
By Willow Lemon

Published on Jun 7, 2018


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The three housemates were all at the lunch table, when Carlo recalled Kemper saying something about a commercial. "So, what was Chuck's crazy idea for a TV advertisement?" he inquired setting his glass of ginger tea on the bamboo placemat.

"Oh, I had almost forgotten about that. He wants to run a campaign targeted towards men and wants a man applying the products, and when he sprays the cologne or uses the shower gel, beams of color come out and fly around his body. I think it's a fantastic idea if we get the right digital animation, nothing cheesy."

"Well then, what's the crazy part?" Carlo asked taking a bite of tuna sushi.

"He wants me to do the commercial. He's nuts." Kemper laughed at the idea.

"And that's crazy because?" Veronica thought Kemper was the insane one.

"I was wondering the same thing," Carlo added.

"Why would they want me to do it? A model would be much better, don't you think?"

"Dearest, I think you would be perfect for it. I'm stunned you haven't done something like it before. I think you should do it," Carlo told him.

"I do too. Flaunt it while you got it!"

"You two are sweet. I'll think about it. So, we hardly see you anymore," he turned to Veronica, "been doing lots of paintings? Shit!" Kemper's shrimp roll slipped from his chopsticks, landing squarely in the wasabi as he not so subtly changing the subject.

Veronica snagged Kemper's disregarded shrimp, not minding the extra kick. "I have! I've got three that I'm working on." Veronica was bubbling over with excitement when she started talking about painting, taking Kemper's bait. "It feels so fantastic to pick up a brush again. And I love that studio. The light is brilliant and the view of the garden is stupendous."

"Do you mind if I come see what you've been working on, or would you rather me wait until you're done?" Kemper asked.

"Let me get closer to finishing one and then you can come see."

When dinner was done and the green tea and red bean ice cream had been eaten, Veronica spoke to Kemper privately. "Hey, I talked to Justin last night. He called to see how I was doing."

"That was nice of him. How is he?

"He's doing well. I think he's lonely. He wants to come visit."

"What did you tell him?" Kemper struggled not to appear panicked.

"That I would check with you first. I did mention that you were seeing someone and that he was here. It took him a few moments to respond, but he said he thought it was great and that he's happy for you. He doesn't have to come, but I thought since you and Carlo are pretty solid that maybe it might not be such a big deal. He was so nice during my accident, and since he moved to New Orleans I've started thinking of him as a friend. So, should I call him back and tell him he can come?"

"Yeah, sure. That's fine with me." Kemper wasn't precisely certain what he was feeling. There was no question though; he was with Carlo now, that was all that mattered.

Justin was there a week later. The first night of his arrival, they gathered around the glass dining table and had a pleasant dinner of steamed lobster and quiet conversation. Everything went smoothly through the meal and there didn't seem to be any awkwardness or uneasy feelings between them. And Kemper was genuinely surprised at his lack of feelings towards Justin. Usually when he looked at Justin, he at the very least, was thrilled by his handsomeness. This time, though, nothing.

Kemper aimed to make it evident that he was with Carlo now in subtle ways. Justin appeared not to be bothered by it in anyway.

But then he had his fourth drink of the night.

After dinner, they made their way to the living room to have cocktails. "So, Justin, what do you do?" Carlo asked him.

"I work for RTV. Are you familiar with it?"

"I am. Rock TV; I watch the European channel at home."

"I'm in charge of the programming for here in the States. We started a new show this season where we take a nobody band and make them into a somebody band. It's an enormous success; it really saved us."

"Sounds terrific," Carlo commented with authentic enthusiasm.

"What do you do, besides hang around here?" Justin was plainly being rude.

Carlo took it in stride and remained polite. "I'm an advertising executive at Harvey Nichols in London. I'm on sabbatical for two months right now. I do like it here very much." He slid his hand on Kemper's knee.

"Justin, would you like to stretch your legs with me out in the garden?" Veronica lugged him up by the hand and half way dragged him out of the room.

"Is there a problem?" Carlo watched them leave.

"No, I wouldn't say that. He's probably just had too much to drink. A walk outside will be good for him." Kemper lit a cigarette and sipped his husky merlot. Kemper had told Carlo only that Justin was an old school friend of theirs. He didn't know why he was keeping Justin and his past relationship concealed. Kemper supposed he didn't want to have to explain ever being in love with someone else. Sure, he knew that Carlo had once been in love, but it was easier to leave his past love behind. Kemper had worked so hard to put it there.

"Well it's late, so I think I'll go to bed. Are you coming?" Carlo stood and stretched.

"Go on without me. I'm going to get some work done before I come up."

"Don't work too hard," he leaned over and kissed Kemper, loitering on his lips awhile, "I'll miss you."

A smile curved on Kemper's mouth. He reached up and touched Carlo's gorgeous face. Carlo took his hand and kissed it. Kemper found it difficult not to follow, but knew he put off business for intimacy with Carlo far too often. His work was beginning to pile up on him and he feared the sight of his overstuffed electronic inbox.

After Carlo had gone upstairs, Kemper went into his antique laden study. He started to boot up his computer, but couldn't bring himself to undertake his tedious task quiet yet. Instead, he went over to the wall and removed a cue from the frame and began a game of pool.

He was racking up his second game, when he heard someone on the stairs. He assumed that it was Veronica and Justin returning from their amble in the backyard. He was attempting to execute a complex shot of the five ball in the side pocket, when Justin silently came in the study.

Justin crossed to him and ran his hand along Kemper's backside. He jumped, scattering balls out of place on the table, totally taken aback believing that he was alone. Standing and turning, he saw that Justin had been the one that surprised him.

"Justin, what are you doing sneaking up on me like that?"

Justin was still standing close to him. He took a step in, pinning Kemper between him and the pool table. "I can't stomach to see you with this guy. What are you doing with him? You belong with me."

"Belong with you? What are you talking about? You don't even know what it means to have a real grown up relationship with emotions and feelings." He put his hands on Justin's chest as a defensive response. He wasn't afraid, but he was getting angry.

"I know that I ran from loving you, but you can't run from what's meant to be. I need you. I have to have you." Justin pressed his lips down on his and draped his arms around Kemper, confining his breath.

Kemper was making an effort to push him away, when he heard the study door open. They both turned to see who had come in.

It was Carlo.

He felt the color drain from his face. Kemper looked completely guilty and he knew it. The expression on Carlo's face was shock to say the least.

"I came to see what was keeping you," Carlo sounded disconsolate. He turned and walked away.

"Carlo wait!" he shouted after him, but he didn't stop.

"Let him go, it's best this way," Justin told him.

Kemper broke loose from his hold, then extended back and socked him, leaving Justin's left cheek an angry red. "How dare you! If we ever had anything, it was a long time ago. Other than that, all we've had is fucking and nothing more. Carlo is the real thing; do you know what that means? I love him and you better pray that you haven't caused too much damage."

He pointed his finger at Justin and Kemper's jade eyes flickered. It startled Justin so greatly, that he stumbled a step backwards.

Later when Justin was packing, he had a feeling so fierce it made his stomach lurch. The feeling that if Kemper and Carlo didn't stay together, it was going to be wrong and wretched and he would suffer the consequences.

Barefoot, Kemper darted upstairs, first to his room then to Carlo's, though he hadn't slept there in a week. Carlo wasn't there. With a numb sensation throughout his whole body, he managed to sprint out to the strand. He stopped when he reached the surf and scanned the beach for him.

"Carlo! Carlo!" he shouted into the wind and sea. But the only answer he received back was the rushing of wind and the crashing of the waves.

Kemper had to defy the overwhelming urge to crumble, to fall to pieces. Resist diving into the ocean to wash away the tears he wanted to cry, and the ache and dread that he felt.

As an alternative, he inhaled deeply and filled his lungs with the rich, cleansing ocean air. He stood firm and knew that falling apart wasn't going to help him resolve what had transpired.

He returned to the house, inspecting every room and the garden making certain Carlo wasn't there, something he had known for a while, but couldn't make himself stop searching. He sat down and unwillingly stared at the flames flicker in the fireplace in his bedroom. Augustine climbed into his lap and quietly purred. He knew that if he had a chance to explain, Carlo would understand. Right now, Carlo thinks he knows. He had discovered them kissing, what other conclusion would he come to except to think he was cheating on him?

Carlo knew nothing of his and Justin's former relationship, so he wouldn't think to consider that Kemper had not returned Justin's advances. Yes, it was his fault that Carlo wasn't aware of their sexual past; he accepted total responsibility for that drawback. The thought of explaining to Carlo that he had once loved Justin and had desired only him for many years felt as if he were to about pick up a knife and plunge it into Carlo.

Giving Augustine a good scratch between the ears, he picked her up and set her on the couch where the gray cat began to groom herself. He went to the walk-in and changed into a black silk lounging outfit then brushed his hair back. He smoothed some dream inspiring lotion containing cinnamon and rosemary over himself.

Going back downstairs, he wondered for a moment where Justin was. As long as Justin stayed away from him, he didn't care.

He got his things from the cedar closet and took them to the indoor garden. Setting up his ritual pieces, he knelt on the white rug. It took him an extremely long time to reach gnosis because of the turbulent emotions he was feeling. He made himself focus, though.

This would be the most important enchantment he had ever preformed; the complexities of the rite itself were great, in addition to the emotional repercussions. He didn't want Carlo to feel threatened by his magic, making him remember Monique's scheming ways. Kemper didn't ever want Carlo to have cause to compare him to Monique in that sense.

After doing an opening rite, he took a piece of rough grain-paper, a quill, and a jar of ink and began drawing the symbols of love and truth. The love icon looked like the letter P with an extra loop and the emblem of truth was a straight line with a curvy line on top. He reflected on Carlo as he drew the symbols, until the front and back of the paper was entirely covered.

He rolled the hand printed-paper into a funnel. Placing the paper funnel in a chalice, he poured red wine into it. Kemper then situated a miniature wooden figure of a lizard in front of him. He closed his eyes and pictured the lizard in his mind. He imagined the tail beginning to wiggle, and then the head and legs started moving, until the lizard was crawling over to the goblet. The reptile scaled the glass and dipped into the dark liquid until the very tip of its tail disappeared.

Kemper spoke and gestured over the chalice with his crystal wand.

"Earth, Air, Water, Fire

All the powers of Land and Sea

Come forth to do my will

Bring answers and intensify dreams

As I will!

I speak it so it is so!"

He opened his eyes and the figurine of the lizard was gone. He didn't have energy to squander on being astonished; Kemper lifted the cup and drank deeply while concentrating on Carlo.

When he had consumed the final drop, he felt the rapid rushing of air for a moment, then a stop. He could feel Carlo in his every pore. Kemper could smell and sense him; the charm had worked. But all Kemper could see was a gray haze, thick and smoky.

He was puzzled, it was evident that he was with Carlo, but why could he only see mist, and why was he unable to transform it? Of course! Carlo wasn't asleep yet. Kemper couldn't influence Carlo's dreams if he wasn't asleep yet.

He would have to hang around and be patient. Hopefully it wouldn't be too long, it was awfully late. But who knows where Carlo could be or what he was doing. Kemper knew flights didn't leave the island this late, so even if he was at the airport, Carlo would most likely drift asleep waiting for the six-a.m. plane. Kemper couldn't endure forever, but, for now, he would enjoy the sensation of being with Carlo.

Fortunately, about twenty minutes later, the fog lifted and turned to pearly iridescent white; he was finally asleep. Kemper had decided that Carlo would understand if he knew the complete incident. So, Kemper replayed the full scene for him, starting from when Justin came up behind him in the study, to when Kemper left Justin standing in the room alone rubbing his cheek.

When the flashback was finished, he whispered to him, "I love only you Carlo. Come home to me."

Kemper felt the wind whoosh around him. He opened his eyes and exhaustion sweep over him like a tidal wave. He somehow managed to close the circle, and tried with everything he could muster to hike the stairs to his suite. He didn't even clean up the garden, leaving the chalice and tools spread over the floor. Unable to make it to the bed, Kemper collapsed on the sofa, as everything went pitch black.

Around three the next day, Veronica came out of the art studio for a break. She was spending most of her time in there now. All of her exertion went to painting and as long as she had ideas, she would keep on.

Veronica went to the kitchen and removed a bottle of Voss out of the refrigerator. She had been hoping that Kemper would be around. Veronica still hadn't seen him today. Justin left this morning suddenly and neither Kemper or Carlo came down to see him off. Justin said he had a work emergency and told her to apologize to Kemper. He was acting somewhat bizarre, but she didn't have any reason to think he wasn't being forthcoming. It was odd that they didn't say goodbye, she wasn't even sure they knew he left, but she was sure there was an explanation.

She really wanted to speak with Kemper to tell him about this dream she had last night. Veronica had been having peculiar dreams for a while now, but this one was unique. In fact, it had not even seemed like a dream, it had felt very real.

She would just have to wait to talk to Kemper. Veronica would go and check in on him, but since Carlo was with him, she didn't want to intrude. She had seen Carlo come in from the beach when she was eating breakfast before Justin came down this morning; she assumed he must have been out on an early run.

The clock on the side table said 3:12. The room was dark, so that indicated it must be three in the morning. That meant Kemper had slept almost a full day, if not more he realized.

He glanced about the room and didn't see anything abnormal. Sitting up, he rotated his neck around and smoothed the stiffness from it. He then became conscious of the fact that he was in his bed. Last night he was completely depleted after the ritual, but he did remember that he landed on the couch when he fell into sleep.

"Are you okay?" The voice came from the sitting area.

"Carlo?" He was a bit befuddled.

"Yes, of course. Are you feeling alright?"

"Besides being exhausted, I feel fine." Kemper felt his heart skip a beat. Carlo had come back.

"I was worried about you, but I presumed it was best to let you sleep. I was going to try and wake you in the morning." He rose from the couch where he had been sleeping and walked over to the side of the bed.

Kemper didn't know what to say to him, and Carlo appeared to be having the same difficulty. He longed to ask if everything was alright between them, and a thousand other questions, but couldn't find the words.

He lifted the silk comforter and slid into bed next to Kemper. Carlo pulled him to his chest, spooning him. "Where did you go?" Kemper asked cautiously.

"There's a house a ways down the beach I see when I take a run. It appeared to be unoccupied from the shore. I slept on their lounge furniture."

"I wanted to say..." he began intending to apologize, to relieve his compunction in keeping his and Justin's previous affairs secret, but Carlo interrupted.

"You don't have to say anything. Just get some rest." He kissed Kemper's cheek and held him close.

"But I do have to say it." He felt horrible for not telling him, as if it were a betrayal. Lying by omission was still a lie. He should have had the courage to disclose their relationship, especially when Justin was to be a guest in his home. But he also hadn't expected Justin to attempt a reconciliation with him. In fact, it had been the last thing he had expected.

"Kemper please," Carlo whispered into his ear. "You don't have to say it, I already know how you feel. Quiet your mind and listen to mine."

He took some deep breaths and aimed to hush his thoughts of guilt and remorse and listen to Carlo's heart. Kemper felt warm as Carlo's love washed over him. It was as if a blanket spun from the sun's rays especially for him were wrapped around him, comforting him inside and out.

Carlo had been reading Kemper's feelings the entire time and Kemper now saw that he did know how he felt and what he had to say.

Kemper's lips found Carlo's and soon clothes were being slipped away. Carlo pulled their bodies together, their need building as he began nipping and biting at Kemper's throat as he rolled over on top of Kemper. Digging his fingers into Carlo's bronze hair as he moved down Kemper's body, drawing a nipple between his teeth. Kemper bucked his hips at the sharpness of it, his stiff cock rubbing into Carlo's chest.

Carlo continue traveling down his body, using his teeth on Kemper's abs and hips. Licking Kemper's cock, he didn't take into his mouth, but moved down taking in one of his balls, swirling it around his mouth as he savored Kemper's taste, loving everything about him. And when he kept going, tonguing Kemper's hole, Carlo cherished his reaction. He had discovered that this was one of Kemper's favorites, and Carlo enjoyed rimming him because of that fact.

Kemper gasped and mumbled to god, and his god was Carlo's tongue. He was writhing, but he did try to keep still so Carlo could work him over more easily than trying to hit a moving target. Carlo just pressed his face harder into Kemper's crack, thrusting his tongue deeper as his hands helped keep Kemper's hips steady.

The wet entrance was too much of a temptation. "I need to be inside you," Carlo stressed.

"Go for it baby!"

With Kemper's legs wrapped around his waist, Carlo took him, slipping into his channel, perhaps too quickly, but not enough to injure Kemper.

Kemper immediately felt something different in Carlo. There was an urgency in him that Kemper had never experienced. Carlo was powering into him with an earnest need. He kept moving, changing positions as though he were searching for something. Carlo grabbed Kemper's legs from around his waist, moving them to his shoulders, never ceasing his stroking.

But it wasn't enough. He rolled Kemper to his side. Kneeling, he straddled one of Kemper's outstretched legs while holding his other leg up against in chest. Thrumming in and out of him, Carlo was grunting, racing.

Again, Carlo maneuvered him to his stomach, pressing him into the bed. It was ridiculous how much strength it required for Kemper to keep his ass up enough for Carlo to get a good angle because of the power of Carlo's thrusts. He hammered into Kemper with his whole body, starting from his knees, through his thighs and hips, up into his ribcage; it was a whole body undulation.

Carlo must have at last found what he was looking for because he started moaning, "Yeah. Yeah. Oh yeah! Ugh!" His flesh pounded into Kemper with the sound of bright smacking. Kemper hung on for dear life to the plush mattress, grateful for the pillows his head was plowed into over and over.

Soon Kemper understood what it was that Carlo had been searching for with his maneuvering and sprinting. He was using his all, body and soul, to convey a meaning of belonging. Carlo never uttered a word, but Kemper heard him nonetheless. 'We belong to each other. No one else but you and me. You are mine and I am yours. We belong to each other.' Kemper more than heard it, he felt it, down to his core as Carlo filled him up with more than his cock, but also love. More than love. A history between them that not even they appreciated in that moment. An experience, a feeling, a passion bigger than themselves.

'I love you to the edge of forever, and back again, and again, and again,' they experienced at the same time.

Carlo showed Kemper his love with actions that more than words could say. And when Kemper added his sentiment in the mix, they seemed to be taken to a place that he could only describe as a cloud. It was as if they were floating upon a fluffy, pink cloud. He had never experienced anything like it in his life and knew Carlo was thinking the same.

Carlo came, and his seed filling Kemper caused him to tumble directly after. The climax didn't stop, though. It went on, wracking their bodies with a pleasure that was akin to no other previous experienced emotion. It was on a higher plane that elevated their consciousness through passion, as though passion was a path to another place. A place where dreams came true and happiness was abundant.

Not having an inkling to how long they were on this higher plane, they slowly became aware of their corporeal surroundings, wrapped in one another's arms. "I never thought you'd be teaching me about magic so soon. You may even be better than me now," he whispered at Carlo teasingly.

"We make each other better. Go to sleep, we'll talk more in the morning."

He didn't argue. He lay back on his cloud with Carlo and allowed himself to drift away.

Kemper woke a few hours later around 7:00 a.m. Carlo was still asleep. He was still in disbelief that Carlo was there and that his spell had worked so perfectly. Coming closer to losing Carlo than he ever wanted to be, he was thankful for his gift of magic. He never wanted to take his gift for granted. He felt more bonded to Carlo than ever before.

After watching him sleep for a bit, allowing Carlo's peacefulness to soothe him, he dressed in plain white cotton t-shirt and shorts. He went downstairs with one thing on his mind, food and tons of it. He had spent a full day sleeping and his stomach was letting him know it was empty. Angela was in the kitchen unloading the dishwasher when he came in. "Look who it is! Glad to see you, sir. What's the matter?" Angela asked when she saw Kemper's face.

"I'm starving!"

"Well that is something that is easily fixed," Angela told him.

In what seemed like no time, a plate of buttermilk pancakes, scrambled eggs, and bacon; a dish of sliced mango, kiwi, and papaya; a cup of coffee, a glass of water, a glass of orange juice, and two pieces of toast were placed on the table before him. Angela knew what starving meant and it ordained real food, fast. A solid foundation with which to start the day.

Kemper slathered butter and syrup on everything that was not moving or nailed down and ate without coming up for air. When Angela saw that a large amount of it had vanished she asked, "Do you want seconds?"

"No thanks, that was perfect. That was an outstanding breakfast. Thank you!"

"You're quiet welcome. I was afraid to come near you, thought I might lose a limb." Angela smiled at him kindly.

"I was famished, that's for sure." Kemper smiled back at her.

"Truthfully child, I am pleased to see you. I was concerned."

"No need to worry, I'm fine. Let's just say, I took on too much and it got the better of me."

Next: Chapter 12

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