Craig Finds Paradise

By ImJeff

Published on Jan 10, 2006


The following story contains graphic sexual scenes involving adult males. If material of this nature offends you then you should not read this story. Additionally, if you are under 18 years of age in most states you are not allowed to read this story by law.

This story is fiction. If the characters in this story resemble anyone in anyway, it is purely by coincidence.

The author (Jeff Hunter) claims all copyrights to this story and no duplication or publication of this story is allowed, except by the web sites to which it has been posted, without the consent of the author.

Positive comments are always welcome and you may e-mail them to

Craig Finds Paradise, Part two

Chapter Two

"I guess when Adam and I started high school we started doing homework together. We had all the same classes. I liked Adam, but he was kind of a jerk. He was one of those guys who use to talk about sticking his dick into every girl he thought was cute. You know the type?" Crain nodded his head. "He'd say things like, I want to stick my dick up her twat and make her eyes roll in her head', or I'd cum so hard in her mouth it would squirt out of her nose'. Stuff like that."

"Why were you friends with him?"

"Well, I almost wasn't. He really was a jerk, but his brother Tommy was really cool. He was this shy kid. I don't think he had a lot of friends. He use to run cross country track and then he was on the track team and would run the mile. He always ran after school.

"Anyway, Adam and I started doing our homework after school. We'd go to his house sometimes and do it in his bedroom. He shared a bedroom with his brother, Tommy. They had a sister. She had her own bedroom. Well, Adam and I would be doing our homework at his desk and Tommy would come home from running. He'd come up to the bedroom all sweaty and undress right there in the bedroom and then put a towel around him and go and take a shower. Then he'd come back wrapped in his towel and dry off in the bedroom and then get dressed."

"Was he cute?"

"I thought he was the best looking guy I had ever seen. I had the biggest crush on him. He was about five foot ten and probably about one hundred and forty pounds. He had thick straight blond hair and blue eyes. Since he was a runner he had these great legs and one tight muscular ass. But he was very lean on top. Like you. Runners usually don't have a lot upper body mass.

"Anyway, I started sitting at Adams desk so that when Tommy came in from a run I was facing the part of the room that he'd undress in. I wanted to be able to see him and not have to turn my head. I don't know how many afternoons I watched him undress and then come back from his shower."

"Do you think he knew you were watching him?"

"I didn't think he knew at first, but then I noticed that he noticed me watching him. I'd try to look down at my books or something, or talk to Adam, but I'd watch him when I thought he wasn't looking. But, then I noticed that he'd get naked and touch himself while he glanced at me. I'd sit there and feel like I was going to faint. My dick would be hard and I could hardly breathe. I'd go home and at night I'd masturbate thinking about him standing there naked.

"Then one day I noticed that when he'd come back from his shower and take off his towel, his dick was hanging long and it was red. You know like after you jerk off. He was blond and fair skinned so his dick would look all reddish. He'd stand there drying his hair and facing me and his dick would swing while he dried his hair with his towel. Then another time he came back from the shower and it looked like his dick was pushing hard against the towel; like he had a hard-on. I couldn't stop looking. It looked huge under the towel. He looked at me looking at him and smiled. Then he undid his towel and turned around so that his back was to me and then lifted his towel to dry his hair."

"Did you see his hard-on?" Craig asked as he played with Roger's erection.

"No. He dried off and then bent down and pulled on a pair of boxers. Then he turned around and I could see his dick pushing against his boxers. Then he put on his jeans, a tee shirt and then left the room."

"Adam never knew?"

"A couple of times he'd look at me, but I'd make like I was thinking about something."

"So what happened?"

"It was the next year; the beginning of my sophomore year and his senior year. Our parents were friendly. Tommy's parent were going to visit someone for a weekend; some family member. They were taking Adam and his sister with them but Tommy was staying home. Tommy's parents called my parents and asked if they would keep an eye on Tommy in case of an emergency. My parents said okay. My dad and I were coming home from running an errand and we saw Tommy outside mowing the front lawn. My dad waved to him and he waved back. When we went inside my dad said, `we should see if Tommy wants to have dinner with us'. I said that I'd go and ask him. I went across the street. Tommy was just finishing up.

"Hey Roger," Tommy said as I walked up to him.

"Hi Tommy."

Tommy was pushing the lawn mower back toward the garage. I followed him. "What's up?" he asked.

"Well, my dad wanted to know if you wanted to have dinner with us."

Tommy turned and walked toward the house, opened the back door and said, "Come on in." Roger followed him into the house. Tommy turned and walked upstairs. Roger followed. "Yeah, I guess that would be cool," he said, "but, I was thinking I wanted to go for a run."

"Well, dinner won't be for a couple of hours so you have plenty of time."

"You ever run?" he asked.

"Just in gym class," I said.

"Why don't you run home and get your running clothes. We can drive up to the park and run around there for a while. Come on, it's will be fun."

"I can't keep up with you."

"I'm going to do a light slow run today. Get your stuff. Change here. Then when we get back we can shower here and then I'll come over with you to your house and have dinner."

Roger ran across the street as fast as he could. He grabbed his gym shorts, a tee shirt and his running shoes. All he could think about was taking a shower, which meant being naked with Tommy. "Mom, Dad, Tommy said he'd have dinner with us, but he asked me to go for a run with him, up at the park. I'm going to go and then we'll come home for dinner."

Mrs. Caldwell yelled to her son as he was running out of the house, "Okay, but be back here by six. Dinner is at six thirty. Don't be late."

"Okay Mom."

Roger's heart was pounding as he climbed the steps to Tommy's room. When he walked into the room, Tommy was already changed. Roger felt disappointed. Tommy said, "Get changed." Roger felt his face burn hot as he began to undress in front of Tommy. Tommy sat there and did not try to hide the fact that he was watching Roger's every move. When Roger was naked except for his jockey shorts, he took hold of his gym shorts and began to put them on. "Don't you have anything for support?"

"Just these. That's what I usually wear."

Roger turned and opened his dresser drawer. He looked around the drawer but came up with nothing. "Damn, I just put on the last clean one I have."

"That's okay, I can run in these."

"No, you shouldn't. You should get a jock. I have the one I wore yesterday," he said as he dug through his dirty clothes, "but that's gross for you to wear. I can wear it," he said as he pulled his shorts down. "I just put this one on, it's clean." He turned and looked at Roger. "Is that okay?"

Roger felt faint, "Yeah, sure. I don't mind, either one is cool." The thought of stepping into Tommy's warm jock made his dick begin to move in his jockeys. Tommy pulled his jock over his running shoes and handed it to Roger. Roger stared at the jock as he took it from Tommy and then he looked at Tommy's naked crotch. Tommy's dick was getting hard as he tucked it away in this jock. Tommy looked at Roger and smiled.

Roger swallowed hard. He quickly pulled off his jockey shorts as he stood facing Tommy who without any sigh of hesitation stared at Roger. As Roger lifted his leg to step into the jock strap his dick became fully erect. He then pulled the jock strap up, but his dick head remained against his stomach and above the waist band of the jock strap. He grabbed his shorts and pulled them on. Then, as he put on his tee shirt, he glanced at Tommy who continued to smile and stare.

They went to the park. When they arrived Roger reminded Tommy that they had about one hour and a half. Tommy said, `I just want to do a short run; maybe a three of four miles. It should only take me about half an hour. Then we can head home and we'll have an hour to shower and get dressed. Run with me as far as you can and then I'll run for a while."

Roger did his best to keep up with Tommy, but had to drop behind. He took a short cut around the park to meet Tommy at the car. When they drove into Tommy's driveway, Roger was fully erect. He kept thinking of Tommy watching him dress and seeing him with a hard-on. He must have heard Tommy say `we'll have an hour to shower and get dressed,' in his head a hundred times since they arrived at the park.

They both walked upstairs. Tommy pulled his tee shirt off before he got to the room. He kicked off his shoes as he walked into the room and then bent down and pulled off his socks. He turned around and looked at Roger who was still dressed. Tommy quickly pulled down his running shorts. He stood there in his jock strap. "Get undressed. You want to take a shower, don't you?" Roger nodded. Roger kicked off his shoes, and then pulled off his socks and his tee shirt. He glanced at Tommy and noticed that Tommy seemed to have an erection under his jock strap. He pulled down his gym shorts and then took a deep breath. Tommy smiled at him, noticing Roger's erection under his jock, and then pulled his jock strap off in one quick move. Tommy's erection sprang out of his jock and pointed up at the ceiling as he stood tall. Roger had never seen another boy's erection. He stared. Tommy ran his fingers over it and said, "Come on, get undressed."

Roger felt light headed. He nodded and then grabbed the waist band of his jock and pulled it off. His dick sprung up and slapped against his stomach. He stood tall. Tommy stared and said, "Nice. You're pretty good sized for your age. Can I touch you?"

Roger felt his knees weaken, but he said, "Yeah, sure." Tommy reached over and took hold of Roger's pulsating erection. "Can I touch yours?"

"Of course," Tommy said. They stood there facing each other, stroking each other.

Tommy sat down on the floor in front of Roger. Roger wasn't sure what to do. Tommy motioned him to sit down. Roger did. They faced each other and Tommy moved closer to Roger and then wrapped his legs around Roger so they were almost dick to dick. Tommy began stroking Roger again as Roger began stroking Tommy. They leaned into each other, with their faces pressed cheek to cheek and continued stroking. Roger was the first to cum. He wasn't sure what to do. He had never had anyone masturbate him before. He announced. "It's going to shoot." Tommy stroked him faster and harder. Roger began to shake all over as his orgasm took hold of his body. He moaned loudly and then began to kiss Tommy's shoulder as his cum exploded from his dick.

Tommy said, "Don't stop stroking me, I'm close." Roger jerked Tommy hard and Tommy held onto Roger. "Oh fuck, Roger, it feels so good." Roger, caught between the ending of his own orgasm and the beginning of Tommy's, turned his head and faced Tommy who then, as his orgasm began, kissed Roger.

Tommy's cum was all over Roger's hand and arm and chest. They both held each other.

Tommy said, "That was nice," as he ran his fingers over Roger's chest. "I've been watching you watch me get naked for months. I was hoping you wanted to do something like this."

Roger whispered, "I think of you every time I jerk off."

Tommy smiled. "Let's take a shower." He stood and pulled Roger to his feet. "I think of you, too."

"Damn, Roger," Craig said. "He sounds like he was attracted to you."

"Yeah, I guess he was."

"So, what happened in the shower?"

Roger followed Tommy into the shower. His legs still felt weak. Tommy ran the water and then closed the shower door behind them. He turned and faced Roger and began touching his balls, and said, "Do you like this?"

"Yes, very much," Roger said, glancing down at his erection.

Tommy smiled and began soaping up Roger's chest. They stood in the shower for a couple of minutes running their soapy hands up and down each other's chest and balls. Then they began to run their fingers over each other's hard cocks. Tommy smiled at Roger and said, "You like kissing, too?" Roger nodded and sighed as Tommy leaned toward him.

Their lips met. Tommy put his hand behind Roger's head and held him in place as they passionately sucked at each other's tongues. Tommy turned and shut off the running water. He stepped out of the shower and grabbed a towel. He handed Roger a towel, too. Roger followed Tommy to his bedroom. They looked at the clock. They had a half hour. Tommy pulled the covers off his bed and lay down. Roger followed. They quickly became intertwined.

Tommy began licking Roger's stomach and then ran his lips over Roger's dick head. Roger sighed. He knew about blow jobs, but never imagined Tommy sucking his dick. When he felt the warmth of Tommy's mouth surround his dick he moaned loudly. Tommy glanced up at Roger looking for approval. Roger sighed. Tommy began hungrily sucking on Roger's cock as he played with Roger's balls.

"Oh fuck, that feels so good, let me do it to you, too," Craig moaned.

Tommy spun around and then again took Roger deep into his mouth. Roger hesitated, holding on to Tommy's dick. At first he licked the head of Tommy's dick, testing the taste. The feel of Tommy's soft dick head against his lips sent fire through his body. He opened his mouth and began sucking on Tommy's dick. They were both moaning and thrusting. They were both hot with a type of passion that until then neither of them could imagine. It was Tommy's first time, too.

Roger said, "I think I am getting there."

"Me, too," Tommy said.

"What do we do?"

"I'm going to swallow yours, but if you don't want to, you don't have to swallow mine."

"Will it taste bad?"

Tommy answered, "I've tasted mine and it tastes okay to me. I really want to taste yours."

They began sucking each other again. Tommy was the first to cum. He held Roger's cock deep in his mouth as he flooded Roger's mouth with his cum. Roger took a breath and swallowed. Tommy kept cumming and Roger kept swallowing. The feel of Tommy's cum sliding down his throat sent Roger over the edge. His legs began to shake as Tommy began sucking furiously on Roger's engorged cock.

Tommy wanted Roger's cum badly. He had masturbated numerous times thinking about Roger cumming down this throat. As Roger's spunk shot into his mouth, Tommy moaned as he swallowed. Roger kept sucking on Tommy as he gave Tommy his load.

The boys collapsed onto each other. The room was filled with sounds of them breathing and moaning as they came down from their orgasm. Tommy turned and lay beside Roger. "You okay?"

"Yeah," Craig answered.

Tommy asked," You're not going to tell anyone, are you?"

"No. Are you?"


Roger lay there holding Tommy. "Can we do it again?"

"We'd better get over to your house for dinner."

"No, I don't mean now. I mean another time."

"Yeah, sure if you want to. We'll have to figure how to lose Adam and find a safe place where we can go."

Roger said, "Cool; let's think of someplace. Okay?"

They both got up and began to dress. Tommy asked, "Did you like the swallowing part?"

"Yeah, you taste okay."

Tommy nodded and said, "Yeah, you tasted good, too."

Roger said, "I like it when you kissed me. It made my legs shake."

Tommy laughed. "Yeah, I liked that, too." When they were dressed Roger gathered his running stuff and the boys walked down the stairs. When they got to the door, Tommy stopped and turned Roger toward him and then kissed him. Roger sighed. "Maybe we can figure a way to do it again tonight. Maybe we can figure a way for you to come over here after dinner."

"Yeah, wow, cool. Okay, I can come over to watch a DVD with you."


"Did you get to go to his house again that night," Craig asked.

"Actually, my dad told Tommy that he should stay at our house and not sleep at his house alone. But if Tommy slept over our house he would have had to sleep in the guest room. I asked my dad if we could watch the DVD at his house and if I could stay there. I pleaded and told him I'd only be across the street. He thought about it, my mom said it was okay. My dad said, no drinking', Tommy said, Mr. Caldwell, I don't drink.' My dad liked that. He let me sleep over at Tommy's."

"Oh cool. So, you guys got to do it again?"


"Did you do it after that day?"

"Well, that was the beginning of his senior year. I started running with him. It's funny, but I joined the track team that year."

"Oh cool."

"We were able to find a place to mess around, and we messed around a lot that whole year, but then the next year he went to college."

"So, for almost a whole year you guys got to mess around?"

"Yeah, and when he'd come home from college we'd mess around."

"Wow, that's cool. When did you guys stop?"

"Well, I went off to college and so did Adam. His mom and dad sold their house and moved to Phoenix. About four years ago my curiosity got the best of me and I looked him up and found that he was living in Los Angeles. I finally got up the courage to call him."

"Oh wow, what happened?"

"At the time he had a boyfriend. We caught up, we exchanged addresses and stuff and that was it, until last summer."

"What happened?" Craig asked excitedly.

"He called and asked how I was doing. He told me that he and his boyfriend broke up about a year ago and that he kept thinking about me. He said he decided to get up the courage and call. We talk and decided to meet up. I drove to San Francisco and he flew in. It was like we had just seen each other, only better."

"What do you mean?"

"Well, when we were younger, neither one of us want to say we were gay. We were having sex and enjoying it, but we could never admit that we were also emotionally involved."

"So what's happening with you and him?"

"Well, he works for a firm in Los Angeles. He's up for partner. So, it would be really hard for him to leave. His firm has an office in San Francisco, but he can't transfer there until after he makes partner, if he makes partner. So, we really have no idea what's going to happen. But we see each other and take vacations together. If he gets transferred we can spend weekends together and vacations and we'll have this cabin. I can get a lot more time off than he can, so I can go there and stay with him in San Francisco."

"Wouldn't he be angry if he knew about what we did?"

"No, we've decided that until we can be with each other more than occasionally that we'd allow each other the freedom to play around and meet different people."

"I bet you're hoping he gets transferred soon. I would be." Roger smiled and nodded. Craig asked, "Can I suck you now?" Roger laughed. "Why are you laughing?"

"I don't know. You were just so nervous that you were shaking all over and now you're not to subtle about what you want."

"Oh, sorry," Craig sounded dejected.

"No, I didn't mean that as a criticism. It's just sometimes it's kind of hot to ask with words and sometimes it's kind of hot to ask with gestures. You know, to turn someone on by touching them, or kissing them, or rubbing against them," Roger said and laughed as he began to run his fingers over Craig's stomach and ran into his erection.

"Oh okay, cool." Craig turned and began to touch Roger's chest. Then he began kissing his chest and stomach, licking his way toward his groin. Craig opened his mouth, ran his lips over Roger's cock head and moaned. Roger gently played with Craig's hair and waited. Then Craig, in one quick move took as much of Roger's cock into his mouth as he could and began sucking.

"Oh nice," Roger said. Craig sucked eagerly. "Fuck, you are good. You sure you've never done this before?"

Craig lifted his head and said, "I've sucked dick before."

"I thought you said you've never had sex with a guy before."

"I haven't. I've sucked my own dick. I know what feels good."

"Oh fuck, no way. You can suck your own dick?"

Craig nodded as he began to suck Roger's dick again. He ran his tongue up and down the shaft of Roger's dick and then over his balls. Then he moved back to Roger's dick and began sucking him hard. Roger moaned.

Roger lay back and got lost in the feelings. He remembered how he and Tommy ran across the street, not being able to wait to get to his empty house. They were nervous that Roger's father would come and check on them. They decided to put on the DVD, pull the drapes and watch the movie for a while before going to bed. But, of course, they could not wait. Tommy said, "How about if you just take it out and I'll do it to you and then I can take mine out and you can do it to me."

Roger said, eagerly, "Yeah, cool."

Roger was already erect. He pulled his jeans down to his knees and then his boxers. His dick pointed upward. Tommy moved Roger's shirt and then moved so that he could put his head in Roger's lap. When Tommy's lips surrounded Roger's penis, Roger moaned. He lay his head back against the cushion of the sofa and closed his eyes. Tommy ran his tongue around Roger's dick head. Roger moaned and put his hand on top of Tommy's head. Tommy began bobbing up and down on Roger's dick. As he did he sucked hard. It didn't take Roger long before he was moaning and groaning and grabbing the sofa cushions around him.

"Oh Tommy, it feels so good. Oh fuck, yeah. It's going to cum."

Tommy kept sucking. He wanted Roger's cum. As the first explosion of Roger's cum filled his mouth he both swallowed and sucked harder. Roger's legs began to tense and shake. His head turned from side to side as he moaned loudly. Tommy didn't want him to stop cumming.

Roger said to Craig, "I'm getting close," he gently tried to remove his dick from Craig's mouth. Crain pushed his hand away.

Roger remembered when after he finished giving Tommy a blow job that evening, Tommy took him by the hand and walked him upstairs. They messed up Adam's bed and then, after undressing, climbed into Tommy's bed. They lay beside each other and began to kiss. Tommy rolled Roger on top of him and told Roger to rub against him. Roger did. They kissed and held each other and the friction from them humping against each other had them reeling in pleasure. Tommy said, `Let's do it to each other at the same time." Roger nodded and moved so that they were head to toe and on their sides facing each other. The both began to suck each other enthusiastically.

As Roger recalled Tommy taking his load, he felt his orgasm beginning. He moaned loudly and then his cock erupted into Craig's mouth. Craig swallowed taking Roger's entire load.

Craig moved up to Roger and kissed him. "You taste better than me," Craig said.

"Maybe to you I do, but to me you taste a lot better than me. And it's a good thing that you do. I've never had anyone cum as much as you do."

"I didn't know I cum a lot. Is that okay?"

"Yeah, I think it's wonderful."

Craig said, "I've always wondered if I'd like someone else cum more than mine."

"I can't believe you can suck your own dick. Well, I mean I can, you are so hung for someone your size. Will you let me see you do it sometime?"

Craig smiled and said, "Sure. But I like sucking yours a lot more. I use to hate my cum, but then I started getting use to it. I liked the feeling of having my dick in my mouth more than not liking my cum, so I'd cum in my mouth and then I'd think that when I'd cum I'd spit it out, but I'd always swallow some. But, then I could still taste it and so I just started swallowing all of it. And then I kind of liked it. But I've always wondered what it was like to cum in someone else's mouth and someone else cum in mine."

"Well, what's it like?"

"Awesome. I like them both." They lay quietly for a while and then Craig said, "I use to think everyone could do it, but then I think I figured out that they couldn't because of the way guys would talk."

"No, not too many can do it and I am sure many wish they could."

"Well, I've never let anyone watch me, but I'd like it if you would. You want me to do it now."

Roger laughed and said, "Actually, I'd love to watch you do it tomorrow when it is day light and I can really get a good look. What I'd like to do now is this," he said as he moved his head down to Craig's hard cock. "Then we'll get some sleep."

He gave Craig a slow, gentle blow job; one that lasted a while and got Craig close several times. Craig was not in the habit of delaying an orgasm and found the experience `awesome'. Then they fell into each other's arms and went to sleep.

When Craig woke up it was almost noon. They hadn't fallen asleep until after 2 am, but he was still surprised when he saw the time. He put on his sweats and found Roger sitting on the sofa reading. "Hey, sleepy head, how are you feeling?"

"Good, a little hungry. I can't believe I slept so long."

"You've had a pretty eventful couple of days. Let me make you breakfast."

Craig made them both an omelet.

"So, you said you were interviewing for a graduate program. What program?"

"Music; actually, it is a music theory program. I sing in a choir and music is my major, but I guess I don't want to be in a choir all my life, so I'll need a degree to be a choir leader or a teacher."

"You sing. So, you've got a good voice."

"Yeah, I guess."

"You sing solo, too."

"No, I can't." Roger looked at him questioningly. "I get too nervous. I need the group to get lost in. I guess I've got stage fright, but even worse. I start to shake all over and can't control it."

"You mean like last night when you were trembling."

"Yeah, like that."

"But you stopped trembling and then you were fine; more than fine," Roger said and laughed.

"Yeah, I guess, but that's different."

"OH, how so?"

"Well, I didn't have to sing. Can you imagine if I had to sing and I was shaking like that?"

"Yeah, but I think most people who perform suffer stage fright and they get by it."

"Yeah, that's what everyone says, but it's not like what I get. I mean I could never sing and shake all over."

"Have you tried?"

"No, you can't try. I mean if I had to step onto a stage and sing and started shaking like that, the show would be over," Craig said.

Roger dished up the omelet. Roger didn't say anything else. He poured coffee for himself and offered Craig some. Craig nodded.

"What are you thinking?" Craig asked.

"Maybe I shouldn't say."

"No, go ahead."

"Once someone said to me, Argue for your limitations and they are yours'. It seems to me that is what you are doing. I've been afraid of a lot of things but I've learned that I get nowhere if I stand behind my fear and give it credence. You'd still be a virgin if you had done that last night and look how long it has taken you step in front of your fear and say, no, you won't control me any longer'."

"It's different."

"I didn't mean to lecture you. It's just something to think about."

They ate their omelet and drank their coffee. "I take it you are okay with all that happened last night?" Roger asked.

"Yes, very okay. I was thinking that you said you wanted me to show you how I suck myself."

Roger laughed. "Yeah, I've been thinking about that all morning. Actually, I think I woke up thinking about it."

"Well, I'd be happy to do it for you and anything else you want to do."

"Have you ever hung out all day naked?"

"No, not really. Do you want to?"

"Yeah, and if you want we can have as much sex as you want. I don't know if I'll be able to keep up with you, but I'll try."

"Oh wow, that would be cool" Craig said.

"And, I'll do whatever you want to do, too."

"Really?" Craig said slyly.

"Why do you say it like that?" Craig shrugged. "Just say what it is you want to do."

"I was kind of wondering what it would be like to fuck someone. I think about it a lot, but I'm really not sure I want to get fucked."

Roger laughed. "Okay, since you're going to show me how you suck yourself and swallow your own cum and maybe a couple of other things I've got in mind, I'll let you fuck me."

"Oh wow, cool. Yeah, I'll do what ever else you want if I can fuck you."

Roger smiled, "Well, how about if we do this. I've got all these fantasies about stuff I'd love for us to do, or for me to watch you do and later tonight or tomorrow I'll throw my legs up for you to fuck me as much as you want."

"Sure, Okay. What things do you want to watch?"

"You have such an unabashed confidence about you for someone your age; it is remarkable."

"I guess it comes from performing. You know in the choir. I really love being on stage."

"But yet you are so afraid to go solo."

"That's different. So, what do you want me to do?"

Roger began to undress. Craig was quickly out of his sweats. He stood in the living room naked and hard. "I hope you won't think I am too weird, but one thing I'd love is to see you masturbate. You come a lot and I'd love to see you shot your load, but I want you to shoot it on your chest so that I can lick it up."

"Oh wow, cool. No one has ever watched me jerk off," Craig said laughing.

He began to walk over to the sofa, but Roger said, "Actually, I would like for you to sit here on the dining table, so I can sit here," meaning on the dining room chair, "and be up close and play with your balls as you stroke."

Craig smiled and nodded as he walked over to Roger. He sat on the edge of the table spread his legs, resting his feet on Roger's chair and began to stroke his dick. Roger slowly jerked off himself as he ran his fingers over Craig's balls. Several times, Craig had a bead of pre-cum appear on his dick head. Roger would lean forward and lick it off.

Craig began stroking his dick harder and then said, "Can you put your finger in my butt?" Roger nodded. He spit on his finger and slowly worked it into Craig. As Craig got closer he lay down on the table. Roger stood up. He kept his finger in Craig and moved it around vigorously as he felt Craig's prostate becoming larger.

Craig began to moan loudly. His legs began to shake. He was jerking fast and furiously when the first shot of cum exploded from his dick. It hit Craig on the neck. Roger kept moving his finger and Craig kept stroking. Roger was amazed at the amount of cum that streamed out of Craig's dick with each shot. He counted seven, eight, nine and ten, shots of cum before Craig started dribbling out small amounts. Craig stopped stroking but his chest kept heaving up and down.

He glanced at Roger and smiled. "Was it good?" he asked.

Roger laughed. "I knew you came a lot, but I am amazed at how much." He leaned down and began to run his tongue over Craig's chest sucking up globs of cum that he pushed around with his tongue. As he sucked up Craig's cum he began masturbating again. Craig watched him. It was turning him on. Roger licked Craig clean.

"There's cum on my dick," Craig said. Roger glanced down and then took Craig's dick into his mouth and sucked on it as he continued to masturbate.

Craig watched as Roger began to masturbate faster. "Are you going to cum?" Craig asked.

Roger nodded his head as he continued sucking. Craig moved off the table and onto his knees and tried to grab Roger's dick. Just as he was about to take Roger into his mouth, Roger let his load fly. It hit Craig in the face. Roger kept jerking and Craig kept trying to catch Roger's load. Finally, Roger let Craig take his dick and suck on it. Roger had to sit down. His legs were weak as Craig continued sucking at his dick.

"Fuck, Craig, you're so hot, you get me crazy."

Craig stood up and looked at Roger and smiled. His face was covered with Roger's cum. They both laughed. Craig said, "I've cum on my face before, but it's different when someone else does it." He licked up what he could and then went into the bathroom to look at the rest.

They hung around the cabin in the nude. They played a game of chess. While they played, Roger asked, "Do you mind if I ask you some personal questions?"

"Like what?"

"Well, how often do you masturbate?"

Craig smiled, "Yeah, sure if I can ask you?"

Roger said, "Usually once a day."

Craig smiled, "Well, I jerk off at least once a day. Sometimes twice and sometimes three times if I get the chance. When do you jerk off?"

Roger answered. "Usually at night, before I go to sleep. How about you?"

"Yeah, always at night before I go to sleep. If I don't it's hard for me to fall asleep. Sometimes I jerk off in the morning, too. If I don't jerk off in the morning then I usually jerk off right when I get home from school. My mom works and my sister doesn't live with us anymore so it's the only time I get when I'm alone."

Roger asked, "How often do you suck your own cock?"

"I use to do it all the time, but now I'd say half the time. Sometimes I suck my dick for about ten of fifteen minutes and then I just jerk off. It kind of depends on what mood I'm in."

"What do you mean?"

"Sometimes I really think about sucking on someone's dick and that's when I suck mine. I think about someone cumming in my mouth and I cum in my mouth. I can't really cum from sucking my own dick. I can only get the head of my dick in my mouth and, well, sometimes if I'm really horny and haven't cum in a couple of days I can make myself cum from sucking, but mostly I have to jerk my dick while it's in my mouth and then I can cum in my mouth. Sometimes, well, this will sound weird, but I love to watch my dick shoot cum. So, I suck my dick and jerk off and then when I am going to cum I just pull back a little and watch the cum shoot out all over my face and neck. Is that weird?"

"Not at all. Is that why you let me shot my cum on your face?"

"Actually, I was going to get your cum in my mouth but I didn't get their fast enough. The other thing that I think about a lot now, more than when I was in high school, is fucking someone. Then I usually don't suck my dick. What I do is put lotion on my hand, put a towel on my bed and I lie on my stomach and then put my hand under me and fuck my hand. I don't move my hand at all. I just pump up and down like I'd be fucking someone until I cum."

"I'd love to watch you do that, too."

"Okay, but you are going to let me fuck you, right?"

"Yes. I promise," Roger said and smiled.

"I saw you rubber dick in the trunk," Craig confessed.

"Yeah, I figured you had. I like to feel it in me when I am jerking off. It's a nice feeling. Kind of like when I had my finger in your butt."

"Wow," Craig said thoughtfully.

"How long have you been sucking your dick?"

"I guess since I was about fourteen. I tired before that but it wasn't long enough, but I got really close. Then I tried when I was about fourteen and I could lick the head of my dick. I thought everyone could, but then from what guys said I kind of figured out that they couldn't. That made me want to do it more," Craig said and laughed. "I use to do it all the time then. I use to think at least I didn't have to worry about my mom finding my dirty tee shirt or underwear with my cum on it."

Roger laughed, "Yeah, I guess that's true. And with all that you cum, it would be hard not to spot."

`Do I really cum all that much?"

Roger laughed. "Yes, definitely. I'd say you cum twice as much as Tommy does."

Craig smiled. "So, what do you want to see me do?" he asked as he was obviously stroking his dick. "You know I like being naked and just hanging around."

"Me, too. You up for letting me watch you suck your dick?"

"Yes," Craig said standing up. His dick looked so much bigger than nine inches on his small framer body. Roger just stared at it. "We should go into the bedroom. It's easier if I do it in bed. I need it to hook my feet onto something so I can curl up and keep steady."

Roger stood up. His six inch erection was standing straight up at a forty-five degree angle. Craig looked him over and sighed. Craig loved the sight of Roger's tight defined muscular chest, arms, abs and ass. They both were eager for each other.

Craig lay down on the bed on his back. He pulled his legs up over his head and then slowly moved his knees down toward his head. He let his back stretch and adjust to what he was about to do. He rolled forward placing his feet against the headboard of the bed. He steadied himself and then moved his hips forward and down. His dick sat on his lips.

Roger lay down beside him. Craig glanced at Roger and smiled at him. Roger smiled as he began to stroke his own dick. Craig turned toward his dick and opened his mouth. He began licking at his piss hole as he slowly stroked his dick. Then his tongue circled the head of his dick. He moaned. As he continued to slowly jerk himself he began moving his lips over his dick head. He licked and kissed at his dick. He stuck out his tongue and ran his dick head over his tongue. Again, he moaned. He could hear Roger breathing heavily.

He glanced at Roger who said, "You look so hot."

Craig smiled and said, "Why is this so hot. I would think if you watched me sucking your dick it would be more exciting."

Roger said, "Yeah, that would be exciting, but I've never seen someone do anything like this in person, and I don't think that I will ever see anyone do it again, so it's hot."

Craig smiled and went back to licking his dick. Then he gave a little push against the headboard and his hips moved further down toward his mouth. His dick head disappeared into his mouth. He heard Roger say, "Oh fuck," which excited Craig. Craig sucked hard at his dick and kept masturbating. He began rocking back and forth so that his dick gently moved over his tongue. He was jerking and sucking hard and moaning as his dick slid over his tongue. Then he pulled his dick from his mouth and ran his dick head over his nose, around his eyes, over his forehead and then back to his mouth. He began licking his dick head hard and then began to nibble at it. Then he thrust it hard into his mouth.

Roger said, "Can I watch your cum shoot out of your dick and into your mouth."

Craig nodded. Then he pointed his dick toward Roger. Roger understood and leaned into Craig and began sucking at Craig's cock. Craig watched Roger swallowing his dick. He kissed Roger's cheek as Roger eagerly sucked Craig's cock.

Then Craig pulled his dick back from Roger and again began sucking his own dick. He was getting close. He pulled his dick from his mouth and continued jerking. He was breathing hard. He opened his mouth wide and stuck out his tongue. Then he moaned as the first shot of cum exploded from his dick. It looked like a steady stream of white thick liquid rather than a shot of cum. Roger watched as Craig tried to swallow before he shot again. The second shot followed quickly and hit Craig on his nose and lips and chin. Craig opened his mouth and caught the third and forth shot and then closed his mouth to swallow. The next two shots exploded onto his forehead and into his hair and then his mouth opened to catch the rest. After he swallowed his cum he licked up whatever cum remained on his dick. Then he ran his fingers down the shaft of his dick, squeezing out the last drop of cum and then lapped it up with his tongue. Then he began to slowly lower his legs until he was lying flat on his back. His chest was heaving up and down as he breathe through his mouth.

He glanced at Roger who had a look of amazement on his face. Roger said, "That was incredible. And you've doing that since you were in high school?"

Craig smiled and nodded and then stretched. "One time I tried to figure out how many times I swallowed my cum. Then I thought I'd measure how much I cum, like an average time. Then I was going to try to figure out how much of my cum I ate."

Roger laughed. "Did you ever do it?"

"That was in high school. I think it was at the end of my junior year. I figured I did it about four or five hundred times," he said and laughed. "I think I figured it was about three or four gallons. That really freaked me out, so I stopped counting," Craig said and laughed. Then he began to move the cum that was on his nose and chin into his mouth. Roger smiled at him and started masturbating in earnest. Craig sat up and said, "I've never really watched someone do that and watched them cum."

Roger smiled and kept masturbating. Craig sat cross legged on the bed beside Roger and watched. He reached over and began running his hand up and down Roger's chest and stomach. Craig said, "Your body is beautiful. I wish I had muscles like yours."

Roger said, "You can workout and get muscles like this. I wish I had a dick like yours and there's nothing I can do to get one." Craig smiled. He got up and said, "Let me clean off my face," as cum begin dripping into his eyes. "Don't cum."

Roger nodded and watched Roger walk away. He watched as Craig returned with his swinging between his legs. Craig sat down again. This time he touched Roger's balls as Roger jerked off. Roger said, "I'm going to cum," as he began to moan. He glanced at Craig who was looking directly at Roger's dick. Craig watched as a thick stream of cum shot out of his dick. Roger moaned loudly. Craig watched as Roger's body spasmodically bounced around on the bed. He smiled.

When Roger finally relaxed, Craig looked up at Roger and said, "That was cool."

Roger laughed. Craig moved closer to Roger and moved his fingers through Roger's cum, playing with it as he moved it around Roger's smooth chest.

Roger said, "You still have cum in your hair."

"Yeah, that happens a lot. I hate it when it goes in my eyes. That burns."

They got up, jumped into the shower and washed each other. Roger washed Craig's hair.

They towel dried and moved to the living room and stood before the fire. Roger said, "I'll make us sandwiches and then we can watch a movie."

They stoked the fire, put on a DVD, wrapped them selves in a blanket on the sofa with a bowl of popcorn and two beers. They watched the movie "The Last of the Mohicans", with Daniel Day-Lewis. It was one of Roger's favorite movies. He loved the lush scenery and the music and the fact that it was a wonderful love story. Craig had never seen the movie. He cried at the end.

Next: Chapter 3

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