Craigslist Bottom

By jim.boski

Published on May 27, 2021


This story is authoritarian in nature as the writer succumbs to the sexual will of an Alpha male

The story is loosely based on real events but names and places have been changed to protect their privacy.I really enjoy comments so please feel free to send feedback at and remember to support this site to keep stories like these coming by donating to

"Fit Top looking for a bottom who knows his place" is what the Craig's List M4M post read that I had responded to just hours ago, and now I found myself on my knees, sucking on the very rigid cock of one very Alpha male. My mind was spinning as I thought of how he had slapped me hard on the face for momentarily pulling off of his cock. Shit, I just accepted that as if I really deserved it. What the fuck was happening to me?? I continued to worship his cock as he sat back in his office chair furiously typing away at a keyboard, seeming oblivious to the fact I was giving him the best blowjob I could muster. The only indication of any interest at all was that his dick was rock hard and leaking like a faucet! What could he possibly be doing on his computer that would be more interesting than watching me bob up and down on his raging hardon?? Shit, he could be taping me on his webcam for all I knew. I started to let curiosity get the better of me and paused momentarily to catch a glimpse of what he was doing. I looked up with his cock halfway in my mouth and he glared down at me, got up out of his chair, grabbed me by the hair and proceeded to fuck my face mercilessly. I tried to catch my breath between thrusts of his hips as tears streamed down my face and he slapped me harder than the first time " you want it or not??" Before I could answer, he grabbed me by the hair thrusting his cock back into my open mouth and ground his hips forward until my nose was flattened against his belly. He held my head there for what seemed like minutes and I thought I would pass out from lack of oxygen. What the fuck was happening to me??? I should just get up and walk out the door. He finally released his grip on my head and I fell back coughing and fighting for air. "Well, do you want it or not?" I looked up at his angry face and then down at his throbbing cock and meekly said "yes" " I'm sorry, I didn't hear you" "Yyyyyes, I want it" I stammered looking down at the floor. He put his hand under my chin lifting my head up so we could make eye to eye contact. "Yes what" he said a little softer "Yes Sir I want it" I answered as I opened my mouth and accepted my fate.

Next: Chapter 3

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