Crazy Days

By moc.liamtoh@llanduhtdnarb

Published on May 11, 2002


All of the usual disclaimers apply here, so if you're not of age to read erotic material in your area, please go to another, more docile site. Thanks!


May 5, 2002

I opened the linen closet at the end of the hallway at the exact moment the front doorbell rang. I sighed, made an about face, and walked to the front door wondering who it could be. Rarely did anyone come to the front door of my house since my family has an extended family mentality: if you've been here more than once, you're family, so use the garage door.

I opened the door slightly and peered through the crack. Standing on my front porch was Janice, a fairly young lady who rented a house from my dad. I opened the door. "Hi, Janice. What's up?"

Full of nervous energy, Janice swept past me, walking quickly down the slate-covered entryway to our family room. "Hi, Jonathan. Did you just get up?" It was one thirty in the afternoon. I hadn't just got up, but I had been about to take a shower so I was standing at the entrance to the family room in a pair of blue, plaid GAP boxer shorts and a tee shirt.

"Not exactly. Are you here to pay rent?"

She nodded. "Yeah, I have $350 right now and your dad told me I could bring by the other $350 on Monday." I walked to dad's office to get the receipt book while she counted out the money. Janice gave me the money and I quickly scribbled out a receipt.

"Don't you go back to sleep now!" She said with a smile.

I smiled back. "Don't worry, I was about to get in the shower." I walked her to the front door and went back to the linen closet and grabbed a towel.

Ding-dong. What in the world? I thought. I couldn't remember the front doorbell ringing twice in one day in the entire fifteen years we'd lived in this house. Carrying my towel, I trudged back to the foyer and opened the front door.

I immediately wished I hadn't. Ross stood there wearing khaki's, a blue polo, and a smile, which wavered when he saw me in my boxers. Ross has been renting from dad for about two months, and it seemed to me that every time I saw him, he looked better and better. He was tall, with blond hair, blue eyes, and the chiseled features that could make a Greek god jealous. To sum Ross up in one word: yummy.

"Hi, Ross," I said looking down at my clothing. "I was about to hop in the shower. What can I do for you?" Oh, please let me do a lot for you, I added in my head.

"Well, today's the first. Rent day," he added.

"Oh. Right. Dad's out of town, so you can leave the money with me and I'll get you a receipt. Come on in."

"No, that's ok," he said. "I'll just give you the money and you can get me a receipt later." Damn.

"Ok, that's fine. I'm going to be heading out in a little while and I'll just drop it by your house. That ok?" I asked him.

"Yeah, no problem," he said, smiling. I took his $700, placed it on the cherry table in the foyer, and made my way to the bathroom. Just as I closed the door, the phone rang. I sighed and ran across the hall to my bedroom to answer it. At this rate, it would be tomorrow before I got my shower.


"Don't sound so grumpy," my sister, Beverly, greeted me.

"You'd be grumpy, too, if you had been interrupted three times on your way to shower. What do you want?" I loved my sister; in fact, she was probably one of my closest friends. However, we were both spoiled and grouchy and took it out on each other most of the time in good- natured gruffness.

"I just thought I'd call and see if my favorite baby brother wanted to go to the movies with his favorite sister," she said.

"I'll call you back when I get out of the shower, ok? Just please, please, let me take my shower."

She laughed. "Ok, call me back."

I put the cordless back on its cradle and ran to the bathroom, locked the door, and quickly turned the shower on. Relaxing under the hot jet of water, I slowly washed, thinking about what to do for the rest of the day. Beverly had asked me to the movies. But Pride was this weekend, so I wanted to go to a club. Also, several of my friends who went to school out of state were coming home today, too.

Including Mike. Mike and I had met on the first day of kindergarten. We'd become instant friends. Over the years, we'd been in Boy Scouts together, played on the little league team together, and practically lived at each other's houses. He regularly referred to my mother as his second mom. We were close, and recently..

Well, we'd become a little closer.

December 31, 2001

Mike and Beth burst through the back door, looking for all the world like they were going to rob a jewelry store. Both of my two best friends had on sequined masks and black outfits covered liberally in glittery designs. This was too much.

"What in the world are you two dressed up for? I thought we were going to Chris's party?" I said, getting up from the couch in the family room and walking over to give Beth a hug.

"Change of plans. Beth heard from someone that Bar's having a Mardi gras themed party tonight. We thought it would be more interesting than some lame ass party, so we're going there instead," Mike said.

Why didn't anyone tell me about these things? I had nothing to wear to something like this. Living right outside of Charlotte in upstate South Carolina didn't exactly give one the opportunity to participate in Mardi gras on a regular basis. "That's nice and all, but I don't have anything to wear to something like that."

Beth smiled. "You do now!" She opened the bag she had been holding and pulled out a black jumpsuit exactly like the ones she and Mike were wearing. "Since both of us know your wardrobe, because we're always wearing your clothes, we made you one, too," she said.

I raised an eyebrow. "Ok, so you expect me to wear this tonight, in public, along with some ridiculous mask?"

"Sure," Mike said. "Everyone's going to be wearing something similar to this at the club, so it won't really matter."

I thought it over. Everyone knows the Mardi gras tradition, and I'd been to several Mardi Gras-inspired events over the years. Basically, everyone was loud, drunk, horny, and obnoxious.

"Let's go!" I decided, grabbing the bag and heading to my room to change.

Forty minutes later, I'd changed, primped, and was getting into Beth's car. She had declared that she was going to be the designated driver tonight since she was the only one under twenty-one. That was fine with me, since I was going to tell her she was DD anyway.

We made our way across the state line and eventually made our way into uptown Charlotte. I know my way around Charlotte remarkably well for someone who'd never lived in the city itself, but Beth could get lost driving around any city block in any city in the country. After 20 minutes of going in circles, I finally got her onto a street that she knew and we found the bar.

For those of you unfamiliar with Charlotte, NC, it's a banking city. It's home to the headquarters of First Union and Bank of America, as well as offices for any number of other banks. Amazingly, the city had seemed to grow from nothing in a short amount of time, maybe ten years. Although still fairly small, the downtown area housed some skyscrapers and very nice, fairly expensive living areas. We were fond of saying that the downtown area shut down at 5 p.m., along with the banks.

However bland the city could be at times, the nightlife was slowly catching up. Over the entire city, new clubs, bars, and other entertainment venues had been opening up on a regular basis. We were headed to Bar Charlotte, a well established bar in the heart of downtown. Normally, I only went to Bar on Thursdays, in part because it was college night, but mostly because it was cheap. It was a straight bar, but I always went with friends and had fun anyway.

We got inside and bedlam greeted us. It seemed that everyone in Charlotte had turned out! People in masks were wandering in every which direction, girls were dancing on the bar and throwing out beads, several guys were flashing the girls to get beads. Straight, frat boy heaven. That's probably how I'd describe it.

Either that or a bisexual fantasy come to life.

By 11:45, I was wasted. Mike and I had decided that we could flash with the best of them, and had made a bet to see who could get the most beads before midnight. I'd lost count of my beads, but had a very thick ring of multi-colored beads swishing around my neck every time I moved.

I couldn't help but sneak glances at Mike. He was tall, about 6'2", with curly brown hair, big hazel eyes fringed with thick lashes, and one of those lithe swimmer's bodies that usually made me want to throw up. Being fairly short with an average build, I was more than jealous of his body. Mike could put on any article of clothing ever made and suddenly, it looked as though the shirt or pants or whatever it was had been made to hang off of his body. And from the flashing tonight, I'd noticed that he was nicely hung.

At 11:55, Beth ran up to us, demanded that we zip our pants up, and led us over to the disc jockey's booth. "I talked to the d.j.," she began as Mike and I leaned in (Mike nearly falling over in the process) to hear, "and he's going to let us do the countdown!"

That was cool, but the thought flashed through my head that I had no one to kiss at the stroke of twelve. There was always Beth, though, who I'd made out with any number of times over the years. I had no problem kissing girls and frequently declared that if I could get over the sex with women issue, I'd gladly go straight.

Beth went back up to talk to the dj, then finally motioned us into the booth. The dj stopped the music and got everyone's attention before introducing us. The crowd actually cheered when the dj announced our names; I was so drunk that I played celebrity along with the naturally crazy Beth, waving and blowing kisses to the crowd. The TV monitors were turned on to watch the countdown live from New York. There were still a few minutes before the moment, and I turned to Beth.

"Beth," I slurred.

"What's up, yo?" she asked, turning to me and giggling.

"Who am I going to kiss?"

"What? Child, you crazy. Take your pick! Any number of people here would gladly do the honors," she said. "Of course, there's always me."

She put her arm around my shoulders and began licking my earlobe. The dj flashed me a grin, and I sighed. Beth and I were so close that things like this were common and happened without a second thought. As usual, here I was with my faithful standby while everyone else was off partying, making friends, and finding a fuck for the night.

Suddenly I realized that the room had a new energy. I looked out at the crowd trying to see what was causing the excitement, and the heard the dj say something about a local celebrity being here and we'd have to leave the booth so that he could count down instead. I didn't really care and was heading toward the stairs leading to the dance floor while Beth bitched about it.

After I made my way down the stairs, I headed to the table Beth had been using all night as sort of a home base. Mike was already there, flashing people like a madman. "DUDE!" I yelled at him. "PUT IT UP ALREADY!"

He flashed a sheepish grin and zipped up his pants. About that time, the countdown started and I yelled out the numbers with the rest of the crowd. It suddenly seemed crowded in our little corner and I looked around for Beth. She materialized beside me right as we reached three, and when we reached the end, we turned and started making out.

After several moments, we broke away. Some girl grabbed me and kissed me hard on the mouth. I was so drunk that it didn't register that it was a stranger, or that I should be worried. Out of the corner of my eye, I saw Mike kissing someone, and I broke away from the strange girl.

And immediately was grabbed by another girl. This was insane! I ended the kiss quickly and turned around, bumping into Mike, who kissed me.

My mind went blank for a split second and then shock registered. My eyes were wide open, as were his, and I started to pull away but couldn't. He had grabbed me around the waist and wasn't letting go. I nearly panicked-after all, this was a bar full of big, burly straight guys and their girlfriends! I wasn't about to get my ass beat simply because he was too drunk to notice what he was doing.

But just as suddenly, he let go of me and stepped back, blushing more so than I'd ever seen him do. I looked around. Most everyone seemed preoccupied with their friends, although a few people around us- Beth included-looked as though they'd need forklifts to get their jaws off the floor.

My eyes locked on Mike's for a second, and then I ran to the bathroom, feeling confused, nauseous, and extremely embarrassed.

Luckily, the bathroom was empty. I went into the stall furthest from the door, pulled the door closed, and sat on the toilet lid. I knew I was gay. I'd known for years.

But Mike? I've known him for 16 years and would have sworn on the bible that he was straight. Hell, we'd talked about our sexualities many times over the years. He was cool with my being gay, and had even driven five of my gay friends and I around on my twenty-first birthday and went to gay clubs with us so that I could have a good time without any worries.

Ok, so Mike had kissed me.

I needed to stop and try to think about this clearly. First, I was drunk, which probably accounted for most of this confusion. Second, we were in a very public, heterosexual bar, surrounded by a crowd of people when he did it. Third, it happened in front of my friends, strangers, God, and anyone else that could have possibly witnessed it. This could lead to a very unsafe situation for him and me.

What was he thinking?

I heard the door open. "Jonathan?" I heard Beth call out. I sighed.

"In here," I said as I opened the stall door and stepped out.

She cocked her head and looked at me for a few seconds before beginning. "What was that all about?" she asked. "Are you ok?"

I shrugged, trying to think about how to answer such a simple question. "I--I guess so," I began. "I'm not entirely sure why that happened or if I'm comfortable with it."

Beth came over to me and hugged me. "Do you want to go?"

I nodded, and she told me to wait in the car while she found Mike. We walked out of the bathroom together (which got more than one curious stare) and parted ways. I walked past the bouncer at the door and walked to Beth's Camry, which was parked in a garage halfway down the block. I got into the passenger seat and waited.

I wasn't sure what I was going to say to Mike. I was even more afraid of what he'd say to me. I've seen straight men kiss a gay man before when drunk, then claim that the gay man kissed them or, even better, blame it on a drunken stupor that they conveniently forget the next day. I saw Mike and Beth walking towards the car and braced myself for the worst.

May 5, 2002

Turns out that I'd had no need to be afraid of what Mike were going to say. On the way back to my house, Helen had been remarkably quiet while Mike and I talked. I was afraid that Mike wouldn't have gone in-depth while Beth was around.

But he'd opened up, possibly as a result of the alcohol, and said that he'd had some thought about kissing a guy before. When he saw the girls at the club kissing me, and seeming so involved in it all, he decided that it was the perfect opportunity to try it with someone he was comfortable with. At that point, he wasn't sure whether he wanted to go further or not, but he did compliment my kissing abilities.

It was some reassurance, anyway. Five months later, I still hadn't been back to Bar Charlotte. I think I was afraid that I'd run into someone who'd been there on New Year's Eve.

Mike and I had yet to go any further than that one kiss. But after much consideration, I hoped he was still curious and would come to me if he did want to go further.

I stepped out of the shower and grabbed the towel from the towel rack. I dried off, applied various lotions, creams, and ointments, and then darted across the hall to my room to dress.

After dressing, I called Beverly back and told her that I wasn't up for a movie. Instead, I decided to go jogging at the park. It defeated the purpose of my shower, but I needed some excuse to take Ross his receipt. And, if I dropped it off after I jogged, I'd be more likely to show up in skimpy shorts, no shirt, and be covered in sweat.

I put on some blue shorts, a white tee shirt, and my New Balance running shoes, then headed out the door. I got in the car and made the five minute drive to the park. There were two people at the small park: a middle aged man and his young son. They were skipping rocks in the little pond that made up the focal point of the park.

I ignored them as I walked around the lap a few times to warm up. Soon, I started to jog and was enjoying myself. Mike has never been able to understand my fixation with jogging. He claims it to be boring, but I use the time to collect my thoughts, burn off excess energy, and enjoy the outdoors.

Before long, I'd taken my shirt off and had it hanging out of my back pocket. As I neared the head of the trail, where I'd parked my car, I saw Ross getting out of his car. I slowed down to talk to him and watched, with some pleasure, as he took in my lean build, moving over every inch of my body with his eyes.

"What's up?" he asked.

I leaned over the catch my breath. "Not much," I finally got out. After a few seconds, I continued: "I was going to bring your receipt to your place after this. What are you doing here?"

He leaned back against his car. I noticed that he was wearing clothing similar to mine, so I wasn't surprised when he said that he was here to jog. I watched as the man and his boy left, then asked Ross if he wanted to jog with me.

"Sure," he said. "Just let me warm up some."

"Ok. I'll jog around a few times while you walk, and then you can catch up with me."

He nodded and I took off. This could have some very interesting possibilities, I thought. After all, if he liked what he saw when he looked me over, maybe he had some tendencies I didn't know of.

Because he was walking, I passed him twice. On my third time around, he sped up and started jogging in step with me. We ran around the track three times, and then he said he wanted to stop and get some water out of his car. We walked over to his car, and he bent down and reached into his car.

As he bent over, I got a good look at his ass. It was high, round, and firm. I walked past him and let my hand "accidentally" brush against his butt.

He straightened up and took a swig of his water. "Like what you felt?" he asked.

I was caught off guard. He was more direct than I thought he would be. "Sorry, I didn't mean to," I said.

He shrugged. "It's ok," he began. "I'm used to it. People at the gym are always feeling up on each other."

I feigned ignorance. I'd been to gyms on numerous occasions and was fully aware of the possibilities. "Really?"

"Oh, yeah," he said. "You'd be amazed at what goes on in the steam room where I go. Some guys must not think you can see what goes on, but really." he said.

I snuck a quick look at the front of his shorts. Seemed like he liked what was going on at the gym more than he was letting on. "What sort of stuff goes on? I mean, they can't do too much with all those people around," I said.

He nodded. "You'd be amazed. I've seen guys giving hand jobs, blow jobs. any number of things."

We started walking around the track to warm down. "Have you ever taken part in any of that?" I asked.

"Nah," he said. "One time, a guy put his hand on my thigh and I thought about it, but was too scared."

I stopped walking. This was exactly what I'd been waiting on. Ross turned around gave me a questioning look.

I walked up to him slowly. "Why be afraid?" I asked, giving him what I hoped was a sexy look. It was a look I'd used before with great results. Let's just hope it worked on a blond, sexy, god like Ross.

"I-," he stammered, "I'm not really sure. I mean, I've just never done anything like that, and."

I reached forward and gently grabbed his crotch, which was definitely showing signs of interest. I started using my thumb to rub the head of his dick through his shorts.

I leaned towards him. "Does this feel good?" I whispered in his ear. I began licking around the edge of his ear, finally settling on his earlobe and giving it a gentle nibble.

He sighed. "V-very good," he said. I began rubbing his crotch through his shorts. His dick, which had seemed large through the material when I first grabbed it, seemed to be growing even larger. I began kissing his neck, licking and giving gentle bites to the sweet smelling skin. He put his arms around my back and leaned his head back. I noticed that he was breathing a bit harder now, too.

I shifted around and ground my dick into his. The satiny feel of the material felt wonderful against my dick. Because I wasn't wearing underwear, I could easily feel his dick straining against his shorts and underwear. I tilted my head up and kissed him on the mouth, gently but firmly.

He responded more passionately than I had thought he might. His tongue darted into my mouth and soon, we were both breathing heavy. Ross reached down and began stroking my cock through the material of my shorts, but after a few seconds, his hand moved up and began caressing my stomach. Before I knew it, he'd slipped his hands into my shorts while I had ran my hands through his hair.

He gripped my dick with one hand and moaned. "God, Jonathan," he murmured, "I've been waiting for this for so long." His hand was slowly stroking my dick, and I'd moved my hands down his back and slipped my hands into the back of his shorts, where I was feeling his ass cheeks and squeezing with every stoke he gave me.

"Mmmm, me too," I said as I moved back to his neck.

Suddenly I realized that we were standing in the middle of a running path in view of anyone who happened to come to the park. This added to the excitement, but I was too paranoid about being caught to stay there. "C'mon, we need to move," I told him, and he groaned.

I led him off of the main trail onto a smaller, rarely used path. We walked for a few yards, around a curve, and then I grabbed him and kissed him again. I slipped my hands up the front of his shirt and played with his nipples, causing him to moan.

We were making out with serious passion now, and he was grinding his crotch into mine with increasing urgency. He had his hands on my ass and was pulling me towards him every time he pushed forward.

I moved my hands down his stomach, reveling in the feel of his abs, and finally reached the band of his shorts. I started to reach inside, then changed my mind. If I were going to do this, I wanted to do it right. I slid his pants down. His cock flattened out and then bounced out, and I let his pants stay around his thighs as I looked down at it.

It was beautiful. It was a pale pink color, about seven inches long, thick, circumcised, and perfectly straight. He was looking at my face as I looked and then smiled at me. "Do you like it?" he asked.

I nodded, then I grabbed it and began slowly stroking him. "I want to suck it," I stated simply.

He grabbed my hands, and pulled them up over my head. He then leaned in to kiss me and pushed his dick into my stomach. "No way," he said when the kiss was finished. "I want to taste yours first."

He led me off the path and into the woods. He stopped at a fallen tree and sat me down on it. I was face level with his dick and leaned forward to lick the head of it. "Nope," he said. How I wanted that dick so badly!

He stooped down and pulled my shorts down, freeing my now throbbing dick. I had hoped that he might be interested when I stopped by with his receipt, but this was beyond anything my imagination could have produced.

He grabbed my dick with one hand and began stroking it again. With his other hand, he cupped my balls and rolled them around. "Straddle the tree and lay back," he said.

I did so, and he immediately went to work. He began to lick the head of my dick, paying particular attention to the rim around the edge of it. At the same time, he was massaging my balls. Soon, he was licking up and down my shaft, causing me to squirm on the tree.

Finally, after what seemed like an eternity, he took as much of my dick into his mouth as possible. I moaned and began running my hands through his hair. For someone who'd never done this before, he was pretty good at it.

I tried to remove myself from what was happening by thinking of other things. If I could do that, I could make it last a lot longer. But he was licking and sucking with such ferocity that I could think of nothing else.

Then he did something that very few people have been able to do. He took my entire dick in his mouth, deep throating me while licking all around the shaft. I bucked my hips, pushing towards him for more, and when I did, he grabbed my ass and began to massage my hole.

I was gasping for breath. He removed my dick from his mouth and began toying with my sack again, this time taking my left testicle in his mouth and rolling it around, gently, with his tongue.

I was still squirming at his touch. He moved back to my dick and began to suck again, this time much faster. His tongue was moving all over my dick inside of his mouth, and I began to moan again. I was coming close to the edge, but couldn't hold back.

"Ohhh, Ross," I moaned, "Keep going. you're good. damn. ohhhh!" I was fucking his mouth and he was taking it. He reached up and grabbed my dick, coating his hand in the mixture of pre-cum and saliva that was dripping down it.

I could feel it coming, feel the explosion boiling up from inside of me, and ached for it so badly I could taste it. He began massaging my ass again, and finally inserted a finger into my hole.

That was it. Everything had been building up to this point, and when he began finger fucking me, I lost control. "Oh, fuck!" I yelled as I orgasmed. My eyes were closed and I could see in my mind an intensity of color, swirling around and around. My heart pounded in my ears as I shot my second and third loads.

Ross swallowed every bit of it, and then slowly, slowly licked my sensitive dick clean. I lay on the log breathing hard, one arm thrown over my head while the other one dangled limply off the log.

Ross moved up to straddle my stomach, then leaned over to kiss me, giving me a taste of my own juices and the hot mouth that had just caused me to lose all control.

"You like?" he asked.

I merely nodded. I didn't trust myself to speak just yet.

"Ok, good," he said. "Your turn."

This was my first attempt at writing an erotic story. If you want to find out what happens next between Jonathan and Ross, or what happens with Mike, please let me know at Thanks!

Next: Chapter 2

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