Court Ordered Slave for a Teen Master

By Tom Dickson (Of Blessed Memory)

Published on Mar 24, 2023


This story is a work of fiction and will never happen. But it does contain gay sex so if your under 18 or offended by guys having sex leave this page now. However if this is your cup of tea you can read my other stories here on Nifty. Also if your a fit twink that gets off on having a dad as a slave contact me at: or on Skype, screen name is: Thomas Dickson. I be happy to send you my pics too. Thanks.

Court Ordered Slave For A Teen Master

Chapter 2

I couldn't believe that just two days ago I was a successful executive and had a good life. Now I'm standing here buck ass naked, totally shaved, slave collar on my neck, hands locked behind my head, feet chained, nipples rings, a ring through my dick head, FAGGOT and slave number tattooed on my chest and FUCK ME tattooed on my butt. Worse yet was the guard had a leash attached to my dick ring and was handing it to a college kid saying he now owned me and everything I owned was now his.

The kid was about my size and had a big grin on his face as he was looking me over. I had to admit the kid was really cute. He had brown shaggy hair, dimples and slim like me. He was wearing a tank top, cargo shorts and sandals, no socks. The guard led the kid, who was pulling me along by my dick, to a desk where the kid was given my personal prosessions I had when I was arrested along with some paper work.

The guard left the kid sitting there so he could look at the stuff I had and the stuff the state gave him. I of course was still standing next to him. It was awkward as hell. I didn't know what to do or say so I just watched the kid go through everything.

The kid was reading a manual. The title was 'How To Train Your Slave'. I didn't like the sound of it but the kid was smiling while he was going through it. He finally looked at me and said "It says here that I need to humiliate, degrade, abuse and punish you alot until you are broken. It says I should keep you naked at all times even in public and keep you shaved. It's suppose to humble you. I should degrade you in front of everyone including your family and friends. And I should discipline and punish you alot if you deserve it or not. It says that once all you think about is how to serve your Master better than you are broken and accept that fact that you are my slave." I was dumbfounded and didn't know how to response to him. I managed to look at him and said "Sir, I know I'm your slave and have to obey you so do you have to do all the stuff to me Sir?" The kid just laughed and said "Hell yeah, it sounds like a blast. I'm going to take you everywhere naked and show you to all my friends. Since your a faggot your going to suck me off several times a day unless I want to fuck your faggot ass. Hope you like piss cause your going to be drinking it alot." The kid was laughing his ass off at me. I don't know why but my cock was getting hard has he said that. He noticed my cock even though it couldn't stand up because of the weight of the dick ring. He reached over and slapped my cock and said "Looks like you want to blow me now fag."

He took out my file which showed all of my crimes and pics of me naked with my stats. He also read a court order to me that gave him legal access and ownership of everything I owned. He liked that idea alot. There were also some props in the box whick included a flogged, a whip, and the remote control for my collar to control me if I got out of hand.

Next the kid opened the box with my personal stuff in it. First he took out my suit. He looked at it and the labels. He said "Nice threads dude, to bad you'll never wear them again." He laughed than took my wallet. He opened it up and saw I had over $300 in it and some credit cards. He smiled again and put my wallet in his back pocket. I didn't have a pocket or pants to put it in. Than he saw my watch. He liked it alot. It was a Rolex. He asked me how much was it worth. I told him that it was a gift I just got as a promotion. He asked what I did, before I became his slave. I told him that I was just promoted to vice president of the states largest accounting firm. He asked me if I was rich. I told him that I wasn't but was comfortable. Than he saw my ring. It was from when I was in the Army with the 82nd Airborne Div. He thought that was cool and put it on his finger. It meant nothing to him but it meant alot to me. He also pocketed my keys, lighter and cigarettes.

As the kid was sitting back in his chair admiring his new watch and ring he was pulling the leash attached to my dick ring. It hurt but it was hard and the kid was having fun. I thought that since he was in a good mood I ask him a couple of questions. First I asked him if his parents sent him down to pick out a slave. I wanted to know what was ahead for me. The kid surprised me when he said "No, my mom ran off when I was 5 and my old man is a drunk. I live in the dorm going for my MBA." I asked him why he wanted a slave and could he have a slave living in his dorm room.

The kid told me that he just signed up for a slave but never expected that the state would just give him one. He admitted he never thought about what he would do if he did get a slave. I think it was starting to sink in that he was now responsible for me and he didn't have a clue what to do. I guess he thought that it would be cool to have a slave blow him on demand, clean his room and stuff but he never thought about it seriously. The kid looked up at me with the, what do I do now, look on his face. Here I was a naked slave and I was feeling sorry for him.

I put my hand on his shoulder to try to calm him down and told him that I owned a very nice house, a car and had some money in the bank. That things will be OK and I would help him. The kid smiled. I think I made him feel a little better. He said "That sounds nice but I can't afford you yet alone a house and a car." I smiled at that. I told him "Look, I'm a very successful accountant and have made some very good investments. You let me worry about the money and you worry about your studies OK?" The kid replied "But the court said I own your house, car and all your money now." He was differantly feeling better. I told him "Sir, that's true but if you let me manage it you will be OK for a long time Sir." The kid had a big smile on his face now. He pulled on my leash and said "Let's go check out my new house."

The kid was pulling on my dick leash leading me towards the door. I was naked, hands locked to my slave collar and my legs were chained. I begged the kid to please let me get dressed. He was carrying my clothes. The kid laughed and said "The manual said to humiliate you in public and keep you naked all the time and that's what I'm going to do." He gave my leash a hard yank and I stumbled trying to keep up with him.

I knew he didn't have a car so I asked him how we were going to get to my house. He turned around, slapped my face and told me that we were going to take the bus back to the college to get his old beater car than we would go to His house not mine. I couldn't believe that I was being pulled along naked out on the sidewalk. With the chains on my feet I could only take half steps so I had to run to try and keep up but he was pulling my dick so hard it was stretching out. People were staring some were laughing and pointing at me. I knew I was all kinds of red. I couldn't even cover my dick up which was rock hard now. Damn I wish I could control it. I begged the kid to let me wear my pants. He looked back at me smiling and said "There my pants now and your not wearing them. Nice boner though." He laughed and yanked on my leash. This was the most embarrassing moment of my life. As we walked the blocks to the bus stop I asked the kid what his name was. He smiled and said his friends call him Kyle but I can call him Sir or Master and my name will be fag, bitch, slave, slut or whatever he wanted to call me.

As my Master was pulling me along the sidewalk I pleaded with him to take a cab instead of the bus. I reminded him that he had money in my, I mean his wallet. He looked at me and said he wasn't going to waste HIS money on a cab. He said besides being naked on a bus will help me learn my place as his slave. I just prayed that I wouldn't see anyone that I knew and wanted to get home fast. While standing at the bus stop Kyle lit up one of my cigarettes. I havn't had one in a couple of days. Kyle asked me if I wanted one. I said "Yes please Sir." He blew smoke in my face and told me if I was a good boy he may give me one later. He told me that he liked the fact that I smoked. He said it would be another torture he could use on me.

While standing at the bus stop I asked Kyle if he would please unlock my hands from behind my head and lock them in front of me. Kyle smiled as he pulled on my dick leash and said "What, is my fag slave embarrassed that everone will see your little boner?" I turned even redder. Of course he didn't undo my hands. He was really into humiliating me as much as he could. When the bus came he got on first pulling me. I had trouble trying to get up the steps with the chains on my legs. I had to hop to get up each step, Kyle was laughing his ass off at me as I struggled. He pulled me to the back of the bus so everyone on board got a good look at me. I heard several comments and kept my head down not looking at anyone. Since the bus was headed towards the college there were alot of college age guys on board.

Once we made it to the back of the bus Kyle had me face towards the front. A couple of guys standing near us started to talk to Kyle. They wanted to know how he got a slave, why I was naked and if I was a faggot. Kyle told that that he signed up for a slave and the state gave him me. They got excited and said they were going to sign up to. Then he told them that the state suggested to keep new slaves naked in public to break him. It makes a slave realize that he doesn't own anything anymore, not even clothes and that he is just someone's property now. Besides he said, it's just fun pulling a naked guy around town. Kyle told him that I was a faggot and pointed out my tats to them. He said he would never have to jerk off again and that I was his cumdump now. He looked at me and said "Isn't that right fag slave, your going to blow me and my friends whenever I want?" I didn't look up but replied with "Yes Master, I'm your cumdump and will blow you and your friends on demand, Sir." The guys laughed at me. Than Kyle said "Guys, check this out. The fag only has one nut." With that he grabbed my ball and yanked it out and up to give them a good look at it. Of course they laughed at that. One said "No wonder he's a fag, what girl wants one one-balled guy." I just wanted to die.

It was the longest 20 minute ride I ever had in my life but we finally made it to our stop. I had to hop down the steps to get out and Kyle was pulling me along to his dorm room. It was about two blocks away and there were more guys pointing and laughing at me. Kyle stopped and talked to a couple of them but kept it short. It was the last week of school before summer break so Kyle had to move from his room. He said that he was going to move in with a friend but now he had his own house. He was really excited about how his life was going to change now and he loved having a fag slave too.

Once we made it to the dorm Kyle said his room was on the second floor. Luckily for me the steps were closer togather so I was able to walk up the stairs, but slowly. We walked down the hallway and there were several guys walking around and moving stuff out of their room. Of course once they saw me there were more comments and laughter. When we got to Kyle's room he pulled me in but left the door open. I was hoping he close it. He unlocked my hands so I could help him pack up this stuff. I stretched my arms. They were really sore from being behind my head for so long. Then he put my dick leash around my neck and locked it in place so it was pulling my dick up to close to my belly button. I looked around and didn't see much in there. I guess his roommate already moved out. I saw Kyle's computer, a small TV and a bunch of clothes scattered all around the room. He was basically a slob. He ordered me to gather up his clothes and put them in a trash bag while he packed up his computer.

We worked for about ten minutes when a friend of Kyle's came in. He laughed when he saw me and asked Kyle what was up. Kyle said he just got a free slave and was moving into the free house he just got. I tried to keep my back to the kid and was picking up Kyle's clothes when he yelled at me telling me to stand up. He said "Fag, when someone comes in you stand up straight, hands behind your head and spread your legs. I want you on full display so my friends can see how lowly and pathetic your really are." I told him that I was sorry and got in position for his friend to gawk at me. The kid laughed even more. Kyle went on to explain to his friend how he got me and that I was a faggot and his cumdump. Of course he had to show him my one nut. He really enjoyed my humiliation when he did it. He told John that I wasn't a man with just one nut and didn't deserve to have any hair like a man. They both laughed.

The kid who was about 6 feet tall, 160#'s, tanned asked Kyle if he could get a blow job. Kyle called him John and told him that he didn't even use my mouth yet. But he was rubbing his crotch and was smiling. He was seriously thinking about it. John pushed Kyle saying "Come on Kyle, I havn't had a blow job in a long time." Kyle smiled and said "OK, but he's got to blow me first."

Kyle grabbed my leash and pushed me down to my knees. I havn't sucked a cock since I was caught in high school when those two older kids forced me to do it. He dropped his shorts and underwear to his ankles. I was staring at 7" of hard meat. It wasn't to thick but was leaking alot of precum. He had a large pair of low hanging balls and a big hairy bush. I wish I had my bush back so I could at least look like a man. As Kyle pushd my face into his crotch I could smell the musk on him. He didn't shower today and smelled ripe and his balls were sweaty. He ordered me to lick his balls. He really had some nice balls and I wish I had a pair like his. I stuck my tongue out and tasted his sweat. It wasn't as bad as I thought it would be. I took his balls in my hand and started to lick them in earnest. He and John were laughing at me going at it. His balls felt awesome. I never played with a pair before, it was amazing. I loved the smell and the taste.

Kyle pushed me off of his beautiful balls and said "Let's see how well you suck cock." He cock slapped me a few times smearing his precum on my face. He told me to kiss the head. I leaned into him and kissed his head tasting his precum. I didn't want to suck his cock but I had no choice and if I said no he punished me and I would still have to suck it so once I kissed his head he pushed his cock into my mouth. It didn't taste all that bad and I was doing OK until he pushed in all 7" and I started to gag. Kyle laughed at me and said I was a sorry excuse for a cocksucker. He pulled out a little and was pushing my head back and forth on his cock. I really didn't know what to do. He told me to suck and lick his cock with my tongue. I tried my best but my teeth touched his cock. He got pissed and me called me a dumb mother fucker. He grabbed my slave collar and pulled me over to his chair. He took off his belt pushed me over his lap and began to whip the hell out of my ass. I could feel his hard cock pushing into my stomach. I havn't been spanked since I was ten. He hit hard and fast. After about the tenth hit I started to cry. Kyle was saying you better learn how to suck pretty damn quick or I'll rip your ball off. He hit me another 10 times or so before he pushed me off onto the floor. I grabbed my ass rubbing it. It felt really hot and was stinging. I could felt a couple of welts already rising. Kyle laughed at me and called me pathetic.

Kyle picked me up by my collar to my knees and pushed my face into his cock and rubbed it around telling me that I better get use to it because his cock and my mouth would going to become very good friends. He and John were laughing at me. Again, Kyle pushed his cock in my mouth and ordered me to suck and I better do a good job or else. John pulled his shorts and underwear down and was stroking himself. I grabbed Kyle's butt to hang on while I attempted to blow him. I couldn't believe I was dong this. I had about 5" of his dick in my mouth and started to suck it like a sucker and was licking the bottom of his head. I was holding on tight feeling Kyle's hard butt while taking his dick in and out like a cocksucker. I guess he liked it because after a minute I heard him moan. He grabbed the back of my head and was pumping my face. At least he wasn't forcing all 7" in so I was able to manage to suck him like he wanted. After a few minutes of being his cocksucker I felt him tense up. He held my head and stopped pumping as the first blast hit the back of my throat. I thought I was going to gagged. He kept shooting and shooting his load in my mouth. I try to swallow as much as I could but there was way to much. I felt his cum leak out of my mouth and onto my chest. Once he was done he pulled his cock out and was smiling at me. He told me that I didn't pretty good but I needed alot more practice.

Kyle noticed his cum on my face and my chest and asked why I didn't swallow it all. I told him that there was just to much, I didn't know that anyone could cum that much. He laughed and said "That's because I have a Pair of balls unlike you. He wiped his cock around my face and got most of his cum off of it before ordering me to lick his prick clean. I stuck my tongue out and started to lick his dick. It was the first time I even noticed the taste. It was salty tasting and a little bitter. But I got his cock clean for him. Once I was done he said that I did a good job. For some reason I felt good that I pleased him and my dick got hard.

Kyle saw some cum on his foot and said "Lick it off fag." He kicked his sandal off and I bent over and licked his foot. It smelled. I wish he took a shower before he came and got me. Once I licked it up I looked up at him. He smiled and said "There's some between my toes, lick it fag, and the toejam too." Both he and John were laughing. There was no cum between his toes he just wanted to humiliate me even more. He lifted his foot and I spread his toes and licked. It was disgusting but he made me lick between all of his toes before he let me get back up on my knees. Kyle was pleased with me obeying him. I know he was doing it to impress his friend and to have fun at my expense. He told me thank him for allowing me to blow him and eat his cum. It was totally embarrassing but I said "Sir, thank you for letting me suck your cock and eating all your cum Sir." He laughed and said "Your welcome fag. Non crawl over to John and beg to suck his cock."

It's hard to crawl with chains on your feet but I managed to kneel in front of John. I was staring at his boner. It was about 6" and thicker than Kyle's. He had a big hairy brown bush and a nice set of balls but they didn't hang low like Kyle's. I looked up at John and said "Sir, please may I please suck your cock for you Sir." I couldn't believe I was begging a kid to blow him." John was holding his cock and slapping my face with it and said "I don't know fag. Am I going to feel your fag teeth?" His dick was leaking alot of precum as he continued to slap me with it. I told him that he wouldn't feel my teeth. He was smiling and finally said "OK fag, go for it."

I kissed his head tasting his precum before taking his cock in. My jaw was sore from sucking Kyle but I had to do it. I took in most of his cock and held onto his butt while I sucked him off. John smelled cleaner, he must of shower this morning. I knew he wouldn't last long. He was horny and was stroking while watching me blow Kyle. He pushed my head in so my nose was buried in his pubes. It must be nice to have a thick hairy bush. I don't know why I missed mine so much. I guess I felt more like a man with them. John was long stroking me and was looking to get off fast. I sucked as best as I could making sure my teeth didn't touch his cock. My ass couldn't take another beating. John tensed up but instead of cumming in my mouth he pulled out and sprayed my face and my chest with his load. I was covered in his cum. It was dripping off of my nose, my chin even off of my nipple rings. Both boys were laughing like hell. When John was fully unloaded he had me lick his cock clean. It tasted alot like Kyle's. John told Kyle "That was so fucking hot. Can I use him again sometime." Kyle smiled and said "Fag is not a he, he's an 'it' and yeah you can use it anytime you want." Kyle said "Looks like the fag enjoyed it too, he's still has a boner."

Kyle came over to me and patted me on the head, like a dog, and said "Good Boy." It was degrading but I did feel good that I was able to make him happy. While still on my knees Kyle unzipped his shorts. I couldn't believe his balls were recharged already for another blow job. He told me to put his cock in my mouth and hold it there. A minute later I tasted some piss, than a steady flow. He was pissing in my mouth. He was holding my head so I couldn't back away. He was laughing his ass off at me. He said "I told you fag your going to be my urinal." John couldn't fucking believe it. Some of the piss overflowed and got on my chest, stomach and floor. When he was done he patted my head again and said "Good boy. Hope you liked it because your going to drink all of my piss from now on." He saw the small puddle of piss on the floor and ordered me to lick it up. I looked at him and he pointed to the floor. I leaned over and started to lick his piss off of the floor. It was nasty and the floor was filthy. I don't think he washed it since he moved in. Of course the boys were laughing.

Once I was done he told me that tomorrow I had to clean his room before he could turn his key in. He said that if I was good he wouldn't make me lick the whole floor. John joined in saying "You should make him lick the toilet clean." Kyle thought that was a good idea. I just hoped they were kidding.

He pulled me up by my collar and sprung me around and put his hand on my back pushing me down. He told me to bend over and spread my cheeks. He wanted to see my pussy he said. I can't tell you how embarrrassing that is. When my asshole was totally exposed he asked if I was ever fucked up the ass. I told him never. He said "Good, than I can be the one to pop your cherry." Again the boys laughed. I really didn't want to be fucked but what could I do, he did own me and my ass. Once I was standing again he swatted my ass. It hurt like hell on my bruished, welt covered ass. He told me to finish packing his clothes. They were all old and dirty, he should just throw them away. Kyle told John that we be back tomorrow and that he should come over to his new place tomorrow to party and have some fun with the fag. John said "Hell yeah I'll come over for sure." Then he left the room.

Today was the most humiliating and degrading day of my life and it was going to be like this from now on. I asked Kyle if I could please speak. He granted me permission. I said "Sir, I know I'm your slave now and have to obey you but do you have to do this to me? I can't tell you how I feel about being pulled around outside naked and by my dick, plus having to suck anyone off you say and have cume and piss all over my face and chest. i don't know how much more I can take Sir."

Kyle told me to get on my knees. He walked up to me, pulled his cock out and pushed it in my face as he held my head up looking at him. While he spoke his cock got hard and was pressed into my face with the head pushing up to my nose. Kyle said, "Look I know this must be hard on you. It's a whole new life for you. It is for me too. I never dreamt that the state would give me a slave but here you are. As for being naked and blowing whoever I say is just part of your training. Think of it as basic training. It's hard but you will get through it. Right now you have alot of self pity and that's understandable but you have to accept the fact that you are my slave now. Once you accept that fact you won't think about anything else except how to please me. You won't care if your naked and have to do degrading things and suck off my friends. In fact you'll beg me to let you and to punish you because you know it pleases me. But until you totally give in and realise that you are a faggot slave you will be humiliated every chance I get. I bet you hate it when I tell people you have only one ball. But I think it's funny so I'll tell everyone. When we get home I'm going to rape your virgin ass rough and hard and I don't care if you cry or scream because I'm going to enjoy it and that's all that matters. So now suck my cock like the cock whore you are and please your Master."

Kyle was right I was wallowing in self pity. Our lives have changed but he was enjoying the hell out of his new life, me not so much. I licked his prick and and kissed the head before taking in most of his cock and began to suck it and lick it too. I was getting use to his smell and the taste of his cock. He wasn't kidding when he said that I would be sucking his cock alot. I was giving him the best job that I could. I just wanted to get him off quickly so I could get his cock out of my mouth. He was moaning and saying "Good boy, suck my cock." He was really enjoying himself. Once he tensed up he pulled his cock out and plastered my face and chest with a ton of cum. He was laughing hard as he moved his cock around to cover me. When he was done he shoved his cock back in my mouth to clean it off. The taste wasn't as offensive as the first time was. Once his cock was clean he pushed me with a foot knocking me over onto my back. I had a boner, he laughed and put his foot on it and was grinding it in. I couldn't stop him but he was having fun.

Kyle told me to finish getting his clothes packed so we could get going. i begged him to let me wear my pants. He corrected me saying that I didn't own any pants and besides he liked seeing me naked in public. Than I asked if I could please wash the cum and piss off of me. Again he laughed and said "When we get back to MY house you can. I want people to see how much of a cum and piss whore you are, and you better be smiling or I'll beat you in front of whose ever around. Plus if anyone asks you about it you better say, 'I love cum and piss and if you want me to blow you I'll be happy to than you can cum or piss in my mouth or on me.'" I told him I got it. I didn't like it but I had to do it.

I finished putting his dirty clothes in the garbage bags. Kyle had his computer packed up. He let my hands remain free so I could carry the two large bags while he carried his computer down to the car. I still had the chains on my feet so it was slow going for me. He told me to hold the bags up high so my dick and ball were exposed. At least I was able to hide the cum on my face and chest that way. There were some guys on the floor who were laughing and making comments even about my red and bruished butt. I just wanted to get to the car as fast as possible. Luckily Kyle didn't stop to talk to anyone and went straight to his car. We put the bags and computer in the back seat. Before we got in though he relocked my hands to the back of my head to my slave collar. I told him he didn't need to do that. He said "I don't want you to try and cover yourself and if you get out of line I can puch your nut." He laughed and we got in the car.

Kyle looked at me and asked what his new address is. It didn't dawn on me that he had no idea where he was moving into. After looking at his room I knew he didn't have much and was a slob plus he couldn't afford decent clothes either. He was going to have a big shock when he saw his new home and car. I gave him my address, I mean his address and we chatted as he drove. His house was about 20 minutes away. As he was driving he was squeezing on left nipple and twisting it making me squirm. He liked that especially when I got a boner. He laughed at that and slapped it a couple of times and for fun he punched my nut, but not really hard. He was just having fun. As we got closer we was looking around, impressed with the nice homes. When we got to my street I pointed out his house to him. He got a huge smile on his face and said "That's my house, you got to be kidding." I assured him that was his house. Then he saw my car, his car. He said "You have a BMW, holy shit, your rich." I wasn't rich but lived quite well. He didn't catch what he said but I did when he said my car and I'm rich. The house, the car and the oney was His now. I owned nothing and was at his mercy.

Guys, I hoped you liked the start of this story. If you did please let me know what you think. And if your around 20 and want a true slave let me know. Thanks, tom dickson, a one-balled fag slave

Next: Chapter 3

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