Creating a Cigar Dom

By Master Gilbert

Published on Jan 4, 2021


All characters and events in this work are fictitious. Any resemblance to real events or real persons, living or dead, is purely coincidental. Though this work of fiction may contain sexual situations and/or sexual acts between adults and minors, neither the author condones such situations and/or acts.

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Creating a Cigar Dom...

Hi, my name is Ben, and this is my story. I am the youngest child in my family, in my generation really. My sister is 12 years older than I am and most of my cousins are ten to fifteen years older than me. My mom's family is pretty small, but my dad's family is huge. My dad's family was also very military and service oriented. Most of them were military or police, all eight brothers. Cigars were a big thing among all of them. My dad was a cigarette smoker, chain smoker really, and I grew up hating the smell of cigarettes.

We lived in Tampa, Florida and my dad's closest brother, his younger brother, lived in Ocala. Ocala is horse county, nothing like the city and beaches around Tampa. Ocala is green, forested, and lots of pastureland. Horse barns were as common as houses in that area.

Now Uncle Charlie was a sheriff deputy. A far cry from my father who after leaving the military became a corporate lawyer. My father wore suits, Uncle Charlie wore a police uniform. In retrospect, it might be where my uniform fetish started.

Uncle Charlie had three kids, all boys. His oldest was Charlie, then Buck, and then Douglas. Charlie was fifteen years older than me, Buck 13 years, and Douglas was nine years older. Douglas was actually the nearest to my age of any of my cousins.

Uncle Charlie also had a horse farm. When he wasn't patrolling the county in his police cruiser, he was raising horses for the police department. Most of the horses that the police used for parades and searches, came from Uncle Charlie's farm. For that, Uncle Charlie had 3 barns on his property, one just for the horses, one for all the tack and gear with a few stalls, and the last to hold all the tractors and equipment.

Now dad would go see Uncle Charlie about once a month. You would think this would-be great fun for a boy from the city of sixteen, but I was used to malls, beaches, theaters, and fun. Not only was it incredibly boring, but all of my cousins were usually out doing their own thing, so I was usually left to wonder around and entertain myself. I hated going.

This was a trip in the summer like all the others. Florida in June is hot and humid. At least on the beach you have a breeze and the water. In Ocala you have stagnant air and heat. You can either stay inside, or try to find some shade, like in a barn. So that's what I was doing. You might ask why I didn't stay inside, well that would mean having to sit there quietly listening to dad and Uncle Charlies, talk about military service, and other old stories that I could almost recite by heart.

If you have ever been in a horse barn in Florida, you will know that the smell is terrible. Horse shit smells bad enough, but when its hot, and there is no breeze, its worse. So immediately you can rule out two of the barns. That leaves the equipment barn, which also happens to be the farthest from the house. Not only are all the tractors, grass cutting equipment, and other machines in there, but its where Uncle Charlie kept his speed boat. There are after all a lot of lakes in Florida too.

So, there I was, going into the equipment barn when I heard my cousin Doug. He wasn't really talking to anyone, just mumbling to himself while he was working on the boat. I guess they had taken it out last week sometime and not cleaned it afterward. Doug saw me and got a huge smile. He thought I was sent out to help him, I was too nice to say no.

While we were cleaning the boat, we found one of the coolers that was still full of beer. It wasn't all that cold anymore, but when its hot outside, anything cooler than room temp is good. Doug's face lit up and he was quick to open a can. He then threw one to me. I looked at it for a minute and then when I looked up, he was laughing.

"Let me guess, you don't drink beer?" Doug said.

"Well, I have never had a beer before. Dad doesn't drink beer." I replied.

"You can't be in this family without knowing how to drink beer man." Doug said as he took the can out of my hand and opened it before handing it back.

I took the can and took a sip. I now know why they call it horse piss. It was nasty. Doug just laughed. When I went to take my second sip, he put his finger under the end of the can and tilted it up. Most of it went down my throat and I was swallowing as fast as I could. Doug finished his beer then threw me another.

I must have had three beers while we were "cleaning" the boat. Doug probably had six. And that cooler didn't seem to have a bottom. I could feel the buzz setting in. It was new to me, not something I was used to. It felt funny. But Doug seemed like he was an old pro. He was drinking beers like water.

I guess this is a good time to also say that Doug was a country boy. He, and all his brothers, dipped. He was also wearing jeans and boots. I on the other hand was in shorts and sneakers. We were nothing alike, but we were family.

Doug took the can out of his back pocket and flipped it a few times before opening it and taking a pinch, putting it between his jaw and cheek. He then turned and looked at me. "You don't dip either I bet."

He was right but I didn't want to seem weak and I was buzzed. "No but dad lets me have a cigar now and then." In case you didn't know already, it wasn't true.

"Great!" Doug said. He rummaged in a box that had been sitting in the back seat of the boat and pulled out two cigars.

He took out his pocketknife and cut off the ends of the two cigars before handing me one. Then he grabbed a lighter and lit his cigar before handing me the lighter. Luckily, I had lit a cigar a few times, but not a lot. And I had seen dad light cigars when he was entertaining guests. Lighting the cigar was easy, I coughed a little but got it lit. Smoking it was another story. I must have been green before we had finished half the cigar.

We were kicking back, enjoying a beer and smoking cigars. Well Doug was, I was trying to. This was really the first time any of my cousins did anything with me other than act like I was an imposition. Doug started talking about his first cigar, the first time his brothers got him drunk. It must be nice having brothers I said. Doug chuckled.

By the time we had finished the cigars and a couple more beers, Doug needed to piss. I did to but I didn't want to say anything because I didn't want this to end. So, we jumped out of the boat and went around the back of the barn. He opened his pants wide and pulled out his cock and started pissing like it was natural. I couldn't help but stare a little. I was buzzed and here was my cousin standing there with his cock in his hand, cigar in his jaw, and piss pouring out of cock.

Trying to act like this was something I did every day, I clenched the cigar, pulled down my shorts and let loose with my own piss stream. It was amazing how much piss was coming out of me. I think I must have been pissing for a good five minutes. I completely zoned out until the piss finally stopped and I looked back over at Doug who was pulling on his cock.

Doug's eyes were glazed over, and it was easy to see that he was zoned out too. Now I had pulled on my cock enough times to know what he was doing. But I had never done it with anyone watching or even being in the same room. I figured this must be what the guys do on the farm for some fun, so I gave mine a tug or two.

When I looked up, Doug was looking at me now but was still jacking off. The cigar in his jaw was puffing away and the look in his eyes had changed to something more dark. I was a little scared. I had heard about guys that jerked each other off but it had never happened to me. Doug was reaching over and took my cock into his hand and started jacking it and I was too scared to stop him.

Doug pulled on my cock for a couple minutes before he motioned for me to follow him back into the barn. We crawled back up into the boat and Doug undid his pants and pushed them down to ankles. Then he sat down on the bench across the back of the boat. I was just standing there, and Doug motioned for me to sit down next to him.

I was still holding onto my cigar, but Doug had lost his somewhere while getting comfortable. There was no place to put It that I saw so I put it back in my mouth as I sat down. There was something comforting about having it. I guess it gave me something to think about instead of what was actually happening.

Once I was seated, Doug reached over and started jacking me off with one hand while he was jacking himself off with the other. I didn't know if I was supposed to grab his cock or just keep my hands out of the way, so I put them behind my head and just allowed myself to zone out. I was staring at the ceiling, watching the smoke rise from my mouth, when I felt something warm on my cock.

Now Doug was nine years older than I was, but when I was looking at his cock, it didn't seem to be as big as mine. In the locker room, I was by no means the smallest, but I also didn't have one of those cocks that hung down to my knees. I did measure it once and it was almost nine inches, but I wasn't sure if you were supposed to measure it by pushing the ruler under it or lay it on top of it.

Even at sixteen, I was still pretty much a virgin. I had been to a few parties that had gotten pretty wild and I admit I had fingered a couple girls. I had even eaten a pussy during a party, but that was part of a dare that one of the other guys gave me. A couple of the girls had felt and rubbed my cock too at one of the parties, but that's as far as I ever let it go. I always got scared and would stop them.

This time though I was buzzed from all the beer and zoned out watching the cigar smoke when it happened. My cock was warm, and not in the sticky heat of Florida kind of warm. When I looked down all I could see was the back of Doug's head and I swear it took a good three minutes of me watching his head bob up and down before I realized he was giving me head. My cousin was sucking my cock.

He was being very gentle. I never once felt his teeth. And before I knew it, I had a hand on the back of his head. When I first put it there, Doug stopped for a second, then continued. I think he was waiting to see what I was going to do. And when I didn't react, he knew I was okay with it. Well, I mean who wouldn't like a blow job while buzzed and smoking a cigar.

As I was getting close to cumming, I started to push on the back of Doug's head. While he was giving me a great blow job, he was never going much past halfway. So, I started to push and while I was pushing down, I brought my hips up. It might have taken me a few tries, but before long I had most of my cock in. The harder I pushed on Doug's head, the more I could hear him moaning. The deeper I pushed my cock into his throat, the more he seemed to like it.

Without warning, and way too soon, I felt my balls tighten and then my cock started pulsing as the cum started flowing out of my cock. More cum poured out of me than I had ever been able to produce before. And surprisingly, Doug ate it all. He sucked all the cum out of me and when he finally sat up, I could see that his shirt was covered in cum too. He must have cum while he was sucking me off.

Doug looked all red in the face and didn't say a word as he stood up and pushed his cock into his pants before zipping them up. He reached into the cooler and tossed me a beer before opening one himself and drinking it all in once. He took his shirt off and threw it off to the side and started looking around. He never said anything to me about the blow job that he gave me. In fact, the only thing we talked about the rest of that afternoon was the beer and cigars. I promised not to tell my dad about either.

I went back to Ocala many times after that and Doug always seemed to be around when I did. But that, I guess, should be the next story...

Next: Chapter 2

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