Court Ordered Slave for a Teen Master

By Tom Dickson (Of Blessed Memory)

Published on Apr 14, 2023


This story is a work of fiction and will never happen. But it does contain gay sex so if your under 18 or offended by guys having sex leave this page now. However if this is your cup of tea you can read my other stories here on Nifty. Also if your a fit twink that gets off on having a dad as a slave contact me at: or on Skype, screen name is: Thomas Dickson. I be happy to send you my pics too. Thanks.

Court Ordered Slave For A Teen Master

Chapter 7

Kyle and Eric were both excited about the slave training sites that they found. I spent about 10 minutes licking Eric's feet and toes while they did their research. Kyle asked Eric about the two boys across the street. Eric put his other foot on my face and pushed it off of his foot saying "Bitch get off my foot." He and Kyle pushed their chairs back. Eric slid forward in his chair and spread his legs before saying "Faggot get up here and lick your Master's nuts, both of them." He and Kyle laughed as I quickly got up to Eric's nuts and started to lick them. Eric asked "I bet you wish your a Pair like a real man, don't you, your one-balled freak?" I looked up at him and said "Yes Sir, I wish I did have a Pair like yours Sir, There beautiful, I love your balls Sir." He was on a power trip. He got into humiliating me as much as Kyle did. As I sucked on his balls I was rubbing his hairy bush. Eric asked "You like rubbing a man's bush don't you bitch? I bet you wish you had one. Tell us why your don't have any hair on your body fag." Eric wanted me to degrade myself as much as he could. I looked up at him and told him "Sir, I do love your big hairy bush and only men like you deserve to have hair. When I had hair it made me feel like i was a man or pretended to be one. But as a faggot and a slave I don't deserve to have any hair. Plus being hairless reminds me of my place and what I am Sir." The boys were roaring. I knew what I was doing. I wanted them both to be in a good mood and I would do anything to keep them that way. It was alot less painful than being beat again.

Eric kept it up. While I went back to licking hs nuts he said "You really are a fucking loser and a piece of shit. In fact, I may even shit in your faggot mouth and make you eat it. Would you like that faggot? You want to eat a real man's shit faggot?" I don't know what Eric and Kyle were reading but it made Eric become really aggressive and sadistic. I think he was trying to provoke me to give him a reason to punish me. So I told him "Sir, I am a loser and should be treated like a piece of shit Sir. And if you decide to shit in my mouth Sir, I would eat it to please you Sir." The boys were laughing their asses off at me. Than he told me to suck his cock after he cock slapped me a couple of times.

Kyle told Eric that he was as evil and cruel as he was. He liked that. Eric was beaming. He got off on being in control. Kyle again asked about the boys across the street. Eric told him that he hung out with the older one, Danny and he was OK. But his parents didn't like him. They said he was a bad influence on him. He said Jimmy the younger one was a brat and liked picking on younger kids. Kyle told him that maybe they might enjoy having some fun with our fag slave here. I prayed that he was kidding. They kept talking as I gave Eric a slow blow job. I did like his cock alot. It fit nicely in my mouth. I didn't like the monster cocks that stretched my throat out. After a few minutes of the boys talking about my training and punishments and tortures that they will use on me Kyle asked Eric if he wanted to go shoot some hoops in the driveway. Eric said it sounded like fun. Eric grabbed my head with both hands and pushed me to the floor saying "Get off of me your faggot."

The boys got up and Kyle grabbed Eric's cock and gave it a couple of stroke telling Eric that he really had a nice cock and that it was bigger than their loser faggot slave. That made Eric feel like a real man. He took Kyle's cock in his hand and told him that he had an awesome cock and hoped that his will be as big someday. I was watching from the floor as these two studs played with each others cock. It gave me a boner. Than they put their shorts and sandals on. Of course I didn't need to get dressed but wished I could have. Even a pair of underwear would have been nice but that was never going to happen.

When we got outside Kyle got the basketball and told me to make myself useful and go wash his car and truck. I always kept my vehicles clean and well maintained so it wouldn't take long to wash them. I got the supplies and went for the garden hose watching the boys play. They looked so good togather. I wish I could have played with them but I was just a slave.

It only took me about 30 mintues to clean Kyles car and truck but I kept watching the boys play ball. They were only wearing their shorts and sandals but were really sweaty and it was glistening on their bodies. They looked so hot and sexy. I saw Eric wave to someone and looked over to see who he was waving to. It was the two boys across the street. I thought, shit. Eric waved them to come over. I knew this wasn't going to be good for me.

The boys came over and looked me over hard. They passed me and went up to Eric. He introduced them to Kyle telling them that Kyle was my Master. They were chatting and I couldn't hear what they were saying. I was taking my time now wiping the truck down. Than Eric called over to me saying "Hey faggot, get your fucking ass over here bitch." He was really pouring in now. I guess he wanted to prove to the boys that he was the man. I thought I better play along and show the boys how good of a slave I am just to keep Kyle and Eric happy. I rather have the boys laugh at me than have Kyle and Eric beat me. So I got down on my hands and knees and crawled to them who were about 20 feet away. The boys were all laughing at me. They couldn't believe I was crawling. Kyle and Eric looked very pleased. I never crawled in the front yard before but I wanted to put on a good show.

When I reached the feet of Kyle I kissed his feet. Everyone was laughing. Kyle said "Get up to your position you piece of shit." I stood and put my hands behind my head and spread my legs wide. I was getting hard. I really liked it when Kyle got very aggressive. Jimmy asked I didn't have any hair. Kyle told him it was because I wasn't a man like them just a useless slave. And slaves don't deserve to have hair and being hairless makes a slave feel less like a man and more submissive. Kyle gave me a stern look and said "Fag your Master is all sweaty." He lifted his right arm up and pushed my face into his pit rubbing my face all over it and said "Lick your Masters pit bitch." Of course I obeyed, in fact I really liked his scent and the taste of his sweat. This wasn't a punishment but it was humiliating to have to do it in front of two boys who I didn't like. After licking his right pit I moved over to his left pit and enjoyed that one too. Jimmy thought it was gross but funny.

When I was done he pushed me over to Eric who raised his arm and forced my face into his pit. He told me "Lick my pits good faggot." He didn't have to tell me. I would have gladly done it anyhow. He smelled and tasted as good as Kyle did. When I was done Eric pushed me away saying "Get off of me your stupid faggot." i got back into my position and was licking my lips. Eric bitch slapped my face hard saying "We let you lick our smelly, sweaty pits out as a treat and you don't even thank us. Your going to get punished for that you stupid bitch." Than he spit a big gob in my face. It was dripping off of my nose. I didn't dare move and my face was red and stinging. I immediately said "Masters, I am so sorry I didn't thank you for the treat. that was so disrespectful. Please punish me I deserve it Masters. I'm so sorry." The boys were roaring in laughter. Danny couldn't believe I thanked them to lick their pits.

Danny asked about my one nut. He said he saw it on the sign out front and on my chest now. Kyle reached over and grabbed my nut showing it to the boys saying "A man has two balls. This fag only has one so he's not even close to being a man like all of us." My dick was rock hard now. Kyle slapped it a few times and stroked it couple of times causing me to leak some precum. The boys eyes were glued to my cock. Kyle slapped my cock hard and said "Fag did I tell you to get a boner?" I couldn't control my dick, no body can. I told him that I got so turned on by licking his pits that I got hard. Kyle smiled and said "I bet you got hard because you want to blow Danny and Jimmy don't you? Your a fucking pervert and you want their cocks in your mouth don't you faggot?" I knew what Kyle wanted to hear so I told him "Yes Master, I do want to suck Danny's and Jimmy's cock so bad. They are so hot. I want to worship their cocks and balls and have them fill my faggot mouth with their cum and piss Master." All the boys were laughing their asses off. Eric told the boys that they could do whatever they wanted to me and I would have to obey.

Danny was really excited and his shorts were tenting. He asked Kyle,"You mean I can have him blow me? I never had a blow job before. I had Jimmy give me a hand job but that's it." Jimmy turned red and looked embarrassed. Kyle told him that if he wanted a blow job that I would do it. Danny said that his dad would be home soon and he would kill them if he saw him and Jimmy over here. Kyle took Danny's hand and put it to my dick ring and said "OK, take the ring and pull the faggot into the garage and we'll shut the door. Danny thought that was cool. He grabbed my ring and gave it a yank. I let out a yelp. I couldn't believe that I was going to have to blow these boys. Now I felt like I was a pervert. It's awkward to try and walk being pulled by your dick with your hands behind your head but I managed.

When we got inside the garage Kyle closed the door. Danny liked my dick. It was only 6" but it's thick. He put his hand on my dick and stroked it a little. I let out a moan. I didn't want to it just slipped out. But I did want to cum. Than Danny grabbed my ball and playing with it saying it felt weird with just one ball. Jimmy wanted to see so He grabbed my ball and had a big grin on his face. He looked in my eyes and was squeezing my nut hard. I was gritting my teeth. He said "You like that fag?" I told him that I loved having him squeeze my nut. I lied. I couldn't believe this brat had me by my ball and that I was going to have to blow him. How degrading was that. He slapped my dick a couple of times and asked Kyle "Can he blow me too?" Kyle told him that I love sucking off boys and that he could piss in my mouth too. He said he loves drinking piss. Kyle really loved to humiliate me and was really pushing me to see how low I would go. I thought blowing a 13 y/o was pretty fucking low. Finally Jimmy let my ball go. He really hurt it. Kyle ran into the house to get the video cam. I knew it would end up on his new site for everyone to see.

Eric said that before we start the fun stuff He had to punish me first. He got an old kitchen chair I had in the garage and sat down. He told me to lay over his lap. He was going to spank me in front of this brats. I bit my lip and laid over his lap like a good little slave. My boner was on his leg. He lit right into me hitting my ass hard and fast. He wanted to show the boys that he was the boss. It didn't take long before I was crying and begging him to stop. The boys were laughing. They thought it was funny that an adult was being spanked by a kid. My ass was still sore from last night and this didn't help.

After hitting me a good twenty times or more he stopped. He said his hand hurt. I bet not as bad as my ass felt. He asked the boys if they wanted to spank me. Of course they said yes. As I laid on Eric's lap Danny went first and smacked my ass a good ten times. I pleaded with him to stop. He just laughed than Jimmy had his turn. Thankfully he couldn't hit as hard as the others. But I begged him to stop too. My ass was on fire. When he was done Eric pushed me to the floor. He stood up and was grinding his foot on my dick and nut and said "What do you say fag?" I thanked him, Danny and Jimmy for disciplining me. I learned my lesson." They all laughed. Eric put his weight on his foot on my dick and stepped over me telling me to go beg Danny to suck his cock. He and Kyle just weren't letting up on me at all.

I was sobbing as I crawled over to Danny. Danny and Jimmy were both good looking kids but kind of skinny. I just didn't like their attitudes. I looked up at him and said "Sir, Can I please, please suck your cock Sir. You are so cute and hot I want your cock so bad. Please." I hoped that was good enough. Danny was grinning. He wanted me too. He was tenting and I saw a wet spot on his shorts but I don't think he wanted to expose himself. Kyle saw him hesitate and he told me to help Danny out and get his cock out for him. He told Danny that he didn't have to do anything. A slave does it all for you. I reached for Danny's belt and undid it. He didn't stop me, I wish he did. Than his button and finally his zipper. He just stood there letting me undress him. I slid his shorts down and mouthed his hard cock through his underwear. He liked that alot and was moaning. I slipped his underwear down and saw a very nice 5" cock. It was thin, but he had a nice set of balls and a nice hairy bush too. His body wasn't toned or had many muscles like Eric's and he wasn't as developed as much as Eric either but he was horny as hell. He was leaking alot. I leaned into him and kissed his precum off of his cock. He was going crazy over this. I went down and kissed his balls and licked them. He was moaning alot. I told him that he had a great cock and a nice set of balls. He smiled. I engulfed his entire cock and buried my nose in his pubes. It wasn't hard, I had much bigger cocks in the past couple of days. I deep throated him and sucked hard. He came in no time. He shot at lease 4 shots of hot boy cum in my mouth. I let his cock go and licked it off for him. I thanked him and told him that he really came alot and it tasted great. I told him that I would be happy to suck his cock anytime. He seemed very pleased. But it was Kyle and Eric that I wanted to please. I looked at them and they were grinning so I guess I did OK.

Jimmy was eager to have me blow him. He pulled his pants and underwear down to his ankles. He wasn't shy at all. He had about 4" boner and sparsly patch of hair above it cock. His balls weren't hanging low yet and were smooth like the rest of him. I didn't knew if he could cum yet but he sure wanted to. I crawled over to Jimmy who was grinning from ear to ear. I looked up at him and beg him to let me suck his cock and both of his balls. He said "Fuck yeah, suck my dick faggot." I swallowed his whole dick and could have taken his balls in at the same time but I just sucked his cock for a minute. He was so fucking horny and moaning alot. I went to his balls which were small and tight but I sucked them in easily and sucked and licked them. He loved it but ordered me but to his cock. This boy just wanted to cum. I wondered if he could how much. It didn't take long to find out. After 3 or 4 minutes he did cum. It wasn't much and it wasn't very thick but the kid managed and by hearing him you would have thought he blasted the mother load. He told Kyle and Eric that, "That was fucking awesome. I want to do that again." All the boys laughed telling him to calm down."

I was still at Jimmy's feet and he didn't pull his pants up when he asked Kyle "Can I pee in the fags mouth?" Kyle smiled at him and replied "Jimmy, your more of a man than the fag is. You have two balls and some hair unlike the fag. Your his superior so just tell the fag to open his mouth. He's here to serve men like us." Jimmy liked being called a man and that he had the power to tell me what to do. He said "Faggot open your fucking mouth." The boy liked to swear. I'm sure it made him feel like he was an adult. I opened my mouth. He aimed his little dick and sprayed my face before hitting my mouth. He was laughing saying "Look Danny, I'm pissing in his mouth." I swallowed all of the piss that he managed to get in my mouth but my face was soaked and most of my chest. When he was done I thanked him. He laughed at me.

Not to be outdone Danny said "I want to do that." I immediately crawled in front of him and begged him to piss all over me and in my faggot mouth. He was happy to do it. He let a torrid of piss on me and in me. I was really getting to like drinking piss now. I guess it's an aquired taste. I licked the last drop off of this dick and thanked him and I meant it this time. Kyle yelled at me saying "Faggot you got piss on my floor, lick it up now." I got down and started to lick. I never thought I would be licking my garage floor but here I was. It was a nasty job but the boys really enjoyed seeing me do it. Danny and Jimmy said they better get going before their dad came home. Danny asked if they come over for more blow jobs sometime. Kyle told them to just let Eric know and they could come over. Once they were gone Eric said that they will tell all the boys in the neighborhood and at school about the fag. Kyle said "Maybe the school should have a field trip here so the boys could see and feel what a real blow job is like. They laughed. I now felt like a real pervert after blowing a 12 and 13 y/o. But everyone was happy so I was happy to. Kyle turned off the video cam and told Eric it was going on the site so everyone could see me blow underaged boys.

Kyle came over to me and looked down at me seeing my pissed soaked face and said "Fag, you did good. You respected Danny and Jimmy like a good fag. But I want to know what you really thing about it, and you better not lie to me." I knew he would know if I lied and would punish me so I told him the truth I said "Sir, I felt so low being forced to blow little boys. I know it wasn't right and if I wasn't a slave I would have gotten arrested for doing it. And I didn't like the boys anyhow and it was degrading to have to obey them and have them laugh at me." He and Eric laughed. Eric said "If you didn't like it than why did you do it and have a boner while doing it. I told him "Master, I had no choice I'm your slave now and have to do whatever you and Master Kyle say. If I don't you will punish me. I want to please you both. I have a boner because I'm horny and I'm starting to like drinking piss and sucking cocks I guess. I don't know I'm confused about all of this."

Kyle told me that he always wanted me to be honest with him but it is my job to please him and make his friends feel good. Than he told Eric "See, the fag still has some pride left and thinks about how he feels and how others think about him. Once he's broken it won't matter to him anymore. He still needs alot of training. Eric agreed and reminded Kyle that I still had one punishment to do yet. Kyle smiled and said "I forgot, thank for reminding me. What should we do with the fag?" Eric looked around and said "Let's tie his hands overhead to the beam and give him a good whipping." Kyle liked that idea but I didn't. They got my hands stretched than Kyle saw a broom and tied it between my legs to spread them out wide. Of course the garage door was wide open now so if anyone looked they would have easily seen me standing spread eagle. Eric got a hammer and that scared me. But he told Kyle they should tie it to my nut to stretch it. Kyle liked all of Eric's ideas. Eric was really getting into punishing a slave. I know I looked like an idiot standing there with a hammed hanging between my legs but what could I do. Than Kyle told me to swing my hips and make the hammer swing. It hurt my nut swinging the hammer but the boys were having fun and of course Kyle had to turn the cam back on.

After a few minutes I was sweating. It was alot of work keeping the hammer going. Eric made me to swing it higher. I couldn't so he took off his belt and whipped my ass good. That stung and got me swinging my hips more. He liked that so he kept hitting my back and ass. I could feel my backside burning and I had the hammer moving pretty good but it really was killing my nut. The guys loved giving me pain while humiliating me. Kyle took off his belt and started on my chest. They were double teaming whipping me. Kyle told me they would stop once I got the hammer up even with my dick. Believe me, I swung my hips so hard. I was sweating like a pig but I kept going. The belt was raising some welts and the only way to end it was to get that fucking hammer up. It took alot of work but I finally got it swung up enough one time. The boys were laughing their asses off at me but they did stop. Eric untied my hands while Kyle undid my legs. Eric remarked that I looked like a lobster. Kyle took my ball and took the hammer off. He told Eric to check out my nut. It was swollen to twice the size it was. They laughed. I wanted to grab it but I stood there with my hands behind my head like a good slave should.

Kyle suggested that they hose me off than go and down load the two videos he just took. Eric told him that this was fun. Well maybe for them but I was hurting but I did thank them for the beating, I did deserve it. Kyle pulled me by my dick ring to the front yard while Eric got the garden hose. I was hoping they hose me down in the backyard but I think most people in my neighborhood have seen me or my sign so it didn't really matter I guess. Kyle pulled me inside after he had me roll around on the grass to dry off.

Once inside Kyle took off his shorts and sandals. Eric followed suit. They both looked hot to me. Kyle asked Eric if he was OK being naked in the house. Eric said "At first it was embarrassing but I like it now." Kyle told him "Eric you have a great body for a 14 y/o. Your going to be a real stud in a couple of years." Eric blushed. Kyle told him the he had nice pecs and his abs were coming along too. Than Kyle took hold of Eric's cock and balls and said "Your cock is really nice and your balls are huge. You should be proud to show them off. Your almost as big as I am and your bigger than the fag already." Eric got a boner and was turning bright red. Kyle's dick was getting hard too. I loved it. He thanked Kyle and said "You know you should have everyone who comes in to strip." I think he was kidding but Kyle liked the idea. He said that maybe he should put a sign up saying 'No Clothes Allowed. Strip Now.' They both laughed and Eric said he should do it. I liked the idea too. At least I wouldn't be the only naked one then.

Kyle ordered me to get them some Cokes as they went into the office. I got down to crawl when Eric kicked my ass hard and said "Hurry up faggot we're thirsty." He loved having power over me. I crawled as fast as I could and returned with two Cokes. Kyle was at the computer downloading the videos and Eric was sitting in a chair with his legs spread wide and stroking his cock. He ordered me to get over to him and suck his cock. He didn't have to tell me twice. I went right over and thanked him for letting me blow him. I started in and swallowed his cock balls deep. Kyle said "I think the fag really likes you Eric." Eric patted my head and said "Yeah I know. I think he always did and is happy now that he can suck me off. I bet he beat off thinking about my cock before." Kyle asked me if I did. I said that I have always liked Eric and liked watching him growing up the last five years. I thought he was very good looking and would be a lady killer someday, but I didn't jerk off. But I do love sucking his cock now though." The boys laughed at me and I want back sucking his cock.

While the guys were chatting and Kyle was downloading the videos I was taking my time sucking Eric's cock and balls. He smelled great and was oosing lots of precum. Eric told Kyle that he can't wait to be 18 and get his own slave. Kyle told him that he should that he was a natural Master, but until then they can share me. I thouth he and Eric were really bonding. It was obvious that they both liked each other alot. I'm pretty sure that they were bi but didn't want to admit it, at least not yet. I love sucking Eric's nuts and was licking under them when he raised his legs up and said "Fag lick my hole. I really like that." I dug my tongue right in.

Eric loved his hole eaten out. He was moaning and stroking his cock. He slapped it on my head a few times getting some precum on it. Kyle got distracted by this and turned around in his chair and he was stroking his cock. I went back to Eric's cock and was long stroking him. He liked it when I was licking his head while I sucked. Kyle was enjoying himself watching me work on Eric's cock. Eric took my head in his hands. He wanted to cum and I wanted him too. Kyle got up and stood next to Eric stroking his cock fast. They were both moaning and all they thought about was cumming. Eric tensed up when I heard Kyle say shoot your load on the fag's face. When he was ready to bust he pulled his cock out and covered my face with teen cum. I loved it. While I was licking his cock clean for him Kyle shot his load covering my head and forehead. I reached over and cleaned his cock off. I backed up a little and the guys were laughing like crazy at me. I was covered in boy cum. It was dripping off of my nose and chin onto my chest. Kyle put his hand on Eric's shoulder and said "Eric, I can't believe how much you came. You shot as much as I did. Way to go Dude." Eric was beaming. He was proud that Kyle put him in his class. I just loved all the cum. I wanted to wipe it off and eat it but wasn't given permission. I rested on my knees with my hands behind my head. I asked if I could please eat their cum. Kyle said he liked seeing me wearing it so I left it. Of course he had the cam going and he had to download it. While looking up at the guys I took both set of balls in my hands and was playing with them. The guys were grinning. I wished I had a pair like they did. Eric asked if I liked his balls. I told him that they both had a great set and they produced so much cum. I couldn't believe how much two big balls like theirs could cum. They laughed at me but let me continue playing with their nuts.

While the boys were chatting I went back and forth sucked one pair of balls than the other. I loved it as much as they did. Kyle was telling Eric about taking me to my office on Monday naked. Plus he was going to make me blow Zack, my boss and friend. Eric said he would love to go but Kyle said he couldn't go this time. I couldn't believe he said I had to blow Zack, but it didn't matter Zack would never let me. Than they started to talk about some of the training and tortures they saw on line. Eric wanted to try the hot candle wax torture on my nut while Kyle wanted to do the clothespins all over my body. I didn't like what they were talking about and I knew that they were going to do it just for fun. They and I knew I wasn't broken yet. I still worried about me and not how to better please them. But they had a plan to break me faster.

Guys, I hoped you like this story. If you did please let me know what you think. And if your in your 20's and want a true slave let me know. Thanks, tom dickson, a one-balled fag slave

Next: Chapter 8

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