Craig Finds Paradise

By ImJeff

Published on Jan 10, 2006


The following story contains graphic sexual scenes involving adult males. If material of this nature offends you then you should not read this story. Additionally, if you are under 18 years of age in most states you are not allowed to read this story by law.

This story is fiction. If the characters in this story resemble anyone in anyway, it is purely by coincidence.

The author (Jeff Hunter) claims all copyrights to this story and no duplication or publication of this story is allowed, except by the web sites to which it has been posted, without the consent of the author.

Positive comments are always welcome and you may e-mail them to

Hi Everyone. Nick and I had time over our winter break to write another short story. Actually, we were spending a lot of time in the car driving, to my parents' for Christmas, to visit his brother, then to meet my cousins for five days of skiing, and then back here. We brought along my laptop, charged up the batteries and authored this story. I've tried to tweak it a bit since then, but it's pretty much as we wrote it. I hope you enjoy it. If you are into it for just the sex, well it's slow in coming but it does happen.

It's long, so I decided that rather then send it all in at once, I'd break it into three chapters and send in one each day for the next three days. I'm only going to send out one notification, so just look for part 2 and 3.

For those of you who don't know Nick and me, you can read "My roommate Nick" in Gay Male/college and you'll learn all about us. It was last posted on Jan 6th 2006. I think you'll enjoy it.

Anyway, on to:

Craig Finds Paradise, part 1

Chapter one

Craig felt good about his interview at the University. He had applied to a graduate program that was very competitive. Of the five hundred people who had applied he was one of fifty who was called to be interviewed. Only twelve people would be chosen, but he was feeling fairly confident after he talked to the chairperson of the department. She promised him that they would contact him within the next three weeks, which meant mid-March.

He had a two hundred and fifty mile drive home which would normally take him about three and half hours on the freeways, however, it was almost 3 pm on a Friday and he knew the traffic out of the city would be heavy. Instead, he could take the state road through the mountains which would take a little longer, but it would be a much nicer drive, especially this time of year, with all the snow covered peaks. He was feeling good and decided on the drive through the mountains. The skies are clear, and besides that I have four-wheel drive.

It was a brisk mid-winter's day. The air was cold and crisp and the sky was deep cobalt blue with heavy grey clouds sitting atop the mountains ahead. Craig turned up his CD player as he cracked the windows a bit and began to sing. He was excited about the prospect of moving to a `big city'. No more small town people with small town minds. Craig turned off the freeway and followed the signs to State road 84.

Craig grew up in Happy Valley, California; population 2749. The downtown was Main Street which was ten blocks long. It had one elementary school, one middle school and one public high school. It had fourteen churches; six of them in an eight block radius. Everyone knew everyone, and knew who everyone dated and who did not date. Craig went to State college which was 53 miles from Happy Valley. He lived at home and drove to classes each day. Craig, in his twenty years, had never spent a night away from his mother. If he was accepted into graduate school, it would be the first time he would be able to explore and live the life he had only been able to fantasize about.

Craig's father divorced his mother when Craig entered high school. His father was critical of everyone, but especially Craig. He wanted an athlete for a son, not a boy who sang in a choir. He was often reminded that his older sister was more athletic that he. But the criticism didn't end, as he hoped it would, when his father moved out. In truth, it only seemed to get worse. Any last hopes he and his father had that Craig would mature into a strapping young teen athlete only faded as Craig painfully made his way through adolescence and remained the `delicate' boy, as his mother termed it, of his childhood. Craig found his weekends with his father torturous, but reasoned that his father felt as if he had to heap upon Craig, in one weekend, the humiliation he would normally dish out in a week's time.

Craig's mother was overly protective. Most likely in response to her husband's abuse of him, but it did not end when he was no longer at home. She worried about him incisively. However, of late, her attention was being taken up by a new suitor. Much to Craig's pleasure, his mother was seriously dating one of Craig's old high school teachers. Craig found freedom in her new relationship. He no longer had to worry about her either.

An hour later, Craig was in the foothills of the Sierra Nevada Mountain range. The cobalt blue sky was now a memory. Those distant grey clouds were now hugging the mountains around him. Fuck it, he thought, I've driven in snow before. He checked the temperature gauge and it read: outside temperature; 36 degrees. Not cold enough for snow. It'll just rain. He noticed that the cars coming in the opposite direction had their headlights on. He thought about turning around and heading back to the freeway, but if this storm is as bad as it looks, the freeway might close down, too. He thought about turning around and getting a room in the last town he drove through, but he decided he'd give it another couple of miles. He thought about calling his mother, but any news of getting stuck in a storm would get her crazy.

Thirty minutes later and Craig was in the thick of it. It was snowing so hard his wipers could not keep his windshield clear. The road was covered with snow. He was having a hard time finding the center line. Now, there was no traffic coming toward him. He saw a sign ahead for the town of Paradise: 5 miles. He slowed to about twenty miles an hour and strained to stay on the road. Twenty minutes later he saw the off ramp. He followed the sign, trying to focus on any lights he might see ahead. He came to a folk in the road, but could not find a sign giving directions. When in doubt always go left. He continued on the road but saw nothing. Then, what he feared would happen, happened. He lost the road and was driving in a ditch. His car began to swerve as he pulled hard to the left; too hard. Next thing he knew he was facing in the direction from which he just came and then his car came to a stop but deep in a ditch.

His heart was pounding. He almost pissed in his pants. Four-fuckin-wheel-drive. He sat with his car running. He slowly gave it gas and prayed that it would begin to move. It didn't. All he heard was the sound of his wheels spinning. And where are your chains, butt hole? In your garage at home. And this if fuckin' crazy. The state road doesn't go through Paradise. Where the fuck am I? FUCK!!!

He was too afraid to turn the car engine off. He needed to keep the interior temperature up. He turned off the headlights and strained to see if he could see lights outside. He couldn't see anything. He tried his cell phone. No service. FUCK!!! He knew he couldn't sit there all night. He got out of the car and looked ahead to see if he could see car tracks on the road. None. He glanced around again. He noticed several houses in the hills around him, but none had any lights on. Then he noticed in the distance a house with smoking coming from its chimney. He noticed a faint glow of what he thought were lights. A chill ran through his body. He jumped back into the car.

He estimated that the house was at least a half mile away and up into the hills. All he had to wear were the black dress shoes he wore to the interview, the slacks he was wearing and his sports jacket. He turned off the ignition, got out of the car and began his hike to the lighted house.

He knew he had to be quick. His body carried no fat. He was five foot six inches tall, and only weighed one hundred and twenty pounds. He was in no stretch of the imagination fit. The most strenuous activity he regularly took part in was masturbating. He, like his father, thought of himself as a short skinny frail boy. He never thought of himself as attractive and he was sure no one else did either. His only physical attribute was something he kept tightly tucked away in his pants.

As he began to hike the road to the house on the hill, his shoes filled with snow. Fuck, my feet will freeze before I get there. His anxiety level soared. He began to pray. His pace quickened, but in his haste he lost his footing. His leather shoes gave him no traction. Down he went, he landed on his hands and knees. He hit hard and tore his pants. Tears fell from his eyes. Pull it together. You'll die out here.

He slowed his pace but kept it steady. He watched for turns in the road so as to stay on the pavement. He was getting closer to the house when he noticed a house closer but off the road. But, there were no lights on. He thought about breaking in, but decided he could make the house with the lights. It couldn't be more than a quarter mile ahead, he reasoned.

Finally, he was at the point where he would have to leave the road to climb the hill to the house. He tried to feel for a driveway but by now his feet were numb and the snow had to be two feet deep. His pants were soaking wet. His shoes were holding water and his feet sloshed in them each time he took a step. He was trembling. He just pushed ahead, hoping he had solid ground under him. As he got to within a hundred feet of the house he took another fall. This time he fell and rolled down a hill, but he was able to brace himself, get back on his feet and push ahead.

He knocked on the door and prayed. Please be home, and be nice people. Oh please.

The door opened slowly. A man peaked through the small opening of the door. "Who are you?" the man asked.

"Oh mister. Oh my god. I drove off the road down there. Yours was the only light that I could see," he said shivering. "Mr. I am freezing."

"Oh wow, come in," the man said. "Fuck, you are soaking wet."

"I know; I was driving and got lost and caught in this storm and,"

"And you'd better get out of those clothes. I'll run you a warm bath," he said as he turned and walked to the bathroom. He shouted from the bathroom, "We have to warm your body before we warm you hands and feet." He walked back into the living room where Craig was standing near naked. "You'd better take those off, too," the man said pointing to Craig's soaking wet white jockey shorts. "Don't worry, we're alone."

Craig looked nervously at the man.

"Let me introduce myself," the man said smiling. "I'm Roger. I'm the forest ranger here. You're at the boundary of the national forest," he said, holding out his hand.

Craig shook his hand. "Hi, I'm Craig, Craig Bigalow."

"Here, wait; let me get you a towel." Roger ran into the bathroom and grabbed a towel. He returned and handed it to Craig. Craig wrapped it around himself and then pulled off his underwear. "Craig, we really should get you in the tub." Crain nodded. He followed Roger into the bathroom.

Roger told Craig to slip into the water butt first. The water was not hot, but warm. Craig worried about dropping his towel, but his body was shivering from the cold. He shrugged and let the towel fall.

"Sit down," Roger said, "get the trunk of your body warm before your hands and feet. We'll warm you and the water as we add water."

Craig did as he was told. He kept his feet out of the water as he scooted down.

"You're not frost bitten," Roger said, looking closely at his hands and feet, "You'll be okay. What are you doing out here?"

Craig took a deep breath and looked up at Roger who was sitting at the edge of the tub with his hand under the stream of water coming from the facet. "I thought I'd take State Road 84 through the hills to Happy Valley, but I think I got lost."

"Boy, I'd say you got lost. You must have missed the turn about 30 miles back. State Road 84 turns right at the light in Millville and then goes south. You went straight and then the road turns north into the mountains. You're lucky you went off the road where you did. Another two miles and you would have been in the national forest and no one would have found you for about three days. There's this storm coming in."

"I was looking for Paradise."

"At the fork; you went left, you should have gone right to get into town, but believe it or not, you're in Paradise," he said and smiled.

Craig could feel his body warming. He felt the water slowly moving over his body as Roger filled the tub with warmer and warmer water. "This feels good." He again became aware of his nakedness. The last time someone saw him naked was in high school when he was forced to shower after gym classes. He was often teased about the length of his penis. In truth, his flaccid penis wasn't that much larger than some of the other guys, but being as short as he was only accentuated his endowment. He became very self-conscious.

"Are you expected home?"

"Yes. I live with my mom. She's expecting me. I tried to call her back there, but I couldn't get cell service."

"No, service in these parts. When you're done, you can call her on my land line. You can put more of your arms and legs and your hands and feet into the water."

"When do you think I can get out of here?"

"Well, the earliest I would imagine is Monday. This storm is just starting and it's expected to go through Sunday. You'll have to wait until they plow the road and that won't' be until Monday the earliest, maybe not even until Tuesday."

"Wow, I'm really sorry. I"

"Don't you worry about it. Like I said, I'm the ranger in these parts and I'm fully stocked for emergencies like this. I have at least a week's worth of food for four people. We'll do fine."

"No, I mean about imposing on you. I just," Craig began to cry.

"Hey, Criag. You've been through a scary ordeal. Don't worry about it. I rescue people all summer long. Don't you even thing twice about it. I'd say you are one lucky boy. And, besides, I'd love the company. I went into town yesterday, when I heard about this storm and I rented ten DVD's. So we are all stocked up for movies, popcorn, and plenty of food and beer."

"Thank you," Craig said sniffling. "This feels great." The tub was close to being filled with very warm water.

"Well, you just sit and soak. I'll get some clothes for you to put on, although I don't think anything of mine will fit you."

Roger Caldwell was a University graduate. He majored in environmental studies. He was twenty-eight years old, six feet tall, and weighted about one hundred and seventy pounds. He had sandy brown hair and dark brown eyes. He was an average looking guy, with a generous heart and a generous smile.

Although Roger had been the forest ranger for this area for more than four years, this was the first winter he spent in his mountain cabin. It was small in size. It had a nice kitchen. The biggest room in the cabin was the living room which also functioned as a dining area and an office. The cabin had a large stone fireplace which sat at the center of the house and opened at the other end into the one bedroom.

Roger found a pair of sweat pants, a sweat shirt and thick wool socks for Craig to wear. He carried them into the bathroom. "Here, these should keep you warm. Dry off and sit near the fire. I was just making myself soup for dinner, so I'll make some for you, too."

"Thank you, Mr."

"Please, call me Roger. We are going to be housemates for three or four days, so let's get comfortable with each other and relax and just hang out," Roger said smiling. He took a deep breath as he watched Craig stand in the tub. He couldn't help but notice how well endowed he was. He handed Craig a towel and stepped out of the bathroom. "Noodles or rice?" Roger called out.

"Noodles would be great."

"Good man, you and I are going to get along famously."

When Craig entered the kitchen he asked if he could call his mother. "Of course," was Roger's reply. He handed Craig the phone. Craig called his mother who was becoming concerned. He explained all that happened. Knowing that her son was staying in a cabin with a stranger did not ease her worries. Roger heard Craig trying to calm her. He said, "Craig, here is my rangers ID. It has my name, my address, and my badge number. Read them to your mother. Also, give her this phone number. She can call them and ask about who I am." Craig did as Roger suggested.

"Can I speak to her?" Roger asked. Craig handed him the phone. "Mrs. Bigalow. I'm Roger Caldwell. Did you take down my address and my phone number? Also, the number Craig gave to you is the headquarters of the forest rangers services in this area. They will tell you who I am." He thought she seemed to be calming down. "Also, please feel free to call here at any time. And, I promise you that I will have Craig call you tomorrow and each day that he is here. As soon as they plow the roads, I promise you that I will help tow his car out of the ditch and make sure he gets back into town and on the road to Happy Valley." He listened to her expressing her concerns and her gratitude. "Mrs. Bigalow, this is my job. I rescue people all summer long. Please, be at ease. He's in good hands and I've got plenty of food, DVD's and popcorn." She thanked him again and then said good bye.

"Thank you, Roger. I really do appreciate you talking to my mom. She always worries a lot."

After dinner and when it was time for bed, Roger asked Craig if he would rather sleep on the uncomfortably short sofa in the living room or on a cot in his bedroom. Craig tried the sofa and agreed that it was uncomfortable. Roger made up the cot with sheets, a blanket and a comforter. "The heating sucks, but you should be plenty warm under the comforter. I'll try to get up early and get the fire going. It's pretty cold in the morning," he said and laughed. "It helps if you sleep in the nude. Your body heat will warm the air under your comforter and keep you nice and toasty. If you wear the sweats you won't be as warm."

Craig nodded. They both stripped naked and then Roger pilled wood onto the fire and more beside the hearth. Craig climbed into bed, the lights were still on, and watched Roger stoking the fire. He found himself breathing shallow as he watched Roger from behind. He watched Roger bend forward and caught a glimpse of his ball sac handing between his legs. Roger's buttock was firm, muscular and shapely. Each time he bent down, his buttock spread so slightly. Craig became fixated. His penis began to respond. He hoped that Roger would turn around before he turned off the light.

Roger turned slightly, turned off the light and then left the room. Craig sighed quietly. The room was dark, but the fire cast a warm glow. He heard Roger peeing and then running water in the kitchen. Roger entered the room and hesitated at the light switch and then turned it on with his elbow. He had two glasses of water in his hands. "It's pretty dry up here and you might get thirsty during the night, and the last thing you'll want to do is get out of bed, so here is some water for you," he said as he set down the glasses on a night stand between his bed and the cot. Craig could not take his eyes off of Roger's tight smooth muscular chest, his flat stomach and cut penis. Craig was fully erect. He had never seen an adult man naked before. Roger walked to the light switch and said, "You'd better pee now or wait until morning."

Craig, fully aware of his erection, said, "I'm good," and smiled.

Off went the lights. Roger climbed into bed and said, "Good night. If you need anything don't think twice about asking."

"Good night. Thank you."

Craig could hear the Roger fell asleep quickly. He thought about masturbating but he always came a lot and knew he couldn't do what he normally does when he shoots his load. I should have slept on the sofa. No way, then I might not have seen him naked. Fuck, he's beautiful. His heart pounded in his chest. He felt warm all over. His hard dick, at its nine inches, throbbed. Finally, still hard, he was able to fall asleep.

When he awoke, Roger was throwing wood on the fire. Then he turned and jumped back into bed. He noticed that Craig was awake and said, "If you can wait to pee, the fire will be going good in about ten minutes."

"I don't think I can wait," he said. He had to pee in the worst way and had morning wood. He wondered if he was hard all night long.

"Go for it, then," Roger said and laughed.

Craig jumped up, pulling his comforter with him and ran into the bathroom.

Roger watched, catching a quick glimpse of Craig's morning wood, as Craig covered himself. Fuck, he is hung.

Craig ran from the room, into the bathroom. Fuck, it's cold. He stood before the toilet and tried to pee.

They made and ate breakfast. They cleaned the kitchen and then called Craig's mother. After Craig finished talking to her, Roger entered the living room dressed for the cold. "Where are you going?" Craig asked.

"Well, I can just see the top of your car," Roger said, holding up a pair of binoculars. "Another couple of hours of snow and your car will be covered. When they come to plow they are going to either run into your car of completely covered it with ten feet of snow. We'll never get you out of here.

"I'm going to snow shoe it down to your car and mark it with stakes so they will know it is there. I should be back in an hour."

Craig watched as Roger began his trek down the hill . Left alone in the cabin, Craig became curious. He did not know what he was looking for but he began to look at the books on the book selves. Steinbeck, Melville, Michener, interesting choices. Ah, Catcher and the Rye, cool. The Da Vinci Code, of course. Kafka's The Castle. Tolkien, Hesse's Siddhartha. Craig walked around the living room looking at the pictures on the walls; black and white photos of the forest and waterfalls and fallen trees. Damn, nice pictures. Must be around here. He glanced around. He noticed a closet. He opened the door and saw coats, and winter shoes and scarves. He closed the door and moved through the living room. He glanced outside and saw that Roger was about half way down the hill and disappearing into the falling snow.

Craig walked into the bathroom and looked into the medicine cabinet and a small closet. Then he went into the bedroom. He saw the large wooden trunk where Roger had stored the extra blankets and pillows and almost passed it by. He hesitated and then knelt down and opened the trunk. There were the blankets and pillows. He began to close it but then lifted the pillows and dug below the blankets. He felt something. He lifted the blankets and saw the edges of magazines. He lifted one out. His heart skipped a beat. Fuck! Torso was the title of the magazine. It had a naked man on the cover. Fuck! He quickly thumbed through the magazine. He had seen pictures like this on the internet. He sat back on his knees and slowly turned the pages. Then he thought of Roger. He got up went to the window and tried to spot him, but could not.

He went back to the truck. He dug down and found other magazines. These had pictures of men sucking each other's dick and fucking each other. They were magazines with pictures of boys who seemed to be around his age. Craig reached down and began to rub his crotch and again glanced up at the window. He quickly thumbed through each magazine and then began to put them back. As he did, he felt an odd shaped object. He wrapped his fingers around it and pulled it out from under the comforter. It was a small black colored rubber penis. Oh Fuck! He felt dizzy with excitement. He wanted to masturbate, but he feared that Roger would be back soon. He put the dildo back where he thought it had been hidden and then carefully replaced each of the magazines in the order he they were in. He wiped the sweat from his lip, closed the lid of the trunk and stood up. His nine inch erection created a large tent in his borrowed sweat pants. He pulled his sweat shirt down, went into the living room and sat down on the sofa and hoped he would lose his erection before Roger returned.

Craig heard Roger outside stomping his feet in the snow. I'm going to look stupid just sitting here. Craig jumped up and grabbed the first book off the shelf he could reach. He ran back to the sofa and opened it to the first chapter. It was Kafka's The Castle. Craig stared at the words and then it occurred to him for the first time, Oh Fuck, Roger is gay. He felt his stomach dancing and his dick getting hard again. He tried to concentrate on the words on the page. It was late in the evening when K. arrived. The village was deep in snow. The Castle hill was hidden, veiled in mist and darkness, nor was there even a glimmer of light to show that a castle was there.

Fuck! I wonder if K. gets laid.

The door opened. Roger stepped in and closed the door behind him. "It's snowing hard. I staked your car so it should be fine, but if this doesn't let up soon, we'll be here for a while."

Craig nervously said, "That's okay with me if it is okay with you."

Roger smiled and nodded. "You're good company. So, what are you reading?" Craig held up the book. "Ah, a bit of light reading," Roger said and smiled as he removed his coat.

"Yeah, maybe for another time," he said pulling his sweatshirt over his lap. "You look cold," Craig add.

"The snow is deep and when I was trying to get to your car I got snow in my boots and up my sleeves.

Craig jumped up, "I'll start running the bath for you while you undress.

"Well," Roger hesitated. "Okay, sure. I haven't showered yet. A bath would be nice," he said, as he began to undress.

Craig sat in the bathroom, his heart was pounding. He wished he had a pair of tight jockey shorts on. As Roger entered the bathroom and stripped off his boxer briefs, Craig quickly sat down on the toilet bowl and pushed down oh his erection with his arm. He watched Roger step into the tub and sit down in the two inches of water. "Ah, feels good," he said as he reached for the faucet and turned the hot water up. He glanced at Craig and said, "You going to keep me company while I bathe?"

"Oh no, I'm sorry," he said blushing. He stood and quickly turned his back toward Roger and began to walk out of the bathroom.

Roger laughed and said, "It really is okay with me if you do."

"No, no, it's cool. How about if I make us something for lunch while you take your bath?" Craig suggested as he closed the bathroom door.

"Sure just dig through the frig and take what you want."

Craig made bacon and then made grilled cheese and bacon sandwiches for himself and Roger. They spent the afternoon talking, watching one of the DVD's (Gladiator) and then played a game of chess. They decided on tamale pie for dinner.

"I can't believe you've never had tamale pie."

"My mom isn't big on spicy stuff, but I am."

"It's great with a beer," Roger added.

They had tamale pie and beer for dinner and then decided on another movie and another beer, after which they cleaned up the living room, stoked the fire and got ready for bed.

Craig was anxious with anticipation. He had been rehearsing his seduction of Roger since it occurred to him that Roger was gay. He tried several times to find the courage to broach the subject, but facing Roger, in a lighted room, during the day, was more than he could muster. Again, he watched as Roger undressed, left the room, returned with two glasses of water and then bent down in front of the fire as he, for the final time, added wood. He turned, standing naked in front of Craig, smiled and said, "Are you ready for bed?"

Craig nodded. Roger turned the light off and climbed into bed. "Good night, Craig."

"Good night," Craig said. He turned onto his side and lay there. He began to feel an old familiar feeling. His insides began to tremble. He had experienced this before; stage fright. And it was crippling. It's what kept him in the choir rather than singing solo. It was a fear he had never been able to overcome.

He knew that Roger would be asleep soon. He began to become despondent. Again, his fear would win out. Why can't I just say something to him? Fuck, if I knew what to say I would say something. What do I say? Roger I want to suck your dick. He turned onto his stomach, pushing his groin into the cot and felt his dick rub against the sheet. What the fuck can I say. Roger, I want you to suck my dick. Roger I am gay and I want you to suck my dick. Fuck, what do I say? Fuck! He's going to be asleep soon and then tonight will pass and then I will be too scared again tomorrow and have to wait until night time. So, why not tonight? But what do I say.

He turned in bed sighed loudly and then turned over again. He hugged himself tightly as he felt his arms beginning to tense up.

"Are you okay?" Roger asked.

"Yeah, I guess," he said, and as he did he heard a trembling in his voice. Roger heard it too.

"Are you cold?"

Craig's anxiety was growing and his entire body began to shake. He held his arms tightly against his chest. "It's okay."

Roger sat up in his bed. "Craig, what's wrong? Are you home sick? If you want you can call your mother."

"It's not that." Craig heard himself say. Fuck! That means it's something.

"Well, then, what is it? If you're cold you can share my bed. It's plenty warm."

The words sounded like music in Craig's ears but he couldn't move. His body just shook all over. He lay there. He felt as if he began to speak a flood of words would come forth. But, what could he say?

Roger moved across his bed and sat at the edge and looked over at Craig. "Craig, what's going on?"

Finally, he had come to the point where the pain of isolation and loneliness out weighted the fear of rejection and humiliation. "Please don't be angry at me; please." He didn't wait for Roger to answer; he couldn't. "When you went out to my car today I looked in your trunk and I saw your magazines. I know you are gay."

"Okay," Roger answered. His stomach twisted with anxiety. "Craig, you don't have to be frightened. I'm not going to do anything to you. I promise. Please believe me."

"No, that's not it. I want you to do anything to me. I mean everything to me. I mean I want to do things to you," he said. His voice was still trembling. "I want to do things to you; a lot of things. No, I don't mean a lot of things, I mean I wanted to do things a lot." Roger sat and stared at Craig. "Are you angry?" Craig asked.

"No, no, not at all; I'm just thinking about all this." Roger realized that he was becoming turned on. "I'm not angry at all. Actually, I'm flattered." His penis was now fully erect. He knew he could be seen. He moved back onto the bed and covered himself. "If you want, you can climb in bed here? I'm sure it's a lot warmer and more comfortable than sleeping on the cot. And we can talk about this."

Craig leapt from the cot and tripped over his blanket as he fell into the bed. Roger smiled to himself as he lifted the covers for Craig. It was a queen size bed, but Craig moved so that he was right beside Roger. Roger turned onto his side and faced Craig. "Have you had sex with a man before?"


"You've never had any kind of sex with a man; never?"

"Never, nothing."

"Then how do you know you want to?"

"I'm 20 years old. It's all I can think about. I know I do."

"Yeah, that was a stupid question. I knew I wanted to have sex with a guy before I ever had sex with a guy."

"I think you are very handsome," Craig said shyly.

Roger laughed. "You are cute, too. Are you still nervous? You don't seem to be trembling."

"No. But my dick is hard."

Roger laughed again. "You really are cute," he said and moved his hand along Craig's side and then onto his stomach."

Craig sighed. His body was on fire with desire. His dick was throbbing and he could feel pre-cum dripping onto his stomach. Roger ran his fingers over Craig's chest. Craig moved his hand with the intention of touching Roger's chest, but as he lifted his hand from his side he grazed Roger's hard dick. It was the first time he ever touched another person penis and he felt chills run up his spine.

He moved his hand again and again grazed Roger's dick. Roger moved his hand and ran his fingers over the length of Craig's nine inch pulsating penis. He noticed the pre-cum. Craig sighed loudly. Roger took hold of Craig's erection and squeezed. "You're huge," Roger whispered. Craig wrapped his fingers around Roger's erection and began slowly stroking him. Roger leaned down, moved his face close to Craig's and waited to see Craig's reaction. Craig lay still. He had never kissed anyone either.

Roger lightly brushed his lips against Craig's. Then he ran his tongue over Craig's lips. Craig again sighed loudly as he opened his mouth and touched Roger's tongue with his. Then to Roger's surprise, Craig arched his back and moaned loudly. Craig began to cum.

"Oh fuck,' Craig sighed. "Oh fuck, I'm sorry," he moaned as his cum sprayed them both. His body tensed and relaxed and then tensed. His legs shook. His head lifted off the pillow and then slammed down again as his back arched. "Oh fuck, it won't stop." Craig just kept cumming as Roger kept stroking Craig's erection.

"It's okay, enjoy it."

Craig finally relaxed, "I didn't know I was going to cum. I mean it was so fast. I made a mess in your bed and all over you."

Roger laughed. "Don't worry. I enjoyed it," he said as he leaned down and began kissing Craig again. He pulled Craig toward him. Their bodies wet with cum became intertwined. "You're still hard," Roger said, smiling. Craig nodded and smiled, his body was still responding to his orgasm. Roger took Craig's hand and moved it so that Craig took hold of Roger's erection. It was wet with cum. Roger squeezed Craig fingers around his erection and then began kissing Craig again. Craig, using his cum as lubricant, stroked Roger's dick as they kissed.

Roger began stroking Craig again. "You have a nice dick," Roger said.

"So do you."

"Squeeze tighter as you stroke me," Roger instructed. Craig did. Roger began to breathe harder and then began to moan. As he got close to cumming he began to move away from Craig, but Craig grabbed him and moved Roger closer to him and kept stroking his dick. Roger smiled as he felt his load moving through his groin.

"I'm going to cum," Roger said. He wrapped his legs around one of Craig's legs, pushed his dick forward as Craig kept masturbating him hard. "Oh fuck, this feels wonderful," he grunted as the first shot of cum exploded from his dick.

Craig felt it hit him on the shoulder. The second shot shit him on the chin. Craig felt bathe in Roger's cum which only added to his excitement. Roger took hold of Craig's one hundred and twenty pound body and rolled Craig on top of himself. Craig rested his head on Roger's shoulder.

Breathing hard, Roger asked, "Are you okay?"

"Yes," Craig said. He took a deep breath, taking in the smell of their bodies wet with cum. He nuzzled up to Roger and began to kiss him again as he again pushed his hard-on against Roger's stomach. Roger smiled. Craig asked, "Can we do it again."

Roger laughed and said, "Are you going to make up for all that time you didn't have sex with someone, in one night?"

"If you'll let me," Craig answered.

Roger laughed. He reached between them and touched Craig's erection. "Would you like me to give you blow job?"

"Oh wow, yeah. Can I do it to you, too?"

Roger laughed again. "Well, give me a few minutes to recover here. But, it looks like you're ready."

"Yeah, I am ready and I'll try not to cum right away."

"Come when you want to cum. We have three or four days to wear you out. And it's probably going to take me all that time, too."

"Cool," Craig said. "Maybe it will keep snowing and it will take them longer to plow the road."

Roger laughed. "I'm betting the road isn't the only thing that's going to get plowed," he said as his spinster tightened.

"What do you mean?"

Roger didn't answer. He tried to imagine taking in all nine inches of Craig's dick. He wished he had been using a bigger dildo. Roger moved so that now Craig was lying on his back. He began to kiss Craig's chest. He could taste and smell their cum which made a sticky glaze over Craig's chest. As he let Craig's cock head brush against his lips he could smell the musk of Craig's boyhood. Roger opened his mouth and took in Craig cock head. Craig sighed and arched his back. "Oh wow, that feels awesome." Roger nodded. He ran his tongue around Craig dick head and then opened his mouth wider taking in as much as he could. Craig sighed loudly.

Roger could feel Craig getting close to orgasm. He let Craig's erection slip from his mouth and fall upon Craig's stomach. He then gently ran his tongue down the long shaft to Craig's ball sac. He moved Craig's balls around using his tongue. "Oh fuck," Craig sighed, as he grabbed at Roger's hair. "Oh yeah," he sighed pushing his groin upward as he pressed his legs together.

Craig tried to grab for his dick, but Roger stopped him. "Relax; let me pleasure you. Enjoy the feeling of getting there." Craig nodded and took a deep breath. Roger spread open Craig's legs. First, he ran his fingers over Craig's balls, then downward toward his ass crack. Craig instinctively pulled his legs together. "Relax," Roger whispered. Craig nodded again.

Roger moved and lay between Craig's legs as he pulled them apart. Craig looked at him. "I promise I won't do anything to hurt you." Craig nodded and again relaxed. Roger began licking the shaft of Craig erection, then his ball sac and then, as he pushed Craig's legs up to Craig shoulders, he slowly made his way to his ass. Craig squirmed and moaned holding onto Roger's head.

When Roger found Craig's butt hole he probed it with his tongue, again, Craig automatically tightened up. Roger waited; Craig relaxed. Again, Roger began to probe Craig's butt hole with his tongue. Craig moaned loudly as he pulled his legs tightly against his chest giving Roger greater access. "Oh my god, that feels wonderful." Roger ran his tongue up and down Craig's ass crack and pushed his tongue hard into Craig's butt hole. "Oh my god," Craig moaned.

Then Roger moved so that he could take Craig's throbbing erection deep into his mouth. He glanced up at Craig and said, "Trust me, I won't hurt you. Try to relax and you'll enjoy this." Craig looked down at Roger and nodded. Roger began slowly sucking Craig's dick while playing with his ass hole. Then, very gently, with his finger, he began applying pressure against Craig's butt hole. Craig tightened again, but then Roger felt Craig relaxing. His finger found its way into Craig. Craig moaned. Gently, Roger moved his finger deeper into Craig until he was knuckle deep. He began to slowly move his finger, feeling for Craig's prostate. Craig moaned loudly. Roger sucked harder. He could feel Craig's prostate becoming larger and hard. Craig moaned louder as Roger sucked harder and moved his finger over Craig's prostate. Craig let out a groan that seemed to come from deep inside of him. His entire torso went rigid. He grasped Roger's hair with both his hands.

Roger began moving is finger over Craig's prostate more vigorously. Craig began to thrash around as his orgasm took over his body. Cum began to flood Roger's mouth. He was swallowing as quickly as he could. Craig was thrashing around so violently that it was hard for Roger to keep Craig's dick in his mouth. Craig just kept exploding with streams of thick ropey cum. Roger kept swallowing.

When Craig finally stopped cumming, Roger pulled his finger from Craig's ass, but he kept gently sucking on Craig's dick. Craig's body continued spasmodically shaking. Craig relaxed his grip on Roger's hair. "My god, is it always like that," Craig asked.

Roger smiled, "You should always remember your first blow job." He pulled Craig to him and had Craig lay his head upon his chest. "I enjoyed your enthusiasm."

Craig lay comfortably in Roger's arms, coming down off his orgasmic high. He glanced up at Roger and then lay his head down again. "Do you remember your first blow job?" Craig asked.

Roger smiled and said, "Actually, I do."

"We can sleep in; can't we?" Craig asked. Roger nodded. "Cool; tell me about your first blow job."

Roger smiled and became silent as he remembered. Craig moved his hand down to Roger's semi-erect penis and gently cupped it in his hand. "Well, let's see. Let me start here. When I was a freshman in high school. My best friend, his name was Adam, lived across the street and two houses up. We had been friends since first grade. He had an older brother, Tommy. He was a junior in high school.

Next: Chapter 2

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