Courting Teenage Adam

By jon oliver

Published on Sep 29, 1999


Courting Teenage Adam: The Love Shack By

This is the second installment in the Courting Teenage Adam series. It is a story based on fact, but consists mostly of my fantasies to be with one special 18 year old boy. As usual, you should probably not read this story if you are offended by sex between two consenting males, etc, etc. For mature audiences only.


Hidden away from all of camp each and every night laid the dark and lonely tomb known by everyone as the underwater house. During the day, it was a hub of camp activity; an upside-down box about two feet below the surface of the lake. Scuba-geared and skindiving campers would venture into the house where there was enough room for five or six people to stand and breathe in the air. Yes. There was air in the underwater house, a miracle of science that I can't explain, it just was. Occasionally, a counselor would be sent down with an oxygen tank to balance out the carbon dioxide, but there was always air every hour of every day of every week.

The underwater house, of course, had other implications that came into play only at night. It was a confirmed fact that two counselors and another time two campers had been caught naked and mugging in the wee hours of the night. They had apparently made too much noise entering the water and eventually got sent home. Other couples (always guy- girl) had been rumored to have had sex there, and eventually the underwater house earned the new nickname of "Love Shack".

It was the underwater house that Adam had suggested for our second sexual encounter. He knew it was risky, but hell, our whole morning ritual had been just as risky. He had also suggested that I bring lubricant, so I all sorts of new and gorgeous thoughts were filling my overworked libido. Lubrication, at least in my mind, only meant one thing. Adam wanted to try anal sex. I wasn't sure which role I'd be playing, though top is usually my preference. With Adam, though, I found myself not caring. I just wanted to hold his luscious teenage body and caress his smooth chest and legs.

Ironically, my first gay experience occurred in the underwater house when I was fifteen. Two of my cabinmates had woken me up in the middle of the night and suggested we take a midnight swim. I started to slip my swimsuit on, but they abruptly stopped me.

"No, Jon. You won't be needing that," Ford laughed. He was tall and skinny with shaggy brown hair.

"Well, I have to wear something on the walk down," I replied. The underwater house was a good five hundred yards from our cabin, smack in the middle of camp. I wasn't risking a walk that far without clothes.

"Go in your boxers. I am," another voice cracked. It was Stephen. Short and skinny with blonde hair, Stephen had yet to hit his growth spurt. He was the kind of adorable kid all the chicks liked to harass and pinch on the cheek. His logic made sense, and we all three grabbed our towels and walked down to the lake in our boxers.

"Who first?" I asked.

"What do you mean? I thought we'd all go in together," Ford replied.

"Well, yeah...Eventually. But if someone walks by it will look pretty suspicious. What do you say we hide out at the trampoline and go in at one minute intervals?" I suggested.

Stephen and Ford decided that was a good idea with Stephen going first and me going last. Stephen watched to make sure the coast was clear and then slipped off his underwear. I looked down and saw his tiny penis barely covered with blonde pubes. It was about as adorable as he was, not that I was thinking gay thoughts at the time. I was just trying to size him up, and I smiled knowing that my prized feature was bigger and more developed.

"What are looking at my dick for?" Stephen suddenly asked. I hadn't realized my glances had been that obvious. "You some kind of faggot?"

"No." I didn't know what else to say. Fortunately, Ford broke the ice.

"You gonna go or not, Stephen?"

"Yeah." Stephen handed his boxers to Ford and took off. He ran quickly around the campfire area and onto the bridge where the ladder was, disappearing into the water. We waited a minute and I suggested it was time for Ford to go.

"Just a second," he retorted. "You're not going to try and back out, are you?"

"No. I swear. I'm right behind you."

He started to slip off his boxers. "Don't look at my dick," he said.

"I'm not going to. Honest, I was just noticing that Stephen isn't,well,you know..." My voice trailed off. "It's just that he's not very developed."

"Can I see yours?" Ford caught me by surprise. I just stared at him without answering. "Come on, at least tell me how long it is."

Since we were both going to be naked together anyway, I dropped my pants and revealed my mid-sized package.

"Not bad," Ford replied, dropping his pants. I could see we were both similar in size (no surprise since our builds were roughly the same). Ford smiled and handed me his boxers. "See you in a minute, Anaconda." I smiled back. "Hope the water's not too cold." And soon he was off and sliding down the ladder into the murky lake.

Suddenly, I was the only one standing there, completely naked with three pairs of boxers in my hands. I counted to sixty and then dropped everything in a pile, taking off for the water. I darted my eyes left and right, expecting to be caught any second and interrogated by the camp directors, but no one was awake. My body slid into the water as stealth as possible, and I dove down for the underwater house. Surprisingly, the water was not cold at all. In fact, it was perfect, about seventy-five degrees. My body felt so free moving through it. I could feel myself starting to get aroused.

When I appeared in the house, I stood up and opened my eyes. It was extremely dark and I could just barely make out the outlines of Stephen and Ford from the moonlight shining through the one tiny window. I could hear their breathing, though.

"What took you so long?" one of them asked. I think it was Stephen.

"Sorry," I replied. "Just making sure the coast was clear." I reached down and touched my penis, which was semi-erect. I was pretty sure they couldn't see.

"Man, I had enough time to jerk off waiting on you piss-ants, if I wanted."

"Are you still wearing your boxers, Jon?" Ford asked.

"No," I answered back, offended.

"Are you sure? It looks like you have something on down there."

I froze. Could he see my dick growing? I tried to play it off cool. "What do you mean? You saw me take them off."

"Yeah, but you could have put them back on," Ford continued.

"Yeah, dude, I don't trust you neither," Stephen added.

"Just come over here so we can get a better look," Ford replied more forcefully. I shook my head. "It's just we all agreed to do this nude and if one of us was breaking the code, well..." his voice trailed off. "You're more than welcome to get a better look at us."

I hesitantly obliged and moved forward. As I got within arms distance, I could tell something weird was going on. Suddenly, without due notice, Ford and Stephen reached out and grabbed their arms around my smooth butt and semi-aroused cock. I jerked back, but they held on tight.

"What are you doing?" I demanded.

"Wow, Stephen. I was wrong. He is in the buff."

"That he is," Stephen jokingly bantered. One of them was massaging my balls, I think Stephen. His hand was definitely smaller, and I could feel Ford's bigger, longer fingers making contact with my asshole. My penis continued to grow as the two young boys did their handiwork.

"Mikey, I think he likes it," Ford added.

"Do you think he wants to check and make sure we're not wearing anything?" Stephen said with a wink.

This was getting really awkward, but I had to admit I was enjoying it. I let them continue to massage my teenage meat and decided to reach out and touch their nipples. Ford smiled and moved my hand down to his crotch. Stephen just let me rub my fingers along his chest for a while. Ford's cock was the first one other than my own that I had ever touched. Since it was about the same size as myself (six inches hard) I treated it as if it were my own and I was jerking myself off. I could also see that Ford had moved his free hand from my ass to work on Stephen.

There was some pretty heavy petting going on now, and it wasn't long until we were all jerking each other off and massaging each other's balls. Stephen was my favorite. I just couldn't get over how smooth he was down there, and I knew immediately that I was enjoying it too much. I kept running my hand all over it at various paces, using the pre- cum to slowly lube him up. Meanwhile, Ford was really doing a number on me. He must have used every finger to find my favorite pleasure spots, and he kept rolling my foreskin over the head of my dick, which generated a ridiculous amount of semen. It wasn't long before all of our boy juices were flowing, and Stephen shouted at me.

"Shit, you're good, Jon. I'm already gonna cum." I worked even faster and harder, catching his flow in the palm of my hand.

The load was small, just like Stephen, but as it hit my hand I was overly aroused and came in my own heap. Stephen and I then both started to work on Ford. I played with his nipples from behind while Stephen did the real dirty work. I thought I even saw Stephen sucking him, but can't be sure, as the light was real tricky down there. Either way, Ford started moaning and screaming and shaking and suddenly shot his load, too (the biggest of the three!). It was an amazing experience, and we all left the underwater house with a new appreciation for the term "love shack." We also promised to meet and do this regularly, though I got nervous about whether or not I was becoming gay and ended up backing out after two nights of pleasure. Ford and Stephen, of course, continued their erotic trips, but unfortunately failed to sign up for camp the next summer.

Now, nine years later, Adam wanted to take me back to that same special place, and I couldn't think of a better way to spend the evening together.


The day that I began my love affair with Adam in the secluded pool passed slowly and without much incident. I was excited for six o'clock to arrive and for Adam and I to spend more time together. In the meantime, he had been working with the kiddos, and the one time we saw each other we giggled at the sudden awareness that we were lustfully checking the other out. For one brief instant, Adam found the time to reach up and pinch my nipple. I pinched back and we smiled. People were watching, but they honestly didn't have a clue. They figured we were playing around, nothing more, and I was relieved. Sex affairs at camp can be quite risky.

I was also glad that Adam had chosen 6:45 pm to meet in the underwater house. Everyone working would be at dinner, and everyone off would already be at the nearby restaurants and bars discussing their troubled campers and drinking the night away. If anyone did see us, it would be above water with masks and snorkels on, nothing more than an innocent dip in the lake. The risk of having to sneak out at night (and of getting caught) was also eliminated this way.

At six o'clock I ate an early meal and headed back to the guest cabin to put my swimsuit on (speedo under adidas soccer shorts just like the morning). Adam was already waiting for me in his board shorts.

"You eat yet?" I asked him.

"No," he grinned slyly. "But I got more than food on my mind." I sat down on my bunk to change, and as I pulled my boxers off, I could tell he wasn't taking his eyes off me. It was making me hard, young teenage Adam standing there drooling over me.

"Shit, Adam." All this attention was a little unnerving.

"What?" he replied innocently, as he grabbed my speedo from where it had been drying in the rafters. He took the nylon suit and stretched it out ready to wear. Then he bent down and held the leg holes in place at my feet. He was helping me get dressed. Unreal! I stepped my legs into the speedo's holes and he calmly pulled the swimsuit up past my thighs, caressing my body with the slightest edge of his fingertips. His movements were so slow and deliberate, I thought I was going to cum right there. I stood up to finish getting the suit around my waist, and Adam casually helped to tuck my hard package in, massaging my balls and leaving his left hand just inside the speedo against the bare skin of my ass. I thought the moment would last for eternity. It was very sensual without being overly sexual. Adam took his time tying the drawstring. Then, he sat me back down and straddled me, his smooth body wrapped around mine, and planted the softest, most erotic three-second kiss on my lips that I'll ever know. Was this kid a dream or what?

"Adam," I questioned him. "Do I make you feel as good as you make me feel?"

He laughed, too humble to be anything but embarrassed. "I'm here. Aren't I?"

I started to slip my soccer shorts on outside my speedo, but he stopped me. "You don't need to wear those."

"Yeah, sure, I'll just walk around in my speedo for all to bare," I replied.

"You have a great body, Jon. Nothing to be ashamed of. I doubt anyone would suspect a thing, if..." he pointed at my erect penis. "You can keep Mr. Excitement down."

"That's just the problem. It's whenever I'm with you I. Besides, you're the one with the great body."

"No, you are."

"No, you are."

We both giggled like a bunch of twelve year olds with schoolgirl crushes. I slipped on my adidas soccer shorts, waited for Mr. Excitement to go down by talking about school and my fraternity, and seeing as the clock said 6:40 pm, we both headed down to the lake.

Adam only stopped me with one last request. "Did you get the lubricant?" he asked. I reached under my towel and pulled out a small bottle of vegetable oil that I had lifted from the camp mess hall. Adam looked at me with surprise. "Will that work?"

"I don't know. It's my first time to do anything like this and I didn't really feel like asking if nyone around here carried KY," I retorted. "But feel how how lubricated it is." I opened the cap and reached my finger in there, rubbing it across the palm of Adam's hand. He played with it and nodded his approval.

"Besides, it's 100% natural," I added. "Just don't get close to the campfire." We laughed and ran towards the refreshing water, sunset in the background. The "Love Shack" was waiting for us, and we knew the sooner we got our young, hard bodies down there, the sooner we'd be naked and having fun. I couldn't wait to be alone again with my young, teenage Adam. What I didn't know was we wouldn't be alone for long.


(as always, comments welcome, but flames will be ignored:

Next: Chapter 3

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