
By Jeffrey Fletcher

Published on Jun 26, 2002


This story contains consenting sex between gay adult men. If it is illegal to read such material where you live, or you dislike such material, then surf elsewhere.

Thanks to those who have communicated with me. I believe I have replied to all who have done so. My email is

It was my fault that the final words of Part 14 were not copied fully. The final phrase should read, "the car didn't `alf stink of cum." So nothing vital was missed.

For those of you who have read the whole of the Countrymen Stories and think you know them. You can take part in a test! Get a pen and paper, and see if you know who is doing the various things to Phil. I am afraid I cannpt give you any prizes for correct answers.

Resume:- Phil a man in his 60s has met Colin a Yorkshire farmer several months before. Colin is a member of a small gay group called the countrymen. Colin has met the other three, and there has been a mutual telling of stories. The time has now come for Phil to be admitted a full member of the Countrymen.

The Countrymen Part 15.

At long last the day dawned for me to become a full member of the Countrymen. It had taken some arranging as Vic, in particular, had a full diary when it came to evenings. It was the 26th July, and by one of those great coincidences, it was my birthday. Though birthdays were now facts that Tom and I tried to forget, the other two thought it was a good excuse for a real celebration.

It had been decided that we would begin our time together with a light meal.

Though how you could satisfy Kevin and Colin with a `light' meal I do not know; and when it came to eating both Archie and Tom were not mean trenchermen.

Needless to say I was told to prepare the food. I had gathered from Colin that Archie and Kevin had been planning a rite of initiation. I wondered just what to expect. I prepared most of the food at home. I thought we would have coronation chicken [recipe available on request] with a salad and cold new potatoes, and a fresh fruit salad for dessert. I had cooked the chicken the evening before, and took it, with all the other ingredients for our meal, out to Colin's in the early afternoon.

As I drove into the farmyard to my usual parking place, Shep, Colin's collie, gave me her usual welcome of barks and a wagging tail.

Colin came out of a barn. "Hi there," he said and walked over and gave me a kiss. "Welcome for your big day."

"Thanks." Shep was walking round us, wagging her tail. "She's putting on weight," I remarked.

Colin laughed. "She is. She's in pup. She'll be dropping them in a couple of weeks."

"Do you know the father?"

"No. I only hope its not Mrs Smiley's Pekinese."

I laughed. "Shep has better sense than that. Any way it would be a bit difficult for a peke to screw a collie."

"Where there's a will there's a way," added Colin.

I unloaded the car, and Colin and I sat, enjoyed a cup of tea, and caught up with the news. Then he went off to do some more farm work, while I finished preparing the chicken, and cutting up the fruit for the fresh fruit salad. I laid the table, [Yes, I know - you American readers!] and got everything ready.

About 6.00pm Colin came in and went upstairs to have a shower. When I offered to join him, he said that if we showered together we might fall into temptation and I needed to keep my strength up for the evening. Tom was the next to arrive. He came in, and we had a nice kiss and some good hugs.

"Does Jenny know where you are," I asked.

"Aye. And she knows Kevin will be ere. But she don't know that is reverence will be `ere. She knows as much as is safe for her to know."

Archie was the next to arrive. There were further kisses and hugs all round. I tried to winkle out of him what was going to happen later. He just gave me a broad grin, and said, "You'll soon find out."

It was nearly half past six when Kevin came bursting in. "Sorry I'm late. It's been a terrible day. Everybody's machine has been breaking down, and I have had to rush from one end of my patch to the other." There were further kisses and hugs all round.

The food was set out on the kitchen table, buffet style. But before we started to eat Tom spoke up, "We're forgetting to say grace. And that won't do with is divinity ere, and on such a suspicious occasion." Then, in a very assumed parsonical voice, with his hands together and eyes closed, he said "God bless us all an' make us able, to eat all t'stuff that's on this table."

"Where did you get that from?" asked Archie.

"That's a good old Yorkshire grace, Vic. You ought to say at your next Harvest Supper."

"I might well do."

So we stood around eating our food. The other four had pints of beer, but they would only allow me a half pint. Alcohol can make this thing limp,' said Kevin, grabbing my cock and balls, And we can't have that tonight.' There was whispering between Kevin and Archie and I wondered what they were plotting. Eventually we had all eaten. Colin insisted that we washed up, `I know no one will feel like doing it when we're done tonight, and I don't want to come down in the morning to a pile of dirty pots.' So Kevin donned an apron. I think it had been Colin's mother's. Anyway we all complimented Kev on how much it suited him. He, of course, acted up to the role. Tom and Archie each took a tea towel and wiped up. Colin went upstairs to check that everything was ready in the special room. They all insisted that I sat down, as I would need all my strength for what lay ahead!

Colin came down as the other two finished the washing up.

"All set then?" said Colin.

"I don't know about you, but I need a shower after the day I've had," said Kevin.

"I've just had one," chorused Archie, Colin, with Tom putting in a variation in that he'd had a bath.

"I could do with a shower, after slaving over a hot stove all the afternoon," I said. Not that there had been much hot stove.

Colin took charge. "Kevin, you go up and have the first shower. Call down when you're done, and Phil you follow him. When you done, you come and join us in the gang room. Remember the rules, no clothes are worn in there."

They all went off upstairs, and I heard a lot of laughter. I wondered what was in store for me. Very soon I heard Kevin shout down. I went upstairs into the bathroom. Kevin was still in there finishing drying off his wonderful body. He grabbed my head between his hands and gave me a full kiss. "I hope you're going to really enjoy this evening. Fun and pleasure!" He gave me another kiss, and was treated with the sight of his buttocks as he made his way out of the bathroom.

Again it was a difficult shower. Many different thoughts were running through my head. I was remembered my first time in this very shower with Colin several months before. I was thinking of the wonderful times I had with each of the four guys who were now waiting for me to join them. I wondered what was in store. I didn't think it would be painful in any way; but it might well be surprising. The thought of the four of them stark naked waiting for me, caused my cock to stir itself ready for action. Yet the last thing I wanted to happen was for me to go into that room to come face to face with them with my cock sticking out its full length in front of me. As most of you know, the more you want your cock to be at ease the more determined it seems to stand to attention. I eventually had to resort to the cold water treatment, that calmed him down. But I had to dry myself quickly before he started stiffening again.

I took a deep breath and went out of the bathroom, across the landing. I was then posed with the question as to how was I to enter. Should my hands be shielding my vital equipment?

Or should I walk in brazenly unashamed? As my unruly member was for a change being ruly I walked straight in. The four of them were seated in a row leaning against one of the walls to the side. Their arms were in various way entwined. Their penises mostly half erect, except of course, for Kevin's which was full ready for action.

As I stood there with a foolish grin on my face, Archie spoke. "Phil, I believe you wish to become a member of the Most Exalted and Noble Fellowship of Gay Countrymen. Before we can admit you it is necessary for you to pass certain tests. Are you willing to undergo these tests?"

I answered, "Yes."

"I believe that you know the four of us seated here, and that you have had some intimate contact and taken pleasure with all four?"

I nodded.

"For the tests to be carried out it is necessary for you to be blind folded." Archie turned to Kevin. "Will you blindfold thoroughly the candidate for admission?"

Kevin got to his feet, and taking a scarf came and stood behind me, and proceeded to blindfold me. While he did so he pressed his cock firmly against my buttocks, and rubbed himself against me. This of course, had an immediate result upon my member, which immediately became, not merely unruly, but totally rebellious. This was greeted with a wolf whistle from Colin, laughter from Archie, while Tom muttered, "That's certain a worthwhile addition to the group." By now fully blindfolded I heard them get to their feet.

Archie spoke again. "Phil, will you please kneel." I knelt down. "This is all a test of recognition. Without using your hands in any way you are to begin to give each of us in turn a blow job. When you think you knows whose cock you are sucking, you just pull your mouth away, and the next cock will be placed against your lips. You will suck all four of us in turn, and then you will tell us in order whose cock was which. Is that clear?"

I nodded.

The first cock was placed against my lips. I knew I would not be able to pick out Archie's, as being the only cut one of the four. I slowly let the cock enter my mouth. When I had got it well lubricated and started running my mouth up and down it, I realised that there was a slight curve to it. It was not absolutely straight. I then knew whose it was, and I pulled my mouth away. There was a sound of them moving around.

Archie spoke, "You think you recognise that one?"


I then felt a second cock touch my lips. It felt good, but I was unsure. It might have been Colin's, it might have been Tom's. I sucked for quite a while, and realised that I would only be able to decide in comparison with the other two. So I stopped and pulled away.

"Next one."

There was some movement and again I felt the warm soft hardness of the head of a cock against my lips. As I licked it, and sucked it into my mouth, and knew that it was certainly thicker than the one before. I sucked it for the mere pleasure it was giving me, and I thought was giving to its owner. I knew who that was and I pulled away.

"Last one."

There was some movement, and the four and final cock was placed in my mouth. Again I lubricated it, and I realising it was a long one, I immediately knew whose it was. Again I sucked for a while beyond that point of recognition. And I stopped.

"You think you know whose was which?" asked Archie.


"Then tell us."

"The first was Kevin, the second was Colin, then Archie, and last, and certainly not least, there was Tom's tonsil tickler."

There was a round of applause. "Well done. That was ten out of ten. There is now one further test, and that is the reverse. It is for you to recognise who is sucking you. Would you like to stand or sit for this test?"

"I think I'd prefer to sit. I might as well be comfortable in my enjoyment."

I heard someone leave the room for a moment. I presumed it was Kevin as he had been the acolyte who had blindfolded me. Then I felt the chair behind my legs. I knew then why someone had left the room for a moment. A couple of helpful hands guided me to sit down in it. I sat towards the edge of my chair, with my legs apart to allow a free and easy access to my landing gear. As I had not been allowed to use my hands in any way, so no hands touched me. I my have been able to make some deductions from the guys' hands. Tom's and Colin's were certainly rougher than Kevin's and Archie's.

I sensed movement and suddenly my cock was in someone's mouth. I immediately realised that this was going to be a far more difficult test. I racked my memories to try and recollect particular idiosyncrasies of the four Countrymen. One thing I began to notice was just how firmly whoever's lips gripped my cock as he sucked up and down. The lips were very strongly round my cock. It was like a smooth tight rubber ring going up and down. I tried to picture each of the guys doing it to me. There was one picture that fitted. I knew who it was. I said, "I think I know who it is."

Whoever it was stopped sucking and there was some more moving around. Then I felt a gently kiss on the tip of my cock, before it went into someone's mouth. I knew who that was fairly quickly. "I think I know who that is," I said.

With the next one I tried to isolate some feature that was special. My cock was soon receiving a good lathering, licking and then sucking. Then I felt the tip of his tongue feeling round the tip of my cock, almost searching for any trace of precum that may have been flowing. Now who sucked like that? He kept doing it, so it must have been a feature of the way this guy gave a blow job. I smiled to myself and nodded. "Yes, I think I know who you are."

There was the final change round of suckers. Yet another hot wet mouth fastened itself over my dick. It was well lubricated from the attentions of the previous guy. then I felt his tongue feeling round the edge of the helmet of my cock. It seemed to trace the rim. "Okay, I recognise that one too," I said.

Kevin removed my blindfold and the four of them were standing round with broad grins on the faces. "Well, who was who?" demanded Kevin.

"The first one was Tom."

"How on earth did you know that," said Archie.

"Well, when Tom gives a blow job he holds your cock very tightly with his lips. Its like a rubber ring going up and down."

"Yes, he does. I had never noticed it before. But that's exactly how he does it," exclaimed Kevin.

"I didn't know I did it a special way," muttered Tom.

"You all have your special ways," I said.

"And who was next?" asked Archie.

"You," I replied.

"And what is my distinguishing mark then?"

"Let me show you." I knelt down in front of him and softly kissed the head of his cock before popping it in my mouth.

"Do I always do that?"

"Nearly always."

"And who was third?" asked Archie again.

"Kevin. He always tries to raid the tanks containing my precum with his tongue."

The other three roared with laughter in agreement.

"He is always impatient whenever it come to anything to do with sex. That's true isn't it, my love?" said Archie. He pulled Kevin to him and gave him a big kiss.

"You're always taking it out on me," said Kevin with mock seriousness.

"And you Colin, my dear, where the fourth and final one."

"Is that purely a process of deduction?" asked Colin.

"No, you have your special way too. Your tongue always feels round the rim of the helmet of my manhood. It is your special way. I like it, it arouses me, so don't you try to change."

"Well," said Kevin, "If we ever have to admit someone else to the Countrymen, we'll have to disguise our sucking. But how did you tell who you were sucking?"

"That was more a process of elimination. Yours has a slight, but very sexy curve to it. Tom's is longest, Archie's thickest, and your's Colin my friend is somewhere in between. They're all special to me. I was only sorry you would not allow me to complete the job."

"There's plenty of time for that," said Archie. "Well, you've passed with flying colours. ten out of ten, or a hundred percent. You are now a member of the Countrymen."

I stood up and they all came up close, and put there arms round me and kissed me. It was a wonderful warm embrace from these four wonderful men. All our hands wandered up and down and into the crooks and crannies of each other's bodies.

Then Archie broke away, and spoke again. "There is one thing that remains. You have passed the test. We need to welcome you properly and fully into the Countrymen. All four of us would like to give you our love juice. We realise it might be asking a bit much, for you to be fucked four times one after the other. If it is proving too much, we'll understand. You could always give a blow job, or indeed a hand job, to any who are not able to do the job properly."

"I cannot think of any better way of being welcomed. I might not be able to sit down for a week, but let's go for it."

"There are just two things," said Archie. "You can decide how you would like to do it, and the order in which you take us."

"I think I would like to be able to look each of you fully in the face." I thought for a moment. "I know. Each of you in turn on your back, and I will sit on your cock. Then I can decide the rate of penetration and so on."

"And the order?"

I thought again for a while. "In the order your four lovely cocks made their first entrance. Colin first, then Kevin, Tom, and finally Archie."

"If you want a break, just say so. This is meant to give you pleasure, not be an endurance course." said Kevin.

Colin got down and lay on his back. Kevin got some lube, and promptly put some on Colin's cock, to their mutual enjoyment. I meanwhile prepared myself. I stood over Colin looking down at him. We smiled at each other. I then knelt over him, and began to sit back and reached round for his cock. I held it and placed it on target. I slowly sat down, and his cock slid into me. I held it there. We looked at each other. I remembered that walk several months ago, and our conversation as he was hedging in that field. I remembered that cup of tea with him in his kitchen; and then our first sexual encounter in his shower. I remember the times we had enjoyed each other, of going to sleep and then waking up in each other's arms. I realised just how much he meant to me. I had made a wonderful friend over the last few months, and the friendship had more to it than what we were doing then. I realised that if we could not have sex for some sad reason, we would still be good friends.

As I looked into his eyes, Colin said, "Penny for them?"

"I was just thinking about our relationship, sex, yes, that's important; but I think more so is the friendship." I managed to bend over and whisper in his ear, "I love you Colin." I kissed him.

"I love you too, mate," he whisper to me.

We continued to enjoy each other, then I slowly began to work on him. I concentrated on pleasuring him. I tried to squeeze his cock. He obviously felt what I was doing. He began to make appreciative noises. He face flushed, and the flushing spread down his neck, and into the thick hairiness of his chest. Then I felt him climax. His cock pulsed within me, and I felt the hot jets of his cum pour into me.

I continued to sit there, as I felt his cock go limp inside me. Our eyes were fixed on each other.

After a while, he said, "Thanks, Phil that was great. I welcome you into the Countrymen."

I kissed him again, and then I moved to one side, before standing up. Colin got to his feet, and gave me a hug and kiss.

Kevin now got down on the floor. He slid into me easily. Again I remembered his story. Our times together. "Kevin," I said, "You're a wonderful lad. Six months ago I would never have dreamt that my sex life would be up and running again, and I would be having wonderful fun with a great young guy like you." I ran my hands over his body. Quite quickly he too came, and felt him shoot great loads of his love juice into me.

I got off him, and he stood up. We gave each other a kiss and a hug. He whispered in my ear, but all could hear, "Phil, I'm glad you're now fully one of us. I first fell in love with one man." He looked at Archie and smiled. "Then I met another guy," and I soon realised he was special too."

He looked at Colin and smiled. "Then there was the old man of the party, he's always saying I'm too one track minded, but I think that I just remind him of his younger days. Though he keeps that tonsil tickler of his busy night and day if he can." Kevin walked across and gave Tom and kiss. "And now there's you," he said turning back to me, "Welcome." He gave me a final kiss and a hug.

"Let us oldies show these youngster `ow to do it," said Tom.

He too got down on the floor, and again I positioned myself on him. His whole length was soon probing deeply. "Good to ave you, Phil. Another member to enjoy, will elp keep me a bit more satisfied."

"You satisfied?" said Kevin. "We'd need to enlist another ten men."

"For me, boy. But for you it'd need to be an `undred."

I soon brought him to his climax. "That were good," said Tom, "I `ope there's going to be plenty more times."

"I hope so too, Tom. We'll have to show these youngster that we're never past it."

Then finally it was Archie's turn. "You all right, Phil?" he said. "I won't be upset if you want to call it a day."

"No Archie, I'll always be ready for you."

For the fourth and final time that evening I was penetrated. I must admit I was beginning to feel a little sore. Archie had the thickest one, but it I was exceeding well lubricated by now.

I thought of Archie's story. I remembered our wonderful walk in Swaledale. I realised that this man too was coming to mean a lot to me. We smiled at each other. No words were needed I had been very careful about myself. With Archie I stopped resisting my own desires. Believe it or now, the timing was perfect. We both came together, his ever hardening cock shooting into me, set me off, and great threads of white cum shot out over his chest. I had not shot like that for years. The others, who had been standing round watching, cheered.

"Well done," said Kevin, "That was perfect timing."

"You're now well and truly a Countryman," said Archie.

I now felt exhausted. They helped me to my feet. Their arms were around me."

"I think you might need a quick shower and so on," said the ever caring Archie.

"I think so too. But I have got something downstairs to complete our celebration. So give me a few minutes."

"I've got something too, to fetch from down stairs." said Archie.

I made my way to the bathroom, and made myself feel a little more comfortable and respectable. I then nipped downstairs and got a bottle of champagne out of the fridge where it had been cooling. It was one of the bottles that my son had brought back from France, and I had been saving it for a special occasion. I took it upstairs on a tray, with five champagne glasses, that I'd bought from home.

When I went into the den they were all standing round a small table on which there was a large iced cake. It had just one candle on it. But in bright blue icing there were the words, `Happy birthday Phil.'

"Your doing?" I said, looking at Archie.

"Yes. I didn't know whether to use pink or blue icing. Pink is rather the gay colour; but I thought its blue for a boy, certainly on his birthday."

"Thanks Archie." I put the tray down, and gave him a kiss.

Then Kevin realised that I had brought up a bottle of champagne. "Bubbly!" he shouted. "A real party!"

"I've only drunk champagne at a wedding," said Tom.

"Well it is a sort of wedding," said Archie. "Four of us have just gained another husband, and Phil here, has just got four husbands. I think that almost constitutes a wedding, of sorts. We have had the ceremony. I suppose you could say the union has already been consummated."

"And what does that long word mean?" asked Tom looking at Archie with a perfectly straight face, except for a slight twitch in the corners of his mouth.

"It means, Tom dear, that we've already fucked," said Kevin.

Three of us convulsed with laughter, but we just managed to hear Tom say, "Kevin, you shouldn't use such language in the presence of a man of the cloth."

"Phil, you must cut the cake," said Archie.

"Let's also make it a wedding cake, and us all cut it," I suggested.

So we all gathered round. It must have been a strange sight, five naked men standing close together cutting a cake! I noticed that Kevin was already hard again, and probing Colin's buttocks with his cock.

"Whose going to open the champers?" I said.

"Me please," said Kevin.

I handed him the bottle.

"Shall I do it grand prix style?" he asked, deliberately mispronouncing prix so it sounded like `pricks'.

"You've got a grand prick," said Tom, "And stop waving it around for us all to see. I want to drink some of this champagne, it will make a change from your cock juice."

"Don't you like my special taste?" said Kevin, with a mournful look on his face.

"There is a time and a place for everything, now champagne, and in a few minutes your potent special, if it's still on offer," said Archie.

Kevin eased the cork off, and it came of with a resounding pop and flew round the room. There was some bubbling out onto the mattresses, but very little. We were soon standing round drinking the champagne and eating slices of a very rich fruit cake.

"I've been thinking," said Archie.

"Now for another swallowed dictionary," said Tom.

"I was thinking just how much we Countrymen are a good representative cross section of the gay community."

"In what way?" asked Colin.

"Well! There are two single men, two men who have been married, and one still married. Are forty per cent of single, forty per cent been married at some stage, and twenty per cent remaining in marriage?"

We stood around thinking this out.

"I think the per centage of married men is probably greater, certainly among the older age group, but less among the twenty and thirty year olds," said Colin.

"Why's that?" asked Kevin.

"There are certainly a lot of married men who are gay, or at least bi, but with the younger generation they've had more opportunity to find out the truth of their sexuality before falling into marriage. That is because homosexuality, and homosexuals are more in the open than even before. We've now even had openly gay cabinet ministers. That would have been unheard of ten or fifteen years ago. I know I found the appointment of gay cabinet ministers very affirming."

"It is just the Church that is the most hostile," muttered Archie.

"We love you, even if they don't," said Kevin.

"It is great for me to stand here, stark naked, and to do what we've done tonight, knowing that I'm with a group of guys who totally accept me. Thank you, guys. I say all that yet again."

There was a lot of more talk. As if by mutual agreement, the party began to break up. Some went for a shower, other just got dressed. Then we drifted down to the kitchen.

Tom was the first to go. I went out with him into the yard.

As we stood by his car, Tom said, "It's good to have you as one of us. I'm looking forward to calling on you when Colin sends me into York, as well as our times here."

"Same for me, Tom."

We hugged each other for several minutes, and kissed. We waved to each other as he drove out of the yard.

Kevin was the next to go.

"Got to get some sleep in. If tomorrow is like today, I'm going to be busy," said Kevin. He put his arms round me, and as usual, started thrusting with his crotch.

"Kev, my love, you're impossible."

"No not impossible. I just like, and get, a lot of good man sex. I hope to call in on you towards the end of the week for a cup of tea."

"Just a cup of tea?"

"Well, perhaps some fun together as well."

We laughed.

He continued. "Archie has told me that you're thinking of having a proper walking holiday together in the autumn."

"We have talked about it. What do you feel about it? I know you and Archie are special."

"Phil I'm glad. For me five miles is plenty, for Archie five miles is just a stroll. Anything less than ten is hardly worth doing. You can give him that. Go with my blessing on you both. I must admit, I'd like to be able to slip in between you both at night."

I laughed. "To slip in, and be slipped into, eh?"

"That's the idea."

We kissed.

"See you late in the week," he said.

He got into his car and drove away.

Before I could go back into the house, Archie came out.

"I hope you have enjoyed this evening, and your arse is not too sore."

"All in a good cause. Yes, I've enjoyed this evening. I will no longer feel a bit of a gate crasher."

"Did you feel that?"

"Yes, a bit. Colin and Tom go back a long way. You and Kevin are special together. I wondered how I'd fit in."

"You fit in with us all. In every way!"

We laughed.

"Maybe what we've done tonight, having a ritual making you a member has its emotional place, as well as being fun."

"I think you're right. A sort of rite of passage!"

"You're getting a bit theological in your language!" We laughed, and after a pause he continued, "I've told Kevin that we might go on a walking holiday abroad."

"So I gather. He told me. And he seems happy about it."

"I'm still going to have our special fortnight away at the cottage with him."

"You can take the time off?"

"Yes, as long as I get all the services covered, that's quite a task. I can be away for up to three months without asking for episcopal permission."

"Lucky man."

"They don't pay us enough to take that amount of time off and go away. So they keep a tight rein on us. If we go on a camping trip we'll get sleeping bags that zip together."

"That sounds a good idea."

We then had a good hug and some kisses.

"I hope our next time together is soon." he said.

"So do I."

He got in his car and drove away.

It was late, and the sun had set some time ago, but there was still some brightness in the north west sky. I walked across the farm yard to a gate that looked out over the fields towards the dying light. Shep came across with me, wagging her tail. I leaned over the gate taking in the sounds and scents of dusk. I saw a barn owl fly across, and heard the rustlings of smaller creatures in the hedgerow. The world seemed at peace.

I sensed rather than heard Colin join me. I turned to him, and we both grinned.

"Enjoy this evening?" he asked.

"Very much. I fully feel one of you now."

"Good." He put a strong arm round my shoulders and held me close.

"Archie and I are thinking of going abroad on a walking holiday together." I wondered for a moment how he would take the news.

"That's great! For Kevin a walk is just exercising his dogs. Archie likes serious walking, like you. I think that's a great idea."

We moved closer, and I put an arm round his waist.

"Thank you, Colin, for everything."

"For what?"

"For everything since our first conversation when I was out walking, that first time in your shower, the many times in your bed, and at my place, yes for the sex, but also for the friendship and introducing me to the others."

"Thank you too, for everything, for being you."

We kissed. His hands moved down my back and fondled my bum.

"Bed?" he said.

"Yes. But my arse will have to be out of bounds for at least forty eight hours I reckon"

"I thought it might me. I have some ointment that I will put on your arse. It will hasten the healing, and you won't feel so sore whn you move. But thank you too. Our relationship is more than sex. I hope you'll always feel free to come and go here, and to stay as long as you like. Make it your second home."

"I love it here, especially on an evening like this."

We were silent for several minutes. We gave each other a kiss, and then, in the gathering dusk, walked across the farmyard with our arms round each other.


That is the final instalment of Countrymen. At least for now. I may return and add some more. But I want a break, and write some other things. If you want to be put on my notification mailing list email me on

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