Cowboy Tail

By moc.loa@ehcatSgalF

Published on Mar 11, 2002


Copyright 2002

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Warning: This story contains homo-erotic content! If this is objectionable to you or the state laws in which you abide, read no further!

The year was 1872 and "Smokey Joe" Carlson was an aging cowpoke, his career spanning twentyfold years of running cattle throughout Oregon, Wyoming and further down in the Southwestern states of Nevada, Arizona, New Mexico, Texas and Colorado. Smoky still cut an able bodied figure of a man. Even in his mid-forties he could still rope a runaway calf and rassle him to ground right along with the best of them!

He towered above the 'majority' at six foot, eight inches and he sported an enormous "once" coal black, but now peppered with gray, handlebar mustache and equally colored, closely trimmed beard which he kept just so with a rusty old pair of cutting shears that he had tucked away, along with other items of necessity, in a heavily stained old canvas sack tied to his saddle right next to his bed roll and Remington shotgun.

"Smokey", as his friends called him, a name which he preferred, was quite a sight to see as he rode tall in the saddle riding upon his old mare "Rosebud". Smokey was a hair lovers dream with a graying beard that grew thickly and coarsely down the entire front and sides of his neck and merge with the massive body hair that forested his tightly muscle-slabbed chest. The tangles of dark fur that covered his pale chest and surrounded his rubbery pink nipples, traveled further down along his firm taught belly in a taper that continued it's course til it reached his navel and then continued further down still, where it suddenly sprouted in massive musky tangles that framed his abundant "manhood." Smokey's ass was the final treasure, hair filled the deep crevice and pucker between his tight rounded buttocks which were also sparsely flecked with the same coarse hair. These particular ass-ets, Smokey displayed quite well, preferring to wear denim britches that hugged his manly backside leaving nothing to the viewers imagination. It could be said that Smokey was well ahead of his time where his sexuality was concerned and gave no never mind to who looked or liked what they saw, male or female, he was willing to play both ways if it ever came to that and converting a few along the way.

On a cold mid-November morning Smokey traveled through the dry Sonoran dessert, his long strong legs, slightly bowed, curved gently inward and rubbed along the flanks and ribs of his faithful horse. His huge feet, crowding the interiors of a pair of dusty spurred, beaten up old "calf highs," were firmly planted in the stirrups. Suddenly Smokey halted their progress and shifted back the tan "wide rimmed dented hightop" he wore on his head in order to survey the positioning of the sun overhead. Smokey's hooded hazel eyes (almost amber) were framed with the deep lines and creases of a hard life and yet they sparkled in the light of the late afternoon with an adventurous and youthful quality as he tenderly nudged the mare with his spurs and they moved onwards and towards the tail-end of their journey but given the lateness of the day, it was certain that the two travelers would soon have to set up camp for the night before starting out bright and early the next day for the town of Hellbend. Supplies were greatly needed and the Winter by all accounts, promised to be a harsh one.

Soon Smokey and Rosebud arrived at a bold outcropping of mammoth rocks and boulders jutting up from the sandy expanses and nestled within them was a naturally formed niche in the rocks which appeared to afford some adequate protection from the cold evening air. It was here that Smoky decided to set up camp and settle in for the night. After finding a good supply of dry desert brush and driftwood in the bed of a nearby dry wash, Smokey found a decent spot to build his campfire and began the process of skinning then roasting a jackrabbit that he'd shot earlier that day for his dinner. After his meal he threw the bones in the flames, he kept the fire stoked up and he sat down spread legged and close to the warming flames which crackled and popped cheerfully while he picked at his teeth using a long cactus quill. Smokey liked to keep his teeth "clean as a whistle" and never missed the opportunity whenever a handy dental tool presented itself. Smokey's current choice was plucked from an ancient looking Saguaro growing close to the encampment. As the evening drew on Smokey finally set out his bedding placing it as near to the fire as possible, then rolled himself a cigarette before laying his tall frame down and he looked up at the clear night sky.

Smokey's thoughts began to wonder and after pulling one last drag from the burning butt he tossed it into the dwindling fire and wrapped himself up with the tightly woven wool blanket, it was his secret security blanket, a blanket that his own dear Pa had given to him when he was sixteen and one that definitely did it's job in keeping him warm on many a cold night but it also brought back memories of his boyhood and the old homestead and being raised by his Pa. Smokey had always lusted after his Pa, knowing early of his feelings for other men. But he kept these feelings to himself and his deep love for his Pa made him a good and respectful son until he turned fifteen. Smokey suddenly rubbed and groped himself hard between his long legs as he remembered the night of his fifteenth birthday and how his Pa who had been celebrating with a bottle of liqour only hours before, had come to his bed, Smokey awoke and noticed his Pa was standing next to his bed and was naked as a jaybird. He pulled down the blankets and looked at Smokey, a big smile on his moustached lips and covered his son's young body with the warmth of his own. Smokey's Pa was a tall furry man, thickly muscled from hard work and when he reached down and cup Smokey's youthful dick and balls in his large calloused hands, Smokey lost all of his youthful reserve and wrapped his arms around his Pa's neck, even when he began to gently finger his boy's tender asshole Smokey made no cause for alarm. before long Father and Son eagerly engaged in deep kisses, the slurping sounds of wrestling tongues filling the air. Pa's thick graying handlebar moustache tickled his nose and Smokey discovered that he liked to chew on it, the smell of alcohol and cigars made it all the better. His Pa laid back then and spread his legs open and Smokey saw his huge veiny pecker and large hanging balls, the scent of which struck his nostrils and he began to lick them. Smokey soon learned that his Pa liked his asshole licked out too. After the session of licking his Pa's balls was nearly complete, his Pa suddenly lifted his legs high and wide and Smokey found himself looking straight at a hairy asshole. It was a brown and wringled swirl that winked and puckered and looked so tasty and the smell was so interestingly sharp and musky. Looking up between his Pa's legs he could see his eyes were closed and no demands were made of young Smokey but the offering was so tempting and he wanted so badly to please his Pa. Slowly Smokey approached and pressed his boyish face in between the sweaty crack of his Pa's smelly ass then cautiously shoved his tongue deep inside of the wrinkled protruding orifice. His Pa made a low grunting sound and soon was wiggling his hairy ass against Smokey's seeking tongue, hooking his arms around his knees his Pa bent himself back almost double, opening more of himself to his boy's oral explorations. The moans and grunts got louder and more frequent and Smokey noticed how his Pa's flexing asshole suddenly relaxed and began to resemble a thin lipped mouth, now open and eager to receive his son's deep kisses. He could see the pink flesh of his Pa's innards and more of the interesting smells arose as he began to enjoy the pleasure he was giving to his Pa, curling his tongue he scooped out his Pa's deep anal canal. Looking up he could see his Pa stroking his throbbing pecker which had grown to it's full length and was shiny with Pa's spit making it slick as it slid through his huge work roughened hand. Suddenly Pa reared up bringing his legs down and underneath him and he began thrusting his hips wildly and jerking his pecker furiously, grunting and groaning before finally spraying his chest and Smokey's hair with copious streams of white spunk, all the while Smokey continued as best he could to lap at his Pa's trembling butthole. When Pa's orgasm subsided he pressed Smokey down and underneath him, covering his son's face with kisses and smelling the odor of ass that he had marked his son's face with, soon Smokey's own legs were wrapped around his Pa's neck as he spewed his own sperm into a warm, hairy sucking mouth.

Smokey missed his Pa, his manly scent and the gentle love that he gave to him, he taught Smokey the pleasures that only two men could share. Life continued that way until a Typhoid Fever epidemic broke out one Spring and took his Pa away and just before Smokey's twentieth birthday. Smokey never had no Ma, and he couldn't even remember women folk around the place during his upbringing. It was just him and his Pa and of course some of his Pa's friends who came around every so often to "visit". They were big rugged men, big and strong like his Pa, dressed in dusty clothes that clung closely to their work toughened sweaty body's, the seat of their britches reeking with the sour scent of male butt sweat from sitting in the saddle too long. Some of them stayed for dinner while at least one stayed for the night and not just out in the barn either but in his Pa's own bed! Smokey could hear the grunts and moans that his Pa and the other man would make through the wooden slats of the wall separating his room from his Pa's. In the late hours of the night when he was supposed to be asleep, he heard the sounds of a belt buckle jingling and his Pa moaning and uttering words like "yea, stick it in there, yea, aaah rip my fat ass open give me your gawdam colt, breed me..., oooh it's so big pard, gettin my nut..., getting my nut now, Aaaaaah, uuuuhhh, Mmmmmm, Oooooh...!!" And the other man making just as much noise with words like "Take my seed buddy, giving you my colt, poking that fat hungry ass you got,...goin off my nut now too...,Uh, Uuuuh,..., Uuuaaaaaaaaaahhhhh!! it seemed that sexual desires were definitely being met or judging from the commotion, greatly surpassed as the two of them fell silent and only their deep hard breathing could be heard! Since his Pa's death Smokey had been on his own but Pa made sure that Smokey had an education, having taught him to read and write and do a little arithmetic and his Pa also taught him the skills of the open range so he had no regrets or lackings in his life as far back as he could see it.

Back to the moment, Smoky slept hard and dreamlessly as the stars twinkled above. And so it was that sleep held him captive throughout the remaining night until the morning call of a full bladder roused him from his slumber. Smokey jumped up and swaggered over to the dimly glowing embers of the previous nights campfire. Standing over them with his strong legs widely spread, Smoky quickly unbuttoned the fly of his denims and pulled out a long limp penis, the shaft of which was pale and nearly translucent. It was heavily marbled with light blue veins that covered it's massive girth. The long foreskin hung lose from the large plum sized head. The whole thing hung out like a sleepy snake emerging from it's nest of kinky dark brown hair. Smoky pulled on his cock to straighten things out and tugged on his foreskin before sliding it all the way back behind the cheese filled ridge beneath the bloated purple head; a loud fart passed from between his tight flexing buttcheeks and a stream of piss gushed forth from the large slit at the tip of his penis. Smokey quenched the dying embers and generously splattered the circle of rocks and sand surrounding them, even writing his name as he enjoyed the refreshing release. As his gush of piss dwindled down to a few spurts, Smoky shook it off twice then quickly tucked himself in, carefully making sure that his pecker hung down the inside of his right pant leg before buttoning up and giving his thick tool a good hard squeeze, promising his old pal down there a little fun once they got into town and with that in mind, Smoky slung the saddle back on Rosebud who had been grazing on the meager tufts of grass that grew sparsely about the landscape, promising her as well, a good meal of oats and of course some greatly needed water, with only about ten miles to go, he assured the poor old girl that it wouldn't take long and she pricked up her ears with understanding as he fed her a few handfuls of corn from the feedbag, he was a loving master and took good care of his old Rosie. Smoky then secured his bed roll and blanket and mounted Rosebud and the two travelers continued on the last few miles of their trek to the town of Hellbend.

End Part 1

Next: Chapter 2

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