Cousins Payback

By Unfinished Business

Published on Jun 1, 2001


Greetings, you may call me Unfinished Business. The story I am about to unleash up on you will be nothing like you have ever seen on Nifty before. It is a story that will take you back in time of a completed series. I am asking Nifty to post it in the Boy Bands Archives. In time you will realize what stories past I am diving into. And you will understand why I'm called Unfinished Business.

Disclaimer: The Characters portrayed in this fiction are strictly the figment of my imagination. I do not pretend to know the Backstreet Boys or Nsync and therefore do not know their true sexual orientation. This is a work of fiction. One to entertain you. If you are underage I request that you leave now. Come back when you are old enough.

Still confused? Well read on and I will have a few more clues for you. Nothing too big but it should help.

Any questions you have or suggestions you have you can e-mail me at

Chapter 3

It is late at night and all lights are out in the house with the exception of one. Kevin poured over hundreds of cases similar to his husband's. He was desperate to find one case that would help his lover. He glanced at the clock on the wall and saw that it read 3:00 am. He turned off the computer and the light over his desk and headed out into the main part of the house. He heard a soft grunt and looked down to see the family pet sleeping at the entrance to the study. "Come on fella," he sighed as he gently nudge the dog with his foot. "Let's get some shut eye." Just as he reached the first step the phone rang. This blood ran cold in his veins. No one ever called that early in the morning. He quickly went to the phone and picked up the reciever. "Richardson's Residence," he spoke into the phone.

"Mr. Richardson?" asked a males voice. "This is night shift Doctor at Serinity Springs. We need you to come down to the hospital. There has been a development."

"My husband?" he asked.

"He is remembering some more of his past and it has him quite upset he is asking for you," the night shift Doctor replied.

"I'm on my way," Kevin said as he slammed down the phone. He quickly jotted down a note for Nick and grabbed the keys and headed out into the garage. A thousands thought raced through his brain as he drove to the hospital. But the main thought that was with him the whole route was his lover. His lover had been through so much hell these past five years and than when he messed up and almost destroyed their lives together his lover had the breakdown to end all breakdowns. In the course of things his lover managed to set the house on fire burning it to the ground. All of their belongings were lost and his husband ended up in a mental hospital over it. That was over six months ago. Slowly he made progress as he made his way through his painful past. Everyone told him that it wasn't really his fault. They told him that his husband was unstable anyway and it was bound to happen. But he knew in his heart that he was the match that lit the fire.

Flash back.

"Hey," Kevin spoke into the phone. "I'm not going to be home sweetie." He could hear him sigh on the other end. "We really need to get this last song on track. I should be home sometime tomorrow morning."

"If you say so," his husband sighed into the phone. "I love you Kev."

"Yea, I love you too babe," Kevin sighed. He hung up the phone.

"You ready to go?" asked a male voice. Kevin turned and smiled and slid his arm around his waist. "I'm going to show the best time of your life."

"I'm counting on it," Kevin grinned as he glanced at the attractive young man's crotch. "I'm definitely counting on it."

A few hours later the door opened and Jason walked in. Kevin had just exploded into the condom groaning loudly and totally oblivious to his surrounding. It was only after he had came down off of his orgasmic high did he realize that there was a third person in the room. He looked and saw a very angry Jason. Tears were streaming down his face. "Oh God Jas," he whispered. Jason turned and walked out the door leaving Kevin there alone to pick up the pieces.

Two days later the breakdown happened. Jason raged through the house throwing things and breaking things. In the process a fire started trapping Jason and Johnny up in the second floor. Kevin arrived minutes after the fire started and managed to rescue his family. Only the damage was done. Jason would live and so would Johnny. But Jason had suffered a Nervous breakdown. Jason would spend the next 6 months in a mental hospital. Kevin would be forced to live alone with his estranged son. Kevin had no one to blame but himself for what happened to his family.

Looking at them from a distance it was hard to tell that the house had been in a fire. Kevin had it rebuilt to exact specifications. But Jason was still in the hospital trying to hang on to what little sanity he had left.

End Flash back

Kevin angrily wiped the tears from his face as he remembered that night.

"How could I have been such an ass!" he shouted at him self in the rear view mirror. "I hurt him so bad!" He saw the turn off for the hospital and he slowed down and turned into the drive. Once he got the car parked he got out and headed into the hospital. Most of the staff knew him by now and had been alerted that he was coming so they left him alone while he made his way to his husband's room. He arrived there in record time. "How is he?" he asked the guard posted outside the room.

"He is really upset," the guard replied as he let Kevin in. Kevin saw that the lights were out. "He likes it dark. He screams when you turn them on."

"Who is there?" demanded his husband. "Go away!"

"Hey," Kevin said. "It's me, Kevin."

"You can stay," he grumbled. Kevin walked in and sat in the chair beside his bed. "She is gone," he whispered. "My wife and son, both gone."

"What happened?" Kevin asked.

"Don't you dare play innocent with me! You know fucking well what happened!" he shouted glaring at Kevin. A cold chill ran through his bones. "Yea, I know it all!" He hurled at Kevin. "You unfaithful slut!"

"Please Jason," pleaded Kevin. "I'm so sorry for what I did."

"How many times Kevin?" Jason asked looking at Kevin. "How many times are you going to cheat on me?" Kevin continued to look at the floor. "Look at me!" Jason shouted at him. Kevin raised his eyes and met his husbands eyes head on. "What about Johnny?" Kevin cringed when he heard the boy's name. "Yea didn't think of that did you?"

"I'm so sorry," Kevin wept. "I didn't mean to hurt you like that."

"Forget it!" Jason hurled at him. "I'm tired of hearing it! I want you out of my life for good!"

"Baby," Kevin stuttered.

"Don't you dare call me that!" Jason screamed at him. "Leave me and my son alone. You've done enough damage already! Get out!" Something cold and hard hit him in the face. He heard it fall to the floor bending down he picked it up. It was Jason's wedding ring. He stared at the ring for the longest time. Looking back up at Jason he was met with cold hate filled eyes. These were not the loving and kind eyes he had met all those years ago when he bumped into him at the airport. "Get out!"

"Baby, you can't mean it!" He sobbed.

"Oh I mean it all right, my only regret is that I didn't wise up and toss your ass out the time you fucked Nick! Get out of my life now and stay out!" screamed Jason.

Kevin backed out of the room almost stumbling over the guard. "Guard!" demanded Jason. The guard walked in. "I will need phone!"

"It is almost four in the morning," the guard said.

"I don't care what time it is, I need a phone!" Jason shouted. The guard reluctantly brought one to him. After dialing a number and someone picked up. "Justin?" he said. "Sorry for waking you but I need a favor." There was pause. "I will need a lawyer perferalbly a divorce attorney." Kevin sobbed at the sound of Jason's request and turned and headed back to his car.

Chapter 4

It is three weeks later and a car pulls up to a house nestled in the mountains. A very tall and attractive man gets out and opens the passenger door and out steps a shorter man and his son.

"I know it is not your favorite house, but it is yours and it is a roof over your head," Justin said to Jason.

"How many years has it been since I've set foot in this place?" Jason asked.

"Almost four years now," Justin replied. Jason slid the key into the door and turned the lock. They walked into the house and Johnny wrinkled his nose at the musty smell. "I'll crack the windows and open the sliding glass doors." Justin walked through the house opening windows and doors and turning on ceiling fans to circulate the old musty air out of the house.

"I don't like it here," grumbled Johnny. Jason sighed and sat down a kitchen stool and motioned for Johnny to do the same.

"You know that our house was destroyed by the fire," Jason started. "And the house that Kevin built was built by his funds. I won't live off of him any longer."

"But that property has always been yours dad," Johnny argued.

"Kevin is there," Jason argued back. "I'm not talking with him right now. I have no intention of every talking to him again." The phone rang and Justin picked it up.

"Jason," he called from the living room. "It's for you." Jason got up and walked to the living room and took it from Justin.

"Jason here," he spoke into the reciever.

"Jas?" asked a sad voice.

"I'm not talking to you," Jason barked out.

"Please Jas, I miss you and Johnny, please come home," Kevin sobbed.

"Good bye Kevin," Jason said calmly into the phone and hung it up.

"He is still pushing isn't he?" Justin asked.

"I need some time alone," Jason said as he headed out onto the deck. Justin was left in the house with Johnny and Scrappy to fend for themselves. After searching the cabinets for food stuff they deducted that they would have to go shopping. Leaving Jason a note they headed out.

"Uncle Justin?" Johnny asked.

"Yes Johnny?" Justin asked back.

"Is Kevin ever going to come back?" Johnny asked. Justin new that Johnny had hard feelings for his adopted dad but he also knew he loved Kevin with all of his heart.

"You miss him?" Justin asked. Johnny nodded biting his lower lip to try and stop from crying. Justin sighed and pulled the car over and put it in park. "It is ok to cry you know," Justin told Johnny as he put his arm around the teen's shoulder.

"Why can't he be faithful to Dad?" Johnny asked with tears flowing down his face. "He is always fucking up!" Justin raised his eyebrows at Johnny harsh language and sadly came to realization that Johnny was no longer the sweet little eight year old who once had a crush on him. Those days were lost forever. Now Johnny was a 13 year old Teenager who was very angry and confused and he was relying on his uncle to help him out. Only problem was, Justin had no idea where to begin. "I want us to be a family!"

"He is a human being and human beings makes mistakes," Justin tried to reason with Johnny.

"But he is always making the same mistakes over and over again and he's the one who is always telling me that it is ok to make mistakes just as long as you don't make the same mistakes over and over again. But he keeps doing it!" Johnny yelled slumping down in the seat in an attempt to make himself smaller. "Sometimes I hate him!"

"Johnny," Justin scolded him. "You know you don't hate Kevin."

"Well I am really pissed at him!" Johnny hurled at Justin.

"What do you want to do about it?" Justin asked him putting ball in his court.

"I wanna go see him and punch his lights out!" retorted the angered Teen. Justin turned into the front gates of South Fork and headed up the drive. "What are you doing?"

"I'm giving you the chance to do what you want," Justin replied.

"I can't hit him!" Johnny yelped out.

"Why not?" asked Justin as the car came to a halt in front of the mansion.

"I don't know, dad will throw a fit!" Johnny said.

"Why don't you just talk to him?" Justin asked.

"I don't know what to say," Johnny mumbled sinking lower into the seat.

"Say what is in your heart," Justin instructed him. "You go on in and I will go into town and do some shopping." Johnny opened the door and stepped out of the car and slowly walked up the stairs. The door opened and Kevin stepped out and attempted to put his arm around Johnny. Johnny brushed him off and plopped down in one of the chairs on the porch.

Silence reigned supreme on the porch with Johnny glaring wholes into Kevin and Kevin patiently waiting for Johnny say what was on his mind. Finally giving up Kevin stood up and put his hand on the door handle. "Fuck you!" Johnny grumbled at him. Kevin closed his eyes in pain and tried to hold back the tears. He bit down on his lower lip and took a deep breath and turned around.

"Ok," Kevin sighed looking down at the angry teen. "Let's get it all out in the open."

"Why?" Johnny demanded. "Why did you cheat on Dad?"

"I don't know," Kevin stammered.

"Yes you do!" Johnny screamed at Kevin. "You're a fucking slut!" Slap! Kevin couldn't stop himself. The hand went out and struck Johnny's face before he could stop it. Johnny sat there rubbing his cheek with tears flowing down his face.

"Oh God Johnny," Kevin sobbed out. "I'm sorry, I didn't mean to hit you." Johnny got up and walked down the steps Kevin got up and put his arm on Johnny's shoulder and Johnny turned and punched Kevin in the stomach. Kevin wasn't expecting the hit and doubled over in pain gasping for air. After finally getting is wind back he stood up to find that Johnny was sitting on the porch with his head in his hands. Kevin quietly walked to the end of the porch and sat next to Johnny. Johnny leaned over so that he was leaning against Kevin. Kevin put his arm around Johnny and held him. For over a half an hour they sat like that in silence. Johnny finally pulled away and looked over at Kevin.

"Don't you love us anymore?" he asked with tears in his eyes.

"Of course I love you and Jason," Kevin answered shocked that he would ask that.

"Than why did you do it Dad?" he pleaded.

"I'm not a strong person Johnny," Kevin admitted. "I'm weak as hell. I see a hot guy and I go for it. All I can say is that I am so sorry and I will spend the rest of my life making up for it."

"Will you do it again?" Johnny asked looking up at Kevin.

"I will try with all my heart not to make the same mistakes I made in the past," Kevin promised. Johnny being young and naïve choose to believe what his adopted father said. Kevin held open his arms and Johnny fell into them happy for the strong supportive arms of one of the men he loved most in this world.

"I'm still angry at you for hurting dad," Johnny sniffled wiping his nose on his sleeve.

"I understand Johnny," Kevin said softly as he gently wiped the tears from his cheeks. "I promise son, I will do everything to make us a family again."

"Come to dinner?" Johnny asked. Kevin winced at his son's invitation. "I knew it!" He grumbled. "You don't want to make up with Dad!"

"No son, that isn't it," Kevin explained. "It is just that your father is very angry at me and needs more time to calm down."

"Do you love him?" Johnny demanded.

"Of course I love him," Kevin replied.

"And I know he loves you so there is no problem. All we have to do is get you two together," Johnny grinned as a plan came together. "Come on Dad, give love a chance!" Kevin shook his head and stood up.

"Man I just no I am going to regret this," he grumbled. Johnny bounded into the house excited of the possibility of Kevin and Jason getting back together.

"Dad we're home!" shouted Johnny. Justin winced at the loud noise that Johnny was causing from his shouting. Scrappy came running around the corner barking exited to see his young master. Johnny reached down and petted Scrappy behind the ears and Scrappy started to grunt in contentment.

"Well it sure took you long enough," Jason said as he came around the corner. "What the hell is he doing here?" he demanded pointing at Kevin.

"I invited him for dinner," Johnny said as worry crept into his voice.

"Get out!" Jason shouted at Kevin.

"NO!" shouted Johnny.


Ok so by now you have all figured it out. For those of you who haven't email me and I will explain it too you.


e-mail me at

Next: Chapter 4: Cousins Payback 5 6

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