Cousins Payback

By Unfinished Business

Published on May 18, 2001


Greetings, you may call me Unfinished Business. The story I am about to unleash up on you will be nothing like you have ever seen on Nifty before. It is a story that will take you back in time of a completed series. I am asking Nifty to post it in the Boy Bands Archives. In time you will realize what stories past I am diving into. And you will understand why I'm called Unfinished Business.

Disclaimer: The Characters portrayed in this fiction are strictly the figment of my imagination. I do not pretend to know the Backstreet Boys or Nsync and therefore do not know their true sexual orientation. This is a work of fiction. One to entertain you. If you are underage I request that you leave now. Come back when you are old enough.

Still confused? Well read on and I will have a couple of clues for you. Nothing too big but it should help.

Any questions you have or suggestions you have you can e-mail me at

A Cousin's Payback

Chapter One

The weeks passed slowly before she walked back into the underground room. She was pleasantly surprised to find that almost all of the equipment was removed. In its place was a hospital bed and in the bed was the youth that was in cyrogenic stasis. Only now he was on life support with a new heart beating in his chest. She frowned as she approached him. She had not expected him to remain in a coma for so long. Would this work? She had heard of people trying this but have never heard reports of anyone successfully bringing anyone back from the brink of death by this process. If this did work he could very possibly be the first. An insistent beeping quickly caught her attention. She quickly glanced at the equipment and saw the respirator was the machine that was making the rackett.

"He is trying to breathe on his own," a voice spoke up behind her.

"Is this a good sign?" she asked

"It means that his own body is taking back control of its functions. It will only be a matter of time before he comes out of his coma," the Doctor said as he quickly checked the life support equipment.

"Let me know the moment he comes out of his coma, I grow inpatient to put my plan in action," she grumbled out.

"These things cannot be rushed," the Doctor insisted.

"Fine," she barked back. "I've waited this long for my revenge I guess I can wait a little longer." She climbed onto an elevator that would take her up. As soon as the elevator door slid shut he pulled out a syringe and injected the amber colored fluid into the Main IV line.

"We can't have you coming back to the world of the living just yet Sammy boy," he said as he dropped the syringe into the waste basket. "Not until I have more information on what nutty lady has planned for you." He smiled when he noticed that the life support machines took back control of the youths life functions. "Good," he smiled. "You just continue to rest while I find out what this lady is up too."

In another part of the country.

"Kevin?" asked Nick as he walked into Kevin's study.

"Yes Nick?" Kevin answered back as he clicked off his laptop. He had just finished with his morning e-mails.

"You ready to go?" he asked as he sat down in the soft confines of the sofa. He frowned concerned for Kevin. Ever since his lover had a breakdown a month ago Kevin had never been the same. They had to commit his lover to a mental hospital and from what the doctor said it could take a while before he would return to normal. In the mean time it was a hurry up and wait game. "You know we don't have to do this if you don't want to." He was trying to give Kevin an easy out if he wanted it.

"No," Kevin sighed. "It has to be done. I've put this off long enough. I can't keep pretending that everything is going to all right. He needs to be in a good school where he will get the education that he needs. And with me on the road most of the time and his father in the hospital for God knows how long this is the best."

"He is going to fight you on this," Nick told Kevin. Kevin slammed his fist down on the desk making Nick jump at the sound.

"Dammit Nick!" he shouted. "What would you have me do?"

"There are plenty of home schooling groups out there that can help you," Nick suggested.

"I don't have time to teach a rebellious teenager and try to manage a music career," replied Kevin. "You know he blames me for his father's breakdown as it is."

"And how do you think he will feel if you ship him off to a military boarding school," Nick shot back at Kevin.

"He needs discipline!" Kevin shouted back at Nick. "I don't have time to give it too him."

"Don't have time or just plain don't want too?' Nick shouted back. "Remember when you tried to get my parents to take me out of the band and ship me off to Boarding school? All because I cramped your fucking style. Well I won't have you do the same thing to him! You promised his father that you would be there for his son, your son, and dammit I'm going to make sure you do!"

"You can't force me to do anything Nick!" Kevin shouted back. "And this really isn't your concern. So but out!" Nick took a couple of steps back and thought for a few mintues and than he nodded.

"Fine!" he hurled at Kevin and turned on his heels and quickly left the room. Kevin sighed and picked up the phone.

"Send him in," he spoke into the phone. The door opened and a medium height thirteen year old came striding in. "Have a seat son," Kevin said pointing to the chair.

"I perfer to stand, thank you," the teenager shot at his father.

"I want you to sit!" ordered Kevin in a hard voice. "Now sit your ass down!" The two engaged in a glaring battle for a few moments. "This is going to take a while and you are going to get tired. Please son sit down."

"Don't call me that!" the youth shouted at Kevin. "You don't have the right to call me that!" Kevin glared at the rebellious thirteen-year-old for a few minutes and nodded.

"Ok so you are pissed at me," Kevin said in a negotiating voice. "I can see that, and even I can even understand it. But while your Father is in the hospital we need to make some changes. I want you to be a part of the decision making process. I need you to pack a over night back and be ready to leave in an half an hour."

"Why?" he asked in a sassy tone of voice. Kevin sighed.

"Because I asked you too," Kevin replied. "Now please go and do what I ask."

"You are planning on shipping me off to boarding school aren't you?" demanded the youth. Kevin looked hard at him and wondered if he had been spying on him. "I won't go."

"You will go if I tell you too," Kevin stated calmly. He was starting to get a head ache. "I have to be on the road for the next few months and you need to be in a school that can provide you with the attention you need."

"I'm not a baby," he shot back at Kevin.

"Good," Kevin smiled. "Than I am sure you will want to prove that to me by doing what I asked you too. Now go and get your things so we can catch our flight." He watched in concern as the 13 year old swore and stormed from the room. After a few minutes the door open and Nick came back in. "If you are here to argue some more I really don't have the time," Kevin grumbled.

"No," Nick sighed. "I'm here to support you." Kevin looked up in mock shock and Nick laughed at his expression.

"What changed your mind?" he asked.

"He has been getting out of control. Even worse than I was," Nick replied as he sat down. "I would like to tag along and help if I can."

"I don't think--," Kevin started only to interupted by Nick.

"He thinks he is all alone out there. He looks up to me too. Maybe I can make him see that you are right," Nick said with his charming grin. Kevin glared at him knowing that he couldn't refuse Nick anything when he smiled like that.

"Fine!" grumbled Kevin. "But hurry because we are leaving in a few minutes."

Later that afternoon the car pulled into the entrance gates of Debry Military Acadamy. Kevin looked into the mirror and noticed that his son was looking out the window at the horses in the pasture.

"Debry is famous for their horses riding courses. Do you think you might want to take up riding again?" he asked trying to make conversation. His heart sank when his son shrugged his shoulders and resumed looking at his feet. Sighing he pulled the car over to the side of the drive. "Please Johnny," he pleaded.

"They are good looking horses," Johnny replied. "Can I get out to pet them?"

"Sure," Kevin smiled. "Let's all get out and stretch our legs for a bit." Putting car in park and shutting off the engine he climbed out of the car. A Bay horse came eagerly up to the gate demanding attention. Johnny smiled with glee as he petted the horse. "Do you think you will like it here?" Kevin asked and was answered with the usual shrug of the shoulders.

"Can we help you?" asked a male voice. Kevin looked up to see a middle aged man walking up to them to them wearing a Marine Corps Uniform.

"We were just admiring the horses," Kevin smiled. "I'm Kevin Richardson, and this is my son Jonathan."

"Well it is nice to meet you Jonathan," replied the man as he shook hands with both Kevina nd Jonathan. "I'm Major Smith the Comadant of Debry Military Acadamy."

"We have an appointment with you later," Kevin said. "We are thinking of enrolling Jonathan here."

"So you are here for a tour than?" asked Major Smith. "Well I will leave you alone and I will see in about two hours."

It is later that evening back on the plane where we find Kevin sitting by himself starting out the window. He was angry and frustrated. He had thought that Debry was going to be the one. But after Jonathan had made that huge scene infront of Major Smith he knew that his chances of getting in were slim to none.

"I don't like the Marines," grumbled Jonathan. Kevin sighed and stood up and walked to the back of the plane. "Well I don't!" shouted Jonathan after Kevin.

"I get the impression that if I had chosen another school it would've been the same thing!" Kevin shouted over his shoulder.

"Let me talk to him," Nick spoke up. "Maybe I can talk some sense into him." Kevin nodded and made his way back to the back of the jet. He sat down at the desk and pulled out his wallet and took out a picture.

"Oh babe," he whimpered softly as tears flowed down his face. "I wish you were here with me."

Chapter 2

Two weeks later.

He was surrounded by darkness with only a pin hole of light shining in front of him. He reached out for it and suddenly it rushed back at him in full force. He opened his eyes and inhaled deeply looking around the room. The light was bright, too bright for eyes that had been shut for over five years. The tears flowed and he opened and closed them to force his pupils to adjust to the light. After what seemed to be an eternity he was finally able to make out shapes. He was in a hospital room or something close to it. There were no windows in the room and there were lots of equipment around too. He tried to sit up but found he was restrained by leather straps that held him down. He also felt a series of electric shocks raging through his body. They were playing his muscles like a harp.

"Where am I?" he demanded. His voice was hoarse and scratchy. It was like he hadn't spoken in years. A straw appeared in front of his mouth which he sucked in cold water. He swallowed and winced as the pain raged through his body. Obviously he hadn't swallowed anything in long time either.

"So you have decided to rejoin the land of the living," stated a males voice. A face swam into view. "You probably have lots of questions, I will try to answer them as best I can."

"Who are you?" the youth demanded. "Why are you keeping me here?"

"I am Doctor Anthony Jones," Dr. Jones answered. "You have been, well how should I put this. Well let's just say, you have been on ice for a while waiting for medical science to catch up with your needs."

"I don't understand," he croaked out. "Who am I?" That question surprised Dr. Jones. He hadn't figured memory loss into this.

"Your first name is Sam, I don't know your last name," Dr. Jones answered honestly. "Five years ago you suffered a gunshot wound to your heart. You died a little over five years ago. Thanks to a very wealthy woman you were placed in cryogenic stasis until medical science could catch up to your needs. After cloning you a new heart you were brought out of stasis and a heart transplant was performed. After almost six weeks in drug induced coma you awoke to find yourself in the year of 2004." He watched Sam carefully for any signs of shock or rejection but found none. "Do you remember anything at all."

"I keep hearing this name over and over again," Sam muttered.

"What is the name?" asked Dr. Jones.

"Jason," Sam stated. He shook his head in frustration. "The rest is a blank except for ---, anger." A look of confusion crossed his face. "Why am I full of anger and hate for a man named Jason? I don't remember anyone named Jason."

"You will remember him," a females voice shattered the male dominated room. It was a clear and gentle voice from first sound. But underlining that gentle tone raged anger and jealousy.

"Who are you?" asked Sam.

"You may call me Ms. Spears," the female said. "How are you feeling?"

"I'm confused mostly," Sam replied. "I don't really remember who I am, Dr. Jones says my name is Sam."

"He is correct," Ms. Spears replied.

"Why am I being shocked continually?" Sam asked looking very uncomfortable.

"Those are specially designed electrodes designed to keep your muscle tone intact. After almost five years of inactivity we had to do something so you wouldn't have to go through months of physical therapy. We don't have time for you to do that," Ms. Spears explained as if she was talking about a mild head cold he was recovering from.

"Am I really in the year 2004?" he asked looking around. "Are there flying cars?"

"Flying cars?" asked Ms. Spears. "Why would we ever have flying cars?"

"Well I just thought that we would have flying cars by now is all," he answered almost disappointed.

"We will discuss the current mode of transportation later, right now we need to discuss your future," Ms. Spears sighed.

"Right now my patient needs to rest!" Dr. Jones interrupted her. "He has been through a lot in the last few weeks."

"He's been sleeping for over five years!" exclaimed Ms. Spears. But the look that Dr. Jones gave her told her that there was no room for argument. "Fine!" she grumbled. "I will be moving him to my house first thing in the morning."

"I really don't think he is ready for that---," Dr. Jones started.

"I don't care what you think!" She shouted at him. "I own him! I have invested to much money and effort in him. The plan I have for him will commence starting tomorrow!" With that said she turned and walked through the elevator doors.

"What did she mean by that?" Sam asked.

"Don't worry about her," Dr. Jones. "You just rest. You are going to have a very busy next few days.

"Dr?" he asked. Dr. Jones looked back and into the eyes of the youth. He saw a young man who was afraid and confused. "Why was I shot?"

"We will talk about that later," Dr. Jones said trying to calm him down.

"There is another name," Sam said softly.

"What name is that?" Dr. Jones asked.

"Pamela," Sam answered.

"I'm sorry, I don't know anyone named Pamela," Dr. Jones replied.

Kevin walked down the hall way of the hospital talking to the Doctor. "How much longer until we see some real progress?"

"Your husband has had a very serious nervous breakdown Mr. Richardson. You can't expect the human mind to just heal over night," the Doctor explained. "You know he has no memory of his life with you or present son." Kevin nodded sadly. "He is still living in the past with his wife and his first son. It will take a while until he is ready for the truth about what happened. Until than we have to be patient and wait for him to come back to us in his own time."

"I love him and miss him," Kevin sobbed out. "I just want him back in my life. I want him to be the same person he was before all of that happened." The Doctor placed his arm around Kevin and pulled him close.

"Time will heal those wounds, and I promise you someday your husband will come back to you and your son, in the mean time why don't you spend some time with him?" the doctor pushed open the door and Kevin walked into the room and smiled at the sight of his lover. He looked up at Kevin and smiled politely.

"Mr. Richardson," he said extending his hand. "It is so nice for you to come by for a visit." Kevin had to force the tears down.

"Yea well since I was in the area I decided to stop by and say hi," he smiled his most carefree smile possible.

"How is the rest of the guys?" he asked grinning.

"They are fine Brian says hi," Kevin smiled. "How are they treating you?"

"Well you know hospitals," he laughed. Kevin couldn't help but laugh too. He loved to hear his lover laugh. It had the ability to light up an entire room. Kevin smile soon turned into a frown when he saw him looking around. "Where is she?"

"Where is who?" asked Kevin.

"My wife!" he demanded. "Why hasn't she ever come to see me?" Tears flowed down his face causing Kevin more pain. "Doesn't she love me anymore? And what about my son?" Kevin moved to take him in his arms. It felt good to hold him but it wasn't the same. For his lover didn't remember him as his lover. He only knew him as a friend.

"I promise you it will be all right," Kevin whispered in his hear. His sobs died down until he was asleep. Laying him gently onto the bed he pulled the covers up around him. Sitting down beside him he watched him sleep for the longest time. Hours later he was till watching when someone tapped him on the shoulder.

"Excuse me sir," a female's voice said. "But visiting hours are over." Kevin nodded and bent down and kissed his lover on his cheek and left the room.

"Please take care of him," he pleaded with the nurse.

"You have my word sir," she smiled. "Mr. Richardson is getting the best possible care."

Next: Chapter 3: Cousins Payback 3 4

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