
By Willow Lemon

Published on May 30, 2018


Part of why I write is because of a love for words. If anyone is interested, I have a Facebook page called Word of the Day-Lexicon. @wordofthedaylexicon

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Carlo and Kemper revisited the hospital two hours later. They walked in on Veronica and Todd in what was obviously a heated colloquy. The atmosphere in the sterile hospital room was heavy and leaden, feeling as though they had been handed a weight when they came through the door. The sepulchral mood in the room made Kemper nauseous and instantaneously on guard.

"Todd, what are you doing here? I thought you were going to get some sleep," Kemper inquired unable to keep the iciness out of his voice.

"The hospital called me when she woke up, Kemper. I have the right to come see my wife," he answered back defensively. Todd was standing adjacent to Veronica's bed, his back half turned on Kemper, only tilting his head to the side to speak to Kemper. Veronica was propped against several pillows and was forced to look up to communicate with Todd. It was his way of manipulating her with dominance, lording himself over her. Refusing to play along, Veronica stared at an empty chair on the other side of her bed.

"Kemper is right," Veronica intervened before Kemper had an opportunity to spout off. "You should have stayed away. * Especially* when you heard I had woken up."

"But I wanted to see you, baby. To tell you how sorry I am. God, I'm so sorry!"

"You've told me you're sorry. And do not call me baby! That word has a whole new meaning to you." Veronica narrowed her eyes at the empty chair and grasped the bedsheets so hard, her knuckles went ashen.

He took a small step back, seeing her steely antagonistic appearance. "Come on Ronnie. I still want to be with you. Besides, you're hurt, who is going to take care of you?" He attempted to persuade her again.

"I will," Kemper answered automatically.

"You will?" Todd finally twisted to challenge Kemper, giving him a patronizing scowl. "What? Is she going to move to the Bahamas with you? Get real." He smirked like a bratty child with a cruel streak.

"I am for real, Todd. She is going to move in with me. After all, we're family. Now why don't you leave, like I advised you earlier. Ronnie needs her rest." Everyone could see Kemper puff up, not to mention the snap of dudgeon electricity that laced through the air in the room. Carlo moved to his side, placing his hand on the small of Kemper's back.

"No Kemper, it's fine." Veronica raised her hand endeavoring to ease him back. "I have something to say before he goes, just so he is clear on how I feel." One corner of Kemper's mouth perked up at her talking about Todd as though he wasn't there right in front of them. Veronica lifted her chin. "I may be lying in bed, but I am going to stand up for myself. I see it as my own fault that I am laying here."

"Ronnie wait," Kemper tried to stop her.

"Let me finish. It's my fault because I should have never let it go this far. I should have left you long before you cheated on me the first time. Instead of feeling grateful that I was able to stay at home and do what I love, I allowed you to make me feel guilty constantly. And you never respected my painting. You could never see how important it is to me, how much I cherish it.

"Then all the times you left me alone, just to return home to put me down and constantly gripe and complain about everything! You'd bitch about me, about the house, about the game on TV. You'd even continually gripe about your work, your supposed dream job that drug us here away from everything I knew and everyone I loved. I don't even know how someone can bitch so much?! You deserve a fricking award for the most complaints in ten seconds flat. I was ridiculous to blame myself, but I did. I thought I loved you and just wanted to make you happy. If you were unhappy, I put it on myself. But no more! I want you to leave Todd and I don't want to see you ever again. Goodbye." Her eyes that had, as a final point found Todd's face, fell back on the bedside chair.

"Veronica, please," Todd beseeched her.

"I said goodbye."

Todd opened his mouth starting to say something more, then looked as though he didn't know what to say. He glanced around at the three of them with a disgraced expression etched so deep in his features it looked as though it would never fade. He walked out of the room, turning only to gaze at Veronica one more time. The last time.

Kemper went to Veronica's side. "Are you okay, Ronnie? You really shouldn't work yourself up right now, you should be resting. But I am so proud of you, though."

"Please don't tell me to rest anymore, I feel fine. I'm ready to get up and leave because I feel like I've been resting for three days. Don't be concerned about me, I'll be fine. At least now I will be." She smiled sadly at Kemper.

"I know you will." He hugged Veronica tightly. "And I spoke to the doctor before I came in and he says that he is going to release you in two more days if all of your tests come back clear. The hospital staff can't believe how fast you have recovered. He said he's never seen anything like it. Turns out you're a miracle Ronnie, but I already knew that." Kemper clasped her hand feeling extremely grateful for the gift that was the return of his friend. "I don't want you to worry about anything. I will take care of all the arrangements so that you only have to deal with Todd as little as possible and hopefully only through lawyers. And don't worry about that either, I'll have my personal lawyer take care of everything, she's great."

"Thank you, Kemper. Thank you for everything."

"What are brothers for?"

The days following were closely similar. Veronica's tests came back clear and she, Kemper, and Carlo moved into a three-room suite at the hotel. Every morning Kemper ordered breakfast, taking a separate tray into Veronica while he and Carlo ate a hurried meal. He and Carlo then went to Veronica and Todd's French Quarter apartment where all their time was spent.

Todd had stayed out of their way. Kemper supposed he went out of town because he was never there when they made a trip to get Veronica's belongings, which mattered none to Kemper who had Veronica's key and never once knocked before entering. Between shipping Veronica's things and getting her a visa, it had been non-stop. Their days were spent boxing, taping, and stacking. Kemper used Todd's fancy luggage for the things he took over to the hotel for Veronica, it was the least Todd could sacrifice.

Kemper insisted that they always return to the hotel for lunch and dinner, though they never shared a meal with Veronica. He felt better being able to check up on her occasionally since meals were the only excuse that Veronica allowed for Kemper to enter the solitude of her quiet room. Sometimes she would greet him with a meek "hello" and "how's it going." A few times she told him where certain items that she wanted to make sure made the move were, and he could see the pain in her eyes every time like a glowing ember that burned brighter when touched. And sometimes she appeared to be sleeping when he brought in her tray, but he knew better, knowing she couldn't summon up enough energy to even speak a hello.

So, for three days from early in the morning to late at night, Kemper and Carlo worked diligently to pack up Veronica's old life and permanently move her into the red room on Cat Island. Carlo had been an enormous advantage in moving all of Veronica's belongings and helping to get everything to the Bahamas. He had only asked Carlo one time if he was certain that he didn't mind helping them out because Kemper didn't know how he would have gotten everything done without him.

He supposed that he could have gone to Justin for assistance, Kemper was sure that he would have helped as well, but to him, Carlo was a better alternative.

Justin had asked Veronica if they needed any help in moving her to Kemper's once he had heard the news of her split with Todd, wanting to be of aid in some way to her. But Veronica politely told him no, not wanting to put Justin in the middle of Carlo and Kemper's burgeoning relationship. Veronica hadn't informed Kemper of this until sometime later when the move was completed. She told Kemper then that she liked this guy and thought Carlo just might have what it takes to stick around and really take care of him. Justin was her friend as well, but for Kemper's sake, she knew he deserved better, and Carlo might be it.

In between the utility room and the study at the house there was a good-sized room that Kemper had been using for storage. He was now in the process of cleaning it out and revamping it into a studio for Veronica to paint in. There was a large window facing the garden and would be perfect for inspiring her.

Veronica spent most of her time sleeping and getting healthier. She didn't say much about what had happened, but she had her own progression of healing. He remembered growing up, whenever she broke up with a boyfriend, he didn't see her for a week. Sometimes two, depending on how serious it was. And he had learned long ago just to let her be. He had attempted a few times to try to stay with her, giving her solace with chocolate, facials, and funny movies, but in the end, Veronica always had the same request, to be left alone. He found it was best to leave her to her solitude. In the end, she came out renewed and never mentioning the boy again. But after a five-year marriage, it was guaranteed Veronica would require more than a couple of weeks.

He had asked Carlo to stay for a while to show his gratitude for all of his assistance, and also because Kemper was hoping that they would have more opportunity to become closer. Though, two people thrown into a toil worn situation would cause anyone to grow closer, he had been longing for more. He already found that Carlo always knew his meaning when he spoke, and sometimes when he didn't.

They had been staying in separate rooms at the hotel and also once they arrived at the house on Cat Island, but he had thought that Carlo was so mannerly that he didn't want to assume too much when it came to their new relationship. Just because they had come close to making love in London, didn't make them sudden bedmates. And though he wouldn't have minded Carlo staying in his bed, he had been so exhausted at the end of every day, it having been chalked full of boxing, moving, making calls, filing papers, visiting Veronica making sure she had everything she needed, spiritually and physically, and not to mention keeping up with Aroma Essentials business, Kemper doubted whether he would have noticed whether he slept alone or not.

But it was almost as if they had taken a step back in their short relationship while in New Orleans. Who had time for romance when you're packing up a friend's life in a timely manner?

They held hands in the Lyft while traveling around New Orleans. While they were going through Veronica's things, of course there was no time for displays of affection, but Carlo had made a habit of stroking his hair as he passed to the next project he was undertaking. And despite both of their exhaustion, the first night had ended in lengthy, slow kisses before retreating to their separate rooms.

But the second night, the proximity proved to be too much for Kemper. He had little doubt that the moment he laid his head down on his pillow, he would be asleep, but Kemper held on to the lust driving him to stay awake. They were kissing goodnight, and Carlo pulled away to go to his room when Kemper was surprised to find his hand in Carlo's pants. He honestly had no recollection of slipping his fingers into the waistband of his underwear, his palm molding to Carlo's enormous cock. "God, you're fucking huge!" he gasped as Carlo's stunned, yet burning eyes locked onto his.

Kemper's other hand was working on unbuttoning Carlo's pants one-handed, so that the other hand that was already working Carlo's stiff sex had more room. Carlo finally came out of his surprised daze and helped him, unfastening and unzipping. Gripping the front of Carlo's pants, Kemper yanked them down, freeing that beautiful, long, thick, olive-skinned dick. "It's gorgeous," Kemper uttered without meaning to. The exhaustion had allowed his sex to take over and Kemper felt his baser instincts take control of his words and actions.

The, the need to have that cock in his mouth was overwhelming, but just as he was about to fall to his knees, Carlo stabbed impatient fingers in Kemper's hair, pulling his lips to his. The decadence of unrestrained libidinousness wouldn't allow his hand to go at a languid pace. Pumping up and down on Carlo's column, he couldn't control his hurried pace as Carlo's lips devoured Kemper, pulling his very soul through his mouth into him.

Slick with pre, Kemper's hand glided over Carlo's hardon with a delicious slippery sound that tingled down Kemper's spine to his hole as it began to ache with yearning. And when Carlo started to thrust against his hand, ramming his heavy member into Kemper's wresting hand, he crooned into Carlo's hot mouth.

Carlo pulled his mouth away and buried his nose into the crook of Kemper's neck, breathing hard, huffing out sporadic words like, "Please," "Yes," "Oh," "Kemp," "Dio!"

Kemper knew that Carlo was going to come, not because of any words that he spoke, but because he could feel the pressure building within Carlo because of the connection between them that seemed to be there when sexual potency sizzled around them. So, when the first stream spurted from his tip, Kemper was there to catch it on his tongue with perfect timing, wrapping his lips around Carlo's bulbous head.

The mellifluous taste seared down his throat in a glorious burn that made Kemper hungry for more, causing him to slide the rest of Carlo's velvety length down to the root. And for the first time, he found the act difficult because of the vast size of Carlo's erection. Kemper had to calm himself, breath deep, and really work on relaxing his throat to get it all the way in.

"Kemper, what are you doing to me?" Carlo gasped as Kemper thrummed his tongue along his shaft. Coming back up, Kemper held the rigid sheath with deft fingertips and flicked the sensitive head across his tongue a few times before consuming Carlo again. Carlo was breathing hard, though he had done nothing but stand there, the first, and now the second soon to arrive climax, making his heart race, pounding with boiling blood that he could hear with a vociferous rush in his ears.

With Carlo's tip bumping the back of his throat as Kemper swallowed his cock repeatedly, he tugged Carlo's pants and boxers the rest of the way down, over his ass, leaving them bunched at mid-thigh. And what strong, muscular thighs they were! He ran his hands over Carlo's fuzzy legs before meeting at the apex where Kemper fondled his sack with one hand while the other skimmed a middle finger up his crack.

Carlo bellowed a sound akin to a wolf, his hands crashing down on Kemper's shoulders with more force than intended making him teeter as he momentarily lost his balance, the monster hardon flopping out of his mouth. Carlo kept moving, pushing Kemper all the way down to the carpet in front of Carlo's bedroom floor. Carlo's hands moved with speed as they opened Kemper's pants, pushing them down as straddled his thighs.

As soon as Kemper's erection was out, Carlo, kneeling over him, nestled his own erection against his, taking both of their columns in one large hand, he began beating them both firmly. Kemper's hands gripped Carlo's bottom, massaging his cheeks, the muscles in his stomach tightening as Carlo squeezed and pounded them together. Kemper watched Carlo's face, enthralled with the expression of passion overtaking him. He could see the very moment when Carlo completely lost himself and his hand thundered down on their hard cocks in a blur of rapidity.

"Carlo! Ugh! Oh, Carlo! So...good! Ugh!" Kemper was making noises that he couldn't believe came from him, loud and soughing.

Again, Kemper could feel through this connection, when Carlo was ready to explode, so he held off his own climax to time it was his. They came together, showering Kemper's torso with entwined strings of pearls that took nearly half a minute to expend.

Carlo, kneeling over him, panted, "I'm afraid that if I collapse next to you, that I won't make it off the floor until the morning, but it's what I really want to do."

"We have too many boxes to lift tomorrow to be sore from sleeping on the floor. Help me up and we'll go to bed."

When Kemper had said that, he had intended for them to go to bed together, so he was a little surprised, and perhaps hurt when after Carlo help him to his feet, he kissed Kemper's lips lightly, saying, "Thank you. That was wonderful. Good night Kemper," before going into his room alone, shutting the door gently behind him.

Kemper put it off to Carlo's continued courtship strategy of taking things slow. Kemper couldn't tell if he didn't like the lengthy courtship, or wasn't used to it. But they did need their rest, they had much left to do to get Veronica to his, and now her, home.

The next morning, the grin on Carlo's face said it all, and he was more affectionate throughout the morning than he had been thus far. And at lunch, before they left the hotel room to return back to the apartment, Carlo stopped Kemper before exiting the hotel room and kissed him unhurriedly, sucking on Kemper's tongue sending a blaze ripping to his core.

Then suddenly, it all stopped. Carlo began always having something in his hands; a newspaper, rolls of duct tape, parcels of packing paper, and once he even held his wallet in both hands all the way to the hotel making it impossible to hold hands. At the end of the night Carlo seemed to make an overly excessive production of displaying his exhaustion; yawning and stretching, then quickly planting a kiss on his cheek before retreating into his own room.

He wanted to ask if something had happened to make Carlo suddenly standoffish. Was he truly just too tired? Or was it Kemper?

He had gained a lot of self-confidence when sorcery came into his world. It gave him a reason for living besides his business and trying to find someone to love. He discovered that there was more in life worth living for than money and men. But the snake of low self-esteem that skulked in dark corners began to poke its head out of its burrow when Carlo backed off.

And the moment that sneaking, slithering, reptilian head was visible, he clubbed it. If he didn't want Kemper, then why would he want him? And he would have believed that Carlo didn't want him, that he had decided that they weren't compatible, but he continued to stay. He continued to help him and his friend and was receiving nothing out of it. He wasn't sure how to take his presence, but while Kemper was taking care of his best friend, he really didn't have too much time to dwell on it either.

So, while he did invite Carlo to stay in the Bahamas for as long as he'd liked to show his gratitude, Kemper was also curious to see if now that they had time to pursue a relationship, if one would happen.

And it was encouraging that Carlo accepted his invitation to stay. If his feelings were that bland towards Kemper, then he had his out to leave and he chose not to take it.

Kemper was out in the garden a couple of days after they arrived, having missed its lush splendor, meandering through the blooming buds, when Carlo came out to join him. "Sorry to bother you, but I was wondering if I could speak with you for a moment."

"Well naturally you can. You don't have to ask." He smiled at Carlo and looked him over thinking how breathtaking he looked in the sunlight. His cerulean eyes appeared to glitter, and his trim body was already tanned despite his short stay in the islands.

"I'm afraid that Monique's summoning spell has begun again. I don't know how. I don't know if Monique found me or if she is utilizing another more influential spell, but she's there once more." Carlo looked at him, the misery and heaviness in his expression apparent.

Reaching out, Kemper took his hand. "When did it start?" He hated that Carlo was suffering again. He had to come up with a solution.

"The last day we were in New Orleans." Kemper knew Carlo saw the shocked expression on his face. He had clearly become an expert in hiding his encumbrance and Kemper regrettably must have been too busy to sense it and had selfishly thought the change in him had to do with himself. This explained a lot. "I didn't want to say anything to worry you. But after thinking about it, I realized that I didn't solicit help last time and look where it got me-nowhere. And I assumed that if anyone has the clout to help me, it's you. I mean, what you did for Veronica was unspeakable." He reached out and smoothed an ebony strand of Kemper's hair that had been waving in the wind off his forehead.

"Hey you helped too. That charm wouldn't have been possible without you." He looked as if he didn't believe Kemper. "Listen, we healed Veronica together and now we'll fix your problem together as well. I am so sorry that you're having to go through this, but you are not alone this time. I was hoping that she wouldn't uncover you for a second time and that it was finished, but I suppose I knew that she would. She's already proven that she's not letting go of you easily. No one warrants living under such burden, but after everything that you have done for Veronica and me, I would do anything for you. I want you to know that. I may have only known you for a short while, but I want to help you, and for more than just out of gratitude, there's more..." He gazed at him with indisputable affection in his eyes, letting them finish his thought because he wasn't sure himself just how much more there was.

Carlo didn't say anything, though his heart clenched at Kemper's words. He tried not to think of the words Kemper didn't speak, afraid of his own emotions that equaled his, but with the restoration of Monique's tug, it made it an impossibility for him to respond to them. He wished it were possible to let himself fall for Kemper, to have a relationship with him, give into his immense want for him, but how could he possibly do that when Monique refused to withdraw her claws from him? He had existed with this mental torture for too long not to understand exactly what his life was like weathering the summons. It would be unfeasible to develop a relationship through that. And though he knew that, he still had asked Kemper out in London, unable to deny his own want for him.

Carlo already had colossal feelings of remorse for getting Kemper involved enough for him to care so much, but he appeared to be a compassionate person and would probably help anyone in need. And though he regretted involving Kemper, he knew it had to be done. Kemper was his savior, he had to be, Carlo could feel it all the way to his bones. But because he had already drawn Kemper into his evil laden life, he refused to bring him in further by making love to him just to gratify his own needs. Kemper deserved a man who would be there for him all the way, in everything. And though he wanted to find out if he was that man, Carlo couldn't be. Not until Monique was no longer a threat.

Resisting Kemper completely had been near impossible, though. He had stopped allowing himself the small treasures of kissing him and touching him occasionally, because with each kiss and each touch, Carlo knew that he was digging himself a deeper hole and soon wouldn't be able to climb out.

Kemper embraced him and held him close, and Carlo let him, still unsure of how to respond to his kindness. The fragrant scent of Kemper's hair and the feel of his supple flesh and hard muscles against him caused his body to scream with aching. And the ache came from need, a need so deep and unfamiliar Carlo was unsure of how to define it.

His arms tightened around Kemper. They stood in the garden for a long while holding one another.

Two nights later, Angela made a wonderful Mexican meal-enchiladas and tacos, beans and rice, chips and fresh salsa. They drank margaritas and ate until they thought they would all burst. Angela had offered to work more hours while Veronica was getting well, helping tend to her.

"I'll take a few margaritas over a pain pill any day," Veronica confessed with a diminutive curve on her mouth. She had come down to eat dinner with them, her first meal out of her solitary confinement, and had been giving undersized smiles occasionally. Kemper was pleased with her progress, and though he would have liked it if her smiles were larger, it was a vast improvement to no smiles whatsoever. She persisted in keeping to herself, though. This had been the most they had heard from her all night.

"Why do that when a couple of margaritas, plus a pain pill is so much better?" Kemper was hoping to get a bigger grin from her. It worked and Veronica rewarded him with a laugh and a grin.

The giggle must have been too much for her though, because she released a great sigh and informed them, "Well, I'm going to lay down. Good night." Carlo assisted her up from the high-backed kitchen chair. She was moving unhurriedly and stiffly, but all her movements were still gracefully Veronica's.

After Veronica went upstairs, Kemper lit a cigarette once they had cleared everything away. "Are you ready?"

"I'm all set." Determination was glowing in Carlo's cobalt eyes.

"Well I'm going to go change and then I'll meet you in the front garden." Tonight, he and Carlo were going to perform a banishing and rebirth spell combination. He wanted Carlo to be rid of Monique's controlling, but at the same time wanted him to have a new sense of wellbeing.

He hoped that the combo spell would have a potent effect, because to get past Monique's magic the counter charm would have to be powerful. They would both be participating in the spell, concentrating and using their energy together, but Carlo would have to do the final binding since Monique wanted him.

Kemper went downstairs to the indoor garden where Carlo was already waiting. The candles that were throughout the space had already been lit. Carlo was seated in one of the wrought-iron chairs, his eyes shut in concentration. Kemper left his presence unknown, taking the opportunity to gaze freely at him. His hands were resting on his knees. Kemper enjoyed the way Carlo's forearms and hands looked, as if every essence of his masculinity were held there. He began to imagine Carlo's large tapered fingers gliding down his throat, smoothing his hand over his chest and down to his pulsing length.

"Kemper?" Carlo had opened his eyes to find him leaning on the doorframe, biting his lip sensually, his eyes lazily shut.

He swiftly raised his lids, trying not to act as though he had been caught thinking salacious thoughts. Carlo was looking at him, waiting for an explanation with his expression.

"Um, you looked so peaceful, I hated to disturb you." He finally ambled in the garden, halting a few feet in front of him. "And then I guess you inspired me into absorbed thought."

"Inspired you, huh?" Carlo grinned slyly at him.

Blush spread across his high cheekbones. "No, I meant you motivated me to meditate with you. I didn't mean I was thinking about you." Kemper wasn't explaining himself very well.

"Are you positive?" Carlo was taking pleasure in watching him squirm as he not so subtly glanced down at the tent in his pants.

"Oh, never mind," he said waving his hands at him, resisting the urge to adjust his hardon. "Help me get the bits and pieces for the ritual from the front closet." Carlo trailed him through the entryway.

Kemper could see Carlo inspecting him as he bent over to retrieve the rolled snowy rug. His mouth went dry. He shut the door and they returned to the garden, his heart palpitating and his breath short.

"By the way, you look utterly wonderful this evening. Or maybe captivating is the correct word," Carlo told him in a reverberating husky voice.

He sent back the warm smile Carlo gave him. "Thank you," he replied unsure of what else to say. "Thanks for lighting the candles in here for me." He could have complemented him back, he did look handsome in his oatmeal drawstring linen pants and white V-neck t-shirt, but no, he had to thank him for lighting candles?!

He had hoped that Carlo's revelation of Monique's resurgence would have changed something between them, but it was just more of the same. Carlo had become slightly more affectionate, but when he did caress Kemper, he always removed his touch a short time after as if it were making him uncomfortable. Kemper was having a hard time reading him and lacked the courage to come right out and ask, "Why haven't we made love yet? Don't you like me?" Okay, so he would say it with more tact than that, but that's what he wanted to know, more or less.

Carlo was under an incredibly powerful curse though, so Kemper tried not to take his reserve personally. He couldn't imagine the suffering Carlo was enduring right now. He more than cared for Carlo, and it was difficult not to wonder if he mirrored Kemper's feelings.

Carlo, uncertain of what to do, stood off to the side watching him go through his routine. Finishing up, he placed an indigo taper to the north and south of the circle, a white candle to the east and west, and one white taper in the center.

"We're ready to start." Kemper stood on the rug and extended his arms to him. Joining hands with Carlo, he executed his customary protection and opening rite. He had never practiced magic with anyone before, but the power that began to radiate and grow from them already was astounding. There was a sense comparable to static electricity in the air.

Taking freshly picked lavender and scarlet rose pedals, grinding them together with a wooden mortar and pestle, he then sprinkled the aromatic blend in a circle bordering them. They then sat in the ring with their hands on their laps, palms turned upward.

He had previously gone over the spell and the part that Carlo would play. He had retained it well and was fully aware of what was going to happen next in the ceremony. They meditated for a time reaching gnosis. Through clearing their minds, they became one energy, forming a like-minded force.

Next, he took out a square piece of parchment paper, an inkwell, and a quill pen and placed them before Carlo. He gingerly grasped the quill, holding it with great care, and dipped it in the ink. Carlo wrote Monique's name upon the paper, and as he did this, both he and Kemper envisioned her running away from Carlo of her own free will.

Kemper found this difficult since they had never discussed what she looked like, honestly not wanting to know because he doubted that Carlo would ever marry a dog, so he imagined a faceless woman sprinting away.

Carlo then picked up the parchment and placed it in the flickering flame of the candle that was between them. Using a small ceramic pot, Kemper caught the fluttering ashes in it, placing the lid on when the last cinder dropped in.

Kneeling next to the northern blue candle, he took a vile of ocean water and extinguished the flame. Passing the seawater to Carlo, he knelt beside the candle to the west and snuffed it out. They followed the same routine with the southern and eastern tapers.

They went outside to the shoreline, the ceramic pot in hand. The sun was setting over them with smudging tints of golds and corals and there was a stout breeze rushing down the pristine white beach. Carlo took the jar and took off the lid, emptying the contents into his right hand. Holding his fist into the air he strongly stated:

"Winds of the North, East, South, and West

Carry these affections to where they'll be best

Let her mind be open and free

And let her mind be away from me."

He spoke the words with such love that Kemper felt a tear glide down his cheek. After all that this woman had put him through, he still wished her to be well. Kemper could see he wanted Monique to stop her iniquity, but not because it affected him, but for her.

Opening his hand, the ashes floated away on the waft and they watched the sooty flecks drift down the shore in the dimming sunlight. Carlo captured Kemper's hand in his and looked out over the ocean at the sun vanishing behind the deep. He sensed Carlo's heavy heart. He was remembering lost love, and good transforming to evil.

He put pressure on Kemper's hand and he heard him say thank you, though he never spoke any words or made any sound. Without hesitation, surprising himself, Kemper disclosed love for him without opening his mouth.

"And I you," he responded, never taking his eyes from the setting sun.

Next: Chapter 9

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