Crazy Days

By moc.liamtoh@llanduhtdnarb

Published on May 14, 2002


Crazy Days Chapter 2

Ross moved up to straddle my stomach, then leaned over to kiss me, giving me a taste of my own juices and the hot mouth that had just caused me to lose all control.

"You like?" he asked.

I merely nodded. I didn't trust myself to speak just yet.

"Ok, good," he said. "Your turn."

After a few more seconds, I got off the tree and pulled my shorts back up. I looked down and noticed a small wet spot on the front of them, but figured it was hardly noticeable.

And, as much as I like oral sex, I will admit that I'm selfish when it comes to sex. I want the other person to get something out of it, but I want to do the least amount of work possible. I had another idea to help Ross out.

"Hey, Ross," I said, looking over at where he was sitting on the log, "why don't we head back to your place and finish up there? The park normally fills up at this time of day and I don't want to risk getting caught."

He agreed and so I followed him back to the small house he rented from my dad. I parked behind him in the driveway and followed him in.

As soon as we got inside, I grabbed him by the arm and pushed him back against the door. I dropped to my knees, looking up at his face as I pulled his shorts down.

I began licking the head of his cock, taking my tongue and slowly running it around the rim of his cock head, then licking his piss slit. He gave a small moan, and I reached up to pull on his balls.

He put his hand on top of my head and I slowly took him into my mouth, savoring the taste of sweat and pre cum that was slowly coming out. I began sucking his cock, stopping occasionally to lick up and down the shaft, toying with him while I fondled his balls and gripped his ass.

Finally, I stood up.

"Ok, Mr. Straight Boy, I have other plans for you," I said, backing him up against the dining table in the shared living/dining area.

"What's that?" he asked. He leaned forward and nibbled on my earlobe.

"I know how you straight boys are about sticking your dick in tight places," I said, giving his now throbbing dick a squeeze, "and I bet I have the tightest hole you've ever seen before."

I leaned forward and kissed him again, grinding my semi-erect dick into his. "Really?" he asked in a husky voice. "Does that mean I get to see it right now?"

I nodded, and he said, "Wait right here."

He pulled his shorts back over his erection and I waited for several moments until he returned with a box of condoms and some Vaseline. I figured that he didn't have KY, and although I wasn't overly fond of Vaseline, I decided I could live with it.

He pulled his shirt over his head as he walked across the room, and I took in his torso. Toned, but not overly done. He had well defined pecs and a six pack that would make any man jealous. His blond hair was tousled and gave him an even sexier look.

He stopped a few feet in front of me and grabbed his cock, which was pushing out against his shorts. He was at full mast and as I stood there, I noticed it jerking upwards several times. He grabbed it through his shorts and began stroking it.

"You know," he said, "I never thought I'd be in this position."

"Oh, don't worry about it. I try to get into this position as often as possible," I joked.

He reached down and dropped his shorts to the floor. There he stood, completely naked. I looked him over, head to toe, and felt my own cock rising in response. My heart started beating faster and I thought, damn, he's sexy.

He came towards me, placed the condoms and Vaseline on the table, and then pulled me towards him, wrapping his arms around me and kissing me with more passion than he had yet to do.

He pushed me into the table and I leaned against it. Soon, he picked me up and set me on the table. I grabbed his cock and was stroking it gently with one hand while tweaking his nipples with the other one.

He made a growling noise in his throat and moved down to my neck, kissing me, alternating pressure and giving me an occasional nibble. Soon, he began licking my nipples and I started to lean back on the table. Perhaps I was hoping for a repeat of what had happened in the woods, subconsciously urging him to go lower.

He did, and I leaned back until I was lying on the table with my legs wrapped around his waist. He was moving down to my belly button and working his way down until he reached the band of my shorts. He reached for them and pulled them off.

He moved in between my legs and with his right hand, grabbed both of our dicks and jerked them simultaneously. I was looking at his face, which was beginning to get a frenzied look.

I sat back up and wrapped my arms around him, kissing him, his neck, his nipples, enjoying the feeling of his hands running through my hair and his moans of pleasure.

Finally, he pushed me back onto the table and grabbed for the box of condoms. He pulled one out, put it on, and to my surprise, grabbed a second one.

I raised my eyebrows. Rare for a guy to do this without having to be asked. "I last longer and it's better at the end," he said, noting my reaction.

I nodded.

He opened the jar of Vaseline and smeared some on his fingers. He leaned over and began sucking my cock again, using his forearms to spread my legs apart.

With one hand, he continued jerking me and moved his mouth down to my hole. There is nothing I like better than rimming, so when his tongue hit the area right below my balls, I knew what was coming and sighed.

He began licking all around my hole, causing me to spread my legs further and pull them up towards my shoulders. I was moaning in delight, the feel of his tongue driving me crazy. Soon, I felt his tongue hit my hole and before I knew it, he was licking and sucking with wild abandon.

I lay on the table, squirming and waiting, hoping for him to fuck me soon. He moved back up to take my balls in his mouth, rubbing the Vaseline he'd put on his fingers around my hole and pushing one, then two fingers inside of me.

If he didn't hurry, I would cum before he even got started. He licked my shaft, at the same time reaching for more Vaseline. He spread it over his thick cock and began jerking himself, spreading it evenly over the double layer of condoms.

He finally stood up and looked at me with what I think is the sexiest grin I've ever seen on a man. "Ready?" he asked.

"Mmm hmm... God yes..." I moaned, reaching down and grabbing hold of my cock.

He moved forward and I closed my eyes. I felt the head of his cock rubbing up and down my crack before he finally settled at my hole. I held my breath and waited as he began pushing inside of me.

Ever so slowly, he pushed forward until he felt resistance. "Keep going," I said.

"I don't want to hurt you," he said.

"You won't."

He pushed forward again, this time with more force. I moaned as I felt his dick enter my ass. There was pain, but my dick was throbbing and I knew of the pleasure to come. He continued pushing slowly until he was in to the hilt. I was lying flat on my back, one hand gripping my cock, the other behind my head. I wrapped my legs around his back again.

He began to fuck me, easy and slow—just the way I like it. I pushed towards him every time he pushed in, making sure that all seven inches went inside me with every pulse.

He grabbed my legs and pulled them up over his shoulders. I normally don't like this position because it leaves me pretty much helpless to do anything, but decided to let it slide. The look on his face was enough to convince me to do anything.

His mouth was open slightly, and I could hear him breathing heavy. I watched as he closed his eyes and leaned his head back. I let go of my own cock and reached up to pinch his nipple. As I did, he gasped and pushed towards me with more force than before.

I pulled my other hand from behind my head and used it to circle around his other nipple, using the tip of my fingernail to slowly tease him. I suddenly grabbed both of his nipples and he pushed forward into me, grunting.

I began lifting up every time he pushed his dick back into me, using my muscles to squeeze as I did so. He began fucking me faster, and one of his hands, which had been holding my legs up, moved down to my cock.

He gripped it hard, causing me to gasp, and then began slowly jerking me off while he pushed in and pulled out of me faster. I took my hands and began playing with my nipples, which has always been a sensitive area for me.

He was sweating, the waves of his hair beginning to stick to his forehead as he pumped in and out of me with increasing urgency. He was gasping for air, and was gripping my cock so hard that it was turning a deep purple color.

He turned his head to the side and began to lick and caress my calf muscles. I was moaning, and he began to jerk me off, fast, matching his own speed. I dropped one leg off of his shoulder and twisted slightly to the side, giving him better access to my now throbbing dick.

"Ross," I gasped, "this is great!"

"Fuck yeah," he moaned. "I'm not too far from cumming."

"Me...either..." I said.

The veins in his neck stood out, and he started fucking me hard. He was slamming into me, jerking on my cock with each motion. My dick was liberally oozing pre cum and on each upstroke, he used his thumb to rub it into my head.

He began to moan and I could feel my balls tightening up. I moved my legs down around his waist and he extracted his arms, leaning forward and resting his hands on the table, fucking me faster and faster, and so hard that the sturdy table was rocking back and forth.

I reached up and began playing with his nipples again, and he started moaning, calling my name, making inaudible noises from his throat.

"Oh God!" he shouted. I felt my orgasm start deep in my balls, and I tightened my ass muscles as much as I could.

He slammed into me one last time, right as I began to climax, my cum spurting out. The first load hit my throat, the second, my chest. As my third load erupted from my dick, he let out a shout and stood there with his mouth open, slowly pushing in and out of me as he came.

I laid on the table, breathing hard while he pulled out of me and leaned over, resting on top of me, smearing my cum over his chest and stomach.

He kissed me on the neck. "Jonathan?"

"Yeah," I grunted.

I felt his throat move as he swallowed hard. "That was fucking awesome!"

May 6, 2002 I got out of bed and immediately looked out the window to see what the weather was like. The sun was shining and a breeze was rustling the old, gnarled trees in the front yard.

Personally, I think that South Carolina is an ugly state, much of it sandy and flat without personality. But upstate South Carolina has a personality all its own, the landscape rolls gently and in the springtime, and the entire world seems to be green. Every morning, when I make the 30 minute commute to University, I drive past landscaped yards bursting with color from flowers and grass.

I decided that today, I'd get ready and drive over to a small lake located in the middle of my university's athletic complex, take the dog and maybe throw the Frisbee for a while and enjoy the outdoors.

After I showered, I called Mike to see if he wanted to come with me. He and I always share our sexual experiences with each other, even if they are foreign to one another. I figured that the drive to the lake would provide ample time to brag about my conquest, for I do think of it as a conquest.

As far as I'm concerned, sex is just the physical act of two humans reaching simultaneous or mutual orgasms. If only sex is involved, with no sort of relationship or feelings of love being mixed into the picture, it's a conquest-something done for the sake of doing it. Being with Ross the day before, although I was very attracted to him, was a conquest.

He agreed to go, and twenty minutes later, we were pulling out of my driveway in my car.

"What did you do yesterday?" I asked him, checking in my rearview mirror to make sure the dog wasn't peeing on my backseat or something.

"Nothing much. I sat around until 2, then went to work. I have got to find a new job." Although I love Mike and truly feel that he is one of the best friends I'll ever have in this lifetime, he does do a lot of complaining.

"Hey, at least it's a paycheck. I can't even find a job. No one is hiring, not even the pimps are looking for new hookers."

He laughed. "Come work with me. They pay isn't the best, but it's an easy job."

I looked over at him. "Mike, you work at K-Mart. I think not." Call me a snob if you want, but I don't even like shopping in K-Mart. I wasn't about to work there.

"Well, it's a job," he pointed out.

"I don't care if it is a job," I said. "The only reason I'm getting a job is to have some extra spending money. I'm sure my parents are tired of giving me money every time they turn around."

"Your mom's a tight ass, dude. I'm surprised she gives you money at all."

I looked at him and gave him my best innocent smile. "She can't resist the puppy dog face."

He rolled his eyes. "Whatever. Anyway, what did you do yesterday? I tried calling and never got an answer."

I must have had a guilty expression on my face, because he looked over at me and said, "Dude! What did you do?"

I smiled, a mischievous smile that I always used when I had got something that I wanted. "You remember Ross? That guy that rents from my dad? Mid-twenties, blond hair?"

He nodded, and I continued: "Let's just say we went jogging. And after we went jogging, we exercised a bit.

"Ok, so maybe it wasn't exercising," I added quickly, "but we were both sweating."

Mike had a disgusted look on his face. "How is it that you always get more than me?"

I turned to him and batted my eyelashes. "Charm, my dear. Pure, simple, fabulous southern charm."

He snorted. "Right. I've been living in the south for sixteen of my twenty-one years on this earth, and I've yet to pick up 'southern charm,'" he said, mimicking my voice.

"Maybe it's something that you're born with, or it's a product of nurturing," I said. "Whatever it is, you just don't have it."

He laughed. "Guess not."

I pulled into the parking lot of "The Shack," which was an old house turned recreational building for the students of my school. I let the dog out of the backseat (she promptly urinated-I guess when you're as old as she is, the bladder just doesn't work as it should), and headed down the hill towards the water.

The best thing about the lake is that it's small, but all of the recreational facilities were designed with the lake as a central point. From any side of the lake, you can see several baseball/softball stadiums, a golf course, tennis courts, the basketball stadium, two soccer fields, The Shack, and of course, there was plenty of grass to lounge on and a track to jog on.

Consider it a multi-purpose area for the students. We play, study, hang out, and party here. On countless occasions, my friends and I had brought an assortment of alcoholic beverages to the lake and sat on the dock, drinking and carrying on.

I threw the Frisbee and watched as my dog tore off after it, barking like crazy. "Oh," I said, turning to Erik, "Ross invited us over to play cards tomorrow night. I think he's inviting a friend of his over, too."

"That's cool," he said. He picked up a rock and skipped it across the water. "I have to work until 10, though."

I shrugged and watched as my dog came trotting back, Frisbee in mouth. "So? Just come over when you get off work. I don't think I'm going to head over until about 9:30 or so anyway."

Mike grabbed the Frisbee from my dog and threw it, and I again watched as she ran off to catch it. "That sounds good to me," he said.

"Cool deal. Bring some beer or something."

"Ok," he said. "Is Beth coming?"

"Nope. She's going out with her parents," I told him. Although he was attractive and smart, Mike sometimes lacked interpersonal skills. Because of it, he had trouble making new friends and had, at one point or another, been in love with every female friend I had.

Beth was his current interest, although neither she nor I had the heart to tell him that it simply wasn't going to work. We spent a few minutes talking about Beth (which was mostly him talking about how great she was) and throwing the Frisbee to the dog, then started throwing to each other.

Soon, Mike jogged up the hill to get a soccer ball out of my trunk. I usually had one in my car somewhere, just for instances like these. We began kicking the ball around, which drove the dog crazy. After Mike tripped over the dog, causing me to laugh hysterically at the sight of he and the dog squirming around trying to get untangled, we loaded up and headed home.

As soon as we pulled into my driveway, the dog peed on my backseat. Mike started to laugh and I told him to go home before I ripped his head off. He took off, still laughing, as I shook my head and sighed.

I grabbed some Resolve and some towels and set to work on my backseat. I loved my dog, but hated her bladder. I loved Mike, but hated him at this particular moment for laughing about the dog's overactive bladder.

I thought about my friendship with Mike. He and I had gone for a year without speaking once, after fighting over some rules about basketball. I don't remember the specifics, but I'm sure that he was the one who should have won the argument.

And then, he called one day, completely out of the blue: "Wanna come stay at my house tonight?" That was the end of it, but of course, stupid things like that happen when you're thirteen years old.

Other than that, we'd always been close. I was worried when I started hanging out with Beth that he would be jealous. He had other friends, we both did, but I saw something in Beth that I wanted to have for myself. She had a carefree attitude, and could best be described as nothing but fun. It was a complete contrast to Mike, who was largely serious and shy.

But he had never acted jealous or made any comments to me indicating that he was unhappy with our friendship. I think there was some uneasiness at first, but soon, he and Beth were just as good of friends as Beth and I.

My mom, off in her own world at the best of times, had dubbed us the "No Evil Monkeys." This always caused me to laugh; I was gay, Beth was a pothead, and Mike was a Republican. All things she would consider evil.

I finished cleaning the seat of my car and went inside to watch TV. Beth called and asked if I wanted to go out tonight, maybe to a club, and I said I'd go. I needed a good dance fix, and seeing sweaty, half naked men gyrating to fast paced music always interested me.

By 10:45 that night, I was almost ready to go. I had dressed for the evening in what I considered extremely casual clothes: jeans, a polo shirt, and sneakers.

Now I stood in front of the bathroom regarding myself. Average height, decent build, dark blond hair with white streaks from the sun, and vividly green eyes. My silver earrings jiggled as I leaned over to grab some hairspray, but as I lifted up the can, I decided to wear a hat instead. It was easier than trying to fix my hair and I like the way I look in a hat.

Beth arrived at 11 p.m. and we made our way into uptown Charlotte once more. This time, I drove. Otherwise, there was no telling where we'd end up.

Once inside, I immediately headed to the bar and ordered a beer for myself and a vodka tonic-the worst drink the world, as far as I'm concerned- for Beth as she went to the bathroom.

I moved over to the edge of the dance floor, standing beside the platforms that we were notorious for dancing on. I watched as men of all ages, colors, sizes, and cultures grinded, shook, and wiggled to the music.

One in particular caught my eye. He was around my age, maybe younger, with blond hair and what appeared to be dark eyes. With the flashing lights and general din of the club, it was hard to tell. Whatever color they were, they certainly looked good on him.

He must have felt me looking at him, because he turned to me, and after a few seconds, winked at me and smiled. I smiled back, then felt someone tap me on my shoulder.

I turned around, thinking it was Beth. All thoughts of the cute boy on the dance floor vanished. Instead of Beth, it was Rick, a friend of mine from Raleigh who I hadn't seen in nearly a year.

"Heeeey!" I shouted, reaching up and giving him a hug. Beth walked up and I introduced them. I was vaguely aware of a guy standing behind Rick, but figured it was his new boyfriend, who I had yet to meet.

"Jonathan, you remember Ben, right?" Rick asked as he stepped aside.

I certainly remembered Ben. Chris and I had been in Raleigh visiting Rick when I met him. To make a long story short, we came back to Rick's from the club that night, incredibly drunk, and I went to bed with Rick. Ben spent the night in the guest room with Chris.

But the next day, Ben gave me his phone number. "Next time you're in town," he told me, "use this number. I want to take you out."

I'd never called, even though I'd been back to Raleigh several times since then. I didn't want to go out with someone who'd just slept with a friend of mine, especially since I didn't know how interested Chris was in Ben.

Now, he was standing in front of me with his arms held out, waiting to hug me. I looked at Beth, who looked puzzled by my reluctance, and slowly stepped into his arms.

Ten minutes after arriving at the club, I wasn't sure if the night was going to be as good as I had expected. But one thing was for sure-it was going to be an interesting night.

Thanks to all of you who have responded to the first chapter of this story. I greatly appreciate the feedback and several of you have given me some great ideas! Comments, questions, or ideas are welcome at Thanks!

Next: Chapter 3

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