Crazy Cajun

By Justin Scott

Published on Jul 12, 2004


Disclaimer and Copyright: This story in no way indicates the sexuality of Justin or any members of 'NSync or any other celebrities used. This story is meant for pure enjoyment and entertainment. This is my first time putting my work on the net for anyone to read and I can only hope that you like it. Whether you do or don't I would like to know your opinion. My email address is Comments and Flames are both welcome. And with that here is my own little soap opera. Please enjoy!--- Rondrecus

Ladies and Gentleman

Those of you who are apart of my fan club know that this chapter is not posted in its entirety. This is because the time has come. As we all knew it would. What I have been warning from the beginning. No... not the end of the series but something worse. The harsh reality of life. This chapter Is rated NC-17. My first ever. The reason this chapter is not posted fully is because of one of the scenes is against Nifty guidelines. Now don't all groan. I knew of this. And I am okay with this. I can understand it. So for those of you who would like to read the complete chapter please email me with the subject stating REQUEST FOR COMPLETE CC CHAPTER. It has to be this line or your request will not be granted. This is so those of you who don't want to read it wont have to. The scene is important but you do not have to read it to understand the situation. The scene is explicit. I warn all of you. I have not written anything on Crazy Cajun that could hold a light to this. And I know some of you will hate me for it. Sorry.. Alec and Justin already hate me! You can join my fan club by simply emailing me. I then save your email address and email and then add you to the list, unless you express wishes not to be added. I will take you off if you ever have a problem or change of heart.

For everyone who has written to me after chapter 10 urging me to complete chapter 11, thanks so much. I don't believe some of you truly realize how thankful I am to receive them. I am not a bitch all the time!! And I love reading from you. I save all of your emails. No lie. I wanted to try something different on this chapter. I have to dedicate this chapter to Brandy's new Album Afrodisiac. I love her and I love this album. It has inspired me to try to write this as a song-fic. I recommend this album to anyone who is going through some weak times or has been. You can preview this at . Please tell me what you think. I hope you like this chapter.. Here goes nothing.

Song title: Focus Song rights go to Brandy, and was written by W. Millsap III Track # 7

Rewind of Last Chapter:


"Okay......okay.. now!" I moan as J.C. pressed me harder into the bed.

"I can't.... hold on much..... longer." J.C. stuttered.

We had come back from the airport and rented the two rooms in the private suites. As soon as we walked through the door, J.C. had pinned me tot he wall and was stripping me from the waist up. His lips were attacking my lips. Then my shoulders, then my eyes. And if they could reach then my heart.

"Oh God!" I shouted as J.C. flipped me over on my stomach and started drilling into me. How long could he last? He had come three times already. And not pulled out.

"I love you." J.C. moaned.

"I love you too." I whispered. "I.... feel......"

"Don't worry. I feel it too baby." J.C. said pressing his face against my back. From across the room Josh's cell phone went off.

"I'll get it." I said standing to rise up.

"Fuck the phone." Josh roared pushing me back down.

"I thought....... you were...... fucking me?" I asked out of breath.

"No baby. This is love. I'm making love to you." J.C. said as he came for the last time.

(End of Chapter)

Should anybody ask for me Tell 'em I'll be right back In a real short time, It's just that I lost my mind Gotta find it

(Alec) "Welcome home. Come in, please." My father said as we stepped through the door.

"I'm here. What's so important that you wanted me here?" I asked as we walked into the living room.

"I was worried about you. An you have been gone for too long. My father said sitting down. "So this is the concerned boyfriend?" The way he looked at Justin almost made me throw up.

"That would be me." Justin said.

"Carl Castil. Nice to meet you." My dad said reaching to shake Justin's hand. Before Justin could it, I snatched Justin's hand away.

"We didn't come here to shake hands. We came here because you threatened me. So now that you have me here what do you want?" I spat as I stood.

"Sit down." he commanded.

"No." I said standing up to him.

As he stood to take a step towards me Ryan finally made his presence known.

"He said no Carl. You don't own him anymore. We had a deal. And I think you need to honor it. And answer his question." Ryan said with a deadly calm voice.

"Fine. Will you please sit down for a minute?" My father asked trying to control his anger.

"Sit down baby." Justin whispered.

As I sat back down Justin on my left and Ryan on my right my dad continued.

" I was worried about you. I haven't seen you in such a long time. I heard what happened at that photo shoot. Are you sure you are okay?" he said trying to play off the caring father for Justin.

"Yes Father, I really didn't know you cared." I quipped.

"Okay. I can see that you are tired from your trip. I will go and make sure your rooms are prepared." He said standing.

"No!" I said standing again.

"We're staying at a hotel" Ryan said.

"A hotel?"

"Yes, we have friends." Justin said. "And we don't feel comfortable staying here."

"I see someone hasn't wasted time feeling your head up with awful stories of me." he snarled.

"Let me ask you something. Let's say for the humor that Alec, your son, my boyfriend was lying. Why were you so persistent for him to come? And why did you have people going through his apartment? And why did you go snooping around to get my phone number?" Justin asked angrily.

"Young man I don't think you know who you are talking to. You don't know who you are dealing with." my father said slowly.

"That is where you are wrong. I see you for what you are. What you really are. I see you for the slimy sick perverted man who hurt my boyfriend beyond imagination. I see you for the weak sorry excuse of a man you are. For the left overs of a mistake brought into this world. For the pedofile, and rapist. You are. And I know I didn't miss anything there."Justin spit at my father with a rage I had never seen from him. No fear showed on his face.

"Let's go." Ryan said standing and walking towards the door. He held it open as we walked through leaving my father standing there in a silent rage. I knew that the punishment would be severe when it was served. As Ryan followed us out he looked back at My dad and said. "Are you sure you don't know Justin? He seems to know you."


"New York, New York." I said stepping out of the airport.

"I am so damn hungry."Randy complained.

"You're always hungry." Me and Tony both said.

"Anyway, there is this great little Italian restaurant a few blocks away." Tony said slowly.

"Then what are we still waiting here for?" Randy asked.

Who wants to hop on my train of thought I'll get back here, pronto To collect myself There's really nothing you can do to help


"Are you sure that it wont be a problem with me working here tonight?" I asked.

"Not a problem at all. I'm sure your regulars will be glad to see you again. They were very upset when you left. But then after they found out you left to purse modeling they were very happy for you. Speaking of, I'm not sure why a big model like you would want to go back to waiting tables." Mr. Vendetta said.

"Hey! I'm not that big yet!" I said laughing. "And it's only for tonight. Just to get relieve some memories."

"Well... well... well look what the cat drug in.' I head a voice say behind me.

"Instantly I knew it was Raoul. While working here at Vendetta's Italian Restaurant Raoul had been my arch enemy. Always competing against me. Trying to be better than me in every way.

"Hello to you too." I said back.

"So what made you come back? Things not going how you would want?" He sneered.

"For your information everything is going just fine for me. Better than I could ever expect. And I'll be on the cover page of Teen when it hits the stand. Play nice and I might sign it got you." I told him.

"Well let me get you a uniform. You can work the skirts tonight." Mr. Vendetta said before it could go any farther.

"Thanks again, Mr. Vendetta."


"So let me get this straight. We are going to eat at the place where Alec is working? And my boyfriend is going to be our waiter?" Justin asked.

"Yes. This is where I first met Al. He waited on my table and I couldn't take my eyes off of him the entire night. I had my entourage hold back so I could talk to him when he got off work. But of course he already had a boyfriend." I explained to them.

Then when did you start dating?" Justin asked.

"About a month or two later. I had to work hard for him to trust me. The guy that he'd dated before me had cheated on him." I said as we walked through the doors.

Every time I see you I'm reminded of every time we did it All those other women Every time you lied to me Said you only had eyes for me Eyes for me... I don't wanna...


"I'll be right back with your drinks." I said as I spotted Justin, Ryan, and the love birds come in and get seated.

I started to make my way towards them as I felt a hand on my shoulder. "Don't you think you should let someone with more experience handle this?" Raoul asked smirking. All night he had been throwing the fact that he was head waiter in my face.

"Excuse me? What makes you think you can handle them better than I can?" I asked slightly amused but working on my way to being pissed.

"Watch and learn." He said as he walked over to there table with me following behind him. "How are you gentleman doing tonight? I will be your waiter this evening. My name is Raoul. Would you like to hear our specials?"

"I don't know." Justin said speaking while looking in his menu. "What do you suggest sweetheart?"

With a smug look on his face Raoul started going down his favorite list before he noticed that everyone was looking at him with a puzzled look on their face. "What?"

"He was talking to Alec." Ian said softly.

Shocked as Justin pulled me on to his lap by my waist.

"You know I am going to make you work for your tips tonight." Justin whispered to me but still loud enough for everyone else to hear.

"Well make sure that it's a good tip. Ryan here is a great tipper. I might just have to go home with him." I said.

"Hey, they both said at once." Ryan blushing.

" I guess I will just gave to give you something that Ryan just can't give you." Justin said his hand now on my ass.

"Well he can definitely do that too." I told him seeing him get jealous enough that I decided I would cut the teasing short and give him a break. "But you are the only one I want giving me that."

"Damn right." Justin growled kissing me hard as I heard Ryan mutter "Good save."

"So Raoul will take your order, since he is so good at it." I said giving him a smirk. And I'll be back to check on you after I finish my tables."

I don't wanna lose my focus But it's bound to leave Every time you come runnin' into me You come runnin', runnin' All we use to be Shouldn't even matter to me


"I love this food." Tony said as we sat at the booth and waited for the waitress. He has been talking about this place non-stop and I couldn't wait until he ate something so he would shut the hell up about it. I was not interested in the food but finding Alec.

"Really?" asked Randy amused at how much his boyfriend was going on. "Why haven't we ever been here before?"

"It's been a while since I felt comfortable here." he said as he signaled a waitress.

"One second Tony" she called.

"Damn, you come here that often?" I asked.

`My ex use to work here as a waiter." Tony said now quiet.

Speaking of boyfriends where was my future boyfriend? New York city is a pretty big place to look for someone.

"Sorry for the wait. My name is Alec and I'll be your personal wait-- what the hell are you doing here?"

Wait a second. Me? What was Alec, my Alec doing here? I looked back at Alec as he looked back and forth between myself and Tony. Tony?

"I didn't think you would be here. You're not suppose to be here." Tony said getting ready to stand.

"I came home for the weekend. I figured it would do some good to come back." Alec explained before turning back to me. "Gale? Why didn't you tell me you were coming?"

"It was a last minute thing. Randy invited me along." I said.

"How are you? How have you been?" Tony asked a mixture of concern and fear displayed on his face.

"This is him isn't it?" Alec asked ignoring the question asked.


"Yes or no?" Alec pushed.

"I had never seen him so persistent. He looked angry. But concerned. And pissed.

"Yes." Tony answered. The meaning lost between the two.

Alec for a second was visibly stunned before pulling himself together. "My name is Alec and I will be your waiter tonight. Here are your menu's take a few moments to look them over and I'll be back." Alec repeated with a fake smile. On his face.

"Alec!" Tony said trying to stop Alec for leaving.

"Gale if you would wait for me after my shift, then we can go somewhere and talk." Alec said looking at me.

"Sure thing baby." I said smiling at him.

"What was that about?" Tony asked as Randy finally spoke up, "That is what I was going to ask you."

As we all took turns looking at each other I looked at Tony.

"He's my ex-boyfriend." Tony said.

"Excuse me? I thought U heard you say that he was your ex-boyfriend. That the guy that I am currently after is the one that you dated before Randy." I said as if I was in shock.

"That's what I said. We dated for awhile." Tony said.

"And what is awhile?" Randy asked.

"Two years." Tony said quietly.

"Two years?" I asked.

"Look can we discuss this later? Just let it go for now." Randy asked. I could tell he had his own questions to be answered.

"Okay what will it be gentleman?" Alec said coming back.

"I'll have the angel cheddar pasta." Randy said.

"Just bring me my regular with a white bottle of wine." Tony said quietly as if afraid any minute Alec was going to spill some horrible secret.

"That's not good for you."Alec said.

"Alec just bring me the dish." Tony bit out.

"Fine, but I hope you still keep the Pepsid A.C. on your bed stand." Alec shot out. "And you?"

"Just the glass of wine thanks."I said.

"I'll have to see some Id on that." Alec joked.

"Hey! First you say I am too old to take you to the ball then you say I am too young to drink wine?" I asked with smile.

"Which do you like better?" I asked.

"Which ever one makes you more interested." I said seriously.

"Hrmm well I'll have to clear that with my publicist about which one can be the biggest scandal." he said laughing.

"Get out of here and get our food sexy." I threw at him.


"New nickname." I said as if it was nothing.

"Okay then." Alec said leaving with a smile on his face.

"So you are serious about going after Alec aren't you?" Randy asked.

"What tipped you off?" I asked looking at him as if he was crazy.

"I don't know. But it is kinda weird that you are going after my boyfriend's ex-boyfriend."

"Can you two please stop talking about this?" Tony asked looking at Randy pointedly.

"Why? I find it amazing that you never mentioned that your ex-boyfriend, someone you had dated for 2 years, was a model." Randy shot back. "Maybe because when we dated he hadn't started modeling yet. Anyway I don't go around telling people that my boyfriend is an actor." Tony said back.

Well it's to late now Cause I'm reminded I wanna put it behind But I'm behind it Lord knows I'm tired As much as I'd love to join you On planet Earth right now Know that I'm too hurt Right now to be civilized I need this time alone Cause it won't be long


"Why the hell does this Raoul guy have to wait on us? I haven't been able to talk to my Cajun the entire night." I said as I watched him take orders on the other side of the room.

"Question. Why do you call Alec Cajun? How did you get that pet name?" Ian asked.

"It's kinda embarrassing, Alec doesn't even know." I started. "When I was younger I use to love going to visit my dad in Louisiana. Cajun Country. Well I had this childhood friend that fit the bill. He talked country, looked country, and had that damn Cajun attitude. I remember he could mean as fuck. Like a damn rattle snake. So when I first met Alec he was bitchy like my old friend was. And the name fit."

"Oh." They both said looking at ,me plainly.

"So anyway maybe we can go to a movie tomorrow. Like a double date." J.C. said.

"Yeah, maybe." I said as Raoul came back over.

"Can I get anything else for you tonight gentleman?" he asked looking at each of us.

"Actually yes." I said as J.C. and Ian both said no. "Can you please send Alec over here?"

"Um sure." he said turning around and going to get him.

I watched as he went over and said a few words with Alec and then Alec turned back to the table he was working on and said something to.. To someone who looked like.... Hell no. That was not Gale. I thought as I saw red. I sated to stand as Alec turned and made his way over to me quickly.


"What is he doing here Alec? Is he fucking stalking you?" I asked wanting to go over there.

"No Justin. Love sit down.. Please." he said softly pushing me back into the chair. "Love it's a good thing that he is here." Alec said wrapping his arms around my neck and placing his forehead against mine.

"Why is it good Cajun?" I asked heavily. Alec was sitting in my lap his ass resting on my crotch and staring into his eyes and beautiful face was starting to get to me.

"Because," Alec said as he kissed me. "Now I can go ahead and let him know that I am taken. And that the only people I can be with are you guys."

"What? You guys? Who are you talking about?" I asked holding Alec away from myself.

"Me, you and Ryan. My men. My baby." Alec said trying to hide a smile.


"No Ryan, it's time that we brought this into the open." I said looking at Ryan seriously.

"I guess so Justin. Just break it to him gently." Ryan said playing along.

"See... me and Ryan have been having sex with each other for the past three hours." I said.

"Yeah. Justin gives great head." Ryan said going into acting mode.

"Not funny guys, not funny." Alec said as he got up and left.

"He's right you guys. You went kinda overboard." Ian said looking at both Ryan and myself.

"We were just joking." I said to our defense.

"But Justin you are his boyfriend, and Ryan is his ex.... see what I'm saying?" Ian asked.

"No you guys, you're all playing too much into this. Alec knew we were playing. He's not fragile okay. Around certain people and certain things. But he is not china toy. He wont break that easily." Ryan spoke up.

"Ryan is right you, but I am going to go check on him and find out okay?" I asked standing up. I didn't need my Cajun mad at me right now.

Every time I see you I'm reminded of every time we did it All those other women Every time you lied to me Said you only had eyes for me Eyes for me... I don't wanna


"You're doing good out there." Jacki said as I came back into the kitchen.

"Did you ever doubt me? I always do good!" I said trying be cheerful.

"So I see you and Tony got back together." Jacki said.

"No. Me and Tony are not together. He goes out with the blond guy who is sitting with him at their table." I said dismissing her claim.

"Then Ryan? I saw him come in with some of the guys from Nsync. Are you and he back together?" she prodded. Obviously she hadn't seen me and Justin kissing on tv.

"Nope, he's just here with some friends. How do you go out with?" I asked flipping the script.

"Justin Timberlake." Jacki said his eyes grown big.

"Whoa... I don't think I heard you right. Who do you go out with?"

"Justin Tim..ber..lake." she repeated in a garbled mess.

"Is right behind you." I heard Justin say as he wrapped his arms around my waist.

"You date.. you...Justin..." Jacki stumbled.

"Yeah, this is my boyfriend." Justin spoke up.

"Justin!" I hissed.

"No baby. We might as well start being honest now." Justin said.

"What are you doing back here?" I asked turning around and starting into his eyes.

"We are kinda tired and we wanted to go back to the hotel and rest. I would like it if you came back too. I just wanna know that you are safe." Justin said.

"But Gale?" I started.

"Alec baby." Justin started too.

"No. Just let me tell him that I will meet him tomorrow and then we can go okay?" I asked.

"Okay." Justin said still not letting me go. "I love you, you know?"

"Yea Justin I know. And I love you too. Very much." I said as Raoul came in behind Justin.

"What happened to.... Jacki? Are you okay?" Raoul asked rushing past us to a shocked Jacki.

"Umm, I'll go wait for you with the guys outside okay? Hurry back." Justin said giving me one last kiss before rushing out.

"Where is Mr. Vendetta?" I asked Raoul.

"He's in the storage room. What the hell did you guys do to her?" Raoul asked trying to get Jacki to stop gasping.

Walking toward Jacki I pinched her nose and yelled. "He's gone Jacki, let it go."

"" she mumbled.

"She'll be okay." I said walking out to find Gale.

"Hey there." Gale said as I came to their table.

"Hey yourself." I said with a smile that I couldn't stop. Gale had that effect on me. "Can we talk for a second?"

"Why?" Tony asked.

"Not you. I'm talking to Gale." I said.

"Yea." Gale said standing.

"Follow me." I said as I walked to the break room. It was empty.

"What's up with you and Tony?" Gale asked before I could say anything.

"You already know that Tony is my ex-boyfriend." I said looking at him as if he was crazy.

"Yea I know that. But why do you guys seems to hate each other soo much?" Gale asked.

"Hey.. I can't tell you that while trying to impress you." I joked.

"Tell me as a friend." he said seriously.

"Fine. You see that guy out there. The one you work with?" I asked.

"Yeah. Randy, what about him?" Gale asked.

"Tony was dating me and Randy at the same time. Except while we were going out, he was not only going out with Randy, but living with him too." I said.

"No shit?" he asked his face red with anger.

"Gale don't...I've gotten over it."

"But Randy doesn't know. He has no idea." he said.

"I'm sure he doesn't" I said. "Anyway listen... I have to go home tonight. I can't stay and talk with you, but if you will meet me at this café at 8:00 am then we can chat then okay?" I asked.

"8:00 huh?" he asked.

"Sharp." I said.

"Okay... but are you sure that you are okay? Past Tony hurting you?" Gale asked standing a little closer.

"I'm sure. Thank you for caring." I said as I kissed his cheek.

I don't wanna lose my focus But it's bound to leave Every time you come runnin' into me All we use to be Shouldn't even matter to me I don't wanna lose my focus But it's bound to leave Every time you come runnin' into me All we use to be Shouldn't even matter to me


He hasn't called me in 2 days. I'd heard that he had taken Alec to the hospital for something, but now he was nowhere to be found. I couldn't believe that he'd broken up with me. Me! I'd only called Lynn but the only thing she would tell me was that he had an emergency out of town and would be gone for a few days. Picking up my cell phone I called his number for the fifth time today.

"Hello?" Justin asked after the first ring.

"Hi Justin. It's me... Britney." I said somewhat hesitant now that I'd finally reached him.

"Britney... hi." Justin answered.

"I hope I am not interrupting you or anything." I said.

"No Britney, you aren't. So.... how are you doing?" he asked quietly.

"The truth?" I asked.

"Yeah, the truth." he said.

"I'm confused. I don't understand why you broke up with me. I love you and I thought you loved me. I know... I can be hard to take at times. The way I was riding your back about Alec was uncalled for. But was enough for you to break up with me?"

"Britney..... I don't know how to explain it you. On one hand it's not just the Alec situation that brought this on. I was unhappy. Really unhappy. I felt as though it was all about you. That you only cared about yourself. Had to have it your way. I needed something in where I felt in control, useful, and needed."

"So you don't love me anymore?" I asked sadly.

"Britney that's not fair. You know that I love you. I'm in love with you. But I love myself more to not be happy. I do love you. I really do whether you believe me or not. I just.. I want something more. Something better." Justin said softly.

"And who could be better than me? Then us? I love you soo much it hurts to be apart from you. I want you so much. To be with you. To be held by you. Why can't we do that? Be that? I am lost with out you Justin."

"What are you saying Brit?"

"I'm saying.... I'm saying that I love you Justin. And I want you. To be yours. To be your wife. To have your kids. I love you soo much. Please...take me back. Go back out with me please. Marry me?" I asked.

Ooh I'll be back Lost my way Got off track Please try to understand I use to love you man


I watched Justin across the room. He'd been on his cell phone for 10 minutes now.

"Hey Al, you gonna sleep in those?" Ryan joked.

"No! Of course not dummy." I laughed.

"Alec.. I just want to say that I am seriously sorry for what I said in the airport. That was a real asshole thing for me to say." Ryan said honestly pouring out of his skin.

"Ryan it's okay. I know that you would never purposely say those things to me. I understand how much you had to push around to make this trip to be with me. And I haven't exactly been the best company to be around since we broke up." I said.

"I know. Honestly it is so weird. Two weeks ago we were dating. I was your boyfriend. You were mine.... my boyfriend I mean." Ryan responded.

"Guys.." Justin said before I could respond.

"What's up?" Ryan asked trying his best not to show his annoyance at being interrupted.

"Alec.. Can I talk to you?" Justin said seriously.

"Yeah. What's wrong baby?" I asked following him into the bathroom.

"I just got off the phone with Britney." Justin said.

"So.... what did she have to say?" I asked nervously.

"She wanted to apologize and to tell me how she felt." Justin said still not looking me in the eye.

"Which is?" I asked.

"Alec.. I hurt her. I am hurting her by not being with her. She loves me. And she's sorry for the things she's done." Justin said almost in a pleading tone.

"And.. And how do you feel?" I asked literally scared now. I knew what was coming. It was written all over his face.

"I love her. I really do." Justin said tears coming down his face.

"Then I hope you two have a good life." I said trying to be the best man even though it was me being dumped.

"Cajun please.... don't do this." Justin said steeping closer.

"Do what? You want to be with her then be with her. I am not going to beg you. I love you, but hey I will get over you." I lied.


"NO!" I screamed finally. "Just leave me the hell alone. Go back to Britney. She loves you and you love her. Now you can all be a happy family."

"But I love you too." Justin shouted.

"Not enough Justin, not enough." I said turning and opening the door.

"Al.." Ryan started.

"No. Just stay here Ryan." I said as I fled out of the room and onto the street.

"I've been waiting on you." I heard a low growl.

Ooh I'll be back Lost my way Got off track Please try to understand I use to love you man


"What the fuck happened in there?" I yelled at Justin as he came out of the bathroom slowly out of bathroom.

"Leave it."

"Tell me!" I screamed louder than I had ever screamed before. "Tell me now or I swear to God I will break your fucking face."

" I don't know okay?" Justin screamed back. "I can't choose between Britney and Alec. I love them both. I am in love with both of them."

Justin collapsed on his bed in tears. I wanted to feel sorry for him, but it was Alec who was hurting even more.

"I'm going to find Alec." I said switching into clothes I'd had on today and left the hotel room.

What in the hell was happening. Two weeks ago I broke up with Alec. Now he had Justin. And it was pretty apparent that they'd just broken up. What was happening.?




"Where is he? Did you find him?" I asked Ryan as he came back alone.

"No J.C. I didn't. I don't know where he could be. I have lived with him here for almost a year and I know every single place he knows. And he was nowhere to be seen. He would never stay out like this. Something's happened. I can feel it." Ryan said tears coming from his eyes.

"No man don't think like that... come on. Why don't you rest? He'll come back when he is ready. I promise." I said hoping to anyone above that I would not be lying.

"I can't go in there with Justin still here. I will kill him." Ryan said so serious it scared me.

"Okay listen to me. I'll move Justin in here with me. But I don't want you to be alone. In there. Ian will come stay with you." I said.

"I don't need a babysitter. Just get him out." Ryan growled.

I don't wanna lose my focus But it's bound to leave Every time you come runnin' into me All we use to be Shouldn't even matter to me I don't wanna lose my focus But it's bound to leave Every time you come runnin' into me All we use to be Shouldn't even matter to me

(Lynn Randal)

"Hello?" Lynn Randal asked waking up from dreams of a vacation in Peru. Glancing at the clock on the dresser she saw it was only 3:20 am. This had better been good.

"Mrs. Randal?" The voice asked.

" Yes, who is this?" she asked.

"Mrs. Randal this is Dr. Coleman calling from Glen Cove hospital in New York City. About two hours ago we had a patient brought in. It was a young male...."

"Oh my God. Was it my son? Justin Timberlake?" Lynn asked trying not to freak.

"No Mrs. Randal. The victim is an African American."

"Alec? Alec Castil?" she asked really freaking out now. "What happened?"

"Mam if there is anyway that you can get a flight here..I'd much rather tell you in person."

"Tell me now damn it." Lynn finally screamed.

"Mam, Mr. Castil was raped and beaten. He's in a coma and I am 85 percent sure that he wont wake up." the doctor said as my whole world spun around.


I don't wanna lose my focus But it's bound to leave Every time you come runnin' into me All we use to be Shouldn't even matter to me

Next: Chapter 14

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