Court Ordered Slave for a Teen Master

By Tom Dickson (Of Blessed Memory)

Published on May 8, 2023


This story is a work of fiction and will never happen. But it does contain gay sex so if your under 18 or offended by guys having sex leave this page now. However if this is your cup of tea you can read my other stories here on Nifty. Also if your a fit twink that gets off on having a dad as a slave contact me at: or on Skype, screen name is: Thomas Dickson. I be happy to send you my pics too. Thanks.

Court Ordered Slave For A Teen Master

Chapter 13

Eric and Boy were thinking about tonight. Eric was excited as hell, Boy was nervous as hell. I just thought that it was going to be interesting. At least I wasn't going to be the center of attention today, Boy was. He thought it was fun when he put me through it and he'll see what being on the other end is like.

Eric decided that the best way to pass the time was to play video games. He and Boy sat on the couch and began. Boy got to sit on the couch for the first time since he became Eric's slave. I still had to be on my knees at Eric's side. I also had to get their drinks and light their cigarettes for them but I didn't mind. It was fun seeing these two studs play. Eric was in generous mood and let me and Boy smoke and drink a couple of beers. He may of done it to relax Boy though.

About 7:30 Eric said we should go wait on the porch. He told me to bring some beers and some whiskey and a shot glass while he put his shorts on. I didn't know what he was planning but I knew that evil look of his. While we were kneeling by Eric's side drinking and smoking Jake showed up. He looked really happy and was grinning from ear to ear. So was Eric. We all got up as Jake got close. Boy and I had to assume our position when a man came over.

Jake was laughing at us for being naked outside. He said we looked good and he admired his handy work he did on us. He checked our tats and he liked how they came out. Eric said 'hi' to Jake and told him that he needed another cocksucker for tonight. Jake said he was looking forward to sucking off some soccer guys. Eric ask him if he ate anything. Jake said "No, nothing. You told me not to that I get plenty of cum instead to eat. Eric smiled and poured a shot for Jake and a beer. He told Jake to drink it to help him relax. Jake had no problem doing it. He was in a party mood. Eric poured him another shot. Jake hesitated and said he didn't want to get to drunk. Eric insisted and said it was to help him relax some before the guys show up. So Jake agreed and drank it followed by the beer. I knew Eric was setting him up for something but didn't know what. Jake was willing to suck as many cocks as he could so Eric wouldn't have to force him.

Eric gave the booze a few minutes to start to work on Jake. Than with that evil grin showing his dimples Eric told Jake to strip. Jake looked a little confused. Eric said "It's OK Jake. Everyone that comes here has to be naked. It's a house rule and when the other guys show up they'll all strip to." Jake wasn't to sure about stripping outside. Eric poured another shot and put it to Jake's lips and ordered him to drink it. Eric didn't give him a chance to say no. Than he started to unbutton Jake's shirt. After Eric had his shirt off we all saw that Jake had a nice hairy chest. Eric was rubbing his chest telling Jake had manly he looks with all that hair. Jake looked proud and liked his hairy chest. Eric was twisting Jakes nipples a little causing Jake to moan a little. I guess he liked that too.

We could tell that the booze was starting to take effect on Jake, but he was still smiling. As Eric was telling Jake how much fun he was going to have tonigh sucking all the boys tonight he was undoing Jakes belt and pants. In no time he had them down to his ankles. I don't think Jake even realized it. Eric was giving Jake his evil smile has he slipped his hands in Jakes waistband of his underwear and was lowering them exposing Jakes rock hard 7" cock, two low hanging balls and a nice big hairy bush. Eric pushed Jakes underwear to his ankles and was playing with Jake's cock stroking it a little telling him how big and hard it is. Jake was loving it no longer caring he was naked on the porch. Than Eric was rubbing his hand through Jake's pubes telling him how nice it is. He asked Jake if he liked his hairy bush. Jake said he loved it and so did his girlfriend. It made him a real man he said. Boy and I both knew that Eric was going to shave Jake and it was going to be fun watching it.

Eric had Jake kick his pants and shorts off. He told Jake to put his hands behind his head and spread his legs. He said he wanted a good look at him. The booze was working and Jake compiled. Eric was rubbing Jakes furry body from his pits to his pubes telling him how good they feel and look. Jake ate it all up. Eric told him to stay still. He took out his cell phone and took several pics of Jake, front and back. He even had Jake ben over to show Eric his pussy.

Eric had him stand up being fully exposed to anyone who came by but Jake was getting drunk and was horny as hell so he no longer cared. Eric took some rope and told Jake that he didn't want him to cum to soon so he was going to tie his balls up for a while. Jake just stood there dazed a little. Eric had Boy pull Jakes balls to the bottom of it's sac and to stretch them out. Than he wrapped his balls up tightly so they were about 3" below his cock now. He gave the rope a hard yank and Jake jerked. He went to grab his nuts but Eric told him to put them behind his head. Jake obeyed. Next Eric told Jake that he wanted to make sure that he didn't touch his cock and try to get off before the guys showed up. He got a second rope and tied Jakes hands behind his head than he tied it to his balls so if he moved his hands an itch or two they would pull his balls. He didn't realize it until he moved a little and pulled his balls. That got his attention. He asked Eric what was going on.

Eric was laughing at Jake as he played with Jake's boner. That relaxed Jake alot. Eric took more pics of him. He told me to go get the marker off of my desk. I raced inside and returned with it. Eric looked Jaked right in his hazing eyes telling him that with so many guys coming that it would be hard to remember everyones name so he was going to put Jake's name on his forehead for everyone to see. He told Jake that it would wash right off but he was lying. It would stay on for at least a week, I know. Instead of writing Jake on his forehead he wrote 'HOMO'. We all laughed. He told Jake that for tonight his name is Homo. Jake didn't like that. He said he wasn't a homo he was bi and only sucked guys off. He never fucked a guy and he never has been fucked. Eric smiled and said "So your a virgin than?" Jake asked to be untied. I think he was starting to get scared.

Eric turned Jake around and was rubbing Jakes muscled butt cheeks and squeezing them telling Jake he had a nice ass. Jake actually blushed at the compliment. Than Eric wrote 'FUCK ME' on his back in big letters. Jake asked him what he wrote on his back. Eric was smiling and told him not to worry about it that he will love it. Boy and I were laughing. We knew what Eric was up to. He was going to make Jake a slave and he didn't even know it.

Eric went into the house and came back with three pills he gave Boy and me one each. We knew it was Viagara and took it, like we had a choice. He put one in Jake's mouth and another shot to wash it down. He tried to resist but Eric pushed his head back to open his mouth and got it in.

He told Jake that he was a good boy and patted him on his head. Than told him that he deserved a treat. He pushed Jake to his knees and not to gently. He had Boy stand in front of Jake and point his cock at Jakes mouth. Jake was drooling as he stared at Boy's hard cock. Eric told Jake to suck Boy for a while but Boy wouldn't cum. That he would get plenty of cum later. Jake went crazy on Boy's cock and Boy was moaning but knew he couldn't cum, not with the lock on his balls.

Eric was laughing at Jake saying "Homo, look at you go at Boy's cock. Your a natural born cocksucker, but your still a homo." Jake tried to say no but his mouth was full of cock. Eric let him have some fun for a couple of minutes before he pulled Jake up by his hair and faced him towards the street so everyone could see him naked and with a boner.

Jake asked Eric why he was doing this to him. Eric smiled that evil grin again and lightly slapped Jake's face and told him "Homo, because you tried to convince yourself that your not a faggot, but that's what you are, a fucking faggot. Tonight your going to find your real calling and that's to be a real man's bitch. When you leave you will know what you really are and what your born to be. Your finally going to be able to say that your a faggot and you will be proud of it. That your only purpose is to please a man. Your no differant than Fag or Boy and will be used the same way. Trust me you will thank me in the morning." Jake tried to beg Eric to untie him but all he got was a hard smack across the face. Jake than told Eric that his girlfriend was expecting him home tonight.

Eric went into Homo's pants pocket and took out his cell phone. He went to speed dial and found Homo's girlfriends number and texted her saying "Hi, It's Homo, I'm spending the night playing with some boys. See you tomorrow. Got something to tell you." He read it back to Jake who was starting to freak out. Eric kneed Homo's balls and he fell to his knees. Eric told him to relax and enjoy his new life. Eric was in heaven. Boy and I was laughing our asses off. Boy forgot all about his friends showing up in a few minutes. Eric pulled him up again making him expose himself spread eagle for everyone to see. He had tears in his eyes. The Viagara was kicking in and Homo had a boner, Eric of course had to slap it around. He told Homo "See Homo, your cock can't wait for the fun to begin."

Eric went inside leaving the three of us standing in our positions facing the street with raging hard ons. Homo asked us why Eric was doing this to him, he wasn't a faggot like us. Boy told him that he's doing it because he can. Boy and I laughed. Homo than asked what Eric was going to do to him. I told him anything he wants but it would be no worse than what he's done to me and Boy.

Eric returned with a bottle of beer for Homo. He put it to Homos lips and tipped it up for Homo to drink. He took a sip and spit it out. He yelled "That's piss." We all laughed. He said "Homo, that's what faggot like to drink. Now drink up." Eric pushed Homo's head back and poured his piss down Homo's throat. He drank most of it. After he was done he told Eric that he's no faggot. Eric slapped his face hard leaving a red mark. Eric told him "You suck cock like a faggot and after tonight you'll be begging me to fuck you." With that he pushed a dirty, pissed covered jock into Homo's mouth to shut him up. He was smiling the whole time. He knew he had Homo right where he wanted him.

A few minutes later Danny, the boy from across the street came over smiling. Eric welcomed and asked what's up. Danny said that his folks went to a party and won't be home till later and his brother is spending the night at a friends. He was bored and wanted to play. He looked at Boy and asked "Why is Kyle naked and has tats like Fag." Eric smiled and told him that Klye decided he perfer being a slave to a Master so he voluteered to become my legal slave. Than he said Homo here loves sucking little boys cock but insists that he's bi not gay. So tonight we're going to prove him wrong.

Danny stood in front of Homo and was playing with his boner and balls pulling them down hard. Homo was squirming. Danny asked if he could have Homo blow him. Eric told him that he loves sucking off young boys like them. He took the jock out of Homo's mouth and told him to beg Danny to let him blow him. Homo said that Danny was just a kid and he couldn't. Wrong answer. Eric slammed his knee into Homo's balls dropping him to his knees. He tried to grab his balls but his hands were tied behind his head connected to his balls which just pulled his balls even more. Eric and Danny were laughing. Eric told Homo to beg.

Homo had tears in his eyes and was in alot of pain. Eric ordered him again to beg. Homo looked at Eric with pleading eyes. Eric smiled than back handed Homo and told him to do has he ordered. Homo knew he had to obey, he had no choice. He looked up at Danny's cute smiling face and said "Sir, may I please suck your cock Sir?" Danny liked being called Sir by an adult and said "Hell yeah, suck my dick faggot." He pulled his 5" boner out and touched Homo's lips with it. Homo opened his mouth and Danny pushed his cock all the way in. Homo started to suck on it. He loved sucking cock but he knew he could get in trouble for sucking a kids cock. Danny was pumping away and Homo was enjoying it now too. Eric took Homo's cell phone and took some pics. It didn't take long for Danny to bust his nut. He pulled his cock out and wiped it on Homo's face and laughed at him.

Danny was excited and asked if he could have a couple of his friends come over for a blow job. Eric said that's a great idea. He said that we're having a party so have them come over. Danny took his cell phone out and called two of his friends. Boy and I were just smiling. We thought it was funny. When he was done Eric was smiling and said that Homo should walk it off. He suggested that Danny take Homo's rope from around his nuts and walk him around the yard. Danny took the rope and yanked on it hard forcing Homo to stand. Eric shoved the jock back in his mouth and Danny led Homo around. It looked funny having a kid walk a grown man around naked. Sure, Eric did it to us, but it was funny watching someone else doing it.

Eric took Homo's cell and started to send texts. The first one was to his girlfriend saying "Homo here. I wanted you to see how much fun I'm having sucking these guys off. He has two younger brothers who are next. Best sex ever. Better than with you." He added two pics with it. One with Danny's cock in Homo's mouth the second with Danny wiping his cock on Homo's face. The second text was to Homo's younger brother who is 19. It read "Hey it's your Homo brother. At a party with college boys. Wish you were here. I love to blow you and have you take my cherry ass." He sent the same pics. Eric showed me and Boy the texts. We all laughed our asses off. Homo was now outed to everyone, no going back.

While Eric was checking out Homo's wallet for cash and info Homo's phone rang. It was from his little brother. Eric put it on the loud speaker for us to hear to. He answered it saying "Hello, this is Jake's phone but his mouth is full of cock and can't answer." We just busted up. He replied "This is Ryan, Jakes brother and I just got his text and pics. I knew he was a faggot but insisted he wasn't." Eric told him "Ryan, we're having a party and Jake is our entertainment. He's going to suck every cock here but he has a virgin ass and he would love to have you be the first to fuck him before the rest of us do. What do you say?" Ryan said "Hell yeah, I love to rip him a new asshole after the shit he put me though." Eric gave him the address and told him to hurry over. We were all laughing and poor Jake had no idea how his life was going to change. We watched as Danny was pulling Jake by his balls all around the front yard. He almost fell a couple of times. His balls must be killing him with Danny pulling on them and his hands tied to them pulling them the other way. Thanks to the Viagara he still had a raging hard on. I couldn't wait for the guys to show up. This was going to be a fun night.

Guys, I hoped you like this story. If you did please let me know what you think. And if your in your 20's and want a true slave let me know. Thanks, tom dickson, a one-balled fag

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