Country Roads


Published on Apr 25, 2015


Country Roads CH.2

Warning this story contains underage sex of the same sex! So if it's not legal where you are back out now! This story is completely fictional! All characters are made up with made up names! They are not supposed to represent anyone I know! Please do not copy or paste this story without my permission! Thanks and enjoy!

Hey thanks so much for the emails!!! Also check out the message at the end! Remember Be kind donate to nifty keep this free

Characters Colton Jonathan Fell: Age 16 Danica Scarlett Fell: Age 16 John Fell: Father of the two. Age 35

I look at the shirt Sammy picked out for me laying on my bed. I hate tank tops, it's blue and white striped. She wanted to see my arm muscles. I was already dreading this party and we haven't even left my house. Plus I won't really even know a lot of people there I mean I will know them, but not actually know them.

I hear a knock on my door, and I put the shirt on, and tell whoever it is it's open. The door opens and it's Sammy. "Hey I think I am going to drive, I don't really drink. So you can if you want. You look soooooo hot if I do say so myself!"

" let's go." I tell her before I change my mind.

We leave my room, and I close my door walking behind her. "I am so ready for tonight!" she says excitedly. I just give a short laugh.

"So who is going to be there?" I ask as we get into the car.

She starts the car and starts down the drive way, "Well Matthew for sure! I think he told me his cousin Seth is coming too. He goes to some rich private school in downtown Austin so it's like a thirty minute drive from here. Kerri will be there with Jane, and Sal will also be there and some more people."

I nod my head, super...everyone I do not talk to. "Sounds like quite a crowd." I tell her.

We don't say much on the drive there, so she turns on the radio and some Katy Perry starts to play. I don't even bother with my phone, because the only one I text is Dani or Jeff. "So I really need to tell you something!" Sammy bursts out.

I throw my hands up dramatically, "Do tell."

"Okay well like, it's obvious that I have had the biggest crush on you for, forever! But you never make a move on me and it's annoying! So look I set it up so that Seth is supposed to give you a ride home, I am actually seeing Matthew..." She says.

I roll my eyes at her, "So why did you ask me to take you, and agree for a date with Jeff?" I ask not understanding her logic.

"Because, like it's hard to explain. Matthew hasn't exactly broken up with his girlfriend but he is totally going to." She says looking over at me.

"Doesn't sound so promising Sammy." I tell her.

"Well why won't you date me!" she says."

"I...Sam...Sammy you're like a sister ok it would just be too damn weird for me." I tell her knowing it will be a huge blow to her ego that I just friend zoned her.

"Oh...." Is all she said.

I feel so damn guilty. "I'm sorry Sammy." I tell her.

"It's okay." She says trying not to cry.

We don't talk at all until we get to where the party is happening and it's insane there are a lot of people, and a fire going. She parks her car and starts to get out. "Sammy. Are you sure you are okay?"

She looks at me, "It sucks, it really does, but I guess I understand. You are Danica's twin as well so it would be weird."

She takes off after that, leaving me following her to the party. I hear the music going and the chatter all around. I make my way to a chair by the fire, I don't know anyone enough to talk to them and hold an interesting conversation. A lot of people keep saying "hey" to me, and all I manage to say back is hello without much conviction. I spot Sammy with Matthew. He has his arm around her and kisses her cheek as she giggles. I don't blame her Matthew is cute, but he is kind of a snob.

"Kind of makes you wish they would get a room huh?" A voice says near my ear.

I jump and hit the guy's drink spilling it on him. "Shit I am sorry. I say stuttering trying to help him and graze his stomach.

He laughs, and it sounds so beautiful, "No worries man, it was my fault for creeping up on you. " He tells me and takes off his beer soaked shirt. He sticks out his hand, and I take it, "I'm Seth."

I'm completely awestruck, having lost my words, as he is waiting for me to reply. I am staring at his ripped stomach it's so fucking beautiful in the fire light, I finally force myself to look up at his smiling white teeth. "Colt..Colton." I say feeling like an idiot.

He laughs again as I get butterflies in my stomach and a familiar stirring in my jeans, "Nice to meet you man." He grabs a chair and pulls it right up to my chair. "So you go to school with my cousin Matthew?"

I have to stop myself from staring at his stomach, "Yeah...I do."

"So you and him cool? I mean I see you keep eyeing him with that girl. Are you crushing on her?" he asks nodding towards Sammy and Matthew.

I laugh, "No! I came here with Sammy, but she is like a little sister to me. She is best friends with my sister. I don't have a girlfriend or anything." I tell him, "Shit sorry I am rambling."

"It's cool man, you look like you are out of your element here." He says as if it's the truth, which it kind of is.

I give him a laugh, "Yeah I guess I am. I don't really do this whole party thing."

He hits my arm and my body starts to tingle, "Why not man it's the best part of being in high school!"

"Yeah I guess, I'm usually working with my dad. Or chillin with my best friend." I tell him.

"I see, I am going to go get a beer to replace the one you spilled on me, want anything?"

"A water would be cool." I say.

He laughs, and gets up. I watch him as he circles the fire, over to the cooler. I see a girl come up to him, and smile. She puts her hand on his stomach and smiles, he gives a smirk and she giggles. He grabs two bottles of beer and makes his way back over.

"Damn girls can't keep their hands off me!" he says laughing. "Oh they didn't have any water, so I didn't know if you did soda or anything." He says.

I look over at Sammy, and she is all over Matthew. I look around me and almost everyone has someone to hook up with. The girl that was touching Seth's stomach is now over here trying to talk to him. I feel completely alone right now.

"Screw it I will take the beer." I say grabbing his extra one. He smiles at me and turns his attention back to the girl.

I throw the beer back and chug it. It's not like I haven't ever drank beer before, I just rather not, but tonight I don't even care. I finish the beer off in less than five minutes. I get up and grab two more from the cooler and walk around. This sucks I hate being at these social gatherings with people like this from my school. I am not my sister. She's so outgoing and friends with everyone, where as I am shy and quiet, with few friends.

Dani can keep a conversation going on and on, whereas I can't. I know I am way buzzed I have had three drinks, and I reach for my fourth cracking the bottle open and starting to drink it. I look over and the girl is in Seth's lap. They will probably have sex tonight, and he is supposed to be my ride home. I grab another beer as I find another chair by the fire, across from Seth.

I am so lost in my head and drinking this god awful beer that I don't even register the commotion going on. I try to get up but the force of gravity hits me like a brick and I stumble. "What's going on?" I ask but no one is listening.

I shake my head and it's a bad idea, I lose my balance again but someone grabs me. "Dude we have to go the cops are on their way!"

"Shit. I am so drunk!" I say laughing.

"I noticed come on lean on me my car isn't too far away." The voice says.

I look over and it's Seth. He throws my arm over his shoulders, and we rush to the car. He opens the door of his car. I think it's a mustang, but I am not sure. "Please don't puke in the car man." He says as he puts me in the passenger seat.

He runs over to the driver's side and hops in and fires it up. "Shit man we have to hit it! I feel him hit the gas and I am pushed back into the seat. "Dude that was close as hell, I saw the lights as we rounded the corner.

"Pull over I am going to puke!" I yell.

He pulls the car over and I barely make it out of the car before I am puking. After about a minute I think, I lay on the ground. "Dude come on man we have to get you back into the car. " Seth says standing over me.

"I think I puked on my shirt." I moan out.

"Take it off man." He says holding out his hands.

I pull the shirt off and toss it into the ditch, "Why did you do that man?"

"I hated that damn thing; Sammy wanted me to wear it." I tell him.

He helps me get up, and gets me into the car. "Dude I can't take you home like this, you can crash at my place tonight." He says.

"I gotta tell my dad." I slur.

"Give me your phone." He says.

"No man you can't tell him I am drunk!"

"I'm not dude I am just going to text him saying you're staying at you best friend's house. What is his name?"

"Dad." I say.

"Not your dad, but your best friend!"

"Oh its Jeff." I tell him feeling embarrassed.

I hand him my phone, and he types away so fast. He waits and I hear my phone go off. "He said ok have fun." Seth says.

"Cool." I slur.

My eyes start to get heavy; as I watch the lights pass us on the drive to his house. "So why were you even at the party?" He asks.

"Sammy made me go."

"That chick with my cousin?" He asks.

I jolt up right, and I grab my head it feels like it's going to split in half. I bring my knees to my chest and rest my head on them. That's when I look down and notice I am wearing sweats that are not mine. I slowly peek up and realize I have no idea where I am.

I look over and I see Seth passed out next to me. His bare chest is showing, and that's when I get the iron metallic watery taste in my mouth. I jolt out of bed, and see a door that is cracked open that has to be the bathroom.

I barely make it to my knees in front of the toilet before I start puking. I heave and cough, for what seems like forever. "Puking again? Keep that up and I will start thinking you have a disorder." I hear a voice from the door way.

I look over at Seth flashing me a smile. He is standing in the doorway with nothing but sweats on. My eyes rake over his smooth abs and nice chest. "I don't have a puking disorder!" I groan out.

He puts his hands up as in defense, "I believe you man."

"I don't remember even getting out of the car last night." I tell him as I stand up and make my way over to the sink.

"I had to carry you out of my car dude you were passed out."

I feel the heat rush to my face, I spit the water I had in my mouth out. "I am so sorry man..." I tell him.

"It's not a big deal man, so do you want some breakfast?"

My stomach grumbles at the mention of food and I grab it and blush again, "I guess that answers my question."

I follow him out of the bathroom back into his bedroom. "Dang your room is huge man." I tell him.

He turns back towards me and smiles, "I guess I never realized it was honestly."

I finally get a good look at him, he had this sparkling white smile, and he has light brown hair that has light natural highlighted spots in it, his hair curled outward at the ends. He had dark brown eyes that held a hint of mischief. He was muscular, but not a beefy jock. He was a little taller than me.

"Take a picture it will last longer." He says jokingly.

"Sorry it's just I normally get to know the person before I jump into bed with them!" I say with a smile and a wink, and instantly regret what I said, I had no idea when I got so bold.

"Well to be honest, it's not every night I have to carry someone inside my house, and not get any action." He smiles and winks back then turns and grabs a tank top off his dresser, as I watch the muscles in his back move while he puts the shirt on.

I just shift, not really knowing what to do, "Well it's not every night I get drunk." I tell him laughing.

He nods for me to follow him. I didn't realize how huge the house was, or the fact we were upstairs. The room led to a huge hallway, and we passed a bunch of rooms on the way to the stairs. I didn't get to stop and stare at the pictures on the wall I barely even glanced at them. We make our way down stairs and into the kitchen.

"So what do you want?" he asks looking back at me.

I shrug my shoulders, "I normally just drink coffee and get going." I tell him.

He laughs, "So eggs it is."

I sit at the bar watching him as he starts taking eggs out of the icebox. "Cheese omelets good for you?"

"Yeah that's cool." I tell him.

"Who are you?" I hear a voice ask from my left.

I nearly fall off the stool, "who are you?"

"I asked you first!" the boy says.

"Beau! Leave our guest alone!" Seth says.

The boy snickers. He gets up and walks to Seth and punches him in the shoulder, and whispers something in his ear. Seth gives him a playful shove. "Dude go watch TV or something, I will call you when breakfast is done!"

"Who was that?" I ask.

"That was my little brother Beau. He's a sneaky kid." Seth says not turning around.

"I had no idea you had a little brother Yall look nothing alike." I say leaning on the bar more.

"Yeah you wouldn't have known that I had one, or that I have an older brother. Someone was piss drunk last night." He says snappy.

I put my hands up in surrender, "Okay man. I thought I apologized for that. Look thanks for last night, but I think I will just leave now."

I make my way back to his room. I find my clothes, well only my pants. I take off the sweats and put my pants on. My phone is still in my pocket and it has fifteen percent life left. I call my sister, "please pick up Dani!" I say.

"Where the hell are you?" she asks.

"I'm at Seth's. Matthews's cousin. Can you come get me?"

She sighs, "Where does he live?"

"Look I don't know. I will find out."

"Hang up the phone Colton." Seth says as he enters the room.

I shoot him a dirty look. "Where do you live?"

"In Austin, look I will take you home ok. Breakfast is ready." He says.

"Are you okay Colt? He sounds kinda mean. Did he hurt you?"

"No Dani, I will just call you back ok." I tell her.

I hang up the phone and turn towards him, "look I don't want to eat anything, I just want to go home. Obviously I said or did something to piss you off and I am sorry for that." I tell him.

"Dude no it's not like that at all, just please let's eat and I will take you home man."

Thank you for reading and the emails!!! They do mean a lot to me! Also as always Thank you to my editor M! He is great and without him none of this is possible. So I will be posting bi-weekly so I can still stay ahead on chapters. I believe I need to address a few things, I did receive an email that was kind of rude, but its ok. This person questioned my story and my writing abilities as I cannot finish something. I am aware of the fact I have two other stories that are not finished, simply for the fact I get writers block, I understand as a reader you want more of the stories you love. As a writer I want that too. That said I am super critical of my writing M hears it all the time from me, I am like is this good enough it could be better. Also I do this for free M does all the editing for free we take time out of our lives for this. I enjoy the writing and getting to know you all. M enjoys the feedback as well. I will be finishing the other two stories when I am ready and I think it's good enough to be read. I don't let M edit anything I think is subpar. But thank you all for the support remember follow my tumblr get to know me!


Next: Chapter 3

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