Court Ordered Slave for a Teen Master

By Tom Dickson (Of Blessed Memory)

Published on Apr 7, 2023


This story is a work of fiction and will never happen. But it does contain gay sex so if your under 18 or offended by guys having sex leave this page now. However if this is your cup of tea you can read my other stories here on Nifty. Also if your a fit twink that gets off on having a dad as a slave contact me at: or on Skype, screen name is: Thomas Dickson. I be happy to send you my pics too. Thanks.

Court Ordered Slave For A Teen Master

Chapter 5

It was a little early for the party but Kyle had me go answer the door. I knew I had to open the door wide than step back and get in position with my legs spread and hands behind my head. Once the door was open I saw John, Kyles friend from the dorm that I sucked earlier and he brought a friend. They walked in and the new kid was laughing at me. He was about 19, 5'8", 130#'s, and kind of cute. He had a nice smile. Kyle said John, Mark come in. They were talking about the fun they were going to have and they talked a little about soccer. I got the impression that they were all on the soccer team. That explained why they were all in good shape.

Kyle grabbed my nut and told Mark "Check this out the faggot only has one ball." Mark said that it was the funnyest thing he ever saw. He called me a freak. Than Kyle told them that he took my cherry today. They all laughed. John told Mark you got to have him suck your cock. He's good at sucking dick. I had to just stand there in my position and take the humiliation. Than Kyle asked if they liked his new ride. John said "that BMW is yours?" Kyle answered "That plus I had a crew cab pick up in the garage and I own this house too and everything in it. I own everything the faggot had before he became my slave." Mark looked at me asked if it was true. I said "Sir, my Master does own all of this and my body to do whatever he wants with it." Mark said that was so cool and that he wanted a slave like me. Kyle told them to check out the game room downstairs.

I followed them down and Kyle showed them the pool table, the exercise area and even the hot tub on the patio. Than he asked if they wanted a drink. Of course they said yes and we went to the little bar. I gave them all a beer. Kyle poured two shots of Captain Morgan and made me drink them. He told the guys he wanted me a little drunk to loosen me up for tonight. I was happy to do it. I wanted to be drunk so I wouldn't remember tonight.

John told Kyle that on message he got that he was looking for some viagara. He said he bought some on line and brought a bottle. Kyle got excited. He said he wanted me hard all night but didn't want me to cum. Mark suggested that they tie up my dick and nut like a cock ring. He said it would keep me hard. John said let's tie up his ball really tight and strectch it out so he can't come. Kyle thought that was a great idea. He asked me if I had any small rope around. I told him that there wasn't any but maybe shoelaces would work. Mark said "Looks like the fag is into this." Kyle told me to got get the laces.

They followed me upstairs and were drinking their beers. I returned with two laces I took off on my shoes, I mean Kyle's shoes. He took one and looped it around the base of my cock and my ball a couple of times and pulled it tight. The second one he looped around my ball a dozen times to really stretch my ball. It was pushed to the base of my sac and was now about two inches below my cock. It too was tight. It was restricting my blood flow but not totally. My nut was starting to get darker. John gave Kyle the viagara and made me take one with some beer. I didn't think it was a good idea to mix booze with viagara but I had no choice. Kyle was going to humiliate the shit out of me tonight.

Mark was still laughing about my one ball. It looked even funnier being stretched out. He told Kyle that he should write ONE BALL on my chest so everyone would know about it. Kyle thought that was a good idea. He went to my office and got a marker. When he returned he wrote ONE on my chest than below it BALL in big letters and worse it was a permanant marker so it would stay on for at least a week. After about 15 minutes my dick was getting hard. John saw it first and pointed it out and they all laughed at me. Soon after that I was rock hard and because it was tied up tight it looked even bigger and harder than it even did before. Plus it was sticking straight out even with the weight of the dick ring on it. Kyle had to slap it a couple of times. He even got some of my precum on his hands. He laughed and told the guys I was really horny. He hadn't let me cum since he got me. He put his hand to my mouth for me to lick the precum off. He told the guys that they should sit on the front porch and wait for everyone else to show up.

Out on the porch Kyle locked my hands beind my head and made me stand at the top of the steps so I was clearly visible to everyone including my neighbor across the street. The guys sat down and were drinking their beers and chatting. I wish my boner would go away but that wasn't going to happen. I wondered how long the pill will work. While standing there feeling like a fool I spotted the two kids from across the street staring and pointing at me. They were laughing. Kyle saw them too and waved to them. I know they would have come over but their dad would kill them so they still in their yard. I was thankful for that. Kyle told the guys that the neighbor was a total asshole and that the boys liked getting in trouble. He said he was going to make me blow them. The guys laughed. I cringhed at the idea of having to blow them but I knew Kyle would do it if he got in the mood for it. He wanted to see how low I would go and he was going to do whatever it took to break me.

We were out there about ten minutes when the first car pulled up. Three buddies of Kyle's got out pointing and laughing at me. One guy said "Look, Kyle really does have a faggot slave." Another said "Look, he has a boner." They all looked like soccer players to. I kept my head down. I just couldn't believe this was happening. One guy got right in my face and said "Hey faggot, you want to blow me?" What could I do. I had to tell him what Kyle wanted or I be punished and have to blow him anyhow. So I replied "Yes Sir, I really want to suck your cock and your friends cock too Sir." Everyone laughed. Kyle asked John and Mark to grab some beers.

Than another car pulled up and two guys got out. I wondered how many more were coming and how many I was going to have to blow. Kyle also said they could fuck me. I hoped not, my asshole was really sore but that won't stop Kyle from having his friends fuck me. Another car came and it was my nephew, Justin. I was totally embarrassed standing there naked and with a raging hard on as he got of the car. Then his passenger got out. Fuck it was his younger brother Mike. They were smiling as they walked up to me.

I had to admit they looked good. Justin said "Hey unc how's it hanging? Your boner looks bigger than the last time we saw you in the pool. So your finally out of the closet. It's about time. Mike and I always knew you were a fag." He stroked my cock a few times and I started to moan. I couldn't help it, it felt so good. Justin saw the 'ONED BALL on my chest and grabbed it squeezing it really hard. My knees started to give. Justin Said he was going to have fun fucking me. Mike said he wanted to fuck my throat. I never thought these boys would do this to me. Kyle introduced himself and told the boys he was happy they came. Justin said they wouldn't miss it. He said it was going to be fun. I couldn't imagine what he was thinking about. Kyle told him that everyone was going to have fun with their uncle tonight. It was bad enough to go through this ordeal with Kyle's friend but now I had to submit to my nephews.

Everyone took a beer and we all went inside. I know some of the neighbors were looking out their windows seeing what was going on. I just wanted to go and hide. Once inside I was groped, pinched, slapped, laughed at, by a number of the guys. After a few minutes of standing there taking this humiliation it got even worse. Ben showed up and he brought the kid from work who was our mailboy. Ben was smirking when he saw me. Kyle introduced Ben and Matt to everyone and gave them a beer. Ben was looking me over and said "Looks like you found your true calling. Now, your going to do what I say." This was going to be a long night for me. Kyle told everyone to go down to the game room where there was more beer and food.

It seemed everyone was impressed with the games room. They loved the pool table and the exercise equipment. Kyle told them that there was a hot tub out on the patio. I heard several guys tell Kyle how lucky he was and that they wanted a slave like me too. While they were looking around I was felt up, slapped on my ass some guys used their cell phones to take pics of me. There were about a dozen guys and most were just wearing shorts, tee shirts or tank tops and sandals or sneakers. It was hot out. The guys were pretty good looking. I think they all hung out togather except for my nephews and Ben and the mailboy, I couldn't remember his name though. Wish they weren't there. I could just imagine what they were going to tell everyone back at the office.

So far I felt lucky the guys were just laughing at me and prodding me but that was it. A couple were playing pooling but most were just drinking and talking. I was beginning to feel like this wasn't going to be so bad. But after everyone had a couple of beers and started to loosen then it started.

John was the first to start. He came up to me and pushed me to my knees and OK fag blow me. He dropped his shorts to his ankles and said "OK fag blow me." Everyone was laughing as I leaned into John and took his cock in my mouth. It's hard to really do a good job with your hands locked behind your head but I was doing the best I could. I noticed a couple of other guys had their cocks out and stroking them. I knew they were going to be next. John held my head so he could start pumping my mouth good. I heard some comments including "Yeah, fuck his face." The guys were starting to get into using a faggot. Now I knew it was going to be a rough night. John wasn't going easy on me at all. He was ramming his cock in hard and fast burying my nose into his pubes. When he came It was in buckets and I had a hard time swallowing it all. Teenagers sure can cum alot, wish I could. He pushed me off and made me lick his prick clean for him.

Than another guy took his place and was cock slapping me and smearing his precum all over my face. Than he forced his cock in my mouth and was pounding away. He wasn't as big as Mike so I was able to substain his pounding. I was able to glance around and saw half the guys were naked the rest had their cocks out. They were all hard. They all came with one intention and that was to use a faggot for their pleasure. The only thing I had going for me was that they were all young and horny and stroking their dicks. I was sure they would all cum fast, at least I hoped they would and get this over with. This guy came and wiped his dick off on my face before having me lick it clean for him. Than another cock appeared and another. I must have sucked at least half of these boys off.

As soon as I was finished with the last kid Mike stood in front of me completely stripped of his clothes. The boy wasn't shy at all. He said "Looks like you enjoy sucking off college boys," as he kicked my Viagara induced boner. Mike was only 18 and was going to start college in the fall. He did have a nice long cock and a big hairy bush. He took hold of my head and said "OK, unk, let's see if you can handle this cock." He had at least 8" of hard man meat. He shoved his cock in as far as he could but it was to long and thick for me to take and I was gagging and choking on it. Mike told me to open my throat. I don't know how to do it and couldn't tell him with his cock in my mouth. He was banging away at my mouth but couldn't force it down my throat. He was getting upset with me.

He pulled his dripping dick out of my mouth. I was coughing and my throat was raw. Mike pulled me up by my slave collar and said "I know how to make you swallow my cock fag." He pushed me onto the pool table and had my head hanging over the side of it. Two guys were holding my legs down so I couldn't move.All the guys were encouraging him to fuck my throat hard. Some had their cell phones out to take pics and videos. Kyle had his cam corder out to. It was so uncomfortable hanging over the side with my hands behind my head but Mike didn't care if I comfortable or not he just wanted his uncle to suck his cock. He stood with my head between his legs. I looked up and was staring had his hairy balls. He pushed his cock down into my mouth. He had his cock at the base of my throat but it wouldn't go in. He told me to relax. How do you relax when your hanging over the pool table with a huge cock in your mouth. When he couldn't push his cock in he got pissed. He leaned over me and punched my nut hard. The pain was so bad I saw stars but it opened my throat up and he slid his cock in. I wanted to grab my nut but couldn't. My legs were held down and my head was squeezed between Mikes legs. I was powerless to do anything. The only way I could breathe was through my nose but I was still gagging. I heard one guy say that he could see Mike's cock in my throat. Mike even put his hand on my throat to rub his cock. He was sure enjoying himself. He was power fucking my throat long stroking it. I just wanted this attack over. My nut was in pain, my jaw ached from sucking off at least six guys and now my throat was raw. Mike gave one last hard thrust and held his cock deep in my throat and let his load out. I felt at least six bursts of hot teen cum go down my throat. After he lost his load he kept his cock in me until he got his composure back than he pulled it out. He made me lick his prick clean too. He laughed at me and said "Unc, that was so fucking cool. I'm going to visit you alot." I was drooling and coughing and snot was pouring out of my nose. But the rape of my throat was over.

Justin came up to me and he was totally naked too as most of the guys now were. I was looking up at his nuts and cock. He was just as big as his little brother. I saw him looking down at me smiling. He picked my head up so it was level with the pool table. That felt really good. Than he spun me around telling everyone that he wanted his uncles ass. Everyone was cheering him on. I was laying flat on my back and he pulled my legs over the edge of the table. He lifted my legs up and asked two guys to hold them up over my head. That was uncomfortable as hell. Than he pulled me back some more to get my ass over the edge. My pussy was totally exposed with my legs spread wide apart. My hole was still sore from Kyle taking my cheery earlier and was swoolen some still. Justin said he always wanted to fuck me. I never knew my nephews were like that.

Justin spit on my hole and his cock, no lube. I just prayed he take it easy on me. A second later I knew I was wrong, he plowed his 8" cock balls deep into me so much so that I felt his pubes on my ass. I screamed and was trying to back away from him. One guy got on the table and pinned my locked hands by putting his knees on my arms and with two guys holding my legs I was totally immobilized. I was yelling, Justin, please stop your cock is to big, please Justin." Kyle immediately got in my face and slapped me hard. I was already crying now my face was burning. Kyle was yelling at me saying "Listen faggot, you pissed me off and you will be punished for it. Justin is your superior as every man here is. You treat them with respect and call them Sir at all times. Second you only have one fucking job and that is to please me, your Master. And it pleases me that Justin, your nephew rapes your faggot ass rough and hard. Now I want to hear you beg him to fuck your pussy and you better make me believe it, got it fag?" Kyle was really pissed and he was right I only have one job to do and that's to please him. With Kyle giving me a hard stare I started. I said "Sir, I'm am so sorry that I disrespected you. It's not my place to tell you, superior, what you can or can't do. Please Sir fuck my faggot pussy anyway you want. Teach me my place and rape me as hard and as rough as you like Sir. I want to feel both of your balls slapping my ass. Fill my ass your load Sir." I was crying the whole time but I heard everyone laughing at me and videos were being taken too. I felt so low and degraded but this is my life now. I was hoping this was a nightmare and I would wake up to my old life.

Kyle told the guy who had my arms pinned down to put his cock or balls in my mouth to shut me the hell up. Since he was behind my head his cock wouldn't go in far so he place his two large, low hanging balls right over my nose. He told me to lick the sweat off of his balls. I eagerly started to lap his balls up. I didn't care what I had to do as long as Kyle was happy. Than the guy leaned forward and lowered his balls into my mouth and told me to suck his balls. I couldn't get both balls in so I was sucking on one ball. Justin called me pathetic and started his rampage on my ass again. I could feel his cock tearing my asshole and I was screaming in pain. But each time I screamed my mouth opened even wider and the guy on top of me pushed his nut into my mouth deeper. I was squirming trying to get away but Justin had other ideas. He grabbed my tied up nut, which was swollen some from being punched, holding it really tight and was pulling me back to him so he could go even deeper. I heard all kind of comments like'Fuck that fag', 'Give it to him good', Justin was in power fuck mode and fucking me as fast as he could. The guy on top kept telling me to suck his nut and was twisting my nipple to convince me to do it. I tried to suck it but it was hard to do. Another minute went by when I felt Justin shoot his load in my ass. He stopped fucking me but left his cock in place until he recovered. When he pulled out I heard a pop. Than he ordered me to thank him. The guy on top pulled his nut out and I could bearly talk but managed to say "Thank you Sir, I sure deserved that pounding Sir. Thanks for teaching how to take my superiors cock Sir."

I went back to suck the guys other nut and tried to relax a little when I heard Ben said "Looks like it my turn, fag. Ready for a good fucking?" The guy on top of me, I never got his name, pulled his ball out. I replied to Ben saying "Sir, Yes please Sir fuck your old boss and teach me a lesson, Sir." Ben said "I promise you that." Than Ben asked the guy on me to turn around and stuff my mouth with his cock. He didn't want to hear a sound out of the old fag.

He swung around me and put his cock in my mouth. He was dripping alot of precum. I was happy that he had a thin dick. My jaw was killing me from all the cocks I sucked already. Ben didn't need any lube he easily slid into my ass using Justin's cum as lube. He wasn't as thick or long as Justin thank god. I prepared myself for a real ass pounding. I knew Ben didn't care for me and he wanted some payback for the way I treated him. Than the onslaughter started. He was just banging my asshole. I heard him grunted each time he pushed his cock in. I could even feel his hip bone hitting my ass. If he fucked me any deeper his balls would be in my asshole. I tried to focus on the cock in my mouth to avoid the schearing pain in my ass. I tried to scream a couple of times and tried to back away from Ben. He was having none of it and brought his fist down on my nut. That made me scream around the cock even more. I couldn't even move my legs with two guys still holding them apart. I couldn't do anything except to take it and hope it be over soon. All the guys were cheering Ben on to fuck me like a $2 whore. He only fucked me a few minutes before he added his load to Justins. Once Ben was out of me he said "Fag that was great, I'm going to have to do that alot more." The guy on top of me pulled out of me and I told him "Sir, thank you for the ass pounding, I needed that Sir." Than the cock went back in my mouth.

My asshole was ripped, burning and I'm it was bleeding too. I could feel cum dripping onto my ass cheeks. I felt another cock at my pussy. It didn't hurt too bad. He must have had a smaller cock or all that cum made his cock slide in smooth and easy. While he had his fun fucking an old faggot the guy on me was fucking my throat. I don't remember which one came first. All I know is that I had more cum at both ends. When his cock was out all I could say was "Thanks guys, cum again." The guy on top swung around again so I could suck his nuts some more while he kept me pinned down. While sucking on some bull nuts atleast 2 or 3 more guys fucked me. All I knew was I wasn't going to be able to stand for a week and my asshole would never close again. I was too weak to even try to fight anymore. I just excepted the fact that I was a slut for anyone Kyle wanted to fuck me. I had no say in the matter. What made it worse was the fact that I had to beg this guys to fuck me than thank them afterwards.

I heard Kyle standing next to me and asked Nick, the guy on top of me to get off. Once he was Kyle grabbed my slave collar and pulled me to the floor. I was to weak to do anything. I just laid on the floor looking up at his naked body. He was smiling at me. That made me feel good for some reason. It made me feel like I finally pleased him. He pulled me up to my knees and said he needed to take a piss. I tried to balance myself on my knees and opened my mouth. At least he wasn't going to stretch my jaws and I was really thirsty. The guys gather around. They couldn't believe he was going to piss in my mouth. More pics taked as he let loose his stream of hot piss. Everyone was laughing at me but I didn't care. My mouth was so sore and dry I needed something and besides I was used to drinking Kyle's piss. He pissed on my face with his last couple of squirts. That made everyone roar. Than he pulled me over to Ben's cock and ordered to me kiss and lick everyone's dick that fucked me. He said it was the least I could do. I leaned into Ben's cock and kissed the head and licked his prick than looked up at him and thanked him for using me as his bitch. He laughed. Than I did the same to Justin and the other guys that fucked me.

Once I had everyone's dicks cleaned off Ben said "Kyle, since you use your slave as a toilet can I shit on him?" Everyone laughed including Kyle and Justin and Mike. Kyle told him to go for it. Everyone was taping me now on their cell phones. Ben kicked me in my chest so I was on my back. He squatted over me with his ass facing my face. Kyle told Ben he unlock my hands so I could spread his cheeks for him. Ben thought that was a good idea. My arms were really sore but I spread Ben's cheeks and was staring as his asshole. Kyle got a close up of it. Ben grabbed my swollen ball again and squeezed it but not to tight. He was grunting as I saw a turd coming out of his asshole. It was disgusting, but I kept his cheeks spread wide open for him. He laid two large soft turds on my chest. The guys were laughing their asses off. Than Ben backed up and told me to lick his hole clean. I looked at Kyle for help. All he said was "Do it fag, lick his hole. I thought I was going to throw up. I stuck my tongue out and lightly licked his hole. It tasted so nasty. Than Ben said "I don't have all night, lick it faggot." I just wanted to get it over with so I held my nose and licked his hole. The guys couldn't believe I did it, either could I.

When Ben got off of me He took my hand and smashed it onto his turds and spread his shit all over my chest. He even covered my boner which I couldn't get rid of. Than he put my shit covered hand on my face. This was the grosses thing I ever done but the guys were laughing like hell. Finally Kyle said "You smell and look like shit. I guess you are just a piece of shit afterall." He told me to get my ass outside and I better not get any shit on his floor. I got up slowly and walked out to the patio. Mike suggested that they should give me a golden shower first. Everyone liked that idea. Everyone was still naked and didn't care about being naked in the backyard. I had a privacy fence up so the neighbors couldn't see us, but I knew they could hear us. I got to my knees and the boys just started to piss all over me. I was soaked from head to toe. I opened my mouth to catch some piss. I wanted the shit taste out of my mouth and I kind of liked the taste of piss now. Than Kyle got the garden hose and told me to get in postion. I stood there with my hands behind my head and legs spread wide. He hosed me down spending alot of time on my pits and boner and nut. Than I had to turn around and bend over, spread my cheeks so he could wash out my asshole. The spray hurt but I was glad to get cleaned up. I was covered in sweat, piss, cum and shit.

Once I was cleaned up Kyle walked up to me and said "I hate to do this but you fucked up and have to be punished. You know you deserve it right?" I told him that he was right, I did disrespected Justin and deserved to be punished. He told me to crawl back inside. As I crawled I heard one guy tell everyone that my asshole looked like the Grand Canyon. My hole was stretched to the max.

Once back inside Kyle had me stand with my hands on the pool table to keep my balance. He handed a belt to Justin. He said "Justin, since your the one who he disrespected you have the right to whip him if you want." Justin was grinning from ear to ear as he said "Hell yeah, I'll whip the old faggot. Thanks."

I looked back at Justin and begging him with my eyes to please go easy. All I saw was an evil grin on his face. Than he spoke "Fag, beg me to whip the shit out of you." I couldn't believe he was treating me like this, but I had no choice I had to beg. I said "Sir, I know I was bad and deserve to be punished. Please whip me good and hard it will teach me to respect real men like you Sir." The guys were laughing at me. Justin raised the belt and went wild. He wasn't going easy either. He started on my ass. It stung like hell each time he hit me. He worked over my ass so I would have several welts on them. He moved down to my legs and covered them in red belt marks but he wanted more so he asked Mike to pull my right leg way out to the side. I was balancing on one foot with my hands on the table as Justin whipped the shit out of my inner upper leg. Than he had Mike hole my left leg out and he whipped the inside of my right leg. I was so fucking weak I could hardly stand but I had two feet back on the ground before he started in on my back. The belt just cut into me. Now I know the true meaning of being a slave. Justin was having a good time. By the time he was done my back, ass and legs were totally covered with belt marks and welts were popping up.

Kyle helped me sit on the floor. He put his arm around me and handed me a beer. He said I did good with my punishment and this was a reward. I really needed it too. I drank it down fast. Than he told me that since I was so good he was going to let me beat off. That's the last thing that was on my mind and besides I was hurting from head to toe and my ball was swollen. He pulled me up to my feet and said to everyone "Hey guys you want to see how much a one-balled faggot can cum?" They all laughed but said they like to see that. Kyle untied my cock and nut. I got to rub my ball for the first time and it hurt so much but the viagara kept my dick hard. Kyle told me to jerk off. I didn't want to beat off in front of a room full of teenagers. I never beat off in front of anyone before and it was embarrassing. Kyle smiled at me and told me to do it. I couldn't refuse him so I started to beat my meat. My ball was hurting when it was swinging between my legs so I grabbed it to hold it in place while I used my right hand to beat off. I didn't even know if I could cum with my ball swollen so much. I jerked off as best as I could. After about ten minutes I did manage to cum and my god it felt so good. I tensed up and shot my load. After I came off of my high I heard the boys laughing at the small amount of cum I had. Kyle laughed the most and said "Guys that was a three day load for him." I was so embarrassed. Kyle said I make a mess on the floor and pushed me down and told me to lick up my cum. He said it should only take a second. I licked it up and it wasn't much.

The guys seemed to have had their fun with me and a couple started to play pool, some were chatting away, some were sending their pics to friends but they all remained naked. While they were partying I had to suck off a few guys and drink piss from some more but they weren't rough on me. No one else fucked me. The party came to an end about an hour later. The boys got dressed and thanked Kyle for having them over and that they like to do it again sometime. Kyle asked the guys to e-mail the pics and videos they took and he would put them all togather and make a DVD for everyone. As the guys were leaving Justin, Mike and Ben all asked if they could come visit and use me some more. Kyle told them they were welcome to use me anytime. They were smiling as they left.

Once everyone was gone Kyle told me I could wait until tomorrow to clean the place up. He told me he was proud of how well I behaved tonight. Than he put his arm around my shoulders and led me upstairs. He said a soak in the tub would make me feel better. I was glad to hear that. He filled the tub in the master bedroom and put some Epsom Salt in it and had me sit down in the. As I soaked he went and got two beers and cigarettes. He handed one of each to me. He sat on the toilet while I soaked and we drank our beers and smoked. I did feel alot better. He said "I can't believe tonight. You were amazing at how you handled everything. We are going to have to do this again." I told him that I was glad he was happy with my performance but it was the most humiliating, degrading and grosses night I ever had." He laughed and said I was born for this stuff.

When we were done with our beers Kyle helped me get out of the tub and dried me off. He led me to the bedroom and said I could sleep with him. We got into bedroom and he cuddled up to me and put his arm around me and hugged me. I told him that it felt nice and I liked this side of him alot. He kissed my neck and told me to get some sleep that tomorrow was going to be a busy day. The viagara was wearing off so my boner was gone and we fell a sleep.

Guys, I hoped you like this story. If you did please let me know what you think. And if your in your 20's and want a true slave let me know. Thanks, tom dickson, a one-balled fag slave

Next: Chapter 6

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