Craigslist Bottom

By jim.boski

Published on May 24, 2021


This story is authoritarian in nature as the writer succumbs to the sexual will of an Alpha male

The story is loosely based on real events but names and places have been changed to protect their privacy.I really enjoy comments so please feel free to send feedback at and remember to support this site to keep stories like these coming by donating to

Early 2000's, I was recently divorced and horny as fuck. The ex really took me to the cleaners, so even though I had a good job, I had to share an apartment with a friend and his two kids. It really put a damper on any kind of sex life and so whenever I wasn't working or sleeping, I would be in my room, door locked surfing the vast array of porn on the internet and edging myself for hours until I would finally blow my load all over my belly and chest and fall asleep. I was mostly watching straight porn but I always seemed to focus on the cocks more than the girls. I had more than "dabbled" in gay sex when I was a teen but I quit cold turkey with the HIV/AIDS epidemic in the early 80's. I started to google "dick pics" and it was amazing how many guys posted their junk on line. The sheer variety was awesome and I would spend hours looking at strangers cocks, just imagining how they would feel and taste in person. There was a site called Rate a Rod or Rate my Schlong, or something like that and it eventually became Dick dot Net and I became a member. It was sort of Facebook for your dick. Most guys didn't post any face pics so it was really easy to stay anonymous and you could "friend" other dicks from all over the world.

It was fun checking out the various cocks and their owners as my friends list grew. My profile listed me as bisexual and I had a few pics of my cock and ass as well as what I liked to do sexually. There was a video chat that I really got addicted to; Guys would jackoff on camera and encourage each other to blow their loads on line. I got to get pretty agile at typing left handed while jacking my rod and my loads always got great comments. I uploaded several videos of my orgasms as well as an older one of me getting fucked by my buddy. Of course my face wasn't in it, I edited out the part where he pulled his spent cock out of my ass and I turned around to clean it up with my mouth. Then one evening I tried to log in to my account and the site was fucking gone! Evidently, the owner of the site had a nervous breakdown and took down the site. Fuck! Not only were my vids, pics and profiles floating somewhere in cyberspace, but my sexual outlet was gone. I started searching the web again for ways to satisfy my sexual urges when I discovered Craig's List Personals, M4M. Damn, I could shop for cock in my local neighborhood! There were a lot of ads for guys looking to give no strings attached blow job and I thought, that would be nice but what really gets me off is giving, not receiving. And then I saw the ad that would lead me down the path to submission.... "Fit Top looking for Bottom who knows his place" Simple and to the point! I responded with " on my knees" and he shot back " give me your number" I hesitated wondering if this guy might be a thug looking to roll me for cash or worse, a gay basher looking to really fuck me up. My little head finally won the argument and I shot back a reply with my cell number and said can't wait to service .... I mean serve you lol My phone buzzed instantly with a text message "Get your bitch ass over here now" I looked down at the address and was stunned.... he lived less than half a mile away! I douched, brushed my teeth and headed out the door. I pulled up to the address on my phone, nervous as fuck. I knocked on the door and and a tall, balding, shirtless man opened it and I said Hi and stammered something like how ya doing expecting some kind of small talk before we got down to business. "What the fuck took you so long?" I started to say something and he just said " shut up get in here and close the door". What did I get myself into I thought to myself. "On your knees and get to work!" Damn, right to the point I thought to myself. I wasted no time dropping to my knees and pulled down his gym shorts, revealing a nice cut, semi erect schlong. I cupped his ample ball sac in one hand, weighing it in my mind and wondering when I would get to empty it's contents. With my other hand, I lightly gripped his erection admiring it's expanding length and girth. I gazed up at the Top with lust in my eyes and he just glared down at me and barked out " don't just look at it you pussy, suck it!! And suck it I did! I went after it like a starving man, trying to get every last inch of his ample man meat into my mouth and throat, slobbering and moaning as I did so. He pulled hard on my hair and yelled "get up!" I reluctantly pulled my mouth off his raging hardon and stood up from my kneeling position guessing at what could possibly be next. He slapped me hard across my face with his open palm and spat "did I tell you to stop sucking my dick??? I looked at him in total shock and I saw rage in his eyes. He grabbed me by the hair again and yanked my head towards his crotch. I bent at the waist and took his his cock back in to my mouth and throat. " walk!!" he said as he walked backwards with my mouth firmly clamped onto his cock and his strong hands keeping it that way. We walked on through a hallway into a room I assumed was his office. He finally sat down into a chair, with my mouth still attached to his cock handed me a pillow and said "Go ahead and kneel on this, I've got some work to do and you're going to be on your knees for awhile......

Next: Chapter 2

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