Court Ordered Slave for a Teen Master

By Tom Dickson (Of Blessed Memory)

Published on Apr 17, 2023


This story is a work of fiction and will never happen. But it does contain gay sex so if your under 18 or offended by guys having sex leave this page now. However if this is your cup of tea you can read my other stories here on Nifty. Also if your a fit twink that gets off on having a dad as a slave contact me at: or on Skype, screen name is: Thomas Dickson. I be happy to send you my pics too. Thanks.

Court Ordered Slave For A Teen Master

Chapter 9

It was nice to be sitting in the shade with Kyle and Eric chatting. They were only wearing their shorts and looked so hot with a light sweat guistening on their bodies. Eric was telling Kyle that he told his dad about me and how he wants a slave when he's 18. He said that slaves were expensive and you have to train and maintain them. He told his dad that he was helping Kyle train me. His dad said that it was OK since slaves would become common place soon he might as well get some experience. Kyle was happy that Eric's dad was OK with him being over here.

While they were chatting I thought I should make myself useful. I crawled over to Eric, bent over and kissed and started to lick his feet. They smelled with sweat but I enjoyed it. Eric did to. He raised his feet so I could lick the soles of his feet. Kyle said "It's about time you start thinking about how to please your Masters." He patted me on my head. I was happy.

The boys were continuing to chat but changed the subject to how to train me and punishments that they saw on line. I was listening while I sucked on Eric's toes. I wanted to know what they had planned for me. They talked about all kind of things including putting a 12" vibrating dildo in my ass, hanging me by my feet and whipping me, fucking my ass and mouth upside down, covering my chest dick and nut with hot candle wax, putting a hundred clothspins on me, putting a sounder down my dick, putting an electric thing on my nipples, dick and ball to send shocks through it and finally about fisting me. They both wanted to try them all and more. It didn't sound like fun to me. I knew they would do it though, I just hoped they wouldn't get carried away with it. I guess fucking me and getting blow jobs wasn't enough for these studs. I moved from Eric's feet over to Kyle's. While I was sucking on Kyles toes Eric put his feet up on my back using me as a foot stool. These guys really enjoyed having a slave around.

Kyle said he would have to go to a XXX shop and get some equipment to use on me. He said he could well afford it now. Eric wished he could go but he was only 14 and could go inside the store. Then Kyle said "You know Eric, Justin and Ben really opened the fags ass pretty good. It would be a good time to try and fist the fag. I was getting scared. My asshole was really, really sore. Eric thought it would be fun. Kyle told Eric to grab my leash and pull me into the garage. Eric had this evil grin on his face. He was up to something. He pulled me by my dick.

When we got inside the garage Eric stripped his shorts off and standing there naked. and he was boned. Kyle asked him what he was doing. Eric said "The sign said No Clothes Allowed and the garage is part of the house, right." Kyle smiled and said "Your right. I'll close the garage door." Eric told him to strip first. He said it felt good being naked outside. Kyle went along with him and took his shorts off to. He looked embarrassed being in the open naked. He put his hands over his cock. Eric walked behind him and pushed his hands away and took hold of Kyle's cock and told him to let loose and have some fun. He stroked Kyle a few times. He got a hard on. Kyle was facing the street with Eric up tight behind him. He could feel Eric's cock rubbing against his ass. Kyle said they should shut the door. Eric said "In a minute." Eric took is other hand and was pinching Kyle's nipples while stroking his cock.

I was watching as Eric was teasing Kyle. I loved it. Kyle was moaning he was getting into have his cock stroked. He opened his eyes and saw Danny across the street staring at him. He started to freak but Eric held him tight, stroking him faster. Kyle said "Eric we need to shut the garage, please." Eric was smiling as he held Kyle even tighter and rubbing his cock on Kyle's ass. He told Kyle not to worry about Danny and asked him if he liked having him stroke his cock. Kyle's head was rocking back and forth and said "Yeah, I love it. But." Eric than asked if he liked feeling his hard cock on his ass. Again Kyle said "Yeah I do but." Eric said 'No but's. Just enjoy it." He worked Kyle's cock, nipples and ass for a couple of more minutes until Kyle was ready to bust than he stopped, backed away and slapped Kyle's butt saying "OK boy, you can shut the door now." To my surprise Kyle said "Thank you." He shut the door seeing Danny smiling at him. I thought to myself, what was Eric doing. Was he trying to dominate Kyle.

With the door shut and Kyle regaining his composure, his focus was back on me. He told Eric to move the work bench to the middle of the room while he hung two ropes over the roof beams. Eric and Kyle were both hard and getting into training me. When the bench was in place Kyle made me lay on it face up. He unlocked my hands and tied them over my head while Eric was tying my feet. He pulled one rope raising my left leg up high than the other one making sure my legs were spread wide apart. I still had my Viagara induced boner and my ass was up in the air. Eric tapped my nut than stroked my cock a couple of times. He still had that evil grin. I wish I knew what he was up to.

The boys went and examined my pussy, it was totally exposed and of course hairless. Kyle remarked that my hole was gabbing wide open. He said he needed to get some lube from the house and he left. Eric came to my side and was pinching and twisting my nipple really hard and told me that he was going to own me. I didn't understand. Kyle already made me be his slave along with him. I didn't get it but I was in pain and begged him to stop. He twisted my nip really hard and told me to tell him that I wanted to be his slave. I told him I already was. Eric slapped my exposed nut again and I yelled. He looked pissed and told me to beg to be his slave. I still didn't understand but I said "Master, Please let me be your slave. I want to serve you and be your bitch Sir." Eric smiled and patted my head saying "Soon boy, soon."

Kyle returned with the lube, and the cam corder smiling and boned. The boys looked awesome walking around naked with boners. Kyle rubbed my pussy with some lube and put some on his fingers. Since I was already wide open he struck three fingers and it fit OK without pain. He was working them in and out like he was fucking me. It felt good. Then he put a fourth finger in and that was OK too but while they were in my hole he was spreading his fingers apart stretching my hole a little more. Next came the thumb, now it was starting to hurt. He was pushing to get his thumb all the way in but it was to much for me. I told Kyle it hurt to much. Eric hit my nut and told me to shut up. I screamed. I didn't know if my nut or my ass hurt worse. He encouraged Kyle to keep going. Kyle put more lube on his hand and pushed in a little further. He was almost in. I was sweating like a pig and begging him to stop.

Eric was grinning again and was leaking alot of precum. He must have had incredible balls to produce that much. He got behind Kyle again and reached around him and took hold of his cock again and was stroking while grinding his rock hard cock on his ass. He was whispering to Kyle telling to go all the way. Kyle was already horny as hell and fisting me was a real turn on for him but having Eric stroke him was to much. Eric said that he wouldn't let him cum until his fist was in my ass. Kyle was sex crazed and all he could think about was getting off and in order to do it he had to put his fist in my hole. I could tell he was close to cumming and Eric told him "Push it in now." Kyle did and I screamed bloody murder. Eric walked away from Kyle saying "I knew you could do it." Kyle smiled and said "I thought you were going to get me off." Eric smiled at him "Dude don't rush it. I'll let you get off soon, OK." Kyle said "OK." Than Eric told him to pull his hand out he wanted to try it. Kyle slowly pulled his fist out of my pussy. Instant relief. I thought my hole would never close up again.

Eric greased up his whole hand and pushed it in. His hand was smaller and I already had alot of lube in me so it wasn't as bad. Yeah, it hurt but I didn't scream this time. I could feel him moving his hand around inside of me. It felt really strange. Eric started to pump his fist in and out fast like he was fucking me with his fist. He grabbed my boner and was stroking it. I was in heaven. He asked me if I liked being fisted by a kid. I told him it feels good. I was leaking bad and needed to get off. Eric smiled at me and pulled his fist out and dropped my cock. He left me hanging like he did Kyle. Eric and Kyle both thought that it was amazing that they got their fists in my hole. They wiped their hands off on a towel.

The boys were really horny now and hard as hell. Eric took Kyle's cock in his hand and was lightly stroking it. Kyle loved it. Than Eric took Kyle's hand and put it on his cock. Kyle immediately started to stroke it. After a minute Kyle had alot of Eric's precum on his hand. Eric took Kyle's hand and put it up to his mouth and told him to lick it. He was giving Kyle that killer smile of his. Kyle really didn't want to taste Eric's precum but Eric said "Come on just taste it. You tasted your own, right?" Kyle was focused on getting off and at that point was willing to do anything. He admitted that he did taste is own precum and it wasn't bad. Eric still holding Kyle's hand moved it around so Kyle got to lick alot than he wiped the rest of it off on Kyle's face.

He put Kyle hand back on his cock to stroke. He was still stroking Kyle but not enough to get him off. He was edging him. He said "Kyle, I really need to get off bad but I need a blow job and the fag isn't in any condition to do it. So how about it, huh?" Kyle's head was still thinking about cumming and not really thinking. But he asked Eric "You want me to blow you?" Eric smiled at him. He looked so cute and innocent. He put his hand on Kyle's shoulder and slowly was pushing him down to his knees. Eric told him "Kyle, it's OK. You'll like it, I promise. I know you like me and want to please me so show me how much you want me than I'll let get you off." Kyle was in such lust that he didn't resist much. Kyle's face was right in front of Eric's boner. Eric took his cock and was rubbing it all over Kyle's lips spreading it with more precum. Kyle licked his lips. Eric put his cock right at Kyle mouth and pushed a little. Kyle's took it in. Eric was beaming. He knew exactly what he was doing and so did I. He was going to make Kyle his slave. He was alot more dominant and aggressive than Kyle. I guess he read up on Master/slave relationships and was using that knowledge to enslave Kyle. To tell you the truth I was enjoying the show.

Eric had about 4" in Kyle's mouth and moving in and out slowly letting Kyle get use to it. He was rubbing Kyle's hair telling he was a good boy and how good he looked on his knees. Kyle couldn't talk he was just sucking his first cock. Eric kept telling Kyle how good he was and was stroking his cheeks. He pushed in so his whole cock was in. Kyle coughed but Eric said it was OK. He get use to it. He told Kyle how great it felt and he should be proud that he was pleasing him. He asked Kyle "You like pleasing me don't you, boy." Kyle couldn't talk but nodded yes and was sucking faster. Eric told him to watch his teeth. Eric started to pump faster. When he was getting close he told Kyle "Boy, you do a good job and swallow when I cum and I may let you cum, OK". Kyle nodded yes again.

A minute later Eric was holding Kyle's head forcing his cock in balls deep. I heard Kyle gag when Eric shot his load. I knew that Eric could shoot 5 or 6 shots so when he pulled his cock out I saw him shoot at least three shots of hot teen cum all over Kyle's face. Eric was in his zone. Kyle was swallowing Eric's cum and trying to catch his breathe. Eric took his cock and wiped some cum off on Kyle's nose and put it to his lips saying "You did OK boy, I'm proud of you. Now lick my cock clean for me, OK?" Kyle nodded yes and stuck his tongue out and licked Eric's prick for him. I couldn't believe how submissive he became in such a short period of time. Eric patted Kyle's head and "You are a good boy but you need more practice. But don't worry I'll give you alot." He was smiling at Kyle who looked proud that he pleased Eric.

Eric picked Kyle up by his armpits and put his hands on his shoulders telling Kyle how good he goods with his cum on his face. Kyle just smiled. Eric was doing what he saw Kyle do to me and it didn't register with him what was happening to him. Kyle asked Eric if he could cum now. He said he was so fucking horny he needed to get off. Eric gave him a sad look and told him "Kyle, I wish I could let you cum, really. But you used your teeth on my cock so I have to punish you first. I don't want to, but I have to. You understand that you were bad and deserve it, right buddy?" Kyle hung his head and nodded yes. Eric lifted Kyle's head by his chin so he was looking in his eyes and told him that he had to say it not just nod his head. Kyle than said "I'm sorry I used my teeth. I won't do it again, I promise and I should be punished." Eric said "punished, Sir." This was the point where Kyle either totally submitted to Eric or got his balls back and told him to fuck off. Kyle had tears in his eyes and looked down and said "Yes Sir. I deserve to be punished Sir." Eric had him. He was grinning from ear to ear. He was the true Master now and owned Kyle and me. There's no turning back now.

Kyle patted Kyle's head again and said he was a good boy and not to worry about anything. All he had to do was to please him, that's it. He asked Kyle "You do want to be a good boy and please me don't you?" Kyle looked down and said "Yes Sir, I want to please you." Kyle's boner was gone by now. He was a slave to a 14 y/o kid but so was I.

Eric told Kyle to untie me and get me off the table. While he was doing that Eric found some thin rope. He told Kyle to spread his legs wide. Kyle obeyed but he also put his hands behind his head without being told. He truly had submitted to Eric. Eric tied Kyles balls up tight and than his cock. He said "That until you learn to do a better job in pleasing your superiors your not allowed to cum and the rope will prevent you from doing so. Do you understand me?" I know Kyle didn't like it but his mind was so fucked up he just obeyed like a little puppy dog and said "Yes Sir." Eric said that we were going to go in the house. We had some things to do. Eric put his shorts on. Kyle went to reach for his but Eric put his foot on them and told Eric "I'll tell you when you can wear clothes. I want you naked when ever possible." Kyle was powerless and apparently balless to do anything but say "Yes Sir."

Eric told Kyle to take my leash than he opened the garage door. He grabbed the cam and started to pull Kyle by the rope to his nuts but Kyle hesitated. He didn't want to go out in public naked. Eric gave Kyle a stern look and said "Boy, you follow me or I'll rip your nuts off. You got it, boy?" He gave the rope a hard tug forcing his nuts up and out and it hurt him. Eric pulled him out to the front of the house while Kyle was pulling me. We looked like a train. Danny was still across the street not knowing what was going on.

Eric said that we smelled of sweat and cum and needed to get hosed off. But first he wanted his pits licked. He raised both of his arms and ordered me to lick his right pit. I went right up to him and started to lick it. It smelled good and sweaty to me. He said I was a good boy. Than the ordered Kyle to lick his left pit. He looked across the street and saw Danny and Jimmy now watching him and seeing him naked being pulled around by his nuts. Eric jerked on his rope and said "Now bitch." Kyle never licked a guys sweaty armpit before. He put his nose in Eric'c pit and sniff it than stuck out his tonuge and licked it. Eric was laughing and asked him how it taste. Kyle said "Not to bad, Sir."

Eric told me to hose Kyle down first than Kyle could hose me down. Kyle was trying to cover his dick up but Eric smacked his ass with the rope and told him to get in position. Kyle reacted immediately. He was totally exposed, dick and balls to the boys across the street. At least he had hair unlike me. I got him hosed off than he did me. Eric had both of us roll around on the grass to dry off. I could tell that Kyle was totally humiliated but in his fucked up state he thought he deserved it and obeyed. Eric took Kyle's rope and pulled us inside.

Eric took his shorts off right away and his dick was half hard. He was having a blast being the Master of a college stud and a old one-balled faggot. He took the cam and set it up and turned it on. He took Kyle over by the chair and sat down. He told Kyle to lay across his lap for his punishment. He knew he was going to get spanked for the first time since he was probablly 10. He slowly laid over Eric's lap. Eric rubbed Kyle's ass for a minute than starting the punishment. He didn't hit hard at first but enough so Kyle knew he was being spanked like a little boy. That's humiliating. He got Kyle's ass nice and red and Kyle had tears in his eyes but wasn't crying or begging. That wouldn't do. Eric raised his hand up high and beat Kyle's ass as hard as he could. Kyle was crying hard and begging Eric to stop. He promised to be a good boy, really. Eric didn't buy it. He slammed his ass another ten times before pushing Kyle off onto the floor. While he was on his back crying and rubbing his ass Eric stood over him with one foot on each side of Kyle's chest and said "Hopefully you learned your lesson and I won't feel your teeth again. The only thing you need to do now is to learn how to please this." He was shaking his cock at Kyle. Kyle said "Yes Sir, I will Sir." Eric told him that as long as he kept his cock happy he wouldn't be punish, as much. Eric said now get up and kiss my cock and tell it your sorry. Eric was pushing Kyle. But Kyle sat up with his legs still between Erics and leaned in and kissed Eric's cock and said he was sorry. Eric said, "That didn't sound very convincing. Try it again. Kyle took hold of Eric's cock which was half hard now and kissed the head hard and long licking it at the same time. Than he told the cock "I am so sorry. I won't ever do that again. All I want to do is to please you and make you happy no matter what. Please forgive me." Eric told him that was better and ordered him to open his mouth. Once Kyle did Eric let a stream of piss enter it. Kyle gagged and coughed. He never tasted piss before. Eric yelled at him and said "I thought you wanted to please my cock and now it wants to give you a drink you spit it out. How ungrateful is that." Kyle tried to swallow what he could. He didn't want to piss Eric off. When Eric was done he pushed his cock to Kyle mouth and told him to lick the last drop off. Kyle stuck his tongue out and licked. Than he ordered Kyle to licked the piss he spilled off of the floor. Kyle did it. This wasn't the Kyle I knew. What happened to him. Eric really knew what he was doing. He was breaking Kyle fast and hard. While Kyle was licking the floor he laughed at Kyle telling him he was worthless.

Eric said that he needed to go home for a few minutes but wanted to make sure we didn't try and jerk off. We both promised not too but he didn't believe us. I wouldn't have either. He tied Kyle's hands behind his head, than mine to my collar. He had me stand behind Kyle and he tied a rope from Kyle's hands to my dick ring. That way if he moved it would pull on my cock. Than he took the rope that was used as my leash he tied to the rope around Kyles balls. He pulled it tight so my boner was laying against Kyle's ass. Thanks to Kyle's low hanging balls his two and my one ball were touching. We wouldn't be able to move without tearing our balls off. Than he put socks in our mouths so we couldn't talk and told us if the socks came out we both be whipped severly. He said he shouldn't be long but if he can't come back he'll see us in the morning, than he was gone. I don't know about Kyle but I thought 'holy shit we could be here like this all night.' We were standing there like that for a good 45 minutes.

Finally the front door opened and Eric walked in. I was so relieved by seeing him and I'm sure Kyle was too. He took his shorts off and had a hard on. Damn the boy should did look good. Eric stood there for a minute looking at us and smiling. He said this was the funniest thing he ever saw. He got the cam and had to take a pic. He pulled the socks out of our mouths. My mouth was so dry. Next he untied us so we weren't togather again. But I must admit that it was nice having my cock on Kyle's ass and my chest on his back, plus he smelled good to me.

Eric said we probablly needed a drink. He ordered me to get them a Coke and a beer for him. Kyle said "Sir, your dad will kill you Sir." Eric was beaming, he said "I'm spending the night so get me a beer." I crawled to the kitchen and when I returned Eric was sitting and had Kyle between his legs licking his nuts. It looked good to me. Eric kicked Kyle in his balls as he said "Get off me faggot." He didn't kick that hard but Kyle was hold his balls and had tears in his eyes. He ordered Kyle to go get the Viagara. He wanted his boys hard tonight. Damn my dick just bearly got down after the last one now I had to have another hard on for 4 hurs or more. Kyle started to stand to get the pills. Eric yelled at him and said "Only men stand in my house, crawl bitch." Kyle said he was sorry and got down on his hands and knees and crawled to the bathroom to get the pills. His ass looked good going.

When he returned Eric told us to take one. We obeyed. Than he said as a treat we could share a cigarette. He said that we would be sharing alot togather. He took the pack off of the coffee table and threw one at us. He took one also and said "boys light me." Kyle and I scambled to be the one to light it. Eric laughed at us calling us pathetic. Kyle was lucky, he got to light Eric's than he lit ours. We sat on the floor taking turns smoking while we drank our Cokes. Eric looked pleased with himself. I'm sure he felt like he was an adult. He was drinking a beer and smoking and had two slaves to serve him at his feet.

While we were on our break Eric asked Kyle "I know that fag has to obey and do whatever he's told to. But you Kyle. At first I thought you were totally straight, when I saw some of the things you did with Fag I thought you were bi. Then when we were checking out the web sites on Masters/slaves you seemed really interested in the slave part. I even seen you get boned when you read about being a slave. So I did some more reseach on line last night and found out how to turn a guy who is afraid to admit he's a slave into the slave that he wants to be. It said guys are born either superiors or inferiors, doms or subs, straight or gay, Masters or slaves. You fit the profile perfect for a gay slave. So I want you to tell me that's what you really want to be. Don't pussy foot around about it. I want the total truth out of you or I'll beat your ass so bad that Fag's red and bruished ass will look like he's got a tan."

Kyle didn't respond right away. He was embarrassed to confuss his deepest, darkest secrets. Eric knew this was hard for Kyle so he gave him and me each a cigarette and told Kyle that it's all right. He said "We already know that your gay and want to be a slave. But I want you to get it all off of your chest. Tell me everything. You'll feel better, trust me."

It's really hard to bear your soul and to a 14 y/o kid who is looking down at you while your naked and with a boner. The Viagara was kidding in. I guess Kyle thought that since Eric already knew most of his secrets he might was well open up. He and I forgot the the cam was still on and we thought that this discussion was just between us.

Kyle bit his lip and opened up saying "Sir, It's true I am gay and I want to be a slave. I guess I have always known I was gay but buried it deep inside of me. I've seen how faggots were treated in school and I didn't want to go through that so I forced myself to be straight. I just wanted to be normal and accepted. I like girls alot but when having sex with them just wasn't that interesting to me. I was able to do it and all but I had to be the one to initate it and be the man and take charge. I wanted someone else to be in charge and women can't do it.

I seen guys naked in the shower rooms and always looked at them and it excited me but I never said anything to anybody. I just looked. At the dorm I seen a couple of guys get hard in the shower and it made me hard but I just left quickly before anyone saw me. I didn't want anyone to think I was a faggot.

When the new slave law came out I signed up for getting a free slave never expecting to get one. But I thought having one I could have sex with him and have fun and not worry about anyone finding out. Getting fag was great. When I read the state manuel on how to treat a slave it really turned me on. I didn't know anything about Masters and slaves but it was fun making fun him do whatever I wanted. I was doing shit that I really wanted done to me.

When Fag was cleaning my dorm room and John walked in and wanted Fag to blow him I was fascinated by it. I've seen John in the shower but never with a boner. Seeing Fag blow him got me hard and I wished it was me blowing him. When all the guys came over and used him I wished it was me instead but than everyone would know that I'm a fag and I lose all my friends.

I really liked you Eric and it was fun seeing you really get into being a Master and abusing Fag. It was great seeing you in action. You are a born Master but I was getting jealous of Fag. He was getting all of your attention and I wanted you to treat me like you did Fag but I couldn't tell you. We were friends and I didn't want to lose that. Sorry."

Eric told him that he did good and for him not to worry they would always be friends but on a differant level. He asked Kyle if he got off on the other guys at the party including his teammates on his soccer team. Kyle said he loved his teammates and would love to be their bitch and slave in the locker room but that will never happen. I couldn't tell them. They would hate me and kick me off. He said that he really got off on seeing Justin and Ben using me. He said those guys are not only hot but sadistic and cruel, he liked that alot.

Eric assured him that now that he knows what turns him on and what he needs that he will make sure it gets it and more. He told Kyle that from now on that he will be his slave and be treated just like me except since he wasn't a court ordered slave he would have to wear clothes outside. He said that he would be just as humiliated, abused and punished just like me. He was in total control. He told him that since he couldn't move in that he would still be in charge of me when he wasn't around otherwise he was a slave. He asked Kyle if that's what he wants. Did he want to be a true slave to him. Kyle held his head in shame but quietly said "Yes Master, that is what I want and need." Eric told that his life will be changed forever and that he had no control over it anymore. Kyle said he understood. Eric stood up with a raging boner and a big smile and said "OK slaves follow me it's time to train Kyle, who will now be called Boy." We both followed and Kyle, I mean Boy had a big grin on his face. His secret was out and it was OK and he was going to live his dream. I wanted to tell him you should be careful what you wish for, you may get it.

Guys, I hoped you like this story. If you did please let me know what you think. And if your in your 20's and want a true slave let me know. Thanks, tom dickson, a one-balled fag slave

Next: Chapter 10

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