Craig and Friends

By Tim P

Published on Jan 18, 2010



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All the usual disclaimers apply. This is a work of pure fiction and a fetid imagination. If it is illegal to read this where you live, don't read it. If you are under legal age where you live, don't read it.

This story contains descriptions of simulated, consensual sexual contact between minor males. It is written for the entertainment of mature adults. Passing through Nifty's main page to get here is your way of saying it is legal for you to be reading it.

Craig, My First Time

I was 13 and going into the 8th grade and Craig my neighbor from across the street was a year younger, 12 but only going to be a 6th grader. Craig was about 5', 110 pounds then with short brown hair and blue eyes. I was a red head or strawberry blonde, was more like it, with hazel eyes and I was a bit bigger, 5'3" maybe and 115 pounds. It was the start of summer and we were at his house alone.

We had been getting naked with each other for a couple of years now. When we first started taking our clothes off it was kind of the 'I'll show you yours if you show me mine." And then we started surprising each other by being naked. Like we had a "fort" we built in the rafters of Craig's garage and he would call me up and say 'meet me in the fort'. The first time that happened I climbed up the rope ladder we had for the fort and Craig was already in the fort with his shirt off and he had a pillow covering his mid-section. I just assumed he had shorts on, but once I closed the door to the fort, he moved the pillow to over his head and buried his face in it. He was stark naked with a little boner going on. I was stunned and immediately turned on. With Craig's face buried in the pillow I undressed as silently as I could. Why did I care if he knew I was getting naked? I don't know, I am sure he expected me to get naked too, it just seemed hotter some how to do it quietly. So I got naked and nothing really happened, we just touched each other and looked at our little boners. But that was the start of a lot of naked exploration, naked swimming when the parents were gone and just general nudism whenever we could.

But anyway, back to that day at the start of summer before my 8th grade year. We were newly freed from the constraints of school. Craig's mom didn't work and mine was a college professor so she was pretty much home for summer, but those were the days when parents didn't helicopter over their children. If Craig and I took off in the morning on our bikes and went to the mall or the beach or up in the hills behind our beach town on our own and didn't come home until 5PM no one batted an eye. If one of our mothers went shopping or off to see friends it never occurred to them to not leave us alone or to worry about us, so we had lots of freedom.

Craig's mom was out for the day that day and we were in his family room and started to wrestle around as boys will do; after a while we were all tangled up and his crotch wound up in my face. As it sat there and we wrestled, he started to get a woody; it just seemed like the most natural thing to do was to suck the bulge, so I did! I sucked so long on it his Levis were getting all wet. At the same time he was sucking on me through my shorts. Since his Levis were getting wet and I wanted more I unbuttoned them all the way down and started to suck the bulge through his jockeys. After a bit I pulled down the briefs in back and massaged his ass while I sucked through the underwear. I remember the feel of his little cheeks in my hand to this day. He had undone my shorts and was jerking me through my boxers. Finally he couldn't take my sucking through the jockeys anymore; he pulled them down in front and popped out his boner. It was kind of small, like 4", pretty thin and almost totally hairless but I thought it was the coolest sight I'd ever seen! I sucked on it a little and eventually I pulled the jeans and jockeys all the way off and rolled on to my back so we could 69 easier. He pushed off my boxers and shorts too and took my dick in his mouth, I was probably about 5" then with a small patch of light red pubic hair; for some reason we still had on our shirts and socks. He eventually blew a little load into my mouth and I blew a HUGE wad into his. We had sex it seemed like every day that summer once we had discovered the joys of it and then most of the rest of my 8th grade year whenever we could find the privacy.

When I went off to high school, I didn't see him as much until he started high school because we ran in different sets of people before that, but once we reconnected we had sex and more sex until he left for college and even when he was home on vacation that freshman year. We had a six year sexual relationship, albeit off and on, and NEVER once in those six years did we EVER talk about it. Not once did we ask the other guy if he was gay and we never kissed even once during that time period, that would have been like so gay, but we did any and everything else we could think of including a couple of hot, weird experiences involving other guys from school or the neighborhood. I TOTALLY wish now I had talked to him about it and found out what was up.

Who knows, maybe if we had talked about it he would have felt weird and it would have stopped, but at least I would have known more about me and him.

More Time With Craig

After I went off to high school I really didn't see that of much of Craig "socially", if you get my drift, even though he lived across the street, we were running in totally different crowds, he with his junior high friends and me with the high school crowd. When Craig started high school he signed up for water polo (my sport) which in our town was a big deal, actually a bigger deal than football in the sense that we got the elite athletes. We still didn't get crowds or pep rallies or any of that crap, the football team that went 4-7 every year still got all that, while we were winning league every year and winning our southern California division every other year. Such was life, but all our seniors went on to play Division I water polo in college and several even made the U.S. National Team.

The first day of hell week (starting of fall practice) I gave him a ride to school, got him a locker next to mine and introduced him to a few of the guys on the team. I got dressed quickly and left before he changed because I thought he might be a little shy changing in front of me because of our past. Well... he came onto the pool deck. Craig, 5'6 and 120 now (still short brown hair and blue eyes), formerly 4" and hairless now had a MASSIVE bulge in his Speedos! My jaw dropped to the ground!

After practice in the shower (we shower in our Speedos) I started to get a little firm looking at Craig in his Speedo. I was DYING to see what he had now. I jacked off all week thinking about the stuff we used to do. This went on for over a week, me giving him a ride, me changing before him blah, blah, blah and I thought, 'there's no way I can do this for a whole season with Craig next to me!'. I figured if the old spark was there he would have said something on the ride to or from school.

Then one day in practice I was guarding him in the hole, it is like the low post in basketball, so I am behind him and we both have our backs to the goal cage and with 40 other guys around, he grabbed my dick and squeezed it. It isn't that unusual in water polo, but usually when you grab the guy's dick and balls it isn't pleasant for him and THIS was pleasant, oh my was it pleasant. I just about died. No one knew of course, because it was under water and I didn't react that much, but I thought he was just kidding. But when it was his turn to guard me in the hole I could feel him hard in his Speedos pressing his hips on me and he also put a hand down the front of my Speedos for a quick, cheap feel. I was worthless the rest of practice! When we were in the locker room I told Craig I wasn't going to shower or change, 'cuz I had stuff to do. He said that was fine with him. I pulled my sweats on over my Speedo; he pulled shorts on over his. We got in the car and I asked, I am sure with my voice cracking, if he wanted to go to his house, he knew EXACTLY what I meant, and he said yes! I broke about twenty driving laws, sped to his house and we went straight to the garage where the 'fort' we built when we were in junior high school was. It had been our 'love nest' (so to speak). I was way hard and wet and horned up beyond belief. My hands were shaking as I unbuttoned his shorts and pulled them off. He untied my sweats and pushed them off. We were both obviously hard as can be in our Speedos. I untied and pulled down his Speedos and he wasn't this 4" 12 year old anymore, he was more like a legit 7+"s now!! Still not a lot of hair and not very thick, but long and wet and straight like a steel pipe!! I immediately started to suck on it. After I had sucked it for a little while he held my head still and moved his hips forward and back into me (damn I love that) driving his cock as deep as he could in my throat. He blew the biggest wad into my mouth I'd ever had!! He then pushed me onto my back, peeled off my Speedo and started to suck me off too, I had grown to 6 1/2" by then and he handled me like a pro. I actually wondered who he had been practicing with since we last hooked up.

We spent that whole afternoon getting reacquainted! That was the start of 2 1/2 years of great, fun sex and some fun, funky times with other guys from the neighborhood.

Craig & Brent

It was winter during Craig's freshman year, my junior year and he and I were hanging out again like we used to. It was a Friday night and the old fort had become than the Playboy Mansion South, it was where he and I would go to chill and talk especially when we didn't want Craig's parents to overhear. There were no chairs in the fort, just wall to wall carpeting, a couple of sleeping bags, some blankets, bare walls and a couple of lights we installed. There was room in the fort for four guys to stretch out comfortably or six guys to feel a little cramped.

This Friday night Brent was with us, another kid from the neighborhood. He was in Craig's class, but he was a giant. Where Craig was 5'6" by now, and I was 5'11", Brent was 6'6" as a freshman, starting for the freshman basketball team and would probably be on varsity next year; hell, he would probably be pulled up to varsity when the playoffs started, he was the 5th tallest guy in the program out of four teams and the other four were all on the varsity team. Anyway, I digress.

Craig, Brent and I are chilling in the fort just talking teen nonsense. The fort has insulation that Craig and I put in, but it can still be chilly in winter, even in southern California, hence the blankets and sleeping bags. Craig and I are on one side leaning against the wall with one blanket over the two of us and Brent was on the opposite wall with a blanket over him too. Somewhere in the talking of teen nonsense my hand found its way to Craig's thigh and from Craig's thigh to his cock that was rock hard in his jeans. I petted and played with his cock in the jean for a while, maybe twenty minutes. All this time Craig and I are carrying on a normal conversation.

I decided to up the ante, I unbutton Craig's jeans with one hand, quietly and slowly unzip them, I was sure I was talking when I did to cover the sound. I don't think Brent had a clue at that time. I popped Craig's boner out of his boxers and started to play with his cock and stroke him, he was totally leaking already. I couldn't go too fast because it would have been obvious, so I gave Craig the slowest hand job ever, as a result it lasted like 30 minutes before Craig blew a wad in my palm, I had no idea it was coming, because nothing about him gave it away. I wiped my hand clean on the carpet and moved my hand away; Craig put his junk away and zips up. Five minutes later he moves next to Brent, whispers in his ear and he and Brent switch positions so now Brent is under the blanket with me. I am not sure what is going on, but I can guess, but I don't want to be wrong, Brent and I have never fooled around before (which makes him one of the few, I've jacked off or sucked off 9 of the 13 boys in my age group in our 150 home neighborhood, oh and 11 of 15 boys if you include the two boys from Norway who lived in Brent's house last summer while his family was in Africa). Anyway, so I think I know why he moved over here and what Craig said, but not 100% sure, so I just move my hand next to Brent's leg so it is touching, but not on top of the thigh like I did with Craig, Brent doesn't move his leg away. I move my hand more firmly into his leg so there is no question he can feel it, still he doesn't move his leg, so a minute later I make the next move and put it on top of his thigh, he is wearing Adidas sweats, they feel pretty cool actually. When he doesn't say anything or move his leg, I progress to rubbing his thigh in a circular motion, moving the circles higher and higher on his thigh until I hit a steel pipe. That can't POSSIBLY be his cock because it is huge and hard as steel, but it is. I run my fingers over it and around it lightly at first to not spook Brent, but as he carries on a normal conversation with Craig and me, I am guessing he isn't too spooked. I feel him up pretty good and jack him through the Adidas, but this thing is so massive I really want to feel it for real. Craig is big at over 7", but I am guessing Brent is more than 8 1/2", maybe even 9".

I undo the drawstring on his sweats and reach inside his boxers. His cock is hot, hard, wet and HUGE, this is the biggest cock I've ever felt by far. I jack it a little, but it is hard to do and Brent's knows that because he shifts his position and when he does it he pushes his sweats and boxers down so his cock pops fully out. I feel it up and down and then I start to jack it like I did with Craig, only Brent is leaking so much I can use his pre-cum and I do, using it on his big head. I am dying to see what it looks like, but I know if I see it I am going to dive down on it and suck him like a vacuum cleaner. Since Craig obviously knows what is happening, I can be a bit more aggressive, but not too much because we are all still having a normal conversation pretending I am not jacking off my second 9th grader of the night. Brent isn't as good as Craig at covering up, because he has gone silent the last two minutes so I know he is close, I speed up as best I can and then he erupts. He gushes gallons over my hand and from the shit-eating grin on Craig's face; I know he can tell Brent is cumming. I wipe more cum into the carpet and we go on as if nothing has happened.

It makes me horny beyond belief, thank goodness after Brent goes home Craig and I go to sleep in the fort and he gives me a blow job, while I suck him off, but only after I tell him how incredibly huge Brent is how he cums gallons.

Brent Alone

For the next two weeks I am obsessed by Brent, it embarrasses me as an 11th grader that I am so hot and bothered for a 9th grader, but I am. Between his freshman basketball games and practices and my swimming practices it seems like I'll never get a chance to get back in those pants, but then Kismet happens Brent has a freshman home game on a Friday night, the game is ending around 6PM, just as swim practice is ending AND Brent's parents are gone for the night, well not all night, but they are going up to LA for an Opera, they won't be home until after 1AM at the earliest. I've told my mom I'm going to get dinner at CJ's (teen lingo for Carl's Jr. where we live) with Brent and then watch movies at his house because his parents are gone and he hates being alone. All truth, I LOVE it when the truth is convenient.

I catch the tail end of Brent's freshman basketball game, we win by 20 points and Brent has like 30, he is damn near impossible for freshman in our league to stop. He goes to the team room to shower and change, in days past I might have gone with him, but given what I think it going to happen tonight I am afraid he might pop a boner with me watching him change or shower. Oh and I don't assume tonight is a sure thing, Brent and I have been friends for five years, ever since he moved here and I've never gotten the vibe that something like happened two weeks ago was possible, every other neighborhood boy I've fooled around with, Tommy, Todd, Matt, Greg, John, Brad, Craig and the Norwegian boys, Petar and Brooks, send clear signals of horniness.

But when I casually asked Brent after that night if he wanted to get dinner and hang out sometime on a weekend, he agreed pretty quickly and it was he who mentioned that his parents were going to be out really, really, really late (yes he said it three times) this Friday night, so I am hopeful he wants to explore more too. We went to the CJ's up on Palisades Dr. and I swear we ate that food faster than we had ever eaten it before and head back to his house. I go into the family room and flop onto the couch, Brent says he wants to change. He comes out of his room two minutes later in the Adidas sweats again and the way I can see his thang swinging in them, I am guessing he didn't wear any boxers or anything this time. He sits on the couch next to me and throws a blanket over us, so far, so good.

We have ABC on of course; no way we are missing the Brady Bunch, Nanny and the Professor, Partridge Family and That Girl! I think I know why I am here and every sign Brent has given me so far has been a green light so I start just like the last time I was under a blanket with him, I move my hand to connect with his leg and as expected, he doesn't move his leg away and I don't think I need to wait as long as I did last time before going for the kill. So I move my hand up to his thigh and rub it, but I still don't want to rush it too much, I want to make sure he is just as horny as I am when I swoop in for the kill. I finally rub my way up to that enormous cock and I know he is more than ready because he is leaking through the Adidas sweats. I go to untie them and they are already untied, I can also feel he doesn't have boxers on, he is commando and rather than mess with just sticking my hand in like last time I slip them down to his knees, he lifts his hips so they will slide down easier and I start playing with his cock. I am stunned again how big it is, it seems even bigger that I remember it.

I start stroking him slowly and playing with the pre-cum and without Craig here, Brent feels free to moan a little, say a quiet 'oh fuck' every so often. I want this to last and I don't want him to cum too soon, because I don't know if he cums once he will be game for a round II the same night. In my limited experience it is pretty much 50-50, I can get these straight boys horny enough to cum once in a night, but then after climax they feel guilty and it takes a while to get them horny enough again; not all the guys though, Tommy, Craig and Todd are like me, they can cum and cum again until they are shooting blanks. What happen next does surprise me though, while I am stroking Brent, he reaches under the blanket, feels my hard cock through my shorts a little and then opens them up and slides them down past my knees and being shorts, they fall all the way to the floor so I just kick them off. When I kick off my shorts Brent pushes his sweats all the way down and kicks them off too so now we are bare underneath the blanket but I still haven't seen the monster yet.

He is doing a pretty good job of stroking me and I wonder if he has done this before with Craig or other guys in the neighborhood. I am dying to see this huge cock of his, but again I don't want to rush things and spook him. I wait as long as my 16 year old patience with let me, probably five minutes, and then I throw the blanket off us. Brent's cock is freaking amazing for a 14 year old, it is 8 1/2, maybe 9 inches, not all that thick, but certainly not thin either. It doesn't matter, I just know I want it in my mouth. Again I don't want to freak him out, getting a hand job is one thing, having a guy suck your dick is an all together other thing. I slide a little closer to him, after a bit I lean into him and have my head on his chest looking down at the giant and my concerns over how he would react if I tried to suck him go out the window when he puts his right hand on my head and gently pushes it down towards his cock. I don't have far to go since the cock is so big and it sticks straight up, it is already half way to his chest.

My tongue comes into contact with the large purple head first and then I swallow as far down as I go. I get almost all the way down to his sparse brown pubic hairs before I gag and start back up. When I get back to the top I lick around the head with my tongue and everything is supersized, the head, the slit, the frenulum. I spread his pre-cum around with my tongue and thumb and index finger and then I start bobbing up and down on it. I was rubbing his smooth inner thighs with my left hand and jerking his cock with my right hand as it followed my lips up and down on his cock. Brent was still jerking me and I opened my legs a bit to make it easier for him.

As he got closer to cumming, he also got hornier I guess because he pushed me down on my side and started to suck me too, which I never expected. About five minutes into 69'ing and probably 40 minutes overall from the start Brent blows a fire hoses worth of cum into my mouth and I swallowed every drop and didn't miss a bit. I expected that when he came, Brent's horniness would die and he'd stop sucking me and just jerk me off, but he doesn't, he keeps going five more minutes until I blow my wad into his mouth. Even more surprising after we had both cum, we didn't but our clothes back on, but cuddled under the blanket with no pants on, Brent was behind me and I was in front. About forty minutes after we both came, I could feel Brent hard again and rubbing his cock on my ass cheeks, which of course made me hard and horny all over again. I rolled onto my back; Brent got in between my legs and humped me cock to cock. We didn't kiss or anything, but it was so damn hot having him hump me that way and it didn't occur to us to try anal sex, I am not sure either of us knew what it was at that time. I just rubbed his back and held him and pushed back into his thrusts. We both wound up cumming again, but I don't even remember who came first. Now we both had cum all over us so we showered together, which was my first shower with a guy I had had sex with and that was mega hot so we jerked off one more time in the shower, but by then we could barely cum at all.

Brent and I would go on to have sex on a pretty regular basis after that through the end of his sophomore year when he got his first girlfriend and then we only had sex sporadically through his freshman year of college. I did find out though who else he had had sex with in his freshman class and I hooked up with a couple of them. Brent continued to develop in basketball, was actually the player of the year his senior year of high school and went off to a major school in the Big 8 where his career was good enough to get him drafted into the NBA in the 8th round. Oddly enough Craig went off with him to that same college in the Big 8 and they wound up being roommates. I never asked either one about the other, but I did have a couple of sexual experiences with the two of them at the same time besides that first time under the blanket, so I always assumed that they were doing the same type stuff that we did with each other, or who knows, maybe more.

All of us stayed friends through it all and it never seemed to effect us our touch our lives outside of those private moments. We all had girlfriends at different times, Craig and Brent both wound up getting married eventually and the times we had were just memories of high school and being a teen boy with raging hormones.

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