
By Willow Lemon

Published on Jun 11, 2018


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Kemper came in with an arm full of flowers while Veronica was enjoying breakfast. "Angela has out done herself yet again this morning," Veronica told him between mouthfuls.

"I would have to concur." He laid the blooms out on the counter, and then retrieved a vase from the cupboard. He chose a large flat circle container made of ruby colored glass.

He began arranging the blossoms and Veronica came up beside him. "So, how are you doing?" she inquired casually.

"I'm fabulous. What about you? You look happier." Kemper beamed, delighted she was at long last able to observe a contented feeling in her.

"Me? Yeah sure, you could say I feel happy. It's been awhile, I suppose I forgot what it felt like." She paused and smiled in thought for a moment. "Listen, do you think we could talk? I need to tell you about something." Veronica plucked a long sprig of lavender from the hodgepodge of multicolored flora, bringing the buds to her nose.

"Sure." Kemper was curious. "Let me finish this up then we'll talk."

They carried a pot of tea out to the front porch, overlooking the seashore. The waves and gusts were tranquil this morning and it was especially lovely. These were the days Kemper lived for on the islands.

She asked about Justin. He told her what had happened, and explained the need for such a lengthy rest. "The emotional drain on top of such a powerful spell knocked me out."

"I feel awful. I shouldn't have invited him to visit. He said he was okay with you having a boyfriend."

"You couldn't have known, Ronnie. Justin is rarely predictable. And I said he could come too. This isn't on us; it's on him."

She nodded. "You're right. I'm just disappointed it went down that way. But all's well that ends well, I suppose."

Veronica got quiet and he knew that wasn't all she was wanting to speak with him about. Kemper sipped his blueberry tea and waited. He knew Veronica would start when she was ready. He wasn't in suspense too long.

"Two nights ago, something strange happened. I remember hearing you come up to go to your room. I looked at the clock and it was around 3:45. I drifted back to sleep and woke just thirty minutes later. At this point I decided to go get something to drink. I was halfway down the stairs when I saw something moving in the living room. At first all I could see was a faint grayish kind of light. I then realized it was a person, a ghost to be more specific. It disappeared after I watched for maybe a minute. I hate to break it to you, but your house is haunted."

"A ghost? Are you positive? What did it look like?" Kemper was more than curious now. He set down his cup and focused.

"Well, like I said it had a pearly and kind of glowy light surrounding it."

"What was it doing?"

Veronica took a swallow of her tea and pushed a blond lock behind her ear. "Just walking around, looking at things. It appeared as if she was searching for something or maybe casing the place."

"Wait a minute, did you say she?"

"Yes, it was a woman. A rather beautiful woman at that."

"What did she look like?" Kemper did not like this.

"She had red hair and she was wearing a long dress. Pretty face, nice rack."

The pieces began to drop into place inside Kemper's head. "I may be mistaken, I'll have to ask Carlo, but I think I know who it is."

"Did I hear my name?" Carlo came out on the porch. His navy shirt and shorts set off his eyes, giving Kemper a pang of lust in his belly. He pushed the feeling aside and focused on the topic at hand.

"Yes baby, we want to ask you something. This will almost certainly seem like a strange question," he explained.

"Ask me anything." He sat on a lounge chair and he saw Carlo's eyes slide down the length of Kemper's legs, making his face feel like he was sitting in the sun instead of under the shaded porch.

"What does your ex-wife look like?" Veronica asked, beginning to catch on.

"You're right, I didn't expect you to ask that. Well, she's pale with red hair and green eyes. May I ask why the inquiry?"

Veronica and Kemper askance at each other. "You were the one who saw it, you tell him." Kemper picked up a cigarette and lighter while Veronica retold the story. It seemed quite often that the three of them sat around talking out problems.

He eyed Carlo as he listened to Veronica intently. He looked so handsome, his jaw strong and eyes slightly narrowed in attentiveness. The sweet-smelling breeze that sacheted over the ocean blew through his hair making him look like an Adonis.

"So, I guess now the assumption is that it was not a ghost that I saw, but that it was your ex." Veronica was finishing up.

"What do you think?" Kemper asked him.

"Sounds precisely like the time I saw her in the bedroom. I wonder what in the world she was doing?"

"Maybe she was looking for you. I was out cold, so if she came in the bedroom I wouldn't know. So maybe she was hunting for you in the living room."

"This is insane! There has to be something that we can do! We can't keep letting Monique browse around your home at leisure." Carlo was getting visibly upset.

"I swear, if I have to say don't worry, everything is going to be okay one more time I'm going to strangle you." Kemper gestured with his hands.

"How do you know everything will work out? You keep saying it, but how do you really know?" Veronica asked.

"That's what I'm saying. Kemper, sometimes you are just too optimistic." Carlo went along with Veronica's sentiment.

"Please, you just have to trust me. We will fight back, just not yet. It's not time."

The three of them split up soon after their powwow and went their separate ways around the house. Veronica, of course, went to where she spent her days and nights, to paint in her atelier. Carlo went to have the breakfast that the girls had raved about. Kemper went to his study and finally checked his e-mail.

Kemper stared at his computer screen flashing images as his hard drive booted up. He knew that Carlo and Veronica were worried about what to do and the danger that they were obviously in. He kept telling them, 'Trust me, trust me!' yet Monique continued to invade their domicile and stalk Carlo. He didn't know what to do, though, but he was convinced that he would discover the answer when the time was right.

Chuck had sent his itinerary. He was going to New York for the commercial in two weeks. Kemper had been enormously hesitant about doing the commercial, but he kept receiving good omens when it came to the ad.

Realizing that the shoot was only two weeks away, he left the study and headed to the gym to work out. He wanted to firm up for those close shots. Once he had left his blood, sweat, and tears all over the gym, he went upstairs to shower.

While slumping under the three gold oscillating showerheads, he began thinking about Carlo. He never could have imagined loving someone could make him so satisfied. They complimented each other so wholly, and the time they spent together was already some of the most treasured moments of his life. Thinking of Carlo made his stomach flutter, creating that well-known ache inside.

Not noticing him until after Kemper finished with his shower, Carlo lay asleep in the bed. Carlo had worn himself out caring for him. With nothing but a towel on his head, he went over to Carlo, stopping next to the bed, gazing down at him. Somehow watching Carlo sleep always made him feel serene. He had kicked off the sheets in the humid room, lying there only in a pair of maroon satin boxers. His golden-bronzed skin and the crimson of his shorts stood out against the pure white of the crisp cotton sheets. It seemed to illuminate him and he was the most attractive Kemper had ever seen him.

He was always lusting after Carlo; he was a gorgeous man. But it was almost as if his energy depended on being with him. He found that when he was at his most exhausted were the times he sought after Carlo the most. And when they completed true bliss, he felt revitalized, like he could charge through a brick wall.

As he stood contemplating this, Carlo stretched and opened his eyes. Carlo smiled up at him with a stunned, but pleased expression to see Kemper standing there and he smiled back, Carlo's eyes appearing to shine. Carlo reached out and stroked his exposed chest and abs. Kemper felt everything drawing towards his center like a heavy weight in his belly as Carlo's fingers grazed the flesh of his cock, issuing waves of chills across his body.

Kneeling next to him, Kemper tugged on Carlo's boxers, yanking them off, then laid down next to him in bed. He was already hard as Kemper firmly grasped his hand around Carlo's massive length, and then placed his mouth around him. Carlo arched his back, as a growl escaped his lips. Kemper firmed his lips against Carlo's movement, positively drooling over his glorious taste.

Kemper laved the head before deep throating him. He clicked his tongue as he sucked up and down Carlo's length. "Dio!" Carlo exclaimed when Kemper gave his sack a tug before firmly rasping a finger across his perineum to get to his entrance.

Sinking down all the way until Carlo's tip was hitting the back of his throat, Kemper began gulping, his throat caressing his shaft. That's when he glided a digit into his hole after coating it in some of Carlo's piquant pre. Searching out Carlo's p-spot, Kemper tapped it, causing his hips to lift off the bed and to dig his fingers into Kemper's shoulder. Kemper hummed deeply as Carlo kneaded at his muscles, the sound vibrating up Carlo's dick. That had Carlo keening.

The towel on Kemper's head untwisted and slipped to the floor. His dark wet hair brushed Carlo's inner thigh. The coolness of his damp locks against Carlo's skin sent a shiver through him that made him orgasm abruptly. Kemper took it with surprise. Kemper was used to being able to know when Carlo was going to orgasm because of their connection, but this one happened so fast it surprised them both.

But Carlo didn't appear to have been discomfited by his quickness, and he was ready to for more. He sat up and pulled Kemper to him, so that he straddled Carlo's waist. Kemper knew what Carlo wanted, and he wanted it too. Reaching between them Kemper held Carlo's hardon firm as he eased down onto him. Carlo enfolded his brawny arms around him as they rocked back and forth together.

Kemper craving his refill of stamina, grew to be tempestuous, driving Carlo's hips into the bed. As he felt both his and Carlo's desire built, quickening to a climax, (this one wasn't going to be a surprise) Kemper had an idea.

A sly grin split his face as Kemper began doing this swirling, flick movement with his hips. "You're planning something wicked," Carlo accused. "Care to share what it is? Oh Christ, don't stop doing that!"

Little did Carlo know, stopping was precisely the plan. "Nope, keeping it to myself, but it is indeed wicked."

Kemper kept riding him, bucking against him, bringing them higher and higher, and when Carlo was inches away from crossing the finish line, Kemper rose up on his knees and let Carlo's heavy cock slide out of him. And when he climbed off him and sat between Carlo's legs, the expression on his face was a convoluted mixture of ecstasy and pain. "Wha...what's happening? What's going on?" Carlo's voice was taut with desire and confusion.

"Everything's fine. It's all going to plan." Kemper started stroking and massaging Carlo's muscular legs, starting at his ankles, running his hands over his calves, and up his inner thighs, giving Carlo time to catch his breath and ease back down.

"Dear god, you're pure evil! Are you doing what I think you're doing?" Carlo panted.

"What do you think I'm doing?" he teased.

"I think you're fucking edging me!"

Kemper laughed. "Language Mr. Sabatilli!" Carlo rarely cursed, so he knew he was immensely frustrated.

"Be forewarned, I may tell you I hate you at some point." Carlo clenched his butt cheeks as his dick throbbed with his heartbeat.

"Aww, I'll be crushed," Kemper simpered.

"How many times are you going to do it?" He was sounding less pained the more his almost climax abated.

"Oh, I do love being in charge of you! I guess we'll see. Don't forget, I'm being edged just as much as you." Kemper slipped a finger into his muscled tunnel, feeling Carlo seize up around him in response.

Pushing and pulling his finger, Carlo muttered, "I don't know if torture is conducive to love making."

"Let's find out, shall we?" Kemper stroked a second digit in his ass as his other hand grabbed his shaft, squeezing it.

"Dio, mi stai uccidendo!"

Kemper had to giggle. He had no clue what Carlo said, but when the Italian started, he had him right where he wanted him. "I'm going to have to learn Italian so that I know what you say in bed." Kemper noticed that his own voice was tight. Watching Carlo thrash against his hands was turning his own insides to boiling mush. His own erection was straining painfully for release.

His heat flushed brain was thinking irrationally when it thought, 'The faster Carlo gets to the edge, the sooner I can come.' It didn't make much sense, especially since this was his ploy, but he added a third finger and started pumping up and down on Carlo's cock, occasionally leaning over and sucking the tip free of pre.

Carlo was groaning, and Kemper was moaning right along with him watching Carlo's intoxicating tremors. The pleasure was building step by step, but before it reached its zenith in both of them, Kemper pulled his fingers out of Carlo, let go of his diamond hard cock and backed off all the way to the headboard, leaning against it. He needed to put some space between them or he was never go to calm down.

"Whoever invented the concept of edging should be murdered." Carlo was laying spread eagle on the bed, unable to even lift his head, his body was so wracked with need.

"Talk to me when I finally let you come and then tell me how you feel about it."

"Know when that's going to be?" His voice was tinged with anger.

"Come on grumpy. Lighten up. If anything, I'm learning that I better keep my man sexually satisfied or he'll turn into a bear, and not the good kind." Carlo scowled at him.

The banter had helped him cool down, and Kemper was ready for the next round. He jumped on Carlo and realized he wasn't as cool as he thought he was. He put his tongue down Carlo's throat, his fingers were working his nipples, and his cock was pushing its way into Carlo's ass. Carlo grabbed his ass cheeks and pulled him in deep. Kemper was plowing into him, hard and fast, he pounded and thundered losing any previous self-control he had.

But somehow Kemper caught himself, ceased his pumping and pulled out. "Sorry, that got away from me fast," he panted.

"Fuck that!" Carlo was done playing games. Pulling Kemper's hips into him, causing his hardon to slip back into his hole, Carlo lifted his hips and wrapped his legs around Kemper's waist, trapping him there. "You will do me. You'll do me hard. And this time, we're both coming!" Carlo's eyes flashed with blue flame.

"Yes sir!" Kemper followed orders and gave it everything he had. He slammed into Carlo, rutting against like a wild animal. Carlo was grunting with every pummel, and Kemper couldn't and didn't want to stop the praises falling from his lips as Carlo's channel convulsed around him. "I love fucking you! Your ass is so damn perfect and tight. I can feel you squeezing my dick. Oh, yes! I'm gonna come. I'm going to come!" And he knew Carlo was too.

Kemper filled Carlo's crevasse with hot come as Carlo volleyed onto his own chiseled abs. Kemper crumpled next to Carlo, their legs tangled together, having a tough time catching their breath.

"Holy shit! I think I saw stars," Kemper used his first lung full of air to say.

"I saw the whole universe," Carlo gasped, a grin curving his sexy mouth.

"So, are you saying this was a good idea?" Kemper couldn't pass up the temptation to harass him a bit.

"It was worth every agonizing moment."

As they lay in bed, Carlo amused himself with a strand of Kemper's ebony hair by twirling it around his finger. Kemper lay content, snuggled against Carlo's chest.

"My sabbatical will be over in a few weeks," Carlo stated it matter-of-factly.

Kemper had completely placed that occurrence from his mind. For some reason, he thought Carlo would be there forever, like some kind of instant fairytale, including the evil witch and everything. That was ridiculous of him he now realized. "Does that mean you'll be leaving?" he was almost too frightened to ask.

"Well of course I'll have to go back."

"But of course." Kemper shot up getting defensive, red rising in his features. "Like there would ever be any consideration of staying here with me." He started retreating out of the bed, but Carlo grabbed him and pulled Kemper back next him.

"If you would let me finish, Mister," Carlo laughed at him. "I was saying, of course I have to go sort out my affairs. You know, get things in order. I have to quit my job and sell my flat. Kemper my love, I want us to be married!"

"You do?" Kemper felt faint.

"Yes, I love you! I never want to have to be apart from you, ever. I want to spend the rest of my life right here, with you. That is if you want me, if you'll have me."

Kemper felt dizzy now. An instant ago he was furious because he was leaving, now it seemed he had everything he wanted. It took him a moment to get on even kilter. "Marry you? You want to marry me? Are you sure?" For some reason, he was having a tough time believing it. Now that Carlo had put forth the ultimate expression of love, it wasn't so easy to receive it.

"I have no question about it. I am more than sure. The question is, what you want?"

The last thing he wanted was for Carlo to go away. Kemper knew that Carlo was taking a huge gamble asking for his hand so shortly after Monique had attempted stealing his resolve. Kemper loved him so fiercely and his proposal, though surprising, was wondrous, as well as it created a feeling in him that went beyond adulation.

But one thing Kemper wasn't great at, was accepting love. Giving love, never a problem, but receiving it had turned into a problem for Kemper over the years. Veronica has been the only person in his life that loved him unconditionally. He had felt Justin cared that way about him, but his love did have boundaries. And all the other people in his life that were supposed to feel affection for him, like his parents and family, had been concerned more about their own lives and putting him down then giving him attention and love. So, he didn't have much practice at accepting love.

"Don't you think we should get this matter with Monique taken care of first?" Kemper was grasping at straws for more time to think.

"We are taking care of it I thought. You keep telling me to trust you that everything will be okay, and I do trust you. Besides, she will not control my life. If I want to marry you, I bloody hell will!" There was that spark in his sapphire eyes. Kemper rarely witnessed Carlo's temper flare. Not even when he found him with Justin. But when it came to protecting Kemper from his ex-wife, it flashed.

Kemper slowly smiled at him, being able to come up with no other excuses and got over himself. Carlo did love him in every way and he knew it, he was just scared. "Do you want a big or a small wedding?"

"I want whatever you want my love." He ran his hand down Kemper's arm.

"That is the perfect answer."

"Listen, we'll wait until I have the ring, is that better? I know I sprung this on you rather fast."

"I know my answer, but I'll wait just to torture you."

Carlo kissed him, sincerely and fervently.

That night Carlo and Kemper couldn't help but celebrate their unspoken engagement with more love making, so falling into a contented sleep had been no problem for Carlo. It felt as though the moment sleep took him that he began to dream, but it was unlike any dream he had had before. All his senses were working except his mobility, which he discovered when he attempted to step from where his feet were planted. The night air was rich with a salty clean scent, and there was barely any whisper of a wind. The temperature was warm with the humidity dotting the air.

At first Carlo saw the sky; blue-black and so clear he forgot that clouds existed for a moment. And the stars-there were so many of them! It couldn't be possible that there were that many pinpricks of light in one sky. His eyes traveled down from the sky to the sea he had already caught scent of.

The water was glowing. The ocean was radiant with a light source by no means. It was beautiful, though he knew it didn't make him happy to witness such a glorious supernatural occurrence.

His body moved, but not of his own accord. Carlo turned and began walking towards someone. He had not noticed them before; he had only seen the water. A few steps and he could see Kemper, his face expressionless.

"It's over now," a voice echoed through his head, and then he realized it was his.

Carlo awoke to Kemper nibbling on his ear.

A couple of days later Kemper was in the study inspecting his email in a turquoise swimsuit; his plan was to do some laps when he was done with business. The ocean's waters were subdued today and just what he needed.

Kemper was becoming increasingly anxious. Several matters have currently been weighting on his mind and the pressure was beginning to take its toll. His correspondence could have waited, but he was aiming to lose his headache before going swimming.

Carlo traveling to London on his own was Kemper's main concern. They intended to conjure a spell and make a red talisman for him to dull his presence, to help Monique to overlook him without her realizing it. But Monique had influence and much knowledge, so naturally Kemper was still nervous.

Veronica would be left here at the house alone when Kemper went to New York for the commercial. If Monique were to assail the house in some way while he and Carlo were away, Veronica would be utterly defenseless. But Monique hadn't been too violent, well at least not toward Veronica. Kemper didn't feel any better.

Also, Kemper had a feeling that the time to battle Monique was approaching. This scared him, because they were not close to being prepared for the fight. They still had no inkling of who the third member of their circle was. But power was the main issue and Kemper knew they didn't have enough of it. Something, anything, had to be done, but what that action was still mystified him.

Kemper continued to scan his electronic mail, struggling to temporarily stamp out his thoughts of his troubles for the moment along with his burning headache. There was a new piece from Chuck with more information regarding the commercial. This project was Chuck's baby and he was making sure everything went flawlessly.

Odd, there was an email from his mother. Was it a holiday? He knew it wasn't his birthday. Kemper clicked on it wondering what an emotionless woman had to say.


Just letting you know your father and I are leaving New Mexico and are moving to Georgia. Your Dad's opening a new office there for the company. Below is all our new contact information.

Best regards,

Barbara Woods

He was surprised his mother even bothered giving him the new information seeing as she was such a large advocate of independent living. Yes, there was one virtue his parents had taught him, that was how to manage on his own. Kemper recalled one instance when he was very young and he had asked his mother why they hadn't come to the school play that Kemper had had a main role in. Barbara Wood's reply was, "One must manage to do things on one's own Kemper. Having no one to lean on around you is what makes us strong. Now don't you feel proud that you did it all by yourself?" But he hadn't felt proud, he had felt lonely. Kemper was self- sufficient though, doing things on his own had given him the strength he needed to make a success of himself.

"...what makes us strong." The statement rang in his head.

That was it! Kemper almost hated agreeing with his mother on anything, but she may be right. He wrote a quick thank you and good luck in reply to his mother.

Them being alone just may be the solution to their dilemma with Monique.

The next day, Kemper texted Liz:

Kemper: Hey you. Any chance you're free on the 22nd?

Liz: Actually, Nate's taking me to Boston to meet his family. I'll be gone the 19th through the 24th. Why? What's up?

Kemper: I was thinking of having a dinner party, but I'll wait until you get back. Have fun on your trip. Good luck meeting the fam! XOXO

There was, of course, no dinner party plan.

Kemper couldn't get a clear indication of who the third member of their coven was, and Liz was his best guess at this point. He didn't want to say anything to her until he was certain, or perhaps until she discovered it on her own.

But for what he had in mind, he needed someone to be here at the house. Since he was unsure, he wasn't about to ask her to change her plans. And she could very well still be the third but, for this at least, he would have to think of something else.

The night before Carlo left the three friends got together. Kemper had prepared the meal for the special occasion. The spicy seafood soup he had made had turned out marvelous, and Angela had only helped him a little.

"Well love, since we are getting married, I mean if we get married, it is good to know what an amazing chef you are." Carlo smiled at him.

"You mean good to know that you are not entirely dependent on Angela." The threesome laughed knowing that it was the truth. "Don't worry Carlo, Kemper will be the perfect husband."

Kemper had told Veronica of the semi-engagement the first opportunity he had. She had responded, "The only thing more natural would be the sunrise." Then she had embraced and congratulated him.

They took their dessert of baked chocolate pots to the front garden. Veronica had wanted something to care for, so she had bought two canaries, a brown one and a yellow one that she named Harry and Larry the canaries. So, they all had been spending more time there listening to the birds' cheerful song. This included Augustine who seemed to know not to do any more than observe the birds flutter about the large cage.

"Listen guys, I wanted to talk with you. You know that I have been apprehensive about all of us separating. We're going to create Carlo a talisman tonight, but I have another strategy. Ronnie, you once told me that to protect me, if you had to, you would practice magic. I need you to do it."

The day before Kemper left for New York City, he and Veronica laid on the giant sectional couches in living room; watching movies, snacking on popcorn, and hanging out per their tradition.

Veronica stretched out like a cat. Sitting up on her elbows, she lit a pink colored joint rolled in strawberry flavored paper. Kemper thought the sherbet orange cami and shorts she was wearing looked flattering on her tan skin. She passed the strawberry cigarette to Kemper. Veronica exhaled and questioned, "So you really think I can do this?"

Kemper knew she was referring to the upcoming rite they had planned. "I know you can, I don't have one doubt, but you have to know you can do it too."

"I know, I just like hearing your reassurance." Kemper gave her a warm smile as he passed the smoking pink stick back. "Hopefully I'll be able to get up that early."

"You better get up or I'll beat your ass! Don't stress; I know you can handle this. A lot of supremacy is involved, but it's power I see you have respect for, so I'm not concerned."

"Are you sure that you shouldn't wait for the third person of your group to show up?"

"There's no time to wait anymore. Besides this is the ideal occasion. My gut tells me it is the proper step to take." Kemper was still seeking to encourage her. He understood Veronica's apprehension, but he also understood that this spell had to be done. If it wasn't cast... Kemper didn't want to think about it.

He also knew Veronica could do it. "I know you can handle it Ronnie." He reached over and squeezed her hand that was resting on a scarlet satin pillow.

"Well, I would do anything for you. God knows you've done everything for me."

Veronica squeezed his hand back.

Next: Chapter 13

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