Crash with Fame

By moc.loa@1133XIRTAM

Published on Jul 29, 1999


Legal formalities: This is a complete work of fiction. It is not meant to imply anything about the sexual preferences of the BSB. If you are underage or it is illegal for you to read stuff like this in your area (like Zimbabwe. But if you lived in Zimbabwe you would not have a computer) do not continue on. After all you do not want to break any laws.

Authors note: This is the second installment of Crash with fame. Read the first part and it will help you understand this part much better. I know that these are short chapters but they will get longer as the story progresses right now I am just trying to get the plot and stuff explained. All comments will be greatly appreciated good or bad. E-mail me at (I use instant messenger at that one too) or ICQ me at 33110864 or YAHOO PAGE me at matrix3311.

Note: This chapter caused me the most trouble. I have changed it four or five times. I hope that you guys like it. I do. Please give me your feedback on this chapter about what you liked and what you thought could change. Thank you.

Crash with Fame Part three Written by Neo

I am sorry for the first edition of the third chapter. i know what i did wrong and i will not do it again...i hope. this one should be all fixed. chapter four will be sent just as soon as this one is posted.

"What!!!" I screamed back into the phone.

"Nick is in St. Mary's hospital." Brian said.

"Chris! What is it?" my mom said bursting into my room. I guess that I was louder than I thought.

"It's Nick. He is in the hospital again," I screamed at her.

"Chris, Nick wants you to come here. I really want you to come too," Brian said getting my attention back to the phone.

"Yeah I will be there as soon as I can. What is the address?" I asked Brian. He gave me the address and soon hung up the phone. I was just starting to pull a pair of pants on when my mom stopped me.

"Chris what are you doing?" she asked.

"I am going to New York. Nick wants me to be with him." I told her.

"You are not it is the middle of the night" she said coldly.

"Mother he is in the hospital!" I screamed at her.

"I do not care. He will be there in the morning too." She said even colder still. It was about then when my dad walked into the room.

"Jessie, Chris needs to do this," dad said to mom. For some reason the way that he said it gave me a very uneasy feeling.

"I do not care. He is not going!" she said. They started to argue fiercely. I was getting mad. I was wanted in the hospital and my parents were arguing. I was about to say something when my dad jerked his head towards my door. I knew what he was saying. I crept toward the door and got out. I went to the bathroom and grabbed the shirt that I had worn yesterday. My mom still had not noticed that I had gone. Leave it to dad to create a diversion. I grabbed my keys off of the counter and went out to start my car. When I got in I saw the blood that they could not get out of the seats. This got me worried that something was seriously wrong with Nick. Frankly I was afraid that he was going to die. I started the car and backed out onto the street.

"Oh shit." I repeated to myself the whole trip to New York. I made it in about 45 minutes. I quickly found the hospital and parked my car. I ran into the hospital and asked the nurse where Nick was.

"I am sorry sir, but you must be a relative to see Mr. Carter." She told me.

"But he asked for me. I got a call from Brian Litrell." I told her.

"I am sorry, but you must be a relative." She said again this time more angrily.

I was about to argue when Howie came up to me.

"Chris?" he asked.

"What?" I yelled turning around.

"Chris, calm down, it is me Howie." He said.

"I am sorry, I just can not get in to see Nick," I said on the verge of tears.

"Yeah you can, go right in," the nurse said to me.

Howie turned and started to walk towards Nick's room, I shot the nurse a dirty glance then followed Howie. When I got into the room I saw Nick hooked up to a couple of machines and an IV. He was asleep.

"What happened?" I asked quietly. Everyone in the room just stared at me. I asked again this time louder.

"Well we were...umm.... Well...." Brian said blushing. The rest of the guys were to.

"Never mind. I understand. Just answer me this? Why the hell were you guys fucking so soon? Nick is still to weak!" I screamed at Brian.

"He said that he was okay. He said that he could take it, but I see now that he couldn't. I feel so bad!" Brian said. He was crying. I really felt sorry for him but at the same time I wanted to kick his ass for being so stupid.

"Damnit, is he going to be okay?" I asked.

"The doctor said that he just over exerted himself and ribbed his stitches again. He just needs his rest." Kevin said.

I could not stop looking at the look on Brian's face. He had a guilty look on his face. I figured that it was just because he felt guilty for what he had done. I looked back down at Nick and then back up at the guys. Brian was now sitting in a chair trying to regain his composure.

"Brian, I am sorry I snapped," I said soothingly.

"It is not that, it is just, well none of this would ever have happened if I was not sleeping around like the slut I am." Brian said.

"Brian, it is not your fault. You made a mistake and that was in the past." AJ said.

"Yeah, Nick is going to be okay," Howie said reassuringly.

"I just feel so guilty I am not good enough for Nick," Brian said. Howie was just about to say something else when he jumped up and ran out of the room.

"Brian!" Kevin yelled down the hall.

"Should someone go after him?" Howie asked.

"Yeah, I'll go," Kevin said

"I will go with you, this is a big hospital," AJ said to Kevin. With that they were off.

"Is he going to be okay?" I asked Howie.

"He should be, he just needs to cool off a little," Howie said.

"Howie, how come Brian called me to come?" I asked. "Did Nick ask for me?"

"Nick was unconscious when Brian called 911 so he never asked for you. I do not know why Brian called you. I think that he knew that Nick would love to see you again." Howie said.

This was an amazing guy. One of his best friends was in the hospital and he was calm and collective.

"Have they been fighting anymore?" I asked him. I do not know why but this caused him to drop to his knees. "Howie, what is wrong?" I asked.

"They never would have fought if it were not for me telling Nick about Brian. This is not Roks fault. It is mine!" he cried.

"Howie, it is not your fault or Brian's. It is just something that happened. Nick is going to be okay. Now stop your crying. Everything is going to be okay." I said.

"It is just that Nick is like out kid brother. I am so afraid that something is going to happen to him." Howie cried. By now he was in hysterics. I was so afraid that he too was going to run off or hyperventilate that I called for a nurse.

"What is it?" I pleasant faced old lady said walking in the room.

I walked over to her and told her what was going on. Howie was still crying and had not realized that a nurse had come in.

"We can give him a tranquilizer," the nurse said to me.

"That would be great. Thank you very much." I said to her. She left the room and I walked back over to Howie. "Howie, come on. Lets get you off the floor." I said soothingly.

He stood up and I directed him to a chair. The nurse came back in with two paper cups. One had the tranquilizer and the other was a cup of water.

"Howie, take this," I said to him.

He reached up and took the tranquilizer from my hand. The state that he was in he would have done anything that I said. He drained the glass of water and calmed down a little bit almost immediately with in a couple of minutes he was drifting off to sleep. I laid him out in the chair the best I could and took off his shoes for him.

"He must be extremely tired," I thought to myself.

"Chris, I love you.' Howie mutter quietly. I was shocked at first but then I dismissed it as exhaustion and the tranquilizer. I myself had just settled into a chair when Howie started to ring. I looked at him then realized that he was laying on his coat and his cell phone must be ringing. I walked over to him and managed to get his phone.

"Hello?" I said.

"Chris? This is Kevin. Where is Howie? Is he okay?" Kevin asked.

"Howie is right here, He finally broke down and went into hysterics so the nurse gave him a tranquilizer. He is asleep." I told Kevin.

"OK, we found Brian, he went back to the hotel. He was packing." Kevin started.

"Oh my god. Where is he now?" I asked.

"We got him to calm down. He just fell asleep. AJ and I need to get some sleep too. We are going to stay here at the hotel with Brian. You and Howie stay there with Nick, We will be there in the morning." Kevin said.

"Okay," I said to him and hung up the phone. I walked back to my chair and just sat down when the nurse walked in. "Is everything okay?" she asked.

"Yes, Howie just fell asleep and Nick is doing fine. I am going to stay here for the night with the both of them," I told the nurse.

"Okay, I was just making sure everyone was okay, we have had quite a night," she said laughingly then left the room. I went back to my chair and sat down. I was trying to fall asleep when the doctor came in to make his rounds.

"You better get some sleep or else you are going to be in the same shape as your friend," the doctor said to me. I got and started to talk to the doctor about Nick.

"Is he going to be okay?" I asked.

"We hope so, he has been through quite an ordeal. He should be fine though. Just as long as he gets enough sleep and nobody over exerts him," the doctor said knowingly. I just looked at him. Soon the doctor left and I headed back to my chair. I had once again settled into my chair and tried to fall asleep. I glanced at my watch and it was only 3:30. This time I fell asleep within a minute. I woke up sometime later to a ringing. I looked at my watch again this time it was 10:30. I walked over to the chair that Howie was still sleeping on.

"Hello?" I said groggily.

"Chris, this is Kevin again is Howie still asleep?" Kevin asked.

"Yeah, I can wake him if you want." I said.

"Yeah, please do." Kevin said.

I set down the phone and grabbed Howie by the shoulders and shook him.

"Huh? Wha...?" he asked groggily.

"Howie, wake up, Kevin needs to talk to you," I said handing him the phone.

"Hello?" he said still half asleep. He talked to Kevin for about a minute then Hong up the phone. By now he was awake.

"What was that about?" I asked.

"Oh, Kevin just wanted to know if I was doing anything next week during our break," Howie said. "We are going to stay in New York with Nick."

"Oh, " I replied.

"I am going to go get some coffee. Do you want some?' Howie asked.

"Yeah, thanks that would be great," I replied.

He stood and walked out of the room. I watched him walk and he had one fine ass.

"Snap out of it." I thought to myself looking down at Nick. He was still sleeping. I just dept staring at him I was getting scared because he had been asleep so long and had not moved. I was about to call the doctor in when he stirred.

"Where am I?" he asked.

"Nick, you are in the hospital again," I said.

"Chris!" he exclaimed.

"Calm down Nick you can not over exert yourself again," I told him. The minute I said this he blushed.

"Brian told you?" he asked.

"Yeah, I sorta made him." I replied.

"How long have you been here?" he asked.

"Since quarter after two this morning," I said.

"Where is everyone?" he asked.

"Howie is getting coffee and the rest of the guys are at the hotel," I told him.

"What are they doing there?" he asked. He sounded hurt. I explained everything that had happened. Even what Brian said.

"I keep telling him I forgive him," Nick said to me.

"That is what we tried telling him," I replied.

Just then Howie came back. "Nick, you're awake!" he exclaimed.

"Hi D," he said.

"Are you okay?" Howie asked.

"Yeah, but I want out of here!" Nick screamed.

"The doctor said that you are going to have to stay in bed, but we may be able to get you out," I said.

"Cool, is Brian okay?" Nick asked changing the subject back to Brian.

"Nick, he is fine, he is with Kevin do you think that anything is going to happen with 'dad' around?" Howie asked jokingly.

"Good point, can you get the doctor in here?" Nick asked.

"Yeah," Howie said and went out to find the doctor. Once again I was staring at his ass. Nick took notice of this.

"Chris, snap out of it," Nick said.

"What?" I asked.

"You were staring at Howie's ass," Nick said bluntly.

"It was that noticeable?" I asked.

"Not really, probably the only person who DIDN'T notice was Howie," he said laughing.

"What can I say, he has a fine ass," I retorted.

"He is gay you know," Nick said flatly.

"He is?" I asked.

"Yeah," he replied.

"You are just shitting me aren't you," I accused.

"No I am not, I swear," Nick said.

I was speechless. I for once in my life had no idea what to say.

"Chris, are you okay?" Howie asked. I jumped and that sent Nick into a laughter fit.

"Oh, yeah, what did the doctor say?" I asked.

"He said that I need to sign a release and that if Nick stays in bed, ALONE, that he will be able to go home," Howie said happily.

"Very funny D," Nick said.

"I know, I know," Howie said. I knew that I was falling for Howie, I just did not know what to do. I knew that he would not go out with me. I was just somebody that Nick met on the street.

"Then call the limo and GET ME OUTTA HERE!" Nick screamed.

"Okay, give me my cell phone and I will," Howie said. I walked over to the chair and picked up Howie's phone and handed it to him. He dialed a number than had a brief conversation. The limo is on the way. "Let us get your stuff and sign the release and we will get you out of here," Howie said.

"Thank you, I hate hospitals about as much as flying," nick laughed.

Soon all the formalities were out of the way and Howie and I were walking back to Nick's room with his clothes and stuff. I loved just being there with him. We walked in silence until Howie stopped.

"Chris, I just have to thank you for what you did for me last night," he said to me.

"It was no problem. You needed a shoulder to cry on and I was there so I just let you use mine," I said. Howie just grinned; it gave me butterflies in my stomach. We continued our walk back to Nick's room. The doctor was just leaving as we walked in. Nick was up waling around the room.

"Finally,' Nick said.

"Calm down Nick or you aren't getting your clothes,' Howie teased.

"Fine," Nick said and sat down on the bed. He started to put his clothes on. Howie and I turned away and started to talk. "Okay, lets go," Nick yelled.

"Umm, Nicky, you need to wear a shirt,' Howie laughed.

"Well I did not have one on when I came in now did I?" he asked.

"Here, take my over shirt," Howie said. Before Nick could complain Howie had already had it unbuttoned and was just taking it off. He got it off and tossed it to Nick. I could not help but stare at his arms and his chest. He has a tight white t-shirt on and I could see the outline of his pectorals and his perfect six-pack. I had to turn away for I felt a hard-on forming.

"Let's go now," Nick yelled. We left the room and headed for the elevator. Nick got in then I got in as I was entering I felt something touch my ass. I turned to see Howie looking at the corner of the elevator with a slight grin on his face. I just stared at him. He finally got in and we pressed the button to take us to the garage. As soon as the doors opened we saw the limo waiting. We walked over to the Limo and Howie and Nick got in. I was just getting in when it hit me.

"Shit!" I exclaimed.

"What?" Howie and Nick asked in unison.

"My car, I drove it here last night." I said.

"Oh," Nick said.

"Well why don't we ditch the limo and then go back in Chris's car?" Howie suggested.

"Good idea,' Nick replied.

"Okay then, to my car." I said. Howie and Nick got out of the car. Howie walked around to the driver's side and told the limo driver he was not needed anymore. Then we headed off to my car. I got into the drivers side and Nick got into the backseat to stretch out Howie was then forced to get into the passengers side.

"Man, there is something all over your seat," Howie said.

"Yeah, I know, talk to your friend back there," I said.

"What? What did I do?" Nick asked sitting up.

"You totally covered my seats in blood," I said.

"Shit man, I am so sorry," Nick said.

"Don't worry about it, I needed to get my seats redone anyways," I said sarcastically. Howie just laughed. We drove to the guy's hotel.

"Chris, drive slowly, do not attract attention to us," Howie said trying to duck down low enough to hide. His head ended up on my crotch. I was starting to get a hard-on and was worried that Howie would notice. I drove into the parking garage and found a spot near the elevator. Howie got up and I got out first. I needed the extra second or two to adjust myself. Nick and Howie got out and we headed for the elevator. The doors were just opening when we heard a scream behind us. Howie and Nick jumped in the elevator and pulled me in too. Nick was frantically pressing the door close button. I finally saw what was going on. A group of screaming fans was running right for us. The doors just closed as they got to the elevator.

"Shit, that was close," Nick said.

"Tell me about it, but could you of imagined what would have happened if we came in the limo?" Howie stated.

"Shit, we would have been dead," Nick joked. The elevator became eerily quiet. Nick had not realized the effect of his statement.

"Did anyone think to call Kevin?" I asked.

"Shit!!!" Howie screamed. "He is going to kill us."

We rode the rest of the way with Howie kicking himself.

Ding came the elevator when we got to the reserved floor. We stepped out and walked down a narrow hall to a door. Howie took a card from his wallet and unlocked the door. We walked into an even bigger hall that had several rooms leading off of it.

"This, is the grand penthouse, Nick and Brian's room is to the left, Mine is to the right, Kevin's is next to Nick and Brian's and AJ's is next to mine," Howie said. I was still amazed at how large this one floor was. After the hall of rooms there was a large living area in front. Nick had gone into his room to get a new shirt.

"Howie, do not worry about Kev," Nick called out.

"Why?" Howie asked walking towards Nick's room. Nick did not have to answer. Howie and I walked in and saw Brian sound asleep on one of the beds in the room and Kevin and AJ were spooning in the other.

"I thought that AJ and Kev were the hetero's of this group, looks like I was wrong." Nick burst out laughing. Kevin shot Nick a dirty and scared look. "Relax, he already knows," Suddenly Howie burst out laughing too. All the noise in the room woke the three sleepers up.

"What?" Kevin asked groggily. None of us could say anything I too was laughing at the whole thing.

"Umm, Kev, I like you and all man, but not like this," AJ said.

"What?" Kevin asked again. Suddenly he realized what was going on. "Oh my god, I'm sorry AJ."

"Hey no prob man, just don't do it again or I will have to kill you," AJ laughed.

"Nick!" Brian yelled while running towards him.

"Relax Bri, I am here," nick said smugly.

"How did you get out?" Kevin asked.

"The doctor said that it was okay," Nick answered. "He said that I was well enough to go."

"I think that it was him being a celebrity," I chimed in. Kevin and AJ laughed. Brian was hanging on Nick. He wrapped his arms around Nick's neck and gave him a deep passionate kiss.

"Not again, not until he is completely able," Kevin told Brian.

"I was just saying hello," Brian said blushing.

"So Nick is well enough to leave the hospital, that is a definite plus," AJ said happily.

"I'm hungry," Nick said out of the blue.

"Then lets go get some lunch," Howie stated. I did not realize that it was that late. I was beginning to feel really weird, these people all knew each other but I was just a stranger. I felt awkward to be around them, but I did not want to leave Howie.

"Where are we going to eat?" Brian asked.

"I don't know, none of us really know this place, any suggestions Chris?" Kevin asked me.

"Yeah, there is a really great restaurant down on 5th avenue. You need a reservation to get in though." I said.

"I think that we will get a table," AJ said cockily.

"I'll call the Limo," Kevin said. He walked off into the hallway and called for the limo. He also made a second call. I figured that it was to management or something. We sat around making small talk for a little while, I felt much more at ease the phone rang and Kevin picked it up.

"Guys, the limo is here," he said.

"Cool, let's go then," Nick said eagerly. We all piled into the elevator and rode it down to the garage, the whole way down Brian and Nick were making out.

"Do those two ever stop?" I asked.

"NO," AJ, Howie, and Kevin answered in unison. We got into the limo and I told the driver where we were going. When we got there, as AJ predicted, we immediately got a secluded table. The meal was great and everyone seemed to enjoy it. Kevin insisted on paying the check saying "it is the least that we could do," We got outside and waited for the Limo to pull around when suddenly a Durango came pulling up and a guy in a uniform stepped out.

"Your car, sir," he said to me.

"Not mine, I think you have me confused for someone else," I said politely.

"But aren't you Chris Sams?" the valet asked.

"Yeah, but I did not drive today," I told him. I heard snickers and giggles coming from the guys behind me. "What is so funny?" I yelled turning towards them.

"SURPRISE!" they all yelled at me.

"WHAT!!!" I was dumbfounded.

"This is to make up for me ruining your car," Nick said to me. "It is a Durango just like my old one and my new one. It is identical to my new one."

"We got it so that you would remember what you did for all of us." Kevin added.

"I do not know what to say, I...I have never been given a car as a thank-you present before." I cried.

"Hey, your getting my shoes all wet!" Nick exclaimed.

"I'm sorry, I love it, thank you guys so much," I said.

"Now that that is out of the way, lets get off of the street before we are recognized," AJ said.

"Yeah, where is the limo?" I asked.

"WE sent it away, we are all going for a test drive back to the hotel," Howie said.

"Cool, then get in," I yelled. I ran around to the driver's side and jumped in. Howie jumped in the passengers seat and the rest of the guys jumped in the back seats. I took off back to the hotel. I sat there in silence. I did not know that to say. We got back to the hotel all too soon. I found a parking space we all jumped out of the car and ran to the elevator before the guys got spotted. We made it without incident. The minute the doors shut Brian and Nick were all over each other again. Howie looked at them and then at me then to them again. I was wondering what he was doing. The elevator slowly made its ascent up. I was leaning against the back wall and Howie pushed his way back to the back wall on the other side. I did not know how much longer I could take being around Howie. I loved him so much and I do not think that he even knew that I was gay. Kevin asked me a question about my new car and turned my head to answer him. We had five more floors to go. I finished talking to Kevin and glanced back at Nick and Brian. When I turned my head back I noticed that Howie had crept closer to me. We had made it to the 29th floor, three short of the boy's penthouse when suddenly the elevator lurched to a stop sending all of us to the floor. The lights were out but for some reason I could tell that Howie had ended up landing on top of me. I was about to say something to him when suddenly it hit me. Nick must have fallen to.

"Nick, are you alright?" I yelled.

"I don't know, my whole chest hurts," he replied. Even though I could not see him I could tell that he was grimacing in pain.

"Is everyone else all right?' Kevin asked. The rest of the guys muttered a yeah.

"Someone call the front desk," I said out loud.

I saw the form of someone stand up and grope around for the telephone panel.

"Where the hell is the damn phone?" AJ exclaimed.

"Check by the call box," Howie replied. He was still on top of me and everyone else was starting to stand.

"Fuck it, someone hand me their cell," AJ said. I saw Kevin reach into his pocket and hand his cell phone to AJ.

"Um, Howie, you can get up now," I said to him.

"Huh, oh shit, sorry about that," Howie said awkwardly.

"Why aren't the emergency lights coming on?" Brian whined.

"I don't know, but I want out of here," I said,

"What's wrong? Afraid of the dark?" Brian asked.

"No, I just do not like to be stuck in small places, I am highly claustrophobic," I shot back.

"Okay, guys, the desk said that the whole hotel is with out power. Something about a short circuit in the generator. Anyway, they say that they have people working on it right now and that power should be back on in about a half an hour," AJ said.

"Shit," I said under my breath. I was actually beginning to panic.

"Chris are you going to be alright?" Kevin asked me.

"Yeah, I hope," I said quietly.

"Man, you are turning so white you are glowing in the dark," AJ commented.

"I know, I just need to sit down," I said. I let myself slide down the back wall that I was once again leaning against. I brought my knees to my chin and wrapped my arms round them then laid my head down. I was afraid that I was going to freak out. I started to cry when I felt a strong arm wrap around my back. I turned my head and saw Howie staring down at me.

"It is going to be alright, we'll get out of here soon," he said in a comforting tone.

"I hope so," I said to him.

"Just refax and try not to think about being in here," he said. I looked at him again then laid my head on his shoulder. I felt his body go tense so I set it back on my knees.

"No, that is okay, lay your head back on my shoulder," he said once again in a comforting tone. I slowly laid my head back down on his shoulder. I just lay there crying softly on his shoulder. I felt his other hand start to stroke my head. I was stating to calm down and doze off. I really felt peaceful lying on Howie's shoulder. Felt someone else sit down on my other side.

"Are you okay?" Kevin asked.

"Yeah, now I am," I said to him and snuggled up to Howie a little bit more. At first he resisted but then it felt like he was starting to enjoy. I had just fallen asleep when the lights snapped back on.

"Finally," I heard someone say.

I started to stand but was pulled back down by Howie. I gave him a startled look and he let me stand. I got up and extended my hand to pull him up. He took it and I pulled him to his feet just as the elevator was stopping on the guys floor he fell forward right into me. I was not expecting it so I went down too. I ended up flat on my back with Howie lying on top of me.

"Get a room," AJ yelled at us.

"Shut-up, AJ." I heard Nick say.

"Not you two. Them two." He said pointing to us. This caused the rest of the guys to turn around and look at us. Instantly they all burst out laughing.

"Umm, Howie, People are staring." I said to him.

"Huh, oh." He said as he was getting up. He seemed to be in a trance. We walked to the door and Kevin unlocked it. We all walked in and went directly to the living area.

"So what now?" Brian asked.

"Well seeing that it is already 6:00, lets watch a movie then we'll call room service for some dinner," Howie suggested. We all agreed. I had not even given a second thought to my parents until I felt something hit me in the side.

"Shit, my parents. I totally forgot about them. Do you guys mind if I call them?" I said looking at my pager.

"No go ahead the phone is in the hall," Kevin said to me. I went to the hall and dialed my number.

"Chris," my mom answered on the first ring.

"Yeah," I said to her.

"Where the hell are you at?" she screamed to me.

"I am with the Backstreet Boys," I said to her.

"Get your ass home right now or do not come home at all," she screamed to me. I was getting pissed.

"What the hell is your problem?" I screamed back.

"My youngest son runs out at 1:30 in the morning just to go see some guy that he does not even know. What the hell do you think my problem is?" she said flatly.

"Mother, he was in the hospital and I was asked to come. You were the one at fault." I told her. " I will come home as soon as I feel like it," I said. I knew that this would get to her, which is why I said it.

"No you won't, as far as I am concerned you are not my son and I never want to see you again," she screamed at me then slammed down the receiver. I too hung up and walked into the living area in a daze.

"Chris, are you okay?" Howie asked me.

"Yeah," I said to him.

"We heard most of your conversation," Nick told me.

"I'm sorry, I should have been quieter." I said apologetically.

"Don't worry about it, so is everything okay at home?" AJ asked.

"Yeah, I guess so, I don't know anymore," I said. I was still in a daze.

"What do you mean?" Howie asked me.

"Well. I was just kicked out for coming to see Nick," I said. I walked over to my place on the couch and sat down.

"Shit man, I am sorry, I never should have called you," Brian said to me.

"No, it is not your fault, my mom and I have been fighting for the last year, I guess today just put an end to the fighting," I told him.

"I am still sorry," Brian said.

"Where are you going to stay?" Nick asked me. I had just noticed that Brian was sitting on his lap.

"I don't know, I guess I will find a motel or something until I can find a place or my dad talks some sense into my mom," I said solemnly.

"No, you are going to stay right here," Kevin said. "We are going to be in town for another week until Nick is okay to travel."

"No, I couldn't." I said to him.

"Yes you can, Kevin, AJ and I all have extra beds in our rooms," Howie chimed in.

"Hey, what about us?" Brian asked,

"You two are going to sleep in separate beds for a while," Kevin said in a fatherly tone.

"But..." Nick started.

"Separate beds now or separate rooms later," Kevin shot back.

"Yes dad," Nick and Brian said together

"So what movie should we watch?" AJ asked changing the subject.

"I don't know, Nick you pick a movie," Kevin said to him.

"Um, lets see, lets watch...." He said scrolling down the movie card. "Thinner sound good," the guys agreed so I was not going to object. Nick called down to the front desk and ordered the movie. Soon the opening credits were coming across the screen. AJ got up and went to the mini-fridge in the room. He grabbed a couple of cans out and walked back into the main area.

"Here," he said handing me a can of beer.

"No thanks, I do not drink, I am only 19," I told him.

"Coo, no prob," he said pulling his hand back. He walked back to the fridge and put the can back. I felt eyes burning into me and saw Howie staring at me in disbelief.

"You are only 19?" he asked.

"Yeah," I said sheepishly. I was afraid that I had just turned Howie completely off.

"Cool," he said with a grin on his face. I was trying to figure out what he meant when AJ came back with a can of coke.

"Thanks," I said to him. I set it down on the table and started to watch the movie. We were about mid way through the movie when I noticed that Howie had snuggled up closer to me.

"Scared?" I teased.

"No," he said sweetly.

I went back to watching the movie. The gypsy was just giving the guy the pie when I felt Howie's head on my shoulder.

"Howie?" I asked. No response. I craned my neck to see that Howie was sound asleep on my shoulder. I laid my head down on top of his and went back to watching the movie. When it ended everyone started to get up and move around. I had just lifted my head when Kevin took notice of Howie.

"Don't wake him, yet," I said quietly.

"I am going to order the food now, anything specific?" Kevin asked me.

"No whatever is fine with me," I told him and he walked away.

I really had to get up and stretch my legs. I gently lifted Howie's head and stood up. When I got up I laid his head down on the couch and pulled his feet up so that he was lying across it.

"Isn't that cute?" AJ said while walking up behind me.

"Shut-up," I said to him.

"Hey, you really like him. Don't you?" AJ asked me.

"If you want to know the truth, yes I do," I said to him.

"I could tell, you know, I think that he likes you too," Kevin said walking up behind AJ. The sound of Kevin's voice made me jump. "Sorry, did not mean to scare you." He said to me.

"No, it is just that I did not want a lot of people to know, and what do you mean you think he likes me too," I asked.

"He likes you, trust us man," AJ said.

"You mean he really is gay?" I asked. I was in heaven. Howie Dorough might actually have something for me.

"Yeah he is, he is the one that got Nick and Brian to come out," Kevin said. AJ was about to say something when room service knocked on the door.

"Foods here," Nick yelled.

"Shhhhh," Kevin said to him as he was walking towards the door to get the food. I watched as Kevin and the waiter guy came wheeling three trays of food into the room.

"Think you ordered enough?" I asked sarcastically.

"I hope I ordered enough," Kevin said seriously.

"Someone should wake Howie up," Brian said.

"I'll do it," I said. I walked over to him and gently grabbed his shoulders and started to shake him gently. "Howie, wake up," I said to him. I shook him for about a minute before he finally woke up. He opened his eyes and looked directly into mine then smiled.

"Hey," he said to me.

"Hey, food is here," I said to him.

"Good, I am famished." He said while getting up.

Him and I walked over to the little kitchen area where the rest of the guys were loading to table with food. They had just finished and had taken a seat when we got there. I noticed that there were only tow seats left right next to each other. Howie and I sat down and everyone started to get some food. We filled our plates and ate our meal. We soon finished all of the food that Kevin ordered. By the time that we had finished it was 10:30.

"So what now?" Nick asked.

"Well, I am going to bed," Kevin said.

"Good idea," AJ and Howie agreed.

"Yeah, I think that I am too, I have not gotten much sleep lately." I agreed.

"Well, Nick and I are going to stay out here and watch TV." Brian said.

"But all you are going to do is watch TV." Kevin said.

Everyone but Brian and Nick laughed. They just blushed

"So, where am I going to sleep?" I asked.

"How about in my room." Howie asked eagerly.

"Okay, well, I will see you guys in the morning." I told them. As I got up so did Howie, Kevin, and AJ. I walked down to Howie's room with him right behind me. I opened the door to find an extremely large room with two full sized beds and a Jacuzzi

"Nice room." I said.

"Yeah, isn't it. I like it." He said, "you can take the bed by the Jacuzzi," he said to me.

"Okay," I said as I started to take off my shirt. Howie too was getting read for bed, I had just gotten my belt undone when I noticed that Howie was staring. The moment that I looked up he turned his head. I smile to myself. I got my belt undone and took my pants off. I was standing there in my boxer-briefs and my "wife beater". I turned down the bed and climbed in. Howie followed suit. The moment my head hit the pillow I was asleep. * * *

"Chris," I heard my mother say.

"Yes mom?" I asked her.

"What the hell are these?" she asked me.

"What are what?" I asked but I already knew what she was talking about.

"These love letters from a GUY named Scott." She screamed at me. I knew that I was in for it.

"What the hell are you doing with this things?" She screamed at me," is my youngest son a little cock-sucking fagot?"

"Yes mother, I am." I said bluntly. The next thing I knew my mothers hand was making contact with my face. I went down to my knees and my mother continued to hit me. I tried to get her to stop but she would not. Then everything went black.

"Chris, wake up, what is it?" I heard someone asking me.

"Huh, who's there?" I said not opening my eyes.

"It is me, Howie, you were kicking and screaming. I think that you were having a nightmare." He said to me. I realized what had happened. I had tat same nightmare every time I got into a fight with my mother.

"What's wrong?" Kevin asked throwing the door to the room open.

"Chris, he was having a nightmare," Howie told him.

"Shit, you scared me to death," Kevin said letting out a long sigh.

"I'm sorry," I said.

"Care to talk about it?" Howie asked.

"No, not really," I said.

"Oh," Howie said. He sounded hurt.

"Well if nothing is wrong then I am going back to bed. Are you sure you are alright?" Kevin asked one last time.

"Yeah, I am fine," I said one last time. Kevin turned and walked out of the room shutting the door behind him.

"She nearly killed me," I said more to myself.

"Who?" Howie asked alarmed.

"My mother," I said.

"What happened?" Howie asked me.

"Well she was in my room and found some letters from my ex-boyfriend." I started. Howie laid down on top of the covers next to me and put his arm around me in a friendly embrace. "Well she confronted me and started to call me names. I finally told her that I was gay and she just started to beat on me. I went down to the floor and she started to kick me. I blacked out and the next thing I know is I was being loaded into an ambulance."

"Oh my god," Howie said and started to stroke my hair. "Now every time I have a fight with her I relive that all over again." I said. I was starting to cry. Howie was getting up to go to his own bed. "Please do not leave. That is if you do not mind," I said. When I realized what I had said I started to cry even harder.

"Yes, I'll stay with you," Howie said in a loving tone.

"Thank-you." I said. I soon fell asleep still feeling Howie stroking my head and feeling the warmth of his body against mine.


. That was chapter three. Four should becoming out soon. Any questions or comments will be greatly appreciated. Told you I was going to make it different. Well anyways e-mail me at (you can also IM me if you want) or ICQ 33110864 or YAHOO page me at matrix3311. I want to hear from you people so that I know whether or not I should continue the story or not.

Next: Chapter 3

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