was for?" I never stopped rubbing grunt's ass with my free hand.

"Yes SIR." Grunt replied.

"So, what am I supposed to do?" I was sounding just like my dad.

"Punish your worthless slave" grunt said so matter of fact like.

So, I swung the belt and the smack it made bounced off the walls of the courtyard. It didn't sound like I thought it would. The sound was almost musical. I swung and hit almost the same place and grunt shuddered but didn't really move and again the sound reverberated. I was swinging with force and anger, but also because I enjoyed the sound it made and watching those perfect ass checks bounce on impact and turn red.

To be honest, I lost count of how many times I swung the belt. Grunts ass got pink, then went red, then bruises started to form. But still I swung that belt and with each swing I felt better. I felt like I was in charge. It made me horny to see that ass shake and hear the small whimpers and whines that grunt started making about five swings into this beating. By the time I stopped, grunt was in tears and on the verge of crying.

It took all my will power to stop swinging that belt. And I think if I had not been rock hard and ready to fuck, I might not have stopped. But my cock started to override my brain. That little pink hole, surrounded by all the dark red bruising, looked like the sexiest thing I had ever seen. I spit on it, dropping the belt and pushing my finger into the hole.

Grunt's crying didn't stop, the whimpering kept going, but he never pulled away from my fingers that I was shoving into that perfect fuck hole. I picked up my beer, took a drink, then took a second mouthful and spit it onto his hole while trying to get as much into his ass with my fingers as I could. It was driving me crazy. I couldn't wait.

Standing directly behind grunt, I lined my cock up and with a good solid push went balls deep on the first thrust. Grunt started to collapse forward, and I grabbed grunt by the shoulder and pulled him back. The heat that was radiating off his ass was fantastic. I pulled back, spit on my cock shaft and drove it back in making grunt gasp and whimper. I was having to pull him back every time I pushed through his ass because he was trying to collapse but I didn't want him on his stomach on the chair. I liked this position.

For a good twenty to thirty strokes, I powered my cock into his battered ass. Relentlessly I tried to hurt grunt with my cock. It wasn't a fuck; it was a brutal expression of my power over him. I was so fucking high on the power that at some point I started verbally assaulting grunt too.

"You fucking asswipe," I called him "You are just a ditch for my cock to get off in, a fuck hole for my cock. This is what you are good for, draining a man's balls and being a man's punching bag."

As I got ready to cum, I started rabbit fucking grunt's battered ass. I was now going to power and speed. The friction was almost getting to be too much when my balls pulled up and I flooded grunt's ass with my seed. When I fucked my cousin, it was fun, and I think I did a good job. But this time I owned the ass I just fucked. I didn't care if he was okay or liked it. I didn't care if I did a good job or hit the right spots. This time it was all about my cock and the fun I had using it to hurt the ass I was fucking. This was what sex was supposed to be....

Next: Chapter 7

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