Courtney and Suzanne

By Barry Jones

Published on Sep 8, 2024


Courtney and Suzanne Chapter 4

**All rights reserved by the author, This is a work of fiction.  All the usual laws, provisos, and rules apply.**

Courtney and Suzanne -4-

So Nicky was on fire after having sex with Courtney and Suzanne down in Puerto Rico. She stayed in their room a while longer but eventually went off to her room for a shower and a nap. Upon waking, she found that her brother was off to somewhere. She hunkered down to read for two hours. For class, she had the "Grimms' Fairy Tales" and, for pleasure, "The Two Towers." She tolerated Grimms'; she loved Frodo and Sam.

A knock on the door startled her. It was Mia who was coming to introduce herself. When she knocked, the Ents had just destroyed Isengard, and Nicky wasn't thinking sexually at all.

But Mia was hot, and her mouth watered, and her sex tingled. Nicky told her to come in and set her book down and said,

"I was hoping to meet you," said Nicky. "You know we heard you and your mother and your lovemaking this afternoon."

"It was that loud? Sorry."

"Don't be. You may have heard us, too. It goes with the territory. So, what brings you by?"

By now, Nicky was "in the mood" again, and after getting them both a water, sat on the couch in Indian Style and invited her to do the same. Forgetting that she chose not to put on panties, she was at first unaware that her sizeable vulva was on display.

"I don't know. I thought you might like to hang out," said Mia. "I'm just a freshman, but we both go to girls' academies, and it would be fun to learn about your school."

So Nicky and Mia talked for ten minutes about this and that. Nicky caught Mia looking at her shorts, her pussy. And then Nicky, always on the alert for women and sex, came right out and asked her,

"Mia, it doesn't seem to me that you are that interested in my school, nor me in yours. You came by for sex, didn't you."

"Yes," Mia squeaked. "I was talking about making love to my mother with Courtney, and she told me what room you're in. You're absolutely right: I came here to fuck, you gorgeous girl. Please don't send me away."

Nicky peered at her briefly, and then they met halfway in a kiss and a grope.

The rest is history. They fell in love and were inseparable for the four days they would be together before flying back to the States. They had a lot of sex. They would have sex in the morning, sex after some time at the beach, and group sex at night. They included Adrianna, Courtney, and Suzanne in their lovemaking. Her mother shacked up with the girl from Northwestern University; everyone had someone to love.

Nicky Chooses Ann Arbor

Mia was a big reason for settling on The University of Michigan in Ann Arbor for the four years of her undergraduate study. She felt she couldn't "live without her." Michigan's "extras " were off the charts, and the offer was for a full ride. Even though she was only a sophomore, she accepted the scholarship offer from Michigan. Having that settled was a massive weight off her shoulders.

With one of the best English departments in the country, she already knew two rising stars. The city and the football games were unbelievable. For the next two-plus years, her goals were twofold: continue to dominate in water polo and be the best student possible.

Nicky at the Girl's School

Nicky had returned to high school and applied herself, doing her sporty things, but paying more attention to her studies. For example, she joined the school newspaper staff as a way to volunteer but also to improve her writing skills. She held the lowest position on the staff of four but was eager to help where she could. But after her first article on a new English elective offered to the juniors, the editor came to her and said,

"This is such a good article, girlfriend. It's got a real balance between examples and exposition. Instead of me, you should be the newspaper editor, in my opinion. Do you want to switch roles?"

And, with no drama, she was now in charge, and the former editor was happy to submit an article each week as a staff writer. However, they weren't done with drama. Nicky said to her one day,

"I'm sorry for being so out there, but I was wondering if you're gay, Claudia," said Nicky. "I mean, I never see you with a guy, and you're so hot. I'm gay myself if it's any consolation to you."

The former newspaper editor hung her head and cried silently. There was no one else in the room.

"I am gay," said Claudia. "My family is very religious and not very forgiving. I was religious, too, until ninth grade. Now, I don't even believe in God. I'm 100% a secular humanist."

Nicky gathered Claudia in her arms and rocked her for a while, and Claudia stopped crying. There was so much love and warm feelings. They both drew their heads back and looked at each other. For as aggressive as she was when in the pool, Nicky was a very good person. Claudia turned her head briefly to look down.

But Nicky liked the girl intensely and, with her index finger, turned her head towards her for a brief kiss. When Claudia melted in her embrace, Nicky moved in for a more extended kiss, which led the girls to some heavy making out and some groping. Nicky reached for her substantial breast and was molding it briefly.

"Do you want to finish here and go to my house?" Nicky asked. "We can sleep together or do anything you want." She felt the tenderness of the moment.

"Sleeping together sounds wonderful," said Claudia. "Let's take my car, as I've noticed you walk home."

On the drive to her place, the girls were back to gabbing and talking about everything all at once. Nicky told her she didn't have a girlfriend, although a girl in Ann Arbor was a special girl for her.

"Mia is her name, and I met her in Puerto Rico," said Nicky.

Courtney introduced them in Puerto Rico and hit it right off. She had only been gay for six or seven weeks when we met. But, Mia had slept with her gay mother, who accompanied her to Puerto Rico for the first time the afternoon. Mia proved to be a sexual tigress when Nicky seduced her that night.

"I haven't seen her since, but we may get together again when I'm up there in March for a water polo tournament. I'm not sure about that yet."

Nicky did not want to play games with Claudia. However, she used discretion in talking about Mia, Courtney, and Suzanne, not wanting to overwhelm her.

"How about you?" said Nicky. "A beautiful girl like you has had to have some experience with girls, no?"

"There isn't anyone right now, but I've slept with eight girls, though four of them were women in their twenties, including the teacher overseeing the newspaper," said Claudia. "I guess I relate better to older people somehow. I need to find a girl my age, though."

"Ms. Johnston gave off that vibe to me. That she wanted me," said Nicky. "So I understand, Claudia. How was she?"

"She was so cool, she got me," Claudia said. "Of course, the sex was great. We had fun together, but I ended it."

"Oh. More about that later. Well, here we are," said Nicky as Claudia carefully pulled into the driveway.

"About my family, my brother, who is a senior at Jesuit, is gay, so he's cool. My mom and dad have given up on being positive role models. They're totally into their careers and making money, and they won't bother us. The most they say is `practice safe sex, and follow good hygiene, he he.'"

Nicky's house was the "mansion" she had seen on the web when she had researched Nicky. It had a four-car garage, and they entered through one of the wooden garage doors. Nicky proudly showed off her late-model red Acura.

"Behold, my baby, my automobile," laughed Nicky.

"Oh wow, cool car," said Claudia. "Why don't you drive to school?"

"When it's decent out, I always walk," said Nicky. "It's only three-fourths of a mile and another mini-workout. In case you haven't noticed, I'm a big girl. I'm 180 lbs, and although extra weight is useful in water polo, I'd like to keep it right where it is. So far, it has been working." Nicky was six feet tall and an imposing figure in and out of water. She looked much older.

They got a bottle of water from the frig and, after a tour of the first floor, decided that the basement was the place to go.

The finished basement was as spacious and lovely as the first floor. They stripped and left their clothes on the floor in puddles. With each girl standing naked, they marveled at the other's bodies.

Claudia said, "Oh my god, you're beautiful, just like I fantasized about you. Not a hair out of place. And no makeup."

But on closer inspection of Nicky's sex, she was blown away.

"What, my god, you're so developed," said Claudia. "I feel like a squirt next to you, Nicky. Your vulva, your lips inner and outer. Your clit is so big, but the lips hide it. I can't wait to eat you up."

"Don't be afraid," Nicky said. "It's just that I kept developing during Jr. High. I'm big down there." Her pussy itself was extra long.

"I think I know what it is," said Claudia. "No guys can handle you or possibly please a goddess like you. Please don't get me wrong. I love your look. You've got what every young lesbian wishes they had, including me."

Claudia was shaven and had a big pussy herself, with the clit revealing the sizeable head peeking out of the hood.

Straight away, Claudia was on her knees worshipping at the altar of Nicky's magic cunt. Nicky spread her legs and was still standing with Claudia's head buried in her pussy her tongue lashing at the magic of her vulva. There was so much flesh composing her labia, and it hid the bottom of her clit. So much to feed on, to suck and fuck.

"Oh, you taste and smell so good, too," said Claudia. It was so natural for Claudia to go down on Nicky. Her pussy and her sex was emanating a beautiful scent of arousal.

"Eat that pussy, you dyke Claudia," said Nicky. "Smell my cunt, and my ass too. Don't forget my asshole back there. It really wants you."

With Claudia on her knees, she was where she was meant to be: eating, sniffing, biting, feeling. The skin of her ass and the area around her vulva was silky smooth.

"Come on, let's get on the bed," said Nicky.

She got on her back in missionary, and Claudia knew precisely what to do. She preferred the top position.

"Just as I suspected, you're an animal," said Nicky. "Eat my pussy Claudia, drink my nectar, you pussy eating dyke. Oh dear, funk me with that wondrous tongue of yours."

Claudia had been unleashed from the patriarchy of her parents, their church, and their god, Trump. She was now in her natural state of loving women, eating at their sex. Every lesbian act was a rejection of her past.

Suddenly, Claudia rose and said,

"Fuck my parents and fuck Donald Trump and fuck the wimpy pastor my parents listen to for their sound bites. I'm yours." She once again sank her four fingers into Nicky, eating her pussy, jilling her clit, and playing with her asshole with her middle finger.

Claudia rolled her up, hanging onto her legs, and stuck her long tongue in her ass. It had a musky smell to it but was otherwise enjoyable. She worked it in and out; in minutes, the bowl of her ass was a swampy mess, and she moved her long middle finger in and out between the first and second knuckle.

"Oh yeah, honey, just like that," Nicky said. I'm gonna cum, and it's going to be big."

Claudia was tempted to start fisting her lover, but she thought better of that. "She'll probably think I'm weird, every though I fucked Ms. Johnston weekly with my arms up to my elbows inside of her."

"Aahhhh, Gruahhhh. Oh baby," cried Nicky. "Oohhhh, Aahhhh."

She just continued to suck her pussy and clit, those plus-size organs that Nicky had. She would regularly play with Nicky's perfect ass. Sucking it, tasting it, pumping her long fingers into it.

And the sweet nectar was practically gushing out of her pussy. When Nicky admitted she was cumming, Claudia stayed focused on nibbling on licking her pussy and jilling her clit, although with her eyes now closed. She was waiting for the spray of Nicky's orgasm.

"Oh, you're so good," said Nicky. "Nnaannanna, O fuck, Oh Goddess, Oh Sappho and all the angels, I'm cumming. Oh, Goddess, I'm cumming. I'm cumming. Aahhhh."

Nicky did spray her face with cum, clear thick cum. She was twisting in the bedsheets, and Claudia sat up to watch her, amazed. She continued to jill her clit and fuck her pussy with four fingers. Then Nicky shouted,

"Oh my god, Claudia, you're so good," she cried again. She was starting to go limp.

She didn't realize her mom had come home and heard the muffled screams of love coming from the basement.

"Oh, there's my baby, doing what she was made to do, I suppose," her mother said from the safety of the kitchen. "I wish I had had that option when I was her age." She took her keys and left the house, her habitual response to discovering Nicky's sexual dalliances. Nicky heard a car starting and knew her mother was giving her space.

It was a mind-altering experience; the big orgasm was. Nicky was shaken to her core.

She needed to get some water. "Water, water everywhere, but not a drop to drink," randomly ran through her mind. She crawled upstairs, naked, to the frig, forgetting she had half a bottle left downstairs.

"Nicky, come on," said Claudia. Don't leave me down here."

"Honey, I'm coming right down. I need to sit her at the kitchen table for another minute and have a cold water bottle. Then I'll come and do you. OK?"

Claudia didn't answer but was crawling in the sheets, waiting.

The rest was like a time-out in water polo. She felt like a new person physically.

Coming Down and Gearing Up

"I'm fond of Adrienne Rich," said Claudia as the two hot girls laid side-by-side in the afterglow of sex.

"You too?" said Nicky.

"Her poetry is so "thick" with crazy good images," said Nicky, using air quotes on thick, which they both giggled at.

"For sure. I've read all her stuff. You know, her Comphet theory helped me to understand why so many girls are breaking out of the chains that have bound us," said Claudia. "It's like American women have stood up and yelled `I'm free' of the patriarchy."

They were both silent for a minute, then Nicky continued in her bedroom voice,

"Anjeli Luz created the Lesbian Masterdoc in 2018. It was healthy to go through it, but honestly, I didn't need to spend the time. I have never doubted that I'm a Lesbian, nor how I got here. But it's a sacred text of lesbianism, I suppose, and I am surprised no one has put it together before. Anyway, more power to her. I hear she's writing more of it."

Claudia was not the shrinking violet Nicky had initially suspected. She slept with older women because she was preoccupied with lesbian issues, and she found the gals in their late twenties and early thirties were just not into spending time on TikTok and Instagram. They had life experiences and could talk to her, woman to woman. Besides, they would never kiss at tell, and her family would not hear anything.

"Come here, my darling," said Claudia. "We'll get to Comphet, Adrienne Rich, and all the rest soon. It's time for making love, don't you think."

Nicky rolled on top of Claudia, kissing her and feeling her firm C Cups.

"You know, you are terribly well built," Nicky said. "I just love your breasts and your stomach. You know, only a few daily crunches will create the washboard abs look if you want it."

It was a lovely compliment from Nicky. She was overall, the fittest girl in school. Her ripped body looked like a roid girl's, except she didn't take any drugs. She was her own person; she didn't party or take drugs. She had the washboard abs, thanks to the crunches she did daily.

Nicky kissed her as if they had been girlfriends for months—a long, slow kiss with plenty of tongue from both girls. They got off on the swirling tongues. Tongues are magic; they're like swirling dicks, only better. The tongues were directly connected to their crotch, it seemed, for they both had big tingles down there.

Nicky's beautiful shimmering blonde hair made a little prison around Claudia's head, and Claudia noted it and loved it. Nicky moved down her fit body, leaving a tiny bite mark on her neck and at places down her body. When she got to her sex, she gave little buses all around but did not touch it. She had Claudia squirming and crying out,

"Don't tease me, girlfriend. I'm wound so tight; I need you to minister to my pussy and clit. Please."

Nicky was already on her pussy, loving it with her fingers and her tongue. Claudia was no virgin; a randy Girl Scout counselor had taken care of her when she was in ninth grade. There had been eight girls since then, but lately, she had been seeing girls in their late twenties. Claudia was very mature, with the kind of smooth body a non-athlete had. She did smoke a few cigarettes daily but always followed up with a couple of Tic Tacs to hide the smell.

"Oh, Nicky dear, you're killing me," said Claudia. "Keep doing those things to my pussy."

Nicky alternated between two and three fingers in her pussy. She was happily surprised at Claudia's natural lesbian reaction. She was a quiet dyke, but a tigress in bed.

"Girl, you've got it going on," said Nicky. "You're quite experienced. It's a pleasant surprise."

"Oh, thanks, Nicky," said Claudia. "Rrummph, you too, my bae. The Sapphist Gods are looking out for me because you're the best thing that has come along in a long time. Aahhhh." Claudia had been with about eight women thus far in her lesbian journey, a far cry from Nicky's `forty-five or fifty.'

"I'm a randy wench, which would explain why I bed so many girls," said Nicky. "This is going to sound so conceited, but my body is attractive to most all women. I'm looking for a girlfriend to `go steady' with and, for now, be done with all the girls. I've never had that."

"You can go steady with me," laughed Claudia. "That sounds old school, `going steady.' But I'd love a girlfriend too. Someone like you."

"I'd love that, darling," said Nicky. She had found her soul mate.

Nicky reached under the bed and got out a substantial eight-inch dildo with wide straps. This was the "test" she needed to perform on Claudia. She got out of bed and cinched it up, putting plenty of lube on the dildo and indicating she wanted to put it in Claudia's pussy too.

"For sure, I'll take some," said Claudia. Nicky put a dab on her vulva and spread it around, with some of it going inside Claudia.

"I'm sure you've done this before, right?" said Nicky.

"Oh yeah, my ex and I used to do it every time. It was so good, I have to tell you. I like to top, too. I assume you're an expert in the fine art of strapon."

"I don't know, but the women seem pretty satisfied. Why don't we start in missionary position, with you on the bed."

There was nothing that Nicky couldn't or wouldn't do. Suffice it to say that Claudia was transported mentally to far-off lands where girls were cumming all the time, and Nicky was the Queen of Strapon. She and Nicky became an item after this.

Nicky and Claudia and Their "Straight" Mothers

The two girls were unique. For example, neither had FOMO disease (fear of missing out). They regularly left their smartphones at home and felt better for having done so. Texts, TikTok, Instagram...they're for girls that were satisfied with Bs and Cs in school (Claudian was 4.0/4.0 and Nicky was 3.9/4.0). They were both kind of loners but were not lonely if you know what I mean. Gravitating toward girls in their late twenties, they were not fans of drama, real or imagined.

Nicky was working on her mom. About a month ago, she offered herself to her. Nicky stood in the doorway of her bedroom as she got dressed, and when her mother turned to her, naked, Nicky said,

"Mom, you're a magnificent woman of thirty-nine. Won't you fuck me, please, Mom? I'm begging you."

"Someday, soon, Nicky darling," her mother told her. God, it was such a complete turn-on to be kissing her mother naked that she tore off her shirt and exposed her perfect D Cups.

"But I've got a meeting with the board in exactly one hour. Some things are happening around here that I can't tell you about yet. Let's talk again; I'd like to sleep with you very much, darling."

Nicky knew then that her mom and dad were getting a divorce.

"Come here, Nicky, and I'll kiss you." And she did, and Nicky melted in her arms. She got a couple of feels of her mom's breasts, and her mother mewled at her touch. Since that moment, Nicky had been counting the days.

Claudia felt the same way about her mother, who didn't understand what was happening with her.

But her mother was attracted to her, her good looks, her body, her sex. Deep down in her soul, she was jealous of Claudia's "out" lesbianism.

While Claudia ate her breakfast on a school day, she was shocked when her mother put her arms around her and rubbed her D Cups on her back. She even put her arms around Claudia, holding her breasts as if they were trying to escape.

"Mom, are you ok?"

"Yes, but I want you, dear. So much." When Claudia turned around, her mother was crying, and Claudia kissed her, and she kissed back. She was shocked and confused.

Another incident occurred when Claudia's mother entered the den while Claudia had headphones on and was listening to classical guitar while studying. She sat down next to Claudia, their bodies touching.

"Do you think I'm pretty," said her mother. Claudia was caught off guard, but said to her,

"Mommy, you're the prettiest mother of all the families I've ever known if you want the truth. I'm so attracted to you." She leaned into her mother and kissed her on the lips.

"Thank you, dear. You've made my day, er, my month. Your father never has compliments for me anymore."

"What about the church and Rev. McMichaels? They seem to hate lesbians like me."

"Don't you worry about the church? I'm there to accompany your father. I hate them all with their self-righteous garbage. Besides, they hate me too because I'm just like you."

"Oh, that's such a relief, mom. I thought you were one of Them," said Claudia. "But wait, what do you mean `just like you?'"

Her mother leaned into her and kissed her on the lips, and they Frenched briefly.

"Claudia, I've been a closeted lesbian for years," said her mother, holding Claudia in her arms. "There will be significant changes around here, all for the good. Soon, we'll be in bed together, holding each other and fucking each other. You see, we're divorcing. It will be another four weeks, but it's already in the works. God, I can't wait until then. But we must. They have no proof of anything; we can't give them any."

She wanted to fuck her mother so bad then, and that feeling stayed with her constantly until the time she hugged Nicky in the school newspaper office.

Mia and Nicky

The water polo tournament was going to take place around March 5th. Although Mia was promiscuous and continued to make the rounds in her ever-broadening circle of girls and women, she thought of Nicky—Nicky of the beautiful smile, incredible body, and vigorous intellect. Ah, Nicky. She couldn't wait and texted her to see how the trip was shaping up.

Mia: Hello beautiful xoxox. Still coming to Ann Arbor?

Nicky: Sorry. I was at practice. Sure am.

Mia: We'd love to host you. Will they let you stay with us?

Nicky: Yes, it's all been worked out. Will you come to the first game?

Mia: I wouldn't miss it. Mom is coming. We'll go out to eat after the game.

Nicky: Perfect. Oh, yeah, how was the water polo game?

Mia: It was like thirty minutes of continuous drowning. How do you do it?

Nicky: If I told you, I'd have to kill you. Ha ha. Gotta run. I'll text you tonight.

Mia: OK, bye. I love much. J

Mia was trying to play water polo, and Nicky appreciated that. Although she was a good swimmer, there is a lot more to water polo than swimming. It gave them more to share and talk about. What was Nicky going to do? She loved Claudia and Mia.

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