
By Willow Lemon

Published on Jun 4, 2018


Donate. You know you want to.


After Kemper left, Carlo decided that he had some extra vigor to work out as well and headed down to the gym.

Exactly what he feared would happen, had indeed occurred. Carlo had made a decision to stay for his own selfish reason and now he had placed Kemper in danger. The attempt on Kemper this morning had been entirely his fault. If he had left when he had been first inclined to, he would have never been harmed, he had no doubt about that. Monique's weight had finally ceased and he couldn't take pleasure from his liberty through his plaguing guilt.

But now a new question tormented him: if he left, would Monique continue to seek revenge on Kemper? So, now that the threat had become a fact instead of a question, Carlo was torn between going and hoping Monique would leave Kemper alone, or stay and look after him, weathering the storm together. At this point, he didn't know which action would be nobler. Carlo wanted to do the least selfish act possible, seeing as it was his fault that Kemper was now involved in this mess that was his life, but he couldn't guess what that was.

He lay under the press machine and began doing reps. He in all probability should leave; his manners had been appalling this morning. Why did he have to stop? He's insane! He should have taken Kemper, he had wanted to more than he ever wanted anything in a long time.

He was convinced that it had been the right thing to do, though. He had meant what he told him, it had to be perfect for them. He was becoming more attached to Kemper than he could have thought possible, and particularly in this amount of time. He wanted to revere him more than ravishing him while fooling around on a mound of pillows. But he more than understood where Kemper's...frustration was coming from. He felt exactly the same way. Kemper was right, though, Carlo was being a bit of a tease.

He moved from the press over to the free weights. He wasn't sure where or when he and Kemper would allow each other mutual ecstasy; he just knew he would know it when it happened. Just how long he could wait for that moment, he didn't know. Kemper's protection was most important, so making love to Kemper may place him in more danger.

When Carlo had seen that eerie black shadow creep up his bedroom wall, a dreadful feeling had crept over him, putting a different type of burden on him. He wouldn't tolerate anything harming him, not after what Kemper had unchained him from, and because of the emotions he had stirred in him. That is why he was going to start sleeping in his room. That was going to be awkward tonight after what had happened today. Carlo would try to talk to him before they went to sleep tonight.

His standoff approach wasn't turning out to be very successful. The urge to have Kemper's skin and lips on him had been too overwhelming to resist, and because of his weakness, he had been successful in frustrating himself and angering Kemper. He knew he was playing with his emotions by one minute being aloof and another consuming his whole being in a kiss. That's why he had to maintain his distance until he had made a decision regarding Kemper's safety. Should he go or stay?

Carlo moved to the open space in front of the immense picture window to do some yoga and stretch out his muscles. Beginning with the salutation to the sun, he looked out through the pane and caught sight of Kemper meandering up the seashore. He was in noticeable deep thought as he meandered up the sandy shoreline. It took his breath away how exceptionally spectacular he was. He watched his ebony hair wafting in the gentle breeze. His tall slim body was extremely masculine with tone muscles in all the right places. And his confidence is what made him remarkably captivating. Kemper didn't need anyone to tell him he was gorgeous, in fact, he didn't care if he was. He did what felt true to him and had his own sense of style.

He must be daft to have not taken Kemper the first chance he had.

After Kemper's swim and a bath, he was in his study when his phone began chiming La Mer Opale. "I'm here!" Liz informed him before he could even say hello. He buzzed her in after he told her he was in the study.

"Did you forget I was coming?" she asked coming into the room, leaning against one of the chairs in front of his desk.

Kemper scoured his brain, searching for her meaning. "Oh, shit! It's Saturday. Sorry, darling. It's been crazy around here." To say the least.

"Hey, I understand. I would have texted to remind you, but I love to surprise you if I can. Do you still want your massage?"

"God yes! That would be fantastic. I need it."

When Liz started coming weekly to give him a massage, he had bought his own table so she didn't have to lug hers around. He set it up in the front garden and put on some music before disrobing and getting comfortable on his stomach. Kemper had stopped using a towel to cover up long ago because Liz would sweep it away saying, "Such beautiful things should not be covered up," before issuing her infectious cachinnation.

Today he had set out a stress relief massage oil with cardamom and lemongrass for her to use. He had much on his mind, and stress was one way of putting it. And even though what had happened that morning with the daemon attack should be what he was most anxious about, truly it was Carlo and their fight that he found most upsetting.

His mind was swirling tumultuously as he lay there, between wanting to fuck Carlo into next week, and figuring out a way to tell him that he thought he was in Kemper's coven, it was almost too much. Normally he and Liz would chat throughout his massage, but today he was reticent. In fact, he was so caught up internally that he didn't notice that Liz wasn't talking either until they were done.

"You're quiet today," he accused her.

"Back at ya."

"That's true, but right now I'm asking about you. What's going on?"

Chewing on the inside of her cheek for a couple of seconds, she finally asked, "Do you wanna go for a walk?"

When they were walking barefoot along the shore, the tide rolling over their feet, she finally dished. "I met someone." Well, that wasn't new. He stayed quiet waiting for her to continue, because there had to be more. "I think I'm in love."

Kemper halted in his tracks, stunned. She turned to look at him, taking in his shocked expression. "I never thought I'd hear you say those words!"

Liz sighed heavily and they kept walking. "I know right. I was just as stunned as you are."

"Is that what's freaking you out, that you never thought you'd fall in love?"

"Well, I wouldn't say never, but definitely not for another decade or two. But no, that's not it. It's..." She stalled by kicking at a sand dollar on the shore. "Well, he's very different than my usual boyfriends."

"How so?"

"God, I'm so embarrassed to say this out loud. It's the kind of stuff you only ever say to yourself in your head, because admitting it out loud makes me sound like a superficial jerk." She took a few more steps and ran a hand through her curls before she said, "He's short."

"Ha! What?!"

"He's going bald and he's got a big nose."

"Liz, what?"

"And I love him. And more than that, I want him! I can't hardly be around him without fucking his brains out."

Kemper was full on belly laughing at her now. "Liz, are you serious with this shit?"

"Shut up! You don't know how hard this was for me to admit. I said shut up!" she yelled at him when he stopped walking, bending over at the waist guffawing. When he didn't stop, she started splashing him, which incited a splash fight until they were both out of breath from laughing and soaking wet.

Finally sitting on the sand, shoulders touching, he told her, "Oh Liz, you're something else. I think it's fucking fantastic! Fantastic that you're in love, and fantastic that it's not one of your muscle bound pretty boys. Utterly fantastic! Tell me how it happened."

Liz went on to tell him that they had actually met over email, and then the phone. "Mama was suddenly adamant that she needed to get her affairs in order, to have a living will and an estate will. She was inspired by an episode of Grey's Anatomy where a family was fighting over what to do about someone who didn't have a living will. 'I don't want that to be you and your brother.' You know how she gets.

"But there's only one lawyer on Cat, and she hates his mother; something about line cutting at the market." Liz rolled her chestnut eyes. "And she won't use the internet or the phone, so that left me to find a lawyer in Nassau. I sent out four different emails, and wouldn't you know, only one answered, Nate. We corresponded a bit, and you know me, I couldn't help but make a few quips here and there about Mama, and instead of ignoring them like a professional, he made a few 'yo Mama' jokes and had me rolling. By the time we talked on the phone, I was nervous, butterflies and everything. I found his voice pretty sexy, and I found myself flirting...a little." She grinned. "I noticed that he'd call to ask me things that he could have easily sent an email for, or asking me about stuff I knew I'd already answered. Our conversations got longer and longer, and we talked about much more than the will. And when he sent the originals for Mama to sign, I got scared. Truly petrified that I wouldn't talk to him again. I even thought of suing someone just I so I could hire him again. So, when the paperwork came through on email, I claimed that I didn't get it, then I said I mailed the signed will, when I didn't.

"And just when I had run out of excuses, Nate offered to pick them up personally. Then I was petrified for another reason. Kemper, I had never once thought of what he looked like, not once. But when he said he was coming, it was all I could think about, but I couldn't ask him, that would've been way out of line, especially since we hadn't technically been more than friendly.

"But it didn't matter. We met up at the Da Smoke Pot, and the moment I walked through the door, I knew exactly who he was. It was amazing! It was if we were on the same frequency that only we could recognize. I sat down at his table and I swear to god, we stared at each other for like five minutes before either of us spoke. I'm not even sure how it happened, but we got a room and didn't come out for nearly forty-eight hours. That was a week ago. He's been here ever since." Her eyes welled with tears. "I love him so fucking much it hurts."

Kemper put his arm around her, squeezing her shoulders, laying her head on his shoulder. "I'm so happy for you Liz! It's incredible!"

He'd never seen her like this, crying because she was so happy. "It's ridiculous, I know." She had only been crying for a minute when a little lime green bird with a rosy coral-orange face landed directly next to Liz and began hopping around chirping.

"What in the world? You lost little guy?" Kemper had never seen a lovebird do that before.

Liz looked over at it like she wasn't surprised at all. "Oh, hey." She spoke to the bird. "It's fine, don't worry about me. Thanks for checking on me, though." The lovebird looked up at her, gave a final chirp, and took off for the tree line.

"Again I ask, what in the world was that?!"

"It's no big deal. Birds are always coming around me. I've told you this."

"Um, no ma'am you haven't."

"Yeah, well now you know. It's my thing. I talk to birds. They're my pals. Mama calls me a fairy witch, a fae child. Apparently, my grandmother could talk to bees."

Kemper's heart started pounding in his chest, his breathing going tight. "W-witch?"

"It's not a bad word, Kemper. I didn't expect someone who reads tarot to be so judgmental." Liz was wiping her cheeks of tears and scowling at him.

He scowled right back. "I'm not judging, just surprised. And I practice a lot more than tarot." He gave her a knowing look.

Studying him, she noted, "Interesting."

"That's what I was thinking about you." Seems today was a day for revelations. Revelations that brought questions. Liz, a witch? Could it possibly be her?

Could Liz be the third?

That night when he got to Kemper's room, Carlo softly knocked on the door, but received no answer. He opened the door and Kemper appeared to be already be asleep.

Kemper had all the windows open, including the French doors that led to the balcony. The breeze was cool, so he had lit the fireplace. The room looked beautiful with the fire casting warm shadows and the sheer curtains billowing in the light wind.

Carlo tossed his pillow and blanket on the couch. He removed his robe and laid it over the arm of the sofa. He was wearing black silk boxer shorts that flattered his nicely rounded behind.

Pretending to be asleep, Kemper examined Carlo as he disrobed. If he was striving to keep himself from getting hot and bothered, this was not the way to go about it. Carlo's firm body was surprisingly more muscular than Kemper had anticipated the first time they had met and always enjoyed admiring it when they went swimming, but something about the firelight made his well-developed manly body more appealing. His broad shoulders, his cut chest, and his chiseled stomach that lead to a narrow waist glowing with a golden sheen in the dim light.

He at last lay down and Kemper was glad that he could no longer tempt him, afraid that he might fall off the bed he was so drawn to Carlo. But as he shut his eyes, the image of Carlo's half-naked body had no intention of leaving his mind's eye. It took him some time to drift asleep, and it was a listless sleep at that.

Carlo opened his eyes and he was gazing at the ceiling. The dark night still surrounded him, making him wonder what time it was. He turned his head and there was a figure standing next to him.

He slowly came to the realization that it was Monique. He started, banging his head on the arm of the sofa. "Holy shit!" He couldn't believe what he was seeing. She looked like a ghost; translucent and faintly glowing, but it was unquestionably her.

The diaphanous Monique stood over him, looking at Carlo quizzically. Walking around the couch, she continued staring at him, as if she were seeking to ascertain the meaning of the situation. Carlo's heart was thundering in his chest; he was at a loss for some action to take. He anxiously glanced over at Kemper's bed to see if he were awake. Monique observed his gaze and turned toward its direction. She saw Kemper and began walking to him.

"You leave him alone," Carlo stated authoritatively. Monique looked at him with surprise. "I mean it, don't you go near him." He stood and faced her. She gave him an expression that Carlo was not quite positive what it was. For a split second, he thought it was sadness. She extended a step towards him, so Carlo bowed up preparing for anything, but she vanished. In an instant she was gone.

When Kemper woke the following morning, Carlo still lay sound asleep on the suede sofa. He retreated from the master suite as quickly and as quietly as possible. He felt it best to steer clear of him.

Going to the study after breakfast, he was answering an e-mail from Chuck, when Carlo rushed through the door in his robe.

Kemper looked up when he came in. "Chuck has the craziest idea for a new TV commercial." Before he could tell him about Chuck's scheme, Carlo stopped him with the expression on his face. "What's the matter?"

Carlo went around the desk and knelt in front of him. He wrapped his arms about Kemper's waist.

Kemper didn't ask any questions, just held him and stroked his hair. "I'm putting you in danger and I cannot stand that. Maybe I should leave."

Kemper thought his heart would leap out of his chest. The sudden thought of being without Carlo made Kemper's eyes fill with tears. He didn't want to pressure Carlo, but he had to do what was best for him. And Kemper didn't want him around if he didn't want to be there. He had made a promise to himself long ago that if someone wanted to exit his life, he would let them; no matter how much it felt like his insides were crushing.

Fighting the urge to beg and plead with him not to go, he instead said, "I guess if you want to leave, I'm not going to stop you, but if you can trust me, then you will believe me when I say everything is going to be fine. I promise. You are under no obligation to stay, so if you feel you need to leave, then I won't try to stop you."

Carlo pulled away from the embrace and looked up at him. Though Kemper's voice was strong in what he said, Carlo could see the tears in his eyes. "I don't want to go, I love being with you, but I could never, ever live with myself if anything bad happened to you," Carlo told him.

"Why are you so upset about this now? Did something happen that I don't know about?"

Carlo stood and began pacing. "Monique was here last night."

"What? She was here, as in my house? That can't be." He was starting to feel a little freaked out as well.

"Well, I don't know really. It was strange. I woke up and she was standing beside me, glaring at me. She was translucent; in some kind of magical state."

"What exactly happened? Tell me everything." Kemper was on the edge of his chair awaiting the details.

Carlo told him what had transpired. "The bizarre thing was, as if that's not peculiar enough, I then woke up again, without going to sleep a second time. So, it was in my dream that this all took place. Perhaps it didn't happen at all. It could've been a nightmare, but it felt so real I swear it wasn't."

"That is weird. She must have some sort of dream travel capabilities. This worries me a little, too," Kemper confessed to him. Out of nervous habit, he started to bite on his fingernails, but catching himself, he balled his hand into a fist and put it under his chin.

"So you understand why I'm thinking about leaving."

"I understand, it's just unnecessary. We're stronger when we work together. Something may happen to me if you leave, but I doubt it if you stay."

"Bloody hell! I know that you're right. It's just the only thing I can think of to do to keep you out of harm's way. Leaving would be a greater risk than if I stayed at this point, but if matters get worse, I don't think I will have any other choice than to leave."

"So, you're staying?"

"Yes...for now. I don't want anything to harm you." Carlo reached out and touched his cheek. Kemper wondered at the emotion in his eyes and how deep it went. "Well, I don't suppose there's anything to be done about it at this moment, it's over now. Did you eat breakfast?"

Kemper jumped at the statement, remembering his own dream when Carlo was revealed. The words he had spoken, "It's over now."

He had still been mulling over when he was going to talk to Carlo about his suspicions that he was probably a part of a coven from a past life of theirs, something not easily said. Hell, Kemper could barely wrap his mind around it, how was he supposed to communicate it to someone else. Twenty-four hours (a very eventful twenty-four hours) was not sufficient time to sort it all out.

But time was not a luxury that they had. They needed as much power as possible, and for that, he would need help with conjuring a protection spell. The kind of power that lit an ocean up with an ethereal glow, the power of a coven that spanned a lifetime.

"I'm afraid that there is not much to be done until we find the third. Monique is dominant and I think it's going to take all three of us to bind her." Kemper muttered to himself.

"Find the third what? What are you talking about?" Carlo asked him.

"Sorry! I said way too much." Kemper could have kicked himself for being so careless. This was going to take some explaining. "Listen, why don't we go for a walk in the garden, I'll talk and the sun will rejuvenate you." He waited for Carlo to dress, and then they went out the back door together.

They strolled along the stone garden path, under arbors of ivy and climbing roses as Kemper told him about the dream he had been having for a lifetime. Also, of the most recent development of Carlo being a piece of it.

"Why didn't you tell me of this before? I'm thrilled! A key to an end to this misery." Carlo was grinning, and Kemper could see in his sapphire eyes that nothing was more important to him than being rid of Monique's influence.

"I didn't know if it was my place. I wondered if maybe you were meant to discover it on your own. And I guess I never thought about it as a solution to your situation until now. I've been focused on this dream as my dilemma for so long, I could only think of your exposure as a member of this coven in terms as an answer to my problem. I honestly didn't mean to blurt out everything I said before, but I think the time is right to tell you. Are you upset with me?" Not being able to resist his touch standing so close to him, forgetting that he was supposed to be avoiding intimacy with him, he took Carlo's hand as they walked passed a lilac bush, plucking a tiny fragrant bloom off with his other hand.

"No, not at all. I understand why you didn't tell me till now. I'm so enthused that there may be an end in sight. We were potent together when we cast that spell, I should have known it. For a moment, I thought I could read your mind when we were performing the ritual." Carlo looked at him shyly, as if he were afraid to admit it if he were mistaken.

"We did read each other's thoughts, Carlo. I had never experienced that kind of power before. You have an awesome gift, the greatest part of it being your ability to love. It astounds me at times."

Carlo stopped walking, turning to face Kemper. "You said you loved me."

Kemper's face became hot and he thought he might die of mortification. He took a deep breath. Carlo was watching him, waiting for him to say something.

What did he have to be embarrassed about? He did love Carlo, he had no reason to hide it or be self-conscious of it.

"Yes, I did say that." Kemper fell into his deep blue eyes and sought to show him his love through his own. He hadn't realized how much he had wanted to say it aloud. Though his heart was pounding, Kemper was able to breathe easily around him for the first time in a while.

"I assumed that I had imagined it." Carlo touched his face tenderly, and then placed his hand on the back of his neck and the other on the small of his back. Carlo pulled Kemper to him and kissed him.

A shiver went down Kemper's spine from the energy of Carlo's hands, induced by the depth of his kiss. He was so over-whelmed by the pure radiance and affection coming from Carlo, he couldn't manage to get his arms around him. Kemper allowed himself to be enveloped by the kiss. It was slow at first, Carlo's lips melding to his. In only moments their kiss became hot, impatient mouths, their lips more groping than kissing each other. Kemper moaned as Carlo's hand on his back extended and cupped his bottom, gently squeezing it. Kemper was aching and nearly panting for Carlo.

Stepping back, Carlo looked into his eyes and he could see the fire in them. "I should stop," Carlo was apologetic in his tone.

"Why? We could go upstairs and I promise it will be perfect." What was he doing, begging? He wouldn't lower himself to doing that. If he wanted to stop, Kemper shouldn't interfere with his decision, but Kemper didn't know how Carlo could. Kemper could see the desire in his eyes. Kemper instinctively looked down at his crotch and could clearly see the outline of his erection through his thin cotton pants.

Carlo looked embarrassed and adjusted himself and god help him, if that didn't turn Kemper on even more.

Kemper searched his face for answers and Carlo looked as if he were searching for a reason to give Kemper, not coming up with anything. "Sorry, let me start over. What I meant to say was, your loss!" Kemper spat the words at him as his eyes turned to ice. He turned on his heel and stalked back to the house and left Carlo standing in the garden alone.

Going in the house, Kemper marched to the other side and charged out the front door. Sitting down in the porch swing setting it swinging, he lit a cigarette and contemplated his predicament. Action had to be taken he decided. Sitting back and going with flow was getting him nowhere except frustrated as hell. It was time for him to stir the pot.

Though it was still morning, Carlo came in from the garden and retrieved a beer from the bar fridge. It was the only thing he could think of that would take the edge off, besides lifting all the weights in the gym as he had numerous other times. Unsure of where Kemper had gone and wanting to avoid him because he had made a complete arse out of himself, Carlo took his beer and his shame up to his room.

Lying back on the sunny yellow brocade chaise, he took a long swig off his glistening bottle. Despite the uncomfortable scene in the garden, Carlo was feeling a little better about some concerns. Firstly, his decision to stay or return to London had been made, for the moment. It was pertinent that he remain there to guard Kemper. He wouldn't leave him alone when they could be more influential together against Monique.

And there appeared to be a glimmer of insight on the horizon. Carlo had a somewhat difficult time comprehending that he may be part of a witch's coven, but he and Kemper had made an impact with the counter charm they conjured, so it wasn't completely unbelievable.

He never thought he stood a chance of loosing himself from Monique's black magic grasp, forever. Momentarily, yes. Forever, he had given up on that a long time ago. If there were a possibility though, he would stay and fight. He had always wanted to combat Monique's oppression, but never had the means or knowledge how to defeat her. Last night's incident had shaken him up, more than he cared to admit, but he would not be swayed by her wickedness any longer, not when he had a chance for a real life.

He believed the emotion in Kemper's eyes. The anxiousness they had shown when he had stated that he should leave for London and the love that was apparent in those bright eyes when Kemper had confirmed how deep his regard went.

He cared for Kemper and yes, he even loved him. He knew that now, though he couldn't manage to utter the words aloud. If he thought for one second that he could safely shield Kemper from Monique, then he would make Kemper his. The strenuous act of withdrawing from him every time he got a hardon was making it difficult for them to spend any quality time together in any way.

He wanted to be with Kemper and life was too short to continue to let his ex rule his decisions.

He would tell Kemper tonight by asking to sleep in his bed instead of the sofa. Then, he will do everything he had been craving to do to his body since he had first been captured by Kemper's striking attractiveness, both inside and out. He became aroused at the prospect of ravaging Kemper, knowing it would take all of his self-control to remain gentle with him.

He set down his green bottle and stretched back with a deep sigh, feeling much better about life.

When Carlo tapped on Kemper's bedroom door that night, he received an answer. "Come in," he heard Kemper say. He opened the barrier and his jaw dropped open in absolute astonishment.

All around the room were glowing pink candles, and the scent of sandalwood and vanilla was intoxicating. But what his eyes were fastened on as he staggered through the entrance was Kemper. He was wearing sky blue boxer briefs, a sensual look, and nothing else. His ink black hair was brushed back and glossy, and his moist lips were calling out to be drank from.

"I certainly hope this is special enough for you," he stated with a sultry smile across those tempting lips.

Carlo couldn't respond, he stood stunned by Kemper's exotic exquisiteness, his mouth still gaping. He came towards him, stopping close to Carlo, but not touching, he told him, "At this point, I don't think you have a choice."

Kemper untied the belt on Carlo's robe, slipping the covering from his shoulders letting it descend to the floor. Gliding his hands across Carlo's taut chest, Kemper felt the stimulating effect on his flesh as horripilation covered his skin.

He placed his hands on Kemper's broad shoulders, then leaned in and kissed his neck. Carlo breathed in his ear, "All I can think of is you. You consume me all day, all night I think of you. I can't sleep because you annihilate me. I don't just want you, I need you. Kemper, I love you."

Carlo kissed his tantalizing mouth. Kemper pulled away from the caress. "Now!" Kemper commanded in a deep throaty voice that he never understood where it came from.

There was a flash of flame in Carlo's eyes. He started walking to the bed, into him. He stopped just before they reached the bed. Carlo slipped out of his boxer shorts. Kemper's stomach leapt at the good impression he left standing there naked, he had never seen anyone as large as him. Kemper cradled him in his hand, taking a moment to explore his length. Carlo lowered his lids, uttering a groan.

He hooked his thumbs in Kemper's waistband and slowly pulled the boxer briefs down over his sculpted thighs. As he bent in front of him, Kemper's member sprang out in front of his, Carlo abruptly took him into his mouth, caressing his shaft with his throat. He quivered from the inside out and gave out a cry as a result. "God, you are good at that!" But it was only delaying what Kemper really sought after. Kemper heaved him up by an arm. "Now!"

Carlo placed his hands around his tight waist, picked him up, and threw him on the bed. Kemper was thrilled by his forcefulness. He climbed onto the bed between Kemper's legs, lining their erections together, rubbing them together. Carlo took those tantalizing lips of his and made love to them.

The frottage was bringing Kemper closer, but it wasn't exactly what he wanted. He had been imagining having sex with Carlo for days, though it felt much longer because he could look at him, think about him while imagining it, and this was not how he wanted it the first time. "Do you have a preference?" he puffed already losing his breath from a single, though thorough kiss.

Not stopping his rutting, leaving his mouth on Kemper's neck where Carlo had started to lave his skin, he mumbled against him, "Preference?"

Kemper chuckled, assuming he was making a joke. "Top? Bottom? Both?"

There was a cessation of movement from Carlo; the frottage, his tongue, even his breath. "What's the matter?" Kemper began to worry.

He leaned back, but was unable to make eye contact. Now Kemper was extremely worried. "I suppose now would be the time to tell you that...I've never...I've never been with...a man," Carlo told him with trepidation in his voice.

Kemper was stunned into silence. Staring at him with wide shocked eyes, Carlo finally looked at him. "I..." Kemper didn't know what to say. Not a single thought came to his head except that he couldn't believe it. So, he said that. "I' don't believe it!"

Carlo shifted and sat next to him. "I know," he sighed. "I didn't know how to tell you."

"I knew you were married to a woman, but I just assumed you were bi. Is this the reason why you've been hesitant to be intimate?"

"I've had to work incredibly hard to keep my distance from you. I did that because I hoped the distance between us would keep you safe from retaliation. I had never been attracted to a man until I saw you. You walked into that room and my want for you was so powerful, I never once thought of questioning it. And since then all I can think about is your body, your mouth, and all the things I want to do to them. Never being with a man wasn't an issue until this moment, when I was worried I might do something wrong. I wanted you so much, it didn't occur to me to mention it."

Kemper couldn't help but be incredibly flattered. "It was the same for me when I saw you. It was instantaneous." He had to stroke his bearded cheek. "Wait a second...if you were said you told the people at the meeting that you were going to ask me out."

"There were more than a few jaws dropped." He chuckled and Kemper joined him, easing the tension that had crept in.

"Whatever happened before, I'm glad you're here with me now. And that you're certain?" He just had to make sure that this is what Carlo wanted.

"It isn't possible for me to be more certain. Now...teach me everything you know." He ran a hand up Kemper's inner thigh, up to tenderly brush his sack and then cradle it.

Moaning, Kemper told him, "So far, you're a natural, I must say. But I must admit, that instructing you is a positively thrilling idea."

"Not just for you."

"Mmm!" Carlo had moved his hand to begin stroking his shaft, making it hard for him to focus. "Wh-what do you want to try? Do you think you have a preference? God, it's hard to concentrate when you're doing that."

"If it involves you, I want to try everything."

"How adventurous of you. Well, as much as I want to sink into your perfect ass, for your first time, I think I should take the brunt of the discomfort since I'm used to it. And make no mistake, I'm definitely taking one for the team with a large as you are." Kemper reached over and returned the favor by fondling his column.

"Yours would cause plenty of 'discomfort' as well." He gave his erection a squeeze. Kemper bucked his hips. "But next time, I really, really want you to fuck me."

Just him saying it made Kemper begin to leak pre. Brushing Carlo's hand away, he needed a break from his touch for a moment to focus. "You won't need to ask me twice." Kemper went to the nightstand. "It may have been presumptuous of me at the time, but I got this." He took a folded sheet of paper and handed to Carlo. "The day we got back to the island, I went to the doctor. That's my test results. I just wanted you to know that I'm clean."

He opened the page, glancing over the text, before looking up with a smile. Getting up from the giant bed, he went over to where his robe had dropped to the floor. From the pocket he retrieved an envelope, holding it up between two fingers. "I went while we were in New Orleans the morning I said I was running errands." He brought it over to Kemper, handing it to him. "I'm clean, too."

Kemper burst out with a cock-eating grin. "Now let's get you nice and slick."

Lying on his back, loving everything about Kemper greasing up is hardon, he asked, "Should we put some on my fingers? I could help stretch you out a bit."

"See, you're a natural." When he was ready, Kemper laid down next to him and Carlo timidly slid his middle finger inside him. Carlo never took his gaze off Kemper's face wanting so much to bring him pleasure, and exalting in it when he did. When Kemper rubbed his lips together and his chest began rising and falling more rapidly, he was swathed in happiness.

When Carlo had his finger fully inserted, he started to withdraw again. "Wait. Leave it in. Try crooking a finger, you'll find...oh shit! Yes, there!" A galvanic verve zipped straight to his dick. "You found my magic button," Kemper joked causing them both to laugh, an interesting sensation with a finger in his ass.

He didn't have to give Carlo any further instruction, he figured it out on his own, expertly. He pulled his large, tapered finger in and out, raking it over his spot sending paroxysms through his body. With a sixth sense he knew when to add a second finger, filling him up further. Kemper had never been so perfectly on the same wavelength with anyone before. The moment he wanted a third digit, it was there.

"Carlo, you're amazing! I need to fuck you! I want your cock inside me!" He flipped over, straddling his waist, Carlo's long fingers slipped out of him. Lifting his hips up high, he positioned Carlo's copious, rigid sex at his entrance. "I need you to be as still as possible," he instructed him. "I'm going to have to take this slow." The size of him filled him up and elated him, making Kemper vibrate with pleasure. Carlo brushed his hand over Kemper's erect nipples as he came to rest fully against him. Taking a moment to relax into the stretch, he told him, "Now you can move." Carlo moved back and forth inside of him, gradually at first, then more quickly. Kemper cried out over and over as each wave of gratification racked his body.

Carlo came, but didn't stop. And Kemper came, but Carlo didn't stop. Kemper finally begged him to stop, claiming he couldn't take anymore when they had both orgasmed a second time.

Spooning him, Carlo was nuzzling his neck when he fell asleep. He didn't know how long he had been sleeping when he woke to Kemper stroking his hand up and down his side and over his hip. It was dark outside, but the pillar candles continued to warmly illuminate the room. "Can't sleep?" he asked Kemper.

"Don't want to."

"Well if you're up, I want to be up." He closed the small space between them, laying his lips on Kemper's, slipping his tongue gingerly in his inviting mouth.

After a short moment, before it could become out of control heated, he leaned back. "Oh, I'm up," Kemper informed him as he rolled into Carlo, pressing his stiff cock into his hip.

"Like I said, if you're up, I'm up." Kemper could make out his smile in the dim light. "What are you planning to do with that." Carlo's hand began to move towards his dick, but before he reached it, Kemper leaned further into his roll, flattening Carlo into the bed.

His hard length nestled in Carlo's crack, his ass cheeks like the best pillows created, cradling his hipbones. Thrusting against him, Kemper ran his hardon along his crack, his pre already leaking and smoothing his ride. Holding his upper body up by bracing his hands on Carlo's shoulders, he asked, "Does this feel okay?"

"It feels fucking amazing," he praised. "Please put it in!"

"Handsome, you know I appreciate your enthusiasm, but let me warm you up first."

"Please put it in!" he begged again. "My pain threshold is higher than most. Do you think I could have gone through the past ten months if I hadn't?"

"You have a point, but I still think..."

"Dios mio! Go slow if you must, but I can't believe how much I want it, need it! Please put your cock inside me!" He was breathing hard with need. He had never wanted anything so much in his life. Being inside Kemper had been heaven, and he somehow knew that Kemper being inside of him would be even better.

"I can't deny that I want that just as much as you." After a pause that felt like an eternity to Carlo, Kemper at last said, "You have to swear that if it's too much that you will tell me and we'll stop. Don't try to power through on my account. Do you swear?"

"Si! Yes!" Kemper had to grin at him and that the more frustrated he became, he spoke Italian.

Letting his tip slide down into position, he began to press. Carlo's muscles fought him, but he finally managed to pop his tip in. Carlo puled. "Are you okay?"

"Sei meravigliosa!"

Kemper chuckled while trying to keep still. "Is that good?"

"Si amante. I said, 'You are wonderful!'"

"You may not think so here in a moment. I'm going to keep going," Kemper attempted to prepare him. He lightly lunged, not even inch by inch, but centimeter by centimeter. Carlo would croosle occasionally and Kemper would pause to let the stretch catch up to Carlo's tolerance. But in the end, Kemper was impressed that Carlo took all seven inches of him without any precursor and never uttered a complaint.

Kemper stayed still for a while and Carlo finally asked, "What are you waiting for?"

Kemper laughed again, causing his member to jiggle inside Carlo. And Carlo crooned at the movement. That was all the encouragement that Kemper needed. He strived to take it slow, bobbing in and out of him, but the more Carlo keened, the more difficult it became to keep a reign on his control and soon Kemper was pounding into him.

But the surging wasn't the gratification he was seeking. Kemper laid down on Carlo's back, touching his skin in every possible way, threading his arms under his shoulders. He undulated his hips into Carlo as Kemper kissed the back of his neck with feather light caresses.

Carlo wanted to say something, but he had not the words to express the pure jubilation and exhilaration that was coursing through him, deep down in his marrow, at making love to Kemper this way. He loved Kemper so much. He had no doubt in his mind that Kemper was a part of him, fitting into his heart and making it home. He found his words. "I love you."

"Oh god, Carlo, I love you."

Carlo felt Kemper come, filling him up. His own cock had been rubbed into the duvet again and again, and the sensation of Kemper's embrace against his back, his hips rocking into him, his lips searing his flesh, and then his seed permeating into him was the perfect concoction to bless him with the most powerful orgasm of his life.

Carlo didn't know how long he floated, but when he came down, Kemper was there, cradling him in his strong arms.

The couple slept peacefully. No one had any dreams that they remembered and they woke up in a euphoria of love.

Next: Chapter 11

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