
By Jeffrey Fletcher

Published on Jun 18, 2002


This story contains consenting sex between adult males. If it is illegal to read such material where you live, or you dislike such material, then surf elsewhere. The first section also contains a description of sex between a man and a women, if this is in any way distasteful to you, or offensive, then do not read that section. All the characters are entirely fictitious. Thanks for the encouraging emails that I have received. They are one of the rewards in writing such stories. I believe I have replied to all who have done so. My email is

Resume:- Phil, the narrator, a man in his 60s has met Colin, and begun a sexual friendship with him. Colin is a member of a small gay group, called the Countrymen, and wants Phil to become a member. He has met the other members, Kevin a man in his 20s, who had a hard time at school, Archie, or Vic, who is the local Church of England Vicar, and Tom, an older man, who spent all his working life as a farm labourer, and in a long standing relationship with Colin. This part continues Tom's stories.

  1. The Butcher from Bradford 1. 2. The Butcher from Bradford 2. 3. The Butcher from Bradford 3. 4. Tom's marriage. 5. At the Farm. 6. In the woods. 7. At the Pub.

The Countrymen Part 14.

  1. The Butcher from Bradford 1

Tom told many stories. I heard at least three versions of a story involving a butcher from Bradford. I don't think there were three different butchers from Bradford. There is too much in common in the various versions. But Tom is Tom, and if there is some embellishment of the truth, so what! Those readers who are skilled in such matters may like to do some source criticism, and say which is the original, or even which parts are the original. [That is not an invitation to readers - Jeff]

"I remember once, shortly after I'd come out of t'army I was itch iking home from Bradford. It were quite late, certainly it were dark. But it were a clear, and fairly warm night.

Anyway there were a bright moon. Now if you're hitching a lift it's important to be on a stretch of road where the driver can get a good look at you, and can pull up easily. If you're `itching at night they like to be able to get as good a look at you as possible.

"Anyway on this night I were out on the road thumbing for a lift, and along came this small van. I thumbed im, and e slowed down trying to get a good look at me. Then a few yards on he pulled into t'side. I ran to catch im up, he opened twindow, Where's you going, lad?' he asked. I named my home village. I'm going near there. `Op in.' So I gets in.

"So off we go. We get talking, as you do. Where you from? What you do?' You know the usual. He were one of those drivers who liked to keep is and on the gear stick. Well, the road is quite twisty, and he were flinging is van around. Going round one turn my knees swung over and touched is and. He didn't do nothing that first time. Second time, as me knee came over, he put is and out onto my knee. I thought to mesen [myself] - what's going on ere'. He left is and there for a little while, and then put it back on the knob at top of the gear lever. Through this time I noticed im rubbing is thumb over the top, like a guy sometimes does with a nice big prick. Next bend I let my knee go against is and, and again e puts is and on me knee. This time e starts gently rubbing it. This time I looked at him, and he glanced at me. E grinned. Like that, lad?' Yea,' I said. He proceeded to rub my knee, but whenever e' ad to take is and off to change gear, e would put it back on my knee just a little igher up. Course you know what were `appening."

"Yes, we know what you're like, Tom," said Kevin, with a laugh.

"Well this guy looked down at me crotch. I see you're getting excited, lad.' Yea, so what?' I replied. So am I,' e said. So e grabs my and and places it on his crotch. I could feel `e were well endowed. That's the expression, ain't it, your divineship?"

"Yes, Tom," said Archie. "You mean he had large cock."

"I don't know what's happening these days," said Tom in mock horror. "Such filthy language from a man of t'cloth. I'll write to t'bishop. Any way this guy started feeling my cock.

You've got a nice one there, lad.' e says. Yours is alright too,' I replied. He then started undoing me buttons, and trying to put is and in. Trouble was there was a lot of bends and ills so e as to keep taking is and out to change t'gear. `I think we need to do this properly,' e says. He then pulls alongside into a gate way leading into a wood. Remember there weren't no lay bys in them days, certainly not on quiet country roads.

"As soon as we'd stopped e got is and into me, and pulled out me cock. I set to, and got is un out as well. Is were huge. It were a great long and thick chunk of lovely uncut cock. Even though e were fully ard, is foreskin still covered alf o is tip. I want to screw you, lad,' he said, Are you into that?' Fine by me,' I said. We'll do it outside then.' We both opened our doors, and got out. E came round to me side. Is cock were standing out like a bloody flag pole. I could see it pale in the moonlight. E came and undid me belt, and pushed me trousers down. E played around with me cock,

and felt me bum. Then e turned me round. Bend over t'bonnet so I can get at yer,' e said. I did as e said. My, you've got a nice young bum. I'm going to enjoy mesen.' I eard im spit several times. I think e wet is cock, and then e applied `is spit to my hole. Then I felt his cock. He pushed, ard and steady like."

"Did it hurt," asked Kevin.

"Yes, it did for a bit. But once it were in it were great. E gave me a really good doing. E made me come twice before e shot is load. It were great."

"Didn't any cars or anything come along the road while you were doing it?" asked Archie.

"One or two, but we was behind the van. When we was both pressed into the van they wouldn't ave seen much in the moment that their headlights might ave caught us. It were great. I enjoyed it. `E were a butcher from Bradford.

  1. The Butcher from Bradford. 2.

"One evening I were hitch hiking back from Bradford. I'd `ad one lift that had taken me about half way."

"How far out of Bradford was your village?" asked Archie.

"It were about twenty five to thirty miles. Quite a way. This guy in a car ad given me a good lift, but it were late, and there were still ten miles or so to go. I knew that at that our, I might not get a lift, so I set out to walk. I were young then, and though it'd take me a while, I were fit. There was I walking along. It were really quite a good night. There were a moon, and some clouds, so sometimes I were walking in bright moonlight and at t'other times it were darker. I `ad some rubber soled shoes on, so I was walking quite quiet like.

"I had walked about a couple of miles or so, when I sees ahead of me a small van parked at t'side of road. I first thought some guy 'ad broken down. Then I thought perhaps it's a lad and lass going in for some canoodling. I ad to pass the van, and I wondered what d see. Then as I got close to van, the moon came out from behind a cloud, and I saw a guy standing facing the hedge taking a piss. Is piss twinkled in the moonlight. It must ave been a mighty big one, cause he were still pissing as I got closer, I could ear is piss on the ground. That made me want to piss straight away. E still adn't eard me, so I gave a slight cough to let im know I were there. He jumped, and is piss sprayed around, still continuing to pour out of im. You made me jump,' e said, and continues with what were doing. Earing and seeing you makes me want to take a leak too,' I says. So I turned into the hedge, and promptly started pissing. So there we were, two strangers about four feet appart pissing into t'hedge by a road in t'middle of Yorkshire in t'middle of night. E stopped afore me, and e just stood there, slowly squeezing out t'last drops. I finished and did t'same. Cor, I needed that,' e said, That's feels better, ready for anything now.' Then e turned slightly towards me. I were longing to see is tackle. I were always sort of interested in guys tackle."

This remark brought laughter from the rest of us.

"He were a strange looking guy. Bit taller than me."

"What was his tackle like?" asked Kevin.

"Kev lad, you've got a bloody one track mind. If you want to know e ad a big un. A great uncut prick were hanging down out of is trousers. But what struck me most about him were summat else. E couldn't've stopped a pig in a ginnel. [A ginnel = a narrow passage between buildings or walls. i.e. he was bow legged] I've never seen a guy with such legs. Must ave been bearing all the fucking weight of his tackle. E were holding is cock, and beginning to pull on it. I knew then that e were after a bit of fun. That were all right by me. I turned fully toward im, so e could see my gear. I pulled at mesen [myself] two or three times. You've got a nice one there, lad,' e says. Yours is a good un as well,' I says. E moved closer to me, and reached out and took old of my cock. I did t'same to im. Then e came really close and pressed our pricks together. With is ands he felt me bum. I liked that. You've a nice arse, lad,' e said. We felt each other, and then started putting our ands in to feel balls and so on. Is were huge. Must ave ad a transplant from a bull. T'were no wonder e ad bow legs. We loosened each others trousers, and played with each others tackle. You into fucking, lad?' e asked. Yea, sometimes, what about you?' I asked. I wouldn't mind it either way,' e said. Okay, then, who goes first?' I'll fuck you, and then you can fuck me,' e said. I lent over bonnet of his van, and e ad a good go at me. Then I did t'same to im. It were great. E were a butcher from Bradford.

  1. The Butcher from Bradford, 3.

"I were itch iking back from Bradford late one night, when this van pulls up. A guy unwinds t'window, and leans out of it. Where you going, mate?' he says. I named my village.' We can help with that,' he says. E got out of t'van, so I can get in. It were one of them vans that ad one long seat at the front. It became illegal later. I climbed in and sat next to driver, and the guy who I'd spoken with got in after me. The guy I'd spoken to was about thirty, I should say. The driver `e were older, fifties I should think. So there were I a sandwich between these two guys. They asked me the usual questions about mesen.

"Then the younger guy asked t'other one, What do you want to eat when we get in?' Oh, just a sandwich, and a bit of that fruit cake. And a pint of bitter, of course,' answered the driver. I thought they must be a father and son. Then the driver spoke, You get the food, while I see to the van, Alan, then we won't waste any time. I'm in need of some shut eye.' What do you want in them sandwiches, Bob?' asked the younger one. I know that sometimes in modern families, sons call their Dads by their christian name, but it weren't done in them days. Now I began to doubt whether they were father and son. In my surprise out popped the question, Are you two father and son?' They laughed, and both said No.' Why?' asked Bob. Well,' I said, I'm puzzled. You seem to live together, you were talking about getting sandwiches and going bed. Yet, you both use your christian names.' There was silence for a moment. We live together,' said Bob quietly. Oh!' I said. Do you have some sort of problem with that?' asked Alan. No....not at all.....far from it!' Good. Yes, we know it is illegal. We've lived together for five years. Neighbours in our part of the world don't bother us. Yes, we're sort of partners, not just at work, but living together. If it don't sound sloppy, we're lovers.' I don't have any problem with that, far from it. I know a bit of what you mean.' You ever played around with a man?' asked Alan. I laughed, Yea, many times.' That's fine then, tell us more,' asked Bob. I told them a bit of my story."

"Just as well it was only a bit." said Kevin, "If you'd told them all they'd've `ad to take you to John O'Groats and Lands End and back. [John O'Groats the most northerly point of mainland Scotland; Lands End, the furthest south westerly point of England.]

"Kevin you slander me. You make me out to be some sort of sex maniac."

"Well you have certainly done a lot of it in your life. Have you ever turned down an opportunity for sex with a man, Tom?" asked Kevin.

"Well I didn't turn this one down. As I were telling a bit about mesen, they both started rubbing their ands on me thigh. So I reached out my ands and put them on their thighs. Our ands all stroked igher and igher. Alan's and got to me cock first. Bob kept aving to take is and away to change gear. I kept thinking e were going to use me cock as a gear lever.

"Bob made the suggestion. I think we should stop, so we can do all this properly.' He drove on for another mile, and then turned off for about twenty yards on a track. In a gate way e turned the van round, so we was facing back down towards the road. Let's get out, the nights not cold,' said Alan. We piled out of the van. The two of them were on to me straight away. Four ands undoing trousers and getting pants down. ands up feeling me tits. I just ad two ands for them both. Soon the three of us were standing with our trousers and pants off, and just our tops on. Bob knelt down, and started giving me a smashing blow job. Alan came round behind me, and I felt is prick lying up my crack. E whispered in my ear, I want to go all the way, Tom.' Go on then.' He pulled away to lubricate both of us, and then I felt is cock pushing into me."

"What sort of cocks had they got, could you see?" asked Kevin.

"It were dark. I couldn't tell whether they were cut or not. But they were both pretty big. So I ad Alan screwing me for all e was worth, and Bob sucking me. E were so soft and gentle with it. It weren't long before I said, I'm going to shoot.' Cuming as a word for it came later.

Bob just continued to suck, and I shot me load into is lovely gob. That triggered Alan off, e shot off his load into me.

"Bob got to is feet, ow it's my turn to fuck you, Tom,' e said. I stepped over to van so I could lean against it. Soon e were in me. E didn't last long, soon e shot is mighty load. When he pulled out, we stood there, arms round each other, giving each other some kisses. It were great. They were butchers from Bradford.

  1. Tom's marriage.

One evening after we had had our time together, we were standing around in the gang room drinking our cans of bitter, when Archie asked Tom a question. "Tom, it seems to me from all you've told us that you are decidedly gay. How come you got married, and perhaps more to the point have stayed married?"

"Well, t'answer to that question is a long one, your reverence. You must remember that things was a lot different back in the 50s when I were a young man. I came back to my native village in the West Riding after doing my National Service. I went back to work on a farm. Things were not like they are now. Now days you can see things on t'telly you'd never see in them days. Not that we `ad a telly. Today you see bare boobs, bare bums, and if you're lucky the odd cock or two. Homosexuality is talked about on t'radio, on t'telly, and you can read all about it in t'papers. Couldn't in them days.

Oh yea, I know I `ad a lot of fun, but it were never talked about.

"When I got demobbed the pressure were on for me to get wed. All me friends were getting hitched."

"Even members of the gang?"

"Yea, even members of t'gang who I'd played around with a lot, they were all getting wed."

"Was Michael still around?" asked Kevin.

"Some silly kid ad split on im. Went ome and told is folk what'd appened. I were away, but eard all about it when I got back. The balloon went up. Meeting of t'parents. As Michael were an ero they decided they did not want to get im into real trouble, with police like. So they gave im an ultinatun. `e were told to leave t'village within six months, and to see none of t'lads."

"He wouldn't get away with it as lightly as that today," said Archie.

"No, as I was saying, things were different then. I started doing things I never did before I went into t'army. started going along to t'pub. I started going with t'boys to dances."

"Did you still have fun with any of the old members of the gang?" asked Kevin.

"Yea, at times. But we `ad nowhere regular to meet. It were all a lot more difficult. It were at a dance I met our Jenny. There were these dances on a Saturday night in t'village hall. Hops I think we called them. Not much when you think of what goes on today, but we enjoyed them. There were a group of lads and a group of lasses, and we sort of went around as a gang. Then we started pairing up. I liked our Jenny, so I made sure I was paired up with her. We was all pairing up. Its what was done then."

"I think it is still often done," remarked Kevin.

"We sort of became a regular item, so to speak. I started walking her `ome.

It were the usual, holding ands. Then goodnight kiss in her porch. Not too long as her Dad were liable to come out looking for er if we was a little late. Er Dad ad a temper. Then our kisses got hotter. Then one night on the way to her house, we pulled off under a tree. It were right out of the light. Never many lights in our village. We started kissing. She ad her back to the tree, and I pressed into er. I think she must ave felt my cock ard against er. I were getting quite roused. And she took me and and pulled it up to `er breast. I felt it."

"Did you like it?" asked Kevin.

"I should say, it really excited me."

"I've never touched a girl's tits," said Kevin rather ruefully.

"You've made up for that in all the cocks you've handled, my lad," said Archie.

"I think I would rather feel a cock any day, but I wonder what it is like to feel a tit," added Kevin thoughtfully.

"Well, Jenny knew I were getting roused up. So she said, That's enough for tonight, Tom'. She pulled my hand away, and we went off to er `ome. I know I were counting t'days until next Saturday. I wanted to feel her again. Next Saturday she pulled me over to the tree."

"I bet you didn't take a lot of pulling," said Colin, "knowing you."

"No I didn't. We kissed and I put my hand on her breast. Tom, Ive been waiting for you to do that all week,' she said. So have I.' Do you want to feel it proper?' Yes, please,' I said. Go on then.' I undid the buttons of her blouse and slipped my and in, only to find she were encased in a bra. I felt it. Hold on a moment,' she said. She reached round, and undid her bra, and I felt it go slack. My and went in and I felt her. It were great. So soft, so smooth. We started whispering sweet nothings to each other. Yea, I did like her. Yea, I do still love her. She's a wonderful woman. She's been a good wife, and a good mother to our bairns.

"We did that for several nights. Then one night she reached down and felt my prick. Tom, it's so big,' she said. Its all for you,' I said.

"All," said Archie. "What sense of all. All, every inch of your long prick, or all in the sense of only for you?"

"Vic, you be being all vicarish. You and your words. You get me all twisted up."

"Sorry Tom, I mustn't interrupt," apologised Archie.

She felt it through me trousers. I nearly came, ad to pull er `and away.

I cooled down a bit. Do you want to get it out?' I said. Yea,' she answered. I gave er room to undo my flies, and I felt er and go in, and old my prick. Then she got it out. Tom, it's huge. To think of that long thing going into me!' she said. Is that what you'd like?' I asked. Yes, sometime soon. Do you want to go the whole way?' she said. Yes, very much!' I replied. She were still olding my cock, but that were all too much, I came. A great load of spunk came out, shot out, and then drippled down over her and. She got the giggles with that. When she'd calmed down she said, Tom, I do want you to put it inside me. I want you to be my man!' `nd I want you to be my woman!'

"Now I want you guys to get this right. My Jenny ain't no gammerstang [North Riding - immoral or wanton girl]. She weren't playing fast and loose with other guys. I were the first to ave er. It were the way it were done in them days.

"The next Saturday were the big day for our Jenny and me. We slipped out of t'dance early."

"Did you go to the tree?" asked Archie.

"No. We went out of the village. It were a lovely night, great big arvest moon, and still very warm. We went to where there were an aystack. It were well away from every thing. I put my jacket on some hay, and we sat down on it. We were soon kissing and cuddling. Cor, my prick were ard. Jenny whipped off her blouse and bra, and for the first time I could see er tits fully and properly. I kissed them, and nuzzled by face between them. There were lovely. Take your shirt off, Tom,' she asked. I took my shirt off, and undid my fly buttons. I kissed her tits, and put me and up er skirt. I felt er. She were all damp, and I knew I was as well. She pulled off er knickers and skirt and lay back. I took off my trousers and pants. She took old of me cock. Tom, its lovely. It so ard, and yet so velvety to touch.' I got between er legs, and placed it in position. I ad to push a little, but not as much as you ave to push into a guy for the first time. I pushed, it urt er a bit, and then in it slipped. I were right in. We kissed. I ad the sense to keep still because I didn't want to shoot my load too quick like. We said ow much we loved each other. Then I began to move, but I couldn't old it, I lost control and before you could say Jack Robinson I were shooting my spunk into her."

"You didn't think of wearing a condom then?" asked Colin.

"No. It were the way it were done then. We didn't use no French Letters, as we called them in them days."

"What do you mean, it was the way it was done then?" asked Kevin.

"It were the way we courted in them days in t'country. I wanted to be a father of children. You married to have kids to look after you in your old age. Us saying to each other we wanted to go all the way, was a way of saying I want to marry you, without actually asking. If you asked and she said yes, and then you backed out, you could be `ad for breach of promise. Guys were always reminding each other of that."

"Yes, I have heard of that," said Archie. "You always make sure you do not marry barren stock, especially it there is property involved, or some sort of trade or skill to be kept in the family. What Tom has described was the usual way of going about these things in previous days. The custom lasted longer in the more rural areas."

"Did she catch on?" asked Kevin.

"Aye she caught on. Six weeks later, she told me. And we'd done it every Saturday night in between."

"It must `ave been getting cold for doing it under haystacks," remarked Colin.

"Yes, and often wet. Often we did it standing up under a tree. Six weeks later she told me as we walked away from the dance, Tom. I hope what I'm going to tell you makes you happy. I'm going to ave your bairn!' "

"Were you happy?" asked Archie.

"Course I were. It were what we wanted. We could now get wed."

"What did her folk say?" asked Colin.

"We told er Dad together. He just said, I'm not surprised. When you thinking of getting wed?' I think most of me mates did it like that. There weren't no scandal, or anything like that."

  1. At the Farm.

One time Tom started the reminiscence. "Do you remember, Colin, when you was about six, when they came and put up the Dutch Barn?"

"Slightly. Yea, I had to keep out of the way because it was dangerous, and I wanted to watch what was going on. Why do you ask?"

"Well I ad some fun with one of the workmen who elped put it up."

"What happened?"

"It were like this. There were three guys who put it up. They worked quite ard. I got to know them a bit, after all I were always going past doing this or that, part of me work for your Pa. It were early on, when they were laying t'foundations. As I went by one of t'guys he were bending down, and I got a great view of his builder's bum. Could see quite a way down is crack. I thought to mesen, that's a nice arse, I'd like to get me ands on it, and even more me prick at it. I kept going pass, so I could get a good look. Ventually I decided to say summat. You've got a nice builder's bum mate,' I said, softly like so none of t'others could ear. E stood up, at once, You think so?' e said, and I saw is eyes look me up and down, and specially at me landing gear. Yea, a nice one,' I replied, and gently ran my and over me gear. As you like it, I'll ave to think of charging you for viewing.' he said. E bent down and continued with `is work.

"Later that day, he were the last of the men to leave. E ad a motor bike, like me. So we talked a bit about our bikes. E rubbed is crotch once or twice, and I did the same. But we continued talking bikes. Then e looked at is watch. Must be going. See yer tomorow. ..I hope' With a broad grin on is face, e started up is bike and off `e went.

" `E were first guy to arrive t'next morning. So we were able to talk. It were a wednesday, t'day you Dad used to take your mum into town. My Jenny used to collect you from school if I remember rightly?"

"Yes, that's right. I had forgotten that. I alwasy enjoyed tea with your Jenny and your family. They seemed so grown up to me."

"Well, I told this guy that the boss always went off with is missus on a Wednesday afternoon, and I were alone on the farm. I said it with a smile, and a slight rub of my crotch. Oh, I think I'll do a bit of overtime then,' e said. I were watching for when the others went off. They went off quite early that day, about alf past four. As soon as they were gone, I walked over to this guy. Ready for some overtime then?' I asked. Yea, always ready for that.' `Follow me,' I said."

"Where did you go then?" asked Colin.

"Where do you think?"

"Not that upstairs room in the old barn where...?" said Colin.

"Aye, I took `im up there."

"Tom, I always thought it was a special place between the two of us. At least until you took Phil, here, up there."

"It were our special place Colin. But I had had this one bit of action up there once. As soon as we were up there we was at each other. We ad a great session. E `ad a lovely cock.

Thick with a huge amount of foreskin. Even when e were up is tip were almost completely covered."

"So what did you do?" asked Kevin.

" E sucked me off, and then I sucked im off. It were great."

"Did you meet up with him again?" asked Archie.

"No. But `e did tell me of a place where guys used to go to meet up and have some fun. Cruising place. I could get there easily on me motorbike.

  1. In the Woods.

"Last time Tom, you told us about the guy who was building the Dutch Barn, and that he told you about a cruising place. Did you go? asked Kevin.

"Oh yea, I went. Went many times. I often used to go out for a run on t'motorbike, specially in summer time, when it were sunny and warm until quite late. I remember the first time I went. I suppose I got there about seven in t'evening. It were just off a main road, up a lane. There were a wood on one side, and guys would park their car, or bikes there, and walk up into the woods. When I got there, that first time, there were a couple of cars there, and I noticed a push bike stuck into the hedge. I put me elmet and other gear in a pannier. I were real nervous, I'd never done anything like this afore."

Kevin laughed. "You nervous at the possibility of sex!"

"I were. I'm really quite bashful and slow at coming forward."

We all laughed at that.

"Well what happened?" asked Vic.

"Your reverence, you is getting as bad as young Kevin ere. E must be corrupting you. You're as bad a e wanting to hear what appened. I walked in to the wood, like me builder friend ad told me to. I walked slowly up through the wood, until I reached the hedge at the top. I suppose about alf a mile or more. I didn't ear or see a soul. Fuck this for a lark, this is a waste of time.' I thought. I turned to walk back, but decided to go another way. Just as well I did. I were walking very quietly and I eard something. I looked through t'bushes to one side, and there I saw a couple of guys. One were kneeling on the ground giving t'other guy a good blow job. This is obviously the right place,' I thought. I crept away. Didn't want to interrupt their fun.

"I adn't walked more that ten yards when a guy dressed in shorts, and an open necked shirt, looking like an ordinary cyclist comes towards me. Nice evening,' e says. Yea,' I said.

We stood for a moment, looking at each other. We was standing about six feet away from each other. I think neither knew what quite to say. Come ere often?' e asked. Me first time,' I says. There were a pause. Come far?' e asked. About thirty mile, on me motorbike. And you?' I asked. Only five and half miles, come on me push bike. It seems very quiet this evening,' e said. Is it usually as quiet as this?' I asked. Usually on a fine evening like this there's several cars parked at the bottom.' There's a couple of guys up there, I said nodding towards the way I'd come. Enjoying themselves?' e asked, taking a half step closer to me. Looked like it,' I answered with a grin and moved slightly closer to him. Do you come ere often?' I asked. Bout every week or ten days in the summer time, depending on the weather. You like what goes on? Like what those guys back there are doing?' I asked, moving closer. That's why I've come ere. Same for you?' e asked. E moved anoter step closer, and we looked at each other in the eye.

It were at that moment we both knew we'd end up aving fun together. Our eyes fell to look at each others crotch. I were beginning to get it up, and I saw a slight tenting in is shorts. We looked back at each other and grinned. E stepped closer, and put is and on me crotch, and felt me ardening cock. That feels a good un,' he said. I reached over and felt im. You've got a nice un tucked away in them shorts of yours,' I said. We stood there feeling each others ard cock.

"Lets move more into t'bushes. More private like,' e said. E led the way a few yards deeper into some bushes. There were some dense bushes. E found a small clearing, and turned, and put is arms round me. We kissed and ground our crotches together. I pushed me ands down the back of is shorts so I could feel is bum cheeks. I like that,' e said. E then reached to undo my flies, still buttons in them days. E undid them and put is and in, and got old of me cock. I just starting pulling down is shorts. They were eld up by elastic. I got em down round is knees, and began to feel `is cock.

" Lets ave a proper look at each other,' e said. We pulled appart. We took off our shirts and put them down. E took is shorts off, I just pushed me trousers down. I'd ave ad to take me boots off to get me trousers off. `E were wearing plimsolls. [Rubber soled canvas sports shoes]

We looked at each other. E were about six inches taller than me. Thick black wavy air on is head. A small but thick patch of black air between is tits, and one of the darkest, biggest and thickest jungles down below. Out of the jungle stood out is solid cock. It were big, though I suppose we was both about the same size. Is cock ad a massive ead on it. It were a great mushrrom. It was drooling a great thread of precum, which was dropping off onto the ground between us. I liked what I saw, and from the look of im e were liking what e saw.

"I reached out, and put my and in the jungle to find is balls, they were completely hidden. I soon found em. They was a good andful. I eld them, and lightly scratched their underneaths with my fingers. E groaned. Cor I like that,' e said. E leaned forward, and we started kissing. I continued to play with is cock and balls, and `e played with mine.

"We stood there doing that for quite a while. Then we put our cocks together, and ands on each others bum, we just rubbed oursleves together. Our kissing got otter. Our' ands and fingers feeling into each others crack. It all got otter and otter. I felt is cock throb and against my belly, and load after load of ot cum shot out between us. That set me off. The spunk seemed to pour out of me, great jets of it, joined is, as we stood there grinding ourselves together.

"We stood there panting. Arms round each other, cock to cock, belly to belly, cum mixing with cum. We must ave stood there for some time. That were real good. I really enjoyed that. It were great,' e said. Aye,' I said, `Even simplest way with a nice guy is great.'

"When we pulled appart we was beginning to stick together. Our bellies and air were covered in our cum, all nicely mixed up. I had a andkerchief to clean missen, e took old of a nearby dock leaf to clean `imself.

"We walked down to where we'd left our bikes. We said we'd look out for each other again, we kissed goodbye, and off we went."

"Did you see him again,' asked Colin.

"Sadly, no."

"But you went again?" asked Kevin.

"Many times. But I'm not telling you any more tonight. Its alright for you single blokes. I've got a missus to go `ome to you

  1. At the Pub.

We were all sitting around chatting together, when we started sharing what really gave us most satisfaction and pleasure in our fun together.

"I remember one guy, who was a bit unusual," said Tom.

We all looked at him, knowing quite well that one of his stories was about to follow.

"One evening I'd gone to this pub in Malton. It were beginning to get a bit of a reputation as a possible meeting place for gay men. I suppose today you'd call it a - gay friendly pub.' I ad a car by this time, a calapped out old banger it were. Colin, do you remember that old Ford I ad?"

"Yea. You had it for years if I remember," said Colin.

"Well I'd gone in that. Only half an hour or so to get to Malton. I went into t'pub, and ordered myself t'usual pint of bitter. I went and sat down in a corner, where I could watch all that was going on. There were a few guys in the pub, and a couple of lasses with their lads if I remember rightly. I sat there in my corner for about ten minutes watching what was going on. Then in comes a guy. He were quite a bit taller than me, and I'd guess he were a year or two younger. Nice looking guy, fair aired. He went up to t'bar, and while t'landlord were pulling t'pint, this guy looked round t'pub, taking in who was in t'place. T'landlord put the pint on the bar, and this guy turned, and payed im for it. Then taking t'glass in is and e comes over towards me. Can I join you?' he says. Course, you can,'I replied. And e sat down alongside me.

"He downed a good third of is pint, and wiped the froth from his lips with t'back of is and. I needed that,' e said. Same ere, thirsty weather.' Come far?' e asked. Loftend,' I replied. I've come from Maryton, know it?' he said. I know of it, `aven't ever been there,' I replied.

"So we sat there, talking about this and that. When we'd finished our pints, I said, Like another?' Yea, ta.' So I got up and got another couple of pints of bitter. I made my way back to the corner where we was sitting and placed the drinks on t'table. I sat down, when I sat down our legs touched. E didn't pull is away, which is what a lot of guys would ave done. We continued talking. E were married like me. We both `ad kids. We talked about where we came from, and as we'd both done National Service we talked about that."

"Did you tell him all you'd done, with the storeman, and the sailor, and the officer in Malaya?" asked Kevin.

"No. I didn't. I didn't know which way he swung, then. When we'd finished our second pints, he got up and got us both a third. When e came back, e definitely sat closer. When our legs touched under the table, I just moved mine so we were touching a bit more. After a couple of minutes he moved his so it rubbed up and down against mine a couple of times. Then after a few moments I did the same to `im.

" I think we both might like the same thing,' e says with a whisper in my ear. I reckon so,' I replied, Where can we go?' I know a place a couple of miles out of town, quiet and privare like,' e said. `Okay then, you lead t'way.' We finished our beers, and out we went.

"We went out to our cars, and e led the way. it were only a few miles out of town, when e turned off up a quite lane. E soon pulled off where there was quite a lot of sort of common land, you know with gorse bushes, and so on. I followed im. He stopped. I stopped. He got out of is car. Let's get in t'back of your'n,' he said. I got out and into tback of my car, e got in t'other side. We was straight into each others arms, kissing away, nice and cosy like.

"Soon our ands were feeling each other. could feel e ad a good sized piece of equipment tween is legs. E were soon unzipping me. At least I think e were, I think t'age of buttons were now over; but I'm not sure. I unzipped im, and we both enjoyed playing with other's cock. Let's get these britches and kecks right down, so we can get at each other, proper like,' e said. We pulled our kecks down, so we was sitting in t'back of car with just our shirts on our tops, and our kecks round our ankles. I reached across, and felt is cock and then is balls properly. No bloody clothes in t'way! When I touched is balls e groaned slightly, like as e liked it. I continued to feel is balls."

"What were they like, big and hairy?" asked Kevin.

"No they was quite small. e certainly liked me playing with them. Then e eased himself forward on the seat, so that just t'back of is bum were on the seat. And e opened is legs as wide as e could. I felt further back, you know, behind is balls, top of is thighs, and back towards is arse ole."

"His perineum," said Archie.

"Okay, `is perry what's it. Trust you, your holiness, to come out with some long Latin word for it."

"Actually it is from the Greek, via the Latin", said Archie in a soft voice.

"I always thought you'd swallowed a dictionary, between all the sex you ad as a youth," said Tom with a big wink at Archie. "Anyway, this guy were liking what I were doing. He were groaning away, and muttering things like, That's great,' Do it more.' E put is ead back and in the dim light I could see a smile of bliss on is face. The lighter I touched and felt im, the greater is groans. E were loving it. I thought, I'm onto a winner ere. This guy really likes what I'm doing. So I just kept at it. Stroking is balls, and is perry long name, as gently as I could. I reckon if I could've used a feather e would ave been even more pleased. I continued doing it for some time. There's summat good in giving another guy exactly what e wants. I just carried on enjoying is enjoyment."

"You're right in what you're saying there, Tom," said Archie, "It is more blessed to give than to receive."

"Glad you're still reading your Bible, Vic, and haven't been thorough corrupted by that sexy young devil sitting next to you."

We all laughed.

"Anyway, I just carried on, like. Then after some relly big groans of delight e said, Toss me off now, please.' I put my and to is cock, but I'd only done three, perhaps, four strokes, when 'e cum. I felt is cock jerk twice, where that load went I only discovered the next day. One great gob of it were on t'dashboard, and t'other on the back of one of the front seats. T'rest of is cum poured out over my and. There were masses of it. I don't think you must ave come for about a month, all that lot of spunk,' I said. I tossed myself,' last night e said. He put is ead back. That were great, wonderful. One of the best.' I eld is cock not knowing what to do with my spunky and. We must ave stayed there for several minutes, while e recovered. When e came to, e said, Now your turn. Would you like me to suck you off?' `That'd be great,' I said. He was good at it as well. It was a good time that night in the back of t'old Ford, but the car

Next: Chapter 15

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