
By Jeffrey Fletcher

Published on Apr 25, 2002


This story contains consenting sex between males of various ages. If it is illegal to read such material where you live, or you dislike such material, then surf elsewhere. All the characters are entirely fictitious.

Thanks for the encouraging emails that I have received. They are one of the rewards in writing such stories. I believe I have replied to all who have done so. My email is

Resume:- Phil, the narrator, a man in his 60s has met Colin, and begun a sexual friendship with him. Colin is a member of a small gay group, called the Countrymen, and wants Phil to become a member. He has met the other members, Kevin a man in his 20s, who had a hard time at school, Archie, or Vic, who is the local Church of England Vicar, and Tom, an older man, who spent all his working life as a farm labourer, and in a long standing relationship with Colin.

The Countrymen Part 13.

In those few months when I was getting to know the Countrymen whenever I saw Tom alone we always seemed too busy with other things. We never had a long conversation together, as I did with the others. So he never told me his story. But he was full of stories. Some he just told us out of the blue. Others were told in direct response to a question, or because relevant to what we were talking about. So here are some of Tom's stories. I have tried to arrange them in what I think are a chronological order, but I cannot be certain about that. Sometimes I have kept the conversation that went on before and or after.

I have tried to transcribe Tom's strong Yorkshire accent. Hs' at the beginning of words make occasional and erratic appearances. With some people the aitches appear where the are not meant to appear. So you might hear of a humbrella, or a hoperation. But though Tom might speak like that, I have not gone that far. But one of the unusual features of this accent is the pronunciation of the word the'. Often, though not always, it is just a t' sound before the noun. So in the mill' become in t'mill'. On the book' becomes `on t'book'. I hope this is not too distracting. But Tom does speak with a strong Yorkshire accent. Colin a slight Yorkshire accent. And Vic a rich plumy received pronunciation. RP accent. And as for me - a slight cockney [East London] accent betrays my roots

Contents. 1. First sight. 2. Michael 3. The Gang -1 4. The Gang -2 5. National Service - Regimental Depot. 6. National Service - Troop Ship. 7. National Service - Malaya 8. National Service - Singapore.

  1. First Sight

"I remember long ago. Must have during t'war. Things were very different on farms in them days. Only rich farmers had tractors, most round ere still ad orses. At arvest time everybody as could came out to elp get in t'arvest. There were no combines in them days, only a reaper. It'd cut t'corn, and bundle into sheaves. Then as many as could elp would put the sheaves into stooks. Eight sheaves to a stook it was. It were a lovely sight of an evening. Sun on t'field casting long shadows. The stooks were out in t'field to dry, before being carted off and put into stacks. Then later thresher would come with `is machine, and there'd be bales of straw to make into another stack, and the threshed wheat would be taken off to t'mill.

"It were of an evening the youngsters ould play fuck chase'. Not small kids, but what later came to be called adolescents. There was a lot of fun ad in them days. This lark was only played at arvest time."

"What happened then, Tom" asked Kevin eagerly.

"Don't urry me, young Kevin. I'll get to t'juicy bit in due time. All t'youngsters would meet up in a field that had been freshly cut and stooked. Then just when it were beginning to get dark, dusk like. T'lasses would go off and ide. Often they'd ide in a stook. There was just room. After a few minutes t'lads ould go in search of t'lasses. It were a sort of hide and seek. When they found one, they'd get in close to t'lass. Sometimes there'd be some fucking if t'lass were willing. Often there'd be feeling each other and t'lass `ould toss off t'lad.

"Did you play this then, Tom," asked Kevin again.

"Yea. I were about twelve. Really too young for it. But an older guy ad told me what went on and I was determined to have a look. I was interested in sex even in them young days. I kept back out of sight until t'lads went off in search of their lasses. I saw where some of them ad gone. I crept round the edge of t'field, keeping in t'shadows like. There were a big beech tree at t'edge of field. Pretty dark underneath. I crept along keeping in t'shadows.

There were about four or five lads under t'tree. No lass at all. They all ad their pricks out and were jacking themselves off. I could just see their pricks. I'd never seen such big ard pricks afore. They was enjoying what they was doing. Soon one of them said `I'm cuming.' I got a glimpse of sommat shoot out from'is prick. T'was first time I ever saw spunk."

"Did they catch you watching? asked Kevin.

"No. I crept away."

Vic said, "That sounds to me like a relic of an ancient fertility ritual. Babes born in the spring had the best chance of survival, and to be born in the spring you had to be conceived in the autumn. I wonder how widely that was played. Have you heard of it?" he asked turning to the three of us.

None of us had.

"I must do some investigating." said Vic.

  1. Michael

All five of us had just had a very enjoyable time together. Kevin was lying back, stark naked of course, completely shattered having fucked three of us. The rest of us were lying round the room recovering.

It was Kevin who asked the question. "Tom, when was it you first had sex with a man?"

"Oooh. That were a long long time ago. It were just after the war. It must ave been about 1947. Yea, I were about 12. There'd been an ard winter, lots of snow. Plenty of sledging. School were very cold, not much coal for stoking t'boiler. It were in t' early summer. We `ad a good summer that year, I remember.

"Well, there were this man in our village. Remember, I were brought up over in t'West Riding; not ere abouts. There were this man Michael. E was the village ero. Been all through t'war. Enlisted in September 39 though he were under age. Lied about it. E went into t'army. After is training e went over to France. E got a medal rescuing a couple of wounded mates while under Gerry fire. Then e got a wound in his inner thigh on the beaches at Dunkirk. E was soon patched up and shipped out to Egypt. There e was in t'Eigth Army. E was at El Alamain, got another medal for some attack on a Gerry strong point on is tod [own]. Then e got wounded again, this time in is right buttock. E said e got wounded after doing the thing that got im a medal. E was in t'victory parade in Tripoli in front of Georgie boy."

"Georgie boy?" asked Kevin.

"King George the Sixth, you twit! Then e were in the landings in Sicily got another fucking medal, this time for holding together an isolated group of soldiers when under an attack from the Gerry infantry. Monty [General Montgomery] said he elped save the day. Got another wound later when crossing to Italy. This time it were in t'other bum cheek. Then e were sent ome to Blighty to prepare for second front. So e was in Normandy, not D day, but D plus two, if I remember rightly. E got is next medal crossing the Seine. The wound came some months later crossing t'Rhine. That were a bad one, in is stomach. E were lucky to get out of that one alive. So e came back to our village a real ero. Everyone said ow brave e'd been. E were asked to lay t'wreath at War Memorial on Remembrance Days. Only old Major Smith a retired officer in the Indian Army, e ad his nose put out of joint. Didn't like that at all, as e'd always done it afore. Michael got a job in a bank, and settled back into civvy life. E lived alone in is cottage at the edge of t'village. Is Mum ad died just before the end of t'war. All adults in village thought e were a great guy for what ed done in t'war. The local lads thought e were great for sommat else. You see, there were another side to our Michael.

"First I knew was when a lad, a year older than me, asked if Michael ad shown me scars of is wounds. No,' I said. If e likes you, e will show you. Its nice when e shows you,' said this lad, with a laugh. I eard e was covered in scars, and being a nosey little boy I wanted to see em. Next time I saw Michael in t'village, I said ello to im. Soon e were saying ello back to me. One day e stopped and asked me my name. Next time we met, he stopped and said, Tom, ow are you today?' Fine,' I says. Are you feeling thirsty? Would you like some lemonade at my place?' Yes, please,' I said. I even remembered me manners. So I went back with im to is place.

"Didn't folk in village suspect anything?" asked Vic.

"No, not in them days. It were a different world. E were an ero. Everybody thought `e'd be a good influence on t'boys in the village."

"So what happened asked Kevin?" who was always eager to know the details of any sexual seduction.

"Don't urry me Kev. I went back to Michael's house. We went in. I noticed e locked door. Then he got us both drinks of lemonade. He led me through into is sitting room. And we sat down together. He started asking me about friends. Who my friends was. I think he was working out who of my friends had seen is scars. After a while he put his arm round back of me, and held me close. It were nice. I liked it. So I snuggled up closer to him. He must `ave talked for about half an hour or more. Then he gave me a quick kiss on the top of head, and suggested I be going home. So I went off home. I liked him.

"I called round on him a few days later, but there was no answer, though I thought there were someone in the house. Strange ow you can sense when somebody is at home or not. About ten days later I called again. He were in. He were obviously pleased to see me. Come on in, Tom lad,' he said, Drink? Same as before?' Again he locked the door, and when he'd got the drinks we sat together. I straight way snuggled up to him. You like a nice cuddle don't you?' said Michael. I nodded. Most boys are starved of physical affection, and like a nice cuddle, especially from another man.' It were summat I'd never got from me Dad. He put his arm round me again, and I put an arm round his back. He smiled at me, and gave me a kiss on my forehead. And what have you been up to since we last chatted?' he asked. We talked for quite a while, and then I asked him about what it were like being a soldier in t'war. He told me a bit. This time with his hand he started stroking my neck and ear. He were doing it almost absent mindedly, but I now know it were part of is technique. That's as far as e went that time.

"Was it third time lucky? asked Kevin.

"Who be telling this story, you or me, young Kevin? You just want hear t'dirty bits. Well, next time I went round to Michael's it were all exactly t'same. Only this time e put a and on my knee. You know, and e gently stroked my knee and just above. I like the feel, and felt my prick begin to go ard. Do you like that?' asked Michael. I nodded. When you're at home what do they call what you pee with?' asked Michael pointing at my crotch. We call it my dickie.' Is your dickie hard,' asked Michael. Yes,' I said, and felt a bit funny about admitting it. Michael move is hand up, and felt me Dickie. You've got a nice one in there,' he said. I began to feel funny all over. Then he pushed a finger in between the buttons of my flies. I felt his finger feeling my cock. Like that?' he asked. Yea. Never felt anything like it?' I replied. He then undid my flies and pulled out my cock. He immediately lowered his head on to me. My cock was into his warm wet mouth. I felt his tongue feel all around my cock. Do you like that?' he asked again. I think my answer was a mixture of a nod and a moan of of pleasure. He went back and sucked me."

"Did you shoot your load?" asked Kevin.

"No. I hadn't starting cuming then. I did feel a bit tingly while e were doing it. After a while he stopped. And put my cock away, and did up my fly buttons. That's enough for today. If you want some more, call round again.'"

"I bet you were soon round there again."

"You're right young Kevin. I were. When Michael opened the door he said, I know what you've come for! Come on in.' He locked the door again, before getting us a couple of glasses of lemonade. We sat down together. He put an arm round me. How's your dickie been? Getting hard at all?' Yes, especially when I think about here, and also first thing in the morning.' You'll be shooting your load soon, Tom. And then you'll be a real man.' I've seen older boys shooting their spunk,' I said. You'll soon be doing that.' He put his hand on my crotch and then started to undo my belt and all my trouser buttons. Shall we take em right off this time?' he asked. I got up and took my trousers and pants off and stood in front of him, holding up my shirt with a hand. You're a beautiful boy Tom.' With one hand he began to stroke my stomach and thighs, and legs. I think we could do all this better upstairs. Follow me.' I picked up my clothes and followed him upstairs. He led the way into is bedroom. Why don't you take them all off.' I got completely undressed and he picked me up and placed me on the bed. He knelt at the side of the bed and again took my cock into his mouth. This time he could deal with my balls. One of his hands worked under me bum, and he felt into my crack with his fingers. After a while he stopped, and sat up on the edge of the bed looking down at me. Would you like to see my dickie, Tom?' Yes, please, and your scars.' He grinned. Okay then.' He stood up and pulled off his shirt, and he showed me the scar of his wound on his stomach. I looked at the small patch of dark hair in the middle of his chest. Then he took off his trousers, and stood in his kecks [underpants]. The bulge seemed to me to be like a giant's. There were a big wet spot where the tip of his prick was. `You take them off for me,' said Tom. I got off the bed, and very slowly reached out for his pants. I pulled the waist band down. I was gob smacked at the amount of hair he'd got, and sticking out of the forest was this great pole of a prick."

"Just like yours," said Kevin.

"No I think mine ended up bigger than is" said Tom. "There were a shiny drop of wet on the tip. You can touch it. I like it being touched as much as you do yours,' said Michael. I slowly reached out my hand and felt it. It won't bite,' said Tom, with a laugh. I put my whole hand to it, and held it. That's better,' said Michael. I think our cocks should meet, don't you,' added Michael. Get on the bed, lad.' I got on the bed and he came and lay down aside me, so our cocks were together. That's better, mine likes that. Does your's?' But your'un's so big,' I exclaimed. Yours will be as big, if not bigger, when you're fully grown. Anyway size doesn't matter. Its what you do with it, and what fun it gives you that really matters,' said Michael. He then rolled over on to is back and pulled me on top, keeping our cocks together. He kissed me on the mouth, and with his hands gently felt me bum. You all right, young Tom? Like it? Want some more?' Yes, please, Michael,' I said. His fingers explored my hole, very gently touching it. There was no attempt to push a finger in. You like that don't you, Tom?' I nodded. He kept me on top of im for quite a while. I liked all that he were doing. That's as far as `e went that day."

"There was the day when he wanked off in front of me, and I saw close and is cock shoot out `is thick white spunk."

"He certainly didn't rush things with you, did he?" said Vic.

"E were a good teacher. It kept me coming back for more. We always began where we'd left off last time. Then there was time when e were sucking away at my cock, I ad this feeling come all over me. I know I wriggled on the bed, but Michael held me firmly and kept his mouth on my cock. Suddenly there was this tremendous feeling and I felt something pour from my cock into is mouth. Michael swallowed every drop. Then he looked down on me, Tom, you're now a man. No longer a boy, but a man. You've done it lad. Let's celebrate.' He stood up and stark naked went downstairs and came back with a couple of bottles of beer. To celebrate your becomming a man,' e said. We sat up on the bed, his arm round me, and me close to him, both in our nothings, and I drank my first full bottle of beer. I'd tasted some of dad's at ome, but never `ad a full bottle. That night in bed, with a torch under the bed clothes I tossed myself off, and saw my spunk shoot out."

"So, that was the beginning of you life of sexual activitiy?" said Vic.

"Yea. The real sadness of my life," said Tom with a very serious and sad face, "Is that I have never been able to get enough of it."

All of us just collapsed with laughter.

"But that weren't t'end of story with Michael. Next time I went e didn't lock the door. I think, if I remember rightly he was beginning to get is fingers up me, e said e wanted to get is prick into me. Must say that worried me a bit. Is prick were so big. Your'un's too big. It'll urt,' I says. He cuddled me and kissed me, Tom lad, ave I urt you so far?' No Michael, you aint,' I says. Well then I don't want to start urting you. I want to put my cock up you many many times, and I want you to go on liking men's cocks up you. If I really urt you, you won't want to come back ere again, will you?' I nodded. Well, Tom, I'll be honest with you. It'll probably urt a bit the first few times, but once the starting urt is over you'll like it, and be running back ere to have me do it to you again and again.' Can I put mine up you as well,' I asked. Certainly Tom. I'd love to `ave you shoot your spunk into me. Do you want to do it to me first, before I try doing it to you?' I nodded. I were a guy of few words in them days."

"You certainly aren't now," muttered Kevin under his breath.

"I eard that young Kevin. There's only one way I know to silence your gob, and that's to shove a fucking cock in it. Scuse my language, your Holiness,"

We all laughed.

"Well, get on with your story," said Vic.

"You're just as bad as t'lad. I would have thought your Divineship wouldn't want to be `earing t'ot bits."

"Get on with the story, Tom, you're a real prick tease with your stories," said Colin.

"Well. Michael got some grease of some sort, and smeared it up his backside, and then he smeared it on my cock. He got me to lie down flat on t'bed, with my cock sticking straight up. He knelt over me, and lowered himself on to my cock. It went in easily When he were in e asked if I liked it. E kept saying what lovely kid I was. I shot my spunk into im quite quickly. When I were soft again, he got off me. Then he greased up his fingers, and told me to lie on my front. With his finger he gently felt round my ole. Then he pushed one finger in, he did it very slowly and gently. It didn't urt at all. Then he tried with two finger, that urt a bit, so e kept telling me to relax. Eventually he got both in, and I began to like it. After a while he said that that were enough for that day, and that e might try to get is cock in next time. He asked me to suck im off, which I did."

"How soon were you around at Michael's for you next instruction?" asked Vic.

"I've forgotten now. I don't think it were very long."

Again we all laughed.

"I don't see I've said anything funny," said Tom.

"You and Kevin are equally insatiable when it comes to anything to do with sex," said Vic.

"I aven't noticed you olding back, your divineship," said Tom.

We all laughed again.

"Next time he tried it with `is prick, and got it in."

"Did you like it?" asked Kevin.

"It urt a bit at first. But e kept still for quite a while, and I began to think, `I like this.'

"And liked it ever since," said Kevin with a laugh.

"Who'e telling this yarn? You or me?"

"Sorry Tom, carry on." said Kevin.

"Then he began to move it. First of all just flicking it, you know what I mean! Then he started in and out with it. All time he were stroking my back with is ands, and bending over to kiss me. You're a lovely lad Tom,' he kept saying. But I were enjoying is great prick in me, as much as e were enjoying aving it in me. He eld on for a long while. Then e said, I'm about to shoot a great load of spunk into you Tom, is you ready?' I felt im stiffen even more, is ole body went rigid, then I felt is monster prick shoot, and great wads of red hot spunk were into me."

"I thought it'd be white hot," said Kevin.

"That's it. You keep interrupting. You can tell the story now, Kevin."

Much as we tried, on that occasion we couldn't get Tom to continue.

  1. The Gang 1

Another time I was with Tom and Colin.

"Tom," I said, "When you were a youngster, did you only have sex with Michael?"

He laughed. "No way. When he were breaking me in, he always locked t'door before we went upstairs to is bedroom. But I noticed once he'd ad me, he didn't lock t'door no more. I had heard knocks on front door in one or two of those times when he was teachin me ow to do it. But one time when he were fucking me good and ard, there was knock on front door, and I eard t'door open and someone called up. I was shit scared that we was going to be caught at it. But Michael ardly missed a stroke, and called out I'm busy, enjoy yourselves.' Then I eard a whole lot of footsteps coming up stairs. I thought we're for it now. But they all went into t'other bedroom. It's alright,' said Michael to me, It's only some of t'lads, come for some fun.' He carried on screwing me, and shot `is load.

"'Let's see ow they're getting on,' says Michael, and he gets off the bed and stark naked goes through the door, and I ear t'door of t'other bedroom opening. Then e come back and beckons to me. I gets off the bed, and follow im. He stands in the door way of t'other bedroom, and just looks in. I look round is side. There was three guys in the bedroom. Two were on the floor, one shagging t'other as ard as though there were no tomorrow, and the third, not a bloody stitch on im sitting in a chair, with is legs wide open playing with his cock. Like a drink lads?' said Michael. They all said yes,' and Michael went off down stairs. I stood there gob-smacked. I recongnised t'lad in chair. He too lived in t'village.

"He beckoned to me, and I walked over to im. Rather slowly as I were not knowing what e might do. Come and sit on my lap,' e said. I did. You're a nice young lad. Ave you been aving fun with Michael?' I nodded. Enjoy it?' Yea, great!' I replied. He kissed me and started stroking my thigh. My prick immediately went ard. I see you like it. Your dickie knows all about these things.' He put his head down, and started sucking my prick. With one and I stroked his head, and with the other I reached down and took old of is prick.

"Michael came back upstairs with a tray with glasses of lemonade on it. Enjoying yourself, Tom?' he asked. Yea.' Good, that's what its about. A lot of lads come round ere whenever they want some fun.'

"Did you go round a lot?" I asked.

"That's a damn fool question, Phil. What do'yer think?"

We all laughed.

  1. The Gang 2.

Another time Tom and Kevin were round at my place. We had just had a good session together, and even Kevin was recuperating over a cup of coffee.

"I suppose, Tom, that Michael and his friends in your younger days were sort of foreurnners of the Countrymen?"

"I suppose they were, Kev."

"How many guys were there involved?" I asked.

Tom counted up using his fingers, sometimes speaking aloud. "Fred, Frank, Ivor, Bobbie, John S., and John G., the Forsyte brothers, I think there must've been something between fifteen and twenty. I can't remember exactly. It were a long while ago. Over fifty years. An' there was some coming and going, older ones going off to do National Service, and younger ones being brought into it by Michael. I was involved for six years, from age of twelve when I started until I were eighteen and went off to do my National Service."

"So you got in a lot of sex then in that time?" asked Kevin.

A slow grin spread over Tom weather beaten face. "It were a great time. I had lot of pricks up my arse and in my mouth, and my prick were busy with t'lads."

"Did all the action take place at Michael's?" I asked.

"No. We knew who was in t'gang, and we'd get together whenever we could. I remember soon after I'd started I met t'lad, who lived a few doors up t'road from us, round at Michael's. He were a few years older then me. One afternoon coming back from school I met im. Hi Tom, me lad. How's you today?' Fine now school's over,' I said. Fancy a quick shag, my folk are all out until the 6.30 bus gets in,' he said. Okay then. Fine by me.' He led the way into is ouse, and up to is bedroom. No words were needed, we both stripped off. You've got a lovely bum, Tom. I want to fuck you.' I took old of is cock, which ardened up straight away. 'Ow do you want me?' I asked. Doggie fashion.' I knelt on t'bed, shoving my arse in t'air. He got up behind me, and with some grease of some sort, he shoved is prick in. E were a good fucker. Shot a nice load of spunk into me. Then I shagged im same way. After that we did it a lot, sometimes at is place, sometimes at mine, and when both lots of folk were at ome we often did it in the shed at the bottom of is garden. That were the sort of thing that `appened."

  1. National Service - Regimental Depot.

Once when Tom and I were together at my house I asked him. "Did you get involved in anything when you did your National Service?"

"Sex you mean?"


"Cors I did. And plenty of it."

"Weren't you afraid of getting caught, and court martialed with a dishonourable discharge or whatever happened.?"

"Had to be careful, but if you kept your eyes open there were some of it going on. I remember when I had finished my basic training I were posted to t'Suffolks. I ask you, me a good honest Yorkshireman posted to t'Silly Suffolks. Still I suppose it were better than to t'Lincolnshire Yellowbellies. [Footnote 1] I ad to go down to Bury St Edmunds in t'middle of Suffolk. It were a hutted camp on edge of town. It were coldest place I ever were at. I know why I were posted there. Because Suffolks were out in Malaya and they needed more men. Each ut ad a coal fired stove in t'middle of it. It were warm by lights out, and freezing cold by reveille. You know when corporal came round shouting, Hands off cocks and onto socks.'"

We both laughed at that memory of military service years ago.

"I were there there for a few weeks waiting to go out to Malaya. Strange sort of time, busy doing nothing, like so much army life. Well, it were like this. I had to go to the stores to get summat. Forgot what now. A guy said to me Don't stay too long with the storeman. He's one of those you knows.' I pricked up my ears, One of what?' E's Shirt lifter,' e replied. The storeman were a lance-jack [lance corporal - lowest rank of non commissioned officer]. When I went to stores, e looked to me a nice looking man. E were a tall lad, and ad blond wavy air. I talked to im for some minutes, just to see what see what sort of guy e were. E were all right!

"Next I saw im at cookhouse avin is meal. E were sitting with t'other lance jacks. So I sat were I could watch im. He saw me looking at im, and I looked away. When I looked back at im e were looking at me. This appened several times. Next evening I went to the NAAFI to get summat to eat, and I were just sitting down enjoying a nice plate of egg and chips when e walked in. He went and bought summat to eat, and came and sat opposite me. E were a real Suffolk lad, so e asked where I was from as I talked different. We talked away for some time, about t'army, ome, and what we hoped to do when we was demobbed. He was going to work on a farm as I oped to do. Then I said to im, Which ut are you in?' I ain't in no ut e replied. I got my own room in t'stores. Storeman as to watch over stores in case of a fire or a break in.' That sounds nice and cushy,' I replied. Tis,' he said, Want to see it? I got some beer there.' Okay then, show me.' We finished what we was eating, and left. My name's Roy,' e said. Mine's Tom,' and we shook ands.

"We walked over to the stores, and e got out some keys, and unlocked door. We went in. Follow me,' e said, and took old of me and and led me through stores. If I put light on there is always some guy who thinks there are someone in t'stores as shouldn't be,' e said. There weren't much light through the windows. Then he unlocked another door, and e put a light on. It were a small room. There was the usual army bed, a locker, the usual army folding table and a chair. E got out a bottle of beer, opened it, and poured it out into a couple of mugs. Sorry no glasses, army don't issue those,' e said. We sat side by side on the bed. The window ad a blanket up at it. I like your curtain,' I says. Yea, I need to put that up, or I have guys looking in. There is always some bright spark who wants to know what is going on in t'stores at night time.' Do you get inspected?' I asked. About once a month. The sargeant major says, I want to inspect your room tomorrow, so get it clean and tidy and all your pin ups put away.' I looked around, and there weren't no pin ups to be seen. I don't see no pin ups,' I said. Not on show. My pin up, I keep id,' he said. Where then?' I asked. Back of me locker door,' e says. Show me it, then,' I asked. You mayn't like it.' Go on show me.'

" E got up off the bed, and opened is locker door. And there before my bloomin eyes was this picture. It were French, I knew that cause there were words in Frog lingo written on it. It were smashing. It were of a young man, no clothes at all, standing with his back to camera, but looking in a full length mirror so you could see im full frontal like as well. He ad a smashing bum, my ands just itched to get a feel of them. And his prick. it were perfect. Hanging down like a a great soft cigar, with the head peeping out of is foreskin. Like im?' asked my lance corporal friend. I should say,' I replied. Thought you'd like im,' said Roy.

" E left the door of his locker open and came to sit alongside me on t'bed. I can lie in bed, and look at im. I've ad im and is ad me in every way in me thoughts,' said Roy. I bet. I could toss me self off every night for a year looking at im,' I said. I bet you're just as good to look at, and better to ave fun with,' said Roy. We looked at each other face to face. Roy reached out his and and put it on my knee. I gave him a grin, and did the same to im. Roy moved is hand up, and began to feel my ardening prick. I put my hand on is crotch, and began to undo is flies. I fiddled around for a moment, but soon got Roy's prick out. It were much like the one on the French guy in the picture. Its skin were quite dark, and t'head was just beginning to have a look to see what was goin' on. Then a small drop of precum appeared on t'ead. I bent over and licked it off. That's great,' I said, Better than anything you can get in the NAAFI.' I put is prick in my mouth. It ardened straight away. I washed it with my tongue, and gave it a good suck. Roy moaned with pleasure, You've done that before. You're a bloody expert. You can come and suck my prick any time of the day or night.

" Is and reached and felt my prick. E soon ad im out. I think we've got too many clothes on don't you?' said Roy. We both stood up and removed our shirts and trousers, and we stood infront of each other in our green army issue pants. Let me take your kecks off,' I said. Kecks! What the bloody hell are they?' Those green things that are covering up what I want to see and touch,' I replied. I reached forward, and pulled his kecks down. I could now see im properly. E were quite a hairy man. Real thick patch round is prick. But is prick was now standing out hard and proud, t'ead completely seen. I put my fingers round it, and began to toss im off. E were still feeling my prick, then he put his hand down and got old of my prick. I pulled my kecks down, and kicked them off. We stood there for several minutes, just feeling with our ands, our pricks, and balls and bums. Then e move is ead closer, and we came together to kiss. I wondered if you were into that,' e said. `Yea, I like it. Though not every guy does,' I replied.

"We pressed into each other, pricks against pricks. Both of us were oozing a lot of precum, so our pricks really began to slide together. Roy then backed onto the bed, and lay down pulling me on top of him. We kissed, our arms held each other, our pricks rubed against each other, and our hairy legs moved to feel as much of each other as possible. On an army bed if two men are doing it together then one as to be on top of t'other. That night that were all we did. I'd only tossed myself off for weeks, so being with another guy were great. I knew I were soon going to cum. I felt it mounting, I tried to hold back. Roy knew I was trying to old it off, but he just held me, and moved against me. Go on, let it out,' he said. Soon my prick were shoot great gushes of spunk on to is belly. I must've triggered it for im. He started thrusting up at me, and I felt a fresh load of ot spunk cum between us. We lay there, panting, out of breath. It were a great time."

"Did you see any more of this Roy?" I asked.

"Yea. Each night until I were posted to Malaya. We had a go at everything a couple of men can do together. E were a great guy. Into everything. Great fun. I reckon that bunk of is must ave seen a lot of things taking place while e was storeman. `E told me there were usually two or three guys at any one time who liked it."

  1. National Service - Troop Ship.

A couple of weeks later I had arrived at Colin's for my weekly sleep over. Colin was busy somewhere on the farm. Tom greeted me, and I asked him if he would like a cup of tea. So we made our way into Colin's kitchen and I began to mash some tea.

"Tom," I said, "last time you told me about your time in the Army. You said you went out to Malaya, did you have any fun out there?"

"Yea, but I also had some on the way. We went out to Singapore on a troop ship. It seemed to take ages. Went through the Med, and Suez Canal, down Red Sea, and then the long crossing to Singapore."

"What was it like on a troop ship?"

"Grim. We were crowded and for a lot of the time it were unbearably ot. Specially going down the Red Sea. I found the eat on the ship worse than what we found in Malaya, and that's saying summat. I think it were because we were couped up like a lot of ens in a `en house. They made us keep as fit as possible doing boring exercises and such like."

"Some nice men with you?" I asked.

"Aye. Too many of them, in too small a space. Everything you did seemed to be in the company of at least ten other guys. But I did score once."

"Only once, Tom!"

"I know that were bad going for me. There were the usual rivalry and banter between the sailors and us soldiers. They kept on about their being ready to take us off when we got slung out of Malaya. They ad a long list of times when the navy ad rescued t'army. Corunna, Norway, Dunkirk and so on. We just ad to grin and bear it. Big eaded lot them sailors, specially when we're on one of their ships. There weren't a great deal of mixing between the two. There was however one young sailor that caught my eye. He were a little taller than me. He had brown air and blue eyes. He had a great body, and as for his bum. It were perfect, and perfectly outlined in is uniform. I licked my lips at the sight of im, and just wanted to get my ands on im."

"Did you?"

"Phil, you're as bad as young Kevin always wanting to get straight to the sexy bits. At your age you should've learnt summat about patience."

Fully reproved I kept quiet.

"This sailor man must ave seen me eyeing im. Our eyes caught each other. E grinned at me. Then when he saw me e would grin and waggle is arse ever so slightly. E knew what I'd like, and it seemed to me e'd ave liked to give it me.

"Then one day I were on deck, with no guys very near me, and e came and stood by me. I know what you'd like,' e said. I smiled at im, and gave him a slight nod. And I'd like to give it you, and take some of same from you.' Some other guys moved closer so e walked on.

"Then when we was going through t'canal we were lining the rail and watching the scene. There were these wogs [See footnote 1] wearing their night shirt things. The voice of my sailor spoke out behind us, I wonder what they wear under their nightshirts?' Same as a Scotsman under is kilt,' answered the chap to my right, That way they're ready for anything, piss, fuck or tossing off at a moments notice,' said another. `None of all our undoing fly buttons amd have to pull your prick out through layers of clothes.' We all laughed.

"Later that same day, I were as near alone as you could get, when the sailor lad came and stood beside me. It's difficult to find somewhere private on a troopship. I know several places, but they're strictly out of bounds to you guys, and you'd ave to pass through our quarters to get there. I'll ave to think of summat.' E gave me bum a light tap as e walked off.

So we sailed on down the Red Sea, and out into the Indian Ocean. It were still ot, but it were fresher. I don't know ow guys during the war survived troopship. We could go up on deck for a breath of fresh air, and a smoke at night. They couldn't light a fag, or even just smoke in case they was seen by a U Boat. Late one night, I went up on deck for some peace, and a quiet smoke, before turning in. There were a few others up there at that time doing the same thing. My sailor came along, and whispered in my ear, Put your fag out and follow me.' I threw my fag in t'sea and followed `im.

" E led t'way round deck. There was a dark corner, completely out of any of the lights. We went into it, and e opened a door. We both went in, and e shut t'door. This is a small store, ain't much room, but it will ave to do,' e said. I reached out, and felt just ow small it were. E grabbed old of me. And one of is ands went straight down to my prick. You know what you want,' I whispered. Yea, I reckon you've got a nice cock in there.' Now you probably know Phil by now, that I ain't slow in getting a ard on.' "

I laughed.

"I got my ands on him, and felt down to is prick. E ad it out already. It were alf ard. With my and to it, it were soon ard. It felt good. I couldn't tell if e were cut or not. We were in total darkness. Cor, yours is mighty long,' e whispered. I'd like that up my arse.' There's nowhere I would like to put it more. I've been watching your bum since we set sail, my ands itching to get at you, and my prick getting ard at thought of it.' I'll wet it,' e said. I eard im moving, and is hands feeling me. E got old of me prick again, and I felt im put it in my mouth. E slobbered over it, giving it plenty of spit. Then e moved again, and olding my cock I felt im place between is bum cheeks. I pushed, and in it went, and e pushed is bum back onto me.

"That feel's great. It's good to ave a real long un in there,' e said. I reached round to get old of is prick. It were as ard as iron by then. As I ran my thumb over the ead, I could feel it wet with is precum. E were oozing a lot, so I smeared is cock, and it all became a nice slippery andful. So I fucked im, and played with is prick. I took it long and slow. I weren't going to hurry this. It were too good an opportunity to rush. This sailor lad groaned softly. I could tell e were enjoying it. I know I were. I don't know ow long we were at it, but I know it were a good long time.

"We timed it well. I could tell that e were coming to t'boil, so I made it so I shot off at t'same time. I felt a great gush of me lovely ot spunk pour out into im. Same time is prick jerked and I felt some of is ot spunk run down over me and. We stood there panting ard. My prick softened and slipped out of im. E turned and we stood for a while kissing. Then we had to tidy oursleves up, and slip out of the cubby `ole we was in."

"Did you do it with him again?"

"Sadly no. There were no chance for it."

  1. National Service - Malaya.

It was later that evening, Tom, Colin and I were drinking cans of bitter. I always find sex thirsty work.

"Did you see any action in Malaya?" I asked Tom.

"Action? Action? What sort of action? Fucking action or fucking fighting?"

"Both," I replied.

"Well, I ad both. Soon as we landed at Singapore we were into jungle training. Never experienced anything like t'jungle. It were hot and umid. You just ad to move and you was sweating. It were awful. There seemed to be creepy crawlies everywhere. Got bit all over. Leeches, them was orrible. We learnt `ow to live, and move in t'jungle.

"Then we was moved up into Malaya proper, and were told to expect action. T'Suffolks did bloody well in Malaya. The lads from off the farms of Suffolk were a patient lot, and lot of the time were spent waiting. Our lot would find some path used by the terrorists, and we would lay an ambush. A company of our guys would go off and lay in wait. Sometimes a long day, many days ould go by before anyone came along. Often we'd be in t'jungle and we'd see no Commies, [See footnote 3] and see no action. When we moved into position we couldn't use their paths, they'd know we was around. Sometimes they'd find one of our paths, and we unters became t'unted. We'd have our camp `undred yards or so off their trail. A platoon of us'ld be taking turns watching the trail.

"Of course, one of the things in Malaya, we wasn't allowed to use soap or specially tooth paste, and of course, no fires or cooking. Reckoned the Commies would smell us undred yards off. I don't think they could, but we ad to obey orders. After several days in the jungle we'd be stinking to igh `eaven. We'd be in t'jungle for several days at a time. It were a real long waiting game.

"Our company officer were a Lieutentant Todd. e were a young guy just out of University. E looked if was still at school. `E were a good officer, fair, strict over the things that mattered, not too much bull [See footnote 4] when we was in camp. Strict that your rifle was clean, not so worried about t'other things.

"Well, one evening we'd just come off watching trail. Been there three days and nothing ad come along. We'd got back to camp, and ad ad summat to eat. We were getting ready to settle down for t'night. We slept in twos in among all them trees and plants. I were sort of Todd's messenger man, so e liked me by im. Don't think I were is batman [Servant] , them were back at camp. He looked at me, and said, Private Scaife, you stink!' Sir, if I may say so, so do you!' He sniffed his arm oles, Yea, I do,' e said. We both laughed. E were a good officer.

"That night. It were real dark under all them trees. I was sleeping two or three feet away from Toddie. I were fast asleep. Then I woke to feel summat on me leg. I thought for a moment it were a snake or summat, but it were an and. Toddie's and were feeling me. I lay there still. I wondered what e were up to, but it felt nice. Then I felt im move up close to me. Is and were reaching up my thigh. Does e want a bit of fun?' I thought. I pretended to be still asleep, and then turned on to me back, so e could get at me easier. He moved is `and up and began to feel my prick. I don't need to tell you two what it were up to."

"If I know you Tom, it was already hard and straight," said Colin.

"Not straight! My prick ain't ever been straight, I likes guys too much. I felt im undo my flies and put is hand in. E put is and round my prick, and began to toss me off. I just caught old of his wrist and held it. E stopped trying to move is and. I thought you might like some relief,' e whispered in my ear. You just carry on, Sir. I could sure do withsome of that relief.' I let go of is wrist, and e continued tossing me off. With my other and I began to feel around for im. Remember all this were done in t'dark. I found is crotch, and were soon touching is family jewels. I undid im, and got them out, so I could wank im properly. We both lay on our backs, enjoying tossing each other. e were gollock-handed [left handed] so it were easy to do it side by side. I've forgotten who came first. I know I shot a mighty load that night, and it felt ed done t'same.

"Before e pulled away from me, e said, `If you get some local leave in Singapore go the Green Dragon in something or other street. There're some nice young Malayan and Chinese lads there.'

"Did you do anything more with Lieutenant Todd," I asked.

"No. E was soon posted back to Blighty [Soldiers term for Britain]. E'd nearly done `is National Service."

"Did you get to the Green Dragon?" I asked.


"Did you see any of the other sort of action?"

"Yes, but that's another story." Tom looked at his watch. "Is that the time. Jenny'll be aving my guts for garters if I don't move. The Green Dragon will ave to wait for another time."

Wth that he was off.

  1. National Service - Singapore.

It was only the next day, when Tom came back to the farm to do somethings for Colin that I had the chance to find out more from him.

"So Tom, did you get to the Green Dragon in Singapore?"

A broad grin spread slowly over his face as he remembered his visit. "Oh yes. I went there. Outwardly it was a small Malayan eating place in a ginnel [Alleyway] of Singapore. Sort of place the MPs [Military Police] would've wanted to be out of bounds. I went in and was pleased to see that I wasn't t'only squaddie there. I ordered something to eat and drink. There was nothing special about t'place, and I began to wonder why Toddie had said that I'd like it. There was an older Chinese man, who were a sort of gaffer [Foreman or boss] . He seemed to go from table to table and chat with any men there. I tried to hear what he said but he talked very softly and there were a lot of music from a radio, and a lot of general noise in t'place.

"Eventually this older guy came over to where I were sitting. He sat down opposite me. He asked about me meal, and where I was from. Then he asked, You been here before?' No,' I said. How did you find it? It's not easy to find in a big busy city like Singapore.' Friend told me about it. Said I'd like it here,' Had your friend been here then?' he asked. I think so', I replied. Some places like this have girls, some have boys. We have boys.' I smiled at him. You like boys, not girls?' he asked. I nodded. Good. When you have finished your meal, I will show you.' He bowed to me, and went through into the back of the place. I observed that two of the squaddies who had finished their meal, were collected by im and and taken through into back. T'others just made there way back out into t'street.

"So I finished my meal. I sat there waiting for several minutes. Then t'gaffer came and said, Follow me.' I got up and followed him through into a small room. There we talked about price, and I gave him t'money. He beckoned to me, and I followed him down a passage that twisted and turned. We came into a long room. It were fairly dark and full of tobacco smoke, and probably other smoke as well. There were a central gangway, and on each side cubicles with a wooden partition separating them. There were a lot of them. In some of them there were a curtain pulled across and you couldn't see in, in others there were these young men, or boys sitting or lying on sort of thin mats on t'floor. All of them were naked, with their legs open showing all they possesed, or lying on their belly showing their bums off to good advantage. Take your time, take your pick,' said t'gaffer. I walked up the gangway looking into the cubicles which were open. Some of the lads there looked great, others didn't turn me on at all. All looked at me as I passed. Some gave me a smile, other raised an eyebrow as if to invite me to them. In a couple of the cubicles there was two guys together, not doing anything, just lying there. Sometimes holding hands. I walked up and down a couple of times, and chose a couple. One were Chinese and t'other Malayan. I stood in front of their cubicle and smiled at them. They moved appart and pointed me to come and lie down between them.

As soon as I lay down, one of them, t'Chinese lad said, Welcome,' and t'other one said, We aim to please.' One got up and pulled the curtain across. Malayan lad started undoing my shirt buttons and rubbing his hand over my chest. Chinese lad undid my boots and took them off. He put them neatly on one one side, and took off my socks and put them in my boots. To my suprise he kissed my feet. The Malayan lad removed my shirt, and folded it neatly and put it by my boots. Then he began to nibble at my nipples, flicking them with his tongue. The Chinaman ran his hands up my legs, undid my belt that eld up my shorts. He undid t'belt, and began to pull down my shorts. He took them off and folded them placing them with my shirt and boots. I were just lying there in me green army kecks. They were now either side of me. and then ands began to feel my prick. That I don't need to say were making a great tent of my kecks, and `ad a very wet spot at the summit."

"I bet it was," I commented.

"They pulled down me kecks, and made noises of surprise. I think they thought it on t'large size."

"Well it is rather large," I said, "But what were their cocks like?"

"They weren't ard at that stage. T'Chinese one were uncut, t'Malayan, e were cut. But neither of them looked very big, I suppose they turned out to be four and a alf to five inches when full up. They bent down over my prick and the two of them started licking, kissing and sucking me prick and balls. I'd never ad so much attention paid to me. It were great.

"I reached down and began to stroke their arms and back. T'skin of both of them felt so smooth. It were far smmother than any other guys I've felt, before or since. They broke off and looked up at me and smiled. Then they kissed their way up to me face. Then they lay either side of me. My legs were wide appart, and each one ad a leg over my leg, and my prick were sticking up between their thighs. They started kissing my neck and face, and they kept moving their thighs so as to rub me prick between them. I ad each of my arms round one of them. I could feel their ard pricks pressing into my ips. It were great.

"After being on the receiving end for quite a while I thought I better do summat. So I sat up, and looked at them both. I decided on the chinese lad first. I turned im on is back and kneeling between is legs started to suck is uncut prick. It tasted different but good. That meant my bum were in the air. the Malayan guy gets up and starts feeling my arsehole. Then I feel is prick going up and down my crack, not trying to go in, just rubbing up and down. It were all driving me close to the edge, so I broke off, and lay down. They knew what was happening, so we just lay together. You English soldier,' asked the Malayan. Yes, I'm an English soldier.' I like English soldiers, they ave big pricks,' said the Chinaman, you never know what you are going to find, some are circumcised,' he said the word slowly as if uncertain that he was getting it right, and some are not.' All Malays are circumcised, we are Moslems,' said the Malay lad. But so many English soldiers ave a lot of air on their bodies. Much more than us. It feels funny to feel air against us.' Ow old are you two?' I asked. I am twenty two,' said the Malay lad. And I am twenty three,' said the Chinese lad. You look a lot younger than that,' I said. They laughed, Most English soldiers say that,' they said together. We continued talking for a while.

"Then I decided I want to taste t'Malayan. I wriggled down on t'mat until I could get my mouth to `is prick. Though it weren't very long it were quite thick. I gave it a good suck and was treated to some tastey precum. Again it tasted different."

"Perhaps there are racial differences in taste," I said.

Tom just carried on. "The Chinese lad started giving me the works, Is and were playing with my prick and I could feel is cock against my bum. Do you two always do this together,' I asked. Sometimes', said the Chinese lad, when we feel like it. We always sleep together.' What do you want?' asked the Malay. Do you want to fuck us, or be fucked, or suck and be sucked?' I thought for a moment. I'd like to fuck one of you, as one of you fucks me.' Fine then, which of us do you want to fuck.?' `You', I said pointing at the Chinaman. I wanted the thick Malay prick to go up me. So that's what we did."

"How did you do it?" I asked.

"The Chinese lad lay on the mat with a sort of pillow raising is bum nicely. I got into im, and got myslef so most of my weight was taken on my arms and legs. Then the Malay guy got on top of me."

"Did it work?"

"Oh yes. It worked. It were great. We kept it steady. First the Malay lad came, and I felt him cuming into me. That triggered me off and I felt I unloaded gallons of spunk into the Chinese lad."

"Did you set him off?"

"No it didn't. We just collapsed, and when I recovered a bit I gave the Chinese guy a good blow job. He really liked that. When I eventually came to leave they asked, You come here again? You ask for us! Spend the night, we give you special happy time.' I said, I would try to get back.' "

"Did you?"

"No. Unfortunately when it came to going home, We only had a day in Singapore before have to leave for home, demob [demobilisation], civvy street, and freedom."

"Still that one time sounds good."

"It were good, very good. Do you know Phil, that were t'one and only time I've paid for sex. And it were worth it."


  1. The various British regiments had nick names, the Lincolnshires were the Lincolnshire yellowbellies, and the Suffolks were called silly. The Essex Regiment were known as the Pompadors, because they are reputed to have once captured Madame Pompador, the mistress of Louis XV of France. I don't no what they did with her. I suspect merely ransomed her.

  2. WOG a rather abusive term for an Egyptian or any from the Middle East, widely used in the army, certainly at that time. Reputed to stand for Worthy Oriental Gentleman.

  3. The campaign in Malaya after World War was fought against Communist Guerrillas. The campaign lasted into the mid 1950s.

  4. The full term was bull shit, but often abbreviated to bull - spit and polish, sometimes used of a petty army regulation.

Next: Chapter 14

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