Crazy Cajun

By Justin Scott

Published on Aug 25, 2003


Disclaimer and Copyright: This story in no way indicates the sexuality of Justin or any members of 'NSync or any other celebrities used. This story is meant for pure enjoyment and entertainment.This is my first time putting my work on the net for anyone to read and I can only hope that you like it. Whether you do or don't I would like to know your opioion. My email address is: Comments and Flames are both welcome. And with that here is my own little soap opera. Please enjoy!--- Rondrecus

Chapter One:

"Lynn what are you saying?" I asked as I paced the room.

" You know exactly what I am saying. You can't throw your life away just because of what happened." Lynn Randall said as she looked up from the table.

" What happened? Lynn, he tried to rape me. He had me pinned to the wall and he almost raped me. And shit happenes to him? Nothing! I can't take this shit, I'm out" I said walking to the door.

"Alec don't do this. Don't bail out on me now. I have always been the best manager I could to you. Now look, I'm sorry that this happened, I really am. I wish that I had known that he was crooked but I didn't ....... Alec!"

I heard her say as I burst out the door and rushed blindly down the Jive INC. hallways trying to make it to the elevator.

" Justin, stop him!" I heard Lynn call and felt the arms quickly wrap around my waist.

" Let me go!" I yelled twisting out of his reach and running into the stairwell away from them both.

****** ****** ****** " No Justin Let him go."

" Mom what was that about?" I asked as I walked back to her.

" That Justin, was my million dollar client running away." she said walking back into her office.

"Million dollar client? What are you talking about?" I asked.

" Alec Castil. My new model. Baby you don't know how hard I had to fight to get him into this label.I went through hell. Everyone wanted him. And I knew that if I got him I could really help you know? I mean he's 18 and just out of highschool. This kind of fame could go right to his head and ruin him."

" Mom why did he run out of here like that?" I said trying to piece the puzzel together.

" Two days ago I sent Alec to a photo shoot in Five Town. He came back and told me that he could not go because he didn't have anyone to go with him. Justin, I told him that it was okay to go by himself. That I'd known Brandon forever and that he was very trustworthy and respectable.

" Mom just tell me." I said growing impatient.

" Justin, Brandon tried to rape him. He forced him into a room, had him up against a wall and was going to rape him. All because I sent him there alone. This is all my fault. I can't believe how stupid I was. I can't lose this guy. That will be my job."

" What are you gonna do?" I asked?

" I don't know, but aren't you gonna be late for a press shoot?" My mom asked looking up at me and trying to put on a brave smile.

" Yea but listen, I may have an idea." I said.

" Go on?" she said giving me her full attention.

I could not believe this. First she sends me out there alone. And then next she's telling me to forget it. I thought as I heard a knock on my door.

" Go away." I muttered as I walked into the living room.Better to pretend not home.

" Alec?" A male voice asked behind me making me jump at the sound of another voice in my house.

" Calm down. It's just me, Justin." Justin Timberlake from Nsync said.

" How did you get into my house?" I asked angrily.

" Your door was unlocked. I-I'm sorry if I startled you." He said softly.

" What are you doing here Justin?" I asked calming myself enough to sit down.

" We need to talk."


" Look I know my mom messed up, and she is sorry. But we have come up with a solution."

" I have a solution also. Effective immeadiatly I terminate my contract with Lynn." I said.

" No. You can't just walk away from this after that.Your entire life is infront of you."

" Save the speech. The choir has already sang that one." I muttered.

" Jesus , are you always such a bitch?" He threw.

" Glad you caught on." I snapped.

" Look we have a solution." He started again.

" Which is?"

" A personal assitant. A body gaurd." he said.

" Go on."

" So everytime you go on a photo shoot, an audition, a fashion show or anything outside of your house, your bodygaurd will be with you."

" And so who will it be? Have you already found someone?" I asked actually liking the idea.

" Well until my mom, your manager finds a suitable one, someone she really does trust and his records check out, I'll be your escort."

" What? No way. Get out!" I said standing.

" What? Why not?"

" Well Justin look at you. You have to fight against girls just to get yourself through to areanas. You're too much of a pretty boy."

" Looked in the mirror latley?" he shot.

" Yea but I'm not trying to protect anyone." I shot back.

" Now look, you siqned a contract. If you break it your going to be sued. Your next photo shoot is tommorow at noon in North Hollywood. I'll be here to pick you up at 10:00 am. Be ready." he said walking out of the door.

" Baby what took you so long?" Britney asked as I walked into the gallery where the rest on Nsync were busy already having their photo's taken.

" I just had somethings that needed taking care of." I said wrapping my arms around her waist.

" Ummmm...... you smell soo good!" she moaned.

" Why Miss Spears if I didn't know better I would swear you were flirting with me." said in my best country voice.

" Well you are my boyfriend so... I would say that that was a flirt. Hey baby whadda ya say we grab breakfast tommorw?" she asked changing the subject.

" I can't. I kinda have to help my mom out with one of her clients." I said as I started walking in the direction of the shoot.

" What do you mean?"

" Where there us this guy Alec."

" Castil?"

" Yea! What do you knoe about him?" I asked interested.

" I met him at the office party last week. He looked kinda sad. I think J.C. said something abour he had broken up with some dude." she said.

" Wait. He's gay?" I asked stopping and looking at her.

" Well what else are you when you date a guy?" she answered back.

" Shit!" I hissed.

" What? Justin don't tell me that just because he is gay you do not like him.' She said with her hands on her hip.

" No. I'm saying that because I'm his bodygaurd for the next two weeks that I don't like him. Because I have to appear with him at every public event he attends. Damn I can't believe this shit!"

" Justin, this whole business is full of homosexuals."she said as she sat down.

" Yea Britney. But they are producers, actors, models and directors that I do not have to spend 24 hours with in public. Besides he's a bitch."

" Well he almost got raped. Can you blame him?" she asked.

" Wait.... How did you know?" I asked her surprised.

" This is Hollywood. No one can keep secrets here."

I can not believe this shit. It's is 8:00 in the morning and I haven't been able to sleep all night. All I could do is think about how fucked up this is that I have to be ushered around town with fucking Justin. How could a guy so cute, so incrediablity talented, be such a jerk? I'll be here at 10:00.... be ready. Who in the hell does he think he is? Now I know you are thinking that I am this stuck up bimbo with a crush on Mr. Timberlake, but it's not true. At all! Well maybe a little bit. Okay alot even. That was one of the reasons that I siqned with Lynn. I figured her being my manager would give me time with him. Now I had too much time. Damn it. It was now 9:45 and any minute Justin was gonna be ringing that door bell. I scrambled to put on a tank top and some jogging pants. Not bothering with my hair, I put on a hat. The hair stylist hated when we did the things ourself. I walked into the kitchen and fixed me a bowl of cereal. Who would have thought that my life would have turned out this way? A near rape. A famous bodygaurd.

" Are you ready?" Justin asked from behind me?

" How did you get in? I asked not bothering to turn around.

" My mother gave me her key." he said. " Are you ready?"

" Does it look like I am ready?" I asked.

" Look we're going to be spending alot of time with each other. Alot, so cut the bitching and lets try to get along."

" Justin you don't even like me. How are we suppopse to get along?" I asked.

" Well....... I never said that" he stutterd.

" Well you don't like me. So now what?" I asked turning to look at him now.

" Fuck! I can't do this. I'm out." he said turning around to leave.

" Leave the key please." I said as calmly as I could and then turn around to continue to eat my cereal.

" No. You know what? I'm not out. I'm going. And when I do, youre coming with me. You just want me to leave. You like being mean and cold and alone." Justin threw.

" Now that you have so clerverly gotton the picture please leave."

" I said no. Now how long do you need to get ready?" he asked.

" Why? Why are you doing this Justin? Why are you even here?" I asked standing.

" Because I love my mother. And ......... and because my mother loves you. Now finish up."

" So. Have you always wanted to be a model?" I asked trying to start a conversation.

" No." Alec said staring out of the window.

Waiting a few seconds for him to continue I asked," Well?"

" Well what?" he asked stubbornly.

" Well what did you want to do?" I asked again trying to keep from just snapping at him.

" I don't know. But not a model. You think I like just being noticed because of my looks?" he asked looking back over at me.

" I never said that."

" I never said that you did."

" Okay level with me. Why do you dislike me so much?" I asked making a left to the street that the photo shoot was on.

" Because you are fake." he shot.

" Excuse me? Fake?" I asked angryly.

" You are. You don't like me either. And I know why. Yet you continue to try and make me believe that you do like me. You are fake."

" First I don't...... anyway it's called being civil." I said.

" See! You can't even say it. Because I am gay, you don't like me." Alec said trying to desperatly to hide the hurt he felt.

" Hey. I don' hate you because of that. I don't hate you at all. You just come off so mean and bitchy. I'm not use to being around homosexuals alot. But I'm willing to try." I said slowly.

It was quiet as I pulled into the parking lot.

" So do we have a deal?" I asked.

" Yea Justin we do. But lets get one thing straight." he started.

" Straight?!" I cracked.

" You are such a loser!" he said finally laughing.

" See that's what I like to see. You smiling." I said looking over at him.

" Damn, my gayness is already rubbing off on you." He joked.

" Don't even get your hopes up." I shot.

So we'd made a truce. We were going to be civil to each other. I really can't remember the intial reason for me disliking him so much in the first place. He was nice, cute, and the way that he caught me yesterday told me that he was strong. We got out of his black Range Rover and made our way up the street to the building where all Teen People photo shots were taken.

" Okay, now this is the way we have to do this. At all points while we are here we are both to be together. If you go somewhere, I'm going too. And if I go somewhere you are to go too. Understand?" he asked seriously.

" Yes sir Mr. Timberlake." I called.

" Alec this is serious." He said looking over at me.

" I know Justin. He almost raped me. And if I don't get my mind off of this it will just destroy me. Sometimes I can not be as tough as I try to act." I say in a moment of honesty.

" Well you don't have to be tought. I'm here." he said.

We turned and went in to the building, me feeling as if I was on cloud nine. Justin was going to protect me. We stepped into the elevator and went to the third floor.

" Mr. Castil, just on time." the secretary said as she saw me "Mr. Timberlake are you scheduled?"

" No I am just here with a friend." he responded calmly.

" Oh well then gentlemen if you'll sit over there, everything will be ready shortly.

" A friend?" I asked as I sat down.

" Well are we?" he asked back.

" Yea.... I like the sound of that." I said.

" Cool."

"But hey, while you're here with me don't you have other things to do with NSYNC?"

" Actually I do which is why we have to a video location after this." he responded.

" We?" I asked. " You speaking french now?"

" Don't start Alec. We. As in us. You're coming with me." he said.

" But why?" I asked whining playfully.

" Because I don't have time to take you all the way back to your place. Well.... you could always walk home." he joked.

" Okay... so I'm coming with you!" I said laughing.

" Alec! Are you okay?" I heard a voice say from down the hall.

I turned my head and watched as Taylor Hanson came towards me down the hall.

" Yea Tay, I am."

" I couldn't believe that shit when I heard it. And he has the nerve to be here. He tried to photograph me."

" Whoa... wait a minute. Brandon is here?" I asked my hand tightening on the the arm of the chair.

" Hey hey hey. Alec I am here. I wont let him get to you." Justin whispered.

" Thanks." I wisperd back looking down at my hand which was now covered by his larger hand.

" When did you two get so close?" Taylor asked.

But both of us were quietly thinking the same thing in our heads and when he got the picture that he wasn't going to get an answer he quietly left.

" Please Justin, please don't let him get close to me." I asked quietly.

" Alec, I promise okay? We can be together the entire time. He wont have a chance to be around you." Justin said as he leaned over.

" How could you be so nice to me when I have done nothing but be an ass to you. You don't even really know me." I said.

" Well there is something that I have been meaning to ask you."

" Shoot."

" Your ex boyfriend."

" What about him?" I asked quietly. The breakup was still fresh in my heart. The one guy that I really felt myself falling in love with.Thinking about it made me feel like someone had just poured salt in an open wound.

" Who was he?"

" I can't say." I said softly.

" Why not?"

" Lemme ask you something. If you were famous, and you are , and everyone expected you to be straight and you really are gay. Would you want your ex outing you to the people that he talked too?"

" Well I guess not."

" Rest my case."

Something was changing. I could feel it in my bones. Alec was opening up to me. Trusting me more and more.And I was beginning to like him more. I watched him as he followed the directions the photographer gave him. He had spent an hour alone on the hairdressers chair as they washed, blow dried, and flat ironed his hair. And he did it all with out complaint. I watched as the bitchy side of him disappeared and the beautiful confident side of him came out.

Only once did we almost have a problem of Alec closing up when Brandon peeked into see the layout. For some reason him just having the nerve to come into room fueld me with anger. The way the smile evaporated from Alec's face was enough for me to stand quickly. Before I could even make two steps through Brandon had already seen me and was turning around to leave. Every since then I haave been constantly staring out at Alec as he glanced over at me every now and then.

" Ready?" I asked standing as he made his way over to where I had waitied.

" All done." he said.

" You okay?"

" I though it would be wierd, to see him again I mean."

" Was it?"

" No, it was scary as hell." he said shaking his head.

" Come on buddy lets get out of here" I saod as I wrapped my arm around his neck.

" So where do we go now?" he asked as we made our way down the hallway to exit the building.

" Well we have to go to the video location for the filming of Girlfriend. Our new video."

" Speaking of girlfriend how is yours?" he asked.

" Brit is okay. She said to tell you hi." I said watching him out of the corner of my eye.

" How does she know me?" he asked.

" She saw you at the office party. I said.

" So what did she think?" he asked.

" What do you mean?" I asked.

" Well did she think I was attractive?" he asked.

" Whoa... you are so not trying to hit on my girlfriend are you?" I asked laughing.

" Umm... I think she is missing a few neccasary pieces for me to be attracted to her." he said." I just wanted to know what the famous Britney Spears thought."

" Is that all you think about? How good you look?" I asked.

' Justin think about it. My looks are my job, my talent. I am a model. I have to look good. JUst like you have to look and sound good. It's your job." he said.

I watched as Justin and the rest of NSYNC did the filming of their video.

" Hi. I'm Britney. I've heard alot about you." a voice said behind me.

" Hi." I said turning around to look at her. " I'm ...."

" Alec. I know I saw you at...."

" The office party." I finished.

" Justin told you huh?" She laughed.

"Yea, he did. So what are you doing here?" I asked.

" I had a metting with my managers and I figured I'd come see my baby." she said happily.

" Cool." I said glancing at Justin who was staring at both of us intensely.

" So ..... what ever happened to that freak Brandon?" sje asked.

" Umm.... I'd rather not talk about it." I said

" Oh... I'm sorry. I completely understand. It's just that Ryan asked me. He was completely worried about you." She said.

" Ryan?" I asked as my heart stopped.

" Ryan Phillippe" she said." Your ex boyfriend."

" Look I have to go. Tell Justin that I said thanks for helping me today." I said as I stood and left.

" What happened Brit? Why did Alec just get up and leave?" I asked her.

" I don't know. Maybe because I told him that Ryan Phillippe was worried about him." She said.

" Ryan Phillippe? What does he have to do with this? And why would he care?" I asked.

" Because Ryan Phillippe is Alec's ex boyfriend." She said.

" You're lying. Come on. He just got married and had a baby with Resse Witherspoon." I said.

" Justin it's true. I was coming in and I saw him. 'So I was like what are you doing here?' He was crying Justin. The tears were in his eyes. I looked to where he was looking. It was Alec. I don't know how long he had been staring but he looked to have been there along time. I asked him what was wrong and he asked me if I knew if Brandon had actually raped Alec. He looked reall worried. I told him that Brandon had tried but didn't. He simply said good and turned and left."

" Well that still doesn't mean that that is his ex." I said.

" Which is exactly why I came in and started talking to Alec. I told him that Ryan had been asking about him. He got really jumpy and asked Ryan who. I told him Ryan his ex boyfriend and he all of a sudden said he had to leave" she finished.

" Damn it Britney. If something happenes to him tat is my mom's job. I was suppose to be there with him at alll times. I have to go. See you later."

" What are you doing here?" I asked as I walked up the stairs and to my apartment.

" I had to see you. To make sure that you were okay." he said standing on the top landing looking down at me.

" Well I am so you can leave. Goodbye." I said as I unlocked my apartment and went in.

" Alec please, don't be this way."

" Don't you have a wife and a baby to be taking care of?" I snapped.

" If you want to be mad at me go ahead. But leave Reese and the baby out of it." he said following me inside.

" Ryan why are you here?" I asked frustrated.

" You were almost raped. I came to be with you. To make sure that you were alright." he said.

" I don't need you to worry about me. We broke up."

" Who else will then? You don't have anyone else. No boyfriend...... no......"

" Are you so sure?" I asked suddenly putting him on the spot.

" What?" he asked as someone knocked on the door..

" Alec open up. I forgot my key. " Justin called throught the door.

" No..." Ryam said shaking his head. But he has Britney.

Ignoring him I walked to the door and unlocked it.

" Alec why did you leave without me? I was worried about you." Justin said coming in and seeing Ryan . "You have company."

End of part one. I hope everyone likes it and can keep up with the changes of point of view. Again all comments are welcome. And part 2 will be out with then the week. Later! --- Rondrecus

Next: Chapter 2

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