Cousins Payback

By Unfinished Business

Published on Jul 22, 2001


Greetings, you may call me Unfinished Business. The story I am about to unleash up on you will be nothing like you have ever seen on Nifty before. It is a story that will take you back in time of a completed series. I am asking Nifty to post it in the Boy Bands Archives. In time you will realize what stories past I am diving into. And you will understand why I'm called Unfinished Business.

Disclaimer: The Characters portrayed in this fiction are strictly the figment of my imagination. I do not pretend to know the Backstreet Boys or Nsync and therefore do not know their true sexual orientation. This is a work of fiction. One to entertain you. If you are underage I request that you leave now. Come back when you are old enough.

Still confused? Well read on and I will have a few more clues for you. Nothing too big but it should help.

Any questions you have or suggestions you have you can e-mail me at

A Cousin's Payback Chapter 7

"What happened?" Sam asked looking up at her. "And who was Timmy?" He was pointing at the name engraved beside hers." He reached out and touched the cold slap of marble. The tears were coming in force now and he made no attempt to stop the flow. "Beloved wife?"

"Pam was married to your cousin Jason," she replied. Pausing a few moments to give her lie the desired affect. This was crucial to her plan. "They gave birth to a son and four years later Jason killed both his wife and son. He convinced the world that they were killed in a car accident. He is married again to former Backstreet Boy Kevin Richardson. They live very comfortably with an adopted son named Johnny."

"He killed Pam?" he raged his fists clenched at his side. "Why wasn't he prosecuted?"

"He is a powerful man," she lied again. "No one seems to be able to touch him."

"I loved her," he sobbed out. She held out her arms and aloud him to fall into them.

"I know you did," she said as she gently wiped the tears from his face. "But that is why you are here. You are here to finally bring justice so that Pam and her innocent son can finally rest in peace."

"What must I do?" he asked looking up at her. She gave a small smile of glee. This little trip had finally brought about the affect that she wanted. She saw the anger and hatred smoldering in his eyes.

"With time we shall come up with a plan that will utterly destroy the Richardson's." He reached out and touched the slab of marble again. "Come now, let us go back to our hotel where you can get some rest. This has taken a lot out of you." Together they left the grave site to plan their revenge. Sam was still confused as to why she bore such a hatred for his cousin but went along with it. After all it was because of her he was alive.

Nestled in the Mountains a lone light shines from a small but comfortable home. The sun has just begun to peak out over the mountain range. We enter the small house and into the living room. We see a man sitting on a sofa watching Television. We now join him.

"In news this week the entertainment world was once again shaken by news of the break up of the Marriage of Kevin Richardson and Jason Gibson--," the newscaster said only to be cut off by the changing of the channels.

"They won't give us any peace will they?" asked a sleepy voice. Kevin looked up from the chair he was reclining in. Jason walked over the french doors and swung them open to allow the fresh air in. "Did you sleep well?"

"Yes, thank you," Kevin replied softly as he stepped up behind Jason and laid his hand on his shoulder. "Has Johnny gotten up yet?"

"No, he is sleeping in today," Jason mumbled. "Are you hungry?"

"Do you still make that famous omlet of yours?" Kevin asked with a small grinn.

"I haven't made one of those in months," Jason replied. "But if you want one I would be happy to make one for you." He headed into the kitchen and started work. Kevin followed him in watching him. "I do love you," he whispered.

"And I love you too Kevin," Jason said.

"But," Kevin replied.

"But this is going to take time," Jason answered laying a hand on his chest. "Someday we will get back to where we lost eachother."

"Dad?" asked an excited voice. Kevin turned around and saw a smiling Johnny. "You stayed here last night?"

"Yes Johnny," Kevin replied.

"I knew it!" Johnny exclaimed grinning. "I knew you two still loved each other!"

"Johnny," started Jason but Kevin stopped him.

"Let me take him for a walk while you finish breakfast," Kevin suggested.

Outside on the country road in front of the house. "Your father and I are going to try to make it work," Kevin spoke up first. Johnny opened is mouth to say something only to be stopped by Kevin's hand. "It is going to take a lot of time. I really hurt him this time. He has lost all trust in me and that is going to take a long time to rebuild."

"I just want us to be a family again," Johnny said with his trade mark pout. Kevin shook his head and laughed softly. Johnny glared at him for a few seconds.

"You always could get your way with that pout. But this isn't something that can just happen. Your father and I really need to spend some time working on this. Because this time we will get it right. I hate to see Jason in so much pain," Kevin said looking down at the teenager. "Our family is to important to just throw it away."

"I want it to happen over night," Johnny insisted. "I mean if you love him and he loves you than why can't you make it work?"

"I cheated on your father. I cheated on our vows. That is just not something that you can forgive over night. Yes he will forgive me but it will take time." Johnny still wasn't happy about it but he decided to let it go.

"I'm just happy that you are living with us again," he grinned. "I mean you are living with us, right?" Kevin sighed and shook his head. "What?" Johnny asked confused.

"I slept in the guest room," Kevin told him. Johnny eyes watered with unshed tears. "I'm sorry son, but this isn't going to happen overnight." Kevin watched as his son hug his head and kept walking. Running to catch up with him he laid his hand on his shoulder.

"Leave me alone!" Johnny shouted. "It's always the same! Just dumb stupid excuses!"

"Now just a minute!" Kevin shouted back. "Your father and I are working on making this marriage work! You are just going to have to give us space and time to work this out!"

"If you had kept your dick in your pants we wouldn't have to go through this right now!" Johnny shouted at Kevin. Kevin jerked his head back in shock and hurt. "That is the problem with you DAD! Always thinking with your dick!"

"That is enough!" shouted a voice behind him. Kevin turned around to see Jason standing behind them with his hand on his hips. Silence reigned supreme for a few minutes. Taking a deep breath he walked up to Kevin and wrapped his arms around him. "I will not have you talk to Kevin like that! Do you realize what he has done for you? Or do I need to remind you?" Johnny hung his head in shame. "He went out on a major limb for you and this is how you repay him? Hell it is because of his love and devotion to you that you are even alive right now!"

"Jas," Kevin started.

"No Kevin!" Jason shouted back. "He said some really hurtful things to you and he had no right. He has been raised better than that. In this family we don't hurt each other with words!"

"Well we are not a family are we?" Johnny screamed at Jason with tears flowing down his face. "So why even bother?" With that said he took off running and Jason started to go after him.

"Let me go after him," Justin said behind him. "You two go back in and talk this out."

"Hurry Justin," Jason pleaded. Justin nodded and took off running after him.

In a Hotel room across town. A young man is sleeping in bed and he is covered in sweat. He is moaning in emotional pain.

Dream state (Over Five years ago.) Sam is reliving the past in his dream.

"My family would like to thank you for all of your love and support. You will never know what it means to us. We come here today in the midsts of tragedy to say farewell and bury the mortal remains of Pamela Gibson and Timothy Gibson. As I look out over all of you I see how much my wife and son was loved. We are here to grieve and to celebrate the lives of my wife and son. We grieve because we will miss them. We celebrate because we know that they are in much better place. Pam would not want us to grieve because of her death. She would to move on with our lives. My son would not us to grieve because of his death. He to would want us to move on with our lives. So in their memory let us do that. Let us move on with our lives as they would want us to. So in the words of my wife. "You're only here for a short while so enjoy life," Jason said looking out over the crowd. He than bowed his head and headed back to the pew. Than two very attractive men stood up and walked to the casket and prayed for a few minutes before making their way to the front of the church. You could hear the murmuring of the teenage girls as they talked quietly among themselves.

"I'm Kevin and this my cousin Brian. We are here as friends of Jason. Although we did not know his wife and son we know that they were great people," turning to Jason, "Jason we are sorry for your loss and we grieve with you and we celebrate with you as your wife and son would want us to. We would also like to pay tribute to your wife and son's life in the only way we know how and that through song." Kevin stated. With that said Kevin and Brian broke into song singing Amazing Grace.

Continuing in the dream like state. We see the crowd at a cemetery and we watch the coffin lowered in the ground. We hear Jason Gibson sobbing into his hands as the smaller coffin is lowered beside the larger one. The tall man with dark hair and green eyes moves in to comfort him.

Back to reality.

Ms. Spears is standing over the sweating and thrashing young man. It is obvious to her that he is having a nightmare. "Good," she smiled. "Let the memories fill you with hate! Than you can finally finish the job you started all those years ago!" Sam Gibson continued to moan in anguish as tears flowed down his face.

"Pamela!" he sobbed in his sleep.

Back to dream state.

From Sam's point of view.

I turn into the front gates of the Mansion and drive up the long drive. I see Jason kneeling at the oak tree beside a grave marker. (Read Twist and Turns) I stomp on the breaks and the car comes skidding to a stop. Jason jerks his head up and walks towards the car. I wrench the car door open and get out and take hold of my gun.

"Sam what are you doing here?" he asked. I just stood there looking at him for a moment. He started to walk towards me and I reach into my coat and pull out a gun. "Sam you don't want to do this." He warned.

"She would still be alive if you had just stayed away. Now she is dead and it's your fault!" I screamed. I pointed the gun at him and fired three shots. I watched in horror as my cousin fell the ground. I heard the scream of another man and I looked up to see the tall man from the funeral running towards me. I quickly got into my car and drove off the property. "I did it Pam!" I smiled. "I killed him and I did it for you. Now he can't hurt you ever again!"

Back to reality.

"Auuugghh!" Sam screams as he sat up in bed. He was shaking in fear looking around the room with his eyes wide. "Oh God!" he sobbed. "What the hell did I do?"

"You did what was needed. You tried to deliver justice but failed. You've been given a second chance to set it right," Ms. Spears said as she sat next to him and offered him a glass of water.

"Did I kill him?" Sam asked as he gulped down the water.

"Unfortunately no," she frowned as she took the glass from him. "You did succeed in making his life a living hell for a while."

"I'm not a killer," he sobbed. "I don't think I can do this." Slap! The hand came crashing across his face. "What the hell did you do that for?"

"Oh you will kill him, and anyone else I ask you to," Ms. Spears hurled at him.

"You can't make me do any thing I don't want to!" he hurled back. He soon grew nervous as she pulled out a small remote from her pocket and pushed a button. Almost as once he felt a crushing pain in his chest. The pain was intense as it traveled down his arm. "What are you doing?" he gasped out.

"Making sure that we understand each other," she said calmly as she turned up the power. By now he was screaming in pain and writhing on the floor. "I put you back together, I invested millions of dollars in your recovery. I own you! You will do as you are told or you will die!" She allowed him to continue to suffer for a few more minutes before turning off the remote. He pulled him self up and into a chair holding his chest. "Do we understand each other?" she calmly asked as she handed him another glass of water. He nodded and took the glass from her. Taking a huge drink he set it back down. "You are tired. Go to sleep," she said as she headed out of the room.

"Ohh God," he sobbed out. "What the hell did I get myself into?" He took another drink of water and than lay down and closed his eyes. "God I'm so tired," he moaned just before a drug induced sleep overtook him.

Chapter 8

back on the mountain.

"Johnny!" shouted an angry and tired Justin. "Will you slow down so I can catch up with you?" Johnny stopped and looked back glaring at his adopted uncle. "And don't give me that look mister!" He finally caught up with the distraught teen. "Now let's talk about why you took like a bat out of hell."

"Both of my parents are so fucked up!" Johnny shouted. "Why can't they just stop hurting each other and live together as they should?"

"Ok," Justin said as he put his arm around the teen. "So you are angry at Kevin and Jason. That is a good start. But you know that they both love you very much, right?"

"Well they sure have a fucked up way of showing it," Johnny hurled at Justin.

"Enough with the cussing young man!" Justin scolded Johnny. "You weren't brought up like that and you know it!"

"I'm sorry," Johnny nodded. "I'm just so angry right now."

"It is ok to be angry Johnny, but it isn't right to say those things to Kevin. I heard them and that was totally uncalled for," Justin said as he turned and guided Johnny back to the house. "Right now you need to sit down and talk to your parents and let them know what you want." After a brief moment of silence. "Have you thought of what you want?"

"I want them to get back together," Johnny replied looking up at Justin.

"What if that isn't possible?" Justin asked.

"It has to Justin," he sobbed out. "It just has too. Kevin and Jason are the only family I have!" Justin gathered Johnny in his arms and held him close to him while he cried.

"You have me too," Justin said as he wiped some tears from Johnny's face. "I love and care for you too."

"I know you do Justin," he sniffled. "But you don't know what it was like when I first met Kevin."

"Well what was it like?" Justin asked not sure if he was ready to go back down memory lane.

"It was on the day that I flew to Front Royal for the first time. I met them on the plane. Man I was so scared to talk to them. But they were so cool. I knew that I wanted them to be my family from the first. But now look at them. They hate each other. I just want us to be a family again," He sobbed out.

"Give them some time Johnny," Justin soothed him. "You took a major step in bringing them back together by bringing Kevin over for dinner last night."

"Do you think it will work?" Johnny asked as they reached the front steps.

"One can hope," Justin said as he opened the door and walked into the house. Once rounded the corner he gasped at what he saw. Kevin had Jason in his arms and was kissing him passionately. Justin looked back at Johnny and smiled at Johnny's huge grin on his face. "Than on second thought maybe all we have to do sit back and watch. Ahem!" he coughed. Kevin pulled away and looked up at Justin and blushed. "So what are you two doing?"

"Geees Justin," grumbled Johnny. "What does it look like? They are sucking face!" Johnny wedged himself in between Kevin and Jason. "So, why were you two kissing?"

"Umm well umm," Kevin stuttered. "Umm you want to tell him Jas?"

"Your father and I are getting back together," Jason grinned at the confused teen.

"We've decided that your happiness comes first. Plus the fact that we do love each other," Kevin finished. "Now we want to continue our make up session." He stood up and took Jason's hand and pulled him up and led him into the bedroom. Justin and Johnny busted up laughing when he heard Jason moan Kevin's name really loud.

"Well I guess it is back to normal again," Johnny said grinning. "Only I whish they would not have sex so loud!"

Later that afternoon.

A gentle pair of lips graced the shoulder of the sleeping man. "MMMMM don't wanna get up," he mumbled in his sleep. The deep chuckle of the man who was kissing his shoulders ran softly through the room.

"But you have to," giggled Kevin as he gently nuzzled Jason's cheek. Jason grunted and snuggled deeper into the strong arms of his lover. Kevin knew that he was fighting a losing battle. Whenever Jason wanted to snuggle it was almost impossible to get him to anything but snuggle. But Kevin had to go to the bathroom. "Umm sweetie?" he asked softly kissing him on the ear.

"What?" Jason grunted.

"I have to go," Kevin chuckled.

"Stay," Jason demanded.

"I have to go to the bathroom," Kevin whined. This time it was Jason's turn to giggle as he moved out of the way for Kevin to go to the bathroom. He whistled at Kevin's nude body as he walked to the bathroom.

"Behave mister!" Kevin scolded.

"Uh uh don't want to," Jason retorted grinning from ear to ear. Kevin just shook his head and laughed softly. Jason swung his feet out of bed and groaned in soreness. Kevin had been a little rough on him but it was worth it. He was back with his sweetie where he belonged.

"Don't you go anywhere mister!" Kevin shouted from the bathroom. "I want to talk to you!" Jason sighed and slid back under the blankets and waited for Kevin. A few minutes later the door opened and a very horny Kevin came walking out.

"Someone is very excited," Jason giggled. Kevin just smirked and straddled Jason's chest with his erect cock pointing right at Jason's mouth. Jason slid out his tongue and licked the tip. Kevin let out a small moan. Jason giggled at the response he got and slid his lips around Kevin's shaft.

"Ohhh Jason," he moaned as he slid the length of his cock down Jason's throat. Jason's eyes closed and he moaned softly with pleasure. Kevin's hands found Jason's soft hair and he gently massaged his scalp eliciting more moans from his lover. He continue to slowly slid in and out of Jason's mouth gently making love to his lover's mouth. He could tell that Jason was getting really excited by the way his body was moving underneath him. He looked down at his lover's face and smiled at the expression of peer joy on Jason's face. His eyes were looking up at him with love and trust. "I love you Jason," he moaned out as the orgasm caught up with him. His seed shot out of his cock and filled Jason's mouth. Jason eagerly swallowed every drop that Kevin had to offer. Finally reluctantly Jason let Kevin's spent cock slide out of his mouth. "Wow!" sighed Kevin as he laid down beside Jason. "That was great!"

"I'm glad you liked it," Jason smiled up at him. "Now if you will excuse me I have to go to the bathroom." Jason made his way out of bed again wincing from soreness.

"You all right?" Kevin asked with a grin on his face.

"Yea I'm fine," Jason grinned back. "It is a good pain." Kevin watched until his lover disappeared into the bathroom. Once the door closed he plopped back into the soft confines of the bed. He closed his eyes and fell asleep.

Jason opened the bathroom door fully awake. He looked down at his lover sleeping quietly in bed. Leaning down he kissed Kevin lightly on the lips. "I love you Kevin," he whispered. With that he got up and left the bedroom and walked into the living room. The phone rang and he picked it up. "Jason here," he spoke into the phone.

"Jason?" asked a voice from the past. Jason started shaking and turned pale.

"Sam?" he asked. The phone went dead and Jason put the phone back down. He looked out the window and saw lightning flash across the sky. It was going to storm out. "What the hell was that all about?" he asked shaking.

"You cold?" asked a voice behind him. He turned and saw Justin standing at the entrance to the living room.

"No I'm not cold, but did you ever feel as if someone just walked over your grave?" Justin looked confused. "Never mind." Jason turned and looked back out the window. The phone rang again. He looked at the phone but refused to pick it up. Justin sighed and picked it up for him.

"Hello?" he asked. "Yea he is here, hold on." He handed the phone to Jason.

"Jason here," Jason said with his voice quivering.

"Five years ago you killed your wife and son," the voice said.

"Who the hell is this?" Jason shouted into the phone.

"Come on Jason Boy," laughed the voice. "Don't tell me you don't remember your favorite cousin."

"You're dead!" Jason screamed into the phone. "You are fucking dead! They buried your ass!"

"Well if I'm dead than why am I talking to you?" asked the voice. Jason opened the French door and threw the phone over the deck and he heard the crash of the phone as it hit the rocks below. His cell phone rang and he picked it up.

"You can't hide from me Jason," laughed the voice. Jason shut the phone off and threw it over the deck too.

"Umm Jason?" asked Justin. "Why did you just throw all of your phones over the deck?"

"He isn't alive!" Jason insisted. "He can't be. We buried him over five years ago!"

"Who did we bury?" asked a sleepy voice. Kevin walked in rubbing his eyes.

"Sam," Jason said as he sat down. "I just got two phone calls from Sam."

"That is impossible," breathed Kevin. "I saw him shot. He was dead!"

"Yea I know," Jason said looking up at Kevin. "But the guy sounded just like him and he used his nick name that he always called me. He was the only one who ever called me that."

"Do you want me to call the cops?" Kevin asked going to Jason's side and pulling him into a hug.

"No," Jason said. "I'm sure it is just a sick joke."

In the hotel room.

"There!" Sam hurled at Mss. Spears. "I made the phone calls."

"Good," Mss. Spears said. "Now that the bait has been laid out let's just see if he bites."


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