Crazy Game of Poker

By Mark Back

Published on Mar 5, 2005


This is homoerotic fiction, if this offends you or is illegal in your country or state please leave now. The characters in this story are all over 18 and almost everywhere to read this legally you should be too (some places 21). All of the characters are products of my imagination. Enjoy, and please do be careful.

It was a Crazy Game of Poker Chapter III

With his purchases in hand he walked slowly towards the car. Brad jumped out and grabbed the bag. He added a slap on Sean's butt and with a little shove Sean was back in the car, next to Tony. Brad jumped in and they were off, back towards campus.

Brad rifled through the bag and pulled out the butt plug and cock ring. "Looks like you got everything on the list, slave-boy, we're going to have a lot of fun this week." He handed the butt plug and cock ring to Sean. "Take off your shorts, there is no reason for you to be wearing them while we're in the car." Sean looked at them, sighed and pulled off the shorts, what else could he do. At least his cock was a little more manageable, it was now only partially erect. However as soon as the shorts came off Tony and Brad had their hands on him again. It was tough to sit there between two massive well-muscled rugby players naked from the chest down.

Tony was playing with his tits again, sending waves of electricity through his body. Brad held his balls in his hand, and began playing with them. Sean went red in the face again, his balls easily fit in Brad's large hand, and served as just another reminder of how small his cock and balls were, plus it was a symbol that Sean was no longer master of his own body, he had agreed to be their slave when he lost that poker game. But even more than that his cock had gone rock solid again, he felt completely embarrassed at getting off on being manhandled by two rugby players.

"God Sean" said Tony "your little dickie gets hard on anything." This brought laughter from the others.

"Ya" said John, who had turned to watch the action "little is right, look how easily his balls fit in Brad's hand."

"And what do you call your equipment Slut," Brad asked, still fiddling with Sean's balls.

Sean couldn't believe that they were actually going to make him say it, but it was clear that they wanted an answer. He looked down at himself and mumbled, "my little pee-pee or little wee-wee."

"What did you say" said Tony with an evil smile.

"My little pee-pee or little wee-wee." Sean said louder. This drew more laughter from the others.

"You think his butt is as red as his face right now?" Steve, who was driving, asked,

"We can find out" said Brad, and before Sean could say anything he was again flipped over so that his naked butt was facing them.

"Not nearly red enough," said John.

Tony apparently agreed and gave Sean ten fast hard swats, before turning him back around. Poor Sean, his tush had been spanked so many times that evening that even ten slaps was enough to bring tears to his eyes, especially since it was so uncomfortable having to sit on his bottom once they had been administered.

"Sean Be happy," said Steve. "Before tonight is done you'll get to see, taste, and feel inside of you a real man's cock," he added grabbing his own crotch for added effect. This brought more laughter from the other three. Sean went even redder, they had mentioned having him give them blowjobs before, but this was the first allusion to fucking him.

A few minutes later Steve parked the car along the side of the road. They were on a deserted side street that led to the main road back to campus. Brad and John jumped out of the car. John still had the dratted video recorder. Sean knew that he was going to be getting out of the car as well, getting out of the car on a public street and practically naked except for a tee shirt, socks and shoes, which perversely made him feel even more naked than if he was wearing nothing at all, his red butt and cock on display for anyone who happened down the street.

The call came. "Allright Sean out of the car," Brad said "and bring the cock ring and butt plug with you."

Reluctantly Sean got out of the car. Steve and Tony followed him. Sean tried in vain to cover his straining dick with his hands while holding the cock ring and butt plug. This drew laughter from all of them, who had the camera focused squarely on Sean's semicovered privates. Brad gave Sean another smack on the rear end, and when Sean still did not get the message he slapped the other cheek saying "Sean quit trying to cover yourself up. You're a slave now, your body belongs to us and your roommates, if we want to see it displayed you will be naked, if we want to see you modelling women's panties then your butt will be covered by ladies panties, and if one of us decides to tear those panties off of you and fuck that pretty bubble butt of yours than we'll do that as well. Besides its so clear that you like it, just look at you, you've barely been soft since we stripped you down, and man look, your little cock is oozing pre-cum. I bet if I touched it right now it would explode. Now give me those and get your hands away from your privates."

Sean removed his hands from his dick, he was stunned by what Brad had said, and looking down at his dick, he was shocked to see that what brad had said was true, his cock was oozing pre-cum. He handed Brad the cock ring and butt plug. He wasn't really enjoying this, was he?

He felt another sting on his butt; Brad had slapped him again. This got Sean's attention. He looked up; Brad was holding the cock ring and butt plug in front of him. Brad handed the cock ring to Sean and said "put this on."

"Ya but before you do give it a kiss." Steve added.

Sean took the cock ring, which consisted of a strap of leather with a snap on it, and a ring so that a leash could be attached. He kissed it quickly. This elicited more laughter from the four of them. He quickly wrapped it around the base of his cock and snapped it on. This had the affect of thrusting his dick and balls out away from his body. It was a strange sensation, Sean thought. He had never worn one before, but the leather sure felt good against his now hairless privates. It really didn't feel to bad. But it was incredibly embarrassing. The black leather highlighted his rock hard cock, almost shouting out that his pubes had been shaved off, that he was no longer really a man.

"Well slave Sean at least you don't have to worry about being naked now." Tony said adding a slap to Sean's backside.

"On to the butt plug" said John, who had recorded all of this on camera. More laughter.

Butt plug, thought Sean. Of course he had bought one, but he had never really expected them to use it, or more accurately use it on him. He was going to have something put up his ass.

Brad handed the plug to him. The packaging had come with some lube which Brad also handed to Sean. Sean applied the lube. He did not want to put it up his butt, but at the same time he was excited. His cock was still rock hard. He put the tip of the plug in his butt, it was difficult to do, gradually though he managed to insert the whole thing into his ass. There was definitely some pain, or at least discomfort. Sean gave a little moan as he finished pushing it up his ass. It had not looked that big, but inside of him it felt like it must be six inches wide, even though he knew it couldn't be. However while there was some pain it was subsiding and there was definitely some pleasure, actually quite a bit of pleasure. He felt like he was on the verge of exploding. Between the butt plug and the cock ring, it was so degrading but so erotic, and the four muscular rugby players, for a split second he wanted them to fuck him. Then suddenly Brad gave the plug a little push with his thumb. It was all the way in. The last push sent a shock wave through Sean's body.

He exploded. His cock shot one load and then another, and another. Sean was in paradise. He had never had such an intense orgasm. He was not aware of the video camera or the laughter that surrounded him, or even the fact that he had just gotten off because of a butt plug. All that he could think of was the carnal pleasure that tore through his body.

Then as quickly as it came it was gone. Sean felt totally spent. He nearly collapsed onto the ground, sweating. Suddenly he became aware of the laughter and the video camera. Cum was still dripping from his cock, some had dribbled down to his balls or onto his legs, and one blob of cum had landed on his sneaker. Sean looked directly into the camera, his mouth dropped open, what had he done?

Sean had never been so embarrassed now that he had come off of his sexual peak. His hands instantly covered up his now softened dick, as if to hide it and himself from what had just happened. This earned him a quick slap on the butt from Tony, but neither Sean's butt nor face could have gone any redder than they already were from embarrassment. He moved his hands back to his sides.

"Wow Sean, if you like that little thing up your butt I can only imagine how much you are going to like my cock up there," said Tony. This drew more laughter.

Brad brought the cut off jeans that Sean had been wearing and dropped them at Sean's feet. "Here put these on, after all we wouldn't want you to get the car dirty."

Sean bent down to pick up the shorts, as he did so John gave him another slap on the butt. As soon as Sean had pulled the shorts up John gave them a jerk, giving Sean another painful wedgie. This was made all the more painful by the butt plug that was given another push into his butt, again sending a mixture of pain and joy through his body. He gasped, he bet he would have exploded again had he not just emptied himself of all the cum inside of him. At the same time the cum that was on his cock, balls, and thighs was squished against his skin, leaving him feeling like some cheap whore. He had never been more embarrassed in his life.

John pushed him back into the car. He was again trapped between Tony and Brad. A few seconds later they were racing back towards campus. Sean found himself shifting around quite a bit trying desperately to get comfortable, but dammit it was nearly impossible with the butt plug. Every time the car hit a bump, even a small one, the plug was jolted into his ass. At the same time his cock felt strange with no hair around it and the strap of leather forcing it right against the already tight denim of the jeans. All of this meant that his cock was going rock hard again even though he had just cum a few seconds ago.

Brad smiled at Sean "If you're not comfortable Sean you can always lay across my lap so that your butt is not on the seat." This drew more laughter from the other three. This drew another blush from Sean. There was no way he was going to volunteer to lay across Brad's lap. He knew that his poor rear end would end up being spanked if that happened.

"Or if you don't like that Sean, you can always get down on your knees and suck my cock." Chimed in Tony. This drew more laughter.

"No time for that Tony," said Steve "we'll be back on campus in just a minute."

"That's all right" said Tony "It will be more fun when we get back to campus anyways." He gave his cock a little jerk with his left hand, as he said this, in that age old gesture that a man uses to show his superiority and as a way of saying come and get it bitch.

"Steve park in the upper lot." Said Brad. "I'm sure that Sean would love some exercise after having to sit for so long."

Sean went white. He was only wearing the thin cut off jeans which were cut shorter then how low his cock would normally hang down when he was walking, the tee-shirt which was essentially see through and did not even reach his now hairless mid section, and the tennis shoes. He looked like a slut.A few minutes later Steve had parked the car. Sean jumped out. The other four got out after him.

"Sean I know that you are worried about how little you are wearing" said John "so I want you to put on the nice dog collar that you got."

Sean went even redder, as he had to repeat the ritual that he went through with the butt plug and the cock ring first kissing the leather collar before being allowed to put it on. Brad gave him a slap on the butt. "Well Sean you might as well get going, unless you want lose the shirt and walk down to your room with no shirt and no hair on your chest or under your arms for all the world to see."

That threat and another well-placed slap, which gave a jolt to the butt plug, got Sean going.

Sean was thankful that it was pitch black outside as he walked back towards his building. The few people he did run into barely noticed him, half of them were to drunk to be concerned about anything but themselves. Sean was just starting to like something had finally gone right for him, until he reached his building and realized that Steve still had his keys. He turned around, expecting to see the four of them right behind him, but they were nowhere to be seen. Sean had just assumed that they had been right behind him. Now he was trapped outside his building wearing this humiliating outfit with no way of knowing when the four of them would get there, plus the lights from the building meant that anyone who came outside would be able to see him clearly.

The door to the building opened and a couple of guys from the floor above him walked out. Before Sean could move away they saw him.

"What the fuck are you doing man" said one of them. Sean had only a vague idea who he was.

Before he could answer the other one chimed in. "He looks like he wants some cock." Sean just stood there gaping at them what was he supposed to say? Both of them started laughing. A car drove up a second later. The second one opened the back door and jumped in, the first one followed, but before he jumped into the car he gave Sean's ass a pinch.

"If you're still here when we get back, I'll let you suck my cock." He said as he got into the car. The driver and guy riding shotgun turned around, and upon seeing Sean's outfit and collar started laughing. The first guy closed the door and they sped off. Sean decided that he had best get away from the building while he waited for his four "masters" to return.

But just as he started walking away from the building he saw them coming down the path that led to the building.

Brad walked up to him, and casually gave him a slap on the rear. Sean went red, they were out in public, anyone could have seen Brad do that, and yet he casually slapped him on the ass as though it were the most normal thing in the world.

"Where have you been" Sean asked "I have been standing out here for the last ten minutes, and a couple of guys from the building came out and one of them pinched me on the butt."

This drew a slap from John. "Where we were isn't your concern, slave." The rest of them started laughing.

"Sean look at you," said Brad, as he pulled out Sean's keys and unlocked the building door "your cock is rock hard. You can't tell me you haven't enjoyed this." He opened the door. The other three went in. "Now get your rear in gear and get inside." As he said it he gave Sean another slap on the butt.

As soon as they got inside Sean's apartment Steve turned to Sean and ordered him to strip down.

Sean did not even argue. He pulled the tight tee shirt off over his head, just as he was pulling it over his head Steve unbuttoned the too small cut off jeans and none to gently pulled them down. Brad gave Sean two hard slaps on his again exposed butt, which was still pink from all of the spankings that it had taken already that night.

This drew an involuntary cry from Sean. He was still trying to get the tee shirt off of his head, which was obscuring his vision. As he moved around Sean tripped over the jeans that were now down at his ankles. He fell right into Brad. This drew laughter from the rest of the group.

"Looks like slave Sean wants a spanking over your knee, just like a naughty little boy, Brad," said Tony.

This drew laughter from Brad, who sat down on the futon, pulling Sean down with him. Sean was still trying to get the tee shirt off of his head, but now he was lying prone over Brad's lap.

Sean struggled for a moment which drew a quick hard slap from Brad on his naked butt. He still could not see, and his legs were unable to really move with the tight jeans down at his ankles.

Brad positioned Sean over his body so that Sean's cock and balls were hanging between Brad's spread legs. Sean's cute little bubble butt was now fully exposed, the two little mounds of beautiful flesh just a little bit pink from the earlier spankings, and right in the center the cap of the black butt plug which was still pushed into his butt. It was a beautiful sight to behold.

Brad pulled his shirt over his head, revealing a powerful chest with huge biceps, which came from his years of working out and playing rugby. The sheer size difference between Sean and Brad only intensified the scene.

Brad ran his hand over Sean's rump, causing it to quiver ever so slightly.

Sean had stopped struggling to get up. The tight tee shirt was still around his head making it impossible for him to see, he couldn't even move his arms very much because of the tee shirt. His legs were also largely immobilized by the cut off jeans that were still around his ankles. This lack of vision and inability to use his arms and legs was making Sean horny again. His cock had gone rock hard, thrust forward by the strap of leather that was wrapped around the base.

He tingled as though a wave of electricity had gone through his body when Brad's hand passed over his cute little butt. Sean knew that Brad was going to spank him bare over his knees. The total lack of power was like a drug. As Brad's hand passed over his butt again giving it a little pinch at the end Sean let out a little squeal.

"God Sean you really do get off on being spanked," Brad said, while at the same time reaching under Sean's belly to grab the rock hard cock that was dangling there in space between Brad's legs. "Just make sure that you don't come on my legs or your little butt will be so sore that you won't be able to sit down for a week."

Sean quivered and then he felt it. Brad's powerful hand crashed down on his exposed little rear, causing a wave of pain and ecstasy to race through his body. The butt plug was jolted into his bubble butt causing an aftershock of joy to race through him. Just a second later his left cheek was on fire, then the right, than his hole again, over and over Brad spanked him. Sean flailed his arms and legs going up and down as he squirmed vainly trying to avoid the powerful swats coming from Brad's hand.

Then as quickly as it had begun it was over. Brad stood Sean up with his powerful hands. Tears were streaming down Sean's face. Yet even through the pain his cock was still rock hard, oozing pre-cum down the shaft.

John still had the video camera. He had captured all of it on tape. Sean's arms were still caught in the tee-shirt, though his jeans had been kicked off during the course of the spanking. His ass was beat red.

Tony grabbed the tee shirt and pulled it over Sean's head. They could now all see the tears of joy and pain that were going down his face. Sean looked at Tony who had a wicked look on his face.

"Time to put your mouth to good use.cocksucker" Tony said, while simultaneously pushing Sean to his knees with one of his powerful arms. The others nodded at this idea. Sean looked around at them. From his knees he could tell that they were all hard. This sent a wave of fear through him.

He tried to stand up, but Tony kept him on his knees. "Please guys, I don't want to suck your cocks."

This drew a slap on his butt from Steve. "What did you agree to when you lost the game Sean?"

Sean lowered his head, "to be your slave." Steve was absolutely right. He should never have agreed to all of that stuff, but now he was going to have to live with it.

A second slap was added by Brad, "that was for using inappropriate language for a slave boy." He said when Sean looked at him. This drew more laughter.

"Besides," said John "when you're on your knees you are at the perfect height for cocksucking." This drew even more laughter.

"And you can't tell us that you don't want it, just look at your little dick, standing straight out, oozing pre-cum" added Tony.

"Now Sean, make love to my cock, lick it and kiss it through my jeans." Tony commanded.

Sean looked around, hoping that they might start laughing and tell him that they were just kidding, but as he looked at their horny expressions he knew that was not going to happen. You could tell that all of them had hard-ons through their jeans. He could also tell that all of them were really well endowed. Just looking at Tony's cock through his jeans and underwear Sean could tell that he had a big dick. He gave a little sigh, and stuck his face into Tony's crotch.

Like most men Sean had never had his face pushed up against another man's dick. Immediately Sean's senses were assaulted, the scent, the roughness of the denim against his face, the rock hard cock that throbbed straining to get out. It was almost overpowering. He caught Tony's musky man scent, the salty smell of pre-cum that indicated how horny Tony was, the slight stale smell of piss, and the taste of the denim. It was an intoxicating blend of manhood. But it was also degrading

Tony who was incredibly horny before Sean stuck his face into his crotch was even more so now. It was almost animalistic. He was the alpha-male forcing a lesser man to give him pleasure. Using Sean as he would any woman; only it was even better because he was doing it to another man. He was high on the power of having another man's face buried in his crotch, another man who would soon be sucking his cock, when that man like every other man had been implicitly trained by society no self respecting man did. Tony had Sean on his knees paying homage to his manhood, worshiping it with his tongue. It was carnal, and more erotic than Tony could have ever imagined it being. With both hands Tony grabbed the back of Sean's head and pulled him right against his crotch. Sean shuddered but did not resist. Instinct was now carrying him as much as thought. Pushed up against Tony's dick Sean's tongue outlined it, dampening the denim, blending the smells and tastes together. His nose buried in the denim. He wanted to suck that beautiful big cock, wanted it in his mouth.

Sean reached up to undo the belt and buttons of Tony's jeans, He needed to get to that cock, to free it from it's cloth prison.

But Tony pushed away Sean's hands. "With your teeth, and tongue" he ordered. More control, more power. Now Tony was denying Sean the thing he wanted. Sean would have to prove himself worthy to be the one to suck Tony's cock by unlocking it from its prison without the use of his human hands, but rather by using his animalistic mouth. The power blended with the sex was almost overwhelming to Tony.

Sean almost screamed in impotent rage at having been denied quick access to that beautiful cock. With his tongue and teeth he worked to open the belt, little by little forcing it open, until finally the two ends of the belt parted. It took Sean another few minutes to get the belt button off. Finally with his teeth Sean unzipped the zipper, exposing the black boxer briefs, which were the last obstacle to Tony's cock.

Tony pushed his jeans down, revealing strong muscular legs.

Sean now got an even better outline of Tony's cock through the thin black boxer briefs it was definitely big, maybe 8 inches and Sean could tell it was very thick. He ploughed his mouth back into Tony's crotch getting an even stronger wave of Tony's scent.

Sean began licking the cock through the fabric giving it little kisses. He bent his head down so that he could lick Tony's balls through the cotton. Down between Tony's legs, under his cock Sean got an even stronger scent of Tony. He licked at Tony's balls before moving back up to Tony's cock where he outlining it with his tongue.

It was as he was he reached the head of Tony's cock which was straining to escape the black boxer briefs, that he got his first taste of Tony's precum, which had oozed through the boxers. It was the first time that Sean had ever had another man's fluids in his mouth. It was humiliating and electrifying at the same time.

Tony stopped Sean again. Looking down at Sean kneeling before him he ordered, "Now, pull down my underwear with your teeth and suck your master's cock." Sean grabbed the front of Tony's undies with his teeth and dragged them down. Tony helped him a little an in just a moment Tony's cock was freed. It was indeed huge, at least eight inches long, and as thick as Sean had ever seen. Guarding his cock was a bush of wiry black pubic hair.

Before Sean had the chance to start licking Tony's cock, Tony grabbed him by the head and pulled his mouth right into his crotch. Sean's mouth and nose were pushed up against Tony's now naked cock. This gave Sean the full taste, smell and feel of Tony's manhood. Sean could feel the wiry bush uncomfortably pushing at his face.

"Now lick my nuts" Tony commanded.

Sean bent down again and began to lick at Tony's beautiful big nuts, which now freed from the confines of his underwear hung low. Sean took one into his mouth worshiping it as he sucked at the factory of Tony's seed, seed which he would soon be sucking out of Tony's cock. Releasing the first he took the other one, lavishing the same attention on it as he did on the first.

Suddenly Sean felt something sticky in his hair. Some of Tony's precum had oozed out of his cock and landed on his head right below. Sean felt totally humiliated, he was prostrate before a man licking and sucking the guy's balls while the man precummed onto his head.

Tony grabbed Sean tilted his head so he was looking down into Sean's eyes. "Now kiss my cock and then take it in your mouth.boy."

Sean looked up at him his hair now gelled with Tony's precum, his mouth carrying the taste of Tony's balls. Tony smiled that wicked smile that said yes you are my slave. I have used your hair as a cum rag, your mouth has sucked my balls, you have had your body hair, the outward symbol of manhood taken from you, and in just a second you will be forced to kiss my cock acknowledging my superiority before it goes into your mouth, where it will spurt my seed into you, turning your mouth into a pussy for my cock. You are not a man for that would suggest that you are my equal. You are a boy. Sean looked down. This drew a chuckle from Tony. Sean blushed, suddenly he felt a sting slap on his exposed rear.

"Now" said Tony who had reached behind him and slapped Sean.

Quickly Sean kissed Tony's cock. He knew he was acknowledging Tony's superiority, but he didn't want to get his butt slapped again. He had agreed to all of this. He should never have let it go this far.

As Sean hesitated again, Tony grabbed the back of his head and pulled Sean forward. Suddenly Sean felt Tony's cock enter his mouth. He was aware of the hoots from the other four guys around him.

It took Sean a few seconds to adjust to having a cock inside his mouth. He was humiliated, but it was not that bad. He licked Tony's head with his tongue, caressing it paying homage and respect. He took a little bit more inside of his mouth.

The cock was huge. It had not looked this big when he was looking at it. His mouth told Sean that it must be almost all the way in, but his eyes told him that he had only taken a little bit of the giant cock.

Tony's cock was rock hard. Sean took a little bit more in. "Come on boy," Tony yelled take it all, with this he reached down and gave Sean another slap on the butt. He grabbed the back of Sean's head and pulled him forward.

Sean gasped. Suddenly Tony's cock was all the way into the back of his mouth, the huge member pushing his tongue out of the way, demanding that it be allowed inside.

Tony kept his hands on the back of Sean's head and began fucking Sean's face. This took the humiliation to an entirely new level. Now Tony was actively fucking his face. In an out Tony pushed, with each thrust Sean could tell that Tony was coming ever closer to climaxing.

Tony was moaning. This was better than he had ever imagined. He had never thought that Sean was actually going to allow them to use his mouth, he figured that there would be a limit to what Sean would do, now he wondered.

Suddenly Tony felt it. A load of cum burst from his cock. Much of it hit the back of Sean's mouth. Tony moaned again as the second load was delivered into Sean, and then a third. Tony pulled his cock out of Sean's mouth, some of the cum was dribbling down Sean's Chin.

Tony wiped his cock on Sean's cheeks and under his nose. "Now swallow boy," Tony commanded.

Sean looked up at him. His mouth was full of another man's cum, his face and hair covered with it. He had been shaved smooth, and his butt spanked. He did not even control what he wore, and right now that meant a collar around his neck, a strap of leather around his cock, and a plug in his butt. He felt totally degraded, and humiliated. He was not their equal rather he was their slave, their boy.

Sean swallowed the cum, and began to stand up, but Steve's hand stopped him. He smiled at Sean. One hand on Sean's shoulder keeping him kneeling, the other feeling his dick through his jeans it was obvious what he wanted.

I know I said that I wanted to have this chapter out about a

year ago, sorry. the best plans of men and mice. I would

love to continue to hear what people think and any

suggestions you might have, and thank you to all who have

shared thoughts and ideas, feedback is always great. So

please send me

an e-mail at:

Next: Chapter 4

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