
By Jeffrey Fletcher

Published on Oct 17, 2001


this is a story involving consenting sex between adult males. If this is offensive to you, or you are under legal age to read such stories, or such material is illegal where you reside, then surf on, and have a good day elsewhere. For those who read it, I hope you enjoy. Any comments gratefully received.

From Jeff at

The Countrymen Part 4.

Resume:- Phil, a retired man in his 60s has met up with Colin a farmer in his 40s. As they have spent time together, and slept together on two occasions, they have begun telling each other their stories. Colin is a member of a small gay group that call themselves the Countrymen. Phil has met Kevin, the youngest member of the group, on two occasion. Kevin is eager for a deeper relationship with Phil.

Part Four

Colin rang me the very next evening. Kevin had been on the phone eager for us to meet as a threesome, and had given Colin a list of evenings when he was free. Colin and I then played the diary game, and found that we were all free in just three days time. Colin suggested that we all met up at his farm, and that I stayed the night again. When I asked if Kevin too would be staying the night, he said not. I then pointed out that that was rather hard on Kevin having to leave us both together, while he went off home. So I made another suggestion; that they both came to me for the evening, arriving together, and going back to Loftend together. We would all spend the night in our own beds, as that there would be plenty of opportunities for Colin and I to sleep together, with or without Kevin. Colin thought I was being very considerate, and said he would put it to Kevin.

So it was, on that Friday morning I went into town to do some shopping, intending to spend the afternoon preparing the meal. I was just about to start preparing the pudding, when the phone rang. It was Colin, "A slight change of plan. I have got to come into town to pick up a piece of essential equipment for the farm, so Kevin and I will be arriving independently. If I arrive a bit early, will that be alright?"

"Of course, great to see you any time."

So I started to get on with preparing the bread and butter pudding. I had found that it was always popular with hungry men, and a great filler if the main course had not done the trick. Now whenever I do any cooking I put on apron. Not a frilly woman's apron. I would not been seen dead in one of those. But a plain dark blue man's apron.

I was just about to start preparing the main course when the door bell rang.

It was Colin. Though we had last seen each other only three days before, we greeted each other as though it had been several months. We gave each other a really good hug, and a lot of kisses. Our hands roamed around the other's back and buttocks. After several minutes of shared affection we broke apart.

"Cup of tea or a beer?" I asked.

"Tea, at this time of day. I should say."

"Come on through."

I live in a typical small terrace house. In a street of about sixty houses,

thirty even numbered ones on one side of the street, and the odd numbered ones on the other. hey are all joined together. The smaller ones were built for the workers before the First World War. I moved here shortly after my marriage broke up. It was the ideal size for me. There were three rooms downstairs, the front or sitting room, a middle room, which could pretentiously be called the dinning room, it was a comfortable room, where I tended to spend quite a lot of my time. That led through to the kitchen. Upstairs there was a large bedroom in the front over the hall and sitting room, a middle bedroom, and bathroom and another small bedroom over the back part of the house. It was in the back bedroom that I had my den, with computer, books and papers. Themes and variations of this sort of house are to be found all over the United Kingdom.

I led the way through to the kitchen and started making the tea. While the water was heating, and then the tea mashing, we talked generally about the day. We took our mugs of tea through to the 'dining' room, where there were a couple of easy chairs.

"Will Kevin know how to get here I asked."

" I got here okay with your directions, and I just passed them on to Kev. He'll get here easily. His nose will lead him to the food, and his cock is an infallible guide for him when it comes to sex. So, he'll be here one way or the other, on time, or earlier, I'm sure." We laughed at the picture of Kevin finding his way be using his erect cock like a compass needle.

We moved out to the kitchen so I could continue preparing the food while talking. First, I measured out 10 fluid oz [175ml]of brown rice, and put it in a saucepan with a little oil, and coated the grains. Then I added 20 fluid oz [275ml] of boiling water and put it on the stove to simmer for 40 minutes. I always put a glass lid on it so that I could watch that it was not simmering too hard, or had gone off the boil. It spoils if the lid is removed at any stage.

"You know, the other evening," said Colin, "When you told me about your time with your next door neighbour, did you go with him again?"

"No. I think he was really interested in guys of his own age, not younger slightly immature boys like I still was. I think he saw what I was doing, and not having any of his mates available, he called me round as a substitute."

"How did you feel about that?"

"Bit sad. For a short while. I'd liked what had happened. Then realising I was not going to get any more from him, I began to think that there must be other guys around who'd do it with me."

"Amongst your own friends?"

"Yes. I thought through my friends and class mates, At that stage I could not think of anyone who I'd either like to do it with, or I thought might want to do it. So I started thinking about older boys at school. Then it struck me there was one guy. A bit of a loner. In my neighbour's form actually, but not one of his friends. Something seemed to say to me that he would not be averse to doing things with me. Strange how early that sort of intuition is there in us."

"Yes. So how did you go about it?" asked Colin.

"Well, the fact that he was in a higher form made it difficult. Ages did not mix much at school. Certainly not in those days. I knew I was quite a good looking boy. I had very fair hair, lot of it in those days. The glory has departed," I said rubbing my hand through my sparsely existent hair. "I had to work out how to do it."

"So what did you do?"

"Just a mo! I must get on with preparing this meal." I went and got out all the ingredients. I opened a couple of 400ml tins of coconut milk and emptied them into a wok, and put it on the stove to boil.

"The first thing I did was to try and find out where he lived. I didn't find out his address, but by some careful observation I found out first of all which bus he went home on. I presumed he came to school on the same number bus. Now here I struck lucky. I had a choice of buses to school. For one the stop was very near home. But by walking half a mile I could catch the other bus, that I hoped he would be on."

"And was he?"

"Yes. But hold on a moment." I began to cut up some ingredients for the meal. There were two medium chillies to be de-seeded, two stems of lemon grass, four cloves of garlic, and a small onion. These all had to be cut up small.

"Yes. It took me about a week to find out that he always caught the bus at a particular time."

"And you were on it?"

"Exactly. And there was the bus home in the afternoon. But the afternoon bus was more difficult as there was always a scrum of boys trying to get on. Where as I was the only boy from our school that got on at that particular stop in the morning."

"So what did you do?" asked Colin.

"Well, I think I was rather clever. I knew that I had to make him notice me. But it had to be done slowly. First of all I was just on the bus with him. After a while I began to say hello, and he started responding. Then I remembered something. He'd got a school prize at the end of the summer term. I went and found out what it was in. It was for mathematics. I made sure that I always had a maths book of some sort on me. After several days the ideal opportunity arose. The seat next to him was empty, so I went and sat in it. It was the first time that I had done that. We briefly said hello, and immediately I got out a maths book. If I remember correctly it was a geometry book. We had to learn theorems in those days. I don't know if they still have to. Probably not. He rose to the bait. 'What are you learning?' he asked. 'Oh, these theorems about triangles in circles, or whatever it was.' 'With those you need to remember....' He was explaining it all to me. When we got to school and got off the bus I thanked him for his help. We walked into school, with him asking me about whether I liked maths or not. I told him I liked it, but did not find it easy. So he offered to help me any time."

"You brazen little hussy!' exclaimed Colin. "I didn't know you were so cunning. You've made me ask myself whether you were out to seduce me when we met the other week."

I laughed. "Oh, no. It was you seducing me. Quite definitely. I was just an innocent old man out walking, and you whipped me into your den of vice and had your wicked way with me."

Colin walked across the room, and put his arms round me, and whispered in my ear, "And I am having difficulty not trying to have my wicked way with you again, here and now." I put the sharp knife down, and turned, and we had a nice huggy, kissy close encounter.

"You seduced me away from getting the meal," I exclaimed. "Hold on a moment , I have to concentrate here. I put the things I had cut up in the liquidizer, and grated off the zest of a lime, and then squeezed it, putting the juice and zest in the liquidizer.

"What happened next with your older boy?"

"Hold on a moment, this stage involves a bit of concentration." I added a good dessert spoon of ground ginger, some paste with a shrimp content, and three tablespoons of Thai fish sauce. I switched on the liquidizer, and for a while it was impossible to talk. As I was watching it liquidize, Colin came across and pressed his groin into my buttocks. I could feel him begin to harden, and I responded in the same way. He kissed my neck. I felt round behind me, and rubbed his cock.

"What are you hungry for food or sex?" I asked.

"Both. desperately."

"You talk about Kevin. You're just as bad."

"No one is as bad as Kevin."

"That's a matter of opinion. But if you don't stop distracting me, you'll be going hungry."

"Alright then. I'll be good. But you must carry on with your story."

I added the contents of the liquidizer to the coconut milk in the wok, and left it all to simmer for about four or five minutes, while I skinned and cut up 2lb [900g] of white fish into large bite sized chunks.

"It now became a regular thing that I sat on the bus with Gooding whenever possible. He did help with my maths - genuinely. But we'd talk about other things, school and so on. Then I had a lucky break. We had games on a Wednesday afternoon, and that afternoon we played rugger. I didn't like it much. But anyway, after games we had to have showers. Lots of naked boys all trying to shower together. There was a lot of pushing each other around, and prefects shouting at us to behave. In the melee I saw Gooding walking out of the showers. I got a good view of him. He saw me too. When it came to catching the bus I just missed one, so was waiting alone at the bus stop when out from the school walks Gooding, just behind me. We were alone at the bus stop for a couple of minutes. I said to him, 'You've got a big cock!' 'You're a cheeky little monkey,' he replied, but he didn't look angry about what I'd said. I gave him a cheeky grin back. 'I didn't get a chance to see yours,' he said. 'Its pretty average,' I replied. We could not say any more as there were other boys arriving at the bus stop."

I stirred the simmering contents of the wok.

"Its smelling good. I'm feeling quite hungry. But what happened next."

"Everything was just as before for several days. There always seemed to be other people, and other boys around. Then came a morning, it was a Wednesday morning, we were about half way to school when the bus broke down. We all had to get out, and were told to wait for the next bus. The ten or so boys from the school decided to walk the mile or so. It was natural that I walked with Gooding. 'Will you be playing rugger this afternoon?' he asked. 'Yes. Will you?' I replied. 'I shall try to catch a look at you in the shower,' he said with a broad grin. 'I suppose that's only fair,' I said. 'Do you toss yourself off?' he asked. 'Yes,' I was a bit embarrassed at the directness of his question. 'Its good isn't it.' We said no more on that score on the way back to school."

"Did you see each other in the showers."


"How disappointing."

"It wasn't really. Next day he asked about my school work, what I found easy and what I found hard. Then I told him, he said he could definitely help me with the maths, and possibly with the French. Now I really was weak in that subject, so any help gratefully received. He then said, 'Would you like to come round to my place for an hour or so, for some help, from time to time.' I said, 'yes'."

"And what happened?"

"I cleared it with my parents, that this older boy from school, had offered to help me with my French. They asked how I'd got to know him and so on, and I told them. I didn't have to be very economical with the truth. They seemed happy enough. They knew my French was weak. On the Tuesday of the next week I went to the Goodings' place with him straight from school. On the bus and as we walked to his house, we chatted generally about school. He told me quite a bit about his school work. When we got to his house he said, 'O, by the way. My folks are not at home. My parents are out at work, and I am a one off. Is that alright with you.' I said that was fine with me. I thought this is indeed looking as though there were possibilities. We went in, and he began by offering me a drink. He led the way into the kitchen, and we both had a cold drink. Then he said, 'Well, we'd better get on and do some work.' He led the way into the dinning room. His house was a typical semi. He got a couple of chairs so that we could sit together at the table. 'What shall we do first,' he said, French or Maths?' 'French. Let's get the worst part over first, I can't stand French.' So I got out my French books and we started to look at them. He was a good teacher. We really did do some work. We began by doing some oral, spoken French. We must have done this for about twenty minutes or so. He'd spend a couple of holiday in France living with a French family, so is accent and spoken French was quite good. I remembered to tell my parents all that when I got home. Then we got out a text book. We sat close together looking at it. Again he was genuinely helpful. Then he lent back, I remember that our legs were touching. 'I didn't see you in the shower on Wednesday.' he said. 'I know. And I didn't see you.' 'But you have seen me, the other week,' he said. He put a hand down on my knee. 'Do you toss yourself off a lot?' 'Almost everyday,' I replied. 'Same here. Have you ever done it with some one else?' 'Yes, just once.'

'Didn't you like it then?' 'No, I liked it well enough. The other chap didn't want to do it again with me.' 'Its good with someone else isn't it?'

I nodded, 'Have you done it with someone else?' 'Yes, many times with the boy I have been with in France.' He moved his hand up a bit, and my cock began to stiffen. 'You like that?' he asked with a nod of his head towards his hand. I felt very hot, and was getting very aroused, and just managed to say, 'Yes.' 'Would you like me to toss you off?' I think I just nodded. 'Let's go upstairs then.' I noticed when he got up, he had to adjust his trousers. He led the way upstairs to the back bedroom. It was obviously his bedroom."

Just then the door bell went.

"That must be Kevin," said Colin. "Shall I let him in."

While he went to the door I put the pieces of fish into the wok with the sauce. I undid a tin of mangoes and cut the pieces up into bite sizes.

Kevin came forcefully into the kitchen. Kevin is just over six feet tall. He is slim, and has brown hair. His hair is light brown, and he still has it like a school boy with a parting, and combed across his forehead. This gives him an even younger, and in many ways an innocent look. But what strikes you when you see Kevin are his eyes. They are brown, not that hard brown you sometimes find, but a soft gentle brown. I suppose the other sex would describe them as bedroom eyes. They always conveyed a sense of warmth and affection. He came straight to me and gave me a hug.

"Hold on a moment, I can't respond, my hands are all mangoey."

I rinsed my hand and wiped them on a towel.

Kevin stood looking at me. Seeing the apron I had on he said, "What's that thing you've got on?"

"An apron."

"Its another barrier between me and your cock. There are just too many layers down there." He came across put one arm round my neck, and with the other he reached down, pulling the apron to one side, to feel for my cock. "I've been longing for today." We kissed. "Good to see you. What's first on the agenda, fun or food?"

"Food. I'm starving," said Colin.

"You would be," said Kevin. "I suppose, you've had nothing to eat since breakfast."

"One Mars bar, and a cup of coffee," said Colin. "I suppose you've been stuffing your face, and pulling your wick all day."

"Not at all. I had a couple of sandwiches for lunch. And I have only wanked twice. Saving myself for this evening."

"Good," said Colin. He stepped across and took Kevin in his arms. "Let the cook finish getting the meal, and the sooner we get on with the real business of the evening." Gently he directed Kevin out of the kitchen.

"Okay boss."

"Do you two want something to drink while I finish of getting the meal. There's beer in the fridge here, and sherry in the other room."

Colin got himself a beer, while Kevin went to get a glass of sherry. He brought me one as well.

"Cheers. Just to show I have some culture, unlike our barbarian farmer over there."

"Just you watch it my lad," said Colin with a laugh.

They left me in the kitchen to get on with getting the meal. I added the mangoes to the wok to cook for a further couple of minutes. I had timed it well. The rice had had its forty minutes, and so I took it off the stove, and fluffed it up with a fork.

The meal was a great success. The fish curry was tasty and greatly appreciated. We devoured the whole of the bread and butter pudding, even though the recipe was for six!

We were only into the first course of the meal, when Colin said to Kevin, "Colin has been telling me about something that happened when he was a boy at school. Not his first time, but his second time. How he struck up a relationship with a boy a couple of years older than he was. He was just getting to the horny bit when you arrived. I want to hear the rest of the story."

They both looked at me expectantly.

"When we got up into Michael Gooding's bedroom he sat on the edge of the bed and looked at me, and I stood there looking at him. 'You've seen mine, so show me yours,' he said. Rather slowly I undid the buttons of my flies and got out my cock. Michael watched and then looked me full in the face. 'That's the idea. Now show me all of it. You also saw my balls. Undress for me." As I slowly undressed, he undid his shirt and took it off. Soon I was standing naked in front of him except for my socks. He reached out and touched my cock. It was as hard as it could be and sticking out proudly. He stroked it gently. 'Its a nice one. Want to see mine again?' I nodded.

He stood up, undid his trousers and stepped out of them. Then slowly he lowered his pants. His cock was as hard as mine. We stood there looking at each other for a few moments. Then he stepped up to me, and put his arms round me, pressing our bodies close together. He felt so warm, parts of him hard, and other parts softer. It felt wonderful, I wanted the moment to last for ever. 'Let's get on the bed and have a good cuddle,' he said. We got into the bed, and lay for while facing each other, arms wrapped round. Then to my surprise he kissed me. 'You're nice,' he said, 'You're a nice lad.' he reached down between us, and began to play with my cock. He felt along its length. He put his fingers round it. He cupped my balls, and pushed his fingers a bit beyond. He then got hold of my hand and put it on his cock, and I did much the same to him. I suppose that was where I began to learn that important lesson, what a man does to you, is was what he would like done to him. We just lay there like that for a while. Then very quietly he broke the silence. 'We must not be too long.' He began to work his hand up and down my cock. He did not need to do it for very long. 'I'm going to spunk,' I said. He pushed me over on to my back, and continued. Very soon I felt that indescribable sensation mounting in my body. I went rigid, and shot my spunk three or four inches out on to my stomach. He reached under his pillow and pulled out a handkerchief. 'I always have one or two under there, to wipe up my spunk,' he said. When I'd wiped myself so no spunk would run down and stain the sheets, he asked me to toss him off. It did not take long before he too was shooting, quite a bit further than me, on to his stomach. When he had cleaned himself, we just lay together for a few minutes. 'Did you like that? Would you like to do it again sometime?' he asked. 'Yes, any time,' I replied. 'Good, we'll have to do some more work like this after school.' We got off the bed, and got dressed. I collected up my books from the dinning room. At the door he put his arms round me, and gave me another kiss. 'Thanks' he said. 'Thank you,' was my reply.

"Cor," said Kevin. "I'm rock hard. I can't wait for you to get out your cock for me." He put his hand on my thigh and ran it up until he could feel my half hardened cock. "I can feel you're getting ready." He took his hand away. "But there is something serious I want to ask you, Phil. This school you were at? Was there much gay activity there?"

"You must remember my school days were from the early 1940s until 1954. That is a long while ago. Things were different then."

"In what way were they so different?" asked Colin.

"From a sex point of view gay sex was illegal. You could go to prison for it. It was before the Wolfendon Report, that came out in the mid 50s. It was well into the 60s that gay sex between consenting adults was made legal,

and then with a lot of conditions attached. Yet, strangely enough I don't think the illegality entered my head as a schoolboy."

"What do you mean?" asked Colin. "That it was all okay?"

"No, not at all. We knew it was wrong in the eyes of most people. Michael Gooding and myself knew that if we were caught at it we would both be caned for it. And probably expelled from school. There'd be hell to pay from our parents. We both knew we had to be very, very careful not to get caught. Gooding was very sensible."

"By the way, why do you sometimes call him Gooding, or Michael Gooding, and never just Michael?" asked Colin.

"Well, I went to one of those minor Public Schools that are in the London area. It was all boys, it isn't now, by the way. We always used surnames.

Only in the Sixth Form did we start calling special friends by their Christian names. Gooding and I were never in the Sixth together. He left as I went into it."

"In what ways was he sensible?" asked Kevin.

"He said that it was always important to tell as much that was true as was possible. A valuable lesson I have learnt in many of life's tricky situations. Later the term 'economical with the truth' came into vogue. He always insisted we did some work when we went to his house. So when I got home I could tell my folk with honesty what we'd done in that respect. He got me to meet his parents, and he met mine."

"Didn't they suspect anything?" asked Kevin.

"No. It was pre Wolfendon. People knew that there were men who liked boys. They knew that they were boys who liked boys. But it was different. Homosexuality was a forbidden subject. It was just never discussed. I think only once did I discuss it with another lad at school, and that was when I was in the Sixth. I think that meeting his parents, and him meeting mine, sort of threw parents off any suspicions they might have had."

"So were you and Michael Gooding the only boys doing it, do you think?" asked Colin.

I laughed. "No far from it. There was a lot of it going on. I know it, because I was a part of it. There was quite a gay scene in the school. But all undercover. But looking back on it I think a lot of it was institutional homosexuality."

"What do you mean?" asked Kevin.

Colin answered that question. "In all male establishments, like prisons, the navy on ships, in the army, and all boys schools, where it is difficult for straight guys to have it off with a lass, the men have it off with each other. It is a sort of second best for a lot of them. But the moment they are out of prison, on shore, or left school, they are poking their girls."

"Yea, that's it. There were few who a genuinely gay, of course." I added.

"Let's get back to talking about homophobia in school," said Kevin. "Was there any gay bashing?"

I thought carefully for a moment before answering. I had to think back many years. "No, or at least very little as such. There was quite a lot of bullying in the school, but as far as I can recollect very little of it was because of a boy's sexual orientation. The word gay was never used in a sexual context in those days. The first time I heard the word 'homosexual' was after I'd left school, when the Wolfendon Report into Prostitution and Homosexuality was published."

"Cor! It was a different world," commented Kevin.

"There were no gay magazines in the bookshops. And certainly no gay characters in any of the soaps. Or gay characters in plays. The actors may have been, but no homosexuality in the plot. At least not explicitly so. There were double entrendres and so on, but for most boys like me at school we did not understand them."

"It is difficult to know how you could talk about it if you didn't have the word gay, and couldn't use the word homosexual."

"I have an idea the word 'queer' was used. Its all a long time ago."

"It is interesting," said Kevin, "that now though gay sex is legal there is gay bashing in school. I should know I had to put up with it. Yet, when you were at school, sexually active, there was none."

I thought again. "I think it is as with many steps of progress. There is the obviously good side. It is now legal. We can do it, and have sex together. [Though the strict letter of the law is that it is only legal between two men alone on private premises. What we hope to do later is still strictly speaking illegal. A threesome is illegal. Even if one of us went into another room, it would still be illegal, because there would be three on the premises, even though only two were having sex together.] But to get back to the bad side of legalisation. Homosexuality is now much more out in the open. More people know about it. It is on the radio, and the box. People can talk about it. It somehow opens up the way for the prejudices to take action. It gives a reason for people to be nasty to each other. The bullying that went on when I was at school was because a person was not good at games. To be good at games was the great thing. It helped slightly to overcome the stigma of not being good at games if you were academically brilliant. But generally that was only seen when you were in the sixth. If you were not good, or just didn't like games, you were called a 'weed'. It was said always with utter contempt. I suppose nowadays the words would be 'pansy', or 'fairy', with all their homosexual connotations."

"Or worse," said Kevin. "I had much worse, thrown at me."

"School wasn't good for you then?" I said, running my hand up and down his thigh.

"No. It was bloody awful," he replied. "Let's not think about that. It upsets me. Tell us more about your school days."

"There is not much more to tell. Michael Gooding and I saw each other regularly until he left school to go and do National Service, in the RAF, if I remember rightly. We did not see each other again for several years, and by that time the situation was very different."

"Were you celibate in your last two years?"

"No way!" I exclaimed. " Had some fun with a number of boys before the Sixth. In my last two years in the Sixth I had quite a lot of fun. Especially with a boy in the year below me. But that is another story. But there is something else that my be of interest to you. I was only sucked off the once by my next door neighbour. Michael Gooding never suggested it,

so we never did it. I tended to follow him as he was older than me."

"What did you do exactly?" asked Kevin.

"A lot of school sex was just tossing each other off. I was never fucked in those days. Only with especially close friends like Michael Gooding did we do anything more. Usually when we were in bed together there would be a lot of cock to cock, and lying on top of each other. Often we would cum by putting our cocks down between the top of the others legs. intercural is I believe what it is called. We used to use some olive oil or something to make our cocks slip easily. It feels very good that way, you know!"

"Didn't it make a mess on the sheets?" asked Colin.

"Gooding used to use the towel he always used after the shower at school. It was either going into the wash. Or washed ready to go to school. It was really quite safe."

"Thanks for telling us all that. It's interesting." said Kevin. He then sat back and looked expectantly at Colin and me.

"I know what you are wanting," said Colin, rubbing Kevin's thigh, and with a broad lecherous leer on his face.

"And if I know you, Mr Colin, you're ready for the same thing." They stared at each other in the eye.

"Neither of you are wanting a coffee or anything then?" I said.

"No! We can have some liquid refreshment at half time. That will be in about four hours time." said Kevin with a wink at me.

"Well, I don't know about either of you. I have had a long and quite physical day. I think I might be more pleasant company if I had a shower before we started our games." said Colin.

"Games? Games?" cried Kevin. "It's the serious, important part of the evening."

"I agree with you. I'm the same. Slaving over a hot stove and all that." I added.

"Well then," said Colin, "let's do it this way. Kevin, you're the youngest, so you can go and have the first shower. Then when you're done give a shout, and I'll come up."

"Can't we all go and have a shower together?" asked Kevin.

"'Fraid not. The shower's over the bath. There's not room for three lusty men. Its not like Colin's," I said.

Kevin went off upstairs three at a time. I followed him to get out a couple of towels for them. As I went upstairs I got a good view of a couple of well rounded buttocks, knowing that I was going to see, touch and fully encounter them in the flesh in a very short while. I also showed him the bed room which I had prepared for our threesome. I sleep in a single bed, and that means not much room for two, and certainly not enough for three. So I had put my mattress on the floor, and brought another one in from the spare bedroom. On the mattresses I had placed three or four pillows, and warmed the room with a small electric heater.

Before he went into the bath room he turned and caught hold of me. "I am looking forward to this." He gave me a warm kiss, and hurried into the bathroom. When I got downstairs Colin and I began to clear the table. When we were both in the kitchen and our hands were hands free, he put both his hands on my shoulders and looked me in the eye. "I hope you really enjoy this evening. Relax and enjoy it."

"I know I'll enjoy it, but I'm worried about Kev. He's so young and I'm so old. I'm old enough to be your father, and he could be my grandson. He's so much looking forward to it, I'd feel bad if he was disappointed. This old body of mine....."

"Now just you stop that! I know you're great. Kevin will soon find that out. He'll not be disappointed in you, I'm absolutely sure."

It was just then that Kevin called down. Colin gave me a kiss, and whispered in my ear, "Relax and enjoy it."

I continued almost on autopilot to clear things away, while my mind was on what was going to happen. I think I was a bit nervous. It was almost like a job interview, or a job practical. What was at stake, was Kevin's opinion and assessment of me, and my becoming a Countryman. I now realised just how much I wanted to be one of that group. I was getting to know Colin and Kevin, I knew I wanted my life to be caught up with theirs. I had realised I was in love with Colin, and now there seemed to be a mounting attraction towards Kevin as well. His approval mattered to me.

Then Colin called down. When I went into the bathroom he was just finishing drying himself. "See you in a moment," he said. "Enjoy it."

I quickly got undressed, piling my clothes on the top of theirs on a chair.

I got into the shower and turned the water on. My mind immediately focused on what was about to happen. Of course, the usual began to occur. That marvellous bit of my anatomy that is between my legs began to stiffen. Now there was one thing I did not want, and that was to go into the bedroom with a rampant prick leading the way. I tried to think of other things. I tried reciting poetry that I had learnt at school. That did not work. I tried reciting some French verb that Michael Gooding had taught me years before. That helped, but not fully. I decided drastic action was called for. I dried the top half of me, and then turned the shower on cold and played that on the rebellious organ. That did the trick. With a tiny cold prick, I quickly dried myself, and made my way along to the landing to the bedroom.

As I entered I must have subconsciously put a hand to cover my genitalia. I entered and saw that Kevin and Colin were sitting on one of the mattresses with pillows at their back against a wall. They were holding hands. For a moment I felt out of it. They were in an established relationship and I was the stranger.

"You look like a married couple," I said.

"You're right," said Kevin. "I'm a married man with three husbands and looking forward to having a fourth. Now take that hand away so I can at long last get a proper look at you." While he was speaking the two of them were moving apart to make room for me between them. I quickly sat down between them. Immediately I found myself being kissed by them. Both of them put arms round me. I could hardly move, I was almost imprisoned by them.

Colin's hand went to my nipples and gently aroused them. Kevin's hand rested on my lower chest, and slowly began to reach down. He was feeling his way, as I was still being kissed and responding with kisses. His hand felt into my crotch hair, and then I felt his fingers touching my cock. It was as hard as it could be. I wriggled and managed to extract my arms from their imprisonment, and felt over and found the cocks that were to either side of me. Colin's I knew well, good length, solid and straight. Kevin's was new to my touch.

The wonderful thing about cocks is that no two are ever the same. They differ in length. Some are cut and others uncut. Some are straight, if I may use that word. Others have curves in them to a greater or lesser extent. Some are thick and others quite thin. Some are veined, others are not. Some are hairy, and others smooth. Each one different. Each one with a personality and character of its own. Each one a delight to explore.

I felt this new cock that was in my left hand carefully. It seemed to be slightly longer than Colin's though not as thick. It also seemed to have a slight curve to it, possibly upward to his right. It was so erect that I could not tell by feeling it whether it was cut or not. I suspected that it was uncut like the cocks of most of his generation.

Kevin whispered in my ear, "I like the way you touch my tool."

"Same for me, mate," was my reply.

As I turned to kiss Colin, tongues fencing, and lips soft and smooth, Kevin began to kiss my neck. Slowly he moved down. Without a word being spoken, as if by some common instinct, the three of us slid our way down so that we were lying on the mattress. Colin continued to kiss me, while Kevin licked and kissed his way down. His hand moved from my cock to my balls, and then his mouth was upon my cock. First just the head, with the tongue feeling around. He broke off. "You taste good, great precum." Then his tongue began to probe almost trying to find the source of the nectar he liked so much. Soon most of my cock was in the warmth and moistness of his mouth, and his tongue continued to search the slit for the precum. His hand began to fondle my balls, and then to reach further back. A finger began to search for entry. When it found it, it played there, creating even great desire within me. Then after several minutes he said, "I want both to fuck you and to be fucked by you. I can't make up my mind which I want the more."

"I want you to fuck me," I said. I reached across for the condoms and lube which were over to one side. They were purchases of the morning's shopping expedition. I undid the condom packet. He knelt up in front of me, his cock jutting out proudly. I kissed it, and gave it a quick suck, and began to put the condom on.

"I'll lube myself. You prepare yourself," he said.

"How do you want me?" I asked.

"On your back, arse up, so I can look you in the face."

Colin grabbed some pillows and put them beneath me. We finished preparing ourselves, and got into position.

Kevin crawled up and placed his cock against the puckered hole of my entry.

Its warm presence and slight pressure created another wave of desire within me. He looked at me, and slightly raised his eyebrows asking if I was ready. I nodded and smiled. He began to push. The pain began to mount, but I forced myself to relax. This intruder was welcome. I wanted him within. Then slowly he entered. This glorious majestic manhood was entering where he wanted to be and where he was most welcome. I felt his balls against my buttocks. He stopped. "I don't want to cum too quickly," he said with another smile.

Colin had moved round and was sitting with his legs apart with me between an my head resting on his groin. I could feel his cock hard against the back of my head. I reached up to feel it, and he reached down to feel my tits. He knew just what I liked, a gentle pinching, not a violent twisting that some men like.

"You have got a sexy body, Phil," said Kevin. "I thought you had."

"Its an old one I am afraid."

"So what. I have seen guys of my age with worse bodies than yours. You're very fit. And I'm enjoying you."

"I'm glad about that."

Colin bent down and whispered in my ear, though Kevin could hear as well. "I told you so."

Slightly Kevin began to move his cock deep with me. At first small slow movements. It was as though I could feel very detail of his cock deep on the mould of my being. I put my legs round him, trying to force him to give me an even deeper penetration.

I tried to reach round to suck Colin's cock that was so near my mouth, but when I tried, Colin held my head firmly in his hands, as if making me concentrate on what Kevin was doing to me. But just the feel of his hands on my head was stimulating. When I stopped struggling those big hands and fingers began to explore my face. I was in that state where I almost wanted to detach every part of my being and enjoy each sensation separately, for what each part, from my legs to the top of my head was experiencing, was deeply fulfilling.

Gradually Kevin began to accelerate the pace. No conductor of an orchestra ever managed an accelerando and crescendo so smoothly. There were no times when he markedly increased his pace. Eventually he was thrusting deeply and quickly into me. I soon began to realise I could not hold back. I began to feel that sensation that begins somewhere in my balls? in my legs? in my chest? I am not sure where, but I knew what was happening, and what would be the conclusion.

I am not sure of the exact sequence of events. Kevin went rigid, and his huge cock pulsated within me. I went rigid and shot out my load several inches onto my stomach. Somewhat to my surprise I felt Colin's cock throb against the back of my head, and his spunk, hot and wet, began to run down the side of my head towards my ear.

We were there panting for a minute or two.

"That was great," said Kevin. "One of the best. You were worth waiting for, Phil, my friend. I only hope it is the first of many."

"And you came as well?" I said turning and just managing to look at Colin.

"Your head against my prick, and the sight of you two enjoying yourselves was a mammoth turn on."

We stayed there. I felt Kevin's cock shrink within. Colin's cock went limp. My own cock was the same, and the cum on my head and stomach began to feel cool. Kevin moved slightly, and I felt his cock pop out of me. I felt empty. He stood up, and removed the condom and put it in a waste paper basket that I have in the bedroom.

As I looked up at him I got my first full view of him. His body was almost bare of any body hair. None on his chest, some in his arm pits, and of course, round his cock and balls. But some of his body, and his limbs especially, were covered with a light coloured down. You only saw it when the light caught it in a particular way. He body was well proportioned, barely mature, with no excess weight anywhere. With his particular haircut there was still a school boy elelment in his appearance. His cock was now hanging; and yes, he was, as I had thought, uncut. As I watched the head retreated back into the shelter of his foreskin, and a final drop of cum glistened like a pearl on the end.

I reached for a towel to mop myself up in the two places that required it. I handed the towel to Colin.

Kevin stood there in all his naked glory looking down at the two of us on the mattress. "Thanks chaps. That was thirsty work."

"There's some beer in the fridge, I'll go and get some."

"No." said Kevin. "You two stay there, I'll get it." He walked out of the room and I got a view of his rounded buttocks moving enticingly.

Colin and I made ourselves comfortable, leaning back against the wall, as he and Kevin had been when I had entered the room, earlier that evening.

"Well?" said Colin. "He's a great lad, isn't he. He'll be wanting more in a few minutes."

"He said he wanted to fuck me and be fucked by me. He's done the first part, but I don't know about the second. I haven't come twice in a session for years."

"Just take it as it comes. You'll be alright, I'm sure." Colin lent across and gave me one of his kisses. "You're both special to me, you know."

"I think I am beginning to understand what the four of you are all about."

"Vic once used an illustration. When parents have a child they love that child, fully and absolutely. When a second child comes along their love is not divided into two. They love both children fully and absolutely. Even if they have a lot of children, they are all completely loved. Vic says it can, and should be like that all over. Love is capable of infinite multiplication and addition, but it is deficient in some way if it is capable of division and subtraction. I have loved dear old Tom for many years. Then I met Kevin and soon came to love him; but I did not love Tom any the less. Same happened when I met Vic. Now you are becoming a part of that network. The parts and the sum of the parts mean a great deal to me. You are a part for me, and are now becoming a part of the sum. Do you get me?"

"I think so. And thanks." I then kissed him.

We were still kissing when Kevin came back with three cans of Theakston's. He stood looking at us.

"Do you know something. I find the sight of two men kissing incredibly horny. If I watch you two for long I'll have another hard on. But do carry on."

We broke off. "You'll soon have a hard on whatever happens," said Colin. "And I'm thirsty." He reached out and took a can from Kevin. The three of us sat down on the mattress and began to drink our bitters.

"You told us about your affair with Michael Gooding, were there affairs with other guys while you were at school," asked Colin.

"Oh yes. Quite a lot. I eventually had some action with four or five of the lads in my class."

"What sort of action? asked Kevin.

"Lot of tossing each other off."

"Where did you do it?" asked Kevin.

"Anywhere which was private. All schools, at least school with old buildings like ours, have various nooks and crannies that are rarely visited by those in authority. Or places where you would hear some one coming, and have time to take remedial action."

"Like cocks away, and zips done up?" suggested Kevin.

"That's the idea, except it was buttons in those days. And they took longer. There was a place behind the gym. It was rather overgrown with elder bushes, and the building itself had buttresses. That was one safe area. Lot went on round there. Some times several couples would be there, and then you discovered who else liked it. They went on the list for another time."

"What happened when Michael Gooding left. He was a bit special, was there a replacement?" asked Colin.

"There were two guys. One was another boy who I got to know in the Sixth. Green, Michael Green was his name. We were both in the School Natural History Society. The Nat. His. Soc used to meet once a week, usually with a speaker on things like dinosaurs to migratory birds. From time to time there were sort of field trips. One summers evening one was planned to a forest a few miles away, where we hoped to hear night jars. There were about ten of us went. Some how or another Green and I got separated from the others. I think we were a bit bored with trying to hear these night jars. Anyway we got a bit lost. We were walking down a path and there was a seat so we sat down on it. Sat quite close. I have forgotten what exactly happened. Who started it. Hands wandered, and we were soon feel each others cocks through our trousers. Then buttons were undone, and hands put in, and cocks pulled out. We had a nice few minutes tossing each other off. That was a start for us. We saw a lot of each other over the next couple of years."

It was Kevin who started the next round of proceedings. We finished our cans of beer, and were sitting there talking, when Kevin let out a tremendous belch.

"Can't take you anywhere," said Colin.

"Drinking beer while sitting on the floor always does that to me. But that means I am now ready for action."

He reached out and took our empty cans from us and put them to one side. He stretched his hands above his head.

"I still can't get over the fact that there was virtually no explicitly anti gay bullying in your time at school; and all the anti gay stuff that I went through. What about you, Colin? How were things in your time. You come between us. When were you at school?"

"I were at school roughly mid 60s to mid 70s. It was talked about. Quite a lot towards the end of my school days."

"Where there any gays that you knew about?" I asked.

"Let me think. There must have been. . . Yes, I can think of two or three who may well have been. But I had Tom."

"Were you attracted to any lads at school?" asked Kevin.

"Tom used to suggest that I could be having fun with some lads my own age. But as you know I never did. I may be strange but I don't think I ever really considered it."

"We are all different," I said.

"Yes, very different. Delightfully different," said Kevin. He moved his hand so that he could touch my foot. Very gently with one finger he began to stroke my toes. He looked at me and winked.

I looked across at Colin, he saw what was going on. There was a grin on his face, and he shook his head, as much to say this is what I expected.

I moved my foot closer to Kevin, and he began to feel up my foot and leg. Colin moved across to get closer to me, and began to touch my hand that was resting on the mattress. Almost to my surprise I felt a slight movement in my cock. I had to adjust my position to give him freedom to rise.

Kevin's eyes were on my cock. He watched it all with a smile on his face. When my cock was almost fully erect he looked at me. "When we started I said what I wanted. We have had part one, what about part two?"

"I haven't come twice in a matter of hours for ages." I said.

"So what? I think with a little encouragement your member could perform again for me."

"But what about Colin?" I asked.

"What about me? I am happy to play a largely voyeur role tonight. You and I can get together back home in a day or so. We can have our weekly night together."

Kevin moved closer to me, and took my cock into his mouth. I felt his tongue probing the head of my cock. I was soon fully hardened. He reached out for the condoms, and handed me one with some lube. He opened another container of lube and began to prepare himself. I put the condom on, and lubed myself. Kevin moved so that he would be able to sit on my cock. Reaching beneath himself , he took hold of my prick and held it on target. I watched his face. A brief expression of discomfort and then my cock began to slide its way in. Once fully docked we both relaxed. When Colin saw that we were fully in position he stood up, and stood astride me, so that his cock was on the level of Kevin's mouth.

"We'll make this youngster do all the work," said Colin.

I had a stunning view of the backs of Colin's legs, framing Kevin's stomach and cock. Colin buttocks loomed invitingly above me. With one hand I stroked Colin's legs and buttocks, and finally began to finger fuck him. With my other hand I reached and fondled Kevin's cock. When I looked up, I could see Colin's balls, and his cock going in and out of Kevin's eager mouth.

Soon there were appreciative sounds from all three of us. I am not sure of the exact sequence of cuming, but I am almost certain I was the last. I do know that it had been a long while since I had cum twice in one session.

Again we collapsed exhausted on the mattresses.

"Would you like another beer?" I asked.

"Not for me, I'm driving," said Colin. "But a coffee would be great."

"Same for me," called Kevin as I was leaving the room.

I went down stairs and prepared the coffee. I took it all upstairs on a tray. I found that they had been busy. One mattress was back on my bed, and the other was back in the spare room.

"Thanks, for dealing with the mattresses," I said.

We sat on the bed, with pillows at our backs leaning against the wall.

"Now," said Kevin. "You told us about Michael Green. What about the other boy. The younger one?"

"One of the things I did at school was drama. We had a good dramatic group.

At the end of the autumn term there was a production of one of Shakespeare's plays. In it there is a fight between two of the characters. The producer did not want to stage it as the usual sword fight,

but as a sort of brawl. I was one of the characters involved, and there was this guy John Ducat, was the other. The producer tried to direct us for the fight and it was just not working. So he called us together. 'Look you two. I want you to go off and work out what you would do if you were really having a fight. Deal with it action by action, attack and response. You know what you would do. Go and work it out. I want a genuine looking fight that lasts about two minutes. But don't kill each other in the process.' We went off to the gym, where we knew there was space, and started working it out. It took a while working it all out. 'This is what I would do,' one of us would say. We would then do it, so it looked genuine without actually injuring each other. We ended up on the ground, wrestling and trying to hit each other. Because we had to examine each move, there was a lot of just holding it, and talking about it all. I began to find being close to him rather stimulating. I tried to stop myself getting a hard on. Then as we moved around he must have seen or felt me. 'Have you got a hard on?' he asked. I felt myself. 'Yes, I have.' 'So have I,' he said. He reached up and felt me, and I felt him. 'A game of snap it seems,' I said.

'Pity we're here. We could do something together,' he said. 'Well, we could go somewhere, when we're done,' I suggested. We squeezed each other's cocks, and got on with rehearsing the fight. When we'd finished before going off home we nipped round behind the gym and tossed each other off. We started doing that after each rehearsal. Then he suggested we met up when we were off school and found somewhere quiet. So we arranged to go for a cycle ride out into the country. There was about four or five miles of suburbs to get through first, but in those days there was not too much traffic. We found an old barn, well away from anything else. we had a lot of good times together. We're still in touch actually."

"In a gay way?" asked Kevin.

"No. He married like me. But remained married. We see each other every few years. I have tried to talk about those times together, but he never responds."

"An institutional homosexual?" asked Colin.

"Probably," I replied.

Colin looked at the clock on my bedside table. "It will be a very short night if I don't make a move."

We all stood up, and gave each other a kiss. Kevin asked if he could have shower before going home. Colin said he would get away and that he liked to keep the reminders of the evenings events on him for as long as possible.

While I said goodbye to him, Kevin showered. And very soon he too was giving me a farewell kiss. "I hope to be with you again very soon."

I did some more clearing up downstairs. Then I went up and made my bed. The room still had a lingering smell of men's bodies and good male semen.

I got into bed, and truth to tell, I slept the night dreamlessly and well.

........................................... 1. Thank you again all those who have sent comments. Just to know that there are readers out there is an encouragement. 2. I would be interested to know if anyone tries out the recipe that is contained in this section of the story. It is very good, and easy to do. I have done it halving the ingredients for when there are just two! There can be some difficulty in getting the ingredients to liquidize. Just add someof the coconut milk. 3. One incident is completely autobiographical. I would be interested to know if it is detectable my writing. So if any reader would like to hazard a guess, I will let you know whether you have got it right or wrong. Sorry I cannot give a prize for a correct answer.

Next: Chapter 5

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