Cramped Sauna

By Dave Arnold

Published on Jun 3, 2024



Cramped Sauna

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It's about a High School swim team and their interesting initiation ceremony.

Cramped Sauna

It was after swim practice, and I figured that everyone would be in the showers. I should have been there too, but I had a hard-on that just wouldn't go down. I'm a freshman and this was my first practice with the team. All of the upperclassmen were so incredibly hot that I was hard the whole time. Fortunately, I was in the water most of the time so no one could see my condition. I'd known for a while that I was gay, but I was usually able to keep it under control.

But all of these guys were sexy and older, especially the senior team captain Theo. He wasn't the largest, but he just exuded dominance and charisma. Everyone on the team seemed to defer to him, he was the uncontested leader of the team. He wasn't a muscle stud, he was kind of a twink like everyone on the swim team. He was the main reason that I had a boner that wouldn't quit. Maybe I could rub one out really quick in here and then go take my shower with none of them being the wiser.

I'm the youngest guy on the varsity, but I was really fast in the back stroke, so everyone knew that I would make the varsity squad. I was pretty proud about that because it had been seven years since a freshman had made the varsity. My biggest worry is how am going to be able to keep the fact that I'm gay a secret? I was a complete virgin. I'd never even touched a guy or a girl for that matter.

I had the little, tiny towel that they give you to sit on in the sauna, so I laid it on the bench and sat down on it. I was thinking about Theo, I couldn't get him out of my mind, and I was leaking cock snot like a faucet. I skinned my sheath back with my left hand and coated my right hand with my precum. I slowly started to slide my hand up and down my erection.

I was imagining that Theo was sitting next to me and sliding his hand up and down my shaft. The things I would do with him if given half an opportunity...

My fantasy was broken when I heard the door open. I quickly pulled the little towel out from under me and quickly put it on my lap. It hid my leaking cock but it looked like a fucking tipi. I wondered who was coming in, hopefully nobody that knew me.

My hope was short lived. Theo walked into the sauna followed by the rest of the team. He came over and sat to my right, right next to me. To his right were Martin, Alex and Sam. To my left sat Justin, Kim and Steve. All of them were eye candy but in my mind the rest of them paled in comparison to Theo.

Theo broke the silence. "Hey Steve, we wondered where you went to."

"I just wanted to hit the sauna to warm up a bit after being in the pool for so long." It was a lame excuse and with the tent in my towel, it wasn't very believable.

"Well, we wanted to welcome you to the team." He said as he slid closer to me and slid his left shoulder and left arm behind me. His left foot was on the ground and his legs were spread almost 180 degrees with his right foot on the bench. His right arm was around Martin's waist. His dick was right out for everyone to see. It was obvious that he wasn't shy about his junk, but then again none of them seemed to be self-conscious at all.

To my surprise his dick started to rise, but he didn't seem to think anything of it. He moved his left hand up to my waist and gently pulled me a little closer. His cock was fully erect, it was bigger than my five inches, maybe about seven uncut inches. It was everything I could do to not stare and drool. I was blushing. I turned my eyes toward his face, and I could see his eyes angled down toward my towel, his mouth was sporting a sly predatory grin. But maybe that was just wishful thinking on my part.

The others were just casually talking to each other. What they were talking about I had no idea, I only had eyes and ears for Theo. But I was trying to act innocent.

"You know the towels are for sitting on. You don't have to cover up your junk. It's not like you have something we haven't seen before." I just blushed even harder. "Is it because you're all boned up? You don't need to be embarrassed; look I've got a woody too. It gets that way when I'm sitting next to a sexy guy."

"Here let me help you with that." He said as he reached over with his right hand and lifted the towel off of my lap. He reached over and wrapped his hand around my cock, which was liberally coated with my precum so he was easily able to slide his hand up and down my shaft. To my shock nobody was paying much attention to his hand on my cock.

"As well as you swim, it's hard to remember that you're just a freshman. I haven't ever been with somebody as young as you. Don't be embarrassed, it will probably grow a little more." He said as he wrapped his hand around my boner and used his thumb to rub my still leaking pre around the head of my cock.

"But they can all see what we're doing." I blurted out stupidly.

"So? I've fucked all of them. We have a slogan on our team. "The team that fucks together wins together." My gaydar works perfectly, I could tell that you were a catcher the first time I saw you. My guess is that you're a virgin, aren't you?" He said in a matter-of-fact manner.

I just lowered my eyes and nodded in embarrassment.

"There's nothing to be embarrassed about, you won't be my first virgin. My nickname is Dr. T because I've performed so many cherryectomies..." He replied with a grin.

He let go of my cock and grabbed my right hand and brought it over to his cock. "That's it." He said as I wrapped my hand around his handsome cock. It was still dry so my hand didn't slide easily. "You need to get it slick first..." He said as I felt his left hand behind my head as he guided my head down to his cock. "You don't need to be embarrassed; we all suck each other's cocks."

He didn't need to tell me twice, I'd fantasized about sucking his cock, even before I'd ever seen it. I covered my teeth with my lips and slid it down his shaft. I was only getting it half way in my mouth and before he hit the back of my throat. I gagged a little and he paused.

"Just relax.

He grabbed a handful of my head fur and used it to gently guide my mouth up and down his shaft. "You're doing really well for your first time. I'm all pent up so I'm gonna cum pretty soon, make sure you swallow it all." He needn't have said anything, I wasn't going to waste one drop of his precious seed.

I started fluttering my tongue underneath his cock as I was bobbing for gonads. I reached my hand down and cupped his sack which was tight against his body, more than likely signaling an impending orgasm.

Then I felt his balls draw up and his cock twitched, then the first jet of cum shot onto my tongue. I'd tasted my cum before but his was more bitter, probably a consequence of the dominance pheromones that he was emitting. I let a few spurts of cum cover my tongue before I swallowed to make sure that none leaked out. I continued until the last little bit of his load dribbled out. He then pulled my head up.

Then to my shock he pulled my mouth toward his and ran his tongue across my lips. I'd never kissed anyone before, but I figured out what he wanted. I opened my mouth and his tongue shot into my mouth and began exploring. All I could think to do was to suck on his tongue as he did.

All too quickly he broke the kiss and said, "I love tasting my cum in someone's mouth once they've sucked me off. It's kinda like verifying that my cum was in there."

"Well Sir, it was definitely in there. I hope it isn't the last time that I get to suck your handsome cock." I replied.

"I have a feeling that you're going to be my personal cocksucker this year..." He replied with his patented cocksure smirk. "Hey guys, I think we should take this to the team room." For the first time since I started sucking his cock I looked at all of the other guys. All of them had their cocks out and were slowly stroking them, edging along.

"What's the team room?" I asked.

"It's our room for bonding. The coach doesn't know what goes on in there and doesn't want to know. He just knows that we're the closest and most successful team he's ever had. Just remember what happens in the team room stays in the team room." He said as we left the sauna which entered right into the locker room, so our state of nakedness and arousal wasn't a problem. He had his hand on my ass as he led me to where we were going. His hand on my ass was making sure that my erection didn't wane.

We walked all the way to the back of the locker room to what looked like a closet door. It was a spacious 25' by 25' room. There were some 8' by 6' gym mats hanging on one wall and one wall had some lockers on them. To my surprise one of the walls had a door that went to the outside.

Theo saw me looking at it. "Yeah that one goes to the outside so we can get access to the room even when the gym is closed. Since I'm the captain coach gave me the key."

While he was speaking the guys got three of the mats off the wall and laid them side by side, making a mat that was 8' by 18' on the floor. Then to my surprise they pulled a huge comforter out of one of the lockers. I guess it wasn't a single comforter, but several that had been sewn together that would cover the three mats. Which is exactly what they did with it.

Theo led me to the middle of the mat. He put his hands on my shoulders and guided me down to my knees. He didn't have to force me. That beautiful cock was there just waiting to be sucked. I was drawn to it like a moth to a flame. He was only semi-hard since he'd just cum a few minutes ago. I planned on remedying that soon.

Soon I had his cock in my mouth and he was hardening quickly. "That's it! Get me nice and hard so I can perform a cherryectomy. I love being the first." Soon I was bobbing for gonads on his rock hard seven inches. He was leaking plenty of tasty precum. I was finally getting to experience some of the things that I'd only fantasized about.

I hadn't paid attention to it before this, but the rest of the team was standing in a circle around us, leisurely stroking their cocks.

He pulled my mouth off of his cock. I stared up at him, my eyes alight with hero worship. I was hoping that he would relieve me of my virginity soon.

"Get on your back and pull your knees up to your chest!" He ordered as he slowly stroked his cock. I eagerly followed his orders to the letter. I definitely wasn't an Alpha. I was definitely an Omega and I was born to submit to an Alpha like Theo. I pulled my knees up to my chest, my virgin sphincter was visible for every one to see.

"Look at all of these guys that are jealous that I'm getting your cherry. Sam are you getting close yet?" Theo asked the second in command on the team.

"I can be. This is so hot." Sam replied.

"Cum is such a great lube. Can you shoot a load on that tight little brown star?"

"No problem Theo." He replied. Then he knelt right between my legs and started rapidly stroking his eight inch cut cock. It only took about 20 seconds before he erupted, jet after jet of hot cum shot against my sphincter.

When he stopped cumming he got to his feet. Theo ran his hand all the way up Sam's cock milking all of the residual cum out of his urethra. He got enough out to be able to lube up his cock. Then he knelt between my legs. He used his middle finger on his right hand to spread San's load all over my asshole. Then he slipped it into me.

My first reaction was to clench down on it. "Relax pup. I've got to get you lubed and stretched so it doesn't hurt too bad when I pluck your cherry. I plan on making you into a cream filled twink...

I relaxed and soon he had his whole finger buried in me, sawing in and out. I could feel every time he brushed against my prostate. I'd never done any ass play but I knew enough about anatomy to know what he was hitting. I could only imagine what it would feel like when it was his big dick instead of just his finger.

Then he slipped his index finger in along with his middle finger. It hurt a little at first, but I soon dilated enough that he could easily slide them back and forth. Then he started spreading them, which stretched me even more. I thought I was stretched enough, I was anxious to lose my virginity. But he was the expert at "cherryectomies" so I wasn't going to say anything.

He pulled his fingers out, put my knees over his shoulders and then positioned himself so the head of his cock was at my brown star. He put some pressure behind it and the head of his cock popped in. He slowly pushed the whole way in until his balls came to rest against my ass right above my tail. He leaned forward until his chest was against mine. He wrapped his arms around my chest. We were mouth to mouth when he said "I told you I'd get your cherry."

"You feel like you belong in me Sir."

"I'm glad you feel like that because when I cum in you, you WILL belong to me." He said as he slowly began fucking me. It was obvious that he knew exactly what he was doing, his uncut seven inches were expertly massaging my prostate. I think the way he had me folded up was giving him a direct shot at my gland. I wasn't going to last much longer.

He made three more deep thrusts. "Arrrghhhh!" I cried out as my load shot up to my chest between us.

"That's it. Cum for me!" He said as he continued to fuck me senseless.

After I finished cumming and was aware of my surroundings again I could see our teammates still stroking their cocks, although several of them were stroking each other. Some of them were already leaking cock snot. I didn't think there were this many gay guys in the world, based on my sheltered experience. Not that I was complaining.

But soon Theo had all of my attention. I'd been thinking about him ever since school started. As he continued to slowly fuck me he started to explain a "team rule" to me.

" Steve, we have an initiation for the team. The youngest newbie on the team has to be the "slave" of the team captain. It's usually not a freshman, last year it was Martin, who was a sophomore. He did a great job as my "slave". I think he enjoyed it." Theo added with a grin as he winked at Martin

"It was the best year of my life." Said Martin "Hopefully my new roommate will take just as good of care of me as you did Master."

"I'm sure that Sam will take good care of you. He's got the biggest cock on the team." He did have the biggest cock but it wasn't much bigger than Theo, but Theo just reeked of charisma and dominance.

"Lots of teams have "slave initiations" where the "Slave" has to run errands for the "Master", and carry his equipment. But on our team the "Slaves" job is to take care of the "Master's equipment". That means he is also the "Master's" roommate. I plan on keeping you really busy with your "duties".

I couldn't believe my luck. I was going to be the personal fuck toy of this Alpha Stud for a whole year.

"Well enough talking I got to get back to marking you as mine. When I cum in you, you will belong to me and me alone. You can fool around with the other guys, but your asshole is mine and mine only!" He added as he picked up the pace, maybe to keep me from changing my mind but there was no chance of that.

He was mouth breathing as he hammered in and out of my no longer virgin ass. It was also obvious that he wasn't the only one that was mouth breathing. The smell of pheromones and precum was permeating the team room.

"That's it Theo!" Alex cried out as Theo picked up the tempo.

"Can I eat the cream pie after you finish?" Justin asked.

Soon the comments were drowning each other out to the point that I couldn't really hear them. But I didn't care. Theo was fucking me toward another orgasm. I was just hoping that I could hold off long enough to cum in unison with Theo.

"YOU'RE MINE NOW!" Theo cried out then he gripped my throat firmly in a mating bite. It was quite the juxtaposition, he was in the most dominant position that you can be, and I was in the most submissive and vulnerable position possible. I could feel his cock pulsing as his huge Alpha load shot deep into me, marking me as HIS!

That was all it took for me to shoot my load onto my belly again. But mine wasn't the only load which was spattering onto me. It seemed like the rest of the team had timed it to cum with us and soon I was soaked with six loads of cum from my teammates. Most of it hit our junction or was aimed at my belly to mix with the load I was shooting. Then Theo collapsed in exhaustion on top of me. It was kind of like their cum was gluing us together. Time kind of just stood still at that point.

I started to cry softly despite myself.

"What's WRONG? Did I hurt you?" Theo asked, immediately concerned with my well being.

"Heaven's no Master. I finally feel like I fit in. I've had to hide who I was all of my life."

"Well from now on the only thing that we'll be hiding is my dick up your tight little ass." He said then kissed my nose affectionately. "You belong to me now, at least for the coming year."

I have started a gofundme to help me get caught up on my property taxes. If you can help here is the link.

These are my other stories that I have moved or I'm in the process of moving to Nifty. All of them are in their entirety on

These are my anthrpomorphic stories. Earth's New Masters In My Wildest Dreams Wild Horses Runt Mutt Pittsburghese N'at Craigslist Bull The Trophy Wife The Initiate My Pet Lion Sasquatch In My Mind Reverse Cowboy The Oracle Royal Prerogative Harry Potter and Firenze The House Mouse The Jungle Book In Gods We Thrust

These are bestiality stories. Of Dogs And Young Men Karl, Tony and I Peter and John Legends Ridden By A Tiger Ted's Excellent Adventure

I'd love to continue hearing what you think about the stories.

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