
By Jeffrey Fletcher

Published on Jan 19, 2002

This story contains consenting sex between gay adult men. If it is illegal to read such material where you live, or you dislike such material, then surf elsewhere. All the characters are entirely fictitious, some of the places where incidents take place do exist.

Thanks to those who have communicated with me. I believe I have replied to all who have done so. My email is

Resume:- Phil, the narrator, is a man in his 60s has met Colin, and begun a sexual friendship with him. Colin is a member of a small gay group, called the Countrymen, and wants Phil to become a member. He has met two other members, Kevin a man in his 20s, who had a hard time at school, and Tom an older man, who spent all his working life as a farm labourer, and in a long standing relationship with Colin. Phil has yet to meet Vic the fourth member. Kevin and Phil are alone together on Phil's bed, and Kevin continues telling his story.

The Countrymen. Part 9.

"When I eventually woke next morning it is late. I was woken by the brilliant sunshine coming in through a gap in the curtains. There were some comments from Mum and Dad about the lateness of my getting home. I just told them I'd been with a group of friends. That was true, but I did not tell them that the friends had been running round stark naked. On Saturdays I always took Heinz out for a longer walk, but that particular day I did not feel like it, and had to push myself to get out. The fine day helped. The bright sunshine was drying things quickly, and everywhere looked so fresh and clean. Even the white clouds in the sky looked as though they had just been washed! I was walking out of the village up a footpath when I saw the Rector with his dog about a hundred yards ahead. I gave a shout, and he waited for me to catch him up. I could not run to catch him up, I was feeling shattered. Our dogs greeted each other as old friends.

"When I eventually reached him, he said, Kevin, are you alright? You look like the morning after the night before.' I was late in last night,' I said. What, were you partying, or at one of those clubs?' Sort of.' It must have been some do, I have never seen you look so tired. And your eyes are quite bloodshot.' I later realised that probably the chemicals in the water of the jacuzzi must have made my eyes sore. They were certainly feeling different. Well, are you going to tell me about this party?' Now in no way was Archie holding an inquisition. Our relationship was not like that, and he was not that sort of priest. His enquiries were made in the most friendly of spirits, no way could I take offence at his questions. But his questions were getting under my defences. I just did not know what to say to him. Have you found yourself a girl friend,' he asked. No, its not that?' You know, Kevin, you're even looking guilty,' he said that with a broad grin on his face. I don't think that for a moment that he thought there was something I might be feeling guilty about. I took a deep breath, and then out it all came. There is something that I think you should know. You said that if there was anything troubling me I could talk it over with you, and it would all be in strictest confidence.' Yes, I did say that. And that is true, strictest confidence! Seal of the confessional!' he said. It is something about me. I am gay,' it was as simple to say as that. You're gay?' Yes, I'm gay.' And you were enjoying some gay activity last night I suppose?' Yes, I went to a sauna, a gay sauna. It was the first time, I assure you,' I said hastily. A faint smile flickered across his face. He paused for a moment before continuing, You know what I am supposed to say about such things?' I nodded. Well, I am not going to say what many in the Church would expect me to say. I don't think I need to. When did you realise that you were gay?' As we sauntered along on that bright sunny morning I told him my story, much as I have told you. I told him about the bullying at school. How unhappy my school days had been. I told him about the incident when I was beaten up. I told him about Patrick and what had happened on the training course. Then I told him about Donald. I did not go into all the graphic details such as I have given you."

"How did he take it? Was he shocked?"

"He took it well. I think he was somewhat surprised. He made a lot of sympathetic noises as I told him all that had happened to me. Eventually I finished. What are you going to do?' I challenged, Are you going to tell me off? Tell my parents? Never speak to me again?' No, none of those things,' he said with a broad smile, I promised you that anything you said would be in strictest confidence. I have held confidences about far more serious things. No, Kevin, I enjoy our walks together, and talking. You're more of a friend, in spite of the age difference. No, all I am going to do is to give you a brief word of warning.' What word of warning?' I asked. Just be careful, and I am not just thinking about AIDS and such like. You seem to know all about that already. Just try not to be hurt.' How do you mean?' I asked. Take last night for example. You met this man from London. You enjoyed your time together, but there are two sides to sex. There is a relaxational or recreational side to it, and on the other side there is a relationship side to it. Now if the two of you last night were both engaging in recreational sex, just for the pleasure and release of making love to another man, that is fine. When it is done both of you can say thank you and walk away without a backwards glance. But what if this other guy felt something more than it was a recreational act. Suppose he found that while you were together something was happening to him. Suppose he was feeling, this is a wonderful guy, our sex together is great, I would like to meet him again. I wonder what he would be like to really get to know? To meet with again? To meet often? To live with? Perhaps even beginning to fall in love with you? For him what had begun as recreational sex is fast becoming relational sex. It is a very blurred and indistinct line that falls between the two. Recreational sex can easily lead to relationship sex. If it happens to both men, that is fine. But what if that happens to one and not to the other? There is pain and a lot of hurt. I happens to heterosexuals as well as homosexuals, though I suspect rather more often to homosexuals.' "

"That sounds as though he was giving some good advice. As I think about it I can see the difference in my life between the two, though in one or two instances the distinction is a bit blurred." I said, thinking very much of my relationship with Colin, and now also with Kevin himself. "Did he say anything more on that score?"

"Yea. He talked about not giving all of yourself too quickly, or too completely, too soon, to another person. Good relationships develop and grow. Often quite slowly."

"Your Rector does not believe in sudden falling in love then?"

Kevin smiled. "I asked him about that. He believes it does happen from time to time. He said that he saw the danger with homosexual relationships was that they were prick first. Sex together and then see how we are together as two persons. He said that in heterosexual meetings, though less now than there used to be, there is a getting to know each other. In previous times, as recently as for his parents and even himself it was called courting. Many straight couples just did not expect sex on a first meeting. He thought that the problem for some homosexuals was that quite often they had sex not knowing anything about the other guy. Sometimes they hardly spoke to each other. I felt rather reproved by that."

"Your Rector sounds quite a guy. There is certainly something to think about in what he said. Did he say anything else?"

Kevin smiled again. "Not that day."

"But on some other day?"

"Yea. It must have been two weeks later I was out walking again on a Saturday morning. It was a cloudy day, and it looked as though it was going to turn to rain. I was on my way back to the village. I was coming down on a path through a wood. Heinz was someway behind me, probably snuffling after a rabbit or a squirrel. At the bottom of the path there was a five barred gate, leading into a field. As I came down I saw Arch leaning against the gate, while his dog was lying down looking up at him. He did not hear me approaching until I was quite close. He turned and said, You!' I then saw that there were tears streaming down his cheek. As he turned, his hand was coming up to wipe them away. What's the matter?' I asked. There was a pause, Oh, I just thinking about something?' he said. I could now see clearly the traces of the tears on his cheeks. Why the tears, Arch?' I asked. I think it must be the wind,' he replied. But there was no wind at all there that day. It was obvious he did not want to say anything more to me, so we walked back to the village together. He hardly spoke a word, and this was most unlike him. He was totally withdrawn into himself. When we came to go our separate ways he barely said goodbye. I felt bad about it, I thought it must be something to do with me. I wondered, of course, if it was about what I'd told him a fortnight before. But that didn't fully fit. At church the next day, he seemed to avoid me. I don't think he even shook hands with me after the service. I felt real bad about it all. I decided to say something to my Mum, What's wrong with the Rector? I wonder if I have upset him or something. He more or less ignored me this morning, and yesterday there was a funny atmosphere when I met him when walking Heinz.' Mum just looked me at me. That's sad,' she said, You and the Rector seemed to be getting tobe friends. Why don't you ask him what's wrong?' Mum, I can't do that,' I replied. Why not? You're a man now. He won't eat you.' She said that with a smile, because she had so often said it to me as a child. That afternoon I took Heinz out for a long walk, and thought it all through."

"What did you do?"

"I decided Mum's advice was right. I needed to tackle Archie face to face."

"And did you?"

"Yes. I decided to go round to the Rectory that evening after he had had Evensong in one of his many churches. It must have been about a quarter to nine, when I rang the Rectory door bell. I reckoned he would have been back a good half an hour. The Rectory is one of those large Victorian buildings, umpteen bedrooms, and the servants quarters at the back. His dog came rushing to the door barking away. I heard soft footsteps, and Archie opened the door. He stood there in his slippers, with his dog collar off, and the top buttons of his shirt undone. Hello,' he said, in a totally flat voice. He didn't ask me in, as he'd always done before. Aren't you going to ask me in, Arch?' He stood to one side, and with a slight nod of his head, indicated that I should come in.

"He then led the way to his sitting room. I believe in Victorian times it had been the maids' sitting room. If they ever had time to sit in those days. This was Archie's den. It was smaller than the main rooms, one of the few cosy rooms in that barn of a house. He had made it comfortable, it was warm and there was a log fire burning in the grate. He turned off the television. There were the remains of his supper on a tray on the floor. It looked as though he'd had a couple of boiled eggs. He looked at me, and I saw how drawn and tortured his face was.

"I decided to break the ice. Archie, I thought we were friends.' I said. He nodded. Well then, what's wrong? You were off with me, when we met out walking yesterday. This morning in church you seemed to go out of your way to avoid me. What's going on?" He sat down on the sofa and buried his face in his hands. "Arch, what have I done wrong? Have I upset you in some way?' He shook his head. Well then, what is it.' There was no reply. Well, Arch, do you want me to go?" Yes,' and then as I began to walk towards the door, No Kev, stay, stay!' I turned back and looked down on him, tears were again streaming down his face. Arch, it is something to do with me isn't it?' He nodded. Is it because I told you I'm gay? Because I'm gay?' He looked up at me, his eyes full of tears, Oh Kev, can't you understand?' What? Understand what?' He looked down at the carpet, and almost in a whisper, Can't you understand? I'm gay too!' You're gay? But you've been married!' That came out in an unthinking rush. You're gay?' I sat down beside him, and put my arm round him. He pulled away sharply, Don't do that! We may end up doing something we'd both regret.'

"Arch, we're friends. You may be a lot older than me, but we're friends. You were great help when I came out to you two weeks ago. Can't I be a friend to you this evening, as you've come out to me?' Then with tears pouring down his face. Kev! Kev! dear Kev! I have liked you every since you were in that confirmation class years ago. Then it grew, and I began to consider you a friend. Being a single parson in a parish is often lonely. You brought me some freshness and life. There are not many youngsters, certainly not young men, like you involved in the life of a village church. I've come to enjoy talking to you, and being with you. Then you told me you were gay. I then saw you not as just a friend, but a highly desirable sexy young man. All the old lusts of the flesh returned to me. More powerful than ever. But it's just not on, I keep telling myself. He is a parishioner. He's too young. I'm far too old. It would be an abuse of my position. What if the bishop heard? Kev, we can't go on as we were.' I thought for a moment. Why not?' I said. I moved up close to him, and again put my arm round him. Why are you afraid? I don't think anything you have said holds any water. You're a smashing guy. Can't we go on just being friends. It doesn't have to be a sexual friendship' `It's not as simple as that, Kevin, I now know that you like gay sex, I like gay sex, I will find it impossible to hold back from you.'

"By this stage tears were coming from me as well. But I don't see why not?' He looked at me, Kev do you know what I was doing when you found me at that gate yesterday afternoon? I was praying! I was praying that the Lord would help me, not let me fall again, that I would be able to resist your attractiveness, not fall into temptation, and not want sex with you. And now you come round here, and find me like this.' Arch, may I ask one simple question?' He nodded. Would you like to make love to me?' He looked at me full in the face, with a fresh rush of tears dripping off his cheeks. Kev, one part of me cries out that I would like that more than anything in the whole world. But no! It would not be right. You're a parishioner. Too young. I'm too old for you.' He turned away. Arch, look at me.' He turned and looked back at me. I don't think it matters that I live just up the village street. There'd be certain advantages, no crossing half the country for us to meet. I can keep confidences as well as you. You know that I wouldn't do anything that may harm you. As for me being too young, I don't see that as a problem. It's certainly not a problem to me; not with you. But as for you being too old, perhaps that is a problem. Perhaps you can't get it up any longer?' For the first time, the smallest of smiles appeared on his face. No problem there, Kev, I can assure you. But what if folks in the village suspect something?' They already know we are friends, and don't suspect anything. We'll just have to be very careful. Very occasionally here. We can meet up well away from the village from time to time.' You seem to have it all sussed out already,' said Archie.

"I moved closer to him and whispered in his ear, You need someone. You need to be loved. Not just the agape love you preach on about from time to time. You need some good eros love. You need a man, who'll put his arms round you, kiss you, and make love to you. Otherwise you're in danger of becoming a crusty embittered old man.' You think so? But what would the Church say if it found out?' Blow the bloody church and what it says. It's not infallible, it can get things wrong. Certainly when it comes to sex. You're a man, flesh and blood. You have needs that are beyond the doctrines and petty rules and regulations of Mother Jezebel Anglicana on the subject of sex. Don't you think God made you the way you are? He's a pretty bad god if he makes us gay, and then wags his finger in front of us saying, But no gay sex!' That sounds rather sadistic to me.' Archie looked at me, `Kev, you have a delightful way of over simplifying theology. There is more to it than that.' I stood up and stood in front of the fire looking down on him.

" Arch, can I ask you a question, a personal question?' He nodded. Was this the reason why your marriage broke up?' Yes, Kev it was.' He looked at me with a face full of sorrow and pain. It was a terrible time,' he added. How long ago was that?' Several years.' And no sex since then?' I asked. Only by myself.' he whispered in a rather shame faced way. I understand. Bashing the bishop is no substitute for the real thing.' He looked at me with a slight smile, Not quite the best way of putting it in a Rectory, Kev.' Maybe not the best choice of words, but the truth is still there,' I answered. Maybe,' he replied.

"His head was again buried in his hands as he sat there, leaning forward. I knelt down in front of him and put both my hands on his shoulders. He looked up at me. Arch, I might be a very forward and cheeky young man, but I'd like our relationship to develop, and I think you need someone who'd love you with body as well as mind and soul.' He smiled at me, You are a cheeky young man! That's what I've come to like about you. You have developed so much as a person so much since you left school, and now I know why.' I am not physically repellent to you?' I asked. No way. I find you an exceedingly attractive and sexy young man. You're a very loveable person,' he said. `So then?' I leaned forward and kissed him gently on the lips. For a moment he sat there absolutely still as if frozen, and then I felt him moving. Very slowly his arms came up and I felt his hands behind my shoulders pulling me closer to him. His lips moved, and he kissed me.

"That was a wonderful moment, Phil. Wonderful for us both. Slowly our kisses became more passionate. Just a little bit of tongue action. Archie pulled away, and looked at me. You sure about this. I'm not too old for you? I'm old enough to be your father?' Arch, I wouldn't have kissed you if I didn't want you.'

"He got to his feet. Just one moment,' he said. He went out of the room and was back very quickly. Later I found out that he'd been to lock the front door. I had got up and was sitting on the sofa. He joined me sitting close. He put his arm round me. I don't know what I've done to deserve you, Kev.' I do. You have waited these years. I'm the answer to that prayer you said over the gate by the wood,' I said cheekily. I do like your theological certainties. I wish I had them.' He moved his head slowly towards me and we kissed again. This time the kisses were more intimate, and I felt him beginning to relax. I brought a hand up to his cheek, and then gently rubbed his neck. That's nice,' he said. I moved my hand down, and undid two more buttons of his black clerical shirt. My hand went in and felt a patch of hair in the middle of his chest. His hand went to my knee. He pulled away so he could speak. Is that okay?' he asked. I am liking you more and more this evening,' I said. Same here.' Very gently and slowly he moved his hand up towards my crotch. I moved so that I could open my legs a little and give him easy access. I felt his hand on my cock. `I like what I can feel in there,' he said.

"Somehow, I don't know exactly how, we ended up on the thick rug in front of the blazing log fire. We kissed, and cuddled, and rolled around together, slowly discovering each other. Buttons were undone, zips unfastened, hands explored. Cocks were reached for and brought out. It was no rushed frenzy of sex. He's such a gentle person when it comes to making love, Phil. Lips and tongues explored each others body. Nothing was hurried. It was all in some ways so beautiful, Phil. We ended up in the classic 69 position along side each other. Slowly we worked on each other, and we managed it well, we both climaxed at the same time.

"Making love on the rug in front of a roaring log fire sounds romantic. In one way it was, but there are practical problems. The floor is hard, but worse are the draughts.. You roast on one side, and freeze on the other. I suppose that was why we rolled around such a lot. When we had climaxed, Archie moved, and lay on top of me, when I put my hands on his back it was scorching hot, mine was cold. He looked down at me, with solemn eyes. Thank you, Kev, that was one of the most beautiful experiences of my life.' We kissed and cuddled for a while. The fire was beginning to go down. Let's move on to the sofa again,' he suggested.

"He put some more logs on the fire, and we settled down on the sofa again. He sat with his back into a corner of the sofa, and I sat in front of him, between his legs, with half my back against his bosom. It took us a minute or two to get comfortable, but we ended up with legs and arms entwined, our faces close, close enough to kiss when ever we wanted to.

"For a lot of time we sat in silent enjoyment. Once he said, One of the Latin authors says post coitus homo tristis est, do you feel that?' Come off it, Arch, I don't know any Latin.' Roughly translated it means After sex a man is sad. Are you feeling sad, Kev?' No, not at all. I feel at peace, total peace. What about you?' Same here,' he replied, I felt so happy as well.'

"After one long silence Arch said, Kevin, I believe that you have a great capacity for love.' What do you mean?' Just that you can love deeply and widely. I have felt your love for me tonight. Its a long while since I have felt loved as much as I have felt tonight.' Good, you need to feel loved. A lot of people like you in the village you know?' Yes, but liking is not the same as loving, Kev, being liked is not the same as being loved. Now you know the truth about me, I have no need to hide it from you. It is such a strain living with no one at all to whom you can share one of the most important parts of your being.' I do know that Arch. I've been there,' I said. Of course,' said Archie, I was slipping down into self pity, that devil's dungeon, that is so easy to slip into, and so hard to get out of. Isn't it wonderful! I have got someone who lives just down the road who is the same as me, who I can talk to, and make love to. I hope you want to do it again.' said Archie, with a note of anxiety in his voice. `Of course, the sooner the better.'

"The fire was beginning to die down again. The grandfather clock in the hall slowly struck twelve. Good morning, Kevin, I love you today even more than I did yesterday evening!' Good, may there be many, many more doing it agains. I am afraid Arch, my love, I must be going. Mum knew I was coming round here to try and get things straight between us, she'll probably be lying awake, worrying.' One thing there can't be,' said Archie, in the most solemn voice, and that is things straight between us!' I looked at him in puzzlement for a moment before the penny dropped. I laughed and kissed him on the lips. We then moved. We got dressed, and had exchanged yet more kisses and hugs in the hall, before saying a reluctant farewell and I made my way, the hundred yards or so home."

Kevin fell silent.

"That was very important to you, that night, wasn't it? Thank you for telling me. It is a privilege to hear your story," I said. Then I continued, "I presume that I am making two and two make four and not five, when I say that the Rector or Archie is the person you Countrymen call Vic?'

"That's correct'" said Kevin.

"And Vic stands for Vicar?"

Kevin nodded.

"How come you sometimes call him Rector and he is also Vicar?"

"Because he's Rector of the parish in which I live, and vicar of the parish where Colin and Tom live."

I shook my head in bafflement. "What's the difference between a Rector and a Vicar then?"

"That's something you'll have to ask Vic. It's an involved historical answer."

"A mystery beyond our understanding," I muttered, "Typical of the Church of England."

"What does he prefer to be called?"

"I think he has settled for Vic among the Countrymen. We can say that and be heard with out giving the game away. But Archibald, I ask you! They are not exactly thick on the ground."

"Were, or should I say, are you able to see much of each other?" I asked.

"Things are a lot easier now we can use Colin's room whenever we want. But until I met Colin it was difficult. I popped round to the Rectory one evening in the next week, it was very late, because I knew he had a Church Council meeting. My Mum was at it, so when she got home I decided to take Heinz for a short walk. We had a brief and highly frustrating half an hour together. Just kissing and cuddling; we didn't want to have a rushed time of sex together. I have been thinking,' said Archie, We need to give ourselves some time together and soon. I have looked in my diary and I could get away for three nights the week after next, with a little bit of diary re-arranging. Any chance of you getting away?' They owe me some holiday. I think I could make it,' I replied. Where shall we go?' I asked. What about the Lakes, I think I remember seeing about a gay guest house over there,' said Archie. Hold on a moment. The Lakes means mountains, and knowing you that means going up them. Right?' And why not?' asked Archie. Because though I like gentle walking with Heinz, I do not like going up mountains. Too much like hard work for me.' We discussed it for a while and decided on Blackpool."

"And you went to Blackpool?"

"Yes, we had our three nights in Blackpool."

"How did it go?"

"There was a bit of a problem getting away. Archie did not want us to be seen going off together. We were going to leave for Blackpool in the early evening. The evening before I popped round to the Rectory and put his case in the back of my car. So all he had to do was to get into my car. His car was in his garage, and nobody would know it was there. I rang him on my mobile as I got into my car, and he walked down to the road, and hopped in as I drove past. No one saw us. At least I don't think any one saw us."

"What about his dog?"

"He has someone come and do his cleaning, and they take care of his dog whenever he goes away for a few nights."

"And you had a good time?"

"We really got to know each other. In every way. Yes, we did spend a lot of time in bed, but we also spent a lot of time talking. I began to realise what an interesting man he was. His background is so different from mine, public school, university as well as all the church things. Over those days we explored each other. Slowly progressing on from how far we had gone that Sunday night. It wasn't until the second night that he fucked me, and the third night I fucked him. Felt funny to think that I was fucking a priest, the Rector of the parish where I live. Our relationship deepened over those few days. We became much closer as friends."

"Your parents didn't suspect that you had been away with Archie?"

"No. I'm afraid I let them believe I was on a training course. I went on two or three of those a year anyway. One problem was not talking about Archie when I got home. I found myself wanting to tell my parents about all the things we had talked about."


"No. About his family, background, what he thought about politics, the church and so on."

"Did you ever get away again?" I asked.

"Yes, we've had a couple blissful fortnights together. Archie owns a small two bedroom cottage in the wilds of Devon. We went down there."

"Did you parents know?"

"Yes. Archie set it all up. He can be quite devious when he sets his mind to it. When he suggested it to me, I said that it would be difficult as I very rarely took holiday away, and if I went with him the parents would be suspicious. Just leave it to me, but when I suggest it in the company of your Mum, you are to be very reluctant to consider the idea.' He used to pop round to visit Dad, who as you know is not well. Also he had a good reason to visit Mum as she was on the Church Council. He had a perfect excuse for calling on us. Members of the Church Council serve for so many years, and then have to come off. Mum had served her stint and was due to come off. He called round one evening when I was at home. He asked Mum if he was right in thinking that she was due to come of the Council at the Annual Meeting. When she said that he was correct. I've had an idea,' he said, Why doesn't Kevin go on the Council, sort of keep it in the family.' I protested that I was too young. Rubbish!' he said, It will be good to have you on the Council, you would bring the average age down.' Why don't you, Kevin?' said Mum, I am sure the Rector would like some more male support, in place of the old biddies like me.' I was talked into it. Once I had accepted the conversation moved on. Soon the subject of holidays came up. Where are you going for your holiday, Kevin,' asked Archie. My mother played right into his hands. You can well ask that, Rector. He never takes a proper holiday, and he needs one. I keep telling him to get away for a good holiday. But he says he has no one to go on holiday with.' Why don't you come down to my cottage in Devon with me?' asked Archie with a look of total innocence on his face. It was as much as I could do not to burst out laughing, or say I would like to do that more than anything, we could fuck each other when, where and however we like. What I did say, Oh I don't know about that!' Well, think about it, you don't need to decide immediately. I shall be going at the beginning of July.' Archie soon went off home. Mum was immediately on to me. The mother nagging technique was brought into full play. I had been disrespectful in not saying yes to the Rector's offer. She thought we were friends. It would do the Rector good to have someone go with him, he spent far too much of his life living alone in that barn of a Rectory. Besides, the Rector would be a good influence on me. I wanted to say that he already was, especially when he was on top of me and his cock was pumping his cum into me. He was a real good influence.

We both laughed at that.

"And so you went down to Devon with him?"

"Of course, I did. With the hundred per cent encouragement of my Mum. A good spin off was I could take Heinz as well, I would not be leaving him behind with Mum having to take him out each day."

"You had a good holiday?' I asked.

"Yes, It was great. There is a saying about Glorious Devon, where it rains six days in seven. The first year we had a fortnight without any rain. It is a small thatched cottage, like a picture post card. It stands up a track, well away from anyone else. The garden is secluded. We only wore clothes when we went shopping or down to the sea. I hadn't realised that I need a relaxing holiday. Archie certainly need a complete rest. We were both surprised at how much we slept."

`Not all the time, I'm sure.'

"Of course, there was a lot of sex, a lot of touching, cuddling and kissing, as well a doing it proper."

"How did the dogs regard two naked men, having fun together?"

"They were just not interested in us being naked. I suppose to them it was just one of those strange things that humans get up to. But once we started getting affectionate, they would both come and lie down and look at us, their tails wagging. When I got home, Mum asked for my dirty washing, and of course if had hardly been worn. She commented on how little there was. I had to tell a fib and say that we had had a wash of clothes in Devon. Mum's comment was, `That Rector is a real good influence on you!"

We laughed.

"It was hard when we got back. We both found it so. But me being on the Church Council gave me a good reason to go round. Being one of the younger and fitter men in the Church I found myself landed with various jobs. Especially replacing lights in the Church, that involves going up ladders you see. Cutting back bushes, and all sorts of jobs. As the Church was next to the Rectory, people got used to seeing me doing things around the Church and Vicarage. I earned a lot of brownie points, and we found opportunities to really get together. But earlier this year something further happened. An ancient chap who'd been churchwarden for donkey's years died, and a new churchwarden had to be found at the annual meeting a few weeks ago. Archie swears that it was not one of his devious plots. He says he talked over possible churchwardens with Miss Bolton, the other churchwarden. She's a formidable ancient spinster. Archie says that she said simply. `The new churchwarden needs to be male, and preferably young. There is only one candidate in my opinion. Young Kevin. He has the advantage of having been on the Church Council for two years already.' Archie says that all he could do was but agree. Now I have every excuse for going to see the Rector - Churchwarden business."

"And other things as well?"

"Of course!"

"What sort of relationship was it? In those early days. Did you continue to see other guys?"

"Archie did not want to put any restrictions on me. All he asked was that I told him if I was seeing someone else. I didn't look at another guy until I met Colin. Archie was, no is, very special to me." Kevin paused for a moment, before adding hastily, "That doesn't mean that I don't feel, that I don't love Colin and Tom, and now you as well. But it is sort of different with Archie."

"Of course it is. He has a vital part in your story. He will always be special, as Tom is special to Colin. Nothing can alter that."

"That seems a bit hard on you, Phil," said Kevin. There's Colin and Tom, Archie and myself, you haven't got anyone special like that."

"But I have had." I replied. I then told him about Steve, the love of my life.

"Though when I think about it, I think you are special in another sort of way to Colin. He loves you a great deal, you know."

"And I love him too. I find you are special to me in another way, Kev my lad. You Countrymen have got something very good going for you all, I look forward to joining fully, and only hope that my involvement does not upset things in any way."

We kissed again, continuing to enjoy our closeness.

"Tell me, Kev, how did you come to meet Colin?"

"It was funny really. I was out walking Heinz one Saturday morning. I had gone up towards Loftend, and was walking along the footpath at the edge of Colin's land. How well do you know the farm?"

"Quite well, the path that comes up from the valley through the wood towards the village?"

"Yes, that's the one. Heinz and I were walking toward the village. You know how the path goes past the Dutch barn that stands at the corner of the field."

"The one where he stores straw?"

"Yea! That's the one. I was walking along the path and was needing to have a pee. I thought by the barn would be a good place to relieve myself. It had a lots of bales of straw in it. So I went up to the barn. I could see that no one was walking along the path so thought I wouldn't be seen. I get up to the wall of straw bales, unzip myself and get the old fella out and begin to have a good piddle. I was in full flow when suddenly round the corner of the barn rushes Colin wanting to do the same thing. He had already unzipped himself and was about to pull out his dick. I don't know who was the most surprised. He stopped dead, and said, Oh sorry! I was just going to do the same thing.' I couldn't stop so I had to continue with my leak. Colin came and stood alongside me but a couple of feet away, and immediately pulled out his cock, and started hosing down one of the bales of straw. That feels better, I needed to empty my bladder.' I tried to get a view of his cock without him noticing what I was doing. I am sort of interested in male equipment."

"You haven't changed on that score,' was my comment.

"I finished my pee, and was pulling at my cock to get rid of the last drops, but thinking about what his cock might be like. Colin's torrent was decreasing, when very softly he said, If you carry on doing that, you will be producing something other than wee.' I felt embarrassed at being caught out. He stopped peeing and was shaking off his last drops. Well young man, if you come and pee against my barn, I think you might let me have a look at your equipment.' I turned to face him with my cock hanging out. As I turned, he turned towards me, with his cock hanging out. You've got a good one there, young man, you can pee against my barn anytime with that cock.' He stepped forward and took my cock in his hand. I immediately began to stiffen. Like that do you?' I nodded. I thought you might,' he added. I noticed his cock was beginning to harden, so I took hold of it. I think we'd better go somewhere a little more private, if we are going to give each other some relief,' said Colin. He flipped his semi hard cock back into his jeans, and led the way round to the other side, and into the barn. I followed him. Like a couple of school boys we got our cocks out and held each other. We stood there wanking each other. When we had unloaded, Colin said, That feels better. Do you come this way often?' I told him that I did from time to time. If you want to go further, look me up at the farm.' We exchanged names, and I said that I would be calling in on him."

"Did you tell Vic what had happened?"

"Of course, yes."

"What was his reaction?"

"He wanted all the details. He immediately worked out who the farmer was. His main worry whether I had said anything about him to Colin. He was really scared that it might get out in the parish."

"He wasn't upset?"

"No. He was a bit surprised. He knew Colin, because he had taken Colin's mother's funeral some years before. He said that he was a good chap. He asked whether I was going to take up Colin's invitation to call again. We discussed it together. I think he was feeling we were not able to get together as often as he thought I needed."

"He was probably right over that. You're insatiable over sex! I don't know how you kept just to Vic for so long."

"That was love," said Colin giving me a big kiss.

"How soon before you saw Colin again?"

"I went round on my way home from work. I drove into his yard, and he was just finishing work too, walking back to the house. As I got out of my car he said, Oh, its you. I wondered whose car it was driving into the yard. It's a bit late for a rep to call. I wondered if you would come round.' You did invite me,' I said. I know did, and I meant it. Come on in,' he said. We went into his kitchen. We looked at each other, each knowing what the other wanted, but both unsure how to get started. I've had a hard day,' said Colin, I need to wash off the sweat and filth. I must have a shower, before we do anything more. Else you beput off me for life!' Can I join you?' I said. Colin grinned, Why not? Good idea. Follow me.' He led the way to the bathroom, taking the stairs two at a time I followed closely. He got a towel out of the airing cupboard and threw it into my arms. Now let me see what you are really made off,' he said. We both began to undress watching each other closely. I observed his hairy chest, and wished I was the same. We stood naked in front of each other, admiring each other's body. Well Kevin, you look every bit as good as I though you would when we over in the old barn.' I like what I can see', I said. He turned on the shower, and soon it was running warm. He indicated for me to get in first, he immediately followed. You cannot have a shower together and not touch each other. We were soon into each others arms. His heavy smell of hard work was soon washed away. But I must confess Phil, I found it quite arousing."

"Pheromones," I said.

"You're as bad as Archie with long words. He said the same thing when I confessed it to him. Anyway, Colin said he wanted to fuck me there and then."

"That's just what happened to me. My first sex with Colin was in that shower."

"I didn't know that. It must be a part of his established seduction technique!"

We both laughed.

"And that was the start of it all between you and Colin?" I asked.


"Did you tell him about you and Vic?"

"Sort of. He asked if there were any guys I regularly had sex with. I told him that there was one. He asked if the guy was local. I gave a rather evasive answer, I think I said, `Sort of local.' "

"Did he tell you about Tom?"

"Oh yes. Not quite straight away. He told me how it all started with Tom, and that he and Tom had been sexual partners ever since. I soon met Tom. Then one day Colin told me that Tom would like to have sex with me, but was afraid that he was too old, and I would not like it with such a old man. I asked Colin a bit more about Tom, and then said, `Why not?' It was soon arranged. I was soon seeing as much of Tom as I was of Colin. I suppose that was the beginning of the Countrymen."

"How soon was it that Vic got involved?"

"That was a long process. Colin kept trying to find out who my sort of local' friend was. All sorts of occasional questions. Have you seen you local friend recently?' How old is he?' How long have you been having it off together?' `How far away from you does he live?' So it went on. I told Archie what was going on. First he was amused. Then he got worried. He was fearful of any repercussions that there might be if the truth of his sexuality got out in the village, or to the diocesan authorities. He knew that old Major Hiron, who was one of his churchwardens in yet another of the villages, thought that hanging, drawing, and quartering too good for queers. Then I started suggesting that he came out to Colin and Tom. For a long while he would not hear of it. he took a lot of persuading."

"I bet he did. I can understand his reluctance."

"Strangely enough I enough I think it was when I started telling about the occasional threesomes with Colin and Tom he attitude began to change. He began to say things like, It sounds as though you had a good time,' and That sounds fun,' and then I am quite envious of the fun you are having with those two,' and finally, Perhaps I should take the plunge and join you all.' Eventually after a lot of talking about it he agreed. Then the discussion turned on how we were going to do it. He didn't want me to tell them, he wanted to see their faces and gauge their reactions. So we made a plan."

"This sounds interesting. How did you do it?" I asked.

"I arranged with Colin and Tom that I would bring Vic round one evening when they were both there. That took a bit of arranging. Eventually the evening came. Colin and Tom were in Colin's kitchen talking. I knocked on the door and went in as usual. I've brought my friend,' I said. In walked Vic. Their faces were a picture. You could almost hear a thud as their jaws fell open in surprise. Vicar!!' said Colin. Bloody Vicar!!' said Tom. Archie and I fell about with laughter. I am a normal man, in spite of the fact that I sometimes wear a dog collar,' said Archie. I think this calls for a drink,' said Colin, Go through and I will bring some beers through. That okay with you all?' Tom led the way and Archie and I followed. Tom was still in a state of shock. Well. Who'd ave thought I might end up aving sex with t'vicar!' Why not Tom. I am just like you. Except that I hear that you have a monstrous piece of equipment.' Tom looked at me, and then said, That silly bugger Kev....' His hand came up to his mouth, as he realised he had sworn in front of the vicar. Now he felt guilty. I am sorry, Vicar..' That's alright Tom,' said Archie, going over and putting an arm round Tom's shoulder. I think that was a term of endearment, not a swear word. If you'd told me to bugger off, I would have taken offence both for what you had said, but also how you'd said it. But I quite agree he's a silly bugger at times, falling for me is a good example.' Vic winked at me. Then Vic whispered in Tom's ear, But is what he told me about you true?' In our little group its true, and so far I haven't found bigger. Though I keep trying.' We all laughed at that.

"Then Colin came in with a tray with cans of Theakston's and some glasses. He put the tray down, and went over to Archie. I am afraid in my surprise, I didn't welcome you properly. You're very welcome. I had no idea Kevin's friend was you. He kept your secret well. Tom and I will keep it every bit as well. You are safe with us.' We each took a can of bitter, no one using a glass. May we have many good times together,' said Colin. We all drank to that. What I want to know is what am I to call you. To talk to Colin or Kev of screwing t'vicar doesn't sound right.' You know my Christian name,' said Archie, Kev usually calls me just Arch, and refers to me as Archie, you can use either of those.' You know what?' said Tom, I'd feel easier calling you just Vic.' Fine by me,' said Archie. So that's how he got called Vic."

"Did you have a session that evening?"

"You're every bad as bad as me, wanting to hear all the dirty details,' said Kevin with a laugh. "We were all slightly embarrassed, not knowing how to get on with it. Colin broke the ice. I think we all are wanting the same thing tonight, and we don't know how to get started.' I think I muttered something about wanting to give a good fuck and get a good fuck. More laughter. I suggest the three of us who are used to each other get on with it, and you, Vic, join in as soon as you want to. Young Kev needs a lesson,' said Tom to Colin and the two of them promptly set on me and started undressing me. When I was stripped Tom said, Ain't he lovely. Just like a new born bairn.' This wasn't as big as this when I was born,' I said, wagging my cock at him. That needs a good suck,' said Tom. Come on then.' He knelt down in front of me but before he could get his mouth to me, I said, Not until you're as naked as when you were born, Tom.' He stood up and started undressing. While all this was going on Colin and Vic were laughing. Colin went over to Vic, and put his arm round him, and they started talking. I was busy dealing with Tom, with the usual lot of banter. When I next looked up at Archie, he was with Colin, and they were undressing each other, but taking time over it pausing to kiss each other between the removal of each garment."

"So the ice was well and truly broken?"

"Yes. I was busy with Tom for a while. When I next got round to looking at Colin and Vic, they were progressing well. It was a great evening. Yes, I was fucked by Tom, and then gave Colin a good fuck. Archie fucked Tom and was in turn fucked by him. You could say it was a good fucking time in the correct use of that word!"

"What did Vic think of the evening?"

"He said he hadn't had a session like that since once or twice in his school days. Well, Phil that more or less brings my story up to date. You don't need me to tell you about the wonderful man Colin introduced me to, who lives in York, do you?"

"No, I think I know that part of the story."

We lay together in silence for a while. I thought over all that he had told me. The mystery of Vic was now solved. I now looked forward more than ever to meeting him, and hearing his story.

Kevin was the first to make a move. I was soon receiving a torrent of his kisses on my face and neck and ears. I responded the same way when I could. His head moved down, and soon I felt that tongue of his questing for a first taste of precum from my cock. Very quickly he lifted his head, Nectar's arrived.' He head went down and his ministrations continued. We adjusted our position. I sat up with my back leaning against the pillows at the head of the bed. I parted my legs, and he came and laid stomach down between them while his cock continued to suck. I could only fondle his head, and squeeze him with my legs, But I got a wonderful view of his buttocks, perfectly proportioned with my feet each side of them. His mouth and fingers were busy. Soon I felt that stirring deep within, my balls contacted, and I shot a copious load of my spunk deep into his open mouth. When the last spasm had stilled, Kevin looked up at me with a broad grin on his face. That was good, I enjoyed that, Phil.' `So did I.' He continued to attend to me, and then totally relaxed we both lay there.

Eventually we had to move. We both had quick showers.

"That was a good home coming. The best I've ever had."

"Its good to have you back. Back in circulation."

"Back available for you," I said, with a broad grin on my face.

"The next thing is for you to meet Vic. Remember you have one important thing in common."

"I am not a church goer," I said with some puzzlement.

"No not that. You are both serious walkers. You can always talk walking if you haven't anything else to do."

I laughed.

The next day the phone rang, and a posh voice that made the Queen sound like a cockney pearly queen from the east end of London was at the other end. "Our mutual acquaintance, Kevin has told me to phone you. I am Archibald Montgomery-Owen, though in the circles in which we both move I am usually referred to as Vic."

We talked for several minutes, and arranged to have a day out walking together in the Dales in a fortnight's time.

I hope you have enjoyed this section.

It may be a little longer than usual before the next section is posted, as I find I need to write the next three sections together, and dare not post the first one in case I want to make some alterations to it. A lesson I have learnt in the course of writing this story.

I can be contacted on

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