
By Jeffrey Fletcher

Published on Jan 7, 2002


This story contains consenting sex between gay adult men. If it is illegal to read such material where you live, or you dislike such material, then surf elsewhere.

Thanks to those who have communicated with me. I believe I have replied to all who have done so. My email is

Resume:- Phil, the narrator, is a man in his 60s has met Colin, and begun a sexual friendship with him. Colin is a member of a small gay group and wants Colin to become a member. He has met two other members, Kevin a man in his 20s, who had a hard time at school, and Tom an older man, who spent all his working life as a farm labourer, and in a long standing relationship with Colin. Phil has yet to meet Vic the fourth member.

The Countrymen Part 8. Kevin's story.

I had an easy drive down to Sussex where my son and his family lived. The roads were not too bad, and by some carefully timing even the M25 round London was not too full of traffic. The next day the family left for their holiday in France, leaving me to look after the house, the dog and the tropical fish. I had few worries about looking after house and dog, but was scared about over feeding the fish. My son's enthusiasm, and interest in the fish was something I found difficult to respond to. I did however enjoy taking the dog out walking on the South Downs and in the Ashdown Forest. The dog certainly appreciated having more long walks than usual. So I set out to enjoy my two weeks of houseminding, walking and reading.

I decided to use the opportunity of being away from York to get myself tested for HIV. The result was as I expected, and I now knew I qualified for the Countrymen on that score, and had a piece of paper to prove it.

I soon found I was missing Colin and Kevin, and even Tom. Bashing the bishop was about tenth best when you had been living the sort of life I had been living in recent weeks. I rang Colin on the Wednesday evening. He told me that Kevin and Vic had been round on Tuesday evening and how they wished I had been able to be there with them. Just hearing his voice, and knowing what they had got up to, made a certain part of my anatomy get up! He said that Kevin had asked when I was getting back, as he still had a lot more of his story to tell me. We chatted for quite a while, and said what would like to be able to do to each other. I rang him twice more during those two weeks. He said that both Kevin and Tom were also eager for my return. It was great to feel so wanted, and I know that many parts of my body were wanting their attentions.

The family arrived back late on the Sunday afternoon. They had had a good Easter break in France. They presented me with lots of wine, some champagne and a variety of cheeses. I had prepared a good meal for them. It had to be something that would stand waiting if they were late, so I did them lamb shanks followed by a Sussex Pond Pudding. They were very appreciative, I thought these two typical English dishes might make them feel home after the delights of French cooking.

I left on the Monday morning, again carefully timing it so that I could get round London after the morning rush hour. I was very fortunate and made good time back to York, about five hours excluding a lengthy lunch stop for an excellent lunch at the pub in Stamford. I always like to have a good break on a long journey and take a book to read, to take my mind off the road and help me not to bolt down my meal.

It was about 2.30pm when I arrived home. There was a pile of post by the door, and the house felt rather airless and unlived in. I brought in my case, and made myself a cup of tea, while I opened the mail. I had just opened the final bill when the telephone rang. I lifted the receiver and was nearly deafened by Kevin's voice. "Great! You're back. I have been ringing on and off all day, hoping to catch you soon after you got back. Can I come round to see you? Any chance of a meal? And the evening together?"

"Kevin, I have only been in the house about five minutes. Yes, of course, it will be great to see you. Though I will have to go and get some food in. What time will you be here?"

"About 5.00. I will come to you as soon as I can when I finish my last job. I can't wait to be with you." There was the sound of a kiss down he phone, and then he replaced the receiver.

I laughed. Typical Kevin. what a wonderful lad! And he wanted to be with me. I looked down at my crotch at the bulge which was showing, "And it is all right for you getting excited at the prospect. And no premature ejaculations this evening, please."

I went out to the supermarket and stocked up with food for the meal, and other things that I would be needing over the next few days. I decided on giving us a mixed grill, easy and quick to cook. I prepared as much as I could, and then went up for a quick shower.

Kevin arrived at 5.30. He came in, and immediately we were giving each other a warm hug and exchanging kisses.

"Good to have you back. It seems an age since I was last here," said Kevin.

"Its been less than four weeks."

"But that is an age. By the way you smell nice."

"I've just had a shower."

"Why didn't you wait for me, I need one too, we could have had one together. Oh I remember; you've not got a big enough shower for that."

"You can still have one. I'll get you a towel." I went upstairs with Kevin following, and got him a towel. He then went into the bathroom to have a shower, while I went downstairs to put the potatoes on. This done and they were soon boiling gently. I went up to see how Kevin was getting on. He was still in the shower. I sat on the bathroom stool and watched him. He obviously enjoyed having an audience.

"Its good to see you Kev. Especially to see all of you."

"I can't wait to see all of you!"

"Eat first, then we can have the whole evening together without thinking, when shall we eat."

He turned off the shower, and stepped out of the bath.

"You're a lovely man, Kev. Now I must go to see how things are doing in the kitchen." I gave him a kiss, his face was still wet from the shower.

His wet hand groped at my crotch. "Good, I can feel that you're in working order."

"Yes, over two weeks is a long while without it, now I have met you, Colin and Tom."

"Yes, I think Tom is trying to persuade Colin to send him into York tomorrow. But I've beaten him to it, by coming today."

"Poor old Colin, he will be feeling left out."

"He'll not mind. He's hoping you can go and spend a night at Loftend on Thursday. That seems to be your usual night. Tom and I should feel jealous of him, he has you for a night. To go to bed with a man, to wake up in the night with a man, and find he's still there, and then again in the morning. That's my idea of bliss."

"Why don't you get a place of your own, away from your parents. You would then be free to spend the night here, and I could come to you."

"Its not as easy as that. My dad is not at all well. By remaining at home I can help Mum a bit. Besides she likes to have me at home, gives her someone with an appetite to cook for. I overheard her telling Dad that. He was asking where I went and what I got up to. Mum told him what I do is my own business. I tell her quite a lot, but she'd do nothing that might drive me out of the house."

"Do you tell her much?"

"I tell her a lot about work, and people I meet through work. I tell her as much as I can, but not about important things like what I hope we'll be doing a little later this evening."

"And the sooner I get down to finish getting some grub to eat, the sooner we can get down to the hard work of the evening." I reached hold of his cock. "Hard work, so make sure this part of you is in working order." Before his cock could stiffen I left the room and went downstairs.

A mixed grill is an easy meal. Soon we sitting down eating.

I opened the conversation. "Last time you were here, Kev, you were just beginning to tell me when you first had sex with a man, when your mobile rang, and you had to go."

"Yes, and that reminds me I am in your debt already tonight. I promised you that."

"You said the first sex you had was with a guy at work."

"That's true. There was this guy in Hull. Had a small sort of office business. Produced parish magazines, and posters, and all sorts of odd printing jobs, invitations and programmes, for clubs and societies. It was almost a one man show. Sometimes his Dad came in to help him out and once or twice there was a woman working there."

"How old was he."

"About thirty, I'd say."

"I'd been in to service his machine once, and then his machine hit a whole series of problems. Its strange sometimes they go for months on end with no problem at all, then it goes through a patch when it is one thing after another. Well one afternoon he called me and I was able to get to him quite quickly. It was one of those little faults, that if you know how, you can put right yourself. We had the machine open, and I was on my knees reaching in to deal with it. I called him over to show him what was wrong, and how to put it right. So he came and knelt down beside me. We were close together, and our sides touched several times. I know I looked at him, and he grinned back at me. I thought nothing of it. It was just one of those things. However, when I came to go we shook hands. That was slightly unusual, but what did start me thinking was that he held on to my hand for slightly longer than usual with a hand shake. I remembered some of the things that Patrick, the man on the training course, had told me."

"What's his name by the way?"

"Donald. Donald Foster. Fortnight later, Donald's machine went wrong again. I got there quite late, he'd hung on at his place so that I could see to the machine that day. It was again one of those simple things, soon done when you know how. We talked as I put things right, I was up and down off my knees, while he leant back with his bum on the edge of a table with his legs crossed. As I got up for the last time, he put his hand to his crotch and made a quick adjustment. I remembered that Patrick had said that that was a possible sign of some one interested. When I stood up straight I did the same, it could have been a sign or a necessary adjustment on my part, because of me getting on to my two feet. I am going out to get something to eat, I haven't got any food in the flat.' he said, Want to come with me?' I knew there'd be a meal when I got home, but I wanted to go, even if only to see whether my intuitions were correct. Yea, I'd like to,' I replied, But I'll have to ring up home first.' Okay. You married then?' he said, and there was a note of disappointment in his voice. No I live with my parents. Dad's not very well, and I can help Mum with him a bit. I'll ring her and tell her I'll be a lot later.' So I rang her, and we went off to find somewhere for a meal."

"And what happened?"

"Not very much to begin with. We went to a Pizza Hut, and we managed to get a table in a corner. I decided to find out a little more about him, I presume you're not married?' No,' he replied, and gave me an enigmatic smile. How do you find living alone?' I asked. Alright, except for the food business. I find I am eating all the wrong things, or like this evening, when I know I've got not nothing in at the flat, and so have to go out to eat.' I suppose living alone gives you greater freedom?' Yea,' he replied, I can come and go as and when I please, and ask any one back to flat. But how do you find living with your parents?' Fine, Mum does not want me to move out, and so she doesn't mind how much I come and go, though I do try and tell her if I'm going to be late. They don't worry about me then.' Do you have a girl friend?' I enquired. No, never had what you could call a proper girl friend. I have several friends who are girls, but they're not what most people would call a girl friend.' No sex with then?' No, no sex with them.' Donald gave me a sharp look, before adding, And what about you?' Much the same, not even friends who are girls.' There was a pause in the conversation. Then we started talking about his business, and how he came to start it, and how it was doing. He asked about my job. The conversation again petered out, and there were several moments of silence. Did you have many friends at school?' asked Donald. No. School was a very unhappy time for me. I was bullied a lot.' A great big chap like you bullied?' said Donald. When I started in the secondary school, I was small and rather tubby, and the bullying started then and went on throughout my school days.' Was it just your size?' asked Donald. No, there was a bit more to it than that. I wasn't good at games and so on. But what about you?' My school days were alright,' said Donald. We'd now finished our food. Coffee here, or back at my place?' said Donald. I looked at my watch before agreeing to go back to his place.

"This meant following Don for a couple of miles in my car. He lived in a small flat, in a modern block. He led the way up to the second floor. It was a small two bedroom flat. He led the way into the sitting room, and said he would go and make some coffee. I asked for the loo. He showed me where the bathroom was. I went in and shut the door. It was a small bath room, but on the wall above the bottom of the bath, so you could lie in the bath and look at it, was a poster sized picture of a naked man. It was stunning. He was standing there showing everything, in a provocative sexy pose. I gazed at it for a while. I went to the loo, and looked at the picture again, before returning to the sitting room.

"As I walked in Don said, I suppose the cat's out of the bag?' What do you mean?' I said. The picture on the wall in the bathroom. I suppose you have put two and two together and made four. I must tell you I'm gay.' I had wondered,' was my comment. Does that upset you. Do you want to go?' No way.' You're not afraid being alone with a gay man,' said Don. I am pretty sure I am too,' I confessed. I had wondered,' said Don. He walked across the room and put his hands on my shoulders and gave me a gentle kiss on my lips. That's the first kiss I have had from a gay man,' I said. `Really? Tell me more about yourself.'

"We sat down on the settee, and he handed me my coffee. And I told him about my school days. I told him about Patrick. When I'd finished Don thanked me for telling him. He was very thoughtful for several moments, then he added in a very quiet voice, You know you're one hell of a sexy guy, Kevin?' Me? Sexy?' I exploded. `Yea, very sexy. I don't want to do anything you don't want to do, or are not ready to do, but I want to put my arms round you and kiss you again. Can I?' I nodded, and with that rather clinical approach he moved close to me and put an arm round me."

"Was he an attractive guy?' I asked.

"Yes. He was about your height. Rather thin, dark hair, and brown eyes."

"How far did you go that evening?" I asked.

"Quite a way. I was a fast learner."

I laughed aloud. "I bet you were when it came to sex. Late developers always are. Catching up for lost time."

"I learnt to kiss. Not the peck on the cheek or lips with stiff lips, but the gentle soft lipped kisses, playing with the others lips. Then the tongue exploring. I soon learnt how to take, and then how to give."

"How far did you go that evening?" I asked again.

"A little way. I slowly relaxed with the kissing. Thoroughly enjoying it, and getting very aroused by it. Our arms were round each other. Then Don put a hand down on my knee and began to stroke my lower thigh. I knew I was as hard as a rod. I remembered Patrick's words when talking about the massage, that if I got a hard on I was to say so. So that's what I did. Don, I've got a mammoth hard on.' So have I,' he said. I relaxed as his hand moved slightly higher. Can I feel your cock?' he asked. Though we were still in the middle of a deep kiss I nodded slightly, and he moved his hand up, and gently felt my cock. You've got a good one in there,' he said, Can I get it out?' I nodded again, and I felt his hand struggle with my zip, and his hand go into my trousers. The feel of his warm hand through my pants, nearly brought me to a climax. He found the opening in the pants, and inserted first one and then two fingers. They touched and felt around my cock. It feels great,' he said. And then with a further struggle he pulled it out. It was my first time being touched flesh to flesh by another man. He then got my hand and placed it on his crotch. His felt hard and huge. Get it out,' he asked. I did so. We sat there side by side and looked at each others cocks, sticking out of our trousers, both hard and rampant. We looked at each in the eyes, and gave each other a grin. You alright?' he enquired, Enjoying it?' I think I have been wanting this for a long long time,' I said. He then began to wank my cock, but it was too much, I was almost immediately over the top. The first jet must have shot up a good couple of feet, the second was not much less. It went everywhere. Well fired,' was Don's comment. I began to do the same to him, and though he took a little longer, he too came and shot his load all over the place. I think a clean up job is required,' said Don. He went and got a damp cloth and we proceeded to mop up the drops of cum that had splattered all over our clothes. What will your Mum say if we haven't got all the marks out?' Oh, I'll say I spilt some fluid from work. I don't think she'll do a chemical test on any stains.' We laughed. Cleaned up we stood looking at each other. I must be going, I'm afraid. It'll take me nearly a couple of hours to get home. But thank you for that.' Want to do it again sometime?' asked Don. Yes, please.' Give me a ring when you are over in Hull, especially late of an afternoon. I'd like to lead you further. There is a lot of wonderful things that two men can do.' `So Patrick told me, when I was on my training course.' We had a long hug and kiss, and I had to tear myself away."

"How did you feel afterwards? Guilty at all? After all you are a church goer." I said.

"I went home driving on air. I felt wonderful. It was what I had been waiting for. I felt I had discovered myself. I was now a hundred per cent certain that it was man love for me. My parents were in bed when I got back, so there was no unusual expression on my face to give the game away, that something exceptional had happened."

"Were there any stains on your clothes?"

"No. We must have wiped the cum off properly. But I deal feel some guilt. I woke in the middle of the night and wondered just what I'd done. And where it would all lead. I know I tossed and turned for a couple of hours feeling bad about it."

"How long did the guilty feeling last."

"It was around for several days. I found myself very nearly telling the Rector what had happened."

"How come?"

"As I believe I've told you before, there were times when we met when walking our dogs. And of course, more formally after church. One day he had said, I think you can drop the Rector bit, certainly when we are out walking together.' What should I call you then?' My full Christian name is Archibald. That's a terrible name and a mouthful, most of my friends call me Archie, or even just Arch. I answer to both.' I usually called him Arch, but I must say it took some getting used to, calling the Rector by his Christian name. I met him one day very soon my session with Don, when I was taking Heinz for his walk. He was out with his dog. We walked along talking. He asked how my work was going. Then he said, You're quieter than usual Kevin, is there something wrong?' I said, No.' Then later when it came to our going our different ways, he asked again, You sure, Kevin, there is not something you want to share? You appear to be worried about something.' Again I denied that there was anything wrong. Remember,' he said, You can come and talk to me about anything, and it is always in complete confidence, what ever it is.' `Yes, Arch,' was my simple reply.

"Did you see Don again?"

"Oh yes, many times. I liked him, and he was considerate knowing that it was my first time. I decided he would be a considerate and gentle instructor."

"So how did it go?" I asked.

"My work took me to Hull fairly often, at least once or twice week, occasionally more. I could not see him every time, but I used to try and end the working day in Hull when ever possible. Don co-operated, if he needed a job done on his machine, he would usually say that it could be late job, and that he could always make a early start in the morning. The first time we met up after the first time, if you know what I mean?"

We laughed.

"It was at his place. He'd just got in from work, when I arrived. I went into his flat. We were both slightly embarrassed at first. We both knew what we wanted to do, but neither of us was quite sure how to start. We stood looking at each other with stupid grins on our faces. Then he reached out to me and pulled me to him. We stood hugging and kissing for a few minutes. Then he said, Let's go where we can be more comfortable.' He led the way into his bed room. It was in chaos, the bed unmade, and clothes, books and gay mags everywhere. Sorry for the mess,' he said. `No problem.' He reached out with his forefinger and placed it at the top of my forehead, and then slowly he ran it down, over my nose and lips, over my chin and down my neck. When he came to me tie he pulled it off, and undid my top shirt button. I then started to undo his shirt buttons. You know, Phil, I have undressed a number of men in my time. It is rather like undoing a Christmas present. Of course, you know in one sense what is underneath, but every man is different. Different bodies, different colours, even the general description of white covers a wide range of tints, some very pale, others more pink, or where the sun has got, various shades of brown, then there are the various amounts of hair, and that in different shades and colours, and of course, different landing gear."

"And what did you find. This was your first time undressing a man, right?"

"I undid the shirt buttons, and discovered to my surprise that his chest was covered with a thick mat of dark hair. As you know I am lacking in that department. I just had to reach in and rub my hand through it. It was almost liking looking for two needles in a hay stack to find his tits. For some reason he seemed to like the feel of my hairless chest. We undid each other's trousers. I was as hard as ever. His cock was half hard. it was a lovely thick uncut one. The head was just beginning to emerge from cover. I held it and it hardened immediately. It was a lovely thick handful."

"What did you do?"

"He pressed up against me, and we had a naked hug and kiss. Remember this was all new to me. It was terrific to feel a warm naked man, pressing into me. He ran his hands up and down my back a number of times, and then began to feel my buttocks. Each new move of his opened up another sensation of sheer pleasure. He kissed and licked lightly with his tongue all the way down my front, giving special attention to those more sensitive spots. Then he knelt in front of me and nuzzled his face into my groin. I felt I was in paradise. He kissed and fondled with his lips and tongue my cock and balls. Then he commented on how tasty my precum was. Phil, I found myself just realising what I had been missing for all those years."

"How old were you Kevin when this happened?"

"I was just 20."

"Kev, you make it sound as though you were in your late fifties. Some guys are years older than that before they have their first sexual experience with another man. You were a mere lad, still are for that matter!"

"My teen age years had seemed like an eternity when I was living through them. Then I started thinking, dare I do to him what he was doing to me. I decided to try it. I got hold of his shoulders and pulled him to his feet. I then did a repeat performance on him. As I got down near his cock, Don said, `You don't have to Kev, if you don't want to.' I just carried on, though I must admit I did hesitate before taking his cock properly into my mouth. I realised from what he'd done I had to keep my teeth out of the way. I started sucking and licking, and then there was this strange taste in my mouth."

"Did you like it?"

"Yes. Vic calls it nectar, the drink of the gods, I think it is wonderful. I liked Don's, I like Vic's, and Tom's and Colin's and yours. Which reminds me I am beginning to get thirsty for some of your vintage."

"All in good time, young man."

"Don pulled me to my feet and suggested that we lay on the bed. We lay down side by side. Some people shoot their loads into each others mouths. It can be done both at once, it is called 69ing, for obvious reasons.' said Don. I know that, Patrick told me, and I have read some gay books and mags, you know! I have some head knowledge, I just lack practical experience,' I said. I want to go at your pace, Kev, there are all the different positions for fucking, and there are a lot of gay men who never fuck,' said Don. I think I'd like to try a 69 with you tonight, and leave the other for another time. I am a bit afraid that is going to hurt.' It may do a bit, but not too much if we take it carefully and slowly,' said Don. Let's try that next time.' `Fine with me,' was Don's reply. We just enjoyed the face to face closeness to each other for a while. Then Don moved into a 69 position."

"Did you do it with one above and the other beneath, or side by side?"

"You're as bad as me, wanting to know all the details," said Kevin.

We laughed.

"I largely followed what Don did to me. We did it side by side. He took it very slowly, lot of gentle lip and tongue play, as well as sucking. I tried to take him as deeply as I could without gagging. Eventually I came. After a few minutes rest, I got to work again on him, and he came shooting great wads of thick spunk into my mouth."

"Did you like it?"

"What do you think?"

We laughed.

We had by this time finished the meal, and I thought Kevin was looking rather restless. "I know what you want, young man?

"And what do you think I want?" said Kevin looking at me with a straight face firmly in the eye.

"I think you want us to go upstairs, and get our kecks off, and have some fun together."

"Phil, you're a marvel, a bloody mind reader!"

"It doesn't take much to read your mind. It is thinking about sex 95% of the time."

"You're wrong. 99% of the time."

"Come on then, what are you waiting for?" I got up and went straight upstairs. Kevin followed quickly. We went straight into my bedroom.

"I'm afraid my bed is not as big as Colin's. I'm thinking, if I am going to be doing much of this sort of thing, perhaps I'd better buy a bigger one."

"Don't bother, Phil, it makes us keep nice and close."

By this time we'd taken off our clothes.

"I do like just looking at your body," I said.

"You're alright to look at as well."

We moved into an embrace.

"Hold on a moment, I have got something to show you." I went across to the small drawer in the bed side table and got out the envelope with the letter that I had got when I was down south saying that I was in the clear. I handed it to Kevin. He read it.

"Great! I take that for no more french letters!" He grabbed me, and gave me a kiss. Then we drifted on to the bed.

At one stage Kev was lying on top of me. He got my hands and forced them up to each side of my head, with our fingers entwined. It is strange how erogenous hands can become when you are sexually aroused. At least that is true for me. He held me down, and kissed me all over my face. Then he lifted his crotch, and gently moved his cock across mine. Both cocks were free to be moved by the other one. This was not a close pressured grinding together, but all together different. Our cocks were light against each other, and moved easily as they passed and re passed each other. It felt wonderful. Like that?' asked Kevin. I should say,' I replied. We both looked down to watch our cocks together. There were thin threads of precum joining us in several places, as we were both in full precum production. He put his mouth down close to me ear, I want to fuck you, Phil.' The pleasure'll be mine.'

I got out some lube and prepared us both. Then I lay on my back and pulled my knees up. Soon Kevin's wonderful curved cock was moving steadily into me. Fully in, he relaxed, and I put my legs round his waist. He took it very slowly, careful not to climax too soon. But eventually he began to loose control, he thrust hard and deep into me, and with a great cry I felt his load shoot into me. I felt it, hot and deep, in a way one never felt when the juice was contained in the rubber of a condom. Our bodies were hot, and glistening with the perspiration of our love making. I felt his cock continue to pulse, less and less, and then I felt it shrink inside me. It slipped out and we moved to lying close together side by side. I think we both dozed off for a short while.

"Do you still see Don?" I asked as we both came to.

"I see him in the course of my work. We're friends, but no longer have sex together. He was seeing other guys. Fair enough. He encouraged me to explore around the place, and find other guys, which I did. We sometimes have a meal together, and have a good talk. He now has a live in partner. Nice chap, about ten years older than him."

"So Patrick and Donald opened the doors for you?"

"Yea, they did. I owe a lot to them."

"I hope you don't mind me asking again. But you were, and I believe are still are, a church goer. Didn't you feel any guilt our shame about what you were doing. As far as can make out the Church takes a very hard intolerant line on what we do together."

Kevin laughed out loud.

"You could say that. The Rector detected that there was something different with me. I suppose we used to meet about once a week when we were out walking our dogs. Nothing was arranged or planned we would just meet. Sometimes we would be going in opposite directions and our talk would be short, and at other times we would be going in the same direction, and we would talk a lot more. He would ask questions. Was every thing alright at work? Was in trouble of any sort? Then when I was happier it was, had I met a girl? had I now got a girl friend? And then I went to a sauna."

"You went to a sauna?"


"A gay sauna?"


"Tell me more."

"Donald told me about this gay sauna in Hull. He used to go from time to time, and he suggested that I went. I took quite a bit of persuading. I was a bit scared about going."

"He didn't take you?"

"No. He said that if he took me it would cramp things for both of us. We would both be afraid of doing things because we'd be embarrassed that the other one might see. Looking back on it, I think he was probably correct."

"But you eventually plucked up courage and went?"

"Donald said a good evening to go was a Friday. There were more guys there then. He gave me the number of the place in High Street. I don't know if you know Hull?"


"High Street is in the oldest part of Hull. It runs parallel to the River Hull. Not the Humber, but the small river. The full name of the city is Kingston on Hull. Hull was knocked about a lot in bomber raids during the war. There are a few old buildings in that part of the town, it has been badly re-developed. It is a mixture of buildings. It was a damp, slightly misty night, with a cold wind coming off the North Sea. I walked up the street, I found the numbers up to the one I wanted, and then there was a gap, before the higher numbers. I walked up and down the street two or three times trying to find the number I wanted. Then I realised there was a quite narrow alley leading off, and went up it. There towards the end of the alley was the sauna I was looking for. I was tremendously nervous about it all. This was totally new territory for me. I looked round, I felt as though the whole population of Hull was watching me. Actually there were very few people around. I tried the door, but it was locked. Then I noticed a push button to ring a bell. I rang it, and very quickly the door was opened by a young man. I went in. He asked if I had been before. When I said that I hadn't been before, he asked if I knew it was a gay sauna. I replied `Yes.' My voice cracked when I spoke as I was feeling so nervous. He explained the rough layout of the place, and I paid him, and he gave me a towel and a key with a number on it. He said that the lockers and changing room were upstairs.

"As I was going upstairs I met a couple of guys coming down, each one had a towel round his waist. They were laughing. I found the changing room. It was quite small with a mass of lockers round it. I opened my locker and began to undress. I felt strange doing it there. I took off my waterproof jacket, and stuffed it in the locker. Next I took off my shoes and socks, and put my watch in my shoes. Then I took off my trousers and pants. I wrapped the towel round my middle before taking off my shirt and pullover. I looked at myself in a mirror, and taking a deep breath, thought `Now for it.' I decided to explore the upstairs part first. There was a passage way leading off to my right. I went along it. It led past several rest rooms. These small rooms seemed empty, and had just a sort of bench or bed in it. At the end there was a small video room. There were four of five guys sitting round watching a very hot video. One or two of the guys had there cocks out, and were gently wanking themselves. The others were doing the same underneath their towels. I watched the video for a few minutes. It certainly was a hot one. I had not seen anything like it up till then."

We laughed. "But you've seen some since?"

"Yea. As you know Colin has got some."

"What did you do then?"

"I decided to see what was going on down stairs. I re-traced my steps and went down stairs. There was another narrow passage leading into a room, which was a sort of cafe area. You could buy drinks and get something to eat. There were couple of guys there drinking, and reading copies of Boyz or the Pink Paper."

"Were they naked?"

"No, they had their towels wrapped round themselves. I walked through that cafe area, and there was another door. It was immediately a lot hotter and humid. There was another door on the right. I opened it and was hit by the heat of the sauna. There were a couple of guys in there, sitting very close to each other. I decided to leave them to it, at least for then. The other side there was a glass door which opened into the steam room. I looked in, and it was empty. So I went on. Just beyond the steam room was the jacuzzi, on the left. There were four of five guys in it. I notice their towels draped over a bench nearby. I decided to join them. I took off my towel and put it over the bench. You had to go up three steps before going down into the jacuzzi. I went up the steps and felt the eyes of the men there, not on my face, but on my cock. I was being examined and assessed."

"They would not have found you wanting on that score."

"I stepped down into the foaming water. It felt beautifully warm. I sat down between a couple of the men. The water came up to the top of my chest. I looked around at the other guys. Some where sitting there with their eyes closed, others just looking vacantly ahead. I wondered if anything was likely to happen. I sat there enjoying the warmth and the water for a couple of minutes, when I felt a foot come along against mine. My immediate reaction was to move my foot away, but I left it there. I remembered a little of what Patrick had said several months before. Then the foot gently rubbed against mine a couple of times."

"Did you like it?"

"It was quite a turn on. Then I rubbed my foot the same against the other guy's. Almost immediately a hand came on to my knee stroking it. I put my hand on the guys's knee. Straight way his hand was up on my cock."

"And you were hard by this time?"

"I should say. I moved my hand up and found another ultra stiff cock. I stole a quick glance at him. He looked as though he was in his mid thirties. He was sitting there looking straight ahead. No expression on his face. We sat there playing with each other. It was great. Then one of the guys opposite whispered something to his neighbour, and they both stood up and made their way out of the jacuzzi. I had a lovely quick glimpse of two hard cocks jutting out. They collected their towels, put them round themselves and made their way out of the room. I sat there playing around with the cock and balls of my neighbour, while he did the same to me. Then he whispered in my ear, `I'm getting too close to cuming. I need to cool down. See you.' He stood up and climbed out of the jacuzzi, and I had a good look at his cock. As he wrapped his towel round his waist he gave me a broad grin. Soon after the other guy in the jacuzzi got up and left. His cock was completely limp. I sat there for a while, and then got out myself. There in those first few minutes I'd seen four lovely cocks, and had a nice feel with the guy next to me."

"You were obviously enjoying it. What did you do next."

"I went up into the video room. Mainly to cool down a bit. In both ways, the jacuzzi was quite hot, and I thought my old man needed to relax a bit."

"What was happening up there?"

"There were three guys there watching this hot video. The guy who had been next to me in the jacuzzi was there standing leaning against a wall. His hand was under his towel playing with himself. There were two guys sitting close to each other, with quite a lot of bodily contact. There towels were open, and in the light of the flickering screen I could see their equipment. Then one of the two, got on to his knees in front of the other guy and started giving him a blow job. It was all as large as life. I was gob smacked. Doing it in front of other men. I watched them for a few minutes and then decided I would go back downstairs and go into one of the cabins. I went down to the steam room. It was a very pleasant warmth. I went in, there was no one else there. I sat on one of the side benches. I had not been there a minute before my jacuzzi companion came and joined me. He sat alongside me, but not very close. Come here often?' he asked. Its my first time,' I replied. I come in quite often. I only live in East Hull. Been to any other saunas?' No this is my first time at any.' What do you think? Enjoying it?' Yea. I enjoyed our time in the jacuzzi; and watching those guys upstairs.' He moved a little closer before replying, They were better than the video,' he said, and we laughed. Have you been to many saunas?' I asked. A few.' How does this compare with others?' I asked. Compared with some it is small. You want to try some in London or in Birmingham. Sometimes there are well over a hundred guys milling around. Its great.' He moved a little closer. Have you got a partner?' he asked. No,' I replied. Live alone then,' he enquired. No, I live with my parents. Couple of hours' drive away. What about you?' I've got a place of my own. Useful for inviting guys back for fun.' Do you often have guys back?' I was beginning to wonder if I was going to be invited back. Sometimes, when I really like them.' I decided to move this time. So I readjusted my position and moved a couple of inches closer to him. He responded my moving closer to me again. Our arms touched, and he put his hand back on my knee. When I turned towards him he leant towards me, and put his lips out for a kiss."

"Did you respond?"

"Of course. We exchanged kisses, and our hands were back on each others cocks. We played with each other for several minutes. Then the door of the steam room opened and a big guy came in. The two of us sprang apart like a couple of guilty school kids caught doing something wrong when teacher returns to the room. The guy who'd come in must have been just over sex feet tall. He was well built, great shoulders, tapering to a fairly narrow waist. He had a well formed bum, and strong muscular legs. And he was black, very black indeed. He grinned at the two of us sitting together on the bench, and his teeth shone in the steamy gloom."

"What did he do?"

"He pulled off the towel that was round his waist and threw it on to the bench opposite the two of us. Then he turned and just stood in front of us, less that a foot away. I could see his great cock just hanging like an elephants trunk between his legs. My jacuzzi friend and I just looked at each other. Then my friend reached out a hand and began to stroke the thigh of the guy in front of us. I did the same. I reached up with my other hand over the smooth chest and felt around to find one of his tits. When I found it, it seemed huge. You know the thimbles that women put on a finger when they are doing some sewing, I am sure it was as big as that. He immediately groaned in appreciation. The jacuzzi man reached up and started playing with the other tit. I then moved my other hand to feel the black guys cock. By this time it was no longer hanging down but sticking straight out. It appeared not to have grown much longer, but it was certainly harder. It was a thick handful of man meat. I felt down to his balls, they were fairly big. He was obviously enjoying the attention of four hands on him. He put his hands on our heads and pushed them towards his cock. Our faces met, and we both began to lick and suck. Often we were both attending to a side of his cock at the same time. This went on for some time. Then my companion got his mouth fully over the guy's cock. I could only use my hands, exploring the guys buttocks and arse-hole. The black guy was groaning and asking for more all the time. Then he put both hands on my companions shoulders and pulled him to his feet, he whispered something in his ear. My companion then grabbed his towel and went out of the cabin door immediately followed by the black guy."

"What about you?"

"I was just left there. They just walked out on me. I felt awful, totally rejected."

"What did you do?"

"I sat there for about half a minute and then made my way to the jacuzzi. There were a couple of guys in it sitting very close and obviously doing something. I got in and sat well away from them. I sat there, and closed my eyes, and tried to deal with myself and what I was feeling. It was what my jacuzzi companion had done, in just walking out on me, after what we had done together before. He had followed me down from the video room into the steam room, obviously wanting to be with me. He had made the initial moves both in the jacuzzi and in moving closer in the steam room. Yet, when the black guy with the monster cock came along he just got up and left with him without even a nod to me. I was alright until someone better came along. I wondered about leaving the place."

"Did you?"

"No. After several minutes another guy came along. He was about my age, with curly blond hair. I got a good view of his cock as he climbed up the steps and then down into the jacuzzi. It was a nice cut one. I thought I'd like to get my hands on that one. He sat fairly close to me."


"I decided to take the initiative this time. I Let my foot touch his. He didn't pull his foot away or anything. Then I felt out with my hand and rested it on his leg. Then his hand came a gently pushed mine away. A second rejection in the space of a few minutes."

"What did you do?"

"I sat there for a short while, and then decided to call it day and go home. I got up out of the jacuzzi and went across and put my towel round me. I looked back at the blond guy, but he was just gazing into space. But as I walked past the steam room I saw straight in front of me the sauna. I had only looked in there. I decided I would at least give that a short spell before going upstairs to get dressed. It is a small cabin, with two tiers of benches along two of the walls. Sitting on the bench with their feet on the ground were a couple of guys. They weren't doing anything, so I knew I wouldn't be getting jealous. I sat down on the other bench at right angles to them with my feet on the floor, and the upper bench behind me. It was dark in there when the door was shut. The only light came through a small window in the door, and what light there was came from one side, so I was sitting on the darkest side. So there were the three of us, and we sat there for a while. As so often in such places in total silence. Then one got up and left, followed a minute or so by the other guy. I relaxed enjoying the warmth. Then suddenly I felt a hand on the back of my neck. I nearly jumped out of my skin. I turned, with a loud yell. There lying on the upper tier was a naked man lying back on his towel. Sorry mate. I didn't mean to scare you. I thought you knew I was here.' No. But I'm alright. You just gave me a fright, that's all, I thought I was alone in here.' Why don't you sit back down again.' I sat back again. Relax, like you was,' he said. I did. That's better. He hand came again and began to stroke my neck. Sorry about that. Do you come here often.?' he asked. No, its my first time.' And I scare you out of you bloody skin.' I felt him turn on to his side, and his fingers began to play with my ears. What about you, do you come here often,' I asked. Not very often. I'm from down south, from London in fact, as you probably can tell from my accent. Work brings me up here about once a month. So I come in here when I can. It gives me an opportunity, things are more difficult for me when I am at home.' `Why's that?' I asked. "Well, I'm married'"

"Another one," I said.

"At that time I'd never encountered a married man who liked gay sex. I thought such a combination was impossible."

We laughed.

"I know now," said Kevin.

"Did you say anything?"

"Yes, I expressed surprise. There are a lot of us, you know,' said my new friend. Are there?' I asked. Probably half of the guys in here tonight have been married, and about a quarter of them are still married.' Have you always known that you were gay?' I asked. I've known for a long while. I've got a couple of young kids as well,' he said. Does that mean your bisexual?' I asked. I used to think I was, when I got married, but now I think I'm gay. I am no longer attracted to birds.' All this time he'd been playing with my neck and ears. I've been watching your cock. You've got a nice one,' he said. He then moved, and came and sat down beside me. That's better, we can talk more easily.' He put an arm round me, and with his other hand reached for my cock. I got a proper look at him. I reckoned he was a man in his mid to late thirties. He had a mature body, slightly hairy chest, and very hairy cock and balls. I took hold of him. Does you wife know about all this?' I asked. No way!' exclaimed my London friend, Sex with her is now a duty, I get my real pleasure at times like this.' He moved his head closer, and we turned towards each other and kissed. You're fairly new at this aren't you?' he asked. Yes, very new, but enjoying it. I am discovering just how different each man is. Each man is a new discovery, and a fresh experience.' I want to go up to one of those rest rooms, and I want to fuck you, and if you want you can fuck me,' he said. That's fine by me.' We stood up and kissed, pressing our bodies together. Then we got our towels and put them round ourselves, and made our way upstairs. It must have been obvious where we were going, as our towels were tented out in front of us. This London guy stepped into the entrance and collected some condoms and lube and caught me up, half way up the stairs. We walked along the corridor. The door of the first rest room was wide open, and I saw the black guy fucking my jacuzzi friend, it seems they were quite happy to be seen. We went into another rest room, and shut the door. I pulled off his towel, and mine just dropped on the floor. We looked at each other, and then grasped each other, forcing our cocks and chests together. Lips met lips, and tongues wrestled together. My London friend rubbed his cock against mine, and I did the same to him. Then he knelt down and sucked me for a few moments. If you want me to give you a good fuck, don't do that for too long.' He stood up and grinned. How do you want me?' I asked. Stand there, leaning forward over the bed.' I did as he requested, and I felt his fingers applying the lube to me, and he penetrated two fingers, and loosened me up. Then He quickly put on the condom, and lubed himself. I bent over the bed, and felt his cock head against me. It was a moment or two before my muscular door opened and allowed him in. He slowly worked his way fully in. You're a very sexy young man. Quite irresistible!' he said."

"Here, here to that!" I exclaimed. "You are a sexy young bugger you know Kev."

"So they say! But I find there are so many sexy men, young and old around, I just can't keep my cock under control."

We both laughed.

"You had a good time with that guy then?"

"Yes, we must have been about a couple of hours together. Not fucking the whole time mind you, quite a lot of the gentle stuff, and a lot of talking. I would've liked to have met him again, but it was not really on. We left the sauna together, and had a quick hug in the pouring rain when we parted outside, he to his hotel, and me for the long drive home. It was a long drive in heavy rain. I did a lot of thinking on that drive home. That visit to the sauna was an important step in my sexual journey. I had taken an important initiative just by going there. And Just going there by myself gave a boost to my self confidence. I had taken an initiative with second guy in the jacuzzi, and experienced a rejection."

"There were two rejections that evening, weren't there."

"Yes, but because the final time with the guy from down south was so good, the rejections were, sort of, seen in context. I decided that they were all part of a learning curve."

"So taken overall it was a good evening?"

I should say. A wonderful evening. I eventually got back in the early hours."

"Did you go back to the sauna?"

"No I have never been back. Something very important to my story happened the very next day."

I hope you have enjoyed this section of the story. The next section is written, but still needs some work on it. The lamb shanks recipe, and Sussex Pond Pudding are available on request. Kecks a Yorkshire word for trousers or underpants.

Jeff at

Next: Chapter 9

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