Coward Of The Prison

By Willy

Published on Aug 26, 2003



This story is fiction. It contains descriptions of consensual sex between males. Don't read it if you are underage or it is illegal in your area.

I may write more if there's responses to my story.

Coward Of The Prison

At 6' 1" tall with huge muscles, I was plain and almost ugly. That was fine with me as I wasn't gay and those muscles were from hard work at manual jobs. But then it didn't get me any steady gals either.

Today's my first day at this prison for 30 months. I broke a guy's face at the bar because he refused to pay for the drinks as he had promised. This was my second prison stay after the first for 6 months for the same kind of bar brawl. So I was wise to the prison code and the struggles for masculine powers.

I was surprised to find that my cellmate was a handsome kid of no more than 26. Blond curly hair, movie star Brad Pitt's kind of good looks, well muscled body 6' tall - some people have all the luck.

But he don't turn me on. I find men stink and their hard bodies totally different from those of soft, sweet busty gals. But if I had to take a "gal" during my stay, he would be better than those other nasty looking guys here.

His name was Dean. I told him mine was Willy. We did not talk much after that. I guess I don't excite him at all and he was probably already taken by another. But being cellmate, I certainly have some rights over him. I was going to play it slow anyway.

The few days were spent establishing my presence as an available top. With my looks and prison records, nobody would dispute that. It took time to figure out who was who, in the sex ordering of the prison. I left Dean alone and prefered using my own hands. But I had not seen any man taking him as his "gal". I probably had to make my move for him if he was not taken. But I felt strange that a pretty boy like him was left free by the other tops.

On the third day as I was about to get to sleep, someone opened our cell door. How did he get the key if he's not the prison guard? Then I saw the warden walked in quietly. He's another handsome man in his 30's and totally straight lookiing so I never would have guessed. He ignored me totally and went straight for Dean's bed. Obediently, Dean was stripped naked and after some rocking foreplay, the warden fucked Dean hard. They shook the bed while I was at the upper deck feeling every shake that the warden produced slamming his cock into Dean's ass. Dean moaned sluttily and got my cock feeling and getting hard. I was uncomfortable about that and started thinking about Sally, Dolly or Suzy - those girls that I had almost called my girlfriends except that they were prostitutes and I had to pay. Still the sex were great as I felt that they do like my fucking skills except I was too ugly to be their men.

Soon the sex was over and the warden left quietly too. I did not dare to peep down while they were having sex in case the warden got mad at me. Dean got up to clean up and I pretended to be sleeping.

But who could ever sleep through that racket? I wanted to keep my nose clean and be out of here as soon as I could. Hear and see no evil like they said.

No wonder nobody ever harrassed Dean. He's the warden's gal. Our cell could be accessed directly from a side stair without other inmates seeing who was coming. Everbody knew he's the warden's gal but nobody really seen it for sure except me and his early released previous cellmate. Now I also learnt to stay clean and hope to get that kind of early release.

The warden was known to be a harsh man who believed that prisoners only understood tough, no nonsense treatments. Hence, he was much feared around here. Being a lower security facility for minor offenders, the guys here were well behaved usually. Two to three years here was the norm and few tough gangs formed. Of course there were some exceptions who like to throw their weights around.

Still nobody wanted to shank somebody and stupidly get life instead of a few peaceful years. Unless of course they really have no choice and be forced to protect themselves.

After a week of looking around, I found that the sexual pairings were mostly settled and most men were satisfied sexually. I was left pretty much alone with no gal of my own because of my special position as cellmate to the gal of the warden so I could be sexually neutral. Or maybe I was just plain too ugly to attract anybody anyway.

Dean had his pals and I had mine at the work places and the gym. Though we wanted to avoid talking much, it cannot be helped when you were so close together in such a small space. He's in for 3 years and would probably leave at the about same time as me since he was here a few months earlier than me.

That was for stabbing but not fatally wounding his girlfriend's husband. He said it was self defense because he never knew she was married and her husband followed her there. Anyway that was not his main girlfriend and he had two other who visited him in prison almost every month. While I had none. No girl would ever say she missed me.

With no gal to fuck, I gladly used my hands often. It shook the bed each time and Dean was aware of it. He hardly ever jack off since he had to shoot the spunk for his warden who liked to lick it all up. I peeped a few times out of curiosity. Dean saw me a few times when his moaning slowed suddenly and he was looking up while the warden was on top of him. His eyes looked resigned to it and the moaning was just acting it up like girls usually do to show how great the man was performing. I looked understanding of what he was doing. The smell of two men mating was very strong and took some getting used to. There was no embarrassment but we never talked about it.

I was actually quite happy to not have sex with any man. The warden even appeared a few times at our cell unexpectedly and caught me jacking off. He was satisfied that I was not doing anything sexually with his Dean. The two of us knew he was doing surprise checks and I passed each time.

Then one night as I was jacking off, I heard Dean below was also jacking off with me. I was both turned on and also afraid that if the warden seen us, would he consider that to be acceptable? When Dean was about to shoot I stopped abruptly. He stopped with me and we silently listened for sound of the warden coming by. He did not. So Dean shot his load while I stopped totally.

Then the silent embarrassment the next day was unbearable. Last night, Dean was somehow sexually doing it with me but I stopped and rejected him. The ugly one showing attitudes to the pretty boy?

Why? Unless I despised him for what he was doing with the warden. Dean was furious and I did not even understand that this was going through his head. I never despised him. I was nervous and my cock just shrank so I stopped. Anyway, how do a guy explain this to another guy?

The next night, the warden came by as usual. I was jacking off and just froze remembering if it had been last night I would be in deep troubles. If I kept on jacking it would be disrespectful. If I had thrown a blanket over my cock, it would be worse as though I was showing attitudes to him. So I froze. He took a quick glance at my cock, ignored me and went for Dean.

Soon he was slamming into Dean's ass. Somehow Dean's moaning did not sound so convincing this time. It was too mechanical. The warden sensed that too and he was slamming harder and talking dirty calling Dean all kinds of whoring names. Then one word slipped out of Dean's mouth as he was moaning - "Sally".

Suddenly the warden stopped and the silence was scary. Then two slaps on Dean's face. He kicked Dean off the bed and Dean rolled naked on the floor.

"What did I tell you about having sex with me? You are thinking of fucking your girlfriend while you are with me! What? You think that makes me your girlfriend? You fucking bitch. So you want to be butch huh?"

Before I knew it, the warden yanked me off my bed and made me braced myself on Dean's bunk with my ass sticking out.

"Well I can't get you pretty Sally but you can fuck pretty Willy here. Go on, this is an order bitch. Here, I'll even lub her up for you."

I was in a daze. Poor innocent me. Why was I involved? All because Dean thought I despised him for being the warden's gal and he wanted to act butch to show me? I wanted to protest but I knew it would make matters worse.

The shearing pain as Dean's cock penetrated my almost virgin ass when the warden pushed him from behind. As the warden slammed into his ass, Dean slammed into mine. It was all painful for me till they both cummed.

Dean tried to apologise the next day as though it was not his fault anyhow. Worse, his pals were there and the news spread around. I was officially a bottom! I realised that I had lose my status and was now free game for any top to take if he dared. My top was gal to the warden so he could not protect me.

The warden would like to see me getting raped because I would be nothing to his Dean since I was whoring for any top. Eyes that looked at me started to have that probing that evaluated my body for a good fuck. Luckily I was ugly but still there seemed to be interests gathering fast.

I quickly came out with a plan to repel any lookers. I stopped shaving, stopped brushing my teeth and stopped showering as long as I could. With my ugliness, it worked well for two weeks. But the complaints from others soon brought orders from the warden for me to clean up or else... So I had to clean up quickly because the threat from the warden can be really mean.

Having seen me being really messy, I guessed most tops were turned off already. Days passed and I was still safe. But I figured if I were to be raped, at least I should prevent my ass from being torned and bloodied. Hence I always applied lotion in my ass just in case I had to take cocks inside me. I don't want to end up in the sick ward from a torn ass.

Just when I let down my guard and thought it was over, then it happened. I was getting some supplies from the store when someone came from behind me and twisted my arm. I was not surprised to find that it was one of those big nasty top who's even bigger than me. I told him I knew my time was up and I will accept my fate with him so we need not fight.

He had prepared a mattress there and I voluntarily got on my fours and shed my clothes. I was hoping my boring submission would be a quick and easy fuck so I would not suffer much. Rape was very much about power play, not just sex alone. Taking away the power play would spoil the fun for the rapist. So I thought.

When he brought out ropes to tie my feet and hands, I thought he just wanted the power play so I did not resist. Then someone turned on the lights. The four old men in this prison that we called the Gramps apperared from hiding. They were in their 50s and 60s and everybody treated them as being invisible. Now they were paying off the guy who tied me up!

The guy wanted more money or else he will be the first to fuck me instead. He fingered my ass and found me exceptionally tight and wanted to use me instead. The Gramps paid him off quickly. One of them was supposed to be filthy rich outside.

Being tied up I knew I was dead meat. No use shouting for help as that would bring a filthy underwear into my mouth. Of all the guys I was guarding against, I never even thought about the Gramps. I thought I was ugly but I have youth at 34 years old. My firm elastic flesh was exciting when they get bored with their own sagging bodies. The healthy life and good exercises had kept their cocks hard.

They were showered and fresh expecting an orgy. At least they don't smell like men used to.

A tight muscular ass to them was priceless. Rich Gramp Andy was the first to fuck me since he came out with the money. Though his cock was hard enough, my ass was too tight and he couldn't get it in while the others were too busy groping my body to offer any help. He had to make them help.

Together they turned me over to lay on my back. Then one held up my legs. Another pried my ass cheeks apart.I resisted by trying to keep them together. With my strength, I was able to keep my ass tight. They said they were not violent people so could I please co-operate.

I sneered," why don't you co-operate gramps when you get raped, huh?"

Talk about old and wise, these gramps had it all. I thought I was winning when they took out a bottle of hard liquor. The kind that I liked very much that got me into prison. I willingly swallowed all the liquor they poured down my throat. Soon I forgot what was going on at my other end except the sharp pain when Andy's cock finally got into my ass. I spurted out a mouthful in pain and they all laughed.

"Good one Andy. Make the boy spurt with your cock. Fuck the liquor out of him."

I tried to tighten back my ass but that only gave him more pleasure.

"Ohhh.. you got an ass of steel Willy boy. Yeahhh tighten it for Andy. Make love to my cock boy"

I was opening my mouth for more liquor when Bob slammed his cock down my throat instead.

"Well you greedy slut, take a cock instead"

I knew I was in for a long fuck when Andy pulled out and the next guy got into my ass. I tried to tighten my ass but it was no use. Once a cock got inside, the ass got looser than before. Pushing hard to get inside me was exciting because that's how close to a virgin ass as one could get. They all wanted to share the tightness before it get fucked till it's all loose and sloppy. My tightening of the ass was really more pleasures for them.

After all the liquor that I get, I didn't care who fucked me anymore. I was their fuck toy for hours. They must be on viagra or something. They were not rough because they don't have the strength. When I relaxed, I was getting much pleasures from being fucked. When they got close to cumming, they will switch places. I cummed 3 times before they cummed. The next day, I felt more pain in my balls from shooting till I was dry instead of my sore ass.

The next day, my rape by the Gramps was all over the prison. I was the laughing stock of the prison. The humiliation hurt. I was trying to keep my nose clean out of troubles. It made me behave like a coward each time. Offer no resistance to abuses by Dean, the warden and the nasty top and I ended up totally humiliated.

My ranking in prison was lower than those girly boys. The warden made me take the lowest job of cleaning the toilets. Everybody shunted me. I took my frustrations to the gym and worked hard on a good body. Sometimes while I was cleaning the showers with guys still showering, they teased me.

From teasing, I was also raped twice by two groups. I tried to fight hard this time but it was too late.

When I was considered lowly status, fighting back against a group will only get them more excited.

Once it even ended with me getting the plastic handle of the toilet brush up my ass. Fortunately, the handle was only as thick as any normal cock and I was more humiliated than hurt by it. They don't want trouble hurting me either.

The only way to get back my status was to pick on a tough guy and fight him. But it will also extend my prison term. Now there was only about more than a year to go, I chose the coward way out.

Though I was classified as bottom, no top would want me. The Gramps wanted me actually. But being bottom to the Gramps was what got me this lowly status in the first place. The first rape was so much fun to them, they paid more guys to tie me up each time. Of course I escaped a few times but against a big group of nasty guys you don't always win and get tied up sometimes. Money talks.

I loved and hated being raped like that. Those Gramps do fucked me till I was shooting and enjoyed the fucking. But I could not beat them up the next day because they paid off the tough guys and the guards to protect them. If I lay my hands on them, these guys will be on me immediately.

Dean fucked me sometimes when he missed his girlfriends. I thought he would be helpful to me after fucking me. I tried to approach him for help. He said the warden told him to mind his own business.

The warden was using me as an example of who he could choose to make to be the lowest in status here. That was more scary than any other threats or tough measures. The day that I offered no resistance when fucked as "Sally" sealed my fate as a coward that he can manipulate. Dean used to be quiet around me out of embarrassment but now he was more cheerful because I was being embarrassed more badly than him.

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