Courting Teenage Adam

By jon oliver

Published on Feb 24, 2000


This is the final installment of the Courting Teenage Adam series. Thanks to everyone who has pushed me to finish it. As usual, please don't read ahead if you are offended by same-sex relations or if it is illegal in your area. This material is not intended for anyone under the age of 18, but it won't kill if you read it. Just don't get caught.

"So you and Danny are lovers?" I asked.

"No. Not really. We're best friends who like to get off and sometimes mess around. But you can see why Adam doesn't need to know about you and me."

"So basically, Davis, you're a slut," I joked. He wasn't amused. In fact, he kind of looked hurt.

"No, I'm not. There's just you and Danny. Adam stole Danny away from me and so I stole him back. Then when I saw you and Adam in the underwater house, well, it was just too much. You looked so hot and your cock was bigger than anything I've ever had inside me. So I took Danny to your cabin and hoped that, well, let's just say that it was everything I wanted it to be."

"Just shut the fuck up, Davis. You're pissing me off."

"Adam loves you, Jon, but he's not gonna love you if you tell him you fooled around with me so soon after..."

(from CTAdam 5)



I was unprepared to see Adam when I got back from the showers. He gave me that killer boyish smile of his as I walked into the cabin wearing nothing but a towel. He came over and put his arms around me, ready to start another day of hope with his new lover. He leaned in closer to kiss me on the lips. It was too much. I pushed him away.

"What's wrong?" Adam asked.

I looked him in the eye. I didn't know how to tell him this. I had betrayed him. I had betrayed my soulmate, the one person I cared about more than anyone else in the world. The last 48 hours blurred together. How could I make so many right choices and just as many wrong choices in such a short time frame?

"Adam," I continued, throwing on some boxer shorts, "I think you need to sit down." My eyes were swelling up with tears, and I could sense Adam's anxiety in those deep baby blues.

"What is it, Jon? Are you having second thoughts? Did we make a mistake? I thought maybe so, but then again, I'm happier than ever. What does that mean? Talk to me."

The questions came all at once. I didn't know where to start. Davis was right. He would never forgive me for this. "I love you, Adam," I whispered to his ear. "Our relationship, even before this really means a lot to me."

"I love you, too, Jon. So what's wrong?"

I started to speak, then paused. There was no good way to put it. "I fucked up, Adam. I fucked up. Please say you'll forgive me."

Adam was silent for a minute. He was trying to figure out what I could have done that was so wrong. I knew I had to tell him before he got too scared. "You didn't tell anyone else at camp about us, did you? No one saw us besides Davis, right?"

He had opened the door by mentioning his younger brother. I had to go there now. There was no way out of it. "This is about Davis," I replied.

"Who did Davis tell? You know I have the dirt on he and Danny."

"Davis didn't tell anyone. It's something completely different." I started to cry and he reached his arm around my shoulder to hold me. I knew that the consequences for my short-sighted actions would be too great. I knew that this would be the last time he held me like this. I put off the words for as long as possible. "Just say you'll forgive me, Adam. Please do that for me."

"Okay, Jon. I forgive you. Whatever it is, we can work it out." I knew Adam was shocked by the whole morning. He was expecting to come over here and snuggle up with his new lover, not hear sex stories about me and his brother. His words had comfort, though. Maybe our bond was strong enough to work things out.

"Adam," I blubbered. "I know about you and Danny, how Danny used to be your closest friend and how you used to spend all your time together. I know it hurt when you lost him to Davis."

"Yeah, so? I have you now." Adam looked put off by the subject. "What's Danny got to do with anything?"

I swallowed my pride. "Last night, I caught Danny and Davis together here in my cabin...well, I kind of did more than just catch them."

Adam let go of me. He looked hurt and I hadn't even told him the worst part yet. I figured he already assumed. More tears rolled down my cheek. Adam stood up and paced across the cabin. "You fucked my brother, didn't you?"

I didn't answer.

"Tell me you fucked my brother."

I slowly nodded my head. I could now see tears fill Adam's eyes. He was seriously wounded. Not just hurt, but heartbroken and angry and dejected. There was a new rage about him. He walked over and hit me in the face. Hard. I could feel it swelling up. I grabbed his hand and looked into his eyes.

"I'm sorry, Adam. It didn't mean any--"

"No. Fuck you, Jon. I hope you and Davis have a hell of a time with each other. You deserve to be together." He threw a bunk bed across the room and slammed the door. I didn't chase him. What could I do? We were at camp. I heard footsteps and wondered if he was returning. Adam entered the room and stood in front of me. Maybe that was the worst of it. "Look at me, Jon. In the face. Look at me."

I hesitantly looked up. "See this body? See it? Smooth and toned and muscular? I molded this for you, Jon. I looked up to you. All these years of hoping that you'd finally notice me, and the year you do you also notice my brother. Tell me, Jon. Did you mess around with Danny, too?"

I turned away, ashamed, burying my head in my pillow.

"You're nothing but a fuckin whore, Jon. A whore and a lair and a pedophile. To think I respected you." The door slammed again and Adam was gone. He was right, though. I had never hated myself more. My brain had ceased to work over the last day and a half. Sex is not a free for all. Sex is not just for pleasure. It means something, and it has consequences. I had felt more than sex with Adam. I had felt love. But I had blown that for more sex. That's all Davis and Danny were to me. Just hot, young bodies for sex and sucking cock and fucking up the ass.

I stayed in the guest cabin for the next hour, skipping breakfast and preferring to talk to no one. I decided it was best if I packed up my things and got the hell out of there. I was rolling up my sleeping bag when Adam's sixteen year old brother entered.

"What do you want, Davis?" I asked sourly.

"I wanted to say good-bye. You're leaving, right?"

"Yeah," I responded. I wasn't exactly in the mood for small talk.

The lean teenager with the curly blonde locks wrapped his arms around me in a big hug. I wanted to push him away, but honestly didn't have the energy. I was drained and just wanted to go home.

"It was more than just fun for me," Davis answered.

"Huh?" I asked. Davis held me tight. It felt good. I had quit trying to fight him.

"I told you not to tell Adam and you did. That shows how much you love him.

You never loved me like that. It was just sex, wasn't it?"

"Wouldn't you say?"

"For you," Davis replied. "And for Danny, too. But I always wanted more. I really do care for you more than you think, more than you care for me I guess." He let go of me and laid a quick, soft kiss on my lips. "Danny was just someone I foolded around with.

Being with you was more than that. I could feel a difference."

"Davis, if you're trying to manipulate me--"

"No, honestly. But I came between you and Adam. And since I love you both, I have to fix that."

"Nothing is going to work," I stated matter-of-factly. "I fucked up and it's over."

"No, I fucked up," Davis responded. "I thought I could make you love me like you loved Adam...I was wrong. Let me tell him that."

"We were both wrong, Davis. We were both wrong." I grabbed my sleeping bag and duffel case, carrying them to my car. Davis followed behind me, but didn't utter another word. He waved as I pulled out of camp, but I didn't wave back. I just wanted to go home and die.


It has been eight months since that amazingly painful weekend. I have tried to rekindle my friendship with Adam, if not a closer relationship, but no such luck. He doesn't return my phone calls or emails. I figure he's got me on his block sender list. I still love the kid and hope he is handling college well. He is a freshman at The University of Texas and from what I understand, president of his fraternity pledge class. I don't know if he is interested in boys or girls or if I was just a one time thing.

I just hope his broken heart is healed and that he can one day forgive me.

Davis and I still talk. He has grown quite a bit and stars for his junior varsity soccer team as only a sophomore. He will surely play varsity next year, especially if he quits dividing his time between soccer, track, and wrestling. He is every bit as good-looking as his brother now, only bigger in his muscular development. We are good friends, and Davis often looks to me for advice. We sometimes work out together and every now and then, I attend one of his athletic contests.

Often, I will pick him up at a soccer or wrestling tournament. He will come over to my house, and we will take a shower together. He even stole me a singlet from his high school so we could have erotic wrestling sessions. I don't know if he and I can ever be lovers. But I am quite fond of the kid, he reminds of his brother and the sex is great.

One time, he brought a fellow teammate over after soccer, a hot Catholic boy with jet black hair and a perfect ass. We had a pretty hot threesome, but I worry that Davis may eventually leave me for this seventeen year old stud. I have seen them together, watched the way they interact with each other on and off the field, and it is probably as close to love as Adam and I once had.

I don't know what's in store for me. Work keeps me pretty busy, and I'm thinking about settling down. I guess I keep hoping that Adam will come back around.

Davis seems to think that writing this story will help. Of course, Davis is a hopeless optimist. And why not? He seems to get everything he wants. Even all the pretty girls scream for him when we are at the mall or one of his jock events. He could marry any one of them tomorrow.

You won't hear me complain. Davis makes me feel young and whole and good inside. And he promises to always be there for me. I just wonder if there's only one true soulmate in the world for each person, and if there is, maybe I blew my chance.

If you're out there Adam and you come across this, know that I still love you.


(this is it, y'all; how about some feedback?)

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