Crazy Cajun

By Justin Scott

Published on Sep 25, 2003


Disclaimer and Copyright:

  1. This story in no way indicates the sexuality of Justin or any members of 'NSync or any other celebrities used. This story is meant for pure enjoyment and entertainment. This is my first time putting my work on the net for anyone to read and I can only hope that you like it. Whether you do or don't I would like to know your thoughts. My email address is: Comments and Flames are both welcome. And with that here is my own little soap opera. Please enjoy!--- Rondrecus

Hi guys! I am sorry for the wait. My Road Runner has been temporary cut off and now I have to use a phone line. It should be up soon. Chapter 5 will be out very quick. Anyway to cut down confusion I am now putting the names of the character who's narrator of the story at the beginning. So I hope that you will find this better at understanding. Much much love to a very important man out there. Who know matter what I am going through, how I am feeling. Whether I am being a bitch or what, he is all ways there for me. Matt I love you. You help me keep my story error free and flowing nicely. Batman thanks for not giving up on me. And not taking any crap from me when I am in DIVA mode!!! Folks if you are looking for a perfect beta he is the one. Email me for his info. He is simply the best. This story chapter is dedicated to him. And to Ryan( You know who you are. Although you were trying to show MY Justin your nuts, I forgive you. And I am still awaiting a email on this story.)

A special thanks to my readers who actually took the time to respond: Calder76, Andy-(who is always there to tell me the truth on what he thinks about my work. And Andy although you haven't seen me on lately believe me I am thinking of you and will hope that you email me telling me what you think.)

Rye Encoke who is actually an author himself of a wonderful story Mark and Rye who actually gave me constructive critizsim (haha zsim- I crack myself up!!!) Anyway thank you Rye. I also enjoy your story. Even though you keep it on one point of view. I love it anyway. And lastly Josh Brandon. Although you will never see your favorite. character Orlando Bloom. I hope you continue to read my fiction. Please enjoy!! All of you!!

Last time on Crazy Cajun:

Britney found Justin and Alec sleeping together, Justin naked saved for a pair of boxers. While Britney gave Justin the biggest dramatical speech of all times, Alec snuck out and went home. Later that day Justin came to Alec's apartment to inform Alec that he would not be able to "protect" him anymore. Alec then tells Justin that he has fallen for Justin. As if he has seen the light Justin automatically thinks he's falling for Alec also. Terika learns that her grandmother has died and calls over a friend to help her ease the pain, and ease the pain they did on her living room couch!!

Alec goes to the Queer As Folk location in LA with a friend, where he meets Gale Harold who plays Brian Kinney on the show. Gale asks Alec to accompany him to the Charity Ball T2003 Ball. Alec says yes before remembering that he doesn't have anything to wear. Gale has the solution and promises to send it to him in time.

Unknown to Alec, Justin is having lunch in the room watching him. Justin asks J.C. how did he feel when he feel in love with his boyfriend and J.C. tells him that it is hard to explain. Bringing to light that J.C. is gay. Justin tells his inturpation and then finds out that he must leave in 2 days. They leave before Alec ever realize that he has been watched.

And with that here is Chapter 4!


"So we are going to the Power House T2003 Ball tonight aren't we?" I asked.

"Of course, Britney listen. I'm sorry about today. I just don't know what's coming over me." he said sitting down on his bed.

"As long as it's not Alec cummin on you." I muttered.

"I heard that." he said standing.

"Just level with me Justin. I'm your girl, so where does Alec fit in? What do you feel for this guy?" I asked turning toward him.

"He's only a friend. You don't have to worry about him, and stop bringing him up." Justin said.

"Okay find. So once and for all there is nothing I need to be worried about? He's out of your system and out of our life." I asked.

"Exactly." he said.


"Damn baby. Looks like that was a good idea getting you that outfit." I said as Alec opened the door wearing a tight black shirt that had ripped sleeves and cut out sides. Then his pants that framed that ass just perfect and opened up at the legs. His hair flowing freely behind him.

"Okay Gale, close your mouth." he said smiling.

"Sorry, so are you ready?" I asked.

"Yea, let me just get my keys." he said as he opened the door for me to come in. "So Gale are you sure that this wasn't a little risque." he asked about his outfit.

"You know, you might be right. I wasn't expecting you to look so damn good." I said smiling." But no, it's just the Power House T2003 Charity."

"Oh so it's for like music bands and the younger people?" he asked.

"Hey!" I said pulling his body into mine. "I am not an old guy."

"Sure!" he said his body literally melting into mine. "What time does it start?"

"Opening bands at 7:30 and now they will be sitting down at dinner right," I said giving him a kiss on the lips, " as we walk in."

"Darn. Let's go." he said smiling.


So Justin had shown up with his beau Britney Spears. I guess he and Alec aren't dating. And to think I almost freaked because I though that Justin was going out with my ex. But now......

"Reese." I heard Britney say coming over with Justin.

"Britney hi!" Reese said going into her girl talk.


"Justin." I said as we all sat down. Just my fucking luck to be seated with them.

"So where's your boyfriend?" I asked him with a smile on my face.

"Alec is at home." Justin said short.

"Really? He didn't feel like coming?" I asked.

"No." he said his face red as if he was angry. He kept looking around the room for other places to look other than me.

"We will be starting dinner any minute now." the director announced over the speakers.

"Hey..... isn't that Alec?" Reese asked suddenly.

Looking in the directions that now everyone in the building was staring. I saw Alec with some guy who looked slightly familiar. Regardless of who this dude was around his arm was around Alec and they were both laughing. Damn, Alec looked fucking good. His shirt just a little darker than his skin, his named waist showing.

"Fuck me." I heard Justin mutter.

"I'll pass." I said as we watched them being escorted to a table right beside us.

Just my fucking luck we could hear everything they were saying.

"All eyes on you sweetheart." the guy said.

"Gale shut up." he said smiling.

"Gale? What the fuck kind of name is that?" Justin muttered.

"He's so old." I said.

"Well he dated you." Justin threw.

"Fuck you." I shot.

"Have I told you how good you look?" Gale asked him.

"About a million times. But hey, I like it." he said.

"I can't believe this shit.' Justin said.

"I thought it was over?" Britney asked.

"Over?" I asked smugly.

"Ryan they're gonna start dinner now." Reese said.


"I hope you are having a good time." Gale said looking at me.

"I'm having a wonderful time. For once I'm not worried about if my ex-boyfriend is around or why we don't go out anymore." I said as the servers brought chicken, potatoes, steak, and salads.

"Was he bad to you? I mean why are you always worried?" Gale asked.

"Can I talk to you? I mean seriously, as I would a friend, instead of the guy I'm trying to impress?" I asked.

"Well... yea, as a friend." Gale said after a minute.

"My last boyfriend was like the ONE. People always say you'll know. Well I knew. He was almost perfect. He was there for me. He took me out when we were bored. When we were at home we watched tv. Anyway, he broke up with me for his wife and kid."

"You mean you were dating a married man?" Gale asked.

"Ryan wasn't married when we started dating." I said in some kind of defense.

"Ryan? Does this Ryan have a last name?"

"Phillippe. Ryan Phillippe." I said. "Anyway, I went on a modeling job a week ago and a jerk almost raped me. So Justin started to escort me places. Ryan has been showing up everywhere and that like rubs in the fact that we are not together. So as you saw on tv, Justin kissed me and pretended to date me so Ryan would leave me alone."

"So you don't like him like that? And he isn't really gay?" Gale asked.

"No.... I like him alright, but he's totally straight. And he loves Britney Spears. So much in fact that he stopped protecting me just to make her happy." I said.

"And then me..... the idiot that brought you here." Gale stated.

"No. Look I'm sorry if I ruined the moment, but please don't regret bringing me here tonight. I am really enjoying myself with you." I said truthfully.

"No... you haven't done anything. I didn't know about Ryan or Justin. They are here. Both of them." he said with a sigh.

"Here?" I asked with an intake of breath. I scanned the room and soon found them only a table away. Both looked away quickly when they saw I had spotted them. "Shit."

"Do you want me to get you out of here?" Gale asked.

"No. we're here on a date. And I never got done telling you about the last guy. He's a total hottie. He's a actor. On this show called Queer As Folk. Have you heard?"

"Of what? The show or the guy?" he asked with a smile.

"The guy. Although he is rather older than me." I said laughing.

"You little shit!" he said laughing. "Thank you." I said staring at him.

"For what?"

"For being here. For looking at me as a normal person." I said.

"The pleasure has truely been all mine. Now shut up and eat your steak!" he laughed.

"Umm no thanks. I don't eat meat." I said.

"What? You are a vegan?" he asked his eyebrows cocked.


"Wierd. Well eat your... um...."

"Salad?" I finished for him.

"Yea. Your salad."

********************************** (Justin)

"What is it?" I asked Britney as she pulled me into the empty stairway.

"I thought you said it was over? That you would stay away. from him?" Britney asked angryly.

"What are you talking about? I have been staying away from him. What is your problem?" I asked frustrated.

"You... him... I keep seeing you and him kiss. And you heard him out there saying that he likes you."

"But you also heard him say that I stopped protecting him just for you. And do you care? No! No Britney you don't. And that's something that I haven't been saying enought to you. That I just haven't said in a long long time. Britney, we are over." I said with confidence.

"Excuse me?" she asked dumbfounded.

"I said we are over. I don't want to go out with you anymore. I just don't want to go out with someone who thinks she can rule my life or tell me who my friends can be. I said walking out and going to the nearest bathroom.


"Hurry back okay?" Gale said as I excused myself to the bathroom.

"Don't worry. I'll be back." I said smiling.

I turned and walked out to the exist where a section of male and female bathrooms where. Opening the door I was greeted with the sight of a tear faced Justin.


"It's you." he said glancing at me. "What do you want?"

"What's wrong? What happened?" I asked walking up to him.

"Just leave me alone. Go away." he said.

"Justin.... what happened?" he said placing a hand on his shoulder.

"I said go away." he said pushing me into the bathroom stall door. "Oh God.... Alec. I'm sorry."

I ducked away from him to leave the bathroom. I can not believe this. Justin had just literally push me into a bathroom stall. Images of my father flashed through my head and suddenly I felt trapped. I had to get out of here. And fast. But as my legs started to move my body was starting to shut down. I couldn't breath. It was as if all the abuse was happening again. All those years of pain and hatred bubbling back to the surface.

"Alec... I'm so sorry. Please... what's going on? What's wrong?" Justin asked turning frantic at my state if condition.

Almost completly unaware to myself that I was having seizures he bent down and scooped me into his arms.

"I'm taking you to the hospital." he said going out of one of the fire escape doors to get to his car. He placed me in the backseat sitting up, knowing that it was not a good idea to lay me on my back. And as he sat in the drivers seat to pull out of the packed parking lot I passed out.

************************************(End of Chapter)

Next: Chapter 6

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