Craving Mattys Feet

By Jordan Tales

Published on Dec 28, 2018


Hey guys! I'd love to get your thoughts on the story below. You can get hold of me through my email, Unfortunately, the Tumblr doesn't exist anymore as a result of them changing the way the site works. If anyone has any suggestions for where we can set up a new community where I can share the images and videos that inspire these stories, and get your ideas, please email me.

All the usual warnings apply. This story will contain sex between males and will include a few kinks and fetishes, particularly fetishes linked with feet, socks and trainers. If any of that offends you, or you shouldn't be reading about them because of your age, then you really should stop here.

If you're still there then please note that all of these events are fictitious and any resemblance to real life is entirely coincidental. All of the roles in this story are played by experienced actors over the age of 18 so, please, only try what you read about here if you know what you're getting yourself into.

A while after Rhys had left, and after I'd shot multiple loads of creamy white spunk out of my teen cock thinking about what we have done, I booted up the laptop. Returning back to the online forum that I was a part of, I found that I'd received a reply to the message I'd sent to the boy telling him about what I'd discovered about feet. I'd been worried that he'd taken my confession badly and didn't want to speak to me again but what I read in his message couldn't have been further from the truth. "Fuck!" he began, "I'm so happy that you said that to me! I'm really into feet as well but I haven't been able to do anything about it yet. I spend so much time looking at other lads' feet, it's insane!" Aww wow, this was brilliant. Not only were this lad and I getting on really well and bonding over our sexuality but now we shared the same fetish! I had someone that I was going to be able to talk about what I was finding out about myself and, even better, I already had my first story to share. My fingers flew over the keyboard as I told his boy all about what had happened with Rhys, describing how it had felt with a ridiculous level of detail. By the time I was done, I was as hard as rock again and, for the fifth time that day, had to shoot a load from my teen balls. I'd never been this horny in my life and it was all because of what I'd learnt about myself and I was into. I spent the evening periodically refreshing the gay youth forum to see whether my online friend had replied to me but nothing came. He wasn't showing as being online at any point so I wasn't particularly worried; he'd get back to me when he had the chance, I'm sure. The next day at school was awkward to say the least. I felt embarrassed every time I looked over at Rhys and it was even worse when he came and spoke to me during one of the lessons that we have together: Maths. He didn't mention anything about me giving him a foot massage and, to be honest, I'm sure he probably hasn't given it a second thought since he left. It's only me that's replayed touching his soft teen soles over and over again. Even when sat next to him within class, I couldn't help but stare down at his school shoes and imagine the amazing treasure that was hidden inside. I can't remember half of what we talked about and I have no idea what the fuck the Maths teacher was going on about because I couldn't concentrate on anything other than the sexy soles that the boy next to me was smuggling in those school shoes. I hoped that he was warm and that they were getting sweaty in there. Maybe he'd come around again and I'd get to smell them again. Fuck, I was getting hard right there in Maths. It took every bit of focus that I had to get my dick to go down by the end of the lesson. If I thought that Maths was awkward than what happened at lunch was fucking mental. I saw Ant across the hall. Ant, whose beaten-up Nikes I'd sat and sniffed, wanking my twink cock while doing so. I'd shot my load into his trainers knowing that he was about to put them on. Fuck! With everything going on with Rhys, I'd almost forgotten about what I'd done to Ant and it all came flooding back to me when I saw him. He'd probably slipped his feet into those dirty socks, getting my spunk all over them. He'd have put his socked feet into those stinky trainers and definitely had my cum soaking into his feet for however long he was wearing them. My one saving grace was that he had no idea. At least, that's what I thought. When he saw me enter the hall, he made a beeline straight over to me. He looked pissed off and my heart starting to pound. I could feel the blood draining from my face. He knew and he was about to hit me. Shit! But he didn't. When he got to me, he walked passed but now before telling me something. He simply told me that we needed to talk and that he'd be round at mine tonight. He was off and out down the corridor before I even had time to reply. For the rest of the day, I felt completely sick. I couldn't even think and it was like I wasn't really there. Ant didn't normally come to mine as we weren't friends. We just happened to play on the same footy team. There was only one reason that he would come around: he knew what I'd done. The rest of the day was a blur. I even skipped my last lesson, something very out of character for me, and rushed home hoping that, if he didn't see me after school, maybe he'd just forget about the whole thing. It was stupid, I know, but that was all I could think to do. I spent the next hour just staring at the living room clock just wishing that the time would freeze and I'd never have to be confronted by Ant. I tried to come up with what I'd say: prepare some sort of answers to questions I thought he might ask but everything went completely out of my head when I heard those three loud bangs on my front door. Shaking, I walked towards it. With an unsteady hand, I turned the handle and opened it. Ant, dressed still in his uniform and with his school bag over his shoulder, just walked in and brushed passed me: "Which way to your bedroom?" he asked in his gruff Northern accent. I squeaked out a response and he headed straight up the stairs. I thought about just stopping down here, or leaving, but neither of those were possible responses. The time had come to face the music and I followed Ant up the stairs. As soon as I closed my bedroom door behind me, Ant let me have it. He unzipped his bag and threw one of the beaten-up nasty Nike trainers that I'd shot my load into towards me. My reactions were quick and I caught it. My face reddened as he started to shout: "What the fuck did you think you were doing Liam?!" My voice caught in my throat: "I... I... I don't..." "Don't tell me you don't know what I'm talking about," he interrupted me, "I felt what was in those trainers, Liam! What the fuck did you do?" "No... I... it wasn't..." "You were the only one in the room. What the fuck did you do with me trainers?" He sounded really pissed off and I was genuinely worried that he was about to beat the shit out of me. "I'm so sorry!" I cried out, "I'm really... I'm just sorry." "Sorry doesn't sort me trainers out those, does it? Sorry doesn't go back in time and stop you cumming in them, does it? Why the fuck did you do that? Do I turn you on or something?" That was the crux of it. He knew exactly what I'd done but wanted to know why. To be honest, he didn't turn me on. Ant was not the sort of lad I'd go for to be honest. He was physically fit due to playing footy but his face wasn't attractive: his ears were a little too big; his nose didn't fit with his face; his eyes a little too small. It's like everything was just a little off. And I hadn't been particularly drawn to his feet when I'd seen them. Well, that is, about from the smell. His trainers had stunk and I'd loved breathing in his foot sweat from them. Of course, I couldn't tell him all that but he was looking at me expectantly so he was going to demand some kind of answer. "I..." I began, unsure about what was going to come out of my mouth next, "I... I'm... I'm gay." My voice had been a near whisper and I wasn't even sure that Ant had heard me until he started laughing: "Well, I worked that out for myself genius! What I want to know is why I have your spunk in me fucking Nikes?!" "I... I like... feet." I was as red as a tomato - all the blood pooling in the cheeks to make me glow like a fucking lamp. "Ah..." Ant was quiet for a while. I didn't move and then he suddenly sat down on my bed: "Why?" The anger in his voice had gone and what was left was a confused lad who just needed to understand what was going on. "What... what do you mean?" "Why do you like feet?" "I don't know, just do I guess." I honestly had no idea; they just turned me on. "Is it like tits?" Ant said before laughing at the confused look on my face. He continued: "I like tits, they turn me on and get me hard. Is feet like that for you?" I moved towards him and sat down on the bed near him. We were far enough away that we weren't touching - I figured that would have been too much for him and I wanted to keep the calmer Ant that was seeing for as long as I could: this one didn't look like he wanted to beat me up. "Yeah, I guess it is. I see them and... yeah." "You get hard?" he asked, finishing my sentence with what I'd not wanted to say. "Yeah," I looked down and blushed. I was beginning to feel so shaky that I could have burst into tears. "And my trainers turned you on?" "Yeah... they... stunk of your feet." There it was, out there in the world. I'm a nasty gay boy that loves sweaty smelly feet and I just knew that Ant was going to tell everyone! None of my friends would even look at me after this. My mind whirred with fearful thoughts until, booming like thunder, Ant's laughter filled my room. "Are you being serious mate? You like my stinky feet?" I just nodded, unable to speak. "Fucking hell. Me mam is always moaning at me because of them! She says me room stinks of them! She hates it if I'm not wearing trainers in the house cos she can spell 'em from wherever she is!" I stayed quiet; I had no idea what to say to that. From the sounds of things, I'd love being inside Ant's room and breathing in all of that foot stink. We sat there in silence for a few moments. He'd reached over and taken his trainer from me and then we'd just sat there. I couldn't even bring myself to look at him. I don't know if I expected him to walk out, or to hit me, but I certainly didn't expect what actually came next. A familiar scent filled my nostrils as something was thrust in front of my face. I didn't even get time to think but automatically took a deep breath. "That's it, breathe in my stink," Ant's voice was right next to me; he was holding his beaten-up nasty Nike trainer over my nose and pressing it hard onto my face. I tried to shift but his second hand got hold of the back of my head, forcing my nose deep into his sweaty, stinky trainer. The scent was just the same as I remembered it: a strong manly sweaty smell that invaded my nostrils and sent electric triggers straight down to my dick. "Stop pulling away," Ant commanded, "Just breathe." I gave in to it and just took a deep sniff, taking in as much of the sweaty nasty trainer stink that I could. Suddenly, Ant pulled it away, letting it drop to the bed. With hands moving like lightning, he reached down and his hand touched my dick through my trousers. It was only brief and he pulled it away immediately. "Damn Liam - you are hard! My fucking foot stink got you hard! I can't believe it." "I'm sorry, please. I don't want to be like this. I just can't help it. Please don't tell anyone." Ant's eyes moved from side to side as if he was thinking something over. After a few moments, he spoke: "This is what is going to happen. I'm not wearing those trainers anymore after you've spunked in them so you're going to buy me some new ones. But you get to keep those. Sound fair?" The thought of being able to have Ant's sweaty stinky Nikes to sniff as much as I wanted and to have them every single time I wanked was just immense! "Yeah! Of course! I replied, sounding a little too eager. "And, erm..., you'll just keep it between us?" Ant looked at me, with a glint in his eye, and then replied: "I don't know. At the moment, it doesn't seem like I'm getting much out of this. You get me trainers and I get fuck all really." "I... I'm paying for new ones. I... don't really have anything else." I really didn't want anyone to know about this and would literally do whatever it took to stop Ant from telling. Luckily for me, he was really clear on what he wanted. "I'm horny as fuck all of the fuckin' time. You have me trainers to get off with but I don't have anything - no girl wants to hook up with me and I'm stick of wanking to porn. You're gonna sort that out mate." "I don't know what..." I started to say but was interrupted. "Get down on the floor and take my shoes off." I paused, looking at him to see the obvious joke that was coming but he just repeated: "Take them off now Liam." "But you're not..." I started. "Yeah obviously. But you're a faggot and I might as well benefit from it." I was visibly shaking when I got to my knees in front of the chav lad sat on my bed. My hands took hold of his school shoes and slowly pull them away to reveal a pair of dirty white socks. The stink that hit me, and probably filled my room, was immediate. If I'd thought that his Nikes had been hot then the smell now was overpowering. It was so manly and sweaty. My cock instantly started to throb inside my trousers. "And the socks, quickly," Ant commanded. He wasn't being aggressive but the seriousness of his instruction was clear. My fingers came into contact with the white fabric, or at least the fabric that was supposed to be white before Ant had ruined and stained it leaving it as a sweaty nasty mess. The warm coming from his feet was evident and the socks were even a little bit wet with sweat. I quickly pulled them off and was presented with Ant's size 11 feet. Now, I didn't think that Ant's feet were attractive before and, to be honest, I still don't know. But smelling their stink at the same time as hearing Ant tell me that I needed to start licking his soles was one of the hottest things that had ever happened to me. Of course my tongue went straight to those sweaty teen soles and started lapping at them for all I was worth. It was fucking amazing! The taste was just like a concentrated version of the smell and I was determined to lick every inch of those footy player soles and make sure that I did a good job. I seemed to be doing a decent one because, when I glanced up at Ant, he was rubbing his crotch through his trousers and looked to be getting hard. "Suck my toes," his voice retained the dominant tone from before and, given that I was already running my tongue along his sole, I was in no position to argue. I'd watched this on porn so many times but doing it myself in real life, even with a guy I didn't particularly fancy, was so much hotter than I could have ever imagined. I wrapped my lips around his big toe and started to suck on it, twisting my tongue around it. Ant's moaning was started to get louder and, when I looked up, I realised why. The dirty chav lad had pulled his cock out of his trousers and was wanking it above me while I was sucking on his big toe. This was the first dick I'd seen in real life and I stopped what I was doing and just stared at it. He was bigger than me and it looked to be really meaty and thick. He was uncut, as most British lads are, and he was already wanking his foreskin over the head at quite a quick pace. He noticed that I'd stopped and issues me another command: "Suck it." I started sucking again on his toe but was quickly interrupted. "No," he said, "Get up here and suck me cock you nasty faggot." I didn't care that he'd just called me that: in fact, it kind of turned me on. I'd never so much as touched another guy's dick but I wasn't about to waste this opportunity now that it was here. Besides, he'd tell all of my mates about me if I didn't. My heart was pounding as I got closer to his big uncut chav cock but I decided that I just needed to go for it. I'd never done it before and it was probably going to be shit but I just needed to try and enjoy as much of it as I could. From my vantage point now, I could see just how veiny his cock was and how thick the pubes at the base were. Like every other bit of him, the manly sweaty scent coming from him just made everything so much hotter. I stuck out my tongue and licked the end of his cock. He was still wanking it but he started moaning and got a lot quicker when he felt the tip of my tongue start to explore the wet head of his knob. He was precumming loads and I could feel it start to slide down my tongue - fucking hell, I was swallowing the precum of another lad! "Come on, don't just lick it. Get your fucking mouth round me knob." I did as I was told and wrapped my lips around the head. Like I had with his toe, I started to swirl my tongue and suck on it at the same time. "Oh fuck yes! Suck me dick Liam! Suck me fat fuckin' knob you little slut!" I ran my tongue around the exposed glands as he pulled his foreskin down. I replaced the action with my lips, working them back and forth over his cockhead. "Fuckin' hell lad that's fuckin' good." I continued doing this for another minute or so. It wasn't very long but, as a teen chav lad who wasn't used to getting sucked, we can't expect Ant to last for long. And, in fairness, he did warn me when he was about to spunk. "I'm gonna cum Liam. Gonna nut in your mouth - fucking swallow me spunk you nasty little cumslut!" With that cry, he released volley after volley of his teen spunk directly into my mouth. I was tasting cum for the first time as it shot across my tongue. It was a massive load and I had to swallow a few times over just to stop it from filling me up completely. The taste was just... him. It was exactly the way his feet had smelled, the way his crotch had smelled, it was just him in liquid form and I'm not ashamed to admit that I fucking loved swallowing him down. Ant thanked me and told me that we'd have to go shopping for some new trainers soon - he didn't want me to give him the money, he wanted me to come with him. He also told me to expect a repeat of this at some point as well: reasserting that he wasn't gay but that my mouth was just too good to waste.

Thank you so much for reading the fourth chapter of my story. I hope that you enjoyed it and that it entertained or excited you. I'm hoping to write a lot more and I'd love to hear from you as to what you thought and any suggestions you might have for further chapters. Remember, you can email me at - all emails are appreciated especially now that the Tumblr has gone as I've no other way of engaging with the readers.

Finally, please remember to donate to Nifty and help keep this site open so little twinks like me can keep writing all these sexy stories for you.

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