Counting to Ten

By Andrej Koymasky

Published on Oct 10, 2010


COUNTING TO TEN by Andrej Koymasky (c) 2010 Written on September 15th 1994 Translated by the Author English text kindly revised by Peter Cowley


"COUNTING TO TEN" is a gay story, with some parts containing graphic scenes of sex between males. So, if in your land, religion, family, opinion and so on this is not good for you, it will be better not to read this story. But if you really want, or because YOU don't care, or because you think you really want to read it, please be my welcomed guest.


When the telephone rung, he was just coming out from the shower. Brushing his hair with a towel, he took the receiver.


"Ciao, Nando. What are you doing?"

"Oh, Marco, ciao. I just had a shower."


"And with whom? You know that I have no lover, at the moment, don't you? I don't have your luck. How is Piero?"

"Fine. He just went out..."

"Did he spend the night with you?"

"Yes. Listen, I called you because he gave me two invitation tickets for tonight's show and I wanted to know if you feel like coming to see it with me."

"What show? Where?"

"That hypnotist I told you about, he's at the Odeon. I have two tickets, will you came? It is at nine 'o clock, we could have dinner together before, then go."

"Doesn't Piero want to come?"

"No, he is busy, he can't. He has night shooting. Do you want to come, then?"

"Well, anyway I have nothing to do, so... Were can we meet?"

"At seven thirty at Salerno pizza shop."

"All right. I will be there. Did you see Danilo?"

"You like him, eh?"

"He is an interesting guy..."

"Why don't you tell him?"

"No... you know I'm not able to, don't you? The more I like somebody, the more I become shy. I am not like you..."

"Even so, you will never find your Mister Right if you don't talk with them! You never go to a gay bar; you never go to a disco. And then, you complain about being alone. Do you want a lover or not?"

"Sure I want him, but..."

"Well then, why do you wait, do you think he will come down from the sky? You are almost twenty four, what are you waiting for?"

"Bah!... perhaps the disappointments I have had... I don't feel like going through all that again."

"Nothing ventured, nothing gained, my dear. Do you think I haven't had my disappointments? With Piero, now, it all seems to be going all right, but how long will it last? Bah! Anyway... So, we will meet at seven thirty at the pizza shop, all right?"

"Yes, Marco, see you later."

Nando hooked the receiver. He liked Marco and was also physically attracted to him, but Marco liked men much older than him, like Piero, who was eighteen years older than his friend. He made love with Marco just once, when they first met, two years before. They had had to share the same bed at the place of a common friend where they went to spend their vacations. Nando had all evening long felt a strong attraction for Marco. When they were in bed together, in the dark, Marco, aroused, stretched out his hand to caress Nando intimately. Feeling that he was also aroused, he pulled Marco's pajama trousers off. Marco in turn pulled off Nando's, slipped between his legs, sucking him for a while, then turned offering himself to the other. Nando penetrated him, full of excitation. No one said a word.

Marco laid on his belly, his legs spread, and Nando laid on top of him. Evidently Marco was enjoying the way Nando was pistoning into him. Nando slipped his hands under his chest and started teasing his nipples, while nibbling his neck and continuing to hammer inside him. Marco enjoyed the impetuous energy with which Nando was taking him. He felt him stopping, slightly panting, and understood that Nando, feeling near the orgasm, stoped in order to not cumm too soon. Good, he too wanted the fuck to last longer. After a while Nando resumed moving inside him, up and down. Marco turned his head the most he could and the two youths kissed, while Nando joyfully continued to take him.

After making love for a long while, they parted, sated, and fell asleep, still naked, and again without exchanging a word.

The following morning Nando woke up first, and looked at the naked body of his nineteen years old companion, and felt even more attracted by him than the evening before.

He woke up him, lightly caressing all his body and when Marco opened his eyes, he asked him: "Did you have a good sleep?"

"Yes, very good, thank you."

"Marco, I... I would like you to become my boyfriend... I like you and... I liked it so much, last night..."

"I too enjoyed it, but you are just three years older than me. I like mature men for a serious relationship. I'm sorry."

"But I like you so much!"

"I like you too, and last night has been good, but..."

"Do you already have a lover?"

"No. But even though I really enjoyed it last night... let's be just friends, please?" Marco said with gentleness.

Nando accept that, and now they really were friends. Even if Nando continued to feel attraction towards Marco. Possibly, because they made love, even if just once, there was an intimacy between them and they confided everything in each other. So Nando had been the first to know when Marco met Piero, a TV director, thirty nine years old, at a party. And how Marco had a crush on the man. So Marco went to see the director at his home, and told him he was in love with him, and asked him to make love. At first Piero didn't take their relation seriously - a nice lad was offering himself to him, and he didn't regret at all, on the contrary... But then, little by little Piero also fell in love with Marco, and now they loved each other and were getting on very well together. They really were a nice couple.

Nando felt like the only one not to have a lover. He knew it was not true, though... He met Danilo at Piero's home, when he held a party for the first anniversary with Marco. Danilo was twenty-seven years old. He was already chief stage designer at the Opera theater. He was a handsome young man, with an athletic body, and a smile that at once conquered Nando. But because he felt terribly attracted, Nando wasn't able to make Danilo understand his strong interest. He felt stupid, but it was like... the more he felt attraction towards somebody, the more he was inhibited and could not show his feelings and Danilo did nothing to make Nando understand if he too was interested in him or not. Anyway, Danilo didn't have a lover, he was free...

Nando prepared himself to go out and meet Marco. They ate a good pizza together. Marco, thanks to Piero, often had free tickets for shows. That Ken Williams was rather famous, TV and newspapers talked about him like the greatest hypnotist of all the times. The theater was full, but Marco's tickets were for the best seats as always, so they could comfortably watch all of the performance.

Nando was impressed - that Williams really seemed exceptional. He made his voluntary "guinea pigs" do incredible things. He made a guy drink water and he was sure he was drinking the best brand whisky, but what was even more funny, he became drunk! He made another guy wear glasses, and he believed that thanks to them he was able to see people naked, and it was funny to see his excited expression. Then he made a girl who was a heavy smoker feel disgusted by the taste of tobacco but then, when she tried to throw the cigarette in the ash tray, she was not able to leave it. He made three boys feel so hot and believing they were on a beach, undressed remaining just in their briefs, as if it was the most natural thing in this world to do. He made the audience believe that one of them was a famous star, and the "guinea pigs" went immediately to try to get his autograph, to touch him, even to kiss him.

But what mostly excited Nando, was when he called on the stage four more volunteers, all male, and made them sit in couples at the sides of the stage. He then made one in each couple believe the other to be a girl, and to the other that that was his girlfriend - well, the two couples of boys, started to embrace and kiss on the stage, convinced to be alone, at night, in a park. All the audience was laughing to tears, but Nando felt a shudder - with power like that, he could make love to whomever he liked, it was sufficient to make the other believe he was a girl in love with him. It was fantastic!

The performance was a real triumph. Nando, after the show, asked Marco if there was a way to meet that Williams, to talk with him.

"Do you like him? Is he gay, do you know?" his friend asked him, cunningly.

"No, I am interested in his art. He is not my type. I would like to know how he does it, how is it possible to do the incredible things he can do. I would simply like to talk to him."

"Williams remains here one month, that I know. I don't know if Piero is his friend, but he knows him, for sure. I can ask him if he can put you in contact with Williams. I don't know..."

"Oh, yes, please! I really would like so much to meet him!"

"You say he is not your type, but I never saw you so interested to somebody. Not even to Danilo."

"It is different. Who knows how he does it? I would like to learn..."

"Ah, now I understand! Do you know that you are a real cunning old devil? But I don't know if it would work, he always interrupted them before they... I mean, I don't know if they would have gone further, if he didn't wake them up. I think that the subconscious remains at work and that nobody can be forced to do under hypnosis what he would not do normally..."

"Well, that's exactly what I want to understand."

"And eventually do it. But even if with that skill you were able to take in your bed whomever you like, what pleasure could you find in a guy who comes with you because he believes you, or himself, another? It would be like doing it with a robot, a zombie, a... don't you think"

"And who says it could not be pleasurable doing it with a robot?" Nando asked with a smile shrugging his shoulders.

"Aren't you thinking to try with me, afterwards, by chance?" Marco asked him jokingly, but looking him in his eyes.

"Anyway, you say that in your opinion nobody will do something he would not normally do, therefore, what are you worrying about?" Nando answered with a mysterious smile.

Piero knew Williams well and accepted to introduce him to Nando. When he was alone with the hypnotist, at first they talked about hypnosis in general. Williams explained him that there are five degrees of hypnosis.

The first, the most simple, to which 95% of people are sensitive, consists of making the subject "sleep" and in making him talk telling the truth, or to put it better, not telling lies. In this degree is also possible to make the subject do neutral movements, make him believe to be in a different place, make him believe to be alone or in company, make him feel warmth, coolness, in short to act on his five senses.

The second degree, to which about 75% of people are sensitive, consists in making the subject believe they are a different person, but always for neutral professions, say an orchestra conductor, or a model, or a cook, or a policeman

To the third degree, 55% of people react. It consists in making the subject believe to be a completely different person and personality, for instance, the opposite sex, or a stripper, or a criminal, a Mafia man, a monk.

Then, only 35% of people is sensitive to the fourth degree, that consists in bringing to light the most secret and hidden passion of a person, something he would never admit with another person, like a closeted homosexual (and here Nando pricked up his ears).

And last, the fifth degree, to which just 15% of people react, consists of the full mastery over the subject. In this degree, you can bring a person to admit his most unknown passion, like making a repressed and unconscious homosexual accept his being. But this mastery, anyway, stops where the moral barriers are really strong. For instance you cannot make of a man a killer, if he would never ever accept, even in his most deep subconscious, to killing a person.

Nando came to know also that a person subjected several times to hypnosis, become more and more easy to hypnotize. Therefore, if the first time he was sensible just to the first degree, little by little you can bring him to the second and third degree. That is the reason why Williams always started his performances only with requests of the first and second degree.

Then Nando asked if anybody can become an hypnotist, and what was the way to become one. Williams answered that almost everybody could become an hypnotist of the first degree, and that the percentages were more or less the same than those of the hypnotized people. And he added that he was a hypnotist of the fifth degree.

Finally Nando, almost being in a cold sweat with the emotion, asked Williams if he was willing to have him as his apprentice, if he wanted to teach him to hypnotize. Williams answered that he had many requests, that he could not accept all the requests. Moreover he would remain there just a few weeks, he traveled a lot. Nando then said him that if he accepted him as a student, he would have be his assistant, waiter, and lackey for free, following him just for the cost of food and shelter. Williams hedged a while, Nando insisted very much.

They seemed to have reached a standstill, when Williams said to Nando: "Do you accept to be hypnotized, here and now?"

"If you accept me as your assistant..." Nando answered.

"No, if you let me hypnotize you, I will ask you questions to which you can only answer sincerely. And basing myself on your answers, I will decide if to accept your request or not."

Nando thought he had little to lose. If he didn't accept, Williams almost surely would not take him as his student-assistant. Therefore, after thinking a while, accepted.

Williams started making him relax, then giving him the hypnotic orders. Nando didn't feel anything different from usual. He had full self-control, while the other was telling him that at the ten he would be asleep, and started to count.

When Nando heard the number ten, nothing happened.

The man smiled to him and asked: "So, then, how do you feel?"

"Fine. But you didn't hypnotize me."

"Ah, really? What time is it, please?" the man asked, always smiling.

Nando looked at his wrist, and saw with amazement he didn't have his watch any more. And soon after he also became aware, with a start, he was completely naked. He violently blushed and covered his genitals with his hands.

Williams smiled: "You don't need to do that any more, at this point. You already let me fuck you, and very willingly."

"You mean that you..." Nando murmured becoming aware that really he was feeling a slight irritation between his buttocks. He was not a virgin, but he was not used to being penetrated, he liked almost exclusively to be a top. But it was evident he had been penetrated. "You... buggered me!" he murmured in confusion.

"You offered yourself to me, and as you are a handsome boy, I didn't pull back, of course. It has been sufficient to bring you at the third degree and make you believe I was you idol, Leonardo di Caprio. When I said to you that I liked you, and asked you what could I do for you, you asked me to make love with you. I warned you that I am exclusively a top, and you asked me to take you. I must say that it has been very simple, and really agreeable. You resemble me, you want to learn to hypnotize to be able to fuck the guys you like. Therefore... I accept you as my apprentice, assistant, servant... and lover."

"I... I would really be happy, but... I am only a top..."

"It didn't seem to me. You gave yourself to me with real enthusiasm, even if you were convinced I was Leonardo di Caprio."

"But I don't remember anything at all, even if... I can feel I must believe you." Nando said with a smile, brushing his ass.

"It is just the post hypnotic order..."

"Well... as you already took me... I would like to do it again, but not in hypnosis, this time. I would like to remember."

"We will have other occasions. So, your name is Nando, isn't it?"

"Yes, mister Williams."

"Call me Ken, as you are now my assistant-lover. When do you think to start?"

"When you want."

"I have to travel, as I said, in a few weeks. Can you move without problems?"


"Don't you work?"

"I attend the university, but I don't like what I'm studying. I will be just glad to leave it to go with you."

"But I am not your type?"

"No, you are not, it is true, but it doesn't matter."

"You are really decided, then?"

"Absolutely, and more than ever. When can we start?"

"Tomorrow, if you want. Take your belongings, fill a suitcase, and come here at my hotel. I will book a room for you. We will start tomorrow our shared life. You will also find ready a contract to sign. Food, lodging, scene costumes, no pay, free lessons - these are the conditions, agreed?"

"Yes, agreed. See you tomorrow, then."

Nando put on his clothes and went home. He was excited about giving a radical turn to his life. Even if it would clearly cost him to accept being a bottom with that man, who, even if was in good physical shape, was not his type. But that was a price he was more than ready to pay.

Certainly, he thought, having been penetrated without having the memory of it, besides the faint irritation he felt in his hole, was really something prodigious. He also, one day, could become able to do that with guys he liked! And this thought excited him very much.

He called Marco to tell him the new.

"And you leave the university?" his friend asked amazed.

"Sure. By the way I didn't just go willingly, you know that, I just like the idea of becoming a hypnotist a lot more, I assure you."

"You have great courage, to give everything such a kick."

"For the moment I still keep this apartment, as my parents paid the rent to the end of this year."

"But your family, what do they say about your decision?"

"Nothing, I haven't told them, for the moment. And then, I am on age, I can decide for myself, right?"

"In my opinion you are mad. But it seems at this point that you are really decided, so... I can just wish you good luck."

The following morning Nando moved, with all his belongings, to Ken's hotel. He could have the neighboring room, communicating with his room.

At once they did the first theoretical-practical lesson. Nando followed with eager attention - he wanted to learn well and, most of all, rapidly. He executed all Ken asked him, even when he didn't fully understand the reason or the meaning, and even if, at times, it seemed boring, or if he had to repeat endless times what he thought he had done correctly.


In my home page I've put some of my stories. If someone wants to read them, the URL is

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Next: Chapter 2

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