
By Willow Lemon

Published on Jun 20, 2018


Special occasion this chapter! I'll be posting pics of Kemper and Carlo's bling on Instagram @willowlemon

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Veronica still lay unconscious and crumpled on the stone floor in the indoor garden when Angela discovered her, shaking her gently awake. Angela didn't ask any questions, she just looked puzzled as Veronica assured her that she was alright.

Since then, Veronica had been sitting on the shore, watching the waves crash onto the shore then slide back into the ocean. Veronica paid no mind to her blonde hair whipping around her head. She just sat and stared, thinking.

It was taking her awhile to get adjusted to this new view of life. It was strange, life wasn't different. It was as though someone had twisted her a few degrees and now she could see more clearly, a better view of the horizon.

There was an entirely different side to her, and most bothersome was that she didn't have an inkling that this part of her existed. Whether her relationship with Todd set her back on discovering this about herself, or she just wasn't meant to until now, Veronica didn't know. Her guess was that it was her loss of growth during her marriage with Todd. Veronica didn't blame that period on Todd; she accepted full responsibility for that stale period in her life.

So, here Veronica was, sorting through lifetimes of memories. As it turns out, not only was she the third, but she was also the timekeeper in their coven. Kemper, Carlo, and Veronica have come together in a myriad of lifetimes, and it was Veronica whom was accountable for keeping a mental library of their journeys. A new lifetime, another book tucked away on the shelf.

Every life, on the eve of Veronica's thirtieth birthday, she executed a unique ritual instilling the details of their lives so deep within her, that she carried them through lifetimes. Veronica was going through lifetime after lifetime, reviewing the former paths they had been down. The three of them had always come together, sometimes male and sometimes female, sometimes family and sometimes friends, but always together.

And there was a great deal to remember. They had dwelled on the grassy, rolling plains together in a Choctaw tribe of Native Americans. They came together in Japan while under the rule of Fujiwara Mototsune in a coven composed of a geisha, her maid, and a kimono maker. Veronica reflected on how skilled in the white arts their circle became while they lived during ancient Roman times. She remembered witnessing the pyramids in Egypt being constructed. And then where it had all begun, in more ways than one, they were birthed in phenomenal Atlantis.

Nearly all the portraits and paintings she had ever created came from their pasts. Pictures of places she had never seen were so vivid and now she understood how.

Veronica stood and stretched out her legs and back. Life was still the same; she could maybe handle a little more now. Veronica turned and strolled into the house.

When Kemper opened his eyes, he saw that he was stretched out in the bathtub. Leisurely he sat up.

All around him people were staring in his direction. Kemper turned around and looked behind him to see what they were gawking at, nothing behind him, nil in front of him.

Oh, that's right, the floating! They were looking at him. How was he going to explain this? He had better come up with some sort of explanation, and fast.

"Um, cut?" Dennis called for, not very confidently.

That seemed to bring everyone out of their daze. Kemper got out of the tub and Dennis and Chuck came over to him.

"What the hell was that?" Chuck asked.

"Wasn't it great? It was all Dennis' idea. We wanted to surprise everyone with it. I think we did it!" Kemper felt like he was talking too loudly.

"What?" Dennis stammered.

"Of course, it was planned! For a minute I thought that acid I took years ago was coming back to haunt me. That was outstanding, you guys! I've never seen anything like that. How did you do it Dennis?" Chuck was beside himself with excitement knowing that this would make the ad even more spectacular.

Dennis stood there, his mouth open while his brain searched for a response.

"Keeping it a secret, huh?" Chuck grinned at him. "Well, what about you Kemper? Will you please tell me how you two pulled this off, especially without me knowing about it? In fact, everyone around here looks perfectly stunned."

"All I will say is it was totally and completely his idea." Kemper nervously walked over and tucked his arm in Dennis' and attempted to smile broadly at him.

After sweating through Chuck's severe gaze for a moment, Dennis anxiously rubbed his face, and then extended his hands out as if in surrender. "What can I say, I'm a mysterious guy," Dennis said, finally giving in.

Kemper knew one thing about people in the entertainment biz, as long as it was good, they would take credit for anything, no matter whose idea it was. Besides, it truly was his idea and he was thinking about it so intently he probably convinced himself he did do it.

Three days later Kemper arrived home. Carlo had been there a couple of days and he and Veronica had spent most of the time talking about the enchantment and the newfound powers they kept unearthing within themselves, but when Kemper came home, the trio gave an entirely new definition to the word talking.

Once they all came together, the energy was astounding. They knew when the telephone was going to ring, what Angela was making for meals before she had started preparing it, and what the weather was going to be like the next day without watching the evening forecast.

Veronica waited for Kemper to arrive to recap them on the lives they had spent joined for eras. They locked themselves in the purple room, camped out on the mounds of pillows talking until the sun came up and began peeking its extended fingers through the open windows.

Kemper, having kept his wand with him since he returned, aimed it at a tube-shaped cushion and exclaimed, "Tortamque!" The lavender cushion began spinning top over bottom in the air with a steady pace as long as Kemper kept his rod pointed. He had been experimenting with old remembered charms as they came back to him.

"With all this new information to digest, it took me almost two days to realize that I hadn't had a cigarette, even though I no longer need lighters anymore," Kemper told them and then yawned and covered his mouth, setting his crystalline staff down, causing the pillow to drop back with the rest. His head was propped on Carlo's chest. They had not been able to keep their hands off each other, but had managed to be subtle while they were around Veronica. What they were learning about each other and their history was much more exhilarating at the moment to both of them.

"It was the same for me too," Veronica added. "Listen guys, I'm ready for some sleep. Kemper, you're going to work on the spell for the security system?"

"Yes, I will have it ready in time for the full moon Thursday."

"Cool. You two don't play too much, get some shut eye." She smiled at them affectionately and leaned over and gave each of them a peck on the cheek. The closeness between the three of them was indescribable. No one had to voice it, there was no reason to say it out loud, they felt it.

"Sweet dreams." Kemper gripped Veronica's arm.

Veronica left them alone, shutting the door behind her. It took no time at all for Carlo to be on top of Kemper, kissing his lips, face, and neck.

"Oh God, I missed you so much," Carlo whispered in his ear. He turned Kemper over on his hands and knees, pushing Kemper's shorts down his thighs. Carlo pulled his pants down just enough to take his dick out and he was rubbing his tip over Kemper's hole, spreading his pre over his entrance.

"Fuck me baby. Put it in," Kemper whimpered, wiggling his bottom with need.

Carlo gave him what he wanted. Taking his time, he pushed his large head past Kemper's ring as Carlo smoothed his hands over Kemper's back and his rounded bottom. When Carlo popped past the ring, he kept going, pushing his way into Kemper's center he went so deep.

Sliding in and out, Carlo squeezed Kemper's waist, steadying himself. Kemper resisted driving himself back, fucking himself on Carlo's huge cock. He could feel Carlo's building lust and didn't want to push him over the edge quite yet. Kemper reached underneath him and began jerking himself off with a firm hand; his fervor was overwhelming him and he had to do something.

"I need to see your face," Carlo huffed. He pulled out and flipped Kemper over to his back. Carlo removed his clothes and Kemper undressed him. Kemper wrapped his legs around his tapered waist and gently bit his shoulder as Carlo entered him swiftly again. They entwined their arms and legs around each other pressing their naked bodies together. Carlo gazed deeply into his face. Kemper saw his cobalt eyes spark. He kissed Carlo knowing precisely how he felt.

There would be no more games. As far as Monique was concerned, they were inane, childish games. She would demonstrate what true and evil sorcery was.

Tonight, she was going to call upon a power so great, that it would make the possibility of her losing inconceivable. She positioned a small cage with two white doves on her altar table. Beside it, her ritual dagger. Monique lowered the black veil over her face and knelt. She had to get him back, no matter what. Monique would never stop until she got him. Never!

Carlo had wanted to give Kemper his mystery surprise right away, but he knew he had some covert planning to do first. With everything Kemper had on his mind at the moment, he had completely forgotten all about it.

So a few nights later, Carlo led Kemper down the mosaic pebble path to the gurgling fountain in the backyard garden. There were blueberry colored lights sparkling on the arbors and gazebo. A table was set up with cobalt blue glasses and plates including a cobalt vase filled with white roses. Carlo himself matched the scene with a silk navy shirt and of course his eyes.

"What have you done?" Kemper exclaimed. "It is so beautiful! My favorite color everywhere." He turned to him and put his arms around Carlo's neck. "I love it, almost as much as I love you." Kemper closed his eyes and kissed him. If love had been tangible, that is all they would have seen in each other, bubbling, glowing, and overflowing with devotion.

Carlo did have to guard himself somewhat or Kemper would have seen right through him. He nodded to the violinist, who started playing. Carlo waltzed Kemper around the shining fountain and twirled him until his cheeks were flush and he couldn't stop laughing.

Taking Kemper's hand, Carlo sat him down at the table and chairs underneath the gazebo after several dances. Kemper was impressed by how expertly Carlo popped the cork on the champagne bottle. He felt so delighted he thought his heart would leap from his chest. No one had ever planned something extravagant for him like this, put this much thought and care into what he enjoyed. It moved him so much that Kemper had to squeeze his eyes shut for a moment to keep a tear from slipping from his watery emerald lakes.

But Carlo knew that tear was there even though he hid it well. He reached out and caressed Kemper's cheek. "I was going to wait until dessert to give you this, but I don't think I could keep my emotions concealed from you much longer." From out of nowhere Carlo had a gift, wrapped in silver printed-paper and a big royal blue ribbon.

"What is this? Baby you're overwhelming me. I don't even know how to thank you for all of this," his arm sweep around the romantic landscape, "and now a present. This is really too much."

The enthusiasm and anxiousness fizzing over in Carlo the moment he brought out the gift made Kemper aware that the package must be extraordinarily important.

"Just open it. You deserve the world, and this is the first piece." He placed the box in front of him on the white tablecloth.

Kemper made a feeble attempt to keep his hands steady as he untied the ribbon. He tore the paper off, opened the gift box, and pushed back the tissue and there laid the most exquisite thing he had ever seen.

With wide eyes, Kemper removed an intricately carved wooden jewelry box encrusted with opals and topaz stones. "Carlo..." He couldn't find the words, but he knew he felt it.

"Open it," he seemed to whisper the words.

Hands still trembling, he slowly lifted the lid. The inside was lined in baby blue felt and there, resting in the ring keep nestled a titanium band dotted with alternating shining diamonds and brilliant sapphires encircling it. Kemper was thankful the box sat on the table or he may have dropped it he was so stunned.

"For as long as I can remember there has been a splinter in my mind. An itch that could not be satisfied." Carlo knelt down in front of him, taking one of Kemper's hands. He paused to kiss his fingertips and palm. "And no matter what goal I achieved, it remained. I graduated college, had a home, a wife, and job, but the tickle never went away.

"That is until I met you. You turned my entire life upside down, and I have never been more grateful to anyone. Our love is one that has surpassed lifetimes and will always bond us together. I will spend the rest of my life encircling you with your favorite things and making sure you are loved the way you are supposed to be, completely and not expecting anything in return. Kemper please tell me that you will have me through this life. Please tell me you'll be my husband."

Kemper's heart was thundering inside his chest, matching Carlo's. He took a moment to close his eyes and take a deep breath from fear of fainting. "I have already given you my heart, body, and mind, but maybe I forgot to tell you. So, let me tell you now by saying yes with everything in me and all that I am. Yes!" It wasn't so hard this time accepting Carlo's offering of love. Kemper finally let his tears fall.

Carlo embraced him, squeezing him as tight as he thought he could without injuring him. Then Carlo kissed him-kissed his lips, his cheeks, and his neck, Carlo's favorite combination. "I love you so much." Carlo plucked the ring from its nest and placed it on Kemper's right finger.

"I love you, too," Kemper professed as Carlo brushed the drops from his face tenderly. "Wait, we have to get a ring for you, too!"

"You already did." Carlo held up his hand, showing the 14-karat black gold ruby channel cluster ring on his right hand. "You don't think I know how nice this ring is? I may work in advertising, but it is still retail. I'm never taking this off, same as a wedding ring."

And from that moment on, Carlo and Kemper looked into each other's eyes through dinner, dessert, and more dancing, and then through a passionate, fiery filled night of lovemaking, putting every previous encounter the couple ever had before on a frozen class. Once they finally fell asleep in each other's arms, each whispered, 'I love you,' without speaking any words and hearts beating in unison.

Veronica knew that something was going on in the garden, but she also knew it was private. She closed herself off and remained focused on her current creation. When she and Todd had broken up and she had begun painting again, it was like opening an inspired floodgate. Then gaining the knowledge of their past lives gave her more ideas than she knew what to do with.

Veronica took several paint caked brushes over to a jar filled with water and brush cleaner. Placing the instruments in the gold tinted liquid, she placed her hand over the brushes stating, "Joklen!" The paintbrushes began sloshing up and down in the solution by themselves, allowing Veronica to put her elbow grease toward more painting then cleaning her instruments.

She stood posed in front of her latest portrait. Pushing the glasses she wore for reading and painting up on her nose and looking at what she had so far, she sought to remember details of the scene. Veronica studied her canvas of three Japanese women bathing at a small cascading waterfall. Recalling the hue of flowers on the bush where they had tossed their robes was eluding her at the moment.

Each of the women adorned long black tresses that were so shiny it appeared to have a bluish sheen. The lady with the gray eyes had her hair spilling down her back. The second woman, immersed to her waist in the stream, had jade eyes and wore her locks in a braid. With her hair in a bun held in place with two sticks, the final lady possessed sapphire eyes and a smile that Mona Lisa would envy.

Peach. The flowers were most definitely peach.

Two weeks after the engagement found the threesome tranquil and with a placid atmosphere in the household. The enchantment securing a perimeter around the house was carried out and working far better than they had predicted. The three were at all times aware of what was happening in the invisible dome that surrounded them. They soon learned to tune out their sensitivity to occurrences like bugs crawling in the palm trees and gardens, the water heater boiling water, and the rate the petals welt in the vases throughout the home. They were prepared for Monique and any tricks she might try to pull.

Even though all had been quiet thus far, the coven empowered by water knew there was always a calm before the storm.

Carlo, Kemper, and Veronica went out to the strand at midnight to perform a charm they had been conjuring for hundreds of years. Building a mammoth campfire, their goal was FUN! They told jokes, smoked a joint, did impressions, and most of all, laughed.

Once the blaze was shooting sharp shadows across the beach, the group began to dance around the fire. They didn't require any music; they used the musical noises of nature as their beat-the swell shattering on the sand, the rustling and creaking of the palms as the trunks swayed with the breeze, and the popping and snapping of the flickering flames. They stomped their feet on the soft ground, dancing and leaping around the fire.

After twirling together, Veronica went to the porch returning with three glasses and a bottle of chilled champagne. Carlo took the bottle from her, pouring a flute for each of them.

Raising his drink above his head, Kemper stated, "To nature's circle and the part we play in it." The clinking of glass floated on the wind, adding to the song surrounding them. They gulped down the bubbling liquid, draining the glasses completely. Carlo was the first one finished, so he was the first one to throw his flute in the roaring flames. They followed him in shattering their glasses, letting out whoops and hollers.

Clasping hands, the friends raced to the sea with matching smiles spread over their faces. They dove fully clothed into the salt water, taking a few moments to playfully splash and dunk one another. Carlo, Kemper, and Veronica then came together in a circle. They held hands, palms flat, fingers intertwined pointing towards the star speckled sky and they spoke collectively:

"Laughter and light,

water and solidarity.

Distraction and diversion,

of an unbroken ocean."

The coven jumped as high out of the water as they possibly could, still grasping one another's hands. Instead of gravity pulling them back into the water, though, a force held them suspended in the air. They were held frozen, with their feet dangling in the ocean for a few moments before the invisible power lifted them up. Carrying them until their feet were barely grazing the surface of the dark water.

Releasing their clutch of hands, the cogency relaxed, setting them down. But they didn't return to the rippled marine floor, their feet stood unyielding on the surface of the dark water.

Almost in unison Carlo, Kemper, and Veronica began cheering, thrilled and thankful for their triumph. This charm wasn't to request influence or protection; it was for plain and simple fun. They each darted off running, leaping, and gliding over the silver surface.

Carlo took off at a fast start, then slid on his chest, body surfing without the board. Kemper and Veronica joined hands and began looping circles as fast as their feet would carry them as droplets danced around them, reflected by the moonlight. They eventually tumbled to the firm sea, laughing madly, and sending another spray of diamond-like mist.

Coming over, Carlo captured one each of their hands and pulled them up, still giggling. Veronica scurried off bounding on tiptoe, spinning like a magical ballerina water sprite. Carlo and Kemper skimmed over the shining ocean dance floor in a rumba. Kemper hopped and Carlo lifted him by the waist over his head, making Kemper feel like an ice dancer without the ice. Carlo gently set him back down, as Veronica, having abandoned her dance moves, came toward them in a line of cartwheels, a glittering trail behind her heels.

Kemper joined the acrobatic parade and left Carlo watching them flip across the moon shone ocean. The three continued to frolic until their lungs ached from laughing so hard. Coming mutually in a circle and holding hands again, Carlo, Kemper, and Veronica feeling fatigued yet exhilarated, leaped into the humid air one last time.

No translucent energy seized the group this time though, this time they pierced through the water landing in an enchanted splash. They embraced each other as tiny white sparking flicks surrounded them in a whirlwind. And just as whirlwinds can do, it lost its gust, causing the glittering speaks to drift away on the midnight breeze.

The coven trudged out of the surf and collapsed into the moist sand. Lying on their backs, Kemper nestled into the crook of Carlo's arm, and Veronica held Kemper's other hand, as they stared up into the inky blackness.

As they attempted to locate as many constellations as they could, nobody made mention of the feeling of finality that covered them. To know in this life the searching was over; they had finally found one another. They may not have known they were seeking each other, but now that the quest was finished, the coven felt lighter and whole.


Next: Chapter 15

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