Counting to Ten

By Andrej Koymasky

Published on Oct 28, 2010


COUNTING TO TEN by Andrej Koymasky (c) 2010 Written on September 15th 1994 Translated by the Author English text kindly revised by Peter Cowley


"COUNTING TO TEN" is a gay story, with some parts containing graphic scenes of sex between males. So, if in your land, religion, family, opinion and so on this is not good for you, it will be better not to read this story. But if you really want, or because YOU don't care, or because you think you really want to read it, please be my welcomed guest.


And finally came the day when Taddeo, under hypnosis, lay on the bed to be massaged. The boy, making an evident effort, when he was naked on the bed, murmured: "Come on, you too... I too want to... to massage you... in that way..."

Nando, excited, undressed and lay near the naked body of the other. They started to massage each other, but it was more like an erotic caress than a massage. After a while, at Ken's signal, Nando bent down to give head to Taddeo and after a few minutes also the boy bent to suck Nando, under the amused and attentive look of Ken. Until both boys came, each in the other's mouth, eagerly drinking each other's gift.

Nando looked at him getting dressed and leaving. Then Ken rapidly undressed, went on the bed and, without saying a word, he took his assistant, fucking him with great gusto - the scene had excited him very much. He took Nando for a long while, until Nando reached a second, strong orgasm, and then Ken also unloaded inside the welcoming young man's little ass, moaning with him in his pleasure.

"Oh, Ken, I want him... I want to fuck him... He is now ready, isn't he? Tell me that in the next sitting I can finally fuck his nice ass!"

"I don't yet know. He is going faster than I thought, but... Do you like him so much?"

"To die for. I want him..."

"We will see what we can do in the next sessions..." Ken said merrily, then, not yet sated, started again to fuck Nando.

But Nando was losing strength of will that enabled him to exercise a certain amount of self-control.

So, one evening that he took the elevator and that he was alone with Taddeo, Nando said to the lift boy, without hypnotizing him: "I wanted to tell you something..."

"Yes, sir?"

"I like you very much."

Taddeo blushed and murmured: "Thank you, sir."

"Would you become my boyfriend, please?"

"I... I like you very much, but..."

Nando leaned against him, in silence, put his hand on the boy's fly fingering him, pulled him to himself and French kissed him. The boy resisted him, weakly wriggling away in silence, but Nando felt that Taddeo was getting a strong hard on. The elevator stopped and Nando parted from the lift boy just a moment before the door opened.

Confused, regretting letting himself go in that way, Nando was leaving when Taddeo stopped him pulling his sleeve, and murmured: "I like you very much, sir... May we meet after my shift?"

"Eh? Yes, sure... will you came to my room?"

"The staff cannot go in the guests rooms... Can you wait for me at the Ketty bar, here in front of the hotel, at eleven? And then... we can go... to my place, if... if you want." Taddeo said with a low voice, blushing deliciously.

"Yes, sure. I'll be there..." Nando answered deeply excited, while the elevator door was sliding close.

He said nothing to Ken, but at a quarter to eleven he left his room and went to the bar to wait for Taddeo. He arrived a few minutes after eleven. He wasn't wearing his tight uniform any more, but jeans and a T shirt. Nando welcomed him with a wide smile.

"Good evening, sir." the boy said, slightly blushing.

"Hi. My name is Nando... I'm just a little older than you, don't call me sir..."

"Yes, out of duty... as you like, Nando."

"Were can we go? At you place, you said?"

"Yes, if you like. It's small, but quiet..."

"Do you live alone?" Nando asked while they were going.


"Do you know that I like you very much?"

"I too like you... But I... it is the first time that... so you have to... teach me all..."

"Yes... it will be great..."

"I... I must confess you... that I'm somewhat... scared..."

"By what? By me?"

"By you... I never did it, as I told you... not even with a girl... You will be the first. I like you, but... You resemble someone I saw... someone who makes love with a boy resembling me... He puts it inside him and... Will it not hurt?"

"Do you want me to take you?"

"Yes..." Taddeo whispered and violently blushed.

Nando was already fully aroused. He smiled: "I'll not hurt you, don't worry. You will see, it will be beautiful..."

"I hope... but I wanted to try... and... with you..."

"I too, from the first time I saw you."

They arrived in the small studio of the boy. As soon as Taddeo closed the door, Nando took him in his arms and kissed him deep in his mouth. Taddeo at once eagerly returned the kiss, suckling with pleasure Nando's tongue that was roaming inside his mouth. Nando started to undress him with feverish hands. The boy panted, and let him do it, docile, but already aroused.

"Undress me..." Nando asked, prey of a very strong excitement.

"Yes..." the boy answered, starting to undress the youth.

When they were completely naked, their clothes spread all around in a mess, Nando whispered him with a voice hoarse with desire: "Suck it, now..." and slightly pushed down on the youth shoulders. Taddeo readily knelt in front of him and started to lick and suck the hard member that the other was offering him.

Then Nando seized his head with both his hands, and started to fuck him into his mouth. Taddeo moaned, prey of a strong pleasure, welcoming that strong and hard member and letting it slip into his throat, sucking it with greediness.

But after a while Nando slipped out of his mouth, made him stand up and panted, excitedly: "Where is the bed... I want you..."

"It's here..." the boy whispered making a panel of the closet turn down and revealing a ready made bed.

Nando pushed him on it, making him lie on his back. He spread the boy's legs and knelt between them, rising them and making them lie over his shoulders. Taddeo, docile, let himself be manoeuvred, looking, with slight apprehension in his eyes, to his expert fellow.

"Now I'll make you mine, Taddeo..."

"Yes... but, be gentle, please..."

"You'll like it, Taddeo. You'll like feeling me inside yourself..."

"Yes..." the boy murmured with emotion, waiting anxiously the moment he would lose his virginity, and caressing his companion's chest.

Nando bent to lick and lube the boy's still unviolated hole. Taddeo, at that contact, quivered. Nando worked him for a long while, with sheer passion, rimming the throbbing little hole, and anticipating the imminent penetration.

"Now, if you relax completely, my beautiful boy, I will not hurt you..." Nando said getting ready to finally violate that untouched door of pleasure.

As he felt the hot glans leaning decidedly on his flesh bud, Taddeo quivered again. Nando was pushing with slowly increasing strength, excited feeling the instinctive resistance of the still virgin hole of the boy to his invasion.

He started to penetrate him and Taddeo did a faint moan: "No, please... I'm scared..."

"No, relax, boy... I want you badly..." Nando said continuing to push with more energy and feeling the tight opening to surrender little by little.

"No no, please... no... stop it..." Taddeo moaned, shaking his head, but doing nothing to escape that first, determined intrusion.

Nando then seized his wrists, holding them fast at the sides of the boy's shoulders, continuing to push open his way inside the boy, and starting to invade his hot and tight channel.

Taddeo moaned in a low voice: "No, Nando, no... stop it... it hurts... no, please..."

But Nando, a little for the strong desire he was feeling, a little because the boy, even repeating his no, in reality did nothing to escape him, continued, and rather increased again his pressure, starting to inexorably slip inside him.

"Oh, nooo... nooo..." the boy moaned, closing his eyes.

"Yes! You are mine! I'm entering you, I'm making you really mine!"

"Oh my god... it hurts.... Oh, Nando... yours is too big... I'm not used... Stop, please...."

"No... I am now almost all inside you..." Nando panted excited, continuing to slowly sink inside the boy his hot, stiff, strong pole.

"Oh, Nando... ooooh..."

"Yes, Taddeo, you are mine! You are finally mine. Tell me you like it... go on, tell me..."

"No... yes... oh god! Ooooh.... You are... making me die..."

"But you like it, say it!" Nando insisted entering him more and more deeply, gently holding him still under his body.

"Oh god... oooh... it hurts... I feel you... it's so big..."

"No, it is just right for you, feel how it enters you, so smoothly... I like you, Taddeo, I like you so much! You have a nice little ass, hot and tight, a real delight... Here... here... I'm all inside you." he panted when he felt that his groin was strongly pressed against the small, firm, round buttocks of the no more virgin boy.

Then he started to move back and forth, with slow and gentle strokes, tender even if determined and firm. Taddeo was quivering under him, panting, his eyes tightly shut. He moaned lowly, but his moans, more than of pain, were now clearly of pleasure. This made Nando even more excited, so that he started to give stronger thrusts to his going and coming inside the conquered channel of the boy.

"O my god, Nando... oooh... it hurts... oooh..."

Nando continued, but now was no more keeping him still, he was caressing his body, kissing him, continuing to take him with increasing pleasure. Their mouth united again and Taddeo started to suck his companion's tongue with passion - he had completely surrendered. This made increase even more Nando's arousal who felt he was rapidly approaching his final explosion. So he started to massage with his hand the throbbing member of the boy, and with the other to tease his small, flat and firm nipples. Taddeo was shuddering stronger and stronger, and became all tense... They finally cummed together, Nando in the just violated deepness of his companion, and Taddeo between their tense bellies.

Panting, they relaxed, the throbbing member of Nando still deeply embedded inside the little ass of his companion.

"You hurt me..." Taddeo complained, but with a sweet voice.

"Because it is your first time, and you weren't able to completely relax. But, you'll see, each time it will be more and more beautiful for you too..." the youth whispered gently, without withdrawing from his companion.

He caressed him for a long while, until he felt he was really relaxing. Then finally parted. He embraced him, cuddling him, almost to apologize for the little violence he used to him. Taddeo cuddled against his chest, then raised his face and searched with his lips for Nando's lips. They united in a long kiss. Without a word, they started again to caress each other with sweet intimacy. Taddeo had forgiven him.

And rather, after not even half an hour, with a faint voice, Taddeo whispered: "I... I would like... doing it again..."


"Yes... take me again, please..."

"But, didn't it hurt you?"

"I don't care. I want again fell you move inside me. I want feel it some more..."

"But, isn't it too big?" Nando joked, lightly caressing and kissing him.

Taddeo answered to his kiss, but with sheer passion, clinging to him and spreading his legs in a clear offer. Nando at once got a new hard on, and started again to open his way between the boy's sweet buttocks. Taddeo caressed Nando's body, and when he felt that he was again sinking inside him, with a deep sigh he pushed his ass against his groin.

Taddeo then murmured with deep emotion: "Oh yes... take me..."

Nando didn't need to be told twice. He took the boy, this time with real transport, without controlling himself - Taddeo wanted him!

The boy started again to moan, but this time he was whispering: "Oh, soooo.... yes... sooo... go on... harder... go on... yeeees...."

Nando stared to hammer inside him with growing pleasure, caressing and kissing the boy with sheer passion. The boy answered with the same passion and now, his eyes open, smiled him joyfully.

"Do you like it? Tell me!" Nando asked looking deeply in his eyes, while he was pumping inside him, making his fresh and sweet body jolt at each thrust.

"Oh, yes, I do..." Taddeo panted.

Nando felt happy for this answer and felt almost grateful to the boy as he wanted, making again love with him, tell him how much he was enjoying that sexual experience, his first... Having taken the boy's virginity, made Nando feel a sense of responsibility towards the boy. He was his first man, he was the first person with which the boy had sex... He wanted Taddeo to be happy at least as much as he was feeling happy.

This time they both needed more time to reach their orgasm, and both they enjoyed very much that second, long union. After Nando came, he wanted to make Taddeo cum inside his mouth, so he bent down to suck him, caressing him and teasing his nipples at the same time, and he discovered that the boy was particularly sensitive in that place. In fact Taddeo was tossing and rocking all over, because of the intensity of his pleasure, and when he unloaded himself in the eager mouth of his young companion, he moaned aloud and strongly in his pleasure.

Panting, he relaxed on the mattress and, looking at Nando, said: "I really enjoyed it a lot, even more than before... I would have liked it to never end... It is too good feeling you inside me. You are strong, you can do with me anything you want..." and he blushed.

Nando understood that what the boy was telling him, was what the boy really desired - to be dominated. Not in a S and M relationship, that Nando would never have accepted, but like an adult and a boy, even if they were so close in age. He wanted to be dominated, taken, but also protected, cuddled. And he was ready to do all that. Taddeo was giving himself to him, body and soul.

To be sure of his intuition, Nando asked him: "Do you want to belong to me?"

"Oh, yes!"

"Will you always do what I tell you?"

"Yes, always."

"Anything and everything?"

"Yes, sure... you can try me..."

"In a while, I have to move to another city, with Ken, for our shows. Perhaps for a while we will not able to meet."

"Oh..." Taddeo murmured, disappointed.

"Will you wait for me? Will you avoid having sex with other people, meanwhile?"

"Of course I will. But... do you promise me that you will come back to me?"

Nando thought a little while, then, caressing him, asked: "Would you be ready to leave your job and to follow me?"

"If you want me to do so, I'm ready."

"Just... for the moment I will not able to maintain you and you will not able to find a new job, Ken and I seldom remain in the same place for more than one month..."

"I... I want to be only yours... But you... are you Ken's lover?"

"I have sex with him but I am not his lover. I like you so much. I really want you to become my steady lover."

"I too want to be... I want to belong to you..."

"We will be here still for another ten days... then... I will see what we can do..."

"During this time, will you come and make love with me?" the boy asked with a sound of hope in his voice.

"Of course, yes."

They embraced tightly, almost clinging to each other. They kissed with passion. Nando became again aroused and the boy, as soon as he become aware of that, with a sweet smile, without a word, offered again himself to his new, and first lover. And for the third time, they made love.

When Nando was back to his hotel, it was two 'o clock a.m.


In my home page I've put some of my stories. If someone wants to read them, the URL is

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Next: Chapter 6

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