Crazy Game of Poker

By Mark Back

Published on Jun 25, 2005


This is homoerotic fiction, if this offends you or is illegal in your country or state please leave now. The characters in this story are all over 18 and almost everywhere to read this you should be too (some places 21). All of the characters are products of my imagination. Enjoy, and please do be careful

Genres: male sex, blow jobs, spanking, humiliation, and college

It was a Crazy Game of Poker Chapter IV: Boots and Blowjobs

Steve ruffled Sean's hair and smiled at him. Sean who was still on his knees could see the outline of Steve's cock through his jeans. It was huge, rock hard, and straining to escape. Steve had to have a good eight inches of manhood between his legs. Sean caught himself wondering how good it would taste to have that in his mouth. He was mesmerized. Suddenly he felt a slap on his butt. He went beet red again, he had been caught ogling another man's cock

"Don't worry slave boy, you are going to get the chance to taste my man cock. But first I'm going to let John and Brad have their turns with your mouth, since I have a special chore that you are going to do for me, before you get my dick." Steve added with a wicked grin and another slap on poor Sean's ass.

"Now crawl over here on all fours like a good little puppy dog." Brad ordered.

Brad did not waste time. As soon as Sean got to him, he opened up his jeans and unbuttoned his fly revealing a dick that was already rock hard. It was a good seven and a half inches long, and had to be twice as thick as his own little cock, and wow what a bush of hair. Anyone whose mouth or rear was fucked by Brad would know that it was a man who was fucking him. No wonder the girls loved Brad.

Brad reached down and cupping Sean's chin with his hand forced Sean to look right at him. "Like what you see slave boy. That's a real cock, unlike this little thing." He reached down and grabbed Sean's penis and balls. "All that this is a little slave boy wee-wee. When I was ten I had a bigger cock. Aww, don't blush Seany boy. It is the perfect size for a cock sucker and a slave boy." He added with a smirk and another slap to Sean's bare bottom.

"Now kiss my man cock." Brad commanded. "Then blow me, like a good slave boy. Make love to your master's big man cock." He slapped Sean's butt again.

Sean kissed the head and then the big balls. He pushed his nose into Brad's cock. It had a different feel, taste and smell then Tony's cock. He licked at the balls. Before taking Brad's huge dick into his mouth he kissed the head again, which was oozing pre-cum. Then he took it. Brad started to fuck his face. A few minutes later Sean's cock was rock hard again.

He loved it. Brad's cock felt so good in his mouth. But all to soon he felt Brad start pulsating. Then wave after wave of hot Brad cream landed in his mouth. He swallowed it all, and then sucked at Brad's cock head to clean him off.

Brad pulled out, smiled at Sean "good slave boy," he said patting Sean's head. Brad let his hand wander down to Sean's cock. He flicked at it. "God almighty Sean you sure do love a man's dick in your mouth. I can only imagine how you will react when we fuck you."

Sean reached down to jack himself off, but Brad knocked his hand away. "Slave boy's only get pleasure when they are given permission, and certainly never before they have pleasured all of their masters."

John called Sean over, pulled out his own good-sized rock hard seven-inch dick and stuffed it into Sean's face. It wasn't as thick as Brad's, though it was much thicker than Sean's cock. Five minutes later Sean got his third helping of cum.

"Well done" said Steve, after John had finished with him. He grabbed Sean by the ring on the collar and led Sean towards him. "Now Seany boy, you are going to do a chore for me before you get my cock in your mouth."

Sean looked up at Steve. Steve met Sean's glance, and smirked. Sean looked away and let his eyes wander down Steve's body. At six foot four he towered over Sean when they were both standing, but on his knees Steve looked like a giant. He had taken off his tee-shirt leaving him wearing just jeans, and a pair of those black semi dress shoes that have just a hint of military combat boots, he obviously sported a big dick which could be seen straining against his jeans. Steve's chest was powerful and well muscled, as were his arms. Sean gazed at him; here was the perfect example of American masculinity.

Steve grabbed the collar that was around Sean's neck and with a little jerk, forced Sean to look up into his face, with his other hand he casually reached down and slapped Sean's butt. He met Sean's eyes and smirked again.

"Do I have your attention, boy, or do you need to spend a few more minutes ogling my body?" Steve asked Sean. This drew laughter from the others and caused Sean to blush again. "Good, now I want you to stand up." Steve commanded, pulling Sean up with the collar. "Now I want you to scamper to your room and bring back one of the white jock straps you bought at the store. Then I want you to run into the bathroom and brush your teeth."

Sean stood there for a second wondering why on earth Steve had told him to do this. However, this was a second longer than Steve wanted. He slapped Sean on the ass twice more. "Get going."

"But, why?" Sean asked.

"Slave boys don't ask questions of their masters. All that you have to do is follow instructions. When one of us says jump the first thing that should go through your head is onto whose cock. Now Go." Steve said, adding another three slaps before Sean could get out of the room. "And if you're not back here in three minutes with sparkling breath your butt is going to get even more. "

Just under three minutes later Sean re-emerged, now wearing a white jock strap that was obviously a little small on him. His cock was no longer rock hard. If possible, he felt even more embarrassed to be wearing the jock strap that barely covered him. It accentuated rather than hid his nudity, plus with the leather strap still around his cock it was damned uncomfortable. But worst of all was the jock strap itself. The elastic band had two labels on it. The one on the front read:

If found please return this slave boy to: ____________

(PS: please spank his bottom ten times for being naughty)

The one on the back read:

A good slave boy wears his jock strap and a collar

A bad slave boy wears his jock strap a collar and a red bottom

Can you tell which I have been today?

Steve and the others had all sat down, and were watching a ball game. Steve was sitting in one of the arm chairs. "Who told you to put on a jock strap slave boy?" Steve asked.

Sean looked at him "You did." He responded.

"No, you silly boy, I told you to go and fetch a jock strap, not put it on. " Steve responded. the others chuckled. "Ahh well, you had better get yourself back over my knee. Steve said patting his leg as he said so.

"Can't you spank him when the inning ends." Brad asked. "Otherwise we won't be able to hear the game when he starts crying." This drew more laughter. Sean went beet red again.

"Ya" chimed in John "and he can fetch us some beers while he waits."

"Good Idea" said Steve, "and bring some chips while you're at it Seany boy."

Sean stood there for a few more seconds. Tony looked up at him. "Now slave boy, I'm parched, or are you really that eager for another spanking." Tony added.

Sean turned and hurried off to the kitchen. He grabbed the beers and the chips, went back, and passed them out. He earned more than one slap or pinch on his bare butt as he hurried from one to the next. He got to Brad last, who took his beer with a smirk and a slap. Sean started to walk away, when Brad noticed the label on the back of Sean's jock strap. "Come over here Seany boy. What does that label say" The others looked up. Brad looked at the one on the front, laughed and then read it to the others.

"We had better fill that in, Brad" Tony said "our slave boy isn't that bright he might get lost." This drew more laughter from the others. Sean looked down,

Brad gave Sean's butt a slap and a pinch "Don't worry Seany everybody knows you don't have a brain in your head. Now turn around so I can read the other side." Brad looked at the other label and through his laughs read it to others. "Well there is no doubt that you have been a bad slave boy, just look at your butt," Brad said still trying to suppress his laughter. "Now slave boy why don't you go stand in the corner to wait for the inning to end. Then Steve will give you your spanking."

Sean hurried over to the corner. He was eager to get away from where they could slap him. Though as he walked past them he received a few more slaps on the butt.

A few seconds after he got to the corner John yelled over to him. "I thought we told you to stand in the corner." Sean looked at him unknowingly. "God Seany boy think." John chided. "You are supposed to face the corner, and put your hands on your head, not watch the game while covering your little prick with your hands."

Sean turned around. He felt utterly humiliated. He was standing facing the wall barely covered by a jock strap, waiting to be called over so that he could be spanked.

Four minutes later Steve called Sean over to him. "Now get yourself on over my knee slave boy." Before Sean could move Steve grabbed Sean's cock, which was rock hard and straining to escape from the cotton cocoon, he laughed, "you really are a little queer getting hard at the thought of being spanked by a real man."

He pulled Sean over his knees, his butt now in the air protected by just two thin elastic straps. Steve rubbed his hand over the beautiful and already red butt. "Well it's clear you have been a naughty slave boy today." Steve added.

Sean tensed up he knew this was not going to be pleasant. Steve's arms were well muscled and powerful, but at the same time that he was worried and embarrassed he was also turned on. He felt Steve's hand pinch his ass, and then it was gone. He knew what was next.

He felt the air rush a split second before he felt Steve's ham slam onto his butt. Waves of pain coursed through his body, as Steve slapped first one cheek and than the other, alternating back and forth, until he reached the tenth one. By the time it was over Sean was wailing his legs flailing in air. Finally Steve pulled one of the elastic straps that crossed Sean's ass back and let it go, lashing Sean's sore but. This elicited a final high pitched wail from Sean.

Steve pushed Sean off of his lap. "Now get on all fours like a good slave boy." Sean got down on his hands and knees. He didn't like this one bit. He felt like a fucking dog, wearing a collar and forced to crawl around. Plus his butt was now an easy and tempting target.

Steve pushed one of his feet towards Sean. He pushed it right under Sean's mouth. "Allright slave you're going to spit polish my shoes. First get them nice and wet with your tongue. Then you have to polish them with your jock strap. Had you not been a bad slave boy and followed instructions you would not be wearing what you are going to use to polish with. However as an extra punishment you will now have to shine my shoes while wearing the jock strap and without using your hands."

This brought laughter from the others. Sean looked shocked. "Please I don't want to lick your boots, Steve. Come on guys lets just end this. You have had your fun, now let me get, oww" Brad had slapped his ass again.

"Get on with it Sean, You agreed to be our slave, so stop whining, get your head down there and lick Steve's boots like the good little puppy dog slave you are. " Brad said, adding another slap, and then another. "I'm not going to stop until you start licking slave boy." Brad added, slapping him again.

Sean bent down and started licking at Steve's feet. His butt was now the highest point of his body. He felt totally degraded. He was kneeling totally prone licking another man's shoes, acknowledging his inferiority.

"That's it Sean said Steve lick those shoes. Worship my body, like you know you have always wanted to do. I know you want my cock up your butt and in your mouth. If you're a good little slave boy maybe I'll let you have both. " Steve said slapping Sean's ass again,

For the next several minutes Sean licked first one shoe and then another. The other guys didn't pay much attention to Sean. They were more interested in the game than Sean's feet licking. Every time there was a commercial break they would glance over at Sean, sometimes making a comment. But for the most part they just ignored him.

Finally when it was clear who was going to win Steve looked down at Sean who was still licking away at his black shoes. They were covered in Sean's saliva.

"Allright Sean that's enough spit, now polish them." Steve said. "But just use your jock strap, and body, no hands."

Sean looked at him. This was the part he had no idea how he was going to handle. The others were suddenly staring at him again, also to see how Sean was going to accomplish this feat. Sean first tried to rub his jock and cock up against Steve's boot very gently. However this wasn't really working. So he pushed a little harder. The he tried to move his cock and jockstrap back and forth. Ultimately the only thing that this accomplished was to make him look like he was humping Steve's shoe. This drew laughter from the guys.

"All looks and no brains, huh Sean." John asked through laughs.

"No wonder he makes such a good bitch. He's just a bimbo with a little cock and red hair." Added Tony

"Hey guys let's not knock dumb good looking bimbos. As long as they recognize their place in the world is to be naked on all fours, minding their man's cock, and providing something pretty to look at but not opening their mouths unless it is to be stuffed with his dick.

I don't mind the dumb ones." Said Brad with a smile. "Isn't that right slave boy" he added with a slap on Sean's butt.

"Ya, but Brad this one has to learn not to open his mouth" said John.

"True, but I'm sure that within a few days he'll learn that we don't want his opinion just a willing mouth and an open butt." Steve said, punctuating this with a slap on Sean's butt.

Sean blushed. He looked up at Steve, who smirked at him. "What's the matter slave boy, can't do it ?"

Sean looked down and blushed. Steve grabbed his collar and pulled his head up. "It's ok slave boy. Why don't you stand up?"

Sean couldn't believe his luck. He jumped up. "Thanks Steve I really didn't want to do that."

This earned him a slap. "You're still going to do it you silly slave boy, but since you are not clever enough to figure out how while wearing the jock strap, you're going to take it off and then polish them till they shine. But first John turn on the camera again. "

John picked up the camera

"Now slave boy, when John turns on the camera, I want you to turn towards it and beg me to let you take off the little jock strap that is covering your pee-pee (this drew laugh) so that you can use it to polish your master's shoes. Also say that you have to do this because you are a silly little slave boy who doesn't follow instructions. Finally I want you to add that you know that you deserve to be punished for not following instructions. " Said Steve. This drew more laughter from the other guys. "Allright slave boy lets get going. " Steve said pinching Sean's butt.

Sean turned to face the camera. This was super embarrassing. He was standing there in a jock that was too small, wearing a leather collar around his neck and cock, with a plug up his butt. But at least his cock was no longer rock hard.

He put his hands behind his back, knowing that if he tried to cover himself that he would get his butt slapped again. Sean was blushing again. He saw the camera light go on. Sean lowered his head and looked at his feet. He was to embarrassed to look directly at the camera.

Sean knew that he had to say something or one of them would slap his poor butt again. But he wasn't really sure how to begin, after all he had never apologized for being to stupid by putting on a jock strap before he had used it to polish someone's shoes.

"Master Steve" Sean began, was he really doing this, "I am truly sorry that I was a.a" he couldn't believe that he was about to say this "a silly little slave boy and put on this jock strap before you told me. It was embarrassing to be naked and have my little" Sean gulped "pee-pee exposed, and I am not that bright, or I would not be a slave boy" well that was true thought Sean "plus I was not thinking." The others were laughing their heads off. Sean kept staring down at the floor and continued, knowing that the rest of it was going to sound even worse than the first part. Plus he could feel his cock stirring again, beginning to push against the tight jock strap that he was wearing.

"I know that this is not an excuse, and that I have to learn my place as a slave boy, but please" Sean's face was beet red, and to his horror his cock was pushing against the cotton that imprisoned it. Now the camera was not only capturing his humiliating apology it was also capturing him getting turned on by having to make it. "please Master Steve may I take off the jock strap that is covering my little wee-wee" barely Sean thought. His cock had become rock hard again, and was straining to get out. "So that I may use it to finish polishing your shoes."

Sean sighed again; the final piece was the most humiliating. He had to ask to be punished, and explain in detail what he expected them to do. With a final sigh he went on. "I know that I have to be punished for being a naughty slave boy, so will you please take me over your knee, Master Steve, and spank my bare bottom. " Sean turned bright red and faced them. His cock had come to full attention and was again dripping pre-cum, as could be seen from the stain on the front of his jock strap.

The other four were laughing uncontrollably by this point. After they managed to get control of themselves Brad looked at Sean. "Stand at attention slave boy, while we decide how to best punish you" he ordered with a slap on Sean's butt. They huddled together and whispered for a few minutes.

Finally Steve addressed Sean who was standing at his best attention. "We have decided that a spanking is not really an adequate punishment for you, since it is clear that you enjoy having your butt spanked" This drew more chuckles from the others. Sean just looked down again, at the jock strap, which was covering his dripping cock. "Rather we are going to take you over to McPerson Dorm. Then you are going to go up to one of the men's floors and" - Sean gulped - "take a shower."

Sean looked at them in disbelief, was that all.

They smiled at him, "with the curtain open. You have to stay in the shower for at least twenty minutes. Then when you get out you have to stay naked apart from a little towel of our choosing for a further ten minutes. Then you must parade around in the bathroom wearing nothing but your jock for another twenty minutes. You don't have to wear your collar or butt plug, but you do have to wear the cock strap, even when you're in the shower. Also you are to stay as hard as possible while in the bathroom. Whenever a man is in the bathroom you are to be fondling yourself through your jock, or washing your balls or butt. You are too look at them, smile, and occasionally glance down at their packages.

If anybody spanks or pinches your butt, you have to say "thankyou, may I have another. Should anybody ask you for a blowjob, you have to give them one. Finally" said Steve with an evil grin - Sean looked at him in terror - "you'll like this Sean. Since you have wanted to jerk off ever since we got back, before you get out of the shower you have to shoot your load, and then get hard again before you turn off the water."

Sean looked at them in horror, this was going to take his humiliation to another level entirely. McPerson was a dorm for freshmen who were over 18. He was going to humiliate himself, be slapped on the butt, and maybe have to give blowjobs to those who were on the bottom of the ladder at college.

He was on the swimming team; he knew that even though hazing was not technically allowed, it sure as hell happened. It happened to him when he was a freshman. That was the way it was, everybody knew that, and as you moved along you then had a little fun with the new kids on campus. Nobody got killed or really hurt, just a little humiliation (most often sexual) and the odd paddling. He had done it to more than one freshman on the team. Like every other team swimmers had a bunch of activities throughout the year where at least some of the freshmen ended up naked, paddled, and maybe on their knees with cocks in their mouths. Sean had certainly deflowered a few freshman mouths.

Now he might end up being used by those who had been abused for the entire year. He suspected that a few of them might not mind taking a little revenge on an upperclassman.

Sean looked up at his tormentors. "No guys come on. I can't do that. Besides you promised that I would not have to be naked in public."

John slapped Sean's poor little butt. "Ya but you promised to follow our instructions as a slave. You haven't done that very well, so we're going to have to be a little more creative."

"Besides" added Brad "This way you will get to jerk off, which I can tell, you have wanted to do since we got back."

"But don't worry" said Steve "We're going to watch CSI first, while you get your wish and finish polishing my boots. Then you are going to blow me. So get naked and back on your hands and knees to finish spit polishing my shoes."

Sean looked at them. He knew that he had better get a move on before one of them slapped his ass again. So he pulled off the jock that was barely covering his straining cock, which was glistening with pre-cum. He couldn't believe that he was stripping naked just to polish Steve's shoes.

Steve whistled as Sean pulled the jock down over his rock hard cock. "There you go Sean" he added pushing one of his feet out to let Sean polish the shoe.

Sean dropped down to his hands and knees, now totally naked. His cock was jutting straight out from his body. It was pushed out more than it normally would be by the leather strap around the base of his cock.

He spit onto Steve's shoe, which had dried off. Then taking the jock that he had just been wearing he began polishing. A few minutes later Steve pulled back the first shoe and extended the other one. Sean repeated the process.

Steve smiled. "Good boy." He said, ruffling Sean's hair. "Now kiss my cock through the jeans. Then I want you to open them up and kiss my cock through my boxers. Finally you are going to un-button them and make love to my big man cock."

Sean leaned in still on his hands and knees and kissed the cock through Steve's jeans. He could smell the manly musky scent. He could also tell that it was huge. Bigger even than Tony's, who he had just sucked off. He began to imagine it in his mouth, then for a second he thought about it in his ass.

Eagerly, Sean undid Steve's belt and jeans. He could now see the outline of Steve's huge cock through his red boxers. Sean could tell it was getting hard, but that it still had a little ways to go before being fully erect. He was willing to bet that it must be a good 8 inches fully hard.

Sean dug his head into Steve's crotch. He French kissed the massive rugby player's dick. Kissing and tonguing it, causing it to grow harder and harder. Sean was in heaven. He was fast growing to love that musky smell that gave away a big man's hard cock.

Oozing serious pre-cum, Sean's cock was standing straight out. He rocked his body back and forth as he slurped hungrily at Steve's cock through the boxer shorts. Steve was fully hard, and starting to moan. He grabbed Sean's head and forced him to look up at him. "Now unbutton my boxers and blow me with that pussy mouth." He commanded of Sean.

Greedily Sean unbuttoned the boxers. Grunting in frustration when they would not come off immediately. Finally he had Steve's cock out. He kissed the head of the rock hard dick that was in front of his face, before allowing his mouth to wander down the Shaft, his tongue gently licking it as he went.

Sean pushed his face further into Steve's crotch. He was almost overpowered by the smell and feel of rugby cock. He lapped it in. Sean loved every moment of it. This was his man's cock.

Gently he kissed each ball. Then he gently took one, then the other into his mouth, Drawing a grunt from Steve, as Sean took him closer and closer to climax.

Finally Sean began working his way back up Steve's cock shaft, kissing and licking it as he went. He kissed the cock head one more time. Then Sean took into his mouth. He began sucking. First just a little, then a little more. Steve was rock hard.

Then suddenly Steve started rocking back and forth. He was fucking Sean's face. Forcing him to take ever more of his cock, until it was banging up against the roof of his mouth.

Steve moaned. He grabbed Sean's head and jerked it forward. With a grunt he exploded into Sean's mouth.

Sean who had already taken one load of cum, had less trouble handling the cum. He swallowed immediately. Steve shot at least three loads of cum into the back of his mouth before pulling out of Sean.

Sean nearly collapsed exhausted. He looked up at Steve.

He smiled at Sean. Ruffled his hair a bit more, and gently slapped his cock against Sean's cheeks, leaving dabs of cum on Sean's face. Finally he gave his cock a little tap landing a small blob of cum on Sean's nose.

This drew a laugh from the others. "God Sean you are such a cock sucker," said John.

"Just like I told you guys," said Brad. "Pretty boys and girls without a brain in their head can be useful. As long as they know their place is naked, on all fours, minding their man's cock, providing something pretty to look at, with their butt's high in the air ready to be spanked. Nope I don't mind the dumb ones." He said ruffling Sean's hair and giving him a slap on the butt. "Now get over here slave boy," he said grabbing the ring on Sean's leash and making him crawl on all fours pulled Sean towards him. "We have to get you dressed to go over to McPerson.

To be continued.

I would like to thank everyone who has sent me e-mails regarding this story. The feedback is super helpful. So please keep telling me what you think. One of the nice things about serialized stories is that you can take the feedback into account before it is finished. I have a pretty good idea of where the story is going over the next two chapters, however I always love suggestions.

So please e-mail me at

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[ Part 2: "pat1664112006" ]

This is homoerotic fiction, if this offends you or is illegal in your country or state please leave now. The characters in this story are all over 18 and almost everywhere to read this you should be too (some places 21). All of the characters are products of my imagination. Enjoy, and please do be careful

Genres: male sex, blow jobs, spanking, humiliation, and college

It was a Crazy Game of Poker Chapter IV: Boots and Blowjobs

Steve ruffled Sean's hair and smiled at him. Sean who was still on his knees could see the outline of Steve's cock through his jeans. It was huge, rock hard, and straining to escape. Steve had to have a good eight inches of manhood between his legs. Sean caught himself wondering how good it would taste to have that in his mouth. He was mesmerized. Suddenly he felt a slap on his butt. He went beet red again, he had been caught ogling another man's cock

"Don't worry slave boy, you are going to get the chance to taste my man cock. But first I'm going to let John and Brad have their turns with your mouth, since I have a special chore that you are going to do for me, before you get my dick." Steve added with a wicked grin and another slap on poor Sean's ass.

"Now crawl over here on all fours like a good little puppy dog." Brad ordered.

Brad did not waste time. As soon as Sean got to him, he opened up his jeans and unbuttoned his fly revealing a dick that was already rock hard. It was a good seven and a half inches long, and had to be twice as thick as his own little cock, and wow what a bush of hair. Anyone whose mouth or rear was fucked by Brad would know that it was a man who was fucking him. No wonder the girls loved Brad.

Brad reached down and cupping Sean's chin with his hand forced Sean to look right at him. "Like what you see slave boy. That's a real cock, unlike this little thing." He reached down and grabbed Sean's penis and balls. "All that this is a little slave boy wee-wee. When I was ten I had a bigger cock. Aww, don't blush Seany boy. It is the perfect size for a cock sucker and a slave boy." He added with a smirk and another slap to Sean's bare bottom.

"Now kiss my man cock." Brad commanded. "Then blow me, like a good slave boy. Make love to your master's big man cock." He slapped Sean's butt again.

Sean kissed the head and then the big balls. He pushed his nose into Brad's cock. It had a different feel, taste and smell then Tony's cock. He licked at the balls. Before taking Brad's huge dick into his mouth he kissed the head again, which was oozing pre-cum. Then he took it. Brad started to fuck his face. A few minutes later Sean's cock was rock hard again.

He loved it. Brad's cock felt so good in his mouth. But all to soon he felt Brad start pulsating. Then wave after wave of hot Brad cream landed in his mouth. He swallowed it all, and then sucked at Brad's cock head to clean him off.

Brad pulled out, smiled at Sean "good slave boy," he said patting Sean's head. Brad let his hand wander down to Sean's cock. He flicked at it. "God almighty Sean you sure do love a man's dick in your mouth. I can only imagine how you will react when we fuck you."

Sean reached down to jack himself off, but Brad knocked his hand away. "Slave boy's only get pleasure when they are given permission, and certainly never before they have pleasured all of their masters."

John called Sean over, pulled out his own good-sized rock hard seven-inch dick and stuffed it into Sean's face. It wasn't as thick as Brad's, though it was much thicker than Sean's cock. Five minutes later Sean got his third helping of cum.

"Well done" said Steve, after John had finished with him. He grabbed Sean by the ring on the collar and led Sean towards him. "Now Seany boy, you are going to do a chore for me before you get my cock in your mouth."

Sean looked up at Steve. Steve met Sean's glance, and smirked. Sean looked away and let his eyes wander down Steve's body. At six foot four he towered over Sean when they were both standing, but on his knees Steve looked like a giant. He had taken off his tee-shirt leaving him wearing just jeans, and a pair of those black semi dress shoes that have just a hint of military combat boots, he obviously sported a big dick which could be seen straining against his jeans. Steve's chest was powerful and well muscled, as were his arms. Sean gazed at him; here was the perfect example of American masculinity.

Steve grabbed the collar that was around Sean's neck and with a little jerk, forced Sean to look up into his face, with his other hand he casually reached down and slapped Sean's butt. He met Sean's eyes and smirked again.

"Do I have your attention, boy, or do you need to spend a few more minutes ogling my body?" Steve asked Sean. This drew laughter from the others and caused Sean to blush again. "Good, now I want you to stand up." Steve commanded, pulling Sean up with the collar. "Now I want you to scamper to your room and bring back one of the white jock straps you bought at the store. Then I want you to run into the bathroom and brush your teeth."

Sean stood there for a second wondering why on earth Steve had told him to do this. However, this was a second longer than Steve wanted. He slapped Sean on the ass twice more. "Get going."

"But, why?" Sean asked.

"Slave boys don't ask questions of their masters. All that you have to do is follow instructions. When one of us says jump the first thing that should go through your head is onto whose cock. Now Go." Steve said, adding another three slaps before Sean could get out of the room. "And if you're not back here in three minutes with sparkling breath your butt is going to get even more. "

Just under three minutes later Sean re-emerged, now wearing a white jock strap that was obviously a little small on him. His cock was no longer rock hard. If possible, he felt even more embarrassed to be wearing the jock strap that barely covered him. It accentuated rather than hid his nudity, plus with the leather strap still around his cock it was damned uncomfortable. But worst of all was the jock strap itself. The elastic band had two labels on it. The one on the front read:

If found please return this slave boy to: ____________

(PS: please spank his bottom ten times for being naughty)

The one on the back read:

A good slave boy wears his jock strap and a collar

A bad slave boy wears his jock strap a collar and a red bottom

Can you tell which I have been today?

Steve and the others had all sat down, and were watching a ball game. Steve was sitting in one of the arm chairs. "Who told you to put on a jock strap slave boy?" Steve asked.

Sean looked at him "You did." He responded.

"No, you silly boy, I told you to go and fetch a jock strap, not put it on. " Steve responded. the others chuckled. "Ahh well, you had better get yourself back over my knee. Steve said patting his leg as he said so.

"Can't you spank him when the inning ends." Brad asked. "Otherwise we won't be able to hear the game when he starts crying." This drew more laughter. Sean went beet red again.

"Ya" chimed in John "and he can fetch us some beers while he waits."

"Good Idea" said Steve, "and bring some chips while you're at it Seany boy."

Sean stood there for a few more seconds. Tony looked up at him. "Now slave boy, I'm parched, or are you really that eager for another spanking." Tony added.

Sean turned and hurried off to the kitchen. He grabbed the beers and the chips, went back, and passed them out. He earned more than one slap or pinch on his bare butt as he hurried from one to the next. He got to Brad last, who took his beer with a smirk and a slap. Sean started to walk away, when Brad noticed the label on the back of Sean's jock strap. "Come over here Seany boy. What does that label say" The others looked up. Brad looked at the one on the front, laughed and then read it to the others.

"We had better fill that in, Brad" Tony said "our slave boy isn't that bright he might get lost." This drew more laughter from the others. Sean looked down,

Brad gave Sean's butt a slap and a pinch "Don't worry Seany everybody knows you don't have a brain in your head. Now turn around so I can read the other side." Brad looked at the other label and through his laughs read it to others. "Well there is no doubt that you have been a bad slave boy, just look at your butt," Brad said still trying to suppress his laughter. "Now slave boy why don't you go stand in the corner to wait for the inning to end. Then Steve will give you your spanking."

Sean hurried over to the corner. He was eager to get away from where they could slap him. Though as he walked past them he received a few more slaps on the butt.

A few seconds after he got to the corner John yelled over to him. "I thought we told you to stand in the corner." Sean looked at him unknowingly. "God Seany boy think." John chided. "You are supposed to face the corner, and put your hands on your head, not watch the game while covering your little prick with your hands."

Sean turned around. He felt utterly humiliated. He was standing facing the wall barely covered by a jock strap, waiting to be called over so that he could be spanked.

Four minutes later Steve called Sean over to him. "Now get yourself on over my knee slave boy." Before Sean could move Steve grabbed Sean's cock, which was rock hard and straining to escape from the cotton cocoon, he laughed, "you really are a little queer getting hard at the thought of being spanked by a real man."

He pulled Sean over his knees, his butt now in the air protected by just two thin elastic straps. Steve rubbed his hand over the beautiful and already red butt. "Well it's clear you have been a naughty slave boy today." Steve added.

Sean tensed up he knew this was not going to be pleasant. Steve's arms were well muscled and powerful, but at the same time that he was worried and embarrassed he was also turned on. He felt Steve's hand pinch his ass, and then it was gone. He knew what was next.

He felt the air rush a split second before he felt Steve's ham slam onto his butt. Waves of pain coursed through his body, as Steve slapped first one cheek and than the other, alternating back and forth, until he reached the tenth one. By the time it was over Sean was wailing his legs flailing in air. Finally Steve pulled one of the elastic straps that crossed Sean's ass back and let it go, lashing Sean's sore but. This elicited a final high pitched wail from Sean.

Steve pushed Sean off of his lap. "Now get on all fours like a good slave boy." Sean got down on his hands and knees. He didn't like this one bit. He felt like a fucking dog, wearing a collar and forced to crawl around. Plus his butt was now an easy and tempting target.

Steve pushed one of his feet towards Sean. He pushed it right under Sean's mouth. "Allright slave you're going to spit polish my shoes. First get them nice and wet with your tongue. Then you have to polish them with your jock strap. Had you not been a bad slave boy and followed instructions you would not be wearing what you are going to use to polish with. However as an extra punishment you will now have to shine my shoes while wearing the jock strap and without using your hands."

This brought laughter from the others. Sean looked shocked. "Please I don't want to lick your boots, Steve. Come on guys lets just end this. You have had your fun, now let me get, oww" Brad had slapped his ass again.

"Get on with it Sean, You agreed to be our slave, so stop whining, get your head down there and lick Steve's boots like the good little puppy dog slave you are. " Brad said, adding another slap, and then another. "I'm not going to stop until you start licking slave boy." Brad added, slapping him again.

Sean bent down and started licking at Steve's feet. His butt was now the highest point of his body. He felt totally degraded. He was kneeling totally prone licking another man's shoes, acknowledging his inferiority.

"That's it Sean said Steve lick those shoes. Worship my body, like you know you have always wanted to do. I know you want my cock up your butt and in your mouth. If you're a good little slave boy maybe I'll let you have both. " Steve said slapping Sean's ass again,

For the next several minutes Sean licked first one shoe and then another. The other guys didn't pay much attention to Sean. They were more interested in the game than Sean's feet licking. Every time there was a commercial break they would glance over at Sean, sometimes making a comment. But for the most part they just ignored him.

Finally when it was clear who was going to win Steve looked down at Sean who was still licking away at his black shoes. They were covered in Sean's saliva.

"Allright Sean that's enough spit, now polish them." Steve said. "But just use your jock strap, and body, no hands."

Sean looked at him. This was the part he had no idea how he was going to handle. The others were suddenly staring at him again, also to see how Sean was going to accomplish this feat. Sean first tried to rub his jock and cock up against Steve's boot very gently. However this wasn't really working. So he pushed a little harder. The he tried to move his cock and jockstrap back and forth. Ultimately the only thing that this accomplished was to make him look like he was humping Steve's shoe. This drew laughter from the guys.

"All looks and no brains, huh Sean." John asked through laughs.

"No wonder he makes such a good bitch. He's just a bimbo with a little cock and red hair." Added Tony

"Hey guys let's not knock dumb good looking bimbos. As long as they recognize their place in the world is to be naked on all fours, minding their man's cock, and providing something pretty to look at but not opening their mouths unless it is to be stuffed with his dick. I don't mind the dumb ones." Said Brad with a smile. "Isn't that right slave boy" he added with a slap on Sean's butt.

"Ya, but Brad this one has to learn not to open his mouth" said John.

"True, but I'm sure that within a few days he'll learn that we don't want his opinion just a willing mouth and an open butt." Steve said, punctuating this with a slap on Sean's butt.

Sean blushed. He looked up at Steve, who smirked at him. "What's the matter slave boy, can't do it ?"

Sean looked down and blushed. Steve grabbed his collar and pulled his head up. "It's ok slave boy. Why don't you stand up?"

Sean couldn't believe his luck. He jumped up. "Thanks Steve I really didn't want to do that."

This earned him a slap. "You're still going to do it you silly slave boy, but since you are not clever enough to figure out how while wearing the jock strap, you're going to take it off and then polish them till they shine. But first John turn on the camera again. "

John picked up the camera

"Now slave boy, when John turns on the camera, I want you to turn towards it and beg me to let you take off the little jock strap that is covering your pee-pee (this drew laugh) so that you can use it to polish your master's shoes. Also say that you have to do this because you are a silly little slave boy who doesn't follow instructions. Finally I want you to add that you know that you deserve to be punished for not following instructions. " Said Steve. This drew more laughter from the other guys. "Allright slave boy lets get going. " Steve said pinching Sean's butt.

Sean turned to face the camera. This was super embarrassing. He was standing there in a jock that was too small, wearing a leather collar around his neck and cock, with a plug up his butt. But at least his cock was no longer rock hard.

He put his hands behind his back, knowing that if he tried to cover himself that he would get his butt slapped again. Sean was blushing again. He saw the camera light go on. Sean lowered his head and looked at his feet. He was to embarrassed to look directly at the camera.

Sean knew that he had to say something or one of them would slap his poor butt again. But he wasn't really sure how to begin, after all he had never apologized for being to stupid by putting on a jock strap before he had used it to polish someone's shoes.

"Master Steve" Sean began, was he really doing this, "I am truly sorry that I was a.a" he couldn't believe that he was about to say this "a silly little slave boy and put on this jock strap before you told me. It was embarrassing to be naked and have my little" Sean gulped "pee-pee exposed, and I am not that bright, or I would not be a slave boy" well that was true thought Sean "plus I was not thinking." The others were laughing their heads off. Sean kept staring down at the floor and continued, knowing that the rest of it was going to sound even worse than the first part. Plus he could feel his cock stirring again, beginning to push against the tight jock strap that he was wearing.

"I know that this is not an excuse, and that I have to learn my place as a slave boy, but please" Sean's face was beet red, and to his horror his cock was pushing against the cotton that imprisoned it. Now the camera was not only capturing his humiliating apology it was also capturing him getting turned on by having to make it. "please Master Steve may I take off the jock strap that is covering my little wee-wee" barely Sean thought. His cock had become rock hard again, and was straining to get out. "So that I may use it to finish polishing your shoes."

Sean sighed again; the final piece was the most humiliating. He had to ask to be punished, and explain in detail what he expected them to do. With a final sigh he went on. "I know that I have to be punished for being a naughty slave boy, so will you please take me over your knee, Master Steve, and spank my bare bottom. " Sean turned bright red and faced them. His cock had come to full attention and was again dripping pre-cum, as could be seen from the stain on the front of his jock strap.

The other four were laughing uncontrollably by this point. After they managed to get control of themselves Brad looked at Sean. "Stand at attention slave boy, while we decide how to best punish you" he ordered with a slap on Sean's butt. They huddled together and whispered for a few minutes.

Finally Steve addressed Sean who was standing at his best attention. "We have decided that a spanking is not really an adequate punishment for you, since it is clear that you enjoy having your butt spanked" This drew more chuckles from the others. Sean just looked down again, at the jock strap, which was covering his dripping cock. "Rather we are going to take you over to McPerson Dorm. Then you are going to go up to one of the men's floors and" - Sean gulped - "take a shower."

Sean looked at them in disbelief, was that all.

They smiled at him, "with the curtain open. You have to stay in the shower for at least twenty minutes. Then when you get out you have to stay naked apart from a little towel of our choosing for a further ten minutes. Then you must parade around in the bathroom wearing nothing but your jock for another twenty minutes. You don't have to wear your collar or butt plug, but you do have to wear the cock strap, even when you're in the shower. Also you are to stay as hard as possible while in the bathroom. Whenever a man is in the bathroom you are to be fondling yourself through your jock, or washing your balls or butt. You are too look at them, smile, and occasionally glance down at their packages.

If anybody spanks or pinches your butt, you have to say "thankyou, may I have another. Should anybody ask you for a blowjob, you have to give them one. Finally" said Steve with an evil grin - Sean looked at him in terror - "you'll like this Sean. Since you have wanted to jerk off ever since we got back, before you get out of the shower you have to shoot your load, and then get hard again before you turn off the water."

Sean looked at them in horror, this was going to take his humiliation to another level entirely. McPerson was a dorm for freshmen who were over 18. He was going to humiliate himself, be slapped on the butt, and maybe have to give blowjobs to those who were on the bottom of the ladder at college.

He was on the swimming team; he knew that even though hazing was not technically allowed, it sure as hell happened. It happened to him when he was a freshman. That was the way it was, everybody knew that, and as you moved along you then had a little fun with the new kids on campus. Nobody got killed or really hurt, just a little humiliation (most often sexual) and the odd paddling. He had done it to more than one freshman on the team. Like every other team swimmers had a bunch of activities throughout the year where at least some of the freshmen ended up naked, paddled, and maybe on their knees with cocks in their mouths. Sean had certainly deflowered a few freshman mouths.

Now he might end up being used by those who had been abused for the entire year. He suspected that a few of them might not mind taking a little revenge on an upperclassman.

Sean looked up at his tormentors. "No guys come on. I can't do that. Besides you promised that I would not have to be naked in public."

John slapped Sean's poor little butt. "Ya but you promised to follow our instructions as a slave. You haven't done that very well, so we're going to have to be a little more creative."

"Besides" added Brad "This way you will get to jerk off, which I can tell, you have wanted to do since we got back."

"But don't worry" said Steve "We're going to watch CSI first, while you get your wish and finish polishing my boots. Then you are going to blow me. So get naked and back on your hands and knees to finish spit polishing my shoes."

Sean looked at them. He knew that he had better get a move on before one of them slapped his ass again. So he pulled off the jock that was barely covering his straining cock, which was glistening with pre-cum. He couldn't believe that he was stripping naked just to polish Steve's shoes.

Steve whistled as Sean pulled the jock down over his rock hard cock. "There you go Sean" he added pushing one of his feet out to let Sean polish the shoe.

Sean dropped down to his hands and knees, now totally naked. His cock was jutting straight out from his body. It was pushed out more than it normally would be by the leather strap around the base of his cock.

He spit onto Steve's shoe, which had dried off. Then taking the jock that he had just been wearing he began polishing. A few minutes later Steve pulled back the first shoe and extended the other one. Sean repeated the process.

Steve smiled. "Good boy." He said, ruffling Sean's hair. "Now kiss my cock through the jeans. Then I want you to open them up and kiss my cock through my boxers. Finally you are going to un-button them and make love to my big man cock."

Sean leaned in still on his hands and knees and kissed the cock through Steve's jeans. He could smell the manly musky scent. He could also tell that it was huge. Bigger even than Tony's, who he had just sucked off. He began to imagine it in his mouth, then for a second he thought about it in his ass.

Eagerly, Sean undid Steve's belt and jeans. He could now see the outline of Steve's huge cock through his red boxers. Sean could tell it was getting hard, but that it still had a little ways to go before being fully erect. He was willing to bet that it must be a good 8 inches fully hard.

Sean dug his head into Steve's crotch. He French kissed the massive rugby player's dick. Kissing and tonguing it, causing it to grow harder and harder. Sean was in heaven. He was fast growing to love that musky smell that gave away a big man's hard cock.

Oozing serious pre-cum, Sean's cock was standing straight out. He rocked his body back and forth as he slurped hungrily at Steve's cock through the boxer shorts. Steve was fully hard, and starting to moan. He grabbed Sean's head and forced him to look up at him. "Now unbutton my boxers and blow me with that pussy mouth." He commanded of Sean.

Greedily Sean unbuttoned the boxers. Grunting in frustration when they would not come off immediately. Finally he had Steve's cock out. He kissed the head of the rock hard dick that was in front of his face, before allowing his mouth to wander down the Shaft, his tongue gently licking it as he went.

Sean pushed his face further into Steve's crotch. He was almost overpowered by the smell and feel of rugby cock. He lapped it in. Sean loved every moment of it. This was his man's cock.

Gently he kissed each ball. Then he gently took one, then the other into his mouth, Drawing a grunt from Steve, as Sean took him closer and closer to climax.

Finally Sean began working his way back up Steve's cock shaft, kissing and licking it as he went. He kissed the cock head one more time. Then Sean took into his mouth. He began sucking. First just a little, then a little more. Steve was rock hard.

Then suddenly Steve started rocking back and forth. He was fucking Sean's face. Forcing him to take ever more of his cock, until it was banging up against the roof of his mouth.

Steve moaned. He grabbed Sean's head and jerked it forward. With a grunt he exploded into Sean's mouth.

Sean who had already taken one load of cum, had less trouble handling the cum. He swallowed immediately. Steve shot at least three loads of cum into the back of his mouth before pulling out of Sean.

Sean nearly collapsed exhausted. He looked up at Steve.

He smiled at Sean. Ruffled his hair a bit more, and gently slapped his cock against Sean's cheeks, leaving dabs of cum on Sean's face. Finally he gave his cock a little tap landing a small blob of cum on Sean's nose.

This drew a laugh from the others. "God Sean you are such a cock sucker," said John.

"Just like I told you guys," said Brad. "Pretty boys and girls without a brain in their head can be useful. As long as they know their place is naked, on all fours, minding their man's cock, providing something pretty to look at, with their butt's high in the air ready to be spanked. Nope I don't mind the dumb ones." He said ruffling Sean's hair and giving him a slap on the butt. "Now get over here slave boy," he said grabbing the ring on Sean's leash and making him crawl on all fours pulled Sean towards him. "We have to get you dressed to go over to McPerson.

To be continued.

I would like to thank everyone who has sent me e-mails regarding this story. The feedback is super helpful. So please keep telling me what you think. One of the nice things about serialized stories is that you can take the feedback into account before it is finished. I have a pretty good idea of where the story is going over the next two chapters, however I always love suggestions.

So please e-mail me at

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