Crazy Game of Poker

By Mark Back

Published on Jun 21, 2004


This is homoerotic fiction, if this offends you or is illegal in your country or state please leave now. The characters in this story are all over 18 and almost everywhere to read this you legally should be too (some places 21). All of the characters are products of my imagination. Enjoy, and please do be careful.

Sean shrugged his shoulders, what could he do. He stood there waiting for them to start walking, he didn't particularly want to walk past them to go into the bathroom for fear that he would get his ass slapped by them as he went.

However that was the idea that had occurred to the four of them. They were waiting for Sean to go past them so that they could each give his hot butt a slap, especially John and Tony who had yet to be able to give Sean a swat, since they had been sitting further away from him than Steve and Brad.

After a few seconds Steve grew impatient, and drawing his hand back slapped Sean on the ass again. "Get going slave boy. We need to get you as smooth as well your bottom."

That got Sean going, and sure enough as he walked by each one of them slapped his ass. Brad did it twice since Sean didn't move quick enough for his tastes. All of this left Sean's ass a little pinker than before.

As soon as Sean got to the bathroom and the electric razor had come out to shave him down he started begging. "guys you can't shave my pubes what will the team think. Please I'll do anything you want, just don't shave me down."

John slapped him on the ass again. "You will do whatever we want, that's what it means to be our slave boy. You agreed to that you would shave yourself if you lost, so its time to pay up."

Sean knew there was no use trying to argue with them, and they were right he had only himself to blame for this mess, if he had just folded he would have stripped off his boxers for a second then put them back on, but now the humiliation was going to last all week, and he suspected even longer. The worst part of all of this was that he was standing there naked in front of them and his dick was rock hard. It was so embarrassing, that his face was redder than his ass, er bottom.

Tony turned on the electric razor. "All right Sean I'm going to get started so hold still. Tony quickly shaved the back of Sean's well developed legs. Glancing up Tony saw that there wasn't any hair on Sean's butt or back. He gave Sean a slap on the bottom. "Turn around." Tony whistled when he saw that Sean was still rock hard. "God man you really are getting off on this, just don't explode in my face, in fact why don't you lie down on your back to make this easier for me."

Sean went even redder then before at this last comment. He lay down on the cold tile floor, it felt good on his reddened ass. He immediately noticed that his legs felt different, not strange since he normally shaved his legs during the season but a little odd. He looked up at them, they looked even bigger now that he was laying down. Damn he thought rugby players sure do have big muscles. It was then that he noticed that Tony was hard through his shorts, looking around he noticed that all of them were hard. He could tell that they were all better endowed than he was, especially Brad who looked to be hung like a horse. But it was at that moment that he felt more vulnerable then at any time before this. He was lying naked, and hard, on the ground, with a bunch of rugby players around him who looked like they would like nothing better than to fuck his ass. Tony next went to work on his chest. A few seconds later Sean's chest was as smooth as his legs. Tony they moved onto the pits, within moments the hair under Sean's arms was gone. This left just the patch of hair around his cock and balls. "Allright Sean its time to lose the hair around your dick." Tony held the razor up for a second. "I would be very still." He then went for the hair that guarded the cock.

"Looks like you won't be fire-crotch for a while." Brad said, as the last of the hair around Sean's cock and balls disappeared. This drew laughter from the rest of them.

"That's it Sean." Tony said. "You can get up and grab a shower, then we'll make sure that I didn't miss anything."

Sean got up, he immediately felt a slap on his butt from John. It stung like hell, God how had he fallen so far he thought. He had been sweating a little bit so a lot of his hair was still sticking to his body. He walked, towards the shower on the other side of the bathroom. His cock was still rock hard, which was super embarrassing. He also noticed that walking with a stiffie was somewhat strange, his cock was standing straight out in front of him and there were four other guys watching and giggling to say nothing of the video camera. He was still beat red. He got into the shower and went to close the curtain, but as he was doing so Steve yelled out "leave it open so that we get this on tape and we can make sure that you are not doing anything that you are not supposed to be doing." This drew more laughter.

This had to be the height of humiliation, Sean thought. He couldn't even control his environment when he was taking a shower. He showered as fast as he possibly could. Five minutes later he jumped out of the shower, the damned video camera was still capturing everything.

"Good now turn around nice and slow to make sure that we didn't miss anything." As Sean turned around the thought kept going through his mind that he couldn't believe that this was happening to him.

As he was turning round the second time he felt another sharp slap on his butt. It was Tony "allright Sean I think that's everything."

John tossed him a towel. "Here dry off" For a few blessed seconds there was something blocking Sean's privates from everyone to see. "Then you can get dressed."

Sean laughed, maybe this was it they had their fun and now it was over.

He wrapped the towel around himself, and started walking for the door. Steve grabbed the towel, his hand again making contact with Sean's smooth white upper butt, and with a pull Sean was standing naked again his cock now only at half mast. "What are you doing, you don't wear a towel like a real man, you're a slave boy you don't have anything to hide, now go and get dressed with the clothes we laid out for you." He added a hard slap to Sean's ass. As he walked by John and Tony each of them added their own well placed swats to Sean's ever more pink butt.

John grabbed the video camera and they all followed Sean. John zoomed in on Sean's rear end - God he thought - the way the twin cheeks moved up and down on that beautiful white bubble butt was erotic, even John added to himself if it was a guy.

Sean got to his room and all of his hopes faded. The outfit that awaited him was a pair of jeans that had been cut so that most of the legs were gone, and a tight black tee-shirt that had most of the bottom part cut away. They were his clothes, he didn't really wear the jeans that much because they were a little tight and the Tee was something that he only wore clubbing. Well at least he thought I get to choose my underwear. As he walked over towards his underwear drawer his butt received another slap, that was when he remembered the rule about free balling.

He walked back over to the clothes lying on his bed and pulled the tee-shirt over his head, as he suspected it did not even reach his stomach. It was also ectremely tight, nicely showing off his pecs. Sean then picked up the cut off jeans and pulled them on. Not only had they been cut short, almost all of his thighs were exposed, but they were also extremely tight. He fastened the top button together and reached for the second one on the fly, only to remember the other reason why he never wore these shorts: the button for the fly had fallen off. This meant that if he moved the wrong way his cock would be visible to anyone who happened to be looking. He looked at himself in the mirror. His pacs were traced by the tight black teeshirt, which nicely showed off his chest, and without a pair of underwear the outline of his straining dick could be clearly seen through the thin faded blue jeans.

Suddenly Sean was torn from his reflections by another slap on his butt. Brad smiled, his hand was still on Sean's bottom, tracing the outline of his crack. "Get your shoes and socks on slut, we're going for a ride." He slapped Sean's butt again, before leaving to get his own shoes and socks.

A ride Sean thought, wearing this. Hopefully they would at least bring the car up to the building so that as few people would see him as possible when they went out the door

Sean emerged from his bedroom a few seconds later. The other guys were ready. "Get your keys Sean, we're taking your car." Commanded Tony. He walked back to his bedroom and grabbed the keys off of a key hook on the wall.

When he came back Tony looked around and seeing that the others were ready said, "lets roll." He motioned for Sean to take the lead.

As Sean walked by Brad, with one hand, grabbed the back belt- loop on Sean's shorts and gave them a strong yank up. This exposed the rest of Sean's now hairless legs and the lower part of his bubble butt. At the same time it clearly revealed the outline of Sean's rock solid cock pushed up against the thin denim of his jeans. With his other hand, Brad administered two slaps, one on each leg, right where the denim had been just a second before.

Sean winced. It was not so much the pain, though the slaps certainly stung, and the pulling of the shorts had the effect of giving him a wedgie, rather it was the humiliation. He had been in this position for less than two hours and already all four of them were taking full advantage of the situation, and he had a bad feeling that it was only going to get worse.

A few seconds later they were out the door, Sean was forced to walk at least ten feet in front of them. It was fortunate thought Sean that they were taking his car. It was parked about 150 yards away in one of the student lots for upperclassmen. That said however it was a Friday night and there would be quite a few people out, and even though it was dark Sean did not want to think about what people would say.

Sure enough as soon as they were outside Sean began to strange looks and a couple of giggles and even wolf call from one of the guys they passed. But apart from that they made it to his car without incident. "Give me your keys, slaveboy, said John." Sean handed them over and received another slap on his already sore ass. He sat down with Brad on one side of him and Tony on the other. Sean found it really uncomfortable to sit. His butt was sore, but he really couldn't move since Brad and Tony were on either side of him. As soon as they were seated next to him their hands were all over him. Tony was playing with his tits, Brad had his hands inside of Sean's legs. He slapped each one of Sean's inner thighs a couple of times before moving his hands over Sean's cock, and outlining his dick with his fingers.

Sean's cock had been rock solid before. The movement of the denim pressing against his cock and balls had seen to that. But now he began to really feel turned on. Suddenly Brad pulled his hand off of Sean's pants and gave his thigh another quick slap. Sean looked down and saw that there was spot of precum on his jeans. This caused an explosion of laughter from Brad and Tony.

Steve looked back and joined in the laughter. "I don't know if our slaveboy should be enjoying himself that much" John added.

For his part Sean only felt frustration, he had been seconds away from cumming when Brad had stopped rubbing his member through the jeans. "Fuck you Brad" he shouted "you would fucking almost cum to if you were given a hand job."

Brad grabbed a hold of Sean and flipped him over so that Sean's butt was facing him. He then grabbed the button on Sean's shorts and quickly undid it. With one hand he pulled the shorts down to Sean's ankles, revealing his still pinkish coloured bottom and exposing his still solid cock. All this happened so fast that Sean did not ever realize what had occurred until his pants were around his ankles and he was partially over Brad's knee. It was then that Sean fully realized how much larger and stronger these guys were than himself, and before Sean could say anything Brad was administering a series of ten very hard swats on his now completely exposed bottom. This left Sean gasping and his butb burning. "That was for the first swear." Brad then gave him another ten, this left Sean on the verge of tears and his butt a deeper red. "That was for the second fuck" Sean closed his eyes, he knew what was coming next. Brad started again but at ten he kept right on going until he hit twenty. Sean had tears streaming down his face, and his butt was on fire. "That was for the cum' and hand-job.'" Brad yanked Sean's pants back up and reattached the button. "Maybe next time you'll remember the rules" said Brad. This drew laughter from the other three.

Sean could barely sit down. "Don't worry" said John "We'll be there in just a few seconds.

Sean wiped the tears from his eyes. "Brad that killed," he said, making sure not to again use language that Brad would find offensive, as he rubbed his now extremely sore rear end.

"Well in future don't swear," said Brad.

"That's not going to be easy" Sean replied.

"Then your butt is going to be sore an awful lot," Brad continued "for every swear you make it will be ten swats on your totally naked bottom."

Sean was about to reply when John announced that they had arrived.

He looked up. They had arrived at a large store with the letters XXX across the front. "All right slave-boy it's time for you to go on a little shopping trip." Said Steve, with a wicked grin on his face. John pulled out a list and handed it to Sean along with 200 hundred bucks. (Brad's father was a real-estate mogul who gave his son anything that he wanted.) "Go on in there and ask the guy behind the desk for each of those things," John added.

Tony opened the door and got out. Sean followed; as Tony got back in he gave Sean another slap on the butt.

As he walked up to the store he opened the list to see what was on it. Brad had written it:

"Things for slave Sean to buy:"

1.) Jockstraps - 7 one for each day of your servitude.

They should be white, cover as little of your body as

possible, and be at least two sizes smaller then the

underwear you typically wear.

2.) Butt Plug - 1 3.) Dildos - 2 One large and one Small.

4.) Dog collar and leash. The dog collar should be black

leather without spikes.

5.) Cock ring. Make sure to buy one that has a ring to

attach the leash

6.) Paddle - 1 Black leather

7.) Handcuffs - 1 pair 8.) A French maid's apron, as see through as possible

9.) Finally 2 hardcore gay DVD's, and since you like

spanking so much get two of those.

"As soon as you have paid for the items put the dog collar on. Then come back outside and we will pick you up"

Sean walked into the store and towards the counter to join the line. The store was well lit, a sharp contrast to the parking lot, which had had no lights whatsoever. There were at least three or four other customers in the store, not including the two people in line. Sean immediately felt vulnerable and exposed. His dick was still rock hard, and clearly outlined, under the thin denim. It was clear that he was not wearing underwear. Also because of his hard-on, the shorts that were already tight were pulled even tighter, providing a clear definition of his bubble butt for anyone who cared to look, and to top it all off the pre-cum stain had still not evaporated. In addition, his flat belly was completely exposed, and while the tight black tee shirt covered his pecs they were so well outlined that he might as well have not been wearing a shirt at all. The guy behind the desk looked at him and softly chuckled. Sean quickened his pace to the desk. The only thing he wanted to do was buy this stuff and get out of the store. One of the customers had noticed him and gave a whistle. This drew the attention of the entire store. Sean could tell without looking that every eye in the store was on him, and the rather scanty clothes that he was wearing. By the time that he got in line his face was a brighter shade of red then his poor bottom had been after Brad had gotten done spanking it just a few minutes before.

A few seconds after Sean joined the line an older man came up right behind him. Sean could feel him breathing, he was literally on top of him. Suddenly Sean felt a hand ever so slightly pass over his rear end. He almost jumped out of his skin. He turned around. Sean had not thought that things could get any worse, he was angry, and tired of people touching his butt, with the guys waiting in the car it was one thing, that was part of a bet, but this guy had no right. He opened his mouth to tell the guy to fuck off but no words came out. He just stood there with his mouth hanging open. He knew this man.

"Hello Sean" the older man said with a warm smile. Sean continued to stare at him mouth hanging wide open. It was Professor Knox. He had taken Intro to Biology with Knox his freshman year, and was signed up to take Human Anatomy with him next term. Professor Knox continued "You can close your mouth Sean, while you may be dressed like a cocksucker but we are in public." Sean closed his mouth he wanted to say something but nothing came out. Suddenly Knox's hand was on Sean's cock, feeling it through the denim. "My we are hard tonight" Knox said with the same smile. He motioned to Sean. He was next. He turned around to face the store clerk.

Sean pulled out the list and handed it, absent-mindedly, to the guy behind the counter. The man looked at the list and smiled. "How large do you want the jocks?" He asked Sean. Before Sean could answer. Professor Knox jumped in; he looked at Sean, as if assessing a piece of meat, and then gave the clerk an answer. Sean's eyes went wide, the size Knox had given was three sizes smaller then he normally wore, and Knox's hand was back on Sean's butt, lightly massaging it. He tried to say something but all that came out was a little gasp. The clerk however also seemed to have his doubts, and suggested that maybe they should try a couple of sizes larger. Knox asked if Sean could try a pair on. This suddenly brought Sean back, "I don't want to try a pair on in front of him." He didn't really want to try on a pair in front of Knox either, but in his state it had come out a little wrong.

This earned him a slap on his butt from Knox. What on earth was happening Sean thought? "Don't be silly" said Knox. He pointed at a curtain "Go back there and try them on and then come back out so we can see whether they are the right size." Sean hesitated. This brought him another slap "Get going," said Knox. So Sean went into the back. How had this happened, first it was losing the poker game and not being smart enough to walk away, now professor Knox, and the clerk had just listened to him. During the conversation between the clerk and Knox it had almost been as if Sean had not been there. It was the clothes he knew it, the clerk had probably assumed that Knox and he had some sex game going. Well though Sean he had to try the jocks on anyways since he needed to buy seven of them. He pulled off his jeans and tried on the smaller pair first. God they were tight he thought, if the jeans left little to the imagination these left none. The outline of his still rock hard cock was completely clear, and his butt was totally exposed, except for these two little straps, in fact if anything Sean felt more naked now than he did when he was naked.

He was shaken out of these reflections when the curtain was pulled aside by Knox. The clerk was right behind him, and while the changing room was a little off to the side Sean could see most of the rest of the store. His hands immediately went for his dick, which was already covered by the jock, but still it was the principle of the thing.

Knox turned to the clerk "He's still a little shy." Sean turned beat red.

The clerk responded "very cute though. But they do look tight on him." Sean couldn't believe this they were analyzing him like he was some toy.

Knox nodded "but he doesn't have much of a cock, so they can be a little tighter." If possible Sean turned even redder. He opened his mouth and was about to say something when Knox said to him "All right Sean those will be fine, you can change back into your shorts." With that both the shop clerk and Professor Knox walked away, but they did not close the curtain. Sean pulled it shut. He pulled off the jock and put back on the tight shorts. Damn his cock was still hard.

He walked out and back to the front desk. The rest of the things on the list were on the desk.

The clerk informed him that the total was $187.65 cents. Sean put the money on the counter. The clerk quickly bagged everything except the collar. The clerk then gave the bag and the change to Knox. They walked to the exit

Knox gave the bag and the change to Sean. He then held up the collar and put it around Sean's neck. When he finished his hand wandered down to Sean's nipple, which he gave a little squeeze, and then down to his still hard cock. He traced the cock's outline. He smiled at Sean and with his hand still on his dick he whispered in his ear "Human anatomy can be a fascinating course, but the best way to learn the subject is by hands on experience." He gave Sean another slap on the butt and with a final squeeze of Sean's dick he walked out of the store.

Sean just stood there for a moment. He looked down and noticed that the stain of pre-cum had gotten bigger. He was scared, but at the same time exited. Knox was clearly going to expect things from Sean in anatomy that were going to be a little more personal than Sean had expected. What really scared Sean though was that he was sort of looking forward to it. He walked back outside into the darkness. All this because of a game of poker.

End of Part 2

I hope to have the next chapter out in the next few weeks, I would love to hear what people think and any suggestions you might have. So please send me an e-mail at and if you like this story please check out my "Little Dude" series in the COLLEGE section

Next: Chapter 3

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