Counting to Ten

By Andrej Koymasky

Published on Oct 14, 2010


COUNTING TO TEN by Andrej Koymasky (c) 2010 Written on September 15th 1994 Translated by the Author English text kindly revised by Peter Cowley


"COUNTING TO TEN" is a gay story, with some parts containing graphic scenes of sex between males. So, if in your land, religion, family, opinion and so on this is not good for you, it will be better not to read this story. But if you really want, or because YOU don't care, or because you think you really want to read it, please be my welcomed guest.


Ken was a conscientious and accurate teacher, even fastidious at times, and this made Nando think that he would really and deeply learn the mysterious art that was being unveiled to him.

They went to lunch together, then Nando accompanied Ken to the theater to prepare the evening show. Ken gave him more explanations, explained details about what he would do, about the how's and why's, and Nando mentally took note of everything.

They had dinner, then prepared for the show. It was not so different from the one Nando saw and that fascinated him so much, but now he could see it, so to say, from behind the scenes and several details that as an audience he didn't notice, started to reveal their importance to him.

After the show, he helped Ken change his attire, then went with him to the hotel.

"So, then, what do you think of this first day?" the man asked him while they were going with the elevator to their rooms.

"Fascinating, simply fascinating."

"Hey, now much enthusiasm, but you will see that all this will soon become routine and will not seem so extraordinary to you. Good, now go to your room, undress, take a shower then come to my bed, I feel like fucking, tonight."

"All right... yes." Nando said, brusquely called back to the reality of their agreement. When in his room, he undressed, carefully showered for a good while, then dried himself, and opened the communication door. Ken already was on his bed, naked. He had a lean but muscled body, slightly hairy, and a good sized member rested soft on his thigh.

Ken sketched a smile and spread his legs, made him sign to go on his bed: "Suck it, first, make it harden, go on!" he ordered to the boy.

Nando got on the bed, settling on his knees between the spread legs of the man. He crouched down and bent to satisfy his request. He always liked to suck, and that member that was becoming turgid between his lips, gave him a sharp pleasure sensation, so that also his member hardened, almost in answer to the man's excitation. He was pushing it to his throat, he titillated it with his tongue, he sucked moving his head up and down on the man's groin, until he could feel the thick hairs tickle his nose. Also the male and musky scent of that member, that permeated his nostrils, increased his arousal. When Ken was fully excited, he said to Nando to go on all his fours and knelt at his back. He spread the lubricant on the tight hole and massaged it for a good while with his inquisitive finger, penetrating it little by little. Nando was waiting, somewhat tense, the imminent real penetration to which, he was thinking, he had to get used.

He felt Ken seizing his hips, and then his hard and quivering member slipping in the fold between his buttocks, searching until it located the ready hole. He felt him pushing. He felt being spread open...

"Ouch!" he murmured stiffening a little.

"Relax... you like it... yes, you like it very much... it doesn't hurt you... feel it, how good it is..." the man said with a persuasive tone and Nando became aware, amazed, that it was true, he liked it, he wanted it all inside himself, it was not hurting at all... He understood that in some ways Ken was hypnotizing him, but he didn't care. The man's voice continued: "You like it, right?"

"Yes..." Nando murmured, feeling it slipping inside him, big and hard.

"You like it very much, isn't it?" the man continued.

"Oh yes..." Nando moaned quivering and willingly surrendering to that flesh column filling him.

"And therefore you will cumm when I will cumm, right?"

"Oh yessss..." the boy groaned pushing his ass against the strong rod.

He felt Ken starting to hammer inside him at a fast rhythm. Nando was feeling a strange sensation - his memory told him he never really did like being penetrated, but his body was sending him opposite signals. He understood that it was the effect of Ken voice, but this didn't trouble him, because he thought that one day he too would have been able to provoke the same sensations in the boys he wanted to take. Ken continued to keep him bound with his voice, bending him completely to his lust. He continued to make his big swollen tool slip in and out in a rhythm now slow and solemn, enjoying the tight and hot hole of the boy, who was helpless in his hands, but absolutely not passive.

In fact Nando tossed under him in the right way to increase the pleasure of both, and the boy was amazed for the intense enjoyment he was getting from that sexual intercourse, so unusual for him.

"You are enjoying my big cock in your little ass, don't you?"

"Oh, yes, it is great!"

"How much do you like it?"

"So very much! Go on, harder..."

"Do you like being screwed by me?"

"Oh yes, yeeeeessss, I love it...."

Ken penetrated him for a long while, vigorously, and Nando, astounded, felt he was hoping that fuck to never end. When Ken panted "I'm cumming..." and started to unload inside him with few determined strokes, also Nando, without even having touched himself, came with an intensity he never before felt.

They laid on the bed, panting. Then Ken asked him: "You enjoyed it, didn't you?"

"Yes. Even if I usually like being a top, not a bottom. I prefer being the one who fucks, and yet I enjoyed your fuck very much."

"Hypnosis can do also this, and even if the subject is fully awake as you were."

"Yesterday also, when you took me, has been so?" Nando asked, starting to feel a certain irritation on his hole.

"More or less. But yesterday you were asleep, and I gave you the order not to remember. To me, it has been more amusing today, in this way. And for you?"

"It has been strange. My head told me I didn't like it, but at the same time my body was telling me the exact opposite. It was a strange sensation. I knew you had hypnotized me, but it was as... I was another person - I didn't care, I was happy that way."

"The reality is that you like also being a bottom. Just inside your head there is a rejection, your body loves being penetrated. I understood that yesterday, therefore... You will see, you will come to accept, even inside your head, that you like being fucked, even without using hypnosis. It will just ask some time. But we will not miss time."

"Did you like fucking me?"

"Sure. I know I am not exactly your type, but you are mine. You really have a nice, desirable, little, hot ass. And I am very glad I can enjoy you any and every time I feel like. Well, you can go to your bed, now."

Nando was somewhat surprised by that sudden dismissal, but nodded and went back to his room. In bed, he recalled that first, intense day, the things he was learning, and Ken's behaviour.

The man was for sure not treating him in a romantic way, to him he was just an agreeable fuck. But Nando, after all, didn't care so much. Ken, with his suggestive voice, was able to make it a pleasurable fuck also for Nando, and to the boy that was enough. No useless mawkishness - he, in bed, was paying the price of the precious lessons he received, as the agreement was. He was happy with that. He was just longing to reach a sufficient level to start to use the new talents he was beginning to acquire. He would have taken in his bed Marco, and Danilo, and a thousand more people. Who knows how long it would take to become able to make believe, for instance, to Marco, that he was exactly the type he always dreamed about? At the price, eventually to make him believe he had twice Marco's age? He fell asleep dreaming numberless conquests, and he even forgot the irritation he felt for the recent strong and long penetration.

For several days Nando played the role of stage assistant, wearing his "Sunday" clothes. But then the hypnotist had the first real stage clothes made for him. The lessons continued at a good rhythm, and also the fucks, and not always in night time - at times Ken wanted him also when they were in the dressing room, standing, making him lower his trousers just enough. Nando was aware that Ken used less and less, with him, his suggestion power and that he was undergoing more and more willingly, spontaneously, those sexual services. His mind and his body were harmonizing, and he really liked more and more being invaded by the big and strong member of the man. Nando was also learning to read in the man's eyes the awakening of the sexual desire, and answered to it without hesitation. From his part Ken was teaching him how to develop his hypnosis talents, with endurance and method.

And it came the day when, in their tours, Ken decided to make Nando test his skills. For that reason he accepted to perform for a youths association. For the first time Nando tried to hypnotize a kid.

"You feel good, you are relaxed... yes, you really feel fine... when you will hear this music... listen... you will stand up on your seat, and you will be the director of the orchestra playing it... Now I will count to ten and you will remember nothing, you will feel fine, fresh and relaxed... one, two, three, you feel fine, four, five, six, seven, you feel really fine, eight, nine, ten."

The kid opened his eyes and looked at him with an interrogative air. Nando knew very well that the boy was thinking nothing happened, that he had not been hypnotized.

Nando asked him: "How do you feel?"

"Fine..." the boy answered quietly. His companions were starting to giggle, but kept silent.

"You can go back to your seat, then..."

"But you didn't hypnotize me..."

"Well, it doesn't always work, you see..." Nando answered with an apologizing smile.

The boy shrug his shoulder and went back to his place. Ken performed a couple of turns, then that music started. The kid, who was sitting at his place amongst the audience, suddenly stood up, climbed his seat and started to direct the non-existent orchestra, amongst the laughter of all the audience. When suddenly the music stopped, the kid became aware he was standing on his seat and looked around in embarrassment, without understanding what was happening. Everybody was laughing at his puzzled expression, he sat down, and when his companion explained him what he did, the kid shook his head, unbelieving. Ken then performed another couple of numbers with other boys, then again the music started and the kid hypnotized by Nando started again to direct the orchestra with real fervor.

After the show, Nando was really excited: "I did it! I really have been able to hypnotize him!" he exclaimed as soon as they were alone.

"Sure. But this was just a first step, a really easy one. You have to train a lot. Therefore from now on we will also accept to perform for a low price, in small parish theatres or in schools. Usually, after a show, you will be approached by people who wants to try, but alone. People who didn't feel like being a guinea pig in front of all the audience. I normally decline these requests, but to make you train, when it happens we will accept. Those who spontaneously are available out of the show, are normally the easiest to hypnotize. They know, in their subconscious, that they will obey to the hypnotic orders, and that's why they don't like to be a subject during the normal performance. They are the ideal guinea pigs, for your training. They 'want' to be hypnotized, they don't resist."

When Nando hypnotized somebody, Ken was always near him, to assume control if something abnormal or wrong happened. But everything seemed to go on well. Ken said that Nando seemed to have a natural gift as an hypnotist, and told him that, if he was patient and applied himself with diligence, in a few years he could become a very good hypnotist.

Now Nando was easily able to make his subjects believe they were doing particular works and activities, and also to make them answer sincerely to his questions, in short was starting to master the first two degrees.

Once, while in the dressing room of the theater Nando had hypnotized a boy, one of the volunteers of the after show, as Nando liked the subject, asked him, in hypnosis: "Do you like the male's body?"

"It is beautiful..." the subject uncertain answered.

"Would you like to make love with a male?" then Nando asked.

Ken smiled and shook his head amused. The boy didn't answer.

"Are you gay or straight?" then Nando asked.

Again the boy didn't answer.

"Did you ever fancy to have sex with a friend of your gender?"

Once again, no answer came.

"Awake him, now. Stop here." Ken said.

Nando was about objecting, but complied.

After they dismissed the boy, Ken asked to Nando: "You wanted to try, and I let you try. But, do you understand why the boy didn't answer your questions?"

"No, not really... until now everybody answered my questions, also to some very private."

"Yes, because you asked questions the subjects could have answered rather willingly, in the right situation. This boy, evidently, must have asked these questions to himself, but he didn't found the courage to answer them, not even inside himself. Therefore, he could not answer to you."

"Then, it means he is gay!" Nando said.

"No, not necessarily. We can say that possibly he is afraid to be gay. He can simply be a bisexual, for instance, but he doesn't accept himself. After all I believe that, as a nature, we all are bisexual beings. But then, in the most of the cases, we do an unconscious choice and so we become or just straight or just gay. Or even clearly bisexual. The choice can please us or not, especially when our choice contrasts with what society expects from us. Anyway... you are not yet able to make a subject to completely open."

"Would you have succeeded?"

"I really think so, but not with yours direct questions, moreover if they are done the first time you hypnotize a subject."

"Teach me how I have to do. That boy, for instance..."

"You evidently liked him, and therefore you forced your issue, and this is where you were wrong. You have to be less direct, when you are exploring a subject, and this much more when you saw the first time that he couldn't answer you. Remember, if they don't answer in hypnosis, it is not that they don't want to answer, it is that they cannot answer. If he was in peace with himself, he could have answered 'I don't know', and that meant he was still exploring himself and willing to do it. So, in these cases, you have to do neutral questions, than to awake them, and invite them to another hypnosis session, and perhaps to a third one..."

"I see, and each time it becomes more easy, right?"

"Yes, provided that you didn't awake in him the resistance of his subconscious, as you did with that boy insisting in your questions. If I didn't ask you to stop, he could even have woken up by himself, but he would have waken up in a bad way. At times negative symptoms can develop because of a wakening imposed by the subconscious to escape an unwelcome situation. If for instance I forced a boy refusing his gay component to have sex with me, without bringing him before to fully accept himself, not only I would not succeed, but he would suddenly wake up, and probably with a very strong headache. You have to be really careful, you can even risk to damage the psychic balance of a person. Therefore, you have to swear me you will never try to hypnotize somebody by yourself, alone, until it is me to tell you you can do it."

"Yes, I swear." Nando said meekly.

"Well... now relax..."

"You are..."

"Relax... you feel fine... relax... now I count to ten and..."

When Nando woke up, Ken smiled to him: "I had to be sure that your oath was serious and sincere. Go on, now, undress, I want to fuck you."

"Didn't you do it while I was hypnotized?" Nando said jokingly, starting to pull out his clothes.

"I don't need that any more. I know you are more than willing to please me. And you like it, don't you? Yes, look, you have a hard on even before starting to have sex with me." Ken said caressing the naked ass of his young assistant.

"Yes, you are right, but I would also like, at time, to have a nice boy to fuck, to bugger. For instance, did you notice this hotel's lift?" Nando said starting to undress also the man.

"Do you like that type of boy?"

"Yes, I find him really sexy, especially in his tight uniform. He has a really nice little ass."

"Yes, could be... but I like more your little ass. Come here, boy. We can possibly see, later, what to do to satisfy your yen. But now, give me your gorgeous ass, Nando!"

"You really would let me try with that lift?" the young man said going in all fours and offering himself to his teacher.

The man knelt at his back, took him at his waist and started to push inside him his already hard and shuddering tool. "We will see... Oh, here you are... feel it, how is entering in you... You like it, right?... You like feeling my cock all inside you, right?"

"Yes, go on..." Nando panted, still somewhat amazed for the transformation that happened in him.

He was feeling that big flesh pole rummaging inside him, massive, hot, hard, and he was feeling a strong pleasure. If Ken, besides giving him so much sex, gave him also some affection, Nando told himself, he could even fall in love with that virile and strong man. But Ken was just eager to amuse himself, to give vent to his lust. He did it in a pleasurable way, nothing to say, as a real sex expert, but...

Nando moaned, prey of the strong physical pleasure the man was giving him, penetrating and fucking him. Yes, his teacher was undoubtedly skilled, but Nando missed a boy who allowed him not only to penetrate, but also to exchange love. They reached orgasm together as usual, and Ken pushed himself inside the young man with vigor, unloading in his depths, while also Nando came spraying his semen all around, moaning in unison with the man.

"Yeah, I really love your ass, Nando!" the man exclaimed, slipping out of him, satisfied.


In my home page I've put some of my stories. If someone wants to read them, the URL is

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Next: Chapter 3

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