
By Willow Lemon

Published on May 19, 2018


Hey all, I've added another character pic on my Instagram @willowlemon This one is of Justin Posey. Thanks to Chris C.! I've also added a pic of the outfit that Kemper wears to the club in this chapter, so check it out!

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The next morning, Kemper went to his study first to take care of any company dealings before he joined the others. Chuck had sent him an itinerary for his overseas trip. He would only have to go to London because all the French and Italian business had fallen into place like it was meant to be. He would be there for two days and had three separate engagements arranged with the heads of certain prestigious department stores. Chuck would be going with him to handle the numbers, and Kemper went to discuss his products.

He had a sense that more than Aroma Essentials business would be taking place in London, he just wasn't sure what. It wasn't positive or negative, just a feeling. Attempting to meditate on the subject, he never got any new information, and when he tried to pull a card out of his tarot deck on the matter, he had pulled the tower card three times! That indicated change, change, change! And it was most likely going to be good that comes with some bad. Too vague for him to come to any real conclusions.

He met up with the others in the kitchen over breakfast. Angela was there this time.

"Did you meet everyone, Angela?"

"I couldn't wait for you all day, so I introduced myself."

"I introduced her," Veronica recalled. "She's just giving you a hard time, like always."

"That's my job." Kemper gave Angela a large, tight hug.

Sitting down he poured himself a mug of tea. "Today I thought we could go on a helicopter tour of the islands, then go to the pink sand beach that Cat Island is so famous for. And if there's time, we can hike to some blue holes and caves not far from there."

"Pink sand beach? I'd like to see that. Should we bring our swimsuits?" Justin asked.

"I would advise it so that you don't have peculiar looking tan lines." Kemper teased him.

After breakfast, they climbed into Kemper's BMW X5 and drove to the helicopter pad for the tour, after a quick stop at the art store and some eye rolling from Todd. The tour took roughly an hour and they saw waterfalls, Mt. Alvernia, other islands, and grand homes. The group had a laugh when it turned out that Kemper's home was on the tour, being one of the largest on the island.

When they reached the beach, they unloaded the S.U.V and picked a spot on the strand. They laid out a quilt and beach towels under a huge umbrella. In the cooler there was beer, bottled water, and snacks for the day.

"The water looks wonderful, we're going in." Veronica and Todd were making a beeline for the ocean.

"This pink beach is something else." Justin parked himself next to Kemper on the quilt.

"It's picturesque, isn't it?"

"Now that we're alone, there's been something I've been wanting to do all day." Justin leaned over and kissed him. He felt the hair on the back of his neck prickle and his bulge erect. Justin drew back and looked intently at him.

"Hey, control yourself we're in public," he teased, smiling slyly. Kemper stood up and removed his white tank top and coral shorts he had concealing his paisley short shorts. "Beat you to the water." He took off to the water in route for Todd and Veronica. Justin didn't have his shirt off yet, so he beat him there.

When they finally returned home from the beach, the couples got ready to go out to a calypso club to hear a local rake-n-scrape band playing that night. Kemper endeavored to appear his sexiest. He dressed in cloud gray plaid ankle pants, white band collar button-down with the sleeves rolled up to the elbows, light-umber suede belt and tassel loafers, a silver Rolex, and a few wood, white turquoise, and silver bracelets. Giving himself the once-over in the mirror, a knock came from the bedroom door.

"Can I come in?" Veronica peeked her head around the door.

"But of course, darling. Come in!"

Veronica came in, closing the door behind her. She was donning an amethyst spaghetti- strap mini dress and looked out of this world. "You look marvelous, Ronnie!"

"Oh please, you look fantastic."

"We both look good! Too bad you're not single, we could get us some hot guys." Kemper straightened up the bathroom countertop.

"Are you single? You and Justin look pretty cozy."

"Even if I do get 'cozy' with Justin, that doesn't make us a couple. There's no way it could work, you know that. I couldn't afford to put any emotional attachment into Justin, because I would never receive anything for it. But I might as well have some enjoyment in a hard body, right?"

"Hey, more power to you. I've always thought Justin was sizzling." Veronica paused before continuing, "But isn't having sex with someone putting in some kind of emotion?" She sauntered over to Kemper's dresser and pulled out the wooden box she knew was there. "Do you mind?"

"Not at all. In fact, that sounds excellent." They took a seat in the sitting area and shared an herbal cigarette.

"So, are you going to answer my question?" Veronica more exhaled than spoke.

"Well, sure there's always some emotion in sex, but if you know what you're getting into before it begins, then I don't see why I couldn't leave the feelings that develop attachments out."

"Yes, I suppose," Veronica replied sounding skeptical. "I just don't think Justin is included in that theory because of the feelings that you already did invest in him. He owes you a lot of emotional interest, and back pay, on what you gave him, and I don't want you subconsciously start wanting it back. Just be careful, that's all."

"Don't worry! I would have to be a total moron to want anything more than sex from Justin Posey. I swear to you that I won't start any subconscious relationships with him where I could be hurt." Kemper held up three fingers as if he were about to recite the Boy Scout pledge, making Veronica laugh. They were giggling so loud, that Justin heard them as he was walking by.

"Hey, what's going on in here?" he asked opening the door. Catching sight of what they were doing he exclaimed, "Holy shit, you two! I'm hurt that you didn't come get me." Kemper and Veronica, who had been positioned there frozen, afraid they were about to get a lecture, busted out laughing more raucously than before.

"Well here, you can have the rest." Veronica handed over what was left after she and Kemper had smoked not much more than half. "I should go find Todd before he gets too lonely and sleeps with someone else." Kemper and Justin not sure how to react to her comment, looked at each other with wide eyes, then at Veronica until she started snickering. The three howled so hard they could barely breathe.

"Oh my gosh, my sides hurt! I have to go now, before I burst something." Veronica marched out the door with an enormous smile and red cheeks.

Justin sat back and finished off the joint. Kemper noticed what Justin was wearing for the first time since the group's outburst. He was dressed in stone slacks, a white button-down shirt, and a navy blazer with a red plaid pocket square. He had his first few shirt buttons undone exposing his tan chest. Damn he was hot!

"You look very nice," Kemper complimented him, thinking what an understatement that was.

"You look fucking great! I bet you would look better out of those clothes, though."

He chuckled and his mouth dropped open at Justin's bluntness. "You're a perv, you know that?"

"Only when you're around, I can't help myself. So, this is your room? It's really fantastic. I hope to see it in the dark soon."

"Okay, I think you've had enough. Let's find Ronnie and Todd and go," Kemper pulled him up by the hand. It was almost always certain that a good time was to be had when he had Justin as a date.

They went downstairs after Kemper made Justin put Visine in his very blood-shot eyes and found Veronica and Todd having a drink at the bar in the dining room, sitting closely. "Are your two lovebirds ready to go?" he asked them and couldn't help but wonder if Todd had been staying in his own nest recently.

"Ready as we'll ever be," Todd answered seeing in Kemper's eyes that he really didn't mean the love part.

The club gave the impression of being more like a tin can shack than a nightclub. When the foursome went inside, it then resembled a sardine can with the number of people packed on the dance floor. "You boys go get some drinks and Ronnie and I will snatch a table." Kemper clutched Veronica's hand and set off for the other side of the room, bouncing his shoulders in tempo to the music.

They snagged a table just as a group of tourists left. "Todd hates to dance. Do you think he'll care if I dance with Justin?"

Kemper scanned the dance floor overflowing with barely clad locals and tourists, bodies gyrating with the beat. There were so many dancers stomping out the thump of the rake-n-scrape band, there was no alternative but to stand with every inch of their bodies meeting their partner's. "If you don't think he'll mind you writhing and sweating all over each other."

Kemper spotted Liz with a tall, well-built man that he had never seen before in the center of the dance floor. Waving, he caught Liz's eye and she released the toned and tanned arm of her partner long enough to give a wave and a smile back before clutching it again obviously wrapped up in gyrating with whoever her latest fling was.

Veronica sighed deeply. "I just never get to dance because he won't, and you know I love to shake my ass." A tiny frown wrinkle appeared in her forehead.

"Then I'll dance with you. C'mon!" Kemper felt as if Veronica's happiness depended on him and him alone. God knows Todd couldn't be depended on to contribute anything that didn't benefit him.

Kemper and Veronica made their way over next to Liz, the three of them greeting each other more properly, and began dancing together. Kemper and Veronica ignored everyone, moving together, laughing and having a fantastic time with just each other as it constantly came to be. Kemper and Veronica, not two, but one.

Justin and Todd had to locate another table because they lost their claim to go dance. They took a seat setting their Bahama-mamas and piña coladas down forgetting about them, watching Kemper and Veronica on the dance floor. Justin turned to Todd, "I don't know about you, but I can't stand it anymore." He rose from his chair and motioned to Todd with his hand. "I say we go get them." Not sure how to react, he stood and followed Justin to the chaotic eye of the room.

Kemper had his back toward the approaching twosome and gave a small jump when Justin wrapped his hands around his waist and pulled him back to front. But he recognized Justin's touch and smell, and then relaxed into him. Veronica had seen Todd coming and was so ecstatic at the sight of him, threw herself into his arms. Todd possessed a slow-witted sense of rhythm, but Veronica helped him and he appeared to be truly making an effort.

A new song began and Todd and Veronica went to their drinks to cool off. Drinks were tempting because of the boiling temperature, but then Justin faced him, bent his knees and tugged Kemper into him. They gyrated with the lethargic pulse of the new song, slick with perspiration, forgetting about their cold libations and inhibitions.

That night when the group returned from the club, it was after three in the morning, the moon was full in the sky, and seemed so close that it looked possible to reach out and touch it. Kemper had to remind himself that the gray blue dots tattooed over the surface were in fact canyons and valleys and dry deserted oceans or he may have tried to extend his arm to pinch the man in the moon's cheek.

"Kemper, do you mind if I borrow the car in the morning to drive Todd to the airport? That way you don't have to get up so early? I'm sure I know where it's at, I've been there enough," Veronica inquired once they had arrived home.

"Sure, if that's what you want. I don't mind getting up though," Kemper offered, covering his mouth with a yawn.

"I really don't want to trouble you. Besides, it will give me just a little more alone time with him, if you're sure it's okay?"

"It's fine, really. You don't have to talk me into sleeping late. The keys are on the hook in the kitchen. Take the Jag or the BMW, they both should have plenty of gas. And don't forget to drive on the other side of the road here. I'm going to sit on the porch and unwind if you'd like to join me."

"I'm going to head upstairs with Todd. I'll see you in the morning." Veronica gave Kemper a hug and kissed him on the cheek, then went upstairs.

Kemper went out to the front porch and sat in the wooden swing. He gazed out over the shining moonlit water. It was a glorious night, warm with scarcely any hint of minty wind. Listening to the waves lapping on the sand, he let the power of the water take him over, as it always did. His breathing deepened hearing the travel of the waves, one with the ocean.

Justin had come downstairs after changing in time to see him walk out the front door. He followed Kemper and located him on the porch with his eyes closed, swinging in rhythm to the waves beating on the beach. His skin shone in the moonlight, beauty capturing him and holding him there forever like a picture. Lighting a cigarette, he mused, "You look so peaceful, I hate to interrupt you."

"No, it's alright. Please, join me. I was just trying to unwind. What about you?"

He sat and answered, "Looking for you." Justin directed his eyes out across the sea and then put his hand high up on Kemper's thigh.

"Were you? Why were you looking for me?" he asked knowing why.

"It's time for me to get the night tour of your room. Wouldn't you agree?"

He did agree, but made no answer. They continued to swing in silence and when Justin had finished his cigarette, Kemper stood up and reached his hand out to him and led him upstairs.

Shutting the bedroom door behind them, he lit the hearth. The flickering flames cast shadows as the golden red light cut through the darkness of the room. Justin looked into his eyes and ran his hand along the length of his arm. Leaning over, he kissed Kemper intensely, slipping his tongue in his mouth, wrapping his arms about him, pulling him as close as he could.

Kemper gave himself to him, feeling his body seep into his. He gave and Justin accepted. He ran his hands over Justin muscularly covered neck and shoulders. The fervor and electricity they created was potent.

Justin rounded his hands around his bottom and lifted him up. Kemper swathed his legs around his slender waist, and released a moan enjoying the sensation of contact on his inner thighs. Justin carried Kemper to the bed and laid him down.

Justin pressed his body into his and rocked against him. Justin wanted him! He wanted him so acutely, it took all his control not to rip off Kemper's clothes and enter him now. Kemper continually provoked this loss control. No other man had ever made him lose himself that way. It had always worried him; it worried him still. That is the reason why he had broken Kemper's heart. It frightened him so much that he almost pulled away now, but at this point, he couldn't if he tried.

Kemper pushed him over on his back and straddled him. Unbuttoning his shirt as he swirled his hips he rubbed their cocks together, Kemper exposed his bare chest. Justin took that as his cue to smooth both his hands over his contoured abs and grazed his nipples lightly.

He tugged at the button on Justin's shorts, but was not having much luck. Slipping off his shirt, Justin sat up to feel his naked skin on his, then covered Kemper's neck and chest with kisses. Kemper at last got the button free, slipping his hand in his pants, around his erection. He stroked Justin up and down the length of his shaft, the suppleness of his skin causing Kemper's cock grow harder. Their bodies writhed as a groan escaped Justin and he exhaled his name on his neck, "Kemp!"

Justin rolled him back onto the bed. Unbuttoning and unzipping Kemper's pants, Justin slid them off with what remained of both of their clothes. He kissed Kemper's abdomen and hips, then down to the inside of his thighs, getting closer and closer to where he longed, ached for him to find the most. At last he came into contact with his column, exploring with his tongue, laving and tantalizing every inch of him. As he lapped at his pre, he paused to coat it on two of his fingers from his tongue before slowly easing them inside of Kemper, pulsing them in and out of him.

"Mmm, ah!" Kemper grunted, enjoying the slow stretch, offset with the tempting tongue on his rigid sheath.

Justin could feel the heat exuding from him, filling him until he felt that he would explode. His senses felt so heightened, everything was turning him on. Kemper's thick sex, his aroma of mandarin and sandalwood, the honied taste of his pre, the near vibrating of his muscles around his fingers. His control was fraying dangerously.

Dipping his head further, Justin flicked the tip of his tongue over Kemper's balls and kept going until his tongue joined his fingers, pressing into his hole in the same rhythm that Justin finger fucked him. "Oh please! Yes!" Kemper puled.

No longer being able to stand the agony of the fire coursing through his veins, he spread his legs and positioned himself to penetrated Kemper.

"Whoa! Hold up, lover," Kemper moaned, stopping him. "There are condoms in the nightstand."

Seeing the confusion on Justin's mien, Kemper was simultaneously surprised and guilty. Surprised, because wearing a condom for sex is far from unheard of; guilty because Justin just wanted to be closer to him.

But they weren't each other's firsts anymore. Kemper couldn't pretend that the years they hadn't been together, and the partners Justin had, didn't exist.

"Do you have something? A...?"

Kemper cringed inwardly, and possibly outwardly, that Justin was asking him if he had an STD. "Um, no. I'm just being safe. I'm not with anyone bare without testing and commitment." He could have worked harder at keeping the snarky tone out of his voice.

"Oh, yeah. Of course. Sorry, babe. I guess, I wasn't used to that between us. Sometimes it feels like it used to be when...we were together. I didn't mean anything by it." His voice was mingled with contrition. "Stay put, I'll grab one...if you still want to."

Well...he was a jackass. That wasn't news. At least he apologized. And yeah, Kemper had gone a little soft over it. Did he still want to?

Yes. "Yes, I want to."

Justin seemed relieved as he crawled to the edge of the bed and dipped a hand into the nightstand drawer. Kemper didn't watch as Justin prepared himself to fuck Kemper's ass. Instead Kemper tried to clear his mind of the brief exchange and thought about how it felt to have his tongue licking his tip as Kemper rubbed his now semi-erection leisurely.

When Justin came back to him, he picked up where he had left off as though nothing had happened. Kemper supposed that was one way to handle things.

He did his best to relax as Justin's firm head pressed into him slowly until he was past his tight ring of muscle. As he slid in, he easily filled him up and the sensation soon had Kemper stiff again. "God baby, you feel so fucking good!" Justin groaned.

Kemper shuddered as Justin moved back and forth within him. He could feel his own heartbeat in his chest go faster, as Justin's pace increased. Bliss shook his body as he matched Justin's movement and alacrity. Pulling Justin down by the back of his neck, Kemper brought his mouth to his, their tongue's circling each other's hurriedly. Moving his lips down Justin's throat, Kemper stopped at the nape of his neck and sank his teeth in. Kemper felt his climax begin to build when Justin released a cry as his orgasm rocked him as it detonated. He collapsed beside him, out of breath.

Still trying to catch his breath, Justin observed, "You didn't finish. What can I do to remedy that?" He traced lazy circles over his abdomen, circling closer and closer to his crotch.

Kemper figured it couldn't hurt to ask for what he really wanted, and had been curious about since he had reconnected with Justin. "Are you still a top only?" he questioned shyly.

His hand stopped making circles.

Taking a few moments to answer, he admitted, "I don't mind a finger or two, but yeah. I couldn't get into it the one time I tried it."

"Hey, to each their own. No problem. Why don't you get some of that juice out of that condom in your hand and stroke me until I'm screaming."

He didn't end up screaming, but he soaked Justin's hand and his own chest, his heart hammering against his ribcage. Staring into Justin's coffee brown eyes, drinking in his gorgeous features, and sculpted body was all the stimulation Kemper needed.

Neither uttered a word. This was, more often than not, the occasion when lovers would convey emotions of adoration and caring. And though, each of them felt for each other, they didn't love each other. So, they lay there, enjoying one another's momentary company and affection.

His feet stood firm on the sand. An inky blue-black sky was overhead and there was a satiny breeze that made the vegetation sway faintly. His coven was positioned around him. The water exuded light from an unknown source, as if it were sunlight hours in the ocean. The three concentrated on the sea, as if probing for answers in it. The man faced him and spoke, "You are getting closer."

Kemper woke with a jump, breathing heavily.

"Are you okay? You must've been dreaming; it's okay." His fluttering lids focused to see Justin above him. In all the years of having this dream, he had never told anyone about it. Not Justin, not Veronica, not anyone. It was his own personal crusade to discover it's meaning.

"Yeah, I'm fine."

"Do you remember what it was about?"

"No," he lied. "I never remember my dreams."

"Neither do I. Well, I guess I'm going to hop in the shower." Justin kissed him on the head and went to his room.

"Good morning to you to," he commented at the closed door. Justin was always one for scurrying off after sex. At least he stayed in Kemper's room all night.

Running a bath, he squirted some peppermint and lemon foaming oil in the flowing bath to help lift his mood and energize him for the day. He lounged in his tub mulling over the new detail of his dream. This was the second instance the man had addressed him. These alterations in his dream were almost disturbing to him. He'd had this dream hundreds of times throughout his life and it was always the same time after time. Repetitively painful at times. So, this new variation, though it occurred once before, but was still new enough to him that it felt similar to modifying himself in some unasked way, throwing him off kilter.

But he had asked for answers.

Last time his shadowed friend had spoken to him it followed a turning point in his life- his reading with Madame Charity. Perhaps it had something to do with sleeping with Justin? The first change had occurred after his reading with Madame Charity, but it was also the same day he had seen Justin again as well. And now it happened again when they slept together.

Then a disturbing thought popped in his mind, what if Justin was in his coven? Dismissing the idea as quickly as it had dropped in, he actually laughed out loud at the thought of Justin being a witch.

He still had that scratching feeling pointing to the London trip. If the change in his dream and his trip to England were connected in any way, he was anxious to unearth it.

Beginning to re-live last night's intimate moments with Justin, he stopped himself, deciding against it. Thinking about Justin too much wasn't a good idea. Instead, he would simply enjoy the residual feelings left over after an exertion of which he hadn't experienced in quite some time, or at least that was his goal. But Justin's face full of enjoying him kept flashing in his mind's eye like a picture show stuck on the same slide until he plunged under the surface of the steamy water wetting his hair. He couldn't help but chuckle a little at himself as he began humming, I'm Gonna Wash That Man Right Outta My Hair, as he did just that.

Next: Chapter 6

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